





10、城市化 11、人的社会化 12、社会控制 13、社会问题 14、社会保障 15、全面调查 16、家庭功能 17、主干家庭 18、历史循环论 19、趋同理论

一、名词解释 共2题,每题5分,合计10分 二、填空题 共10题,每题2分,合计20分 三、简答题 共2题,每题15分,合计30分 四、案例分析题


1、 社会交往

2、 符号相互作用论

3、 社会角色

4、 初级社会群体

5、 核心家庭

6、 社会组织

7、 越轨行为


集体行为 9、 社区

程》中首次提到“社会学”这一名词。他被尊称为“西方社会学之父” 。



们的相互活动是为了获得最高奖励。 因此,人们在进行相互交往中,不会出现永 远的赢家和输家。



7、在扮演角色的过程中,一个人同时担当的几种角色对个人的期待发生了矛盾, 难以协调,从而使角色扮演者左右为难的现象即是所谓的( 8、一个人被迫中止某种角色,而将要承担的新角色与原角色截然不同的现象称 之为(


10、从历史的角度来看,家庭结构的总体变化趋势是家庭规模( 关系简单化,而它们斗鱼家庭成员数目的减少有关。


12、德国社会学家韦伯关于社会分层的三个标准分别是:财富、 ( 力。








4、现代主要社会流派有:结构功能学派、( )、符号互动论、交换理论









)、家庭 11、社会组织的基本要素有:( )、目标、章程、领导体系、必要的物质基




14、社会控制作为社会学一个专业的概念最早是由美国社会学家 ( 来的。


17、历史循环论认为社会、历史的活动和发展是有规律可循的, 这种规律按照产 生、增长、衰落和死亡的历史轨迹循环往复。我国战国时期阴阳五行家邹衍的


18、建立在遗传、血缘等先天或生理因素的基础上而形成的角色叫做 ( 19、个人通过后天的努力和活动而获得的与自 身地位相适应的角 色称为


20、围绕某一社会地位而形成的一组角色强调的是任何人之间的关系, 这种角色




22、社会角色扮演的过程包括以下三个阶段,分别是角色期望、 ( 及角色








28、古代希腊和罗马医生根据日常观察和人体四种体液各人多寡的不同, 将气质







)以 24、一般而言,集体行为的显著特征有突发性、(


的依赖生活期、人有较强的学习能力以及人有( )的能力。

29、韦伯将权威分为三种类型,分别是法理权威、传统权威以及神召权威,也叫 做( 30、冲突学派的理论观点大体可以分为两类:以达伦多夫为代表的辨证冲突论和 以科瑟尔为代表的( 31、社会调查的中心任务收集到有用的、准确的资料,一般常用的调查方法有






36、家庭的主要功能有经济功能、生物功能、抚育和赡养的功能以及( 的功能。 37、家庭的生命周期是指家庭从形成到解体的过程,包括形成、扩展、稳定、收

39、恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书中根据美国早期人类学家摩尔 根的研究,指出人类家庭的发展经历了四种形式,他们分别是( 那路亚家庭、对偶家庭、一夫一妻制家庭。

交往中,人们通过他人对自己行为的态度和反应来反观自己、 认识自己,就像照 镜


三、简答题 1、简述社会交往的意义。




33、社会趋同理论最早是由荷兰著名经济学家( )在1961年提出的。 34、人口问题的实质是人口再生产与(












4、个人与个人之间是否相互接触并通过交往建立起人际关系,受到那些因素的 影响。



10、简述家庭的社会功能。 11、简述社会组织的基本要素。 12、社区的基本构成要素。 13、简述社会分层的三个理论。 14、简述韦伯社会分层的三个标准。

15、简述需要论衡量分层位置上的重要性的两个方法。 16、简述社会控制的功能。 17、简述社会控制的方式。

18、请从社会学角度分析越轨行为发生的原因。 19、简述社会保障的正功能





室副主任、中央农村工作领导小组办公室副主任唐仁健说, 新生代农民工”,主要是指80

后、90后,这批人目前在农民工外出打工的 1.5亿人里面占到60%,大约1个亿。他们



中人数最大的群体。他们出生以后就上学,上完学以后就进城打工,相对来讲,对农业、农 村、土地、农民等不是那么熟悉。另一方面,他们渴望进入、融入城市社会,而我们在很多 方面还没有完全做好接纳他们的准备。

