

Planning to fail:An Analysis on Economic Planning Failure in Developing Countries ABSTRACT

Economic planning is a term used to describe the long term plans of an incumbent government to manage the economy. Planning is defined as conceiving, initiating, regulating and controlling economic activity by the state according to set priorities with a view to achieving well-defined objectives within a given time. The provision of a regulatory regime that promotes rather than constrains economic growth is an important part of good governance. The ability of the state to provide effective regulatory can be expected to be a determinant of how well markets and the economy perform. The most important prerequisite of economic development is the aspiring nation's access to the discoveries of modern science and innovators to adapt these discoveries to the needs of marketplace. This paper is rich in issues that relates to avoiding failure of economic plans. The paper targets developing nations, as they have fewer resources to fund failure. The paper concludes by emphasizing on monitoring of government plans for desirable results.


This term,I have read an economic article : Planning to Fail: An Analysis on Economic Planning Failure in Developing Countries.This paper was developed on the original article (A Glimpse on Economic Planning Failure) submitted to the Zimbabwe Economic Society, and published on the Financial Gazzette on 4 Dec 2009.

The author is Wellington Garikai Bonga who is a regular researcher on Development & Social Issues, Financial Markets, Monetary Economics and Taxation. The author holds a PhD Economics (AIU), MBA (ZOU), MSc Economics (UZ) and BSc (Hons) Economics (UZ). He is eager to learn new things and develop ability to conduct quality research in a multiple discipline.A number of his articles is about social economic,such as Applicability of Keynesian Ideology in the Zimbabwe's Economic Growth Path , A Comprehensive Analysis of Interaction between Law and Economics.

The article in mainly about economic planning. There are 7 parts of the article which include Introduction, Development of plans, Essentials of economic planning, Assessing economic plans, Why economic plans fail,Ways to avoid failure of economic plans, Conclusion besides the abstract and references.

In the beginning, Various governments undertake economic plans but surprisingly, some plans are not followed or something that is not on the plan happens or there is failure to follow the plan. With time goes by, people realize that how to making a economic plan. According to Professor Dickinson, economic planning is the making of major economic decisions by a determinate authority on the basis of a comprehensive survey of the economy as a whole.

Then, The process of economic plans’ development. Since the end of World War II, it has become an accepted practice among the governments of the developing countries to publish their “development plans.”First and foremost, people have to know how economic plans are developed.The aim is to select a period long enough to include projects spanning a number of budget years but not so long as to delay periodic assessment of the development effort stretching over a series of plans. But issues that have been raised by citizens today are incorporated in tomorrow’s plans. According to Ukertor (2012), the ultimate aim of governments worldwide is to achieve sustainable improvement in the quality of life of its citizenry. Hence, countries no matter their size or developmental status strive to achieve some level of consistency in development planning and

good governance. However, Ukertor (2012) insisted that achieving the goals of governance requires that deliberate plan of action be set out to guide government throughout the process.

Policies are products of planning. According to Arthur Lewis, a development plan may consist of the following parts: ?Survey of current economic conditions

?List of proposed public expenditures

?Discussion of likely development in private sector

?Macro economic projections of the economy

?Review of government policies.

Assessing economic plans after they had been done, Measuring performance in the private sector is straightforward. Economic planning is done just to offer as a standard of measuring efficiency.

We have to consider a question why economic fail, there are some reasons caused the failure: poor timing, poor implementation of instruments, natural disaster and lack of information, political influence.

How to avoid failure of economic plans is a big challenge for makers.

Consultation is crucial in the planning process. However, having a wide coverage of consultation in the planning process will not necessarily result in having a better economic outcome, when the needed frameworks such as institutional quality are not in congruence. When the planning process involves low consultation and weak institutions, there will be‘shallow’planning with its resultant effect: poor economic outcomes. Therefore in this case, minimal coverage and low consultation in the planning process will not be adequate to support desired outcomes. This may also worsened by weak institutions. CONCLUSION

In conclusion, economic planning can be successful if appropriate economic models are used, if economic decisions are made by economists and not politicians or through effective consultation, if there is increased cooperation between various economic agents, if credibility is restored, commitment is

improved (drawing from the Ottawa Commitment of 2002) and when decision lags are minimised. Evaluation and monitoring are components of a good planning model, which involves comparing the desired expectation with the actual.

One of readers asked the author what are the main causes of economic planning failure? The response is , many policies are failing, yet better results are eagerly waited from them.

In my opinion, the article have its own policy implication, outside and inside significance, which had figured out the key of economic planning and the experience of economic planning failure. From the article, not only did I learn English, but also macro-economics.


