






1. Every evening my daughter plays ______ piano for an hour.

A. the

B. a

C. /

D. an

2. Your gloves should be made ______ leather, for they feel soft and smooth.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. of

3. --Could you give me a few ______ on how to spend the coming summer holiday?

--OK. Let me see.

A. hobbies

B. knowledge

C. suggestions

D. information

4. –Is Mike coming to the fashion show tomorrow? --I’m not sure. He ______ not come.

A. must

B. can

C. may

D. should

5. Our head teacher often says, ―You will not pass the exam ______ you work hard.

A. if

B. unless

C. since

D. when

6. –Have you heard that Lin Tao saved his neighbor from a big fire last night?

--Yes. ______ brave young man he is!

A. How

B. How a

C. What

D. What a

7. My grandparents ______ for over 60 years and they love each other very much.

A. have been married

B. got married

C. were married

D. have got married

8. Daniel is ______ his twin brother. They are both 1.75 metres tall.

A. taller than

B. shorter than

C. as tall as

D. so tall as

9. Andrew once tried to ______ a brighter light in his bedroom, but he failed in the end.

A. put in

B. put on

C. put out

D. put up

10. –Doctor, what’s wrong with me?

-- ______ serious. You have just got a cold.

A. Something

B. Nothing

C. Everything

D. Anything

11. The girl students are discussing ______ the walls in the classroom.

A. what to paint color

B. to paint what color

C. which color to paint

D. to paint which color

12. –I don’t like horror films. They’re terrible. --_______.

A. Either I do.

B. Neither I do.

C. Either do I.

D. Neither do I.

13. –We can invite Nick and Paul to Shanghai Disneyland with us.

--______I’ll give them a call right now.

A. Why not?

B. What for?

C. Of course not.

D. Not at all.

14. –Mum, ______ of my classmates ______ glasses.

--Oh, my god. You need to protect your eyes well.

A. three-fourths; wears

B. three-fourth; wear

C. three-fourth; wears

D. three-fourths; wear

15. –Helen, could you tell me ______ living in the countryside?

--Perhaps next weekend.

A. why you will visit your granny

B. when will you visit your granny

C. when you will visit your granny

D. why will you visit your granny



On the day of the interview, I got up at 6:00 in the morning. I got to the interview place without h aving 16 . I was the 24th interviewer(应聘者)

and the 22nd was a short ordinary-looking girl. I greeted her by 17 my head. I asked her where she graduated. She told me in a low 18 , ― I graduated from a junior college, the only one with out getting a bachelor’s degree (学士学位)among the 50 interviewees.‖

I didn’t 19 the interview would last so long. As I didn’

t have breakfast, my stomach started to ache. I had to sit by the table for a 20 . Just at that time, the girl asked me 21 happened. I told her, ―I didn’

t have breakfast this morning, so my 22 comes to me.‖

After a while, a worker came in and 23 me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread. It was certain t hat they were bought by the girl. I felt 24 all over my heart because I hadn’

t imagined she would be so nice to help me –her rival(竞争对手).

Luckily, I got the job. The first day I went to work, I was 25 to see the girl there. She also got the job. Later I asked her why she got the job. She said 26 a smile. ―

That day when I bought you the 27 , an interviewer went to the toilet with papers in hands. He asked me 28 I could help him to copy those papers while he was in the toilet. I helped him. Afte r I came back to him, he asked me why I took the food in hands. I told his the 29 . Then I got the job.‖ At that moment, I came to know that when the girl helped me and the interviewer, she als o helped 30 .

Helping others will benefit yourself as well.

16. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner

17. A. shaking B. nodding C. raising D. hanging

18. A. point B. level C. sound D. voice

19. A. want B. understand C. Expect D. accept

20. A. rest B. sleep C. test D. talk

21. A. which B. how C. what D. when

22. A. headache B. heartache C. toothache D. stomachache

23. A. handed B. showed C. sent D. bought

24. A. cold B. warm C. nervous D. calm

25. A. frightened B. surprised C. disappointed D. interested

26. A. at B. from C. with D. in

27. A. bread B. milk C. water D. food

28. A. whether B. when C. where D. how

29. A. result B. secret C. method D. truth

30. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself



A Mother’s Day is a celebration in memory of mothers. It celebrates the importance of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, mostly in March, April or Ma y. Let’s see how different people celebrate their Mother’s Day.

