




Part A: Spot Dictation

1. increase your income 11. the most direct way

2. under your

control 12. part-time job3. save money 13. time pressure4. make major purchases 14. do better in school5. keep in mind 15. more disciplined and focused6. spend hours thinking 16. strategy7. you are

forced 17. relatively simple to get8. track 18. in an emergency9. personal failure 19. take out a loan10. brought into

balance 20. pay it back

Part B: Listening Comprehension

1. Statements

1. C

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. A

2. Talks and Conversations

11. B12. D13. A

14. B

15. D16. A17. C18. B19. D20. A21. C22. B23. D24. B25. C26. A27. B28. D29. C

30. A

Part C: Listening and Translation

1. Sentence Translation

(1) 大学教师们经常放弃他们每周的部分业余时间,给当地居民上课,课程内容从健康医疗到金融投资无所不包。(2) 就这种照相机而言,我们可能在市场上找到更便宜的型号,但考虑到它的质量和设计,你会同意我们的价格是最有利的。(3) 自信心更高的人往往也更快乐,他们能更好地应对不利的环境,高度的自信令人们相信自己是社会中创造价值的成员。(4) 全球有1.4亿(1亿4千万)的人们沉湎于酗酒,由酗酒引发的大量交通事故造成严重的人员死亡,这种情况还在不断的恶化之中。(5) 总体上说,女性工作时间更长,相应收入更低,工作中的乐趣更少,研究表明,同样的情况下,男性如果挣到一美元,女性只能挣到74美分。

2. Passage Translation

(1) 在你旅行的时候,第一点十分重要,为你的旅行安排好一份保险。如果你在旅行过程中丢失了行李,或者需要医疗服务,旅行保险可以补偿你的损失。第二,旅行时携带大量现金不是明智之举。带好足以应付日常开销的钱就可以了,比如打的,坐公交车或购买食物。旅行支票也是一个非常安全的携带现金的方式,因为如果支票失窃,银行会给你补偿。(2) 总有不少从不考虑别人的自私司机。这些人会把车停在路中间,东张西望找一幢房子或者某个路面标志。有些车会在交叉路口突然减慢速度,然后向左或者向右转向。还有的司机在“瓶颈路段”从来不会耐心地等着,照说在这里大家应该依次交叉并线前进。不过最自私的司机要算是那些把垃圾随手扔出车窗外的家伙们,他们既破坏别人开车的好心情,也破坏了环境。SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS

Questions 1-30

1. D

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. A

11. A12. B13. D14. D15. B16. B17. A18. C19. D20. C21. B

22. D

23. A24. C25. A26. B27. C28. C29. B30. D




【参考译文】In Chin a, there is an old saying which goes like this, “Long distance never separates close friends.” A ready link connecting this country and many other ones, like the Silk Road, in Asia and Europe helps a lot in bringing about the splendid civilization in Asia and the frequent exchanges and communication between China and the Continent in the past years. Now, we are going a step further in our cooperation based on mutual benefits, enjoying a brand-new bilateral relation. China, a devoted part in promoting the economic development in the 2 continents, will keep her track on the road of peace and development. A corresponding effort made by this country in building a dynamic and long-term cooperation in all fields across Asia and Europe, together with all the other efforts from the 2 continents, will definitely contribute a big part in making the bright future.


沪江英语绿宝书之 2011年3月上海中级口译考试 听力原文及解析 SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. My topic for today?s lecture is communication, culture and work. When most people use the word culture, they think of people from different national backgrounds. National cultures certainly do exist and they play an important role in shaping the way people communicate, but there are other dimensions of culture too. Within a nation, regional differences can exert a powerful influence on communication. New Yorkers and Alaskans may find one another?s styles of behaving so different that they might as well be from different countries. Race and ethnicity can also shape behavior. So can age. The customs, values and attitudes of a twenty-year-old girl may vary radically from those of her parents who were raised in the 1960s or her grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and World War Ⅱ. Still, other differences can create distinctive cultures. Gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, religion and socio-economic background are just a few. All of these factors lead to a definition of culture as a set of values, beliefs, norms, customs, rules and codes that lead people to define themselves as a distinct group, giving them a sense of commonality. It?s important to realize that culture is learned, not innate.A Korean-born infant adopted soon after her birth by American parents and raised in the United States will think and act differently than his or her cousins who grew up in Seoul. An African American who grew up in the inner city will view the world differently than he or she would if raised in the suburbs or in a country like France where African heritage has different significance than it does in the United States. The norms and values we learn as part of our cultural conditioning shape the way we view the world and the way we interact with one another. In short, culture has such an overwhelming influence on communication that famous anthropologist Edward Hall once remarked, …culture is communication and communication is culture.?