关于英语的读书笔记 英语是我们现在十分关注的语言。下面要为大家分享的就是,希望你会喜欢! 关于英语的读书笔记篇一:《傲慢与偏见》Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always


书目《爱的教育》 (意大利)亚米契斯 一、好词: 满面春风无奈哽咽和善可亲丰衣足食赖以求食心满意足 二、好句: 1、秋天的天空,澄碧如洗。早晨的空气,清凉如水。 2、夕阳散放着灿烂的余辉,少年的金发更显得无比的辉煌。 三、读后感 这本书表现了作者安利柯把老师对同学爱的表现写了出来,写的生动,把老师对每个爱同学的事情也写了出来。 这本书写的很优雅,很美妙,还讲了小孩子的爱国之情,勇敢向前的精神。把父母爱孩子的表现也写了出来,最好的是孩子的爱国之情,其中有两个小故事讲的非常动人、好听。看完这本书给了很大的启发,让我知道该怎么做一个好人,怎么去做一件好事,让我知道了快乐与不快乐。 书目《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 作者:奥斯特洛夫斯基 好词 心宁不安烟消云散漫不经心心惊胆战提心吊胆鸦雀无声溜之大吉 好句 钢是在烈火里燃烧、高度冷却中炼成的,因此它很坚固.我们这一代人也是在斗争中和艰苦考验中锻炼出来的,并且学会了在生活中从不灰心丧气. 主要内容 本书讲述了主人公保尔·柯察金从一个在社会底层挣扎的贫苦少年,逐渐成长为一个为祖国和人民的事业奋斗毕生的无产阶级革命战士的历程。保尔表现出了一个真正的无产阶级革命战士所具有的坚毅、勇敢、无私奉献的高尚品格,他把自己宝贵的青春交给了党和人民,在全身瘫痪的情况下仍勇敢地拿起笔服务于人民。保尔的精神是一面永恒的旗帜,保尔的事迹和品格是每一个21世纪青少年学习的榜样。

书目《童年》 作者:高尔基 好词 胖乎乎乐呵呵湿漉漉 黑漆漆呲牙咧嘴心烦意燥 好句 1、那曲子激昂中含着忧伤,仿佛是从高山奔流而下的河水,激荡在房间中。 2、怨恨是块冰,遇暖就融化。 我的感悟: 这本书我懂得了一个道理——应该学会珍惜。 和阿廖沙相比,我们的童年是灿烂的,是彩色的;是没有烦恼痛苦的,更是无忧无虑的。从现在开始,我就要执着求知、不怕困难、为长辈着想,体谅他们。我也要像阿廖沙那样,在苦难中寻找生命的坚强。


英语读书笔记 英语读书笔记15篇 英语读书笔记(一): Gullivers Travels 格列佛游记 The story includes three parts。They are respectively talking about:Gulliver in Lilliput,in Brobdingnag,and in Houyhnms。 Gulliver travels to the South Seas。On their way to the East Indies,a strong wind carried them to the wrong way。Most of the people died。Some days later,he es to Lilliput,everything is small there。Three days later,he es to Brobdingnag。This country is opposite from Lilliput,the thing are huge,very huge!Then he travels to a place called Houyhnms,which is also very interesting。 英语读书笔记(二): Five Famous Fairy Tales 著名童话五则 This book tells five famous fairy tales。Today,I will mainly introduce the story,The White Birds,written by Hans Anderson。


Charlotte's Web 一.内容简介: 《夏洛的网》是美国作家E.B.怀特所著的三部被誉为“二十世纪读者最多、最受爱戴的童话”之一。 在朱克曼家的谷仓里,快乐地生活着一群动物,其中小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛建立了最真挚的友谊。然而,一个最丑恶的消息打破了谷仓的平静:威尔伯未来的命运竞是 成为熏肉火腿。作为一只小猪,悲痛绝望的威尔伯似乎只能接受任人宰割的命运了, 然而,看似渺小的夏洛却说:“我救你。”于是,夏洛用自己的丝在猪栏上织出了被 人类视为奇迹的网上文字,彻底逆转了威尔伯的命运,终于让它在集市的大赛中赢得 特别奖,和一个安享天命的未来。但,这时,蜘蛛夏洛的生命却走到了尽头…… 二.作者简介: E.B.怀特(1899-1985)生于纽约蒙特弗农,毕业于康奈尔大学。也许你对美国作家E.B. 怀特(E.B.White)感到陌生,也许你对《Charlotte's Web》(《夏洛的网》)不是 很熟悉,但是一提起一部电影《精灵鼠小弟》,你马上就知道了,这部电影就是根据E.B. 怀特(E.B.White)的书改编拍摄的。他还有一部童话叫《吹小号的天鹅》。三.读书笔记 №.1 - "But it's unfair," cried Fern. "The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me? 【译文】"可是这不公平,"芬哭叫着。"这头猪愿意让自己生下来就小吗,它愿意吗?如果我生下来时也很瘦小,你就会杀死我吗?" 【评注】正是这句话触动了我们作为人类最敏感的神经,生命有其存在的权利——这 样简单的道理,却是由一个小女孩讲给世界上的大人们。也不禁让人感叹:Why do


