




A. In June or July.

B. In July.

C. In May or June.

D. In May.


A. Professors and researchers.

B. Foreign guests and students.

C. News people and entertainers.

D. Professors and leaders.


A. Harvard.

B. Yale.

C. Princeton.

D. Cornell.


A. Be optimistic and do your best.

B. Love school and get good grades.

C. Make your campus life colorful and relaxing.

D. Enjoy making friends on campus.


[32]May and June are the months when most American colleges and universities hold their graduation ceremonies. These ceremonies are a time for family and friends to gather and celebrate a student's completion of an academic degree. Most ceremonies are traditional. The students wear caps and gowns over their clothing. One by one, their names are called. They go to the front, shake hands with school officials and receive a document of some kind. But first they must sit and listen to speeches. Colleges and universities often invite famous guests or former students who have been successful. Schools often want speakers to comment on world events. This Saturday, for example, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will speak at the graduation ceremony at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. [33]News people are often invited to speak at graduations. So are

entertainers.[34]Actor John Lithgow, a 1967 graduate of Harvard, will speak at the university on June 9th. Then there are speakers like Jon Stewart. He entertains by making fun of the news. His popular program, "The Daily Show," appears on Comedy Central on cable television. Last year, Jon Stewart spoke at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. He graduated from there in 1984. He did offer some serious advice. He said: "College is something you complete. Life is something you experience. [35]So don't worry about your grade, or the results or success. Success is defined in various ways, and you will find it... Love what you do. Get good at it."

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. When do most American universities hold their graduation ceremonies?


33. Who are often invited to speak at the graduation ceremonies?



34. Which university did the actor John Lithgow graduate from?

[A]解析:文中提到“演员John Lithgow是哈佛大学1967届毕业生”,根据问题,选A。

35. What advice did Jon Stewart give at the ceremony of the College of William and Mary?

[A]解析:短文最后引用了Jon Stewart的忠告:“不要为成绩、分数、成功担心。成功有着不同的定义,你们会获得成功的。”其含义是要乐观向上,故选A。B、D与Jon的话无关,C说“使你的校园生活丰富多彩”,与本文主旨不符。本文讨论毕业典礼而不是入学典礼,所以来宾的话重点不会谈大学生活,而是谈毕业后的人生。


2019年12月英语四级听力真题(卷二原文) 2016年12月英语四级听力真题(卷二原文) 短篇新闻 Section A - 2 Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing, New York, according to Marcia Lynch. Public information officer with Tompkins County’s emergency response department, emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio. And they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department’s assistant director. Crews have managed to provide heat packs and blankets to the miners so that they can keep warm during the rescue operation, Verfuss said. Details about what led to the workers’ being trapped in the elevator went immediately available. The mine, along Ne w York’s Cayuga Lake, processes salt used for road treatment. It produces about 2 million tons of salt that is shipped to more than 1,500 places in the northeastern United States, the rock salt mine is one of three operated by Cargill with the other two in Louisiana and Ohio. Q3. What does the news report say about the salt miners? Q4.What did the rescue team do? Section A - 3


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题的试题与答案, Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a pl ane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough. Q: What will the woman probably do? 17. M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon? Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


【关键字】大学 英语四级听力必备高频词汇 1.校园生活 图书馆 shelf书架overdue 超/过期renew/renewal(n.)续借reference room 资料室periodical room期刊阅览室fine罚款 study lounge 自习室librarian图书管理员index索引 latest issue最新一期copier 复印机subject 题目/科目catalogue 书目学生及学位 freshman 大一学生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生full-time student全日制学生 undergraduate 本科生postgraduate/graduate 研究生post doctorate 博士后bachelor’s degree学士学位master’s degre e硕士学位doctor’s degree博士学位 上课、选课 semester 学期(美国英语)biology 生物学pick up 学习、选择 term学期(英国英语)registration 注册curriculum 课程 course 课程class permit听课证compulsory course 必修课optional course 选修课literature class 文学课credit 学分 professor 教授supervisor导师register 注册 lecturer 讲师stay awake保持清醒science 理科 complicated 复杂extra copies 多余的篇子arts 文科 informative 信息量大presentation陈述,解释,示范mission 任务,使命 faculty 全体教职员工 演说 nervous 紧张的contest 比赛 calm 平静的contestant 参赛选手 a large audience 一大群观众talk of the town 镇上谈论的焦点 shaking all over 浑身发抖not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情 beyond me 超出我的理解范围 阅读 reading assignment 阅读任务selectively 有选择地 chapter by chapter 一章一章地theory 理论 read through 从头到尾地读plot 情节 cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节intensively 精细地character 人物角色 论文及考试 typing errors 打字错误revise 修订diploma 毕业证书、文凭quality paper 好纸get it published 出版thesis 毕业论文 proofread 校对paragraph 段落quiz 小测 final exam 期末考试fail 不及格,失败make up 补考 mid-term 期中考试results (pl) 分数stay up 熬夜 release发布(分数)two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉 be through with 结束,完成


2017年6月卷二英语四级听力真题 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) The majority of drivers prefer to drive and park themselves. B) Human drivers become easily distracted or tired while driving. C) Most drivers feel uncertain about the safety of self-driving cars. D) Most drivers have test driven cars with automatic braking features. 2. A) Their drivers would feel safe after getting used to the automatic devices. B) They would be unpopular with drivers who only trust their own skills. C) Their increased comfort levels have boosted their sales. D) They are not actually as safe as automakers advertise. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.


