BEC高级 口语第一部分题目汇总

BEC高级 口语第一部分题目汇总
BEC高级 口语第一部分题目汇总


Personal Experience,,major

My name is ***. I come from a small city named *** in *** province. I am a first-year postgraduate of ***and my major is ***.

2.about your hometown?

Maybe for geographical reasons, the weather is just like that in Wuhan, too hot in summer and too cold in winter. And the eating habits is also similar. People in my hometown prefer those with strong flavors, such as spicy and salty food. We don’t have many scenic spots, just a place for drifting and a hill named Magu Hill.

3.About the place where you work or study?

武汉Weather is not good here, you know, too hot in summer and too cold in winter. There are slightly more than 9 million people in Wuhan, but the infrastructure of public transportation is not properly designed. Then you can assume the terrible traffic problem here. Fortunately, part of the subway project will be accomplished in 2012. We all hope the situation become better.

学校There’s lots of trees and It’s generally peaceful exc ept when students go to and come from classes. Y ou can see most students walking fast, worrying about wasting their time on the road.

4. what do you wear in the college?

We don’t dress formally in our workplace except when we need to attend some importan t meeting. So I always wear some comfortable clothes and shoes, like t-shirts and sport shoes.

5.How important you think English will be in the future for business in China--- the status of English in China?

English would definitely be more and more important for business in the near future because of more frequent commercial intercourse between China and other foreign countries. Imagine a normal working day, after checking orders from your customers in Europe, you call your African suppliers to check whether they have shipped the stock or not. And then you will have to meet a

prospective buyer from America in the afternoon. We will probably have to use English all day long.

6.Why you decided to learn English?

We have to admit that the state of economy and development of technology in most English speaking countries is much better. English is a basic tool for global communications, and therefore only with the mastery of it can we learn from foreign countries’ scientific and technological achievements, advanced management policy, and the like.

7.What you find most interesting about your job or studies ?

What do you like most about your study? And why?

It would be to look in depth what cause the behaviors of Chinese companies being different from that predicted in most economy and management theories we have learned from western countries. Here is a simple example, in china, only 25% of companies pay cash dividend while more than 85% of foreign companies pay.

8.Y our future career plans?

I wish I could wo rk for the civil service, because of the fixed working hours there. I’m not used to working overtime which is very normal when working in a private company. Also I can get longer holiday, job security and a good pension there. Another solution would be for the commercial bank.

9.Y our ideal kind of employer?

Firstly he must have a clear picture of where we are going. And I want him not to manage us in an autocratic way and I am able to take some responsibility. Also, he knows how to make the most of us, I mean, make us feel motivated.

10.What you think have been the most significant changes recently in consumer behaviors in China.

People only cared for price in times of planned economy. However, nowadays there are other important factors, such as style, service, quality reliability, and so on. We can also see more and

more people begin to build their own brand loyalty.

11.T o what extent you think consumers in China( in your country ) are influenced by price levels of products ?

People in china now care much more for service, quality and reliability than before. Also more and more people begin to build brand loyalty. So I believe Chinese people who are influenced by price levels are on the decrease.

12. Whether you think most people will work from home in China (in your country) in the future ?

I think so. With the development of technology, there will be more and more work that can be done with one computer or even just a mobile phone only without physical contact with others. Also working from home will suit women who find it challenging to balance work and domestic schedules.

13.How you think career opportunities are likely to change in China (in your country) ?

The rapid development of technology results in a great advance of automation. Therefore there will be shortages of opportunities in the future and firms will tend to employ people who are skilled at using computer. And after China entered the WTO in 2001, people who are good at English communication and English writing are in great demand.

14.The company has a dress code for their employee, what’s you viewpoint?

I would go for that. First of all, uniform dressing improves the public image that the company is able to provide high-quality service. And secondly, it helps employees raise the awareness of teamwork and focus on their work.

15.Do you think businessman have enough time to relax themselves?

And why?

No, I think work has taken over a disproportionate part in businessman’s life and therefore they seldom have enough time to relax. A lot of my family members and friends have to work even on weekends especially when they are self-employed or working for a private company.

16. Should the company offer leisure facility to employee? And why? Do you think people will work more efficiently if they take a regular breaks? And why?

I guess so. Because only after relaxing themselves can people get their mind working and consequently improve their working efficiency.

17.Matter people free time or money more? And why?

It depends. I think ordinary employees want more money since they have to support the family, pay the mortgage, and the like; while for businessmen who have already made far more than they need to spend, free time is of greater concern.

18.Is employee encouraged to work overtime? And why?

I don’t think that’s a good idea, because only after relaxing themselves can people get their mind working and consequently improve their working efficiency. So Managers should encourage employees to make full use of the 8-hour working time.

19. What kind of business news is most interesting? And why?

I am interested in financial news that will have great impact on Chinese listed companies, because we can get lots of research ideas. For example, after we had been informed that the reform of Non-tradable Shares were started in 2005, people did lots of research on whether companies will benefit from reforming their shares or not.

20.How do you keep up with business news?

I usually check business news online. It is very convenient but it has some disadvantages. For example, you will facing tons of information and you need to spend time picking out the most useful.

21.Is it important for business people read business news? why?

I guess so. By reading business news, businessmen can make themselves clear the economic situation and changes of governance laws and regulations that will have great impact on their companies.

22. Do you think you are good at organizing the work? And why?

I guess so. Firstly I make a list of all the things that need to be done and rank them in order of importance and deadline. Then I will finish the most important and urgent work as soon as possible. This method can also remind me of the trivial but unmissable work.

23.Is it important to be well organized in the work? And why?

I think so. We can allocate our time properly and pay more attention to urgent and important work. Work efficiency can be definitely improved.

24.Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff? Is the opportunity to work abroad important to you?

I think so. If companies invest more in corporate training, employees’ skills will be better suited to the needs of the company. Actually that will be a cost-effective way to improve employees’ performance. And I will cherish every chance to work abroad. I can experience different culture, learn some advanced management policy from foreign companies and so on.

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