Psych 12AP Chapter 12, 13, 14 Practice Test (Open Book)

Psych 12AP Chapter 12, 13, 14 Practice Test (Open Book)
Psych 12AP Chapter 12, 13, 14 Practice Test (Open Book)

Psych 12AP Chapter 12, 13, 14 Practice Test (Open Book)

1. During a mixed-sex group conversation, men are more likely than women to:

A) stare at members of the opposite sex.

B) determine what topics to discuss.

C) interrupt other speakers.

D) do all the above.

2. Dr. Milosz electrically stimulates the lateral hypothalamus of a well-fed laboratory rat. This procedure is likely to:

A) cause the rat to begin eating.

B) decrease the rat's basal metabolic rate.

C) facilitate conversion of the rat's blood glucose to fat.

D) permanently lower the rat's set point.

3. Recent surveys of American sexual practices suggest that:

A) pregnancy rates among unwed teens have declined dramatically during the past several years.

B) public school sex education programs have actually discouraged use of contraceptives.

C) less than 10 percent of married people engaged in extramarital sex during the past year.

D) a majority of American men approve of extramarital sex.

E) concern over the AIDS virus has not affected the sexual practices of unmarried Americans.

4. On some college football teams, players are rewarded for outstanding performance with a gold star on their helmets. This

practice best illustrates the use of:

A) set points.

B) intrinsic motivation.

C) incentives.

D) participative management.

5. Research has found that an animal's sexual orientation can be altered by:

A) manipulations of prenatal hormone conditions.

B) destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus.

C) injections of sex hormones in early adulthood.

D) destruction of the amygdala.

6. Ancel Keys and his colleagues observed that men on a semistarvation diet:

A) became apathetic and lost interest in food.

B) remained interested in food but avoided talking or thinking about it.

C) lost interest in sex and social activities.

D) became increasingly preoccupied with political and religious issues.

7. Extrinsic motivation refers to:

A) a rigidly patterned behavioral urge characteristic of an entire species.

B) a physiological need that triggers arousal.

C) a state of arousal that is triggered by a physiological need.

D) a desire to perform a behavior in order to obtain promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment.

E) the body's automatic tendency to maintain a constant internal state.

8. Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that:

A) women's sexual interests are not closely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.

B) adult men who have been castrated show virtually no reduction in sex drive.

C) sexual interests are aroused by decreased testosterone levels in women and increased testosterone levels in men.

D) imprisoned male sex offenders typically experience lower-than-normal testosterone levels.

9. Theory X managers are more likely than theory Y managers to:

A) provide employees with very challenging work assignments.

B) give employees a high degree of responsibility for developing their own work procedures.

C) encourage employees to critically discuss controversial company policies.

D) closely observe individual employees in order to monitor their productivity.

10. Research on sexual orientation indicates that:

A) virtually all cultures in all times have been predominantly heterosexual.

B) homosexuality is more common among women than among men.

C) compared to heterosexual women, lesbian women are more likely to demonstrate masculine traits.

D) about 10 percent of men are exclusively homosexual.

E) compared to heterosexual men, homosexual men are more likely to demonstrate feminine traits.

11. The importance of learning in motivation is most obvious from the influence of:

A) instincts.

B) homeostasis.

C) arousal.

D) incentives.

12. Judith Rodin observed that "externals" are especially likely to:

A) feel hungry at all times.

B) avoid eating foods high in calories.

C) munch on candy and other appealing snacks only when they have a physiological need for food.

D) experience a rising blood insulin level at the sight and smell of appealing food.

E) have a low set point for body weight.

13. Instinctive behavior is:

A) designed to reduce drives.

B) triggered by a biological need.

C) extrinsically motivated.

D) unlearned.

14. If researchers wanted to improve upon the scientific accuracy of Alfred Kinsey's research on American sexual practices,

their first concern should involve:

A) using telephone rather than face-to-face interviews.

B) interviewing a larger number of people.

C) having females rather than males interview the female respondents.

D) interviewing a more representative sample of the American population.

15. George, a 33-year-old lawyer, experiences premature ejaculation. Research suggests that his disorder can be eliminated


A) engaging in sexual activity less frequently.

B) eliminating his high level of sexual guilt.

C) uncovering the unconscious fears that underlie his problem.

D) providing therapy designed to raise his self-esteem.

E) repeatedly engaging in genital stimulation that is discontinued as the urge to ejaculate arises.

16. The birth rate in North America over the past 30 years has ________ among married women and ________ among

unmarried women.

A) decreased; decreased

B) decreased; remained stable

C) decreased; increased

D) remained stable; increased

E) remained stable; remained stable

17. Twenty-two-year-old Tawana is slightly overweight and loves to eat, particularly snack foods and rich desserts. Fearful

of becoming overweight, she frequently takes a laxative after eating too much. Tawana most clearly suffers from:

A) bulimia nervosa.

B) anorexia nervosa.

C) extrinsic motivation.

D) an abnormally high set point.

E) hypermetabolism.

18. Compared to women, men are more likely to experience:

A) recollections of their previous sexual interactions.

B) dreams about members of the opposite sex.

C) fantasies of being sexually overpowered.

D) sexually vivid dreams that lead to orgasm.

19. With respect to sex research and human values, the text suggests that:

A) sexual activity is largely a medical and biological issue, not a moral issue.

B) scientific methods prevent sex researchers from being influenced by their own personal values.

C) researchers should not reveal their sexual values because sexual standards are a matter of personal taste.

D) sex research and education should be accompanied by open consideration of sexual values.

20. In their efforts to measure people's achievement motivation, McClelland and Atkinson presumed that the strength of this

motive would be reflected in people's:

A) task leadership.

B) annual income.

C) blood glucose levels.

D) motivational hierarchy.

E) fantasies.

21. George, a suspect in a criminal investigation, has agreed to take a lie detector test. The machine used in this test is most

likely to measure his:

A) blood sugar levels.

B) pupil dilation.

C) hormone secretions.

D) perspiration levels.

E) facial expressions of emotions.

22. The opponent-process theory suggests that with repeated experiences of a pleasurable event, feelings of pleasure

________ in intensity; with repeated experiences of a painful event, feelings of pain ________ in intensity.

A) increase; increase

B) increase; decrease

C) decrease; increase

D) decrease; decrease

23. Charles Darwin's suggestion that violent gestures increase one's anger is most inconsistent with the:

A) James-Lange theory.

B) adaptation-level principle.

C) opponent process theory.

D) catharsis hypothesis.

E) relative deprivation principle.

24. Mary's parents bought her a used bicycle for her birthday. She was thrilled until she learned that her best friend received

a brand new bicycle to celebrate Ground Hog Day. Mary's declining satisfaction illustrates:

A) the relative deprivation principle.

B) the adaptation-level phenomenon.

C) catharsis.

D) the James-Lange theory.

E) the two-factor theory.

25. Women are especially likely to surpass men in their ability to convey nonverbal expressions of:

A) happiness.

B) sadness.

C) surprise.

D) anger.

26. In terms of ability to recognize others' facial expressions of emotion, introverts do ________ than extraverts and women

do ________ than men.

A) better; better

B) worse; better

C) better; worse

D) worse; worse

27. It has been suggested that baring the teeth is universally associated with the expression of anger because this ability to

convey threats has helped humans to survive. This suggestion best illustrates the:

A) evolutionary perspective.

B) relative deprivation principle.

C) opponent-process theory.

D) two-factor theory.

E) adaptation-level principle.

28. The adaptation-level phenomenon refers to the:

A) perception that one is worse off than those with whom one compares oneself.

B) tendency for standards of judgment to be heavily influenced by previous experiences.

C) tendency for emotional release to reduce levels of physiological arousal.

D) tendency for evolution to favor organisms that adapt best to the environment.

29. Cheryl's boyfriend says he loves her, but she wants proof. In order to obtain the most trustworthy nonverbal signals of

how he really feels, Cheryl should carefully observe:

A) his general body posture when he stands near her.

B) the way he holds her hand when they walk together.

C) how close he stands to her when they are talking.

D) his facial expressions when they spend time together.

E) the way he positions his legs when he sits near her.

30. Ben has delivered a number of speeches to his college class. He finds that he is becoming less fearful prior to each

presentation, but he continues to feel intensely happy and relieved after each speech. Ben's experience is most directly explained in terms of the:

A) adaptation-level principle.

B) opponent-process theory.

C) relative deprivation principle.

D) two-factor theory.

E) catharsis hypothesis.

31. Evidence that neck-level spinal cord injuries reduce the intensity with which people experience certain emotions most

directly supports the:

A) Cannon-Bard theory.

B) adaptation-level principle.

C) James-Lange theory.

D) catharsis hypothesis.

E) opponent-process theory.

32. Research on the accuracy of lie detector tests suggests that they:

A) pose no threat to the innocent.

B) are accurate only 50 percent of the time, even when administered by experts.

C) are more likely to declare the innocent guilty than to declare the guilty innocent.

D) are more likely to declare the guilty innocent than to declare the innocent guilty.

33. The loss of an arm in an automobile accident is likely to ________ a person's long-term feelings of life satisfaction.

Winning first place in a national tennis tournament is likely to ________ a person's long-term feelings of life satisfaction.

A) decrease; have little effect on

B) decrease; increase

C) have little effect on; increase

D) have little effect on; have little effect on

34. Research on human fear indicates that:

A) fear is more often a poisonous emotion than an adaptive one.

B) people but not animals may acquire fear through observational learning.

C) people seem to be biologically predisposed to learn some fears more quickly than others.

D) genetic factors are unimportant in understanding fearfulness.

35. Facial expressions of anger are most likely to facilitate:

A) sympathetic nervous system arousal.

B) the catharsis of hostile urges.

C) feelings of love.

D) empathy.

36. Laboratory experiments have found that as compared with frowners, students who were induced to smile:

A) had increased blood sugar levels.

B) were less fearful of an unfamiliar stimulus.

C) expressed greater dislike of the experimenter.

D) expressed more empathy for a stranger.

E) found cartoons more humorous.

37. The fact that facial expressions of emotion tend to intensify the experience of emotion serves to support the:

A) catharsis hypothesis.

B) Cannon-Bard theory.

C) James-Lange theory.

D) adaptation-level theory.

E) opponent-process theory.

38. Repeatedly saying the word "me" puts people in a better mood than repeatedly saying "you." This best illustrates the:

A) opponent-process theory.

B) feel good, do good phenomenon.

C) adaptation-level phenomenon.

D) facial feedback effect.

E) relative deprivation principle.

39. Japanese citizens are less likely than Americans to express their feelings of anger nonverbally. This cultural difference

best reflects the Japanese culture's greater emphasis on:

A) privacy.

B) happiness.

C) personal meditation.

D) interdependence.

E) verbal communication.

40. Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty while he was taking a difficult test, Pedro concluded

that he was "anxious." Noticing that his heart was pounding and that his palms were sweaty when an attractive lady asked him to dance, Dmitri concluded that he was "falling in love." The differing emotions experienced by Pedro and Dmitri can best be explained by the:

A) relative deprivation principle.

B) James-Lange theory.

C) two-factor theory.

D) opponent-process theory.

E) adaptation-level principle.

41. Freud believed that ________ are the "royal road to the unconscious."

A) projective tests

B) dreams

C) erogenous zones

D) psychosexual stages

E) hypnotic trances

42. Freud suggested that the process of identification is most directly responsible for the development of:

A) the Oedipus complex.

B) free association.

C) the superego.

D) erogenous zones.

E) an inferiority complex.

43. Learned helplessness is most likely to contribute to:

A) the Barnum effect.

B) a self-serving bias.

C) an external locus of control.

D) unconditional positive regard.

E) an Oedipus complex.

44. Dogs strapped into a harness and given repeated and unavoidable shocks developed:

A) a fixation.

B) a reaction formation.

C) learned helplessness.

D) a higher threshold of pain.

E) unrealistic optimism.

45. The humanistic perspective emphasizes the importance of:

A) free association.

B) self-determination.

C) reciprocal determinism.

D) personality inventories.

E) projective tests.

46. No matter how long and hard Oprah studies, she always feels she hasn't studied as much as she should have. A Freudian

psychologist would suggest that Oprah shows signs of a:

A) weak id.

B) weak ego.

C) weak superego.

D) strong id.

E) strong superego.

47. Projective tests are most closely associated with the ________ perspective.

A) social-cognitive

B) psychoanalytic

C) humanistic

D) trait

48. Dr. Zytowics wants to assess the extent to which a client is suffering from depression, delusions, and other symptoms of

psychological disorder. Which personality inventory would be most helpful for this purpose?


B) Rorschach


D) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

49. Parents in collectivist cultures are more likely than parents in individualist cultures to encourage teenage children to:

A) pick out and purchase their own clothes.

B) participate in household chores.

C) publicly protest against repressive government policies.

D) establish close friendships with ethnically diverse groups of people.

50. The concept of "personality" most clearly embodies the notion of:

A) moral integrity.

B) self-consciousness.

C) temporal consistency.

D) self-actualization.

E) gender identity.

51. When 16-year-old Hafez received a large inheritance from his grandfather, he was tempted to purchase an expensive new

car. He decided, instead, to deposit all the money in a savings account for his college education. Hafez shows signs of a:

A) strong self-serving bias.

B) weak id.

C) strong collective unconscious.

D) strong ego.

