

Underground Mining

Most present-day mining in Europe occurs under 2000 to 4000 ft of overburden, as more easily mined coal deposits have been depleted. At this depth most mines are developed as shaft mines. All personnel, material, and coal have to be hoisted trough these shaft. Considering the two factors of hoisting capacity and required length of shaft, a considerable investment is necessary to reach the coal-bearing strata. The requires huge investments. Openings at this depth have to be equipped with costly supports, and periodic reworking and repair is necessary.

Mines not only extend horizontally but also vertically through the development of new levels. The life of the mines is thus extend considerably, and surface installations can be amortize over a longer period.

The more limited reserves have forced companies into mining less favorable deposits, and European government require that all possible deposits be mined to conserve the nation’s energy resources. These factor and the large percentage of inclined seams and faults make mining very difficult and costly. The population density and the heavy surface buildup cause additional expense in the form of payments for subsidence damage to surface structures. Therefore, backfilling is frequently practiced to reduce subsidence. The close spacing of faults often severely limits the size of a mining section, forcing frequent moves and excessive development work.

The thickness of the overburden results in very high ground pressure. This would require extremely large pillars if the room and pillar method was applied. Additionally, support is required for any opening, adding prohibitive costs to a multiple-entry room and pillar operation.

As a result, single-entry longwall operations requiring the minimum number of entries and allowing maximum recovery of resources is the mining method almost exclusively practiced.

Shaft mines dominate the European coal mining industry. Shafts 20 to 30 ft in diameter, with circular cross section, lined with masonry, concrete, or steel are the dominant means

of gaining access to the coal-bearing strata. They are often extended beyond the last mining level to provide for future expansion. As in the Unite States, shafts are developed by drilling, blasting, and excavating or by large-diameter shaft-boring equipment. Shaft boring is more frequently used, particularly on the smaller and shorter subshaft, which connect the different levels but do not extend to the surface.

Haulage in the shaft is usually accomplished by hoisting of the filled mine cars on multistage cages or by skips. Pumping of coal slurry is also done in special cases.

The complex system of forces and the resulting rock mechanical problems developed by mining activities at different levels result in significant differences between European and US underground development. The rock mechanical interaction of the extraction operations at the various levels require that all deposits be mined as completely as possible. Pillars left after mining create zones of extreme and often unmanageable ground control problem, as well as a high probability of roof bounce.

Since the number of entries is kept to a minimum because of cost, no bleeder systems are provided. If retreat mining is practiced, only two entries are advanced in to a new mining area.

Panels are laid out as large as possible. The large-panel layout is used as another means of reducing the number of

entries. Minded–out panels are sealed off to prevent spontaneous combustion through the removal of oxygen.

The main levels, with extensive entry systems, are used for coal, supply, and personnel haulage and for ventilation. They are often spaced with little regard to the position of the coal seams, because the deposits are reached selectively through other means. In the past, 165-or330-ft intervals were selected while increasing ground pressures and development and maintenance increase substantially, requiring large volumes of air for cooling. As a result, entry cross sections at these levels have to be increase.

Fig.9.1 German multilevel, multiseam shaft-type coal mine.

Underground facilities:

(1) main shaft with skip hoisting;

(2) exhaust ventilation shaft with multistage cage;

(3) third-level station;

(4) blind shaft with cylindrical storage bin;

(5) blind shaft with car-hoisting facilities;

(6) main entry;

(7) main entry;

(8) section or panel entry;

(9) road heading machine

(10) longwall section with plow;

(11) longwall section with shearer;

(12) longwall section in a steeply pitching seam mined manually with air picks;

(13) longwall section in steeply pitching seam with plow;

(14) minded-out gob area;

(15) ventilation lock;

(16) belt conveyor as main haulage;

(17) main car haulage;

(18) storage bin and skip-loading facilities;

(19) supply haulage with a mono-rail;

(20) supply haulage with mine cars;

(21) monorail system as personnel carrier;

(22) worker-trip cars;

(23) pump station. Surface facilities:

(a) hoisting tower with overhead hoist;

(b) shaft building;

(c) head frame;

(d) main exhaust fan and diffuser;

(e) coal preparation plant with loading facilities;

(f) coking coal silo;

(g) container vehicle for filling of coke ovens;

(h) coke oven battery;

(i) coke watering car;

(k) coke quenching tower;

(l) gas tank;

(m) water-treatment plant;

(n) refuse pile;

(o) power plant;

(p) cooling tower;

(q) water tower;

(r) supply storage area;

(s) sawmill;

(t) training and teaching center.










