

Unit 1


He is going to make another change of job due to personality conflicts with his supervisor.


She graduated from a little-known business school. She has been working as an assistant accountant with a stable job and good pay. Some of her colleagues with work experience similar to hers were promoted to higher posts, but she doesn’t care.


He’s been working in a big law firm. He is a promising lawyer. But now he is eager to work in a smaller firm with less pressure than in his present working environment.


After graduation, he has tried different jobs. Being a political science major, he was a junior clerk in a government office. But he found the culture in a government office incompatible with his personality. Now he is a salesman in an

investment bank and he is driven at all hours of the day and night by the clients. He wants to change another job and he is at a loss for what to do.

5、每个公司都会有一些职员在某个领域专家你可以依赖, 没有他们不行。

Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on which couldn’t live without.


Team spirit refers to fit well with his colleagues to achieve team goals together.


A sense of urgency means you can act quickly and have the courage to act on their convictions.


Risk tolerance needs you to have demonstrated the ability to make decisions with imperfect or incomplete information.

Unit 2


Chinese cuisine is universally recognized as one of the greatest cuisines of the world, and Chinese restaurants are found scattered everywhere throughout the world.

2. 中菜历经巨大演变,目前主要分为8大菜系。

Chinese cuisine has undergone great changes and there are eight major schools of cuisines.


Sichuan cuisine is tasty and cheap which is famous for its spicy and hot food. Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, the dish West lake Vinegar Fish is delicious and tender. Guangdong Province has a moderate climate and abundant produce. Guangdong cuisine has its own characteristics and refined cooking processes and is particularly famous for various soups. 4. 福州佛跳墙由20多种食料用微火慢煲而成。

The Fujian cuisine, Buddha Jumping over the Wall is prepared with more than 20 main ingredients and cooked over a slow fire.

Unit 4


Children deprived of love have been known to develop psychosomatic difficulties that last a lifetime.


Children who are raised in impersonal environments have

significantly lower IQs.


The quality of care infants receive affects how they get good record in school, how they get along with friends, how they fall in love with others, and how they react to new environment.

Unit 7


Human nature is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built.


A study of history reveals that the people who walked this earth in antiquity were moved by the same fundamental forces, were swayed by the same passions, and had the same aspirations as the men and the women of today. The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change.


One may covet the position of President or King, but would not change places with them unless it meant the continuance of his

own identity.


Each man sees himself as unique, and so far as he is concerned the hub of the universe.


Human nature is ever true to itself, not to systems of faith or education.

Unit 9.

1.大萧条期间, 人们曾经居住拥挤简陋,衣不御寒, 营养不良, 如今虽衣着潇洒,营养过剩,但买房却成为大问题。

The Depression had left the American people“ill-housed, ill-clothed, and ill-nourished.” Americans are well-clothed and increasingly over nourished. But the scarcity of affordable housing is a big problem.

2.过去十年房地产兴旺让之前有房者获得一笔意外之财, 这造成有房与无房者之间差距不断拉大。

The real estate boom of the past decade has produced windfalls for Americans who owned before it began, the gap is growing between the Owns and the Own-Nots.


Affordable housing is now a serious problem for more low and moderate-income Americans than taxes, social security or gas prices.


In 1949, Congress set an official goal of “a decent home and

a suitable living environment for every American family.”


The status quo is that for every one low-income families that receive federal housing assistance, there are three eligible families without it. It is lucky when you get one-nobody wants to give it up.


People reduce their rents by many skimp on health care, food and child care or overcrowding.


The root of the problem is the striking mismatch between the demand for and the supply of housing. The best thing local officials can do is to stop requiring one-acre lots and two-car

garages, and stop blocking low-income and high-density projects.


There is one clear solution: a real estate crash.


Home ownership is often described as the American dream, but these days many people would settle for a decent rental that won’t bankrupt their families.

Unit 10

1.高校在美国处于特殊地位,对教育价值美国有个长期的国家共识。The academy holds a highly privileged place in American society because of a long-standing national consensus about the value of education.


No country spends money for education so lavishly as does the United States. Americans convict that its creative and national security, the robustness of its democratic institutions and its economic prosperity owe to the quality of institutions of higher education.