结合教材13章“社会变迁”相关理论分析,新生代农民工入城存在那些障碍?对此你 有何意见和看法。


建立良好人际关系的障碍有哪些。 6、 7、 简述社会化的基本内容。

9、 以家庭、邻里为例,简述初级社会群体的一般特征。




时间里,将有 20多亿人次的人口流动,约占世界人口的


对我们中国人来说, 过年就意味着回家, 回家”这两个简单的字,它所爆发出来的巨大 的能量,让中国人在回家的旅途上可以忍耐一切,可以承受一切,也不得不承受一切! 天,28.5亿人次,新的世界人口迁徙记录,比去年增加


乎一致,家。这就是 2011年的春运,亦是每一年的春运的真实写照。


答题要求:理论与具体事例紧密结合,观点鲜明、阐述充分、层次清楚、逻辑清晰、 字迹工整、字数不少于 600字。


今年以来,国内一系列自杀事件,曾引起媒体、公众巨大的讨论。中国式自杀,第一次 作为一个引起广泛关注的社会现象进入人们的视野。在全球每年




杀,200万人自杀未遂,自杀率为 23/10万人,属于高自杀率的国家。自杀成为我国人群第 五大死因。但长期以来,中国的自杀问题并未引起足够的关注,而转折点发生在


这一年,加拿大医生费立鹏和他的中国同事李献云、张艳萍在国际权威医学杂志《柳叶刀》 上发表了《中国的自杀率:1995—1999》一文,引起海内外的关注。其中高自杀率和特殊的 自杀模式也成为中国自杀问题集中的焦点。



3-5倍,女性自杀率比男性高 25% ;中国

15-34岁的青壮年人群中,自杀排在死亡原因的第一位,而在北美国家,自杀只是这个年龄 段死亡原因中的第三位





楼有一男子割脉。接警后油松派出所民警迅速赶到现场调查,及时联系 120将伤者送



E 楼楼顶门口处,割脉男子陈某,汉族,


C 栋,于2010年3月15日进入富士康工作。


【12 12010年5月26日23时27分在深圳市龙华街道富士康科技园 C2宿舍楼有人跳



厂区C2宿舍A 栋311室。贺某于

【111 2010年5月25日早上 子坠楼,.当场死亡,据悉死者叫李海 【101 2010年5月21日早晨

楼事件,该男子经送医院抢救,于 该员工21岁,姓南。同年同月同日早晨七点十五分左右,广东工业大学一位已签




6.20在华南富士康观兰分厂,观兰镇樟坑径村一男 ,精加厂员


5时许,深圳龙华富士康员工宿舍发生一名男子坠 5点40宣布无效死亡,这是今年来的第十起事故


【91 2010年5月14日,在深圳富士康龙华厂区北大门附近的福华宿舍,晚间富士康一名梁姓员工坠楼身亡,安徽籍,21岁。这是今年以来该集团第九名坠楼员工,



2012年度全国职称英语等级考试 理工类(A级)全真模拟试题二 第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项 1. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behavior. A. workable B. convincing C. practical D. reliable 2. Smoking is banned in the building. A. listed B. forbidden C. handled D. investigated 3. I want a job with good prospects for promotion. A. advancement B. replacement C. retirement D. advertisement 4. The report was compiled from a survey of 5000 households. A. printed B. attached C. written D. sent 5. The patient showed a marked improvement in her condition after changing medication. A. great B. clear C. quick D. regular 6. Actors dressed in authentic costumes re-enact the battle. A. faithful B. royal C. genuine D. sincere 7. People who travel by rail still read an immense amount. A. immediate B. enormous C. equal D. moderate 8. He demolished my argument in minutes. A. disapproved B. disputed C. accepted D. supported 9. Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife. A. evidence B. danger C. case D. picture 10. Ashley gazed at him, her thoughts in turmoil. A. failure B. doubt C. confusion D. relief 11. It was an article in the local newspaper which finally spurred him into action .


写在最前面的关于30分题+15分 1. +表示A级文章;*表示B即文章;其他为C级文章,考哪一级就看哪一级的内容,别的级别的题目完全不用看。 2. 每个级别新增阅读理解2篇完型填空2篇(今年以前完形填空只新增一篇),考试的时候,这两篇阅读理解必考一篇,文章完全一样,但是问题及答案不一定完全一样,所以仅仅记住答案是不可靠的,一定要结合后面的翻译把这篇文章看懂。那么这里5道题目15分必定能拿到。 然后完型填空,先说今年以前,只新增一篇完型填空,这篇完型填空必考,只是留空的位置不会完全一样,大约有40%左右的留空位置是一样,所以光背答案是没得用的,一定要把文章看熟。当然今年由于每个级别新增了2篇完型填空,那么考试的时候肯定也是2选1考一篇。这里15道题15分也很容易能拿到。3. 词汇有15道题,替换同义词,找本字典翻翻,这15分也不难,至少12分能拿到吧。其他的题能拿多少分就看各位的英语底子了。做最坏的打算,剩下的题目还有55分,按瞎蒙25%的概率能拿到13.75分,加上前面的45分大约也有58分左右,所以要完全靠瞎蒙的朋友考试前多扶扶老奶奶过马路,多积累点人品吧。 4. 以上只是投机取巧的方法,各位有时间的话还是花点时间复习下,但是考前一定要把新增的题目掌握好,就算英语底子好的朋友也起码可以节约不少考试时间。 5. 本人职称英语A\B\C级都是这样考过的,每年的规律都是一样的。从客观角度说,每年的职称英语考试书都不便宜,新增的内容也不多,如果新增的东西里面没有价值,那么那本书还有谁买?那本书可是考试中心出的, 阅读理解*第三+八篇 "Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan


一、职称英语阅读理解文章(理工类)译文(参加理工A、B、C级考试需要掌握文章) (3) 第一篇福特放弃电动汽车 (3) Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles (3) 第二篇世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值 (4) World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict (5) 第三篇公民科学家 (5) Citizen Scientists (6) 第四篇汽车技术 (6) Motoring Technology (7) 第五篇深夜喝咖啡 (7) Late-night Drinking (8) 第六篇编制灯光 (8) Weaving with Light (9) 第七篇用糖为手机发电 (9) Sugar Power for Cell Phones (10) 第八篇引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔 (10) Eiffel Is an Eyeful (11) 第九篇埃及饱受饥饿折磨 (11) Egypt felled by famine (12) 第十篇年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的弟兄 (12) Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers (13) 第十一篇申请个人域名的网上费用 (14) The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself (14) 第十二篇纳佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击 (15) Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass (15) 第十三篇隐形环 (15) Invisibility Ring (16) 第十四篇日本用来监视醉酒司机的新型概念车 (17) Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers (17) 第十五篇肋生双翅机器人学飞行 (18) Winged Robot Learns to Fly (18) 第十六篇日本人的地心旅行 (19) Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth (19) 第十七篇地球防晒霜 (20) A Sunshade for the Planet (20) 第十八篇石油匮乏 (21) Thirst for Oil (21) 第十九篇延长人类寿命 (22) Prolonging Human Life (22) 第二十篇深海探索器 (23) Explorer of the Extreme Deep (23) 第二十一篇植物,沼气的又一来源 (24) Plant Gas (24) 第二十二篇雪花 (25)



2010年职称英语考试卫生类模拟试题 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案 一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1. It is useless to argue with him once he has made up his mind. A. settled B. solved C. said D. decided 2. International applicants are not eligible for financial aid. A. impressed B. mutual C. qualified D. outraged 3. Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent years. A. distorted B. extended C. emphasized D. illustrated 4. You must shine your shoes. A. lighten B. clean C. wash D. polish 5. Don't refuse to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. A. turn down B. reflect C. rejoy D. wait 6. John takes after his mother in character. A. embarrasses B. humiliates C. identifies D. resembles 7. They didn't realize how serious the problem was. A. know B. forget C. doubt D. remember 8. How many radios will your factory turn out this year? A. produce B. destroy C. export D. import 9. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles around this year. A. goods B. soil C. climate D. harvest 10. Even sensible men do absurd things sometimes. A. careless B. impulsive C. regrettable D. foolish 11. We consume a lot more than we are able to produce. A. buy B. sell C. use D. waste 12. The earthquake has cause serious damage to this city. A. destruction B. hurt C. injury D. wound 13. I think this is a deliberate insult.


阅读理解 Passage 1 Have you ever seen a moon…… 1. To what do we compare….D. A11 of these 2. The main purpose…..A. inform 3.The author knew….. A. mysterious 4.The moon looks bigger if…B. it is near the horizon 5.The autumn moon….D. helps farmers see as they harvest their crops Passage 2 Strange thing happens to time……. 1. The best title….. B. How Time Changes Around the World 2. The difference in…..C one hour 3. From this selection…...C. is divided into five time zones 4.The international date……C. the point where a new day begins 5. If you cross……A. ahead one hour in each new time zone Passage 3 Holidays in the United States……1. The govemment of the United……C. 3-day 2. Workers in the United……D. Tuesday to Friday 3.Which statement is NOT…..D. All the workers have a half-month vacation 4. The reason why……A. no one can be found to take his place 5. Which of the following…….D. Something About the holidays and Vacation in the U.S Passage 4 Sarah Winchester was a very……… 1. What did Sarah keep……C. Making it bigger 2. The story says…. A. 7 floors 3. Who did the work….C. Carpenters and plumbers and other workers 4. How long did…..B. For38 years 5. Sarah?s house was…..C. when she died Passage 5 The diner is only…… 1.What?s the main….A. The attraction of diners to different people 2. The purpose of….C. give a summary of the whole passage 3. Why do truck……C. It’s a haven against loneliness 4. Diners attract….B. many different kinds of people 5. Diners are…..D. fascinating Passage 6 In the past two years…….. 1.The word ……embrace”……A. make use of 2.It can be concluded……D. bicycle sales will continue to rise 3.The bicycle is……A. enjoying a strong revival 4.The reader can….C. concerned with the quality of their lives 5.In the sentence……A. a rapid increase in sale Passage 7 Doctors have known for……. 1.Doctors have long….C. one may lose his hearing when he hears a terribly loud noise 2.This passage suggests…..B. will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second 3.According to this….C. makes hearing damage from loud noise worse https://www.360docs.net/doc/9c8208816.html,lions of Americans…..D. take too much aspirin 5.The purpose of…..D. whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage from loud noises Passage 8 Just two months ago…… 1. Ana realizes that……B. she must do well on the exam 2. Ana has been…..A. seven years 3. Ana experiences difficulty…..C. the professor’s lectures 4. Ana tells the…..B. her family 5. The best main…..C. Ana comes through with flying colors Passage 9 Any mistake made in…… 1. A postage stamp?s….C. a mistake is made in the printing 2. In 1847 most…..A. not yet using postage stamps 3. In 1847, the mistake…..C. wording 4. $16800 is the…..B. the Twopenny Blue 5. The valuable stamps….D. British printers Passage 10 In the English educational…….. 1. The purpose of …D. describe three tests that the English educational system is based on 2. The exam for the….A. fifleen 3. We may conclude…..A. the exam that is taken at age eighteen is narrower than the other two exams 4.The passage suggests….B. schooling is very closely controlled in England 5. As used in the…..A. to take the risk Passage 11 For centuries, in the countries 1. What can we know….B. It is hard to tame them. 2.Thailand was once…B. white elephant was a national symbol until the 1920s 3.Why is the Thai….A. Because the elephants are no longer useful to their owners. 4.Which of the…..D. Today the elephant population is estimated at 5150. 5. The passage is…..C. a research report Passage 12 The communications explosion…… 1. By saying that….C. display the influence of communications on life 2. The author most….B. amazing 3. Which of the…..C. The low-orbit satellites would replace towers and poles functionally. 4.According to the….A. talk and see each other no matter where we are 5.The phrase “each one”….B. each car Passage 13 Many private institutions…… 1. According to the…. D. their characteristics 2. The author used…..A. get into difficulties 3. We can reasonably….B. private schools 4. Which of the….D. Private schools are more profitable than public schools 5. Which of the…..C. National awareness and support. Passage 14 Japan is getting tough about….. 1. According to the….C. the consumers 2. Which of the following….B. It retains its original strength through reprocessing. 3. According to the…..B. a kind of plastics with different integration in each layer 4. In the passage….C. 21-inch TV with magnesium case isn’t very popular so far 5. The author writes….A. inform Passage 15 A friend of mine…… 1. The author thought….C. 1ike his friend, he also thought life was unfair 2. Surrendering to the…..D. make as know it’s our duty to perfect things 3. The second paragraph….A. it’s nice to accept the injustice of life 4. In the last paragraph…..B. 1ife isn’t and won’t be fair 5. From the passage…..A. positive