E) strong external locus of control.

52. Although Jerry frequently cheats on classroom tests, he justifies his behavior by erroneously thinking that most other

students cheat even more than he does. His mistaken belief best illustrates:

A) reciprocal determinism.

B) the Barnum effect.

C) reaction formation.

D) an external locus of control.

E) self-serving bias.

53. People who are challenged by severe physical disabilities are likely to maintain normal levels of self-esteem by:

A) displacing their feelings of resentment.

B) developing an external locus of control.

C) comparing themselves with others who are similarly disabled.

D) accepting more personal responsibility for their problems than for their accomplishments.

54. Carol was informed by a professional palm reader: "You generally communicate openly with others, but you have certain

dark secrets that even your closest friends could never guess." The fact that Carol was impressed by the palm reader's insight into her personality best illustrates:

A) unconditional positive regard.

B) the Barnum effect.

C) the Electra complex.

D) reciprocal determinism.

E) attributional style.

55. Which theorist emphasized that personal growth is promoted by interactions with others who are genuine, accepting, and


A) Allport

B) Jung

C) Rogers

D) Freud

E) Bandura

56. One night after he heard his parents arguing, 4-year-old Wei had a vivid dream in which he saved his mother from being

bitten by a large snake. A psychoanalyst would most likely suspect that Wei's dream reflects a(n):

A) oral fixation.

B) reaction formation.

C) self-serving bias.

D) Oedipus complex.

E) external locus of control.

57. Because Mr. Maloney trusts his employees, he treats them very kindly. His kindness leads them to work diligently on his

behalf, which in turn increases his trust in them. This pattern of trust, kindness, diligence, and increasing trust illustrates what is meant by:

A) reaction formation.

B) the Barnum effect.

C) displacement.

D) external locus of control.

E) reciprocal determinism.

58. Personality inventories typically gather information by means of:

A) projection.

B) factor analysis.

C) free association.

D) self-reports.

E) random selection.

59. Which of the following is most likely to contribute to raising one's self-esteem?

A) free association

B) an Electra complex

C) self-serving bias

D) an external locus of control

E) the Barnum effect

60. According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the:

A) id to defend against the accusations and guilt feelings produced by the superego.

B) ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized.

C) superego to prevent expression of sexual and aggressive drives.

D) id, ego, and superego in a repetitive sequence of internal conflicts.

61. People are somewhat more likely to demonstrate self-serving bias in a culture that values:

A) individualism.

B) collectivism.

C) reciprocal determinism.

D) conformity.

E) role playing.

62. Melissa is unconsciously fearful that her husband is a better cook than she. Recently, she refused his offer to prepare

dinner because, said she, "You could better spend the time playing with our kids." Melissa's comment best illustrates:

A) regression.

B) projection.

C) rationalization.

D) displacement.

E) reaction formation.

63. Researchers found that new life insurance representatives were less likely to quit during their first year on the job if they

demonstrated the trait of:

A) agreeableness.

B) openness.

C) extraversion.

D) optimism.

64. A person whose self-esteem is momentarily threatened is especially likely to:

A) demonstrate an independence from social pressure to conform.

B) criticize the shortcomings of others.

C) lack a clear sense of gender identity.

D) experience an internal locus of control.

E) be motivated by a desire for self-actualization.

65. The importance of romance in marriage relationships is most likely to be emphasized in cultures that value:

A) role playing.

B) collectivism.

C) reciprocal determinism.

D) individualism.

E) gender stereotypes.

Answer Key

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. A

9. D

10. A

11. D

12. D

13. D

14. D

15. E

16. C

17. A

18. D

19. D

20. E

21. D

22. D

23. D

24. A

25. A

26. A

27. A

28. B

29. D

30. B

31. C

32. C

33. D

34. C

35. A

36. E

37. C

38. D

39. D

40. C

41. B

42. C

43. C

44. C

45. B

46. E

47. B

48. A

49. B

50. C

51. D

52. E

53. C

54. B

55. C

56. D

57. E

58. D

59. C

60. B

61. A

62. C

63. D

64. B

65. D

Chapter 12 课后答案

新编语言学教程Chapter 12答案 Applied Linguistics 1. Define the following terms briefly. (1) applied linguistics: the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical issues, e.g. speech therapy, language teaching, testing, and translation. More often than not nowadays, it is used in the narrow sense, and refers to language teaching in particular. (2) grammar-translation method: a method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. (3) audiolingual method: the teaching of a second language through imitation, repetition, and reinforcement. It emphasizes the teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing and the use of mother tongue in the classroom is not allowed. (4) communicative language teaching: an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is to achieve communicative competence.


第12章习题答案 1.设T 是一个非平凡树,证明T 中最长基本链的起点和终点的次数为1。 证明:假设P 是T 中最长的基本链,P 的起点或终点的次数不为1,即它的次数至少是2,则至少有一个顶点,令其为u ,与P 的起点或终点邻接。若u 在P 上,则构成圈,与T 是树矛盾,若u 不在P 上,则存在比P 更长的基本链,这与P 是T 中最长的基本链矛盾。因此,非平凡树T 中最长基本链的起点和终点的次数必为1。 2.证明恰好有两个顶点的次数为1的树必为一基本链。 证明:假设T 是任意一个恰好有两个顶点的次数为1的树,如果T 不是一基本链,则至少有一个分支顶点的次数大于2。设T 有n 个顶点,则T 有n-2个分支顶点,n-1条边。根据定理9.1,T 的顶点的次数之和等于T 的边数的2倍,可知 2(n-1)>2+2(n-2) 因此得到2n-2>2n-2,矛盾。故T 必为一基本链。即恰好有两个顶点的次数为1的树必为一基本链。 3.一个树有n 2个顶点次敉为2,n 3个顶点次数为3,…,n k 个顶点次数为k ,问这个树有几片树叶? 解:设这个树为T ,有x 片树叶,则T 有x +n 2+n 3+…+n k -1条边。根据定理9.1,T 的顶点的次数之和等于T 的边数的2倍,有 x +2n 2+3n 3+…+k n k =2(x +n 2+n 3+…+n k -1) 解得 x =n 3+2n 4+3n 5+…+(k-2)n k +2 即这个树有n 3+2n 4+3n 5+…+(k-2)n k +2片树叶。 7.证明在完全二元树中,弧的总数等于2(n t -1),这里n t 是树叶的数目。 证明:设完全二元树T 有n 个顶点,m 条弧。因为它有n t 片树叶,所以除树叶以外的顶点有n -n t 个。由于在完全二元树中,除树叶以外的顶点的引出次数均为2,每片树叶的引出次数均为0,故所有顶点的引出次数之和为2(n -n t ),它等于弧的总数m 。又因为1-=n m , 故有2(n -n t )=1-n ,解得n =2n t -1。因此m=n-1=2(n t -1)。 11. 图12.11给出了一个有序树,试求其对应的位置二元树。 解:把该树顶点标记i u 的下标i 作为序, 利用将有序树转化为位置二元树的算法, 求得其对应的位置二元树如右图所示。 4u 3 u 5 u 7 u 0u 1 u 2 u 6 u 8 u 9 u 10