本科生“读书活动”推荐书目 一、“读书”与人文情怀 读书的关键是“质”而不是“量”。读书的真正难处是选书。在浩翰的书海中,应为学生推荐一种正确的读书办法——即阅读经典。 经典就是经典。经典有其本身的、本体的意义。这就是文化。只有其本身有意义的、非功利的东西,才是不会使你失望的东西。牛津大学对经典的强调就更加突出了:经典的意义在根本上就在于,在外在的价值的诱惑和骚扰下,始终不要忘记人作为人的内在的尺度。这也就是人们所说的“文化的力量”。她使你在获得了物质的温饱后,始终有一种精神的充实。经典之所以叫经典,也正说明它与一般意义上的书不一样。每一部真正能够称之为经典的东西,都可以说是蕴涵着某种思维方式的革命和观念体系的更新,都是对传统阅读和理解习惯的一种挑战。经典于是就需人去解读,需要人去导读。经精选、推荐100部影响人类社会发展的经典著作,供其选读,但愿能起到“引路”的作用。 一个人该如何为其日常存在的生命注入意义,从而使生物学层面的个体生命真正转化为文化学层面的“主体角色”,并穿越欲望主体,向自由的精神境域迈进?又如何承担和消化外在的精神的风暴,锤炼自己的心志,向自我筹划,为自己拓展一方可以安身立命的诗意居所?在市场经济背景下,更需要人们尤其青年学生有一种“静气”,“多”读书,读好书,创造自我,超越世俗的拘束而达到精神自由的高度;升华自我,守住生命的热情;沉思自我,伸展情志的深度和广度——从而形成整体的人文自我,凸现人文情怀,让生命走向丰富、充盈、绚丽、深刻。 二、关于“读书活动”的要求 1、根据南京财经大学本科各专业教学计划,本科生在大一至大三的三个学年中,须完成教学实践环节的“读书活动”,并各取得0.25学分,共1.5学分方可毕业。 2、学生可在100部经典著作中自由选择自己最喜欢的著作进行阅读。在阅读过程中,应做好读书笔记,并撰写一篇不少于3000字的读书心得。 3、学生须在规定时间内分别将该学期的读书笔记和读书心得以班级为单位,交给班主任(或辅导员),并由所在院(系)组织教师评阅,以优、良、中、及格、不及格五级制计分。其中,优秀读书心得由院(系)选送到学校,参加由学校组织的校级“优秀读书心得”的评选。 4、学生在读书过程中,应注意加强与其他同学的交流,有意识地训练自己的概括总结能力、口头表达能力、语言文字能力、逻辑思维能力、分析问题的能力和鉴赏能力等。 5、任课教师在授课过程中可结合自己的学科专业,有意识地引导学生进行选读,为学生作一些“启蒙”的工作。 三、推荐书目目录 1、《周易》(商朝) 2、孙武《孙子兵法》(春秋) 3、老聃《老子》(春秋) 4、孔丘《论语》(春秋) 5、墨翟《墨子》(战国) 6、孟轲《孟子》(战国) 7、荀况《荀子》(战国) 8、柏拉图《理想国》(前386年) 9、亚里士多德《政治学》(前326年) 10、《圣经》(前2世纪) 11、韩非《韩非子》(战国)