第三章井田开拓 第一节开拓方案的确定 一、方案的提出 根据本矿井田境界及工业场地的选择,秉着技术上可行,经济上合理的原则,初步提出两个方案。 方案一:(方案一开拓平、剖面图如图所示) 本方案采用主斜井、副斜井、回风立井的开拓方式。主斜井井口标高+1147m,倾角16°,一水平斜长301m,二水平斜长421m,井筒为半圆拱形,净断面积14.22m,铺设带宽1200mm的钢绳芯强力胶带输送机担负煤炭提升任务。副斜井井口标高+1145m,一水平斜长681m,二水平斜长952m,倾角7°,井筒为半圆拱形,净断面积14.2㎡,回风立井采用圆形断面,井口标高+1147m,一水平标高+1064m,二水平标高+1031m,断面直径4.0m。三个井筒均采用混凝土砌碹永久支护。 巷道布置上,本方案沿煤层掘进胶带运输巷及辅助运输巷直达井田边界,胶带运输大巷沿煤层顶板布置,轨道运输大巷沿煤层底板布置。利用副斜井进风,回风立井回风。

方案二:(方案二开拓平、剖面图如图所示) 本方案大巷布置方式及回风井与方案一相同,主井、副井采用立井的开拓方式。主立井井口标高+1147m,井口标高+1147m,一水平标高+1064m,采用圆形断面,断面直径6m,井筒长83-116m,副立井井口标高、井底标高以及断面形状与主立井相同,其断面直径为6.5m。主立井与副立井各通过一段750m 长的石门与大巷连接。 二、方案比较 1.技术比较,方案技术比较如表3-1所示。 表3-1 技术比较 方案 优缺点 方案一方案二 优点1.斜井施工工艺简单,施工准备时间短; 2.斜井可直接作为安全出口,十分方便; 3.井筒内安装设备简单; 4.采用胶带输送机运输实现了运输的连 续性; 5.实现了辅助运输从地面到工作面的一 条龙服务。 1.井筒较斜井短,管缆铺设短。 2.井筒为圆形,结构合理维护条件好, 有效断面大,风阻小,通风条件好; 3.提升费用较斜井要省。 缺点1.斜井的井筒较长,维护费用和提升费用 较高; 1.井筒的掘进施工困难; 2.井底马头门巷道的施工设计复杂,工 程量大。


On the vehicle sideslip angle estimation through neural networks: Numerical and experimental results. S. Melzi,E. Sabbioni Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25 (2011):14~28 电脑估计车辆侧滑角的数值和实验结果 S.梅尔兹,E.赛博毕宁 机械系统和信号处理2011年第25期:14~28

摘要 将稳定控制系统应用于差动制动内/外轮胎是现在对客车车辆的标准(电子稳定系统ESP、直接偏航力矩控制DYC)。这些系统假设将两个偏航率(通常是衡量板)和侧滑角作为控制变量。不幸的是后者的具体数值只有通过非常昂贵却不适合用于普通车辆的设备才可以实现直接被测量,因此只能估计其数值。几个州的观察家最终将适应参数的参考车辆模型作为开发的目的。然而侧滑角的估计还是一个悬而未决的问题。为了避免有关参考模型参数识别/适应的问题,本文提出了分层神经网络方法估算侧滑角。横向加速度、偏航角速率、速度和引导角,都可以作为普通传感器的输入值。人脑中的神经网络的设计和定义的策略构成训练集通过数值模拟与七分布式光纤传感器的车辆模型都已经获得了。在各种路面上神经网络性能和稳定已经通过处理实验数据获得和相应的车辆和提到几个处理演习(一步引导、电源、双车道变化等)得以证实。结果通常显示估计和测量的侧滑角之间有良好的一致性。 1 介绍 稳定控制系统可以防止车辆的旋转和漂移。实际上,在轮胎和道路之间的物理极限的附着力下驾驶汽车是一个极其困难的任务。通常大部分司机不能处理这种情况和失去控制的车辆。最近,为了提高车辆安全,稳定控制系统(ESP[1,2]; DYC[3,4])介绍了通过将差动制动/驱动扭矩应用到内/外轮胎来试图控制偏航力矩的方法。 横摆力矩控制系统(DYC)是基于偏航角速率反馈进行控制的。在这种情况下,控制系统使车辆处于由司机转向输入和车辆速度控制的期望的偏航率[3,4]。然而为了确保稳定,防止特别是在低摩擦路面上的车辆侧滑角变得太大是必要的[1,2]。事实上由于非线性回旋力和轮胎滑移角之间的关系,转向角的变化几乎不改变偏航力矩。因此两个偏航率和侧滑角的实现需要一个有效的稳定控制系统[1,2]。不幸的是,能直接测量的侧滑角只能用特殊设备(光学传感器或GPS惯性传感器的组合),现在这种设备非常昂贵,不适合在普通汽车上实现。因此, 必须在实时测量的基础上进行侧滑角估计,具体是测量横向/纵向加速度、角速度、引导角度和车轮角速度来估计车辆速度。 在主要是基于状态观测器/卡尔曼滤波器(5、6)的文学资料里, 提出了几个侧滑角估计策略。因为国家观察员都基于一个参考车辆模型,他们只有准确已知模型参数的情况下,才可以提供一个令人满意的估计。根据这种观点,轮胎特性尤其关键取决于附着条件、温度、磨损等特点。 轮胎转弯刚度的提出就是为了克服这些困难,适应观察员能够提供一个同步估计的侧滑角和附着条件[7,8]。这种方法的弊端是一个更复杂的布局的估计量导致需要很高的计算工作量。 另一种方法可由代表神经网络由于其承受能力模型非线性系统,这样不需要一个参