Mexico (May 10) Children make gifts and give them to their mums on Mother’s Eve (May 9). On t he morning of May 10, families make a special trip to church and eat tamales(玉米

饼), sometimes filled with meat, cheese or vegetables. South Africa (Second Sunday of May) Besides giving mums Mother’s Day cards, people show their thanks for their mothers by wearing red and pink flowers called carnations. If their mothers have passed away, they wear white carnat ions. United Kingdom (Fourth Sunday of Lent(大斋

期)) Mother’s Day is a traditional day for people to visit their hometown and attend their home churches. People also bake(烘焙)special fruitcakes to give to their mums.

Indonesia (December 22) People throw big parties for their mums, filled with fun activities

–such as cooking competitions and kebaya

–wearing competitions! (A kebaya is a traditional blouse and skirt.)

31. Why do people celebrate Mother’s Day according to the passage?

A. To bake fruitcakes for their mums.

B. To wear red and pink carnations.

C. To take parit in wearing competitions.

D. To celebrate the importance of mums.

32. Celebrating Mother’

s Day has something to do with food in the following countries EXCEPT ______.

A. Mexico

B. South Africa

C. United Kingdom

D. Indonesia

33. The underlined word ―throw‖ in the last paragraph means ______.

A. organize

B. send

C. ask

D. move

B Since May 12, a computer virus named WannaCry has infected(感染)

more than 300,000 computers in over 150 countries, according to Reuters.

WannaCry is spread by using a weakness in Microsoft’

s Windows operating system. Once the virus gets into the computer, it locks all the papers and as ks the user for money to unlock them. At first, it asks for $300, but if the user doesn’

t send the money in 72 hours, the price doubled, Papers are locked forever if the user doesn’

t pay in seven days.

The virus has brought had results. For example, in the UK, the virus left the country’

s National Health Service in a mess. Some hospitals had to cancel patient appointments(预约), reported The Telegraph. In China, the virus has hit thousands of computers, according to Qi hoo 360. One of the most hard-hit groups in Qiu were university users. Many students’ graduati on papers were locked. They felt nervous and frightened. Also many gas stations were seriously hi t, and the payment system didn’t work.

WanaCry is the latest example of the cyber security(网络安全)

problem. Matthew Hickey(who set up the security company Hacker House) said, ―

The attack is not surprising. It shows that many organizations do not use updates(更新)

fast enough.‖ According to a survey, nearly half of the people said, ― We are not satisfied with t he way software updates work.‖

As China Daily wrote, ―

We can’ completely protect our computers against these kinds of viruses, as this cat and mouse game will continue forever. The best choice formost users is to take care online and always install (安装)software updates.‖

34. If your papers are locked by WannaCry, how much do you need to pay to unlock them at first?

A. $ 150.

B. $ 300.

C. $ 450.

D. $ 600.

35. According to the passage, the writer shows the bad results by ______.

A. giving reasons

B. giving examples

C. comparing computers

D. comparing number

36. From the last two paragraphs, we can know that _____.

A. Matthew Hickey thinks the attack on computers is very surprising

B. all the people are pleased with the way software update work

C. the computers can be completely protected against these viruses

D. we should take care online and update software fast enough


Emily and Anne did know, of course. They had known about Charlotte’

s book for a long time. Jane Eyre was not the first book that Charlotte had sent to a publisher. Ove r a year ago she had written another book, The Professor, and sent it to one publisher after anoth er. Each publisher had sent it back, in a packet addressed to Currer Bell. And then Charlotte had s ent it, in the same old packet, to another publisher, and then another, and got it back again.

―Why didn’t you change the paper on the packet, my dear?‖ I asked. Charlotte smiled. ―

I didn’

t think of it, papa. The worst day was when we were Manchester, going to the eye doctor. Do you remember? The packet came back then. That was the day before I started writing Jane Eyre.‖

Do you mean that you started writing Jane Eyre while I was lying in the dark room in Manchester?‖

―That’s right, papa.‖

―But that’s only six months ago, and here is the book in my hand!‖

―Yes, papa. The book was printed a month later after I sent it to the publisher.‖―

My dear! They decided very quickly that they liked it, then!‖―

I think they did, papa. After all, it is a good book, isn’t it?‖

She smiled at me. I don’

t think I have ever seen her so happy. She is a very small person. Charlotte, and not a beautiful w oman, but when she smiles like that, her face shines like a fine painting. My wife used to look like that sometimes when I first met her.