英语读书笔记 2016教师节感恩话语1.一根教鞭,指点迷津,指点江山;一支粉笔,写下真理,写下诗篇;一块板擦,抹去懵懂,抹去昨天;一颗爱心,感化愚顽,感动心间。教师节,再谢师恩!2.你是一支蜡烛燃烧自己照亮学子,你是一位园丁挥洒汗水浇灌花蕾,你是一支粉笔磨灭 2016父亲节感恩话语1.一千句感恩的话,说不尽父亲压弯的脊梁;一万首感恩的歌,唱不完父亲的两鬓苍苍;千万个感恩的心,表不完父亲的两手老茧;万万条感恩的祝福,祝愿父亲节日快乐。2.敬爱的,宠爱的,心爱的,蜜爱的,甜爱的,可爱的老爸!谢谢你二十载 2016母亲节感恩话语1.含辛茹苦的母亲:看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条逐日渐深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切的祝愿:节日快乐,永远年轻! 2.家是温馨港湾,母爱是甜蜜小船,无论投身地北,还是浪迹天南, 2016学校元旦晚会经典开场白台词(一)(杨粤):尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,(周良娇):亲爱的各位老师、各位同学,(合):大家晚上好!(颜芹芹):伴着冬日温暖的阳光,我们向着春天走来;(周良娇):激扬着青春的风采,我们向着春天迈进;(王

2016新年晚会开场白(一)女:回首昨天,我们思绪万千;男:把握今天,我们任重道远;合:展望明天,我们豪情满怀!男:今天,让我们踏着时代的节奏,舞出精彩女:今天,让我们带着新年的祝福,放飞憧憬合:上护中学2016年元旦文艺演出现在开始!2016 离婚起诉书范文2016 原告:__________,女/男,民族:_____,_____年_____月_____日生,住_____市_____区_____路_____号_____房,电话:_______________ 被告:__________,女/男,民族:_____,_____年_____月_____日生,住_____市_____区_____路_____号_____


研究生如何做文献阅读笔记? 说实在的,我自己也不是很会读书。读书的速度也不快,只是喜欢读书罢了。阅读文献,对于开题期间的研究生和写论文期间的研究生是很重要的功课,不可忽视,这种能力是需要训练的。关于做读书和文献阅读笔记,这里谈点个人的看法,算是跟年轻朋友们的交流,也希望得到专家们的指教。 如何选择和阅读文献? 1. 阅读文献,要力求对一个方面或一个主题,或者一个概念的历史发展都要搞清楚,清楚来龙去脉。文献有新有旧,有些学科或专题文献的半衰期很长,经典文献的阅读是很重要的,只下载几篇新文献是很难理解全貌的。 2. 要有意识阅读大家的文献,阅读某个领域或专题中程碑式的文献或文献综述。这些文献对于初学者了解一个学科或领域的发展很有帮助,对于某个阶段的重要文献提供了一个查找的捷径。从中可以很快了解一些相关理论和学说、重要结果的进展。 3. 要善于分析自己研究领域中一些国内外代表性实验室的论文,通过分析一个实验室的论文目录,可以了解这个实验室的发展过程和研究兴趣的发展、拓展。 4. 要善于分析本领域一些代表性学者的论文,通过分析这些引领学科或领域发展的科学家的论文目录,同样可以看到他(她)个人研究兴趣和研究生涯的发展,以及他(她)所领导的研究团队的发展过程。 如何做阅读笔记呢? 5. 在广泛阅读的基础上,要善于总结和整合,类似Minireview 的方式。如果能将类似相近的一些重要文献(如10-20 篇),进行整合和归纳,理出最新的几个专题的进展,无疑会加深对所阅读的文献的理解。那么笔记记什么?记录新进展。哪些是新进展?需要广泛阅读才能知晓。 6. 阅读任何文献或专著,一定要记录清楚文献题目、出处、作者、发表年代、期卷、页码等等信息,这些信息是以后引文时必须的,不要嫌麻烦,如作者栏目是需要将所有作者都要记录全的。 7. 有些重要文献需要精读,读几遍是不行的,要很熟悉。这类文献在不同时期读有不同时期的理解,如开题阶段,可能比较注重某个方向或领域的理论和观点、实验方法和技术手段;在实验阶段,可能比较注意进行结果之间的比较,根据文献结果和变化规律,对自己的结果进行一些趋势预测;在论文写作阶段,可能会比较关注结果分析、理论学说的验证等等。与之相应,多数文献是需要泛读的,可能只需要读读题目,可能只看看摘要,也可能只浏览一下图表等等。 8. 要重视论文的题目和摘要,这是很重要和简洁、精炼的信息。一篇论文的精华部分都在这里了。同样文章中的一些重要信息也是需要特别关注的,如生态生理学特别关注物种对环境的适应,那么环境条件就是很重要的信息了,如物种的分类地位、生物学习性、地理分布,以及分布区的海拔、气候和植被等等。 9. 阅读文献和专著是需要积累的,要坚持不懈,多研究和教学工作恐怕一生都要坚持阅读新文献和著作。读文献有个量变到质变的过程,阅读量大了,积累多了,需要总结的方面就多了。这样日久天长,通过知识的整合,知识框架会逐渐完善,自己肚子里的“货”就会感觉逐渐充实起来了,用和取的时候就会很自如。 10. 从初学者到专家的转变,只要有心,只是一个时间问题。信息就是资源,知识就是信息的积累和过滤、整合。无论参加学术会议,还是讨论会,有些人说了