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


P1 二、复合难句: 1、Mining may well have been the second of humankind's earliest endeavors--granted that agriculture was the first. The two industries ranked together as the primary or basic industries of early civilization 如果说农业是人类最早的产业(文明)的话,那么采矿就理所当然地排在第二。这两种产业作为人类早期文明最原始或最基本的产业联系在了一起。 2、If we consider fishing and lumbering as part of agriculture and oil and gas production as part of mining , then agriculture and mining continue to supply all the basic resources used by modern civilization 如果我们把捕鱼业和伐木业作为农业的一部分,而石油和天然气产业作为采矿的一部分,那么农业和采矿业至今仍是现代文明所使用的基础资源的支柱 3、Here the term mining is used in its broadest context as encompassing the extraction of any naturally occurring mineral substances-solid , liquid , and gas-from the earth or other heavenly bodies for utilitarian purposes. 这里所说的采矿是指广义上的,因为它包括为实利目的而从地球或其他天体岩石中获取任何天然形成的固态、液态和气态矿物的开采 4、Mine:An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals 采矿:为了开采矿物而在地球上进行的一种挖掘 5、Mining: the activity , occupation , and industry concerned with the extraction of minerals 采矿业:一种与开采矿物有关的活动、职业和产业 6、Mining engineering: the practice of applying engineering principles to the development , planning , operation , closure and reclamation of mines. 采矿工程:运用工程原理生产、规划、运作和关闭(充填)以及对矿山再利用(复垦)的一种实践 7、Mineral:A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and a characteristic chemical composition , crystal form , and physical properties. 矿物:一种天然形成的无机元素或化合物(无机物),它有着有序的内部构造、特有的化学成分、结晶形式和物理性质。 8、Rock:Any naturally formed aggregate of one or more types of mineral particles


成人高等教育毕业设计(论文) 学院(函授站):山东资环学院(沂南站) 年级专业: 2010级采矿工程 层次:本科 学号: 020 姓名:赵云龙 指导教师: 起止时间: 2010 年月日~月日

摘要 本次设计对象为山东黄金矿业(沂南)有限公司金场分矿井下-330至-150的排水设计。主要内容包括矿山地质概况、矿床地质特征、金场分矿开拓系统说明、金场分矿采矿方法简介、金场分矿通风系统说明、金场分矿排水系统设计说明、确定排水方式和排水系统的一般原则、排水设备选择计算、确定水泵房型式及水泵房平面布置、水仓等。 关键词:系统,通风,水仓,泵房,井下排水 I