3.美国对高等教育的信心体现于政府对高校基础研究与应用研究的慷慨投资,也体现于政府投资资助那些供不起学费的学生。American confidence in its institutions of higher education is expressed through the generous investments of the governments in basic and applied research. It is also expressed through the investments of the governments that subsidize the cost of higher education for those who cannot afford to pay.

4.大学并非游离于社会而是社会的一部分. 教师与学者要进出大学寻求让自己专业服务于公众的机会, 追寻创造性工作以便发挥其显微知著远见卓识的才能, 寻找让实验室的发现转变为实用产品的途径.他们培养的学生则以强烈的公民(社会)责任感走入社会.

The academy is of the world, not apart from it. Its scholars and teachers are meant to move in and out of the academy in pursuit of opportunities to use their expertise in public service, in pursuit of creative work that will give us illumination and insight and in pursuit of ways to turn laboratory discoveries into useful things. The students engage the world with a strong sense of civic responsibility.

5.大学努力传授的与其说是学问/知识, 不如说是做学问的精神, 其中包括辨别正确推理的能力, 理解与阐释论据的能力, 具有广泛的观察习惯以及客观评判事物的喜好, 执着于清晰地逻辑性思维, 一种要阐释内涵的本能欲望而不拘泥于文本字面推论, 对知识鉴赏力


What we should seek to impart in our colleges, is not so much learning itself as the spirit of learning. It consists in the power to distinguish good reasoning from bad, in the power to digest and interpret evidence, in the habit of catholic observation and a preference for the non-partisan point of view, in an addiction to clear and logical processes of thought and yet an instinctive desire to interpret rather than to stick to the letter of reasoning, in a taste for knowledge and a deep respect for the integrity of the human mind.





大学各专业名称英文翻译—— 文科方面 ARTS

大学各专业名称英文翻译——文科方面ARTS 澳门历史研究Study of the History of Macao 办公管理Office Management 办公设备运用Using Desktop Publishing in Business 比较管理学Comparative Management 比较诗学Comparative Poetics 比较文化学Comparative Cult urology 比较文学研究Study of Comparative Literature 必修课4-10学分Restricted (4-10 Credits needed) 病理生理学Pathological Physiology 财务报告介绍An Introduction to Financial Accounting Statements 财务报告运用Using Financial Accounting Statements 财务管理学Financial Management 财务会计学Financial Accounting 财务理论与方法Finance Theory & Methods 财政与金融Finance 财政与金融学研究Study of Finance 财政预算Preparing Financial Forecasts 产业经济学Industrial Economics 传统文化与现代化Tradition Culture and Modernization 当代国际关系研究Contemporary International Relations Studies 当代世界发展研究Contemporary World Development Studies 当代中国外交与侨务专题研究Monographic Studies of Diplomacy and Overseas C hinese Affairs of Contemporary China


2018真题回忆: 翻译硕士英语 * 完型 论文摘要一篇: 主要内容:从耻辱感到罪恶感 考核单词、词组、连接词文章理解 * 阅读四篇 第一篇 围绕一个人文主义作家,讲古典文学创作传统的隐晦和强调神的地位受人文主义影响后的变化 第二篇 缺乏封建传统使得美国工人运动乏力 第三篇 美国国会未能降低赤字,作者对两党的批评 第四篇 翻译起源于对希腊语和拉丁语的教学,这一传统对后来研究的阻碍作用 * 排序五题 茶叶党的文化特征和对宪法的不坚定性 一个已给出,一个多余 * 作文 交际翻译和语义翻译哪个更好 翻译 *词条 1. 举债融资 2. 产能 3. 淡季 4. 京津冀一体化 5. 动车 6. 自媒体 7. 创新示范区 8. 中华民族伟大复兴 9. 宏观政策 10. 供给侧改革 11. 新常态 12. 陪产假 13. 男女平等 14. 打车软件 15. 低头族 16. UNICEF 17. Ganges 18. Think tank 19. Passover 20. The Bastille 21. Glucose