《文件与文件夹的基本操作》教学内容《文件与文件夹的基本操作》 教学目的 1、了解建立文件夹的意义,渗透归类整理的组织管理思想; 2、学会新建(更名)文件夹及文件的复制、移动、删除、更名等操作,形成一定的操作技能,提高学生的信息素养; 3、在自主、合作学习氛围中培养学生的成就感、增强自信心,提高学习能力。 教学重难点文件夹的建立和文件夹的重命名 文件或文件夹的基本操作(剪贴、复制、移动、删除) 教学准备多媒体教学机房文件及文件夹素材 教学方法任务驱动法、讲授法 教学时间1课时 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动 导入新课、创设学习氛围 1、展示教师机电脑中的文件夹,提问:为什 么要这样将文件分类夹起来? 2、揭示课题,提出学习任务 回答教师提 出的问题,产生学 生动机。 任务驱动,共同学习任务一:建立自己的文件夹 1、老师通过大屏幕,展示任务内容。 2、了解学生情况,以便进行针对性的加以指 导。 3、学生通过上机操作进行自主或合作学习。 教师通过电子教室监控学生操作,并提出合 理建议进行指导,鼓励先完成的学生对其它学生 进行指导。 通过自主学 习,同学间开展互 助学习共同解决 问题,并上机操 作。

任务驱动,共同学习任务二:文件的移动、复制、更名、删除 1、展示任务内容。 2、了解学生情况,以便进行针对性的加以指 导。 3、学生自主或合作学习,并上机操作。 教师通过电子教室监控学生操作,并提出合 理建议进行指导,鼓励先完成的学生对本小组的 其它学生进行指导。 4、讨论移动文件与复制文件的区别。 通过自主学 习或小组同学间 开展互助学习共 同解决问题,并上 机操作。 任务三:练兵场 1、教师通过电子教室远程启动该软件,讲解 清楚使用方法。告知学生每完成一个任务即可看 到笑话、漫画、动画等。 2、教师通过电子教室监控学生操作情况,适 时加以指导 学生进行自 我挑战,享受成功 的喜悦。 课堂小结 教师与学生对本课涉及的操作进行小结,告 诉学生今后在使用电脑的过程中,要利用这些操 作,将电脑中文件进行归类管理,便于自己查找 使用。 评选“最佳个人” 与教师一道 进行小结,明确归 类管理文件的意 义 学生评选出 表现最突出的个 人 知识拓展 教师向学生提供几个Internet网站,让学生 去寻找文件与文件夹操作的其它方法。 或同学之间交流文件与文件夹操作的其他方 法 学生上网杳 找学习或同学间 互相交流 课后反思


1分析电子衍射与X衍射有何异同? 答:相同点: ①都是以满足布拉格方程作为产生衍射的必要条件。 ②两种衍射技术所得到的衍射花样在几何特征上大致相似。 不同点: ①电子波的波长比X射线短的多,在同样满足布拉格条件时,它的衍射角很小,约为10-2rad o 2 而X射线产生衍射时,其衍射角最大可接近-o π ②在进行电子衍射操作时采用薄晶样品,增加了倒易阵点和爱瓦尔德球相交截的机会,使衍射条件 变宽。 ③因为电子波的波长短,采用爱瓦尔德球图解时,反射球的半径很大,在衍射角θ较小的 范围内反射球的球面可以近似地看成是一个平面,从而也可以认为电子衍射产生的衍射斑点大致分布在一个二维倒易截面内。 ④原子对电子的散射能力远高于它对X射线的散射能力,故电子衍射束的强度较大,摄取 衍射花样时曝光时间仅需数秒钟。 2、倒易点阵与正点阵之间关系如何?倒易点阵与晶体的电子衍射斑点之间有何对应关系? 答:倒易点阵是与正点阵相对应的量纲为长度倒数的一个三维空间点阵,通过倒易点阵可以把晶体的电子衍射斑点直接解释成晶体相对应晶面的衍射结果,可以认为电子衍射斑点就是 与晶体相对应的倒易点阵某一截面上阵点排列的像。 关系: ①倒易矢量g hkι垂直于正点阵中对应的(hkl)晶面,或平行于它的法向N hki ②倒易点阵中的一个点代表正点阵中的一组晶面 ③倒易矢量的长度等于点阵中的相应晶面间距的倒数,即g hki=1∕d hki ④对正交点阵有 a*∕∕a , b*∕∕b , c//c , a*=1∕a, b*=1∕b , c*=1∕c。 ⑤只有在立方点阵中,晶面法向和同指数的晶向是重合的,即倒易矢量g hkl是与相应指数 的晶向[hkl]平行 ⑥某一倒易基矢量垂直于正交点阵中和自己异名的二基矢所成平面。 3、用爱瓦尔德图解法证明布拉格定律。 证:如图,以入射 X射线的波长λ的倒数为半径作一球(厄瓦尔德球),将试样放在球心 0 处,入射线经试样与球相交于0*;以0*为倒易原点,若任一倒易点G落在厄瓦尔德球面上, 则G对应的晶面满足衍射条件产生衍射。 令入射方向矢量为 k (k = 1∕ λ),衍射方向矢量为 k,,衍射矢量为g。则有g = 2ks in θ。 ■/ g=1∕d ; k=1∕ λ ,??. 2dsin θ = λ。即厄瓦尔德球图解与布拉格方程等价。


第十械波 一. 选择题 [C] 1.(基础训练1)图14-10为一平面简谐波在t = 2 s 时刻的波形图,则平衡位置在P 点的质点的振动方程是 (A) ]31 )2(cos[01.0π + -π=t y P (SI). (B) ]31 )2(cos[01.0π++π=t y P (SI) . (C) ]31 )2(2cos[01.0π+-π=t y P (SI). (D) ]3 1 )2(2cos[01.0π--π=t y P (SI). 【提示】由t=2s 波形,及波向X 轴负向传播,波动方程 })2[(cos{0 ?ω+-+ -=u x x t A y ,?为P 点初相。以0x x =代入。 [C] 2.(基础训练4)一平面简谐波在弹性媒质中传播,在某一瞬时,媒质中某质元正处于平衡位置,此时它的能量是() (A) 动能为零,势能最大. (B) 动能为零,势能为零. (C) 动能最大,势能最大. (D) 动能最大,势能为零. 【提示】在波动的传播过程中,任意时刻的动能和势能不仅大小相等而且相位相同,在平衡位置,动能最大,势能最大。 [D] 3.(基础训练7)在长为L ,一端固定,一端自由的悬空细杆上形成驻波,则此驻波的基频波(波长最长的波)的波长为 (A) L . (B) 2L . (C) 3L . (D) 4L . 【提示】形成驻波,固定端为波节,自由端为波腹。波长最长, 4 L λ =。 [D] 4.(自测提高3)一平面简谐波以速度u 沿x 轴正方向传播,在t = t '时波形曲线如图14-24所示.则坐标原点O 的振动方程为 (A) ]2 )(cos[π + '-=t t b u a y . (B) ]2)(2cos[π -'-π=t t b u a y . (C) ]2 )(cos[π +'+π=t t b u a y . 图14-24