目录 摘要........................................................... I 目录.. (Ⅱ) 前言 (1) 1.矿山地质概况 (3) 1.1金场分矿的地层 (3) 1.2金场分矿的构造 (4) 1.3岩浆岩 (5) 2.接触变质和接触交代变质作用 (8) 2.1接触变质作用 (8) 2.2接触交代变质作用——矽卡岩化 (8) 2.3金场分矿能形成矽卡岩的层位,产出标高,矽卡岩类型 (8) 2.4矽卡岩体的规模及矽卡岩与矿体关系 (9) 3.矿床地质特征 (10) 3.1矿体的空间分布 (10) 3.2矿体的形态、产状和规模 (10) 3.3矿石类型 (10) 3.4矿石结构 (11) 3.5矿石构造 (12) 3.6矿石矿物成分 (15) 4.金场分矿开拓系统说明 (19) 4.1金场分矿开拓系统情况 (19) 4.2金场分矿排水系统简介 (19) 5.金场分矿采矿方法简介 (20) 5.1金场分矿矿段介绍 (20) 5.2金场分矿采矿方法简介 (20) II


本科生毕业论文(设计)题目文献综述文献综述随着改革开放的深入,交通运输在生活中的作用越来越明显,高速公路的建设成为了国民建设中的一个重大问题。由于高速公路具有汽车专用,分隔行驶,全部立交,控制出入以及高标准,高要求,设备功能完善等功能,与一般公路相比具有很多优点,所以具有很强的实用性。目前,我国高等级公路建设正处在“质”与“量”并重的重要发展阶段。从大陆第一条高速公路——沪嘉高速开始,中国大陆高速公路建设进入了一个崭新的时期。高速公路在二十多年间展现出了巨大的优越性,在以建成的高速公路沿线及腹地迅速兴起了工业企业建设的热【1】潮,地价增值,地方税收增加,投资环境发生巨大变化。目前我国的高速公路主要分布在东南沿海,我国的沿海地带,大部分是淤泥质海岸。因此,沿海特别是大江大河河口附近多为河相、海相或泻湖相沉积层,在地质上属于第四纪全新纪Q4 土层,多属于【2】东南海岸土的类别多为淤泥,淤泥质亚黏饱和的正常压密黏土。土。这类地基的主要特点是:具有高含水量、大孔隙、低密度、低强度、高压缩性、低透水性、中等灵敏度等特点;具有一定的结构性。由于这类地基存在这些特点,在软粘土地基上建造建筑物普遍存在稳定及变形的问题。以高速为例,由于高速的路堤高度不大,所以稳定问题并不突出,但是变形问题很明显。目前高速桥头跳车以及高填方段、填挖结合部等位置因地基差异沉降对路面结构造成的不良影响已引起公路建设、设计、监理、施工等部门的日益重视。如何解决高等级公路桥头跳车问题已成为刻不容缓的大事。造成桥头跳车的原因【3】有很多:1、土质不良引起的地基沉陷:土质不良,由此产生沉陷是桥头跳车的主要原因。桥涵通常位于沟壑地方,地下水位较高,此类土天然含水量大于液限,天然孔隙比大,常含有机质,压缩性高,抗剪强度低,一旦受到扰动,天然结构易受破坏,强度便显著降低,桥头路基填筑高度较大,产生基底应力相对较大,在车辆荷载作用下,更容易引起地基沉陷,且变形稳定历时往往持续数年乃至更长的时间。既便是在一些稳定地基,在外荷作用下,也无可避免出现这个问题。2、台后填料的压缩沉降:台后填料一


使用高级分析法的钢框架创新设计 1.导言 在美国,钢结构设计方法包括允许应力设计法(ASD),塑性设计法(PD)和荷载阻力系数设计法(LRFD)。在允许应力设计中,应力计算基于一阶弹性分析,而几何非线性影响则隐含在细部设计方程中。在塑性设计中,结构分析中使用的是一阶塑性铰分析。塑性设计使整个结构体系的弹性力重新分配。尽管几何非线性和逐步高产效应并不在塑性设计之中,但它们近似细部设计方程。在荷载和阻力系数设计中,含放大系数的一阶弹性分析或单纯的二阶弹性分析被用于几何非线性分析,而梁柱的极限强度隐藏在互动设计方程。所有三个设计方法需要独立进行检查,包括系数K计算。在下面,对荷载抗力系数设计法的特点进行了简要介绍。 结构系统内的内力及稳定性和它的构件是相关的,但目前美国钢结构协会(AISC)的荷载抗力系数规范把这种分开来处理的。在目前的实际应用中,结构体系和它构件的相互影响反映在有效长度这一因素上。这一点在社会科学研究技术备忘录第五录摘录中有描述。 尽管结构最大内力和构件最大内力是相互依存的(但不一定共存),应当承认,严格考虑这种相互依存关系,很多结构是不实际的。与此同时,众所周知当遇到复杂框架设计中试图在柱设计时自动弥补整个结构的不稳定(例如通过调整柱的有效长度)是很困难的。因此,社会科学研究委员会建议在实际设计中,这两方面应单独考虑单独构件的稳定性和结构的基础及结构整体稳定性。图28.1就是这种方法的间接分析和设计方法。