22. Republicanism 23. surrealism 24. procrastination 25. tipping point 26. Chiang Kai-shek 27. Kilimanjaro 28. avant-garde 29. Notre Dame de Paris 30. Academy Reward 英译汉 话题:历法 汉译英 话题:生态文学 百科 1.25个选择(每个一分) 实在记不全,都是参考书里的,西方哲学、翻译理论、翻译项目管理、《中国翻译》上的文章都有考。 记得的有: 下面哪个关于“逻各斯”的说法不对 文化翻译的原则 《弗兰恩斯坦》的作者 傅雷翻译观 第五次科技革命的成果 中国翻译发展的特点 大数据的特点 2. 论述(每个5分) 最后5个选择完还要用300字回答提问 1.《华夏集》的作者、翻译理念、写作背景 2.《钦定本圣经》的修订背景、影响 3.鲁迅和维努狄异化翻译观的异同 4.对等翻译理论是谁提出的,内容? 5.当代中国翻译在海外出版的不足和建议 3.小作文 给日语翻译公司的求职自荐信 4.大作文 共享经济


2020大学英语三级翻译练习题及答案2020大学英语三级翻译练习题及答案 61.When asked to explain what has happened,John was totally at a loss for words. A.要求约翰对发生过的事情实行解释时,他讲的话让人完全摸不 着头脑。 B.让约翰解释发生过的事情时,约翰完全不知道说什么好。 C.因为约翰完全不知道发生过什么事,所以他就让别人解释给他昕。 D.约翰自己要求要解释发生过的事情,到头来却又一句话也不肯说。 62.Much thought has been given over tlle recent years to ways of keeping meetmgs short. A.近年来人们对于控制会议长度的方法提出了很多想法。 B.最近几年来人们对于如何减少会议数量提出了很多意见。 C.近年来人们对于控制会议长度的方法考虑了很多。 D.如何在最近几年内减少会议数量是很多人都曾考虑过的问题。 63.You are no more capable of speaking Spanish than I am. A.你我都不能和西班牙人交流。 B.你我都不会说西班牙语。 C.你不会说的西班牙语我会说。 D.我们会说的西班牙语一样多。

64.It call often take more time and effort to establish a firm in a foreign market than in the domestic one. A.在国外市场建立一家公司比在国内市场建立一家公司往往要花 费更多的时间和努力。 B.对于一家公司来说,开发国外市场所花费的时间和努力比开发 国内市场要多。 C.只要能够多花点时间和努力,就能够像在国内市场建立公司~ 样在国外市场建立公司。 D.在国外市场经营一家公司比在国内市场经营一家公司往往要花 费更多的时间和努力。 65. John has excellent interpersonal skills and is sociable, patient and a good listener. As a friend, I particularly appreciate his loyalty and sense of humor. I also admire his calmness when facing difficult situations. Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending him for the position of Training Manager for your company and wish him every success in his application. 61.【答案】【B-A-D-c】 【难点分析】本句中包括一个省略形式的时间状语从句,如果根 据上下文补充出来.应为“when John was asked to explain what has happened”,所以该状语意为“要求约翰解释发生过的事情时”。理解主旬的难点在于对短语at a loss for words的理解,该短语意 为“不知道说什么好,找不到合适的话说”。结合上述分析可知,四 个选项中选项B提供的译文。选项A的问题在于错将at a loss for words译为“话让人摸不着头脑”;选项D同样错解了短语at a loss for words,将其译为“一句话也不肯说”.同时该选项还将时间状语 从句中的被动语态译为主动语态,与原意有较大出入;选项C的译文