I took her hand in mine. ―It is a very good book, my dear. I cannot tell you how proud I am.‖She touched my hand. ―

Thank you, papa. But you must not be proud of me alone. You know, another two of your daught ers—Anne and Emily…‖

―Oh, no, Charlotte, please!‖ Emily said.

But Charlotte did not stop. ―

Anne and Emily have written good books too, and their books will soon be published as well! Let me introduce them to you, papa. These young ladies—Anne and Emily, are ―

not‖ your daughters—

they are separately Acton Bell and Ellis Bell, brothers of the famous writer Currer Bell!‖Emily’s face was bright red, but Anne and Charlotte started laughing. I was very surprised.

―All three of you!‖ I said. ―But—but why do you use these strange names?‖―

Because people are stupid, papa.‖ Anne said. ―

No one thinks women can write good books, so we have used men’

s names. And now they say that Currer Bell is a writer who understands women very well!‖ She l aughed again. 37. Why didn’t Charlotte change the paper on the packet?

A. Because she hated to change the paper.

B. Because she liked the paper very much.

C. Because she had no money to buy the paper.

D. Because she didn’

t think of changing the paper.

38. Which is the right time order of what happened in the story? a. The book Jane Eyre was publis hed.

b. Charlotte wrote a book named The Professor.

c. Charlotte wrote a book named Jane Eyre.

d. Th e family went to the eye doctor in Manchester.

e. The books by Charlotte’

s sisters would be published. A. b→e→d→c→a B. e→a→b→d→c C. b→d→c→a→e D. e→b→c→a→d

39. To make their books published, Charlotte, Emily and Anne used men’

s names, which are separately ______.

A. Currer Bell, Ellis Bell and Acton Bell

B. Currer Bell, Acton Bell and Ellis Bell

C. Ellis Bell, Acton B ell and Currer Bell

D. Acton Bell, Ellis Bell and Currer Bell

40. Which is the best title for the story?

A. Big surprise from daughters

B. Advice from Father

C. Big surprise from sons

D. Advice from publishers




41. There is a ▲(刀)and some pens on Wang Jun’

s desk. 42. Drivers should drive more slowly on ▲(有雨的)

days. 43. Audrey Hepburn is a ▲(天生的)

actress. She is world famous. 44. Most people in China couldn’t ▲(买得起)

cars twenty years ago. 45. With the opening of the two-child policy, the ▲(人口)

of China will become larger.

46. Armstrong and Aldrin collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for ▲(进一步的)research.

47. Mary doesn’t like singing. She likes dancing i ▲ .

48. Please pass my glasses to me. I can’t see the blackboard c ▲ .

49. Bob is an ▲ (never tell lies) boy, and we all trust him.

50. I will send you a text message when I ▲ (arrive at) the hotel. B) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

51. I lelt my dictionary at home. Can I borrow ▲ (you)?

52. We will report these ▲ (hero). They are the pride of our country.

53. Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels ▲ (sleep).

54. The boy has promised ▲ (not play) computer games again.

55. I ▲ (wash) the dishes while my sister was sweeping the floor.

56. I think Mr. Zhang is ▲ (strict) of all the teachers in our school.

57. Millie spends about two hours ▲ (finish) her homework every day.

58. My washing machine doesn’t work, so I will have it ▲ (repair).

59. The old car ▲ (produce) in Germany in the 1960s.

60. Many teenagers would rather ▲ (stay) at home alone than go out with their parents at we ekends.


61. 坚持努力学习,你将会梦想成真。 Keep studying hard, and your dream will ▲ .

62. 他喜欢音乐,尤其对流行音乐着迷。 He likes music. Especially he ▲ pop music.

63. 陆毅在《人民的名义》这部电视剧中扮演主角。

Lu Yi ▲ in the TV series called In the Name of People.

64. 记得毕业后要与你的老师和同学们保持联系。

Remember to ▲ your teachers and classmates after you leave school.


The desk ▲ too much space in my bedroom, so I will move it away.


We live in a world full of many different kinds of people. We want to get along well with others. We also want to be liked by others, The following ways will makeothers like you.

Do This and You’ll Be Welcome Anywhere

Become really interested in other people. A show of interest must be true. It must bring good res ults to the person showing the interest, but also to the person receiving the attention. It is a two-way street—both of you get an advantage.