英文读书笔记 篇一:英语小说读书笔记 Books and Novels Books and Novels Books and Novels Books and Novels 篇二:英语读书笔记 1、Good Spirit Makes You Brave --After reading ?A New Year s surprise?良好的精神让你勇敢的——在阅读?新一年的惊喜? A New Year’s surprise by John Milne is a wonderful story. It tells us how a girl called Kaya could defeat a robber who had a gun in his hand. And she is only 17 years old! Kaya used her courage and wisdom to beat the robbers. Finally she became a superstar because of her excellent deed. After reading this book, I thought about my life. Sometimes I was brave but sometimes I was a coward. People always have their own weak side. Some people often show how brave they are and how strong they are, but when a disaster comes, they always run away quickly and scream more loudly than any other people. So, we should try our best and show our bravey when something or somebody is in danger. Something happens out of the blue and you don t have much time to think about it, so remember: whatever anything happens, don t evade it, but treat it as a challenge. Someday you will find you can solve the problem and you are the winner! Good spirit makes you be brave, if you really want to learn how to be a brave man or woman, you must have a good spirit, and you must try to face anything and to do everything with your courage and wisdom.


书目 《红岩》 《四世同堂》老舍 《苏东坡传》林语堂 《平凡的世界》路遥 《狼图腾》姜戎 《穆斯林的葬礼》霍达 《假如给我三天光明》海伦凯勒 《决战朝鲜》李峰 《人生哲思录》周国平 《李鸿章传》梁启超 《长征——前所未闻的故事》(美)索尔兹伯 《长征》王树增 《野葫芦引》宗璞 《文化苦旅》余秋雨 《名人传》罗曼罗兰 《血色黄昏》老鬼 《静静的顿河》肖洛霍夫 《居里夫人自传》 【注:以上为人大附中竞赛班在初一阶段推荐的数目。可以根据自己的喜好进行阅读】 真 --三读《读平凡的世界》 合上书,没有太多的感慨可以吟诵,只在灵魂的上空盘旋着最简单的感受--真。 真在情节。书中的每个细节,每一件点滴都那么顺理成章,纯出自然,就犹如母亲用温暖熟悉的方言平静地叙述她自己曾经的故事。那孙玉厚手中的旱烟袋,不曾与爷爷的一摸一样?田福军脚上穿着的斜纹圆口布鞋,不也被姥爷所喜爱?我静静地读下去,仿佛是正坐在小板凳上的稚童乖乖聆听着长者地说古。仿佛亲眼目睹了少安后背上触目惊心的伤痕,听到了晓霞古塔下轻轻柔柔的话语。虽然明明知道身在戏中,却不能不被那点点滴滴的情节打动。真在性格。书中的人或坚毅或乖巧或爽朗,不尽相同,却更别有一番滋味。是的,没有烈士英雄,没有间谍汉奸,只有淳朴的人民在田里劳做,在家中唠嗑。善良老实的人民身上有着众多的优点:诚实,勤劳,热情,淳朴……,这美好的一切固令人神往,但是他们每个人的小缺点却让我感到亲切可爱:田福军会从衣兜里掏出了袜子,让会场里笑声一片;晓霞姐学着男生披上军大衣,而不顾他人诧异的目光……他们似乎是我们身旁的朋友,可能不幸出了一点点尴尬,却觉得这活生生的血肉愈加真实。 真在灵魂,看着暗黄的书页上密密麻麻的字迹,却全然没有因年代而产生的隔阂。我的灵魂宛如一颗晶莹的雨滴,融进平凡的汪洋大海,不再顾及自己的感慨,只愿意与他们一起波涛汹涌。望着少平离家打工的背影,我理解了青春的斗志;瞧着兰香在校园里踽踽独行,我感慨背后的艰辛。他们如同常人一样,面临生活的无数抉择,犹豫辗转千百回,然后或许放弃或许执着。这不易又不易的选择的背后,是他们复杂的心理斗争,也曾用心中的准绳测量值得不值得。但经历再多的坎坷,却也不曾动摇过灵魂最深处的那份美丽——善良。 我虔诚地捧起厚重的书,因为我知道我读的不是《平凡的世界》,而是有血有肉的真实的世界。 初一(16)班张雅雯