Analog computers are analog devices.That is,they have continuous states rather than discrete numbered states.An analog computer can represent fractional or irrational values exactly, with no round-off.Analog computers are almost never used outside of experimental settings.模拟计算机是模拟设备。也就是说,他们是连续状态而不是离散的有限状态。一个模拟计算机可以精确代表小数或无理数,没有舍入。模拟计算机几乎从不被使用在实验设置以外。 A processor typically contains an arithmetic/logic unit(ALU),control unit(including processor flags,flag register,or status register),internal buses,and sometimes special function units(the most common special function unit being a floating point unit for floating point arithmetic). 一个处理器通常包含一个算术/逻辑单元(运算器),控制单元(包括处理器标志,标志寄存器,或状态寄存器),内部总线,有时特殊功能单元(最常见的特殊功能单元作为一个浮点单元用于浮点运算)。 CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer.Mainframe computers and minicomputers were CISC processors,with manufacturers competing to offer the most useful instruction sets.Many of the first two generations of microprocessors were also CISC. CISC代表复杂指令集计算机。大型计算机和小型计算机是CISC处理器,与制造商竞争提供最有用的指令集。微处理器的前两代中许多也是CISC。 Lesson2 Supercomputer is a broad term for one of the fastest computers currently available. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense mounts of mathematical calculations(number crunching). 超级计算机是一个广泛的术语,因为它是目前可用的最快的计算机之一。超级计算机是非常昂贵的,并且它被用于需要大量的数学计算(数字运算)的专门应用。 It is a midsize computer.In the past decade,the distinction between large minicomputers and small mainframes has blurred,however,as has the distinction between small minicomputers and workstation.But in general,a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting up to200users simultaneously. 它是一个中型计算机。在过去的十年中,大的小型机和小的大型机之间的区别已经模糊,然而,有小的小型机和工作站之间的区别。但在一般情况下,一个小型机是一个能够同时支持多达200个用户的多处理系统。 Workstations generally come with a large,high-resolution graphics screen,a large amount of RAM,built-in network support,and a graphical user interface.Most workstations also have a mass storage device such as disk drive,but a special type of workstation,called a diskless workstation,comes without a disk drive. 工作站一般都配有一个大的,高分辨率的图形屏幕,大量的内存,内置网络支持以及一个图形用户界面。大多数工作站也有一个大容量存储设备如磁盘驱动器,但是一种特殊类型的工作站,被称为无盘工作站,是不带磁盘驱动器的。

北京大学翻译硕士 毕业去向

北京语言大学翻译硕士英语笔译考研资料-考研考博一.北京大学翻译硕士考研内容分析 1:251-《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham、 姜桂华著,2000年,外语教学与研究 出版社。 2-《英汉翻译简明教程》庄绎传著, 2002年,外语教学与研究出版社。 3-《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》叶子 南著,2001年,清华大学出版社。 4-《非文学翻译理论与实践》罗进德 主编,2004年,中国对外翻译出版公 司。 5-《非文学翻译》,李长栓著,2009 年9月外语教学与研究出版社出版。 6-《非文学翻译理论与实践》,李长 栓著,中国对外翻译出版公司。 7-《汉语写作与百科知识真题解析》 天津科技翻译出版社 8-《汉语写作与百科知识》天津科技 翻译出版社 9-《翻译硕士英语真题解析》天津科 技翻译出版社 英语翻硕30人左右,日语翻译 硕士20人左右,2年,学生须按 学年交纳学费,学费总额为8万 元。 复试分数线一般在330分左右, 15年分数线340. 育明教育咨询师分析认为,北大 翻译硕士考查题目难度较高,推 荐英语本专业,尤其是重点本科 的英语专业的报考。北大翻硕百 科侧重文学、法律、时政等方面, 自然科学考查的不多,翻译理论 考查的也不多。具体考查侧重 点,考生可以根据育明教育辅导 课程进行学习。 此外,少数民族的考生也可以考 虑这个专业。 二.育明考研考博辅导中心孙老师解析: 关于北京大学翻译硕士英语笔译2016年的招生信息最新总结:

1,2016年北京大学翻译硕士,最高分389,最低分341.从整体招生人数来看,北京大学招生人数和15年相比减少了5人,分数线基本没有变化。育明教育武老师希望17年考研的学生了解最新的信息,更好的去备考。 2,研究生须按学年交纳学费,学费总额拟定为8万元,学费的最终确定将按照国家的相关政策执行。在新生入学报到及第二学年开学注册前分别交纳4万元,届时未交纳或未足额交纳学费者,不能办理入学或注册手续。培养年限:3年,北大的师资力量非常强大,就业形势非常好,武老师希望大学根据自己的实力选择院校。 3,北京大学翻译硕士考研参考书真题都不公布,很多考生觉得无从下手,但是没有参考书并不能阻碍什么。考研,非参加知识竞赛,背书即可。研究生入学考试,考的是语言能力,不是考记忆力。 育明教育考博分校针对北京语言大学翻译硕士专业考研开设的辅导课程有:专业课一对一·全程集训营·视频班·复试保过班·高端协议班。每年专业课课程班的平均通过率都在85%以上。育明学校从2006年开始积累的深厚高校资源,整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。咨询扣扣:二三九八四零八零二三 三.翻译硕士考研资料:(全套) (一)汉语写作与百科知识---天津出版传媒集团 李国正,夏衍教授主编,这本书针对近三年各个翻译硕士院校的真题进行了分析和统计,并总结了历年各个院校翻译硕士考研规律。