A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression(印象)

Smile as often as possible. Your smile is a sign of kindness. When someone feels stressed from his or her teachers or parents, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds, your smile can help him or her realize that all is hopeful—that there is still joy in the world.

If You Don’t Do This, You Are Getting into Trouble

Remember a person’s name. A person’

s name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any language. We should realize the ma gic in a name. The name makes the person different from others; it makes him or her special amo ng all others. If you remember a person’

s name, the relationship between both of you will become much closer.

An Easy Way to Become a Good Talker

Be a careful listener first. Ask questions that other persons will like to answer. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their achievements. What you need to do is just to listen, because peo

Your show of interest must be true. It must (68) ▲ good

results to both of you.

You ask questions that others enjoy (74) ▲ . They are (7

5) ▲ to talk about themselves and their achievements.








4.公交车上主动给有需要的人让座;……(自主发挥,至少两点)参考词汇:文明的civilized 遵守obey 注意事项:



Since creating the civilized city and countryside, all the people in Suqian have made joint efforts. Their good behavior can be seen everywhere.

As junior students,


1-10 A D C C B D A C A B 11-15 C D A D C 16- 20 A B D C A 21-30 C D A B B C D A D C 31-40 D




41.knife 42. rainy 43. born 44. afford 45. population 46. further 47. instead 48.clearly 49. ho nest 50. reach 51. yours 52. heroes 53. sleepy 54. not to play 55. was washing 56. the strictest 57. (in) finishing 58. repaired 59. was produced 60. stay 61. come true / be realized / be achiev ed / become true 62. is crazy about

63. plays/played a / the lead role 64. keep / stay / be in touch with 65. takes up

66. Ways/How 67. interested 68. bring 69. kindness 70. realize /think /feel /consider / understa nd / aware

71. different 72. language 73. carefully / attentively 74. answering 75. encouraged

七、书面表达 One possible version:

Since creating the civilized city and countryside, all the people in Suqian have made joint effort s. Their good behavior can be seen everywhere.

As junior students, we have also made some contributions to the civilized Suqian. For example, to protect our environment, we plant flowers and trees. Also, for our own and others’ safety, we o bey the traffic rules and never run red lights. In addition, we no longer talk or laugh loudly in publ ic. What’s more, when on a bus, we actively give our seats to the people in need.

Besides, we have formed a good habit or throwing rubbish into a dustbin, neverlittering anywher

e. Furthermore, we are accustomed to queuing up for tickets or something else.

All in all, we will try our best to do what we can to make ourselves and Suqian city more civilized.


江苏省宿迁市2012年初中毕业暨升学考试 英语 答题注意事项 1.本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至7页,第二卷8-10页。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。 2. 答案全部答在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 答选择题时使用2B铅笔,把答题卡上对应题号的选项字母涂满、涂黑。如需修改, 要用绘图橡皮轻擦干净后再选涂其它选项。 4. 答非选择题使用0.5mm黑色签字笔,在答题卡上对应题号的答题区域书写答案。注 意不要答错位置,也不要超界。 第一卷(选择题,共65分) 一、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I often have _______ egg and a glass of milk for _______ breakfast every day. A. an; / B. a; / C. an; the D. a; the 2. Look at the national flags below. Which represents China? A. B. C. D. 3. Peter enjoyed _______ at his birthday party last night. A. he B. him C. himself D. his 4. —The charity walk begins _______ 9.00 a.m. Don’t be late. —No problem. A. in B. at C. on D. to 5. Mr Wu always spends a lot of time explaining things to us. He is so _______. A. cool B. patient C. selfish D. unfair 6. —There is ______ milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home. —All right. A. much B. many C. little D. few 7. Our school is so famous that _______ people come and visit it every term. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of 8. —Where can I buy some books, Simon? —Go to the _______ in the shopping mall in Old Street. You will find many books there. A. restaurant B. bookshop C. cinema D. library 9. —_______ do you go to school every day? —By bus. A. How B. Why C. Where D. When 10. —Allen, your bedroom is in a mess. —Sorry, Mum. I’ll ______ my things at once. A. put on B. put away C. put out D. put up 11. —Jack, is there ______ in today’s newspaper?