1、分析电子衍射与X 衍射有何异同? 答:相同点: ① 都是以满足布拉格方程作为产生衍射的必要条件。 ② 两种衍射技术所得到的衍射花样在几何特征上大致相似。 不同点: ① 电子波的波长比x 射线短的多,在同样满足布拉格条件时,它的衍射角很小,约为10-2rad 。 而X 射线产生衍射时,其衍射角最大可接近 2 。 ② 在进行电子衍射操作时采用薄晶样品,增加了倒易阵点和爱瓦尔德球相交截的机会,使 衍射条件变宽。 ③ 因为电子波的波长短,采用爱瓦尔德球图解时,反射球的半径很大,在衍射角θ较小的 范围内反射球的球面可以近似地看成是一个平面,从而也可以认为电子衍射产生的衍射斑点大致分布在一个二维倒易截面内。 ④ 原子对电子的散射能力远高于它对x 射线的散射能力,故电子衍射束的强度较大,摄取 衍射花样时曝光时间仅需数秒钟。 2、倒易点阵与正点阵之间关系如何?倒易点阵与晶体的电子衍射斑点之间有何对应关系? 答:倒易点阵是与正点阵相对应的量纲为长度倒数的一个三维空间点阵,通过倒易点阵可以把晶体的电子衍射斑点直接解释成晶体相对应晶面的衍射结果,可以认为电子衍射斑点就是与晶体相对应的倒易点阵某一截面上阵点排列的像。 关系: ① 倒易矢量g hkl 垂直于正点阵中对应的(hkl )晶面,或平行于它的法向N hkl ② 倒易点阵中的一个点代表正点阵中的一组晶面 ③ 倒易矢量的长度等于点阵中的相应晶面间距的倒数,即g hkl =1/d hkl ④ 对正交点阵有a *//a ,b *//b ,c *//c ,a *=1/a ,b *=1/b ,c *=1/c 。 ⑤ 只有在立方点阵中,晶面法向和同指数的晶向是重合的,即倒易矢量g hkl 是与相应指数 的晶向[hkl]平行 ⑥ 某一倒易基矢量垂直于正交点阵中和自己异名的二基矢所成平面。 3、用爱瓦尔德图解法证明布拉格定律。 证:如图,以入射X 射线的波长λ的倒数为半径作一球(厄瓦尔德球),将试样放在球心O 处,入射线经试样与球相交于O*;以O*为倒易原点,若任一倒易点G 落在厄瓦尔德球面上,则G 对应的晶面满足衍射条件产生衍射。 令入射方向矢量为k (k = 1/λ),衍射方向矢量为k ,,衍射矢量为g 。则有g = 2ksin θ。∵g=1/d ;k=1/λ,∴2dsin θ=λ。即厄瓦尔德球图解与布拉格方程等价。


习题十四 14-1 试说明时序逻辑电路有什么特点?它和组合逻辑电路的主要区别在什么地方? 答:时序逻辑电路的特点是电路在某一时刻稳定输出不仅取决于该时刻的输入,而且还依赖于该电路过去的状态,换句话说,该电路具有记忆功能。它与组合逻辑电路的主要区别在于时序电路的记忆功能。时序电路通常是由组合逻辑电路和记忆电路两部分组成。 14-2 有一个专用通讯系统(同步时序电路),若在输入线x 上连续出现三个“1”信号,则在输出线Y 上出现一个“1”信号予以标记,对于其它输入序列,输出均为“0”,作状态图和状态转移真值表。 解:该电路要求设计同步时序逻辑电路,所以状态的改变是在同步时钟脉冲的作用下进行状态转换。 功能要求:在输入端连续输入三个“1”信号时,输出端输出“1”,否则输出端输出“0”。对功能进行描述为:假设初始状态为00,当接到输入信号为“1”时,用状态01表示已经输入一个“1”的状态01,否则,回到初始状态00;若在01状态又接到一个“1”信号,将该状态记为11,状态11说明已经连续收到两个“1”;在11状态,无论下一个输入是“1”还是“0”,都回到00状态,只是在接收到“1”时(说明连续收到三个“1”,然后将状态置于初始状态,准备对下一次检测作好准备)输出“1”,否则输出“0”。因此,至少需要三个状态来描述功能要求(由此可知,需要两个触发器来描述三个不同状态)。 根据以上要求,可以作出电路的状态图如下: 14-3 分析题图14-1所示时序电路的逻辑功能,并给出时序图。 解:该题是将J K 触发器转换为D 触发器,根据D 触发器的状态方程得: D Q D Q D Q K Q J Q n n n n n =+=+=+1 其次注意到JK 触发器是下降沿触发,所以时序图如图所示。 状态转移真值表 次态/输出( Q 2n +1Q 1n +1/Y ) 现态Q 2n Q 1n x =0 x =1 0 0 0 1 1 1 00/0 00/0 00/0 01/0 10/0 00/1 1 0 偏离状态 CP D D 题图14-1习题14-3电路图 CP D Q n 习题14-3的时序图