第八篇 Eat Healthy 1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their children C. not to waste food. 2. Why do American restaurants serve large portions? A. Because Americans associate quantity with value. 3. What happened in the 1970s? D. The American waistline started to expand. 4. What does the survey indicate? A. Many poor Americans want large portions. 5. Which of the following is Not true of working class Americans? C. They don't want to be healthy eaters. 第十九篇 Prolonging Human Life 1.The writer believes that the population explosion results from C a decrease in death rates. 2. It can be inferred from the passage that in hunting and gathering cultures B infants could be left dead in times of starvation. 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements about retired people in the United States is true? A Many of them have a very hard life. 4. In Paragraph 3, the phrase “ this need” refers to D the need to take care of a sick and weak people. 5. Which of the following best describes the writer’s attitude toward most of the nursing homes, and convalescent hospitals? D Critical. 第二十四篇 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories 1. Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to the sentence “To sleep. Perchance t o file?”? A. Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep? 2. What is the result of the experiment with rats and mice carried out at Rutgers University? C. Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together tin memory consolidation. 3. What is the relation of memory to glucose tolerance, as is indicated by a research mentioned in paragraph 4? D. The poorer the memory, the poorer glucose tolerance. 4. In what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage? B. The more hip pocampus shrinks, the poorer one’s memory. 5. According to the last paragraph, what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym? D. To control glucose levels. +第三十四篇Who Want to Live Forever?


2012年职称英语考试理工类C 级真题试卷及参考答案

第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有括号,请为每处括号部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1、The storm caused severe damage. A.physical B.accidental C.serious D.environmental 【答案】:C 2、Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early A.selected B.operated C.developed D.discovered 【答案】:D 3、The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newsp apers A.real B.main C.only D.practical 【答案】:C

4、A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy A.gathered B.watched C.shouted D.walked 【答案】:A 5、He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Au stralia A.gradual B.regular C.direst D.occasional 【答案】:B 6、On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers A.wild B.fresh C.lovely D.false 【答案】:D 7、We had trouble finding a pure water supply A.typical B.complete