注意事项: 1.本试卷包含第I卷选择题(第1-45题)、第II卷非选择题(第46-80题及书面表达题)两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分。试卷形式为闭卷。 2.本试卷共8页,在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后再开始答题。 3.所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内,注意题号必须对应,否则不给分。 4.答题前,务必将姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 第I卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 I. The Yangko Dance is ________ traditional Chinese folk dance created by the farmers. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Work hard. _______ you'll have a big success. A. or B. but C. and D. yet 3. We should protect the earth because it is ______ home. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 4. Please give me some ______ on how to spend the coming weekend. A. space B. advice C. praise

D. courage 5. -- ______ do you plan to buy? -- I haven't made up my mind. I'll just look around. A. who B. How C. why D. What 6. President Xi said that people in the world should build a community ________ a shared future. A. to B. at C. with D. from 7.--What's ______ time you're willing to wait for Waimai food? -- Ten minutes at most. A. long B. longer C. the longer D. the longest 8. -- Which sport do you like better, skiing or skating? -- Both. I think ______ of them is interesting. A. either B. none C. neither D. all 9. These new types of energy cost very little and will never ______. A. look out B. come out C. run out D. stay out


英语试题 姓名: 一.选择题(每小题1分,共30分) ( )1. Yesterday _____ 8-year-old boy fell into the river. _____ boy was saved by _____ policeman. A. an, A, a B. an, The, a C. a, The, the ( )2. His home-made cookies look good but taste _______. A. sweet B. well C. terrible ( )3. —Do you know what the word “cool” means? —Of course. It by young people so often these years. A. uses B. is used C. was used D. is using ( )4. Supermarkets are necessary. People usually spend______ time finding things they want, but they usually spend______ money than they want. A. less; less B. fewer; less C. less; more ( )5. Mr. White ______ China for two years. A. has come B. has been in C. came to ( )6. The beautiful music made the kids __.They began to dance to it. A. boring B. bored C. excited ( )7. —____ is your school from Xiu Shan Park? —Not very far. It’s about twenty minutes’ riding. A. How long B. How often C. How far ( )8. Today the forests have almost gone. People must _____down too many trees. A.be stopped from cutting B. stop from cutting C. be stopped to cut ( )9. To be honest, I won’t tell him unless he _________ me. A. asked B. asks C. will ask ( )10. My sister would rather ____at home reading books than _____ on National Day. A. to stay; to travel B. stay; travel C. stay; traveling ( )11. —May we leave the classroom now? —No, you ______. You _______ to leave until the bell rings. A. needn’t; aren’t allowed B. can’t; aren’t supposed C. mustn’t; are allowed ( )12.I find ___ impossible to master a language without much practice. A. this B. that C. it ( )13. You can_____ the new words in the dictionary if you have problems. A. look for B. look over C. look up ( )14. —Did you see him yesterday? —No, when I got to the airport, he a taxi for home. A. has taken B. had taken C. will take ( )15. You look too tired. Why not ______ a rest? A. stop to have B. to stop having C. stop having ( )16.This story talks about a king ____ is called Arthur. A. what B. that C. he ( )17. My grandfather used to__ in the country, so he isn’t used to__ in the cit A. living, live B. living, living C. live, living ( )18. Bob asked his sister ______ . A. where did she put his ticket B. where she put his ticket C.where she puts his ticket ( )19. —I couldn’t get any tickets for the basketball game . —__________. A. What a pity! B. That’s all right. C. All right. ( )20. This interesting book only __ me ten yuan and I __ ten month reading it. A. cost, spent B. spent, costs C. cost, spend ( )21.He knows little about the city as if he _______ there so far. A. isn't B. weren't C . hadn't been ( )22.If you want to get good scores, you should pay attention your teacher in class. A. to B. of C. on ( )23.The boy kept asking silly questions until my patience finally_______and turned a deaf ear to him. A. ran over B. ran away C. ran out ( )24._____other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is _____ student. A. Compared with, a most satisfied B. Compared to, the most satisfied C. Compared with, a more satisfying ( )25. —Did you find your watch yesterday? —No, I didn't find _________, but I've bought _________. A. it, it B. one, one C. it, one ( )26._______ the boy failed many times, he’ll try again. A. As if B. Because C. When D. Even though ( )27.I always go to sleep ___________ the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and ( )28.On April 14 ,2010,a serious earthquake happened in Yushu. More than 2000 people in it. 1