在目前的美国钢结构协会荷载抗力系数规范中,分析结构体系的方法是一阶弹性分析或二阶弹性分析。在使用一阶弹性分析时,考虑到二阶效果,一阶力矩都是由B1,B2系数放大。在规范中,所有细部都是从结构体系中独立出来,他们通过细部内力曲线和规范给出的那些隐含二阶效应,非弹性,残余应力和挠度的相互作用设计的。理论解答和实验性数据的拟合曲线得到了柱曲线和梁曲线,同时Kanchanalai发现的所谓“精确”塑性区解决方案的拟合曲线确定了梁柱相互作用方程。 为了证明单个细部内力对整个结构体系的影响,使用了有效长度系数,如图28.2所示。有效长度方法为框架结构提供了一个良好的设计。然而,有效长度方法的


采矿工程英语翻译 LESSON9 课文1矿山开拓系统 如今大多数欧洲的矿井上覆岩层已达到2000到4000ft,因为容易开采的煤层已经采完。大部分的煤矿在这样深度下采用竖井。(如图9.1)全部人员,物资,以及煤都必须靠这个竖井提升。考虑到提升容量和需要的井筒长度两个因素,为达到含煤地层得到相当大的投入是有必要的。广阔的井巷以及隧道的发展和维护需要很大的投入。在这个深度的巷道必须装备昂贵的支护以及定期返修也是必要的。 矿井不仅仅在水平方向上扩展,而且在垂直方向上也通过新的开拓水平来延深。矿山的寿命得到了很可观的延长,而地表的建设占煤矿开采生命周期的很大一部分。 有限的资源使得企业不得不开采一些不利的煤层,所以欧洲各国政府要求采出所有可采煤层的煤以保护国家能源。这些因素以及大倾角的煤层和断层使得开采困难和投资增加。人口密度和地表高大的建筑又增添了额外的费用,为了防止沉降破坏地表建筑。因此,回填常被用来减少地面的沉降。过小的断层间距常常严重的限制了采区的尺寸,因而不得不频繁搬家,并造成了过大的开拓量。 这些表面覆盖层的厚度导致了很高的地面压力。如果应用房柱式方法,就需要异常大的煤柱。另外,巷道需要被支护,多巷道开拓和煤柱工作增加了大量的投入。 作为结果,单一走向长壁式开采要求最小数量的巷道以及最大的资源回采率是采矿方法专门的实践。(the mining method almost exclusively practiced) 竖井开采在欧洲的煤矿产业占统治地位。直径20到30英尺的砌筑钢筋混泥土圆切面的内衬的竖井是到达煤层的主要方法。他们也通常延伸超过开采的最低水平

为以后的扩展提供保障。如在美国,立井是用打眼,放炮和挖掘方法或用大直径钻井设备来开凿的。立井打眼频繁的使用,尤其在小的短的阶段井筒,可以连接不同的水平但不能延伸到表面。 井筒中的运输是通过提升在多级罐笼里的装满煤的矿车或者是吊车来完成的。煤浆的抽出在特殊的情况下也这样做。 通过不同的水平面的采矿活动,引起了复杂的力学系统以及岩石力学的问题。在地下空间发展中美国与英国在此有很大的差异。开采造成的岩石间的相互作用力要求在不同的水平沉积物尽可能的完整开采出来。开采留下的煤柱产生极端的区域和不易控制的地表因素,以及很高可能性的顶板突出。 由于费用的限制,巷道的数量一直保持在最低限度,没有提供房柱式采煤法的回风系统。如果采用后退式开采,就只有两个巷道能够直接达到一个新的采煤区。 盘区需要设计得尽可能的大。设计大的盘区的另一个用途就是使巷道数量减少。当有氧气经过时采空区应封锁起来避免引起自燃。 巷道系统的主水平用来运输煤,供给材料和人员运输,以及通风。它们通常被隔开不考虑煤层的位置,因为这些选择的沉积物是通过其他途径开采的。在过去,会选择165或330英尺的间距,当地压增加,维修费用提高,它被迫增长到660到990英尺。实质上地表越深温度越高,需要大量的空气来冷却。结果,进入这一水平的采区截面不得不增大。 图下的注释:(1)有箕斗提升机的主井(2)有多级罐笼的回风巷竖井(3)三级车场(4)带圆柱体煤仓的暗井(5)有工具提升车的暗井(6)主要入口1(7)主要入口2(8)采区和盘区平巷(9)巷道掘进机(10)用刨煤机的长壁开采区(11)用采煤机的长壁开采区(12)用手工开采倾斜层用风镐的长壁开采区(13)在急倾斜层有刨煤机的长壁开采区(14)采空区(15)通风锁,风门(16)带式运输机为主的运输系统(17)矿车运输(18)