合肥工业大学各学院、专业名称及其英文翻译仪器科学与光电工程学院School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronic Engineering 1、测控技术与仪器Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument 2、光信息科学与技术 Optic Information Science & Technology 机械与汽车工程学院 School of Machinery and Automobile Engineering 3、车辆工程 Vehicles Engineering 4、工业工程 Industrial Engineering 5、工业设计 Industry Design 6、过程装备与控制工程 Process Equipment & Control Engineering 7、机械设计制造及其自动化 Machine Design & Manufacture & Its Automation 8、交通工程 Transportation Engineering 9、热能与动力工程Thermal Energy & Power Engineering 材料科学与工程学院 School of Material Science and Engineering 10、金属材料工程 Metal Materials Engineering 11、材料物理Materials Physics 12、无机非金属材料工程 Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Engineering 13、材料成型及控制工程 Material Forming & Control Engineering 电气与自动化工程学院 School of Electric Engineering and Automation 14、电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and Automation 15、生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering 16、自动化 Automation 计算机与信息学院 School of Computer and Information 17、计算机科学与技术 Computer Science & Technology 18、电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering 19、电子信息科学与技术 Electronic Information Science & Technology 20、通信工程 Communications Engineering 21、信息安全Information Security 化学工程学院 School of Chemical Engineering 22、高分子材料与工程 Macromolecule Material and Engineering 23、化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technics 24、制药工程 Pharmacy Engineering 25、应用化学 Applied Chemistry 土木建筑工程学院 School of Civil Engineering 26、给排水工程Water Supply & Drainage Engineering 27、工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 28、水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering 29、土木工程 Civil Engineering 30、建筑环境与设备工程 Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering 建筑 与艺术学院 School of Architecture and Arts 31、城市规划 Urban Planning 32、建筑 学 Architecture 33、艺术设计 Artistic Design 资源与环境学院 School of Resources and Environment 34、地理信息系统 Geographic Information System 35、环境工程


1. 我已经戒掉睡前吸烟的坏习惯,再也不用听妻子不断地发牢骚了。(give up) Having given up the bad habit of smoking before bedtime, I no longer have to hear my wife complaining all the time. 2. 与其他同龄人不同的是,他迷恋京剧。(set apart from; be addicted to) What sets him apart from other people of his age is that he is addicted to Beijing Opera. 3. 她对他用情至深,愿意克服任何障碍与他结婚。(so that; obstacle) She is so much in love with him that she’s ready to overcome any obstacle to marry him. 4. 只是在考试成绩出来之后,我才意识到必须更加刻苦才能不落后。(only; keep up with) Only after the result of the exam came out did I realize I would have to work harder to keep up with the others. 5. 作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。(miracle) As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides. 6. 您无需担心,男士是不允许进入这个房间的。(need; allow sb. to do sth.) You don’t need to worry. Men are not allowed to get into this room. 7. 如果要我在上大学还是去工作两者间选择,我会选择前者而非后者。(instead of) If I had to make a choice between going to college and finding a job, I would choose the former instead of the latter. 8. 尽管说明书上说“一次吃一片”,他还是一下子吃了三片。(in spite of; at a time) In spite of the instruction of taking one pill at a time, he took three all at once. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我们将让班长来制定野餐计划的具体细节。 We will leave it to the monitor to work out the details of the picnic plan. 2. 基于我们销售情况的预测,我们明年将开始盈利。 On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year. 3. 无论情况多么复杂,他都能应付自如。 No matter how complicated the situation was, he could coupe with it successfully. 4. 归结起来有两条出路:你或者改进工作,或者辞职。 It comes down to two choices; you either improve your work, or you leave. 5. 有尽管她父亲在公司,但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。 Although her father is in the firm, she got the job on her own. 6. 他的口音太重,很难听出他在说什么。 With his strong accent, it is hard to figure out what he is trying to say. 7.我正在做心理准备,打算向我的老板要求加薪。 I am psyching myself up to ask my boss for a rise. 8. 我得把他们的电话号码赶快记下来,以免忘了。 I will just jot down their phone number lest I should forget it. 9. 他把整整几页的信息压缩成论文中的一段。 He has boiled whole pages of information down to one paragraph in the paper. 10. 看来她已经很快适应了她的新公司。 It seems that she has settled in very quickly at her new company. 1. 似乎总是这样的——你赚得越多,你花得就越多。(the more…, the more…) It always seems the more you earn, the more you spend. 2. 革命运动对他们的利益造成了直接的威胁。(pose) The revolutionary movement poses a direct threat to their interests.