盐城市二0一五年初中毕业与升学考试 英语试卷 注意事项: 1. 本试卷包含第Ⅰ卷选择题(第1-45题) 、第Ⅱ卷非选择题(第46-80题及书面表达题) 两部 分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分,考试形式为闭卷。 2. 本试卷共8页,在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后再开始答题。 3. 所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内,注意题号必须对应,否则不给分。 4. 答题前,务必将姓名,准考证号用毫米黑色签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. TFBOYS' songs ____ sweet and many of us like listening to them. A. sound B. feel C. taste D. look 2. --Do you have any plans for this summer vacation? --I'm not sure. I ___ take a trip to Taiwan. A. must B. need C. may D. should 3. Daniel, ___ play with the mobile phone while you're walking in the street. A. don't B. doesn't C. won't D. can't 4. This photo reminded the old man ___ the days when he was young. A. with B. for C. by D. of 5. ___ great fun we had in Yandu Park last Sunday! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a 6. The librarian told me that I could ___ these magazines for three days. A. borrow B. buy C. keep D. return 7. Don't go out ___ the rain stops. Otherwise, you'll get wet! A. after B. since C. when D. until 8. --Wow, so many new buildings! But it used to be a poor village. --Yes, ___ has changed in our hometown. A. Nothing B. Nobody C. Everything D. Everybody 9. Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was ___ to take on challenges in her life. A. enough brave B. brave enough C. stupid enough D. enough stupid 10. With the development of modern industry, there will be ___ living space for wild animals. A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. more and more D. bigger and bigger 11. Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible because practice ___ perfect. A. becomes B. became C. will make D. makes 12. Sherlock Holmes asked the suspect what he ___ when the murder took place. A. was doing B. has done C. is doing D. would do


初中英语中考题例专项练习(名词) 一、中考题例 ( )1. Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in _______ . A. two days’ time B. two-days time C. two day’s time D. two days time ( )2. –Are there any _______ on the farm –Yes, there are some. A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep ( )3. This is _______ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne’s and Jane’s C. Anne’s and Jane D. Anne and Jane’s ( )4. When we see dark _______ in the sky, we know that rain may come soon. A. stars B. planes C. clouds D. things ( )5. –What can I do for you, sir –I’d like two _______ . A. bottle of orange juice B. bottle of oranges juice C. bottles of orange juice D. bottles of oranges juice ( )6. Today is September 10th. It is _______ Day. A. Teachers B. Teachers’ C. the Teachers’ D. Teacher’s ( )7. –Would you like something to drink, _______ or coffee –Coffee, please. A. fruit B. tea C. meat D. bread ( )8. –Would you like _______ –Thank you. I’m not thirsty. A. some bread B. some juice C. any bread D. any juice ( )9. On _______ Day the boys and girls had a good time. A. Children B. Children’s C. Childre nes D. Childrens ( )10. There are three _______ in my family. A. people B. person C. peoples D. child ( )11. I have two _______ in my pencil box. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knife ( )12. –What can we call her –Her full name is Lucy Marion King, we can call her _______. A. Miss Lucy B. Miss King C. Miss Marion D. Miss Lucy Marion ( )13. –Is it an animal –Right, it’s a _______ of the cat family. A. kind B. number C. member D. piece ( )14. Jack is now in _______ . A. the three grade B. Grade Third C. Grade Three ( )15. It’s _______ ride from my home to the factory. A. two hours and half’s B. two and half hours’ C. two and a half hours’ D. two hour and a half’s ( )16. Most students can go to college for further _______ in our city. A. education B. information C. technology D. science ( )17. The TV _______ on Channel Five are about sports A. experiences B. performances C. programs D. problems ( )18. Yang Liwei, the first spaceman in China, is the _______ of Chinese people. A. proud B. prides C. proudest D. pride ( )19. What’s wrong with my son’s _______ He can’t see things clearly. A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose ( )20. There are few _____ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbage. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs 二、单项选择 ( )1. How wonderful! The _______ is made of _______ . A. house, glass B. house, glasses C. houses, glass D. houses, glasses ( )2. –Which of the following animals lives only in China –The _______. A. monkey B. elephant C. panda D. cat ( )3. There are twelve _______ in a year. A. month B. monthes C. months D. the month ( )4. How many _______ are there in your family A. people B. a people C. the people D. the peoples ( )5. Several ___ are chatting under the trees. But their___ are playing on the playground. A. women, children B. women , childs