2012年职称英语综合A考题答案解析(试卷代码13) 第一部分词汇选项: 1. weary – tired 2. induce – attract 3. crisp – fresh 4. exotic – unusual 5. alleviate – ease 6. update – modernize 7. utterly – completely 8. profile – description 9. discriminate – distinguish 10. asylum– protection 11. layout– arrangement 12. peep– look 13. raninto – hit 14. hollow – empty 15.evoked – refreshed 第二部分阅读判断In sports, Red is the winning color 16. BothHill and Barton wanted to find out if color affects the outcomes of sportsmatches. 答案为A(right). 相关句:They (Hill and Barton) …reachedthe conclusion by studying the outcomesof boxing… The outcomes 回应上文中提到的“theteam dressed in red is more likely to win” 17. Hilland Barton are both interested in primates(灵长目). 答案为A(right). 相关句:Hill and Barton got the ideafor the study from a mutual in`terest in primates. 18. Malemandrills use yellow coloration toattract a mate. 答案为B(wrong). 相关句:Redcoloration gives males an advantage when it comes to mating. 19. Redis not an advantage for Zebra finches(斑胸草雀). 答案为B(wrong). 相关句:Scientists put red plasticrings on the legs of male Zebra females, whichincreased the bird’s success in finding a mate. 20. Thered plastic rings were left on the finches permanently. 答案为C(notmentioned). 21. Hilland Barton believe athletes in red are more likelyto win. 答案为A(right). 相关句:Across a range of sports, wefind that wearing red is consistently associated with a higher probability of winning. 22. Many athletes oppose the new regulations on sportuniforms. 答案为C(not mentioned) 相关句:the disco very of red’sadvantage might lead to new regulations on sports uniforms.第三部分How technology pushes down price 23.E technologyhelps reduce food prices 24. C bigger supermarketsoffer lower prices


2012年职称英语卫生类新增文章篇目 职称英语 外语教育网https://www.360docs.net/doc/9c8208816.html, 2011-12-27

2012年职称英语卫生类 新增文章篇目 阅读理解 第八篇Eat Healthy 第十九篇Prolonging Human Life *第二十四篇Sleep Lets Brain File Memories +第三十四篇Who Want to Live Forever? +第四十篇Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others 完形填空 第二篇Going on a diet (18) 注: 1、+表示A级文章;*表示B即文章;其他为C级文章; 2、完形填空请参见第#页; 2

第八篇Eat Healthy "Clean your plate!" and "Be a member of the clean-plate -club!" Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often,it's accompanied by an appeal:" Just think about those starving orphans in Africa!" Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites. Instead of staying "clean the plate", perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow. According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies. A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story. Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little. Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand. Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smaller portions. Now, apparently,some customers are calling for this too. The restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believe restaurants serve portions that are too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. But a closer look at the survey indicates that many Americans who can't afford fine dining still prefer large portions. Seventy percent of those earning at least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions; but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller. It's not that working class Americans don't want to eat healthy. It's just that,after long hours at low-paying jobs,getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to paycheck ,happy to save a little money for next year's Christmas presents. 词汇: orphan /''?:f?n] / n.孤儿 belly /'beli/ n.肚子 3


2012年职称英语综合C真题阅读判断原文及译文 Brotherly Love Adidas and Puma have been two of the biggest namesin sports shoe manufacturing for over half a century. Since1928they have supplied shoes for Olympicathletes, World Cup-winning football heroes,Muhammad Ali,hip hop stars androck musicians famous all over the world.But the story of these two companiesbegins in one house in the town of Herzogenaurach,Germany. Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of ashoemaker. They loved sport but complained that they could never findcomfortable shoes to play in.Rudolph always said,“You cannot play sportswearing shoes that you’d walk around town with.”So they started making theirown.In1920Adolph made the first pair of athletics shoes with spikes(钉),produced on the Dasslers’kitchen table. On1st July1924they formed a shoe company,Dassler Brothers Ltd and they worked together for many years.The companybecame successful and it provided the shoes for



附录一: 2011年全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试 各专业类别及各等级样题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题l分,共1 5分) 下面共有l5个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择l个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 l There are a limited number of books on this subject in the library. A large B total C small D similar 2 How do you account for your absence from the class last Thursday? A explain B examine C choose D expand 3 They had a far better yield than any other farm miles around this year. A goods B soil C climate D harvest 4 The town is famous for its magnificent church

towers. A ancient B old C modern D splendid 5 Have you got a spare pen? A a short B an extra C a thin D a long 6 What were the consequences of the decision she had made? A reasons B results C causes D bases 7 They didn't realize how serious the problem was. A know B forget C doubt D remember 8 We shall keep the money in a secure place. A clean B secret C distant D safe 9 The great changes of the city astonished every visitor to that city. A attacked B surprised C attracted D interested 10 The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its centre. A get rid of B set up