英语读书笔记(15篇) 英语读书笔记第1篇: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea 海底两万里 Story started in 。Aronnax,a natural historian,was studying for a large monster under the sea。At that time,the monster’s massagers were traveling around the world。After the investigation,he would return from aboard。And then he received an invitation from sea forces of America。So he was going to make the monster die out。 英语读书笔记第2篇: Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝奇遇记 One hot summer day,Alice and her sister are sitting under the tree。Alice sees a white rabbit,and she run after it。The rabbit goes down a rabbit whole and Alice follows it,she is now in a strange wonderland。Alice eats some special things,and she changes her size!Everything is different and strange there。The animals there can speak!Alice meets many interesting things。At last,she wakes up。It’s just a dream! 英语读书笔记第3篇: The Jungle Book 森林王子 There is a family of wolf live in the jungle。They find a very young brown child,with big eyes and no


管理与经济学院2015级企业管理安志斌201530751499 读”Market orientation, innovation capability and business performance Insights from the global financial crisis”所感 根据胡老师的教学考察要求,我最近仔细阅读了”Market orientation, innovation capability and business performance, Insights from the global financial crisis”这篇文献。该篇论文是由芬兰赫尔辛基阿尔托大学商学院的Juho-Petteri Huhtala教授,Antti Sihvonen教授,圣彼得堡州立大学大学院管理学研究科市场营销部门Johanna Fro ¨se ′n教授以及芬兰赫尔辛基阿尔托大学商学院的Matti Jaakkola and Henrikki Tikkanen等教授共同完成的。该文旨在探讨市场导向(MO)和创新能力在经济上升和下降过程中确定业务表现创新能力的作用,采用偏最小二乘路径分析法检验了创新能力对经济繁荣和萧条期间的经济增长和企业绩效之间的关系的潜在转化作用。结果表明创新能力完全中介经济好转时墨性能的影响,而在经济低迷的调解仅是局部的。最终得出了创新能力也推动了顾客导向与企业绩效之间的关系在好转,而中介效应的顶端是一个竞争者导向在经济低迷时期。这是第一个研究经济周期在战略营销概念的关系的实证检验,如市场导向和创新能力,以及公司的经营业绩之间的关系。 通过对该文献的学习和研究,我深深被大师们的渊博学识所折服与惊叹。该文献从一开始到全文结束,基本都是采用引用世界上各知名学者对该相关问题的独到见解所连接起来的,在文献中对这些观点加以筛选和论述,同时也从各个大家们的观念分析总结其精华并加以科学合理的推断,提出教授们所希望阐述的观点。该篇文献光是参考文献就多达96篇之多,可以想象教授们在做科研的过程中流过多少辛勤的汗水,为写出科学有价值的指导论文做出了多么大的付出,这才是我们每一个科研人员值得并且应当学习和发扬的卓越精神。 该篇论文在逻辑结构的安排上,首先是引入选题,阐述各个学者对该问题的观点并引出研究问题;其次提出理论和假设,对三者的关系进行对比,提出它们存在的理论假设,再次找出方法论,提出研究背景,并确定变量进行测量,接着得出测量结果,最后进行讨论并得出讨论并得出创新能力完全中介经济好转时墨性能的影响,而在经济低迷的调解仅是局部的结果。整个研究过程特别严谨且充分,这样的方法论也是值得我们去参考和学习。 记得上个学期,我在图书馆看国内学者的期刊学术论文,仅仅前后两篇论文,发表的时间相差不足三个月,后者对前者的观点抄袭程度至少在90%以上,后者的标题观点几乎都出自于前者,这使得我对国内个别学者的学术精神感到深深的厌恶。学术是一种神圣且严肃的科学内容,怎能弄虚作假?在这点上,我还是特别赞赏西方的科研人员,他们的精神,值得我们每一个学术研究人员学习。 在文献的学习过程中,我们除了学习和借鉴前人的优秀研究成果的同时,更要学习他们带给我们的科学精神,让我们在以后的学习和研究过程中,遵守研究人员的工作道德,不弄虚作假,不敷衍了事,脚踏实地做好自己工作。也特别感谢胡老师给了我们这样一次作业,让我们深深反思和对比我们的不足,在以后的学习过程中,指导和规范自己的研究方法和研究行为。