初中英语代词中考真题练习题 【人称代词主格】 1. My father is a worker. _____ is very ? kind. A. He B. She C. His D. It 2. -- Pard on please. Whom did you ask to finish the task? — _____ Y ou have other things to do. A. They B. Them C. Theirs D. Themselves 【人称代词宾格】 1. — Our En glish teacher will work for 2017 BRICS Summit ( 金砖峰会)this September. —Great! I am so proud of ______ . A.she B. her C. hers 2.Some childre n in the villages must look after __ A.them B.their C.theirs Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is look ing for A. it B. him C. them 9. Every one makes mistakes in life. The key is not to repeat A. it B. this C. that 1. Each time I listen to Erquan Yingyue, a picture of ____ sad beauty appears in my mind. A.it B.its C.it ' D.itself 2. 一 Excuse me, what ' s your name? 一 _____ n ame is Betty. A. My B. His C. Her D. Your 3. Tom is ___ best friend and I ofte n help ______ w ith his En glish. A.my; him B.I ;he C.my; he D.mi ne;his 4. We Chin ese people are proud of ______ c oun try. A. we B. us C. our D. ours because their pare nts work in the cities. D.themselves. Jim . 3. H is n ame is James, but he usually calls __ A. he B. him C. his 4. — How do you like the famous actor, Jack Chen? —Won derful! I like ____ very much. B. his C. him D. himself A. he D. himself 5.Miss Zhang teachers __ A.our B.we En glish .She is very strict. https://www.360docs.net/doc/996609886.html, D.ours. 6. Tha nks for in vit ing A.we B.they 7. - Who's that young man ? -Don't you know _____ ? to your food festival .We really enjoyed ourselves. C.them https://www.360docs.net/doc/996609886.html, He is Song Zhongji, a famous actor .. A . him B . his C . her 8. The headmaster in troduced A. we B. us to the Germa n visitors before the welcome party. C. our D. ours now. aga in. D. them


【真题】XX年宿迁市中考英语试卷(Word版 带答案) 江苏省宿迁市XX年中考英语试题 卷 一、单项选择 从A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Thereillbe______talongoodannersattheschoolhallthisa fternoon. A.the B.anc.aD./ TheDragonBoatFestivalfalls_________ayorjuneeveryyea r. A.in B.onc.atD.beteen ----Excusee,Iantsoeboos,butIcantfindabooshophere. ----Ino_________onyayhoe.eithe,please. A.thisBonec.ItD.that uei,ayoungartist,hasreceivedhigh_________frotheartu

nityforthissculptures A.pride B.praisec.proiseD.progress ---_____doyouvisityourgrandparents,Tiy? ---onceaee. A.Hoany B.Holongc.HouchD.Hooften --Isajohnintheparthisorning --It_____behi.HehasgonetoHongong. A.can’t https://www.360docs.net/doc/996609886.html,tn’https://www.360docs.net/doc/996609886.html,t Thelocalguidespoe______shecouldtoaethevisitorsunder standher. A.asclearas B.asclearlyasc.soclearasD.soclearlyas Liuchangjian,theandpilotofSichuanAirlinesFlight3U86 33,successfullydontheplanelastonth. AhasbroughtB.illbringc.broughtD.bring Theanagerofthehotelasaitingatthegate_______theguest sarrived. A.hile B.henc.unlessD.after 0.---It’


江苏省盐城市2017 年初中毕业与升学考试 英语试题 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. _____ April 1 China announced that it would build the Xiongan New Area in Hebei province. A. On B. In C. At D. To 【答案】A 【解析】考查介词。句意:四月 1 号,中国宣布将在河北建造一个雄安新区。April ,四月,在月份前介词要用on,故选A。 2. Jackie Chan won an Oscar after ____ 56-year-long career in the film industry. A. he B. his C. him D. himself 【答案】B 【解析】考察代词。句意:在成龙52年的电影职业生涯中, 他获得了奥斯卡奖。这里表示“他的职业生涯” , 用his,故选B。 3. ____ fine weather it is! Let 's go on a picnic! A. What a B. what C. How D. How a 【答案】B 【解析】考查感叹句。句意:多么好的天气啊!让我们去野餐吧!首先, weather 为不可数名词,前面不能 加不定冠词,故排除A、D。感叹句有两种,一种是用what引导,修饰名词,格式为what+(a/an)+形容词+ 名词+主语+谓语+其它成份;how引导的感叹句主要修饰形容词或副词,格式为How+形容词(或副词)+ 主语+谓语+其它成份。这里是对天气进行感叹,是名词,故选B。 4. When a virus comes into our body, we get ill. The same thing ____ also happen to a computer. A. should B. need C. can D. must 【答案】C 【解析】考查情态动词。句意:当病毒入侵我们的身体,我们就会生病,同样的事也会发生在电脑身上。A should应该;B need需要;B can 能; D must。这里表示"能、可以”,故选C。


