


The briefing of Liaoning province

Liaoning Province is located in northeastern China bordered by Jilin Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hebei Province. The province overlooks the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea as well as bordering the nation of North Korea on the Yalu River. Liaoning serves a key link between China’s northeast economic region and the Bohai Sea economic zone. The province is a vital communication line from the northeast region to the north and the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall to the south. Liaoning also provides a gateway from Manchuria to the Eurasian Continental Bridge to the west.

Liaoning Province covers a total land area of 145,900 square kilometers,The population of Liaoning Province is 42,000,000 ,Liaoning is composed of fourteen

prefecture-level cities: These prefecture-level cities are in turn divided into 100 county-level divisions Liaoning is a multi-ethnic province with 44 different minority groups represented. Besides the predominant Han ethnic group, there are 43 minority groups, including the Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Korean and Xibo. The minority population is 6,550,000, comprising 16% of the total provincial population.

It is possible to think of Liaoning as three approximate geographical regions: the highlands in the west, plains in the middle, and hills in the east. Liaoning has a continental monsoon climate, and rainfall averages to about 440 to 1130 mm annually. Summer is rainy while the other seasons are dry,long winters, warm summers and short springs and autumns. the seasons are Cleary divided Liaoning province has a long-standing history and time-honored culture tracing back to antiquity. There have been a number of significant archaeological discoveries in the region including human fossils near Dashiqiao and stone tools near Chaoyang. Approximately 6,000 years ago Liaoning entered the New Stone Age and there have been a large quantity of utensils found in Xinle, Shenyang dating from that period. The ruins at Niuhe ridge reveal an early civilized society and places Liaoning as one of the origins of Chinese civilization.,

In the 16th century BC, Liaoning was a neighboring State of the Shang Dynasty and was under the Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring

States Period. Various dynasties have established their adminstrative institutions in Liaoning and Liaoning was the birthplace of China’s la st dynasty, the Qing

Dynasty(1644-1911 A.D.). The Imperial Palace and Three Imperial Burial Tombs in Shenyang are from the early Qing Dynasty and reflect the political and cultural, history of the period. In 1929 changed the name of Fengtian Province to Liaoning Province, Liaoning meaning the peaceful valley of the Liaohe River. Liaoning Province is also the site where the Japanese imperial invaders launched their war of aggression against China on September 18, 1931. The Chinese Civil War that took place following Japanese defeat in 1945 had its first major battles (the Liaoshen Campaign) in and around Liaoning.

Liaoning is rich in mineral resources and with a complete range, Liaoning has the most iron, magnetite, diamond, and boron deposits among all province-level subdivisions of China. Liaoning is also an important source of petroleum and natural gas. Salt is produced along the coast. Liaoning has a Strong industrial base, with nearly a hundred years of industrial history. he province has developed into an important industrial base As China's major base of heavy industry, Liaoning holds an important place in iron and steel production, machinery, chemicals, electric power, oil extraction and processing and sea-salt production, along with coal, cotton textiles, tussah silk, and paper mills, etc. State-owned textile mills in Liaoning province, one of the oldest industrial bases in northeast China, It is also a national food and agricultural and sideline the important grain production bases, The sea off Dalian abounds with quality seafood, such as abalones, sea cucumbers, scallops, prawns, crabs, and sea urchins.

Liaoning province has Beautiful natural scenery, and the historical sites spread all over, there estimated more than 11300 existing heritage for example the three imperial tombs dating from the Qing Dynasty are located in Liaoning. These tomb sites have been grouped with other Ming and Qing Dynasties tombs (such as the Ming Dynasty Tombs in Beijing, and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing) as a combined UNESCO World Heritage Site. Benxi offers a boat ride though a large stalactite filled cave and underground river Liaoyang, one of the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in northeast China, has a number of historical sites, including the White Pagoda (Baita), that dates to the Yuan Dynasty. Dandong, on the border with North Korea, is a medium-sized city that offers a cross-river view of the North Korean city of Sin?iju.

Liaoning has a simple folk customs of the people .there areRich and colorful local art, Two-person show, Yangko A wide range of Arts Festival are holded every year sucn as dalian International Fashion Festival, Shenyang International Tourism Festival ice and snow tourism festival

the beautiful east of Liaoning peninsula ,colorful liaoxi corridor people of LN invite the tourists home and aboard to LN warmly to enjoy the scenry of manzu nation and sightseeing in LN.