英文读书笔记 comments: wuthering heights is a well-written tragedy of love. after reading the whole story i would like to talk about the main characters of the story —catherine earnshaw and heathcliff. catherine earnshaw and heathcliff do love each other very much but they do not have the right attitude towards love which leads to the tragedy. in catherine 's life she made a very foolish decision---marrying to edgar. in fact her love for edgar can never be compared to that for heathcliff. she did so because she thought the wealth of edgar would be useful to help heathcliff. but in reality it did not work. she did not have a good understanding of love which is something pure and saint. if anyone add any purpose into love love itself lost its meaning. catherine ' s wrong decision hurt two people who love her and even destroyed the happiness of their offspring. heathcliff is a man full of retaliation. he loved catherine very much but what he did on the contrary added to the misery of catherine. in my opinion if he really


If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking by Emily Dickinson艾米莉·狄金森 If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. 如果我能使一颗心免于破碎 如果我能使一颗心免于破碎, 我将不会虚度此生。 如果我能减轻一个人的痛苦, 或平息一个人的悲伤, 或帮助一只昏迷的知更鸟 回到它的巢居 我将不会虚度此生。 Dreams Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 梦想

千万不能丢掉梦想, 因为假如梦想破灭 生活就像小鸟断了翅膀, 再也不能展翅飞翔。 千万不能丢掉梦想, 因为梦想一旦离去 生活就像冬天的田野那样荒凉, 冰封大地白雪茫茫。 Do You Fear the Wind? Hamilton Garland Do you fear the force of the wind, The slash of the rain? Go face them and fight them, Be savage again. Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane: The palms of your hands will thicken, The skin of your checks will tan, You’ll grow ragged and weary and swarthy, But you’ll walk like a man! 你怕风吗? 你怕风吹雨打吗? 那你就勇敢地迎上去与它拼搏, 重新过野蛮人的生活吧! 像狼那样挨饿受冻,


英文文献阅读笔记 Title:Distributed Virtual Inertia Based Control of Multiple Photovoltaic Systems in Autonomous Microgrid Author:Won-Sang Im, Member, IEEE, Cheng Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Wenxin Liu, Senior Member, IEEE, Liming Liu, Senior Member, IEEE, and Jang-Mok Kim, Member, IEEE Source:IEEE/CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA, VOL. 4, NO. 3, JULY 2017 Research question: Since an autonomous renewable microgrid usually has much smaller inertia, the control system must be very fast and accurate to fight against the small inertia and uncertainties. To reduce the demanding requirements on control, this paper proposes to increase the inertia of photovoltaic (PV) system through inertia emulation. 在摘要中作者简要叙述了本文研究内容即:寻找一种方法来增加PV系统的惯性以降低系统的控制要求。同时,在Introduction部分,作者进一步对研究问题进行了详细的描述。 Methods: The inertia emulation is realized by controlling the


课外阅读书目: 《名人传》 《繁星·春水》 《西游戏》 《鲁兵逊漂流记》 《童年》 《格列弗游记》 《简爱》 《海底两万里》 《狂人日记》 《骆驼祥子》 《活着》 《撒哈拉的故事》 《许三观卖血记》 读书笔记: 《西游记》读后感 西游记是我最爱看的书,它是一本神话故事,也是四大名著之一。它讲的是唐朝时期,有一个和尚,和他的三个徒弟一起去西天取经的艰难险阻。 他的三个徒弟有:猪八戒.孙悟空和沙僧。和大家一样,我最喜欢的就是孙悟空了。他神通广大,火眼金睛,乐于助人。每次都是孙悟空把唐僧从险境中就,救出来。其次就是猪八戒了。他鼓着个大肚皮。成天好吃懒做。背着个大耙子,还天天号称自己以前是天蓬元帅。猪八戒还是一个好人,没有害人之心,并且终于坚持到最后的胜利。写一个弱点很多的人能讨人喜欢,让人记住,是很不容易。沙僧老实厚道。每一个人都有一个个鲜明的特点,每个特点都被作者表现的活灵活现。 总之,师徒四人每人都有长处和短处,正所谓“三人行,必有我师焉。”我们应该学习他们的长处,哪怕是他们的短处也必须看看自己是不是也有,如果有的话,要努力改正,成为一个完整的人。 《西游记》中师徒四人遇到的种种困难在我看来就像是一个人在人生路上的挫折,这本书告诉我们,人生有许多的困难,这些也许不是自己一个人就可以克服的。所以我们需要朋友,需要有知心人一起分担,这些困难也许是自己能克服的,所以我们在此就要锻炼自己不怕困难,以及坚定的不后退的信心。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》读后感《鲁宾逊漂流记》是一本小学生必读的好书。它主要讲了:主人公鲁滨逊幼年有着航海周游世界的理想,而父母极力反对。他很固执,就在1651年,鲁滨逊19岁的时候,背着父母,报名做了水手,在海上,暴风把