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(4) Questions 16-20 We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single action replace a thousand men. Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information. The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their



2-1机场迎宾Greetings at the airport A: 先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗? B:Yes, I’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. You must be Miss Dai,if I’m not mistaken. A: 是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我一直在此恭候您的 到来。 B: Thank you for coming to meet me at the airport. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports. A: 我很高兴在我的家乡接待您。人人都说这是个一流的现代化国际机场。欢迎,欢迎。 我们非常高兴您能成行啊。非常感激您不 辞辛劳,在百忙中抽空来我海指导。 B: I’ve long been exp ecting to learn about the famous Haitong Group. I really appreciate this opportunity, which is also an opportunity for me to learn about

Chinese enterprises at a close distance. A: 一路可好?十几个小时的飞行很辛苦啊。B: Not too bad. But we were later than expected. Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm. We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up. But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service, of course. A: 嗯,长途旅行之后您一定很累了,您还得倒时差呢。行李都齐了,我们直接回宾馆 吧。 B: Yes, I’m a bit tired.I’m very bad with a jet-lag. But I’ll be all right in a couple of days. A: 好的,先回宾馆下榻,好好休息一下。明天不必早起。明天的安排是这们的,我们 中午设宴为您洗尘,下午会见集团总裁, 晚上我们去看一场杂技表演,典型的中国 杂技。不知泰莱克教授意下如何? B: I like that. I’ve heard Chinese people are very friendly and hospitable. You’re very


北京工业大学2005年硕士研究生入学考试试题 ★所有答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题纸上无效! Part One: Vocabulary (40 points, 1 point each) This section contains 40 items. For the first 20 items, choose the one word which would best keep the meaning of each underlined word in the original sentence. For items numbered 21 to 40, choose the most appropriate word to fill in each blank. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1. Emily Greene Batch's steadfast labor for freedom and for cooperation among individuals and peoples brought her the Noble Peace Prize in 1946. a. firm b. accelerate c. uninhibited d. aggressive 2. Immigrants entering the United States at the turn of the century often encountered living conditions radically different form those they had left behind. a. apparently b. drastically c. admittedly d. tragically 3. Over some areas of the Earth, winds blow predominantly from one direction throughout the year while in other areas, the prevailing direction changes with the seasons. a. pleasantly b. principally c. principled d. preferably 4. Larger areas of Alaskan land remain desolate due to harsh climate. a. inaccessible b. immature c. dry d. barren 5. The Salk vaccine is a major factor in the fight to eradicate polio. a. completely destroy b. carefully disguise c. sustain d. contain 6. The largest concentrations of iron ore are found in the sedimentary deposits of the earth's crust. a. pieces b. accumulations c. assemblages d. swellings 7. Embroidery depicting scenic views became popular in the United States toward the end of the eighteenth century. a. distorting b. memorizing c. portraying d. emphasizing 8. When the lapwing's nest is threatened, the bird hobbles and pretends to be hurt, luring its enemies away from the nest. a. limps b. screams c. collapses d. escapes 9. A female mantis does not hesitate to devour her own mate if she is hungry. a. ignore b. fight c. consume d. hurt 10. Contemporary hearing aids can be so minuscule that they fit within the frame of a pair of eyeglasses. a. tiny b. light c. decorative d. flexible 11. We are plagued by a thorny question. a. comforted b. relieved c. bothered d. swamped 12. The most surprising feature is that she was such a prolific writer even at an early age. a. agitated b. soaked c. simple d. productive 13. At present they are trying to avoid facing not one but a number of crises with an almost desperate complacency. a. expression b. manner c. self-satisfaction d. complaint 14. Messalina's name has become a byword for notorious behavior. a. a nickname b. an abstraction c. an indication d. an address 15. Although the work needs to be done more exhaustively, efforts have been made to collect the


2019年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇(5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓不过立。中大校园占地 134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不但有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s fa culty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//


历年上海英语翻译中级口译汉译英真题及答案 原文: 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处——既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。 这些人对中文的态度几乎没有完全改变。曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风光,认识丰富的文化遗产。 译文: An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage. 解析: 本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。总体难度一般,以句号结束的句子即可作为一


历年上海英语中级口译翻译英译汉真题及答案 原文: 出自Newsweek Why We Must Fire Bad Teachers The relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation’s future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations. For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements. Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not. 我们为什么必须叫停“不称职”的老师?