初中英语中考题例专项练习(名词)一、中考题例 () 1. ___________________________________________ " Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in ______ . A. two days ' time B. two-days time C. two day ' s time D. two days time() 2. " -\re there any ____ on the farm?-

B. planes C. clouds D. things () 5. " -What can I do for you, sir?- I ' d like two ___ . A. bottle of orange juice B. bottle of oranges juice C. bottles of orange juice D. bottles of oranges juice () 6. " Today is September 10th . It is __ Day. A. Teachers B. Teachers ' C. the Teachers ' D. Teacher ' s() 7. "-Would you like something to drink, __ or coffee? -Coffee, please. A. fruit B. tea C. meat D. bread ()


2010年九年级英语中考单项选择专项训练 2010-04-29 07:44:56| 分类:英语试题集锦 |字号大中小订阅 1. English _____ in many countries, but Chinese ______ their own language. A. is spoken, speaks B. speaks, is spoken C. is spoken, speak D. is spoken, is spoken 2. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A. catch up with B. get on well with C. agree with D. make friend with 3. —What would you do _____broken eggs?—I would ask my parents to pay for them____ me. A.about;to B.for;to C.like;to D.with;for 4. A third of the population of the city _____ their own cars. A, has B. have C. had D. is 5. --- How do you like this TV play? --- _________ A. It’s wonderful B. What about you? C. Yes, I like it D. No, I don’t like it at all 6. --- Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she ? --- ______. She teaches English in a middle school. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is 7. --- When shall we meet again, this afternoon or tonight? --- I don’t mind. _______ time is OK. A. Either B. Every C. Neither D. Both 8.Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' 9. --- Tom and Jack? I didn’t believe they could do the work. --- ________, but they really did it well. A. So did I B. So I didn’t C. Neither did I D. Me too 10. The conductor kept _______ hot water to us. A. give B. bring C. taking D. giving 11. --- Where do you think _________ he __________ the TV set? --- Sorry. I have no idea. A. /, bought B. has, bought C. did, buy D. did, bought 12. --- Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who ____ is be? Is it Wei Fang?


初三年级检测英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15题,每小题1分,计15分) ( ) 1. —What is Tom going to ______ us about? —His school life. A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak ( ) 2. My cousin lives 500 metres ______ my home. A. away B. far away from C. away from D. far away ( ) 3. —I don’t have red shoes for the fashion show. —My elder sister has _______ pair. Would you like to try ________ on? A. one; it B. one; them C. two; them D. a; it ( ) 4. —Hurry up. The bus is coming. —Oh, no. We mustn’t cross the street _______ the traffic lights are green. A. after B. when C. while D. until ( ) 5. ________ great fun it was to see the basketball final yesterday! A. What a B. How a C. How D. What ( ) 6. —How long _______ your father ________ Shanghai? —For two weeks. A. has; been to B. has; gone C. has; been in D. did; go ( ) 7. This website can help you learn and have fun _________. A. at the same time B. from time to time C. at a time D. on time ( ) 8. —Hi, do you know if Tom ________ to my party next week? —I think he will come if he _______ free. A. will come; will be B. will come; is C. come; is D. come; will be ( ) 9. —Mum, could I have a rest now? Everything I need to do is ________. —Really? But you forgot to put your things away. A. doing B. to do C. do D. done ( ) 10. —I’m going to spend my summer vocation with my parents in Hainan Island. —__________. And remember to send me a postcard. A. What a pity! B. Have a nice time. C. It’s a pleasure. D. That’s all right. ( ) 11. —Look! There is a man cutting a tree on the moon. — It ________ be true. The teacher says there are no living things on the moon. A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. must D. may not ( ) 12. _______ documentaries like Tiger Watch have been filmed around the world. A. A number of B. The number of C. A bit of D. A great deal of ( ) 13. I felt so happy that the poor man could live ______ the cold night. A. under B. in C. through D. off ( ) 14. Half-time is a ________ period for the players to rest. A. 20 minutes B. 20-minute C. 20 minute’s D. 20-minutes ( ) 15. —I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. —_______ .They often use them to play games instead. A. I hope so B. I don’t agree C.No problem D. Good idea