南京艺术学院第二册英语课文翻译(1~10) 第一单元 你去过古玩店吗?如果你能像买家那样博学,你就有可能买到不同凡响但又很便宜的东西。 幸运的发现 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。高档一点的古玩店为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。而对不太装腔作势的古玩店,无论是谁都不用壮着胆子才敢往里进。人们还常常有希望在发霉,阴暗,杂乱无章,迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地面上的,一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀世珍品。 无论是谁都不会一下子就发现一件珍品。一个到处找便宜货买的人必须具有耐心,而且最重要的是看到珍品时要有鉴别珍品的能力。要做到这一点,他至少要像古董商一样懂行。他必须像一个专心致志进行探索的科学家一样抱有这样的希望,即终有一天,他的努力会取得丰硕的成果。 我的老朋友弗兰克哈利戴正是这样一个人。他多次向我详细讲他如何只花50英镑便买到一位名家的杰作。一个星期六的上午,弗兰克去了我家附近的一家古玩店。由于他从未去过那儿,结果他发现了许多有趣的东西。上午很快过去了,弗兰克正准备离去,突然看见地板上放着一只体积很大的货箱。古董商告诉他那只货箱刚到不久,但他嫌麻烦不想把它打开。经弗兰克恳求,古董商才勉强把货箱撬开了。箱内东西令人失望。除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满了陶器,而且大部分都已破碎。弗兰克轻轻地把陶器拿出箱子,突然发现在箱底有一幅微型画,画面构图与线条使他想起了一幅他所熟悉的意大利画,于是他决定将画买下来。古董商漫不经心看了一眼那幅画,告诉弗兰克那画值50英镑。弗兰克几乎无法掩饰自己兴奋的心情,因为他明白自己发现了一件珍品。那幅不大的画原来是柯勒乔的一幅未被发现的杰作,价值几十万英镑。 第二单元 无论是男人、女人还是儿童,都可以从他们的衣着和外表的其他方面感受到时尚的影响。 时装流行的原理 时尚一直在变化和发展。时尚的五条基本原理是识别时尚及其流行趋势的基础。这些时尚原理保持不变。尽管时尚在变,但是这些原理却不变。他们是识别和预测时尚流行趋势的坚实基础。时尚流行的基本原理包括以下几条: 1.时尚的流行一般采取渐进的方式,很少采取突变的方式。时尚通常从一种风格逐渐地向另一种风格进化,是进化式的,而不是快速地变化。这一点经常可以从女裙长度的变化中得到体现。在一个季节中人们不希望裙子的长度有较大的变化。一般裙长要在几个季节甚至几年时间里缓慢地增加或减少。在20世纪50年代后期以及以后的10年里,裙子的长度开始以每年约1英寸的速度缩短,直至变成20世纪60年代后期的超短式样。在整个70年代,裙子的长度又逐渐增加。 2.消费者创造时尚。是消费者通过接受一种款式而抛弃另一种款式来决定流行的时尚,而不是设计师或制造商。尽管设计师、制造商、销售商可以促进或减缓新时尚的流行,但最终对时尚的接受与否还要取决于消费者。 3.价格不会影响时尚的流行。时尚的流行与否并不取决于价格。尽管一个新款式推出的价格会很高,但很快会有各种价格变化。一件向设计师定做的服装售价可能会高达几千美元,但是一旦此款式被仿制并以成衣批量生产,就会出现不同的价格以适合不同层次消费者的要