Automobile Brake System The braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes. Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the parking brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set. The brake system is composed of the following basic c omponents: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the car. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure).


摘要 本设计包括两个部分:一般部分和专题部分。 一般部分为五阳二矿5Mt新井设计,共分10章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度及设计生产能力;4.井田开拓;5.采区巷道布置;6.采煤方法;7.井下运输;8.矿井提升;9.矿井通风与安全;10.矿井基本技术经济指标。 潞安集团五阳煤矿位于山西省长治市襄垣县境内,矿区五阳铁路专线和太焦、邯长铁路线相接,交通十分便利。井田南北长平均约5.8km,东西长平均约8.8 km,井田面积为51.57km2,平均倾角9°,共两层煤分别为3号、15号煤,总厚约10m。井田工业储量为722Mt,可采储量560Mt,矿井服务年限为80 a。井田地质条件简单。矿井正常涌水量为120m3/h,最大涌水量为340 m3/h;煤层硬度系数f=2.3,煤质牌号为焦煤43;矿井瓦斯绝对涌出量9.143m3/min,相对瓦斯涌出量2.915 m3/t,为低瓦斯矿井,该矿井煤层有自燃倾向性,煤尘有爆炸性。 矿井采用立井两水平开拓,通风方式采用中央边界式。采煤方法为走向长壁综合机械化全部垮落法。煤炭运输采用钢丝绳芯胶带,辅助运输采用轨道运输。 矿井年工作日为300 d,每天净提升时间14h。矿井工作制度实行“三八”制。 专题部分题目是煤矸石的资源化利用。 关键词:立井;采区;综合机械化长壁采煤法;中央边界式

ABSTRACT This design can be divided into two sections: general design and monographic study. The general design is about a 5 Mt/a new underground mine design ofWuyang coal mine. It contains ten chapters: 1.overview and the geographical features of the mining field; 2.boundary and reserves of the mining field; 3.working system and designed mine capacity; 4.development of mining field; 5.preparation in mining area; 6.coal mining method; 7.underground conveying; 8.mine exaltation; 9.mine ventilation and safety technology; 10.the basic technical and economic index. Wuyang coal mine of Lu’an Group lies in Xiangyuan County, Changzhi Municipality, Shanxi province. Wuyang railway of coal mine convergence Taijiao railway line and Hanchang railway line, the traffic is very convenient. It’s about 5.8 km along north-south direction and 8.8 km along the direction,with the 51.57 km2 total area. Two coal seams of this mine is 3and 15 with total thickness of 10 m and an average dip of 9°. The proved reserves of this coal mine are 722 Mt and the minable reserves are 560 Mt, with a mine life of 80 a.The geological condition of the mine is relatively simple. The normal mine inflow is 120 m3/h and the maximum mine inflow is 340 m3/h. It is bituminous coal 43. gas emission in absolute is 9.143m3/min and the relative volume of gas emission is 2.915 m3/t. It is a coal mine with low gas emission rate and coal spontaneous combustion tendency. A nd it’s a coal seam liable to dust explosion. This mine adopts vertical shaft development with two mining level and exhaust ventilation, centralized juxtapose earlier and radial later. The adopted coal winning method is comprehensive mechanized in longwall mining with top-coal caving. The belt conveyor is applied to transport coal and rail transport is used in the auxiliary conveying. We work 300 days per year ,and exaltate 14 hours one day .The “three–eight”working system is applied for coal mining . The monographic study is the utilization of coal gangue.