2018大学英语四级高频词汇700个 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4. blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a. 裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯 11. bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14. candidate n. 候选人 15. campus n. 校园 16. liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vat. 运输,运送n. 运输,运 21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡 28. tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或 30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的; 31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目 36. vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37. vain n. 徒劳,白费 38. extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39. extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40. extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端, 41. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43. appeal n. /vi. 呼吁,恳求 44. appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45. approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46. stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47. acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48. accomplish vt . 完成,到达;实行 49. network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50. tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52. trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53. torture n. /vt. 拷打,折磨 54. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55. wax n. 蜡 56. weave v. 织,编 57. preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会 64. battery n. 电池(组) 65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏 66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物 67. career n. 生涯,职业 68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊 72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的, 74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 75. petrol n. 汽油 76. petroleum n. 石油 77. delay vt. /n. 推迟,延误,耽搁 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的 80. route n. 路;路线;航线 81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl. ]废墟 82. sake n. 缘故,理由 83. satellite n. 卫星 84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度 85. temple n. 庙宇 86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的, 87. tend vi. 易于,趋向 88. tendency n. 趋向,趋势 89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,n. 极端 90. undergo v. 经历,遭受 91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的 92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳 93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应 94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉 95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的 96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉 97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的


2017英语四级听力练习题七 ? Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One 19. A. A hair wash. B. A nail trim. C. A massage. D. A shave. 20. A. He didn't have a clear idea of the complete service. B. He wanted the best service. D. He just wanted his hair cut the way he likes. D. He wanted his hair to be trimmed quickly. 21. A. Your hands look good. B. Your hair is in good condition. C. You have a good beautician to serve you. D. You can relax. 22. A. He is going to a business convention in town. B. He is going to meet his clients. C. He is going to deal with workplace accidents. D. He is going to be interviewed for new employment. Now you'll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One W: Hi. How can we help you today? M: Yeah. I'd like to get my hair trimmed a little.Nothing fancy. Just a basic trim. W: Well, can we interest you in today's special?



Part ⅢListening Comprehension section A 11. A)The girls got on well with each other. B) It's understandable that girls don't get along. C) She was angry with the other young stars. D) The girls lacked the courage to fight. 12. A) The woman does her own housework. B) The woman needs a housekeeper. C) The woman's house is in a mess. D) The woman works as a housekeeper. 13.A)The Edwards are quite well off. B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses. C) It'll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house. D) It's too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house. 14.A)The woman didn't expect it to be so warm at noon. B) The woman is sensitive to weather changes. C) The woman’s forecast was unrel iable. D) The woman turned cold all of a sudden. 15.A) At a clinic. B) In a supermarket. C) At a restaurant. D) In an ice cream shop. 16.A) The woman did not feel any danger growing up in the Bronx. B) The man thinks it was quite safe living in the Bronx district. C) The woman started working at an early age to support her family. D) The man doesn't think it is safe to send an 8-year-old to buy things. 17.A) The man has never seen the woman before. B) The two speakers work for the same company. C) The two speakers work on the same floor. D) The woman is interested in market research.


2019英语四级听力高 频词汇(1)

精品文档 2019英语四级听力高频词汇(1) 作业类: term paper(最近考点:2019年6月,配合词汇:grade 打分) thesis(毕业论文,六级考点) composition 作文 textbook教科书/reference book参考书/ assigned books 指定书目 搭配作业的一些常见表达: be through with sth 结束,完成(四级四次考到,最新考点2019年12月) due 到期(多次考点) You've known for months that the report is due today. have sb's hands full with sth=be up to one’s neck in sth 忙于做某事(两次考到) narrow down the topic 细化题目/话题(两次考到) 课程类: seminar(研讨会) 例句:Do you have the seminar schedule with you? (你有研讨会的日程表么?) optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程) compulsory course/requirement (必修课) presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课) 搭配课程的一些常见表达 2019年12月最新考点: 例句:I am getting nowhere with these statistics. 我对这些统计一头雾水。 hardly/ barely stay awake (四级三次考到) tutoring service 一对一辅导课程/服务(四六级双料考点) 近年真题中提及课程名称 advanced physics (高级物理) data processing (数据处理) computer programming (计算机编程,两次考到) biology 生物(注意和自传“biography”的区别) 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

新题型大学英语四级听力全真模拟试题听力原文 (16)