北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研各细分专业学费介绍及专业方向 面子是别人给的,脸却是自己挣的。凯程北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)老师给大家详细讲解专业课五大问题。凯程就是王牌的北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研机构! 一、北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)各细分专业介绍 北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)日语口译专业方向学费总额为8万元;日语笔译方向学费总额为5万元;英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向学费总额为8万元。 北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)专业的培养目标是通过对研究生进行系统的教育与训练,使其掌握扎实的双语转换与语言技术实用能力,获得丰富的语言服务管理经验,成为符合国家翻译专业资格认证标准,符合语言服务行业需求的应用型、复合型高级语言服务管理专才,其专业方向如下: 日语口译方向; 日语笔译方向; 这两个专业的考试科目是一样的: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士(MTI)日语 3.日语翻译基础 4.汉语写作与百科知识 英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向; 考试科目为: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士(MTI)英语 3.英语翻译基础 4.汉语写作与百科知识 二、北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)就业怎么样? 现在国内紧缺的专业翻译人才五大方向为会议口译(广泛应用于外交外事、会晤谈判、商务活动、新闻传媒、培训授课、电视广播、国际仲裁等领域),法庭口译(目前国内这一领域的高级口译人才几乎是空白),商务口译,联络陪同口译(企业、政府机构都有大量的外事接待事务,联络陪同口译的任务就是在接待、旅游等事务中担任口译工作),文书翻译(企业、出版社、翻译公司等机构都需要具备专业素养的文本翻译人才,这一领域的人才缺口更大)。 由此来看,北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)就业前景非常不错,毕业生整体需求还是比较旺盛的。北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)的含金量很大,现在经济贸易的国际化程度越来越高,对翻译的需求也是很大的,这种专业性人才是非常有市场的,只要能力够就业很轻松,工资也很高,出国的机会也会特别多。 三、北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)难度大不大,跨专业的人考上的多不多? 近些年翻译硕士(MTI)很火,尤其是像北京大学这样的著名学校。总体来说,北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)招生量大,考试难度不高,2015年北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)的招生人数为60人,含35人推免。每年都有大量二本三本学生考取的。根据凯程从北京大学研究生院内部


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics


1.现在各行各业的人越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种难题. Now people in different walks of life depend more and more on computers to solve various kinds of difficult problems 2.他已做出计划,每月留出一些钱准备明年去北京旅行. He has made a plan to set aside some money every month for a trip to Beijing next year. 3.现代科学技术的发展使社会发生了巨大的变化. The development of modern science and technology has brought about great social changes. 4.直到会议结束之后,他才放弃自己的想法. It was not until after the meeting that he gave up his idea. 5.我们不要怕别人指出我们的缺点。 We should not be afraid of having our shortcomings pointed out. 6.雨下的太大了,我们出不了门. It rained so hard that we couldn’t go out. 7.请务必在离开营地前把所有的火都熄灭掉。 Please make sure to put out all the fires before leaving the camping ground. 8.我们不能排除天气有变坏的可能性. We can not rule out there possibility that the weather may turn out to be bad. 9.要么做好失败的准备,要么干脆别做 .Either prepare yourself for failure or don’t do it at all . 10. 一看到多年未见的老友,她突然哭了起来. At the sight of the old friend she hadn’t seen for years, she burst into tears. 11. 他自失业以来减少了他的日常开支. He has cut down on his daily expenses since he lost his job. 12. 当被问及为何不愿与姐姐同在一屋时, 她只是一声不吭. When asked why she didn’t want to share the room with her sister, she just kept silent. 13. 请务必安排最好的摄影师在结婚典礼上照相. Be sure to arrange for the best photographer to take pictures at the wedding ceremony. 14. 他是否受过正规训练与成为一名优秀的演员并不相干. Whether he has received formal training or not is not relevant to being a fine actor. 15. 诸如空气污染和交通拥堵之类的问题早已引起政府的关注. Such problems as air pollution and heavy traffic have already attracted the government’s attention. 16. 那部新电影是根据真实故事而制作的,我认为它值得一看. I think it worthwhile to see the newly-released film which is based on a true story. 17. 那项新技术可能使他们的产量翻一番. This new technique may enable them to double their production. 18. 即使面前有许多困难,我们也决心要进行这项实验. We are determined to carry out the experiment even if there are a lot of difficulties before us. 19. 请提前一周把申请表寄至人事部门. Please send your application form to the personnel department a week in advance. 20. 他没有把录音机送回到商店,而是决定自己修理. Rather than take it back to the shop, he decided to repair the recorder himself. 21. 在市长的帮助下,我们最终获准接触这起交通事故的受害者。 With the mayor’s help, we were finally allowed access to the victime of the traffic accident. 22. 这是一次冒险的行动,请务必让他知道。