丹东概况导游词 丹东是全国优秀旅游城市,随着旅游事业的发展,到丹东的游客的人数有增无减。下面是为大家准备的丹东概况导游词,欢迎参考! 丹东概况导游词范文1 丹东市位于辽宁省东南部的鸭绿江畔,黄海岸边,与朝鲜民主主义共和国新义州市隔江相望,行政区划面积万平方公里,现有汉、满、蒙、回、朝鲜等36个民族,总人口243万。1988年,经国务院批准成为沿海开放城市。下辖东港市、凤城市、宽甸满族自治县及振兴、元宝、振安三个城区和一个国家级边境经济合作区。20xx年,被列入辽宁沿海“五点一线”重点发展区域。! 丹东地处东北亚的中心地带,是东北亚经济圈、环渤海经济圈重要交汇点,是连接朝鲜半岛与及欧亚大陆的主要陆路通道,是万里长城的最东端起点和万里海疆的最北端起点,具有沿海、沿江、沿边的独特优势。 铁路交通距平壤220公里,距首尔420公里,是贯穿整个东北亚铁路大动脉上的重要枢纽。公路交通距省会沈阳220公里,距大连252公里,与这两座北方中心城市构成鼎足之势。 丹东港距韩国仁川港仅245海里,是连接韩国、日本十分便利的海上通道。丹东已初步形成陆、海、空立体交通运

输。 在辽宁加快实施沿海开放战略中,丹东作为辽宁“五点一线”对外开放格局中重要一极,面临着前所未有的发展机遇,丹东新区开发与建设将使丹东由“江城”成为“港城”,为国内外客商投资丹东提供了一个新的更高品位的理想空间。 丹东依山、临江、面海,景色优美,气候宜人,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,年平均气温9℃,素有“北国江南”之美誉,是东北地区最温暖湿润的地方,也是最适合人类居住的城市之一。境内江、河、湖、海、山、泉、林、岛等自然景观齐全且各有特色,拥有国家、省级以上旅游风景区、自然保护区和森林公园24处,是全国“市民最满意城市”20强之一,是全国优秀旅游城市,是辽宁省园林城市。 丹东海岸线长126公里,滩涂面积328平方公里,具有发展港口、造船、旅游、发电和水产养殖业等产业的良好条件。丹东地热丰富,现有地热天然露点17处,是东北著名的温泉疗养胜地。 丹东概况导游词范文2 丹东地处黄海之滨、鸭绿江畔,位于辽宁省东南部,与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望,是一个以工业、商贸、物流、旅游为主的沿江沿海沿边城市。全市行政区域面积万平方公里,总人口243万,其中市区面积563平方公里,人


辽宁省内的英文导游词 shenyang former imperial palace zhaoling fuling mausoleums the zhaoling, also known as northern mausoleum as it is in the northern suburbs of shenyang, was the tomb of the second qing emperor, huang taji, and his consorts. buried under the fuling of eastern mausoleum were the remains of nurhachi and his wife, empress xiaoci. sept. 18 incident museum the museum, housed inside the monument to the september 18 incident at the marco polo bridge, recaptures the incident launched by japanese militarists and exposes japanese atrocities in the war that ensued. weird slope of shenyang the 100-metre-long weird slope is found near qingshuitai town in the northern suburbs of shenyang and the shenyang-changchun expressway, and 35km from downtown shenyang. the weirdness about it is that auto drivers and bicyclists can effortlessly slide up the slope but have to go down the distance by stepping on the accelerator or pedaling real hard. the slope is part of a scenic zone that also includes the xiangshan mountain, the chain bridge and the peng'en temple. 北京长城英文导游词·岳阳楼英文导游辞·重庆英文导游词·西藏英文导游词 summer palace-on-the-water this is china's largest indoor recreational center-on-the-water, and the largest amusement park-on-the-water in asia. dalian the beautiful seaside city of dalian on the southern tip of liaodong peninsula is a nice sightseeing, recuperating and holidaymaking destination. it is particularly suitable for convention or awarded tours. dalian is skirted on three sides by the sea, and its long coast opens onto a myriad of islands. the landscape is fabulous, the weather pleasant, and the urban environment neat and tidy. when night falls the city takes on an enchanting look. dalian is the venue of a series of annual large-scale events, including dalian international fashion festival, the festival to greet new year with firework displays, international marathon competition, and international locust watching festival. dalian beach the beach, lying in southern dalian, is a celebrated summering place in north china and a national scenic resort. major scenic spots: wooden-club isle, hutan (tiger's beach) amusement park, beida (grand north) bridge, yanwo (swallow nestle) peak, fojiazhuang park, forest zoo, xinghai (star sea) bay, xinghai park, shenya marine world, and heishi (black rock) reefs. a seaside highway runs by all these attractions. xinghai park xinghai is the largest seaside park of dalian which consists of a seashore park and a bathing ground. lushunkou scenic resort lushunkou is a national scenic resort and a famed military harbour which in the westernmost part of dalian and the southernmost tip of liaodong peninsula. the largest of its kind in dalian, the lushukou scenic resort comprises 8 scenic zones, including reefs, islands, mountains, snake isle