TEST 15 Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. 1. W: I thought you were going to pick up some strawberries to have after dinner. M: I went by Bailey’s Market to get some, but they were fresh out. Q: What does the man mean? 2. M: I hate missing breakfast! W: Me too, but if we’d stopped for breakfast, we would have missed the appointment. Q: What did the speakers do this morning? 3. M: Is this Dr. Goldsmith’s office? W: No. This is room 301. Dr. Goldsmith’s office is right downstairs from here. Q: Where is Dr. Goldsmith’s office? 4. W: What did you think of Brenda’s story? M: To tell you the truth, I found it hard to keep a straight face while she was telling it. Q: How did the man feel about the story? 5. W: Excuse me, sir. You are not supposed to be here. This area is for airport staff only. M: I’m sorry. I didn’t notice the sign. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 6. M: I would like to move to the suburbs, but I don’t have enough money to pay the high taxes. W: I wish you could. It’s nice to live there. Q: Why isn’t the man moving to the suburbs? 7. M: Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. I’m just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W: Yes. Mr. Smith’s expecting you at three o’clock. Q: Why is the man making the phone call? 8. M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them? W: A few? It looks like you bought out the bookstore! Q: What does the woman mean?

2017年6月份 四级听力真题第2套(听力文本)

College English Test Band Four(2017年6月四级听力真题文本第2套)Part II Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. News Report One Automakers and tech companies are working hard to offer the first true self-driving car. But 75% of drivers say they wouldn't feel safe in such a vehicle. Still, 60% of drivers would like to get some kind of self-driving feature, such as automatic braking or self-parking, the next time they buy a new car. The attitudes are published in a new AAA survey of 1,800 drivers. Advocates of self-driving cars argue they would be safer than in cars driven by humans because they wouldn't get distracted or drive when tired. But those surveyed by AAA say they trust their own driving skills. Many feel the technology is too new and unproven. John Nielsen, AAA's managing director of automotive engineering and repair, said tests suggest drivers may be overestimating their own abilities.


2019年大学英语四级听力考试题(5) Section A (1-8) Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A)See a doctor about her strained shoulder. B)Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. C)Replace the cupboard with a new one. D)Place the tea on a lower shelf next time. 2. A)At Mary Johnsons. B)At a painters studio. C)In an exhibition hall. D)Outside an art gallery. 3. A)The teacher evaluated lacks teaching experience. B)She does not quite agree with what the man said. C)The man had better talk with the students himself. D)New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation. 4. A)He helped Doris build up the furniture. B)Doris helped him arrange the furniture.


英语四级听力填空高频核心单词 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化

23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/912366359.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准


2016英语四级听力考试模拟试题20 M: I know what you mean. There are a million of books in this place and I can never find what I need。 Q: Where are the speakers? 12. W: Can I see you sometime this week? I missed part of your explanation on this week’s chemistry experiment。我要收藏 M: Ok, come to my office tomorrow around one o’clock。 Q: Who is the woman probably talking to? 13. W: What are the requirements for the course? M: There will be weekly quizzes and a final exam. You will have to go to the language lab at least two hours a week。 Q: What kind of course is this? 14. W: I’m sorry. We are just not happy with these plans for the living room。 M: Would you like me to draw up another set of blueprints? Q: What is the man’s job? 15. M: Julie, have you heard the one about the two bears


2017年6月英语四级听力难词24个 1.contact ['kɑn.t?kt] n.接触,联系v.联系 eg:Can I contact you by telephone? 我能通过电话联系你吗? [拓展] contract ['k?ntr?kt] n.合同 content ['kɑn.tent] n.内容adj.满足的 2.voluntarily ['v?l?ntr?li] adv.自愿地 eg:He made the promise quite voluntarily. 他完全自愿地做出了承诺。 [拓展] voluntary ['vɑl?n.teri] adj.自愿的;志愿的;自发的;故意的volunteer [,v?l?n't??] n.志愿者;志愿兵 3.assignment [?'sa?nm?nt] n.任务;布置 eg:There was no telling what the next assignment would be. 不知道下一个任务将是什么。 [拓展] assignable [?'sa?n?b?l] adj.[经] 可分配的;可指定的;可让渡的assign [?'sa?n] vt.分配;指派;[计][数] 赋值 4.proportion [pr?'p?r?(?)n] n.比例 eg:His head is out of proportion to the size of his body. 他的头部与身体大小不成比例。 [拓展]

proportional [pr?'p?r??n(?)l] adj.相应的,成比例的 disproportion [d?spr?'p???(?)n] n.不均衡;不相称 5.vulnerable ['v?ln?r?bl] adj.易受伤害的 eg:His knee was his vulnerable spot. 他的膝盖是容易受伤的位置。 [拓展] be/have vulnerable to 易受...影响的 6.pursue [p?r'su] v.追求 eg:If I have enough money, I would have had no doubt to pursue a famous car. 如果我有足够的钱,我会毫不犹豫买一辆名车。 [拓展] pursuit [p?r'sut] n.追求 in pursuit of 为了… 7.operation [.ɑp?'re??(?)n] n.操作;运行 eg:How much time do you usually complete the operation? 你通常花多少时间完成操作? [拓展] cooperation [k??,?p?'re??(?)n] n.合作,协作 corporate [?k??rp?r?t] adj.法人的;共同的 8.improvement [?m'pruvm?nt] n.改进;改善;改进处 eg:It is only a question of time, however, until we see an improvement. 不过我们会看到改善的,只是时间问题。 [拓展]