外文原文: Adopt the crest of the coal work noodles plank management problem study Crest the plank management is the point that adopts a safe management of the coal work noodles.Statistics according to the data, crest the plank trouble has 60% of the coal mine trouble about, adopting the trouble of the coal work noodles and having a crest 70% of the plank trouble above.Therefore, we have to strengthen a plank management, reducing to adopt the coal work noodles crest the occurrence of the plank trouble. 1,the definition of the crest,scaleboard and it categorize Endow with the existence coal seam on of the close by rock strata be called a plank, endow with the existence coal seam under of the close by rock strata be called scaleboard.Crest the rock,strength of the scaleboard and absorb water sex and digging to work the management of the noodles contain direct relation, they is certain crest the plank protect a way and choose to adopt the empty area processing method of main basis. 1.1 planks categorize According to rock,thickness and return to adopt process to fall in the 垮of difficult easy degree, crest the plank is divided into the false crest,direct crest and old crest. According to direct crest sport to adopt a field to the influence for press, the direct crest is divided into broken up,unsteady,medium etc. stability,stability,strong and tough crest plank etc. is five.According to old crest the sport Be work mineral inside the noodles press to present degree and to work safe threat of noodles of size, the old crest is is divided in to press very and severely, press mightiness, press to compare obviously, don't obviously press etc. is four. 1.2 scaleboards categorize According to the opposite position relation of the rock strata and the coal seam, the scaleboard is divided into direct bottom with the old bottom.Locate coal seam directly under of the rock strata be called direct bottom;locate the direct bottom or coal seam under of the rock strata be called old bottom.The coal seam crest the scaleboard type expects the influence of the geology structure sport after be subjected to the deposition environment and, its growth in different region degree dissimilarity, the coal seam possibility for have isn't whole. 2,crest that need to be control plank classification and adopt the processing way of the empty area According to different crest the plank type and property, choose to pay to protect a way and adopt the empty area processing method differently, is a plank management of basic principle. 2.1 crest needed to pull to make plank classification Press a knothole rock strata strength, the crest plank that needs to be control can is divided into: general crest the plank,slowness descend to sink a plank and is whole fall the crest of the cave in the danger plank etc..


Automobile Brake System汽车制动系统 The braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes. Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set. The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the c ar. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure). Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.


理工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 专业:热能与动力工程 姓名:赵海潮 学号:09L0504133 外文出处:Applied Acoustics, 2010(71):701~707 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 基于一维CFD模型下汽车排气消声器的实验研究与预测Takeshi Yasuda, Chaoqun Wua, Noritoshi Nakagawa, Kazuteru Nagamura 摘要目前,利用实验和数值分析法对商用汽车消声器在宽开口喉部加速状态下的排气噪声进行了研究。在加热工况下发动机转速从1000转/分钟加速到6000转/分钟需要30秒。假定其排气消声器的瞬时声学特性符合一维计算流体力学模型。为了验证模拟仿真的结果,我们在符合日本工业标准(JIS D 1616)的消声室内测量了排气消声器的瞬态声学特性,结果发现在二阶发动机转速频率下仿真结果和实验结果非常吻合。但在发动机高阶转速下(从5000到6000转每分钟的四阶转速,从4200到6000转每分钟的六阶转速这样的高转速范围内),计算结果和实验结果出现了较大差异。根据结果分析,差异的产生是由于在模拟仿真中忽略了流动噪声的影响。为了满足市场需求,研究者在一维计算流体力学模型的基础上提出了一个具有可靠准确度的简化模型,相对标准化模型而言该模型能节省超过90%的执行时间。 关键字消声器排气噪声优化设计瞬态声学性能 1 引言 汽车排气消声器广泛用于减小汽车发动机及汽车其他主要部位产生的噪声。一般而言,消声器的设计应该满足以下两个条件:(1)能够衰减高频噪声,这是消声器的最基本要求。排气消声器应该有特定的消声频率范围,尤其是低频率范围,因为我们都知道大部分的噪声被限制在发动机的转动频率和它的前几阶范围内。(2)最小背压,背压代表施加在发动机排气消声器上额外的静压力。最小背压应该保持在最低限度内,因为大的背压会降低容积效率和提高耗油量。对消声器而言,这两个重要的设计要求往往是互相冲突的。对于给定的消声器,利用实验的方法,根据距离尾管500毫米且与尾管轴向成45°处声压等级相近的排气噪声来评估其噪声衰减性能,利用压力传感器可以很容易地检测背压。 近几十年来,在预测排气噪声方面广泛应用的方法有:传递矩阵法、有限元法、边界元法和计算流体力学法。其中最常用的方法是传递矩阵法(也叫四端网络法)。该方