初一英语读书笔记 1.这个经常下雨。(两种) there is often rain./it often rains here. 2.我们很惊讶地在火车站看到西蒙。 we are surprised to see simon at the train station. 3.沿着这条路走,到红绿灯处,你就会看到那撞楼。 go along this street to the traffic light,then you will see that building. 4.老师来了,请停止讲话。 5.三个穿警察制服的人从车里出来。 three man in police uniform get out of the car. 6.突然一个大个子把他推进了厢式货车的后面。 suddenly a tall man pull him into the back of the van. 7.杰尔现在坐在我左边。 jill is sitting on my left now. turn right to the cross, and you will find the entrance before yourself. 9.这个强盗从大厦跑了出去。 this robber runs out of the building. 10.我们走不同的路线好吗? shall we take different routes? 11.一个穿红色衣服的女孩站在街道的拐弯处。 a girl in red is standing at the corner of the street. 12.当交通灯是红色是不能过马路。 you cant go across the road when the traffic light is red. 13.学英语不是很难。 it isnt too difficult to learn english. 14.明天我们去公园好吗? shall we go to the park tomorrow? 15.她认为天要下雨了。 she thinks it is going to rain tomorrow. 16.互联网上有成千上万的网站。 there are thousands of webs on the internet. 17.我们打算在星期六进行烧烤。 we are going to have a barbecue on saturday. 18.你们什么时候举行聚会。 when are you going to have your party? 19.大部分学生能准时到校。 most of the students can get to school on time. 20.他邀请我们去吃晚饭。 he invited us to have dinner 21.你可以乘地铁去中国银行。 you can go to the bank of china by underground.reporter: 记者 后面加了一个er,表示一种人。report是报告。今天我们小记开会,为报道学校春节运 动会大家献计献策。 1. he is a reporter. 他是一名记者。 2. i dont want to be a reporter. 我不想成为记者。


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初中英语教师的读书笔记范文 句型是根据句子的结构、特点和意义从大量的句子中抽象、概括出来的语言的一般表现形式。在教学中,根据学生的认知特点、心理特点和教学实际,运用建构主义教学思想设计教学活动,有利于句型教学目标的高度达成,应当把握以下四个基本途径。 建构主义学习理论把创设情境看做是“意义建构”的必要前提。在小学英语教学中,教师可利用多媒体和其他直观教学手段,创设有利于学习者建构意义的情景,加强对句型的感知与理解。例如,为了教学生“行为动词一般现在时态的一般疑问句式及其肯定和否定回答方式”,一位教师在教室前的黑板上方悬挂了一个气球,邀请一个男生和一个女生进行触摸气球的竞赛,并发出“jump high and touch the balloon”的指令。男生跳得高,碰到了气球;女生则没有触摸到气球。这时,教师很自然地指着男生问其他学生:does he iump high?学生回答:yes,he does,再指着女生问:does she jump high?教师得到的回答自然是no,she doesn’t,这样。学生就在这个真实的情景中自然地理解了该句型的意义。 在小学英语教学中,教师要充分挖掘教材,把学生原有的知识、经验作为获取新知识的基础,通过提示新、旧句型之间的联系,帮助学生建构当前所学句型的意义。例如,在教学《牛津小学英语2b》(译

林版,下同)第三单元“what can you see?”时,有一位教师首先与学 生进行已经学过的“can you…?”会话,然后通过多媒体出示一个停车场的夜景图。随着一束模拟探照灯的光束移向不同的车辆,教师逐个说:a car.i can see a car.a bus.ican see a bus.a jeep.i can see…然后,将光束聚焦在一辆小汽车上,问学生:what can you see?引导学生答:ican see a car.这种从旧知引人人手,通过铺垫性操练,引导学生自然地感知并理解新句型,学生会学得轻松、活泼。 建构主义学习理论认为,学习不是简单的信息积累,更重要的是包含新旧知识经验的冲突。以及由此而引发的认知结构的重组。“联系”与“思考”是意义构建的关键。小学英语句型教学应培养学生通过对知识的主动探索和发现来建构所学知识的意义。 《牛津小学英语》教材的编写采用循环式编排方式。以时间表达的句型为例,这套教材在3b、4a、5b的教材中先后三次在相关单元安排了时间表达的不同句型,体现了“循序渐进、逐步扩展、综合复现”的原则。有一位教师在教学5b第七单元“a busy day时安排了4个教学步骤:1 教师出示教具钟。t:what’s the time?(旧知)s1:it’s three o’clock,(旧知)2 教师将时间拨到3:30。t:what time is it?(新知)s2:it’s three thirty,(旧知)3 学习新句型后,教