第十二章经济全球化与现代资本主义 经济全球化 关于经济全球化的含义有多种解释,但基本点还是一致的,那就是都强调了世界各国之间的经济联系越来越密切这样一个客观事实。基于此,可以对经济全球化作这样的表述:经济全球化是以资本、技术、信息等各类生产要素在全球范围内进行流动和配置,各国经济相互联系、相互依赖的一体化过程。它具体表现为:贸易自由化程度提高、金融国际化趋势增强、全球生产经营网络形成、区域经济集团化向纵深发展、世界各国在有关全人类共同关心的资源问题、环境问题等方面的合作与联系日益加强等。 布雷顿森林体系 二次世界大战之后胜利国建立的新的世界经济体系,即所谓的布雷顿森林体系。1944年7月,美国、英国、法国和原苏联等44国参加了在美国新罕布什尔州召开的布雷顿森林会议,建立了旨在稳定国际金融、改善国际贸易环境的国际货币基金组织和国际复兴开发银行(即世界银行),建立了以美元为中心的货币体系,这体系被称作布雷顿森林体系。它的主要内容是:规定美元与黄金挂钩;规定其他各国货币按含金量同美元挂钩;市场汇率波动若超过一定幅度,各国政府有义务进行干预等,由此形成了固定汇率制度,这一制度促进了国际贸易与金融关系的稳定与发展。60年代频繁爆发的美元危机削弱了布雷顿森林体系,1973年8月15日,美国宣布停止美元与黄金兑换。从197 3年3月起,主要西方国家相继实行浮动汇率制,布雷顿森林体系正式瓦解。 1、经济全球化的含义是什么?它是如何形成的? 关于经济全球化的含义有多种解释。但基本点还是一致的,那就是都强调了世界各国之间的经济联系越来越密切这样一个客观事实。经济全球化是以资本、技术、信息等各类生产要素在全球范围内进行流动和配置,各国经济相互联系、相互依赖的一体化过程。它具体表现为:贸易自由化程度提高、金融国际化趋势增强、全球生产经营网络形成、区域经济集团化向纵深发展、世界各国在有关全人类共同关心的资源问题、环境问题等方面的合作与联系日益加强等。 严格地讲,经济全球化并不完全是一个新的现象,事实上,自从资本主义来到这个世界以后,经济全球化的过程就开始了。经济的全球化是与资本主义生产方式在全球的扩展相伴随的。15世纪初,随着商品经济的发展,经济全球化开始发展。18世纪中期至19世纪中期,以蒸汽机和纺织机的发明和使用为重要标志的第一次工业革命,奠定了资本主义制度的物质基础,确定了资本主义制度在全球的统治。19世纪后半期发生了以电力和电动机的发明和使用为标志、以重化工业的兴起为核心的第二次工业革命,它极大地促进了世界经济的发展,推动了经济的全球化,并对资本主义国际分工体系的最终形成起了决定性的作用。19世纪的最后30年,资本主义的垄断开始形成。19世纪末20世纪初,资本主义进入垄断阶段。在这个过程中,不仅商品输出进一步迅速增长,资本输出也大大增长,成了垄断资本主义的重要特征。资本的输出把一切弱小国家都卷入了世界经济和政治的漩涡。19世纪末到20世纪初的经济全球化进程被两次世界大战所打断。战后的胜利国建立了新的世界经济体系,它们就是所谓的布雷顿森林体系。布雷顿森林体系建立之后出现了50年代和60年代战后资本主义的黄金时期。从20世纪50年代到70年代,各个国家都逐渐降低关税和贸易壁垒,减少各种限额,使世界经济中逐渐出现了一个经济一体化程度更高的资本主义全球经济。战后经济全球化的第二次高潮是从20世纪80年代开始的,在90年代逐渐加速发展。经济全球化已经成为一个世界性潮流。 引起经济全球化的原因主要有以下三点:(1)科学技术的进步。(2)跨国公司的发展。(3)市场经济体制成为各国的选择。所有这些都为国际资本的流动、国际贸易的扩大、国际生产的大规模进行提供了适宜的制度环境和政策条件,有力地促进了经济全球化的形成。


第十四章自动血沉分析仪习题参考答案 一、名词解释 1.红细胞沉降率:是指红细胞在一定条件下沉降的速度,简称血沉。 2.魏氏血沉测定法:是传统的手工检测方法。在血液中加入一定的抗凝剂,置于特定的血沉管中,将管垂直固定于血沉架上,经1小时观察红细胞下降的毫米数。 3.血沉自动分析仪的检测系统:一般采用光电阵列二极管。其作用是进行光电转换,把光信号转变成电信号。 4.血沉自动分析仪的数据处理系统:由放大电路、数据采集系统和打印机组成。 其作用就是将检测系统的检测信号,经计算机的处理,驱动智能化打印机打印结果。 5.红细胞沉降曲线:即H-T曲线,是表示血沉管内血浆高度H(mm)与时间T(min)关系的曲线。 二、选择题 【A型题】 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.C 【x型题】 1.ABCE 2.ACDE 3.ABDE 4.BCDE 5.ADE 三、简答题 1.何谓红细胞沉降率? 答:是指红细胞在一定条件下沉降的速度,简称血沉。 2.红细胞沉降率的测定方法有哪些? 答:传统方法有:标准的(Westergren)魏氏法;1972年Bull发明了Zetafuge 离心机来测定红细胞膜表面的唾液酸带有负电荷形成的zeta电位,即zeta红细胞沉降率(ZSR),但该法尚未得到公认;20世纪80年代诞生了血沉自动分析仪,把光电技术与计算机技术运用在传统测试上,实现血沉的动态结果自动分析;20世纪 90年代初出现

了18度倾斜管方式的快速自动血沉仪测定法。 3.影响红细胞沉降的因素有哪些? 答:主要包括红细胞的形态和大小、红细胞的变形性、红细胞的聚集性、红细胞间的相互作用,红细胞压积,血浆介质和上升流动,沉降管的倾斜度等。 4.简述血沉自动分析仪的原理。 答:所有血沉自动分析仪的原理和方法都是建立在魏氏法的基础上,利用光学阻挡原理进行测量。也有采用红外线障碍法或激光光源扫描微量全血进行检测。 红细胞沉降过程是一个包含力学、流变学及细胞间相互作用等复杂的过程。影响红细胞沉降的因素很多,对于红细胞沉降这一非线性过程而言,自动血沉分析仪可完整记录红细胞沉降的全过程。 5.简述血沉自动分析仪的读数原理。 答:一类是血沉管垂直固定在自动血沉仪的孔板上,光电二极管对血沉管进行扫描。一旦红外线穿过血沉管到达接收器,接收器的信号就引导计算机开始计算到达移动终端时所需的距离。首先记录血沉管中的血液在零计时时的高度,此后每隔一定时间扫描一次,记录每次扫描时红细胞和血浆接触的位置,血沉以计算机自动计算转换成魏氏法测定值报告结果。 另一类是固定光电二极管,血沉管随转盘转动。垂直置管方式与魏氏法相同。18度倾斜置管方式是将放入血沉管中的血样被仪器充分混匀后,试管相对于Y轴倾斜18度,促使红细胞沉降加速,静置一段时间,光电传感器自动读出红细胞沉降值,先纪录结果后转换成魏氏法测定值。 6.简述血沉自动分析仪的性能指标。 答:仪器的性能指标: 测量时间:18~60分钟;测量精度:≤1毫米; 定时精度:≤1分钟;样品用量:1毫升左右; 同时测量样品数:10~40个;电源:AC220V±20V,50Hz; 标本采集:真空管或普通管。 7.简述血沉自动分析仪的安装注意事项。 答:仪器的安装:一般血沉分析仪的安装都比较简单,严格按照说明书安装即可。仪器安装的条件如下:避免安装在有水分、潮湿的地方,应安装在清洁、通风处,(室