2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题答案 Section I Use of English (10 points) 1-5. CBACB 6-10. ADADB 11-15. CADCD 16-20. BCDAB Section II Reading Comprehension (60 points) Part A (40 points) 21-25. CBACB 26-30. CDADB 31-35. ACDDA 36-40. BDABC Part B (10 points) 41-45. ECGFB Part C (10 points) 46. 电视是创造和传递感情的手段之一。也许在此之前,就加强不同的民族和国家之间的联系而言,电视还从来没有像在最近的欧洲事件中起过如此大的作用。 47. 多媒体集团在欧洲就像在其他地方一样越来越成功了。这些集团把相互关系密切的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社整合到了一起。 48. 仅这一点就表明在电视行业不是一个容易生存的领域。这个事实通过统计数字一目了然,统计表明在80家欧洲电视网中1989年出现亏损的不少于50%。 49. 创造一个尊重不同文化和传统的“欧洲统一体”绝非易事,需要战略性选择。正是这些文化和传统组成了连接欧洲大陆的纽带。 50. 在应付一个如此规模的挑战过程中,我们可以毫不夸张地说,“团结,我们就会站起来;分裂,我们就会倒下去。” Section Ⅲ Writing (30 points) Part A (10 points) A Letter, to Quit Jun 22, 2005 Dear Mr. Wang, First of all, please allow me to express my deep sorry to you for my resignation. I do know that this will bring about much trouble to you so that I write to you for my explanation. I decided to quit for some reasons as follows. To begin with, the job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions is not suitable to me. What’s more, I’m preparing for another degree and I prefer to further my study. Again, I apologize for my resignation to you! I am looking forward to your early reply.



1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students

16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于她打算扩店,她开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代


中级口译历年真题--翻译篇 2012年春季(3月) 英译汉原文: When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960′s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it we re the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 英译汉参考译文: 我年轻的时候,有本非常好的杂志《全球目录》,这是我们那代人的“圣经”之一。杂志的创办人是斯图尔特·布兰德,创办地是在离这里不远的门罗公园,他赋予了这本杂志诗一样的美感。六十年代后期,个人电脑和桌面排版尚未出现,所以这本杂志完全利用打字机、剪刀、偏光镜来完成,有点像平装本的谷歌,却出现在谷歌问世三十五年前。这本杂志充满了理想色彩,充满了整齐利落的工具、不同寻常的见解。 斯图尔特和他的团队出版了几期《全球目录》,在它完成使命后,他们出版了最后一期杂志。那是在七十年代中期,那时我和你们的年龄相仿。杂志最后一期的封底上是张清晨的乡村公路的照片,那样的路,如果你有些冒险精神,可能会一路搭车走过。照片下面有两句话:“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,这是他们停刊的告别语,“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,我总是以此鼓励自己。现在,当你们即将毕业踏上新的旅程,我给予你们同样的期望。 翻译评析: 这篇短文取自于乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲。语言比较口语化,词汇不难。因为是演讲类短文,所以考生在翻译的时候大可以顺序驱动。节选的这个短文有几处的词汇和短语大家可以注意下: poetic:充满诗情画意的 idealistic: 理想主义的 run his course: 完成使命 hitchhiking: 搭乘 sign off: 停止签发,停止 汉译英: 吸烟之危害,可谓大矣,其严重性是不能低估的。吸烟污染空气,损害健康,使肺癌发病率大大增加。为了使各国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织已将每年的5月31日定为“世界无烟日”。 瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个时辰不抽烟就难捱了,不能戒。只要真正意识到吸烟有百害而无一利,于人于己都是一种祸害,就有可能下决心摆脱烟草的诱惑。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。 参考译文: Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has defined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day. The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as well


Unit 2-1 Greetings at the Airport A: Excuse me, sir. Is this Prof. Tallack from London? B:Yes, I'm George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. You must be Mis Dai, if I'm not mistaken. A: Group. I have been expecting you, Prof. Tallack. B: Thank you for coming to meet me at the airport. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports. A: I'm very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown. This is indeed a first-class international airport, as everybody says so. You're welcome. We're very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip. We're very grateful that give us advice. B: I've long been expecting to learn about the famous Haitong Group. I really appreciate this opportunity, which is also an opportunity for me to learn about Chinese enterprises at a close distance. A: How was the trip? It must be very tiring, flying for more than10 hours. B:Not too bad. But we were later than expected. Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm. We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up. But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service, of course. A: Well, you must be very tired after the long trip, and you have to get over the jet-lag. We have got all the luggage, haven't we? Let's drive directly to the hotel.2-1 机场迎宾 A: 先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗? B: 是的,我是伦敦大学亚非学院的乔治·泰莱克。我要是没认错的话,您一定是戴小姐? A: 是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我一直在此恭候您的到来。B: 谢谢您来机场接我。这个机场太美了,绝对是顶尖的国际机场。 A: 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。人人都说这是个一流的现代化国际机场。欢迎,欢迎。我们非常高兴您能成行啊,非常感激您不辞辛劳,在百忙中抽空来我海通指导。 B: 我一直希望能真正了解赫赫有名的“海通集团”,你们也给了我近距离了解中国企业的机会,我感激不尽。 A: 一路可好?十几个小时的飞行很辛苦啊。 B: 还可以,但班机延误了,下了暴雨,我们只得在机场等了几个小时,天气转好后才起飞。但飞行途中的天气还不错,服务也很好。 A: 嗯,长途旅行之后您一定很累了,你还得倒时差呢。行李都齐了,我们直接回宾馆吧。