沈阳概况英语导游词(精选3篇) 沈阳概况英语导游词 1 Shenyang, billed as the “Oriental ruhr”; Liaoning province provincial capital, [1] the center of the biggest cities in the northeast area, the area is the third largest city in China, one of the seven big regional central city in China, one of the top ten cities in China, one of the 15 [2] a deputy provincial cities in China, is the most important equipment manufacturing base in China. Shenyang with political, military, financial and diplomatic institutions, has shenyang military region, the peoples bank of China shenyang branch, civil aviation administration of the northeast, the northeast electric supervisor will, shenyang railway administration, the northeast power grid co., LTD., the national audit office, a resident office in shenyang, resident foreign media news agencies in shenyang, shenyang bureau of land and resources, postal area center office in shenyang, shenyang land search and rescue center, Chinese academy of sciences, shenyang branch institutions directly under the central government, and the United States, Russia, Korea, Japan,


辽宁英语导游词精品范文 辽宁英语导游词精品范文一 Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yellow sea, 50 kilometers from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and west peninsula and the hinterland of the open between the two peninsula and bathing beach. In 1986 was identified as national scenic area, in 1992 the state council approved the national tourist resort, in 20XX was named the first national 4 a level scenic spots, in 20XX was named national geological parks in China. Golden pebble beach, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate, surrounded by sea on three sides over more than 30 kilometers of coastline, condensed the geological wonders of 9-300 million, was born six hundred million years ago in sinian period rocks form the magnificent stone landscape, known as “solidification of the animal world”, “natural