乳品加工手册 Chapter12

第十二章 奶油和涂布乳制品 国际乳品协会(IDF)介绍了一种包括奶油和涂沫制品的标准,即IDF标准166: 1993,“涂布脂肪指南”,这些指南的意图是用来提供一个主要框架,在该框 架下不同国家可以根据自身需要设定更加明确详细的一组或单一的标准。

定义 涂布脂肪:“涂布脂肪”是一种以乳浊液形式存在的食物,主要是油包水型,并且主要由水相、食用脂肪和油组成。 食用脂肪和油主要由脂肪酸的甘油三酸脂组成,它们来源于蔬菜、动物、乳或海产品。 下列表(12.1和12.2)选自于该标准。 表12.1 乳脂肪和人造奶油制品的主要组成 乳脂产品 混合脂肪产品 人造奶油产品 总脂肪中含乳 总脂肪中乳脂含量 总脂肪中乳脂含量 脂100% 最高为80%,最低为15% 最高为3% 注意,按照一些国家的或其它的有关法规:脂肪含量和乳脂与其它种类脂肪的比例会有一些更严格的限制性范围。 主要的原料应该是水和/或乳制品,食用脂肪和/或油或者是它们的混合物,关于脂肪含量及涂布脂肪的标准可依据脂肪的来源不同分为三类,最高脂肪含量应达到95%。 食物的名称应符合国家法规的规定,但产品需遵守表12.2所列的一般要求,该表将所有产品全部覆盖在以下三大类中: 表12.2 乳脂肪和人造奶油制品的名称 脂肪含量% 乳脂产品 混合脂肪产品 人造奶油产品 80-95 奶油 混合物 人造奶油 762-<80 涂布乳品 涂布混合物 涂布脂肪 60-62 3/4脂肪或 3/4脂肪或 3/4稀释脂肪 稀释脂肪 稀释脂肪 稀释脂肪 奶油 混合物 人造奶油 <41-<60 减量脂肪 减量脂肪 减量脂肪涂布 涂布乳品 涂布混合物 涂布 39-41 1/2或低脂奶油 1/2或低脂混合物 1/2或低脂人造 奶油或米纳林 <39 涂布低脂肪乳品 涂布低脂肪混合物 涂布低脂肪 下列联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)的标准普遍适用于在国际贸易中并指明所允许使用的产品的名称: A1-奶油和乳清奶油标准 (A16-涂布低脂乳品标准——草稿) 规范标准32-1981是人造奶油标准 规范标准13-1981是低脂奶油标准

第十二章 参考答案

习题12-1 比较下列各组化合物的相对酸性大小: 12-2 预测下列反应的产物:

12-3 在叔丁醇中于室温下用叔丁醇钾处理酮A,几乎完全得到酮B;而酮A在低温下(-72℃)于四氢呋喃中与二异丙基氨基锂作用,接着加热,则主要得到酮C。试写出酮B和酮C的形成过程,并解释在两种不同条件下生成两种不同产物的原因。 O O O A B 1. t-BuOK, t-BuOH 2 C A到B的转变: A到C的转变: 在室温下反应时,A生成热力学控制的产物B;而在低温,大位阻碱(LDA)作用下时,生成动力学控制的产物C。 12-4 试写出下列反应进行的机理:

O Ph Ph O MeOH + Ph Ph O (1) 51%

逆反应机理同理。 (Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 761)

(J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 7455) 12-5 20世纪70年代我国科学家从民间治疗疟疾草药黄花蒿中分离出一种含有过氧桥结构的倍半萜内酯化合物,称为青蒿素。青蒿素是我国自主研发并在国际上注册的药物之一,也是目前世界上最有效的抗疟疾药物之一。我国著名有机合成化学家、中国科学院院士周维善教授在青蒿素的全合成方面做出了开创性的工作,他领导的研究小组于1983年完成了青蒿素的首次全合成。他所采用的合成路线如下:

〔Bn = 苄基;LDA = [(CH3)2CH]2NLi(二异丙基氨基锂);p-TsOH = 对甲苯磺酸〕(1)写出中间体B、F和G的立体结构式。 (2)中间体C在LDA存在下与3-三甲基硅基-3-丁烯-2-酮反应时,除了得到中间体D之外,还可能产生2种副产物,它们是D的异构体。试写出这2种可能副产物的结构式。 (3)写出由中间体D到中间体E转化的机理。

Excel VBA_文本文件和文件夹操作实例集锦

1,导入文本数据(QueryTables) ‘110419.xls Sub daorwb() ' 2008-4-19 Columns("a:g").ClearContents ‘文本文件名放在[y2]单元格,两文件在同一个文件夹 With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ "TEXT;" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & [y2], Destination:=Range("A1")) .FieldNames = True .PreserveFormatting = True .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells .SaveData = True .AdjustColumnWidth = False .TextFilePromptOnRefresh = False .TextFilePlatform = 936 .TextFileStartRow = 1 .TextFileParseType = xlFixedWidth .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote .TextFileTabDelimiter = True .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) .TextFileFixedColumnWidths = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With End Sub 2,从文本文件中复制部分数据(OpenText方法) ‘,/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=92&ID=28958&replyID=&skin=1 Sub Macro1() ' 2007-10-18 (自编宏之四) '从文本文件中复制部分数据 ‘Book1017.xls+test1017.txt Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim Myflnm$ Myflnm = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test1017.txt" Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=Myflnm, Origin _


14-1 填充柱气相色谱分析某试样,柱长为1 m 时,测得A 、B 两组分的保留时间分别为5.80 min 和6.60 min ,峰底宽分别为0.78 min 和0.82 min.,死时间为1.10 min ,试计算以下各项(1)载气的平均线速度;(2)组分B 的分配比;(3)组分A 的有效塔板数;(4)选择性因子;(5)分离度;(6)条件不变情况下,A 、B 完全分离时所需的柱长。 解:(1)10min m 91.010.1/1t /L u -?=== (2)00.510 .110 .160.6k B =-= (3)()()()58178.010.180.516A W t A t 16A n 2 2 0r eff =? ?? ??-?=?? ? ??-?= (4)()()17.110 .180.510 .160.6A t B t 'r 'r =--==α (5)() 0.178 .082.080.560.62R =+-?= (6)m 2 5.1=??? ? ??= 14-2 已知组分A 和B 的分配系数分别为7.6和9.3,当它们通过相比β=90的填充柱时,能否达到基本分离?(基本分离时R=1.0) 解:2.16.7/3.9K /K A B ===α;10.090/3.9/K k B B ==β= 6969610.010.0112.12.1116k k 11R 16n 2 22 2 B B 2 2=? ? ? ??+???? ??-??=??? ??+???? ??-αα?= 填充柱柱长最多5 m (通常为2 m ),单位长度塔板数为1500/m ,因此无法达到这样的柱效,因此在上述条件下,不能实现分离。(计算柱效时,用A 的分配比也行,本来就是估算) 14-3 某组分在一2 m 长的色谱柱上的分配比为3.0,若载气流速为28 cm ?min -1,请问在理想状态下20 min 后该组分柱中的位置(即谱带中心距进样端的距离)以及该组分流出色谱柱所需时间(以色谱峰值所对应的时间表示)。 解:100r min cm 70.3128 k 1u u u L u L u L t t t k -?=+=+=?- =-=载气组分载气 载气组分 20 min 时,组分移动了20?7=140 cm (即距进样端140 cm )