北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研难不难,跨 专业考生多不多 你用什么优势赢得人生,就会用同样的原因输掉人生。凯程北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)老师给大家详细讲解专业课五大问题。凯程就是王牌的北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研机构! 一、北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)难度大不大,跨专业的人考上的多不多? 近些年翻译硕士(MTI)很火,尤其是像北京大学这样的著名学校。总体来说,北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)招生量大,考试难度不高,2015年北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)的招生人数为60人,含35人推免。每年都有大量二本三本学生考取的。根据凯程从北京大学研究生院内部的统计数据得知,北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)的考生中90%是跨专业考生,在录取的学生中,基本都是跨专业考的。 在考研复试的时候,老师更看重跨专业学生的能力,而不是本科背景。其次,翻译硕士(MTI)考试科目里,百科,翻译及基础本身知识点难度并不大,跨专业的学生完全能够学得懂。即使本科学翻译的同学,专业课也不见得比你强多少(大学学的内容本身就非常浅)。所以记住重要的不是你之前学得如何,而是从决定考研起就要抓紧时间完成自己的计划,下定决心,就全身心投入,要相信付出总会有回报。在凯程辅导班里很多这样三凯程生,都考的不错,主要是看你努力与否。 二、北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)就业怎么样? 现在国内紧缺的专业翻译人才五大方向为会议口译(广泛应用于外交外事、会晤谈判、商务活动、新闻传媒、培训授课、电视广播、国际仲裁等领域),法庭口译(目前国内这一领域的高级口译人才几乎是空白),商务口译,联络陪同口译(企业、政府机构都有大量的外事接待事务,联络陪同口译的任务就是在接待、旅游等事务中担任口译工作),文书翻译(企业、出版社、翻译公司等机构都需要具备专业素养的文本翻译人才,这一领域的人才缺口更大)。 由此来看,北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)就业前景非常不错,毕业生整体需求还是比较旺盛的。北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)的含金量很大,现在经济贸易的国际化程度越来越高,对翻译的需求也是很大的,这种专业性人才是非常有市场的,只要能力够就业很轻松,工资也很高,出国的机会也会特别多。 三、北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)各细分专业介绍 北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)日语口译专业方向学费总额为8万元;日语笔译方向学费总额为5万元;英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向学费总额为8万元。 北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)专业的培养目标是通过对研究生进行系统的教育与训练,使其掌握扎实的双语转换与语言技术实用能力,获得丰富的语言服务管理经验,成为符合国家翻译专业资格认证标准,符合语言服务行业需求的应用型、复合型高级语言服务管理专才,其专业方向如下: 日语口译方向; 日语笔译方向; 这两个专业的考试科目是一样的: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士(MTI)日语


大学各专业名称英文翻译——理科SCIENCE 理科 SCIENCE 课程中文名称课程英文名称 矩阵分析 Matrix Analysis 面向对象程序设计方法 Design Methods of Object oriented Program 李代数 Lie Algebra 代数图论 Algebraic Graph Theory 代数几何(I) Algebraic Geometry(I) 泛函分析 Functional Analysis 论文选读 Study on Selected Papers Hoof代数 Hoof Algebra 基础代数 Fundamental Algebra 交换代数 Commutative Algebra 代数几何 Algebraic Geometry Hoof代数与代数群量子群 Hoof Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua numb G roup 量子群表示 Representation of Quantum Groups 网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity 组合数学 Combinatorial Mathematics 代数学 Algebra

半群理论 Semigroup Theory 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 图的对称性 Graph Symmetry 代数拓扑 Algebraic Topology 代数几何(II) Algebraic Geometry(II) 微分几何 Differential Geometry 多复变函数 Analytic Functions of Several Complex Varian les 代数曲面 Algebraic Surfaces 高维代数簇 Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension 数理方程 Mathematics and Physical Equation 偏微分方程近代方法 The Recent Methods of Partial Differential Equatio ns 激波理论 The Theory of Shock Waves 非线性双曲型守恒律解的存在性 The Existence of Solutions for Non-linea r Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 粘性守恒律解的稳定性 Stability of Solutions for Viscous Conservation Laws 微分方程数值解 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations 小波理论与应用 Wavelet Theory and Application 非线性方程组的数值解法 Numerical Methods for No-linear System s of Eq uations 网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity Graph Theory 60