辽宁省概况导游词 辽宁省,简称辽,省会沈阳,辖14个地级市,其中副省级都市2个(沈阳、大连),区域中心都市1个(沈阳),打算单列市1个(大连),位于中国东北地区南部,南临黄海、渤海,东与朝鲜一江之隔,与日本、韩国隔海相望,是东北地区唯一的既沿海又沿边、中国最北端的沿海省份,也是东北地区及内蒙古自治区东部地区对外开放的门户。下面是由小编为大伙儿带来的对于辽宁省概况导游词,希翼可以帮到您! 辽宁省概况导游词 游客朋友们,大伙儿好! 欢迎您来到辽宁旅游观光。 辽宁省是中国东北地区南部的沿海省份,地处中国东北经济区和环渤海经济区的重要结合部。南临渤海,黄海,,东南以鸭绿江为界与朝鲜为邻,东,北,西三面与吉林,内蒙古,河北等省区接壤。辽宁省地理位置优越,是中国东北地区的经济中心和交通中心,通信枢纽,也是东北亚地区重要的旅游目的地。 辽宁省现辖14个地级市,省会设在沈阳市。全省面积14.59万平方公里,总人口4200多万。全省共有44个民族,除汉族外,还有满,蒙古,回,朝鲜,锡伯等43个少数民族。少数民族人口655万人,占全省人口总数的16%,其中满族,锡伯族聚居人数居全国之首。辽宁省的东部和西部为山地丘陵,中部为广大的辽河平原,构成明显的鞍形地势。西部山地丘陵区东缘的临海狭长平原,适应上称为辽西走廊,是中国东北地区沟通华北地区的要紧陆上通道。海岸线东起鸭绿江口,西至山海关老龙头,全长约2178公里,占中国大陆海岸线总长12%。近海分布大小岛屿506个,占全国岛屿总数8%。岛屿岸线长约700公里,占中国岛屿岸线总长的5%。 辽宁省属温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明。境内雨热同季,日照丰富,积温较高,冬寒夏暖,春秋季短,雨量别均,东湿西干。年平均气温6摄氏度至11摄氏度。1月份最冷,7月份最热。沿海都市气温变化较中部都市稍小。春秋两季受季风妨碍,需要穿夹衣,薄毛衫 等;夏季多雨,应带雨具;冬季气温较低,需要穿棉,毛皮或羽绒服御寒。每年5月至10月事辽宁最佳的旅游季节,1月至2月事欣赏冰雪景观和民间节日的最佳时刻。 辽宁省历史悠久,古文化源远流长。辽河流域和黄河流域,长江流域一样基本上中华民族灿烂文化的发祥地。早在旧石器时代早期,辽宁地区就有人类在这个地方日子。在大石桥发觉的金牛山遗址,距今已有28万年,是迄今为止辽宁地区发觉的最古老的一处人类栖息地。到了距今8000年前,辽宁地区开始进入新石器时代。在阜新发觉的查海遗址,被称为辽河第一村。朝阳牛河梁红山文化遗址距今约5000多年,这个地方存在一具粗具国家雏形的原始文明社会,展现了中华民族5000年前的文明曙光。自夏朝进入奴隶社会后,辽宁地区就与中原政权建立了隶属关系。据中国最早的史书《禹贡》记载,辽宁地区最早隶属于冀州和青州,夏商为幽州,营州之地。春秋战国阶段为燕地。秦始皇统一中国后,全面设置郡县,在辽宁地区设置辽东,辽西和右北平郡。此后,中国历代封建王朝均在此设置行政机构,清代称为盛京,奉天。民国初年沿袭清制,1929年奉天省改为辽宁省,取辽河流域永久安宁之意。九一八事变后,辽宁地区曾一度被日本帝国主义占据。中华人民共和国成立后至建国初期,辽宁地区设辽东省辽西省和热河省。1954年合并辽东、辽西两省,复称辽宁省。 辽宁省矿产资源丰富,门类齐全,已发觉的矿藏有100多种,其中铁、硼、菱镁石、金刚石、滑石、玉石、溶剂灰岩等矿的储备量均为中国首位。辽河油田是中国第三大油气田,石油、天然气储备量分 别占全国储备量的15%和10%。辽宁工业基础雄厚,具有近百年的工业历史,是我国


Shenyang Imperial Palace Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I'm with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived. Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Palace was entitled "Historic Culture Relics Preserved Buildings" in 1961 by the State Council. This palace is an emperor museum combining the architectural styles of the minorities of Man, Han and Mongolia. This palace covers an area of 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300 houses and 70 buildings. The whole construction is divided into three sections: the east, middle and west. First let's pay a visit to the buildings in the middle section. The layout of middle section is similar to a Chinese compound with three courtyards. The first courtyard is the office area. It starts from the Grand Qing Gate on the south and ends at Holy Administration Hall. From Phoenix Tower to Purity and Tranquility Hall is the residential area. They all lay out on the same line. The main entrance to the palace is the Grand Qing Gate, also called Meridian Gate because the emperor considered himself as the son of Heaven and the palace should be the center of universe .The Grand Qing Gate was built in 1632 and it was the place where the civilian officials and military ministers to present themselves before the emperor daily .The special feature of the gate is the tile color. They are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders. Yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea and mountains. The combination of them means controlling the vast areas on the earth. The building to the east of Grand Qing Gate is called Ancestor Temple (Taimiao)with yellow tile roof, where Nuerhachi's descendants offered sacrifices to their ancestors for blessings. So Ancestor Temple is the most important. Please follow me into the gate. This path in the middle links the gate to Holy Administration Hall with Flying Dragon Pavilion (Feilongge)and Flying Phoenix Pavilion (Xiangfengge)on each side. The Hall of Holy Administration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it was the center of the military, administrative affairs in early Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremonies. Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix Pavilions were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaiji's office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accident construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear. Since we have visited the place where the Emperors worked and now we'll pay a visit to the


沈阳概况导游词3篇 下面是为大家带来的沈阳概况导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 沈阳概况导游词范文1:沈阳,号称“东方鲁尔; 辽宁省省会,东北地区最大的中心城市[1],中国建成区面积第三大城市,中国七大区域中心城市之一,中国十大城市之一,中国十五[2]个副省级城市之一,是中国最重要的装备制造业基地。 沈阳市政治、军事、金融、外交机构林立,驻有沈阳军区、中国人民银行沈阳分行、民航东北地区管理局、东北电监会、沈阳铁路局、东北电网有限公司、国家审计署驻沈阳特派员办事处、境外媒体常驻沈阳新闻机构、国土资源沈阳局、沈阳邮区中心局、沈阳陆地搜救中心、中国科学院沈阳分院等中央直属机构,以及美国、俄罗斯、朝鲜、日本、韩国、法国六国驻沈阳总领事馆及英国签证中心。 沈阳位于中国东北地区南部,辽宁省中部,以平原为主,山地、丘陵集中在东南部,辽河、浑河、秀水河等途经境内。 属于温带季风气候,年平均气温6.2-9.7℃,自1951年有完整的记录以来,沈阳极端最高气温为38.3℃(1952年7月18日),极端最低气温为-32.9℃(2001年1月15日);之前沈阳还观测到39.3℃(1920年)的高温,和-33.1℃(1950年)的低温。 全年降水量600-800毫米,1951年至2010年市区年平均降水量716.2mm, 全年无霜期155-180天。 受季风影响,降水集中在夏季,温差较大,四季分明。

冬寒时间较长,达近六个月,降雪较少,最大降雪为2007年3月4日47.0毫米的特大暴雪;夏季时间较短,多雨,1973年8月21日曾下过215.5毫米的大暴雨。 春秋两季气温变化迅速,持续时间短:春季多风,秋季晴朗。 沈阳已有2000多年历史,是中国著名的历史文化名城,是辽宁省的省会。 因地处浑河(古称沈水)之北,中国古代习惯于把水的北面称之为阳,沈阳的名字便由此而来。 境内总人口为671万人。 多民族居住的地区,除汉族外,还有满族、朝鲜族、回族、锡伯族、蒙古族等32个少数民族。 沈阳市下设9个区,1个县级市,3个县。 沈阳以平原为主,地势平坦.这样一座历史悠久的文明古城,沈阳的历史可以追溯到战国时代(距今约2,3O0年前)的燕国;它也是清帝国的发祥地。 清太祖(努尔哈赤)创建后金,曾定都于此,后又迁都北京。 尽管如此,沈阳一直被叫做“奉天,而且多位历代皇帝曾经到此避难和游玩。 由于这个缘故,沈阳还留下许多与清朝有关的建筑和文物,其中又以沈阳故宫最为闻名。 沈阳市的旅游景观丰富多彩,以名胜古迹最为突出。


辽宁英语导游词 篇一:辽宁省导游词概况 辽宁省简称辽,位于中国东北地区南部,南临渤海、黄海,西南与河北省交界,西北与内蒙古自治区毗邻,东南隔鸭绿江与朝鲜半岛相望。辽宁地理位置优越,从地形上分为三大区域:东部辽东丘陵区、中部辽河平原区、西部辽西丘陵区,是东北地区的经济中心和交通、通信枢纽。 辽宁共有14个省辖市,省会设在沈阳。全省总面积14.8万平方公里,总人口4374万。 辽宁省属于温带大陆性季风气候,夏季多为偏南风,炎热短促,冬季多为偏北风,寒冷稍长。 辽宁历史悠久,古文化源远流长,是中华民族灿烂文化的发祥地之一。8000年前的中华龙在阜新诞生,7000年前的太阳鸟在沈阳腾飞,朝阳牛河梁红山文化又把中华5000年文明推向一个新的高峰。 “辽远也,远在九州以东。”因此辽宁最早叫辽东。战国时期归属燕国,根据当时的习惯山南水北谓之阳,因在太子河北面所以被称为辽阳。在清代被称为盛京、奉天。民国初期仍沿袭清制,直到1929年东北易帜后由张学良改称辽宁,取辽河流域永远安宁之意。 东北三大名山:千山708米、医巫闾山867米、长白山(吉林) 辽宁省沿海城市众多,港口密集,交通发达,公路密集居全国之首,

拥有中国第一条高速公路——沈大高速公路,是新中国工业崛起的摇篮。 现在沈阳造币厂生产硬币。 协调合作,遵守纪律是现代化大生产的必备素质,从而培养出辽宁人宽容、质朴、勤勉的性格,因此辽宁人会无遮无拦、不加掩饰的把喜怒哀乐传递给你。辽宁是出总理的地方,周恩来少年时代曾在铁岭、沈阳读书求学,李鹏、温家宝、李克强都曾在辽宁工作过。 辽宁的土特产和水产品驰名中外,主要有人参、鹿茸、五味子、林蛙、海参、鲍鱼、扇贝、老龙口陈酿、道光廿五百年贡酒等。抚顺煤精雕刻、鞍山岫岩玉雕、辽西玛瑙雕刻 辽宁省是中国文物大省之一,有世界文化遗产6处:故宫、福陵、昭陵、清永陵、五女山山城、绥中九门口长城(万里长城中唯一的水上长城、辽宁的第一项世界遗产)。辽宁省自然风光秀丽,人文景观和自然景观极其丰富:有精美的辽代建筑奉国寺和辽阳白塔,还有中国目前保存最为完整的四座古城之一的兴城古城(辽宁未来的世界遗产)等。辽宁是清王朝的发祥地,沈阳故宫、关外三陵(永陵、福陵、昭陵)、抚顺赫图阿拉古城等名胜古迹驰名中外。沈阳的张氏帅府及“九丶一八”历史博物馆、盘锦辽沈战役纪念馆,都著称于世。大连金石滩,、蛇岛、本溪水洞、鸭绿江、医巫闾山、千山、凤凰山、五女山、海棠山、盘锦红海滩、冰峪沟等名山秀水、奇石异洞,遍布全省各地,闻名遐迩。 沈阳国际冰雪旅游节,大连啤酒节、国际服装节,鞍山千山国际旅游


辽宁省概括导游词 辽宁省是中国东北经济区和环渤海经济区的重要结合部,也有很多有名的旅游景点,吸引了大量游客去参观旅游。下面是为大家准备的辽宁省概括导游词,希望大家喜欢! 辽宁省概括导游词篇1 辽宁省(Liaoningprovince)简称辽,位于中国东北地区的南部,是中国东北经济区和环渤海经济区的重要结合部。地理坐标处在东经11853至12546,北纬3843至4326之间,东西端直线距离最宽约550公里,南北端直线距离约550公里。辽宁省陆地面积14.59万平方公里,占中国陆地面积1.5%。陆地面积中,山地面积8.72万平方公里,占59.8%;平地面 积4.87万平方公里,占33.4%;水域面积1万平方公里,占 6.8%。海域面积15.02万平方公里。其中渤海部分 7.83万 平方公里,北黄海7.19万平方公里。辽宁省共辖14个地级市、57个市辖区、17个县级市、19个县、8个自治县。省

会沈阳市。 辽宁省海岸线东起鸭绿江口,西至山海关老龙头,大陆海岸线全长2178公里,占中国大陆海岸线总长的12%,岛屿岸线长622公里占中国岛屿岸线总长的4.4%。近海分布大小岛屿506个,岛屿面积187.7平方公里。沿黄海的主要岛屿有外长山列岛、里长山列岛、石城列岛和大、小鹿岛等;沿渤海主要岛屿有菊花岛、大小笔架山、长兴岛、凤鸣岛、西中岛、东西蚂蚁岛、虎平岛、猪岛和蛇岛等。 辽宁省东北与吉林省接壤,西北与内蒙古自治区为邻,西南与河北省毗连,与山东省隔海相望。以鸭绿江为界河,与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望,南濒浩瀚的渤海和黄海。 辽宁是东北地区通往关内的交通要道,也是东北地区和内蒙古通向世界、连接欧亚大陆桥的重要门户和前沿地带。 辽宁省自然风光奇特秀丽,名胜古迹众多,旅游资源丰富多样。千山、医巫闾山、凤凰山都是享誉中华的旅游名山。还有“北方桂林”冰峪沟、“华夏之宝”本溪水洞,“浪漫之都”大连等,风景美不胜收。


Five Old Street 五大道英文导游词 Good morning, everyone, it’s my honor to be your tour guide at the Five Old Street. I stand here just represent our travel agency to welcome all of you. My name is XXX. Our driver Mr. Zhao has full driving experience. We’ll do ou r best to make all of you feel comfortable and safe. If you have some problems during the trip, you can just ask me. Here, I wish everyone have a nice trip! First, I would like to give you a brief overview of the Residence of the Five Old Street. In fact, the area includes six roads; they are Chengdu road, Chongqi road, Changde road, Dali road, Munan road, and Machang road. Why do people call it “five grand roads”? The reason is that people just obey the saying provided by official. The area is famous for its western style architectures, especially the elitist people live in the houses. During the 20th to 30th of the last century, there were 2 presidents, 7 premiers and many officials, as well as so many famous educationist, experts and generals lived in there. The Five Old Street are developed because of the history of foreign settlement in Tianjin. From 1860 to 1903, 9 foreign countries set up their settlements in the area by military force and unequal treaties. After that, they constructed so many buildings in their own styles. Several styles of building appeared in the area, likes Baroque, Rococo, Classical, Roman and so on. It’s really an “exposition of architectures from thousands countries”. Now, we are arriving at the Five Old Street. Everyone please pay attention to your luggage and take with your precious goods together. Our carriage’s number is Jin A2345. Please close the windows which are nearby you. Ok, please get off in order. Thank you very much. The place we are standing is Chongqing road. Look at the building in front of us. This modern building is called “Minyuan Stadium”. It’s designed by the Austrian architect Gailing. It’s a landmark of Tianjin, and it represents a period time of football of Tianjin. Minyuan Stadium has 86 years old,and was reconstructed in June 23th 2012. Please follow me. O ur next stop is the museum of modern Tj and the world. It’s founded by Tj’s famous writer Liu Hangying. The whole exhibition is divided into three parts: the first hundred of modern china, Tianjin’s history of concession and the architectures on Five Old Street. Ok, let’s go into it and have a look. After visiting the museum, we now come to the Qing Palace, which is the former residence of prince of Qing--Zaizhen. He came to Tianjin with the last emperor of China—Puyi. When Zaizhen firstly saw the building, he was very fond of it. So he got the residence by exchanging several houses with the imperial general Xiaodezhang. Coming inside, we see a group of steps. There are totally 17 and half steps. Let me tell you the special implication of the steps. In ancient china, the number “9” symbolically means the sun, and 99 is the extreme number of the sun, which could only be applied by the emperor. Xiaodezhang


Liaoning Travel Guide Liaoning Province, often called 'the Golden Triangle' because of its superior geographical location.It includes boundaries on the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Gulf, and the Yalu River, which makes it the closest gateway to the Korean Peninsula. Its close to the sea has given it commercial and strategic advantages throughout its history. The east and west of LiaoNing are mountainous. In contrast, the middle part of it is a large flat fertile plain. LiaoNing consists of 14 cities, among them ShenYang is its capital. It covers an area of about 148 000 square kilo-meters. Its permanent resident population is about 40 millions. LiaoNing has a long and cold winters, warm and rainy summers and relatively short and windy spring and autumn. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of -17C to -5C, and July is the hottest with an average temperature of 21C-25C. The best time to visit is from May to October, but winter is also a pleasant time to enjoy the ice and snow scenery and winter festivals. Liao Cuisine from Liaoning is one of the famous regional cuisines of China. This cooking style is typically strong in flavour and heavily spiced but not hot. Chinese dumplings (jiaozi) and noodles form the staple foods of the area. Laioning has a large and growing Korean population and so Korean style food is readily available. Korean BBQ is popular here. The coastal areas of Liaoning are famous for their sea food such as sea cucumbers. Liaoning has an ancient history. The area has become famous for its fossils. In 1984, the scull and other bones of Jinniushan Man were found. These date back 280,000 (28万)years. It’s the oldest site of Old Stone Age in northeast China. Historically Liaoning was populated by the Manchu ethnic group. It’s the cradle of the Qing Dynasty. Lasting from 1644 to the 1911 revolution, Qing dynasty was set up by Manchus. At the end of 19th Century,Han ethnic group became dominant because of a large amount of immigration from other areas of China. During the first half of the 20th Century, Liaoning came under Russian and then Japanese influence. It was in Liaoning that the Mukden Incident occurred that is considered to mark the start of the Japan-China war. Under Japanese control, the region became part of the puppet state of Manchukuo. Post world war II, Liáoníng played a significant part in the domestic war between the PLA and the Kuomintang.The famous LiaoShen battle happened here. After this battle, the whole northeast of China finally achieved victory and liberation. Today, Liáoníng became famous for it's heavy industry. Liaoning is one of China's most important industrial bases, covering a wide range of industries. These industries are very important to the region, for example the iron and steel