第十二讲习题参考答案 一.当前目录下有一个文本文件sample12.txt,其内容包含小写字母和大写字母。请将该文件复制到另一文件sample12_copy.txt,并将原文件中的小写字母全部转换为大写字母,其余格式均不变。 参考答案: f=open("sample12.txt") L1=f.readlines() f2=open("sample12_copy.txt",'w') for line in L1: f2.write(line.upper()) f.close() f2.close() 二.当前目录下有一个文件名为class_score.txt的文本文件,存放着某班学生的学号、数学课成绩(第2列)和语文课成绩(第3列)。请编程完成下列要求: (1)分别求这个班数学和语文的平均分(保留1位小数)并输出。 (2)找出两门课都不及格(<60)的学生,输出他们的学号和各科成绩。 (3)找出两门课的平均分在90分以上的学生,输出他们的学号和各科成绩。建议用三个函数分别实现以上要求。 参考答案: def output_avg(L): sum1,sum2=0,0 for line in L: L1=line.strip().split() sum1+=int(L1[1]) sum2+=int(L1[2]) count=len(L) avg1=round(sum1/count,1) avg2=round(sum2/count,1) print("这个班的数学平均分为:%4.1f,语文平均分为:%4.1f"%(avg1,avg2)) def output_notpass(L): print("两门课均不及格的学生学号及数学、语文成绩为:") for line in L: L1=line.strip().split() if int(L1[1])<60 and int(L1[2])<60: print(line) def output_good(L):


《第四课文件和文件夹的操作》教学设计 【教学内容】 新建自己的文件和文件夹,学习文件和文件夹的复制和粘贴、文件和文件夹的移动、文件和文件夹的删除。 【学情分析】 对于小学四年级的学生来说,计算机相关专业术语理解 起来难度大,虽然已经有第三课的知识做为本节教学的基础,但学生学起来可能还有很大难度。但是现在的学生已经很早地接解电子产和数码产品,操作能力相对以前的学生会强一些,因此,本节课要以“简说多做”为原则,充分发挥学生的学习能动性,可以在教学中充分发挥学生的互助带动性,让学生不仅学得知识,也能培养团结协作能力,更能让学生在学习中获得成就感,从而树立学习的自信心。 【设计意图】 贯穿始终的依旧是“学以致用”的思想,遵从“简说多做”的原则,让学生在教师的组织引导下做课堂的主人。【教学目标】

1、建立以自己的爱好为名称的文件夹,在文件夹中建有若干个文件。 2、学习文件和文件夹的复制和粘贴。 3、学习文件和文件夹的移动。 4、学习文件和文件夹的删除。 5、通过学习,养成良好的文件和文件夹的使用习惯,明白学习和生活中做到“井井有条”的重要性,并努力做到。【教学重点和难点】 教学重点: 文件和文件夹的新建、复制和粘贴、移动、删除等操作。教学难点: 1、文件和文件夹的复制和粘贴、文件和文件夹的移动、文件和文件夹的删除。 2、养成良好的操作习惯。 【教学过程】 一、激趣导入 玩游戏:比一比谁最快?(找卡片游戏) 师:同学们,通过这个游戏,你们知到了什么?

获胜者和输的学生各自发言,说说自己获胜和失败的原因。(学生讨论) 再以学生翻来覆去找作业和超市购物等生活实例让学生进一步感受“杂乱无章”和“井井有条”的效果。引导学生认识到:有条理地安置东西能提高效率。教育学生:要养成好习惯,把自己的书本或生活用品放置地井井有条。 师:好了,同学们,我们生活中用的电脑是不是也像一个属于你自己的超市呢?里面放着你所需要的各种东西,那我们是不是也要把里面的东西放置得有条理呢?今天我们 就来学习一些操作,来把我们电脑里的东西好好处理一下,以方便我们使用。 【设计意图:联系实际生活,引出本节课的学习内容。】二、展示学习目标 展示学习目标: 1.新建一个以自己喜好为名称的文件夹,并在里面放置几个文件;如:我爱听的音乐、我的照片、好看的电影等等。 2.自学课本13—16页,了解文件和文件夹的复制和粘贴、移动、删除等操作。 3、交流学习成果。


第14章习题参考答案 14.1单键连接时如果强度不够应采取什么措施?若采用双键,对平键和楔键而言,分别应该如何布置? 答:采用单键强度不够时,采用双键;两个平键最好布置在沿周向相隔180°,两个楔键布置在沿周向相隔90°~120°。 14.2 平键和楔键的工作原理有何不同? 答:平键的两侧面是工作面,工作时,靠键同键槽侧面的挤压来传递转矩,即靠正压力工作;楔键的上下面是工作面,工作时,靠键的楔紧作用来传递转矩,即靠摩擦力工作。 14.3 机械制造中常见的焊接方式有几种?都有哪些焊缝形式?焊接接头有哪些形式? 答:常用的焊接方式有电弧焊、气焊和电渣焊; 主要的焊缝形式有对接焊缝、填角焊缝、塞焊缝、端接焊缝、槽焊缝等; 主要的焊接接头有对接接头、T 型接头、角接接头和搭接接头。 14.4 胶接接头主要有哪几种型式?常用的胶粘剂有哪些? 答:主要的胶接接头有对接、搭接和正交; 常用的胶粘剂有酚醛乙烯、聚氨脂、环氧树脂等。 14.5 什么是过盈连接? 答:利用零件间的过盈配合实现连接。 14.6 铆接、焊接和胶接各有什么特点?分别适用于什么场合? 答:铆接的工艺简单、耐冲击、连接牢固可靠,但结构较笨重,被连接件上有钉孔使其强度削弱,铆接时噪声很大。焊接强度高、工艺简单、重量轻,工人劳动条件较好。但焊接后存在残余应力和变形,不能承受严重的冲击和振动。胶接工艺简单、便于不同材料及极薄金属间的连接,胶接的重量轻、耐腐蚀、密封性能好;但是,胶接接头一般不宜在高温及冲击、振动条件下工作,胶接剂对胶接表面的清洁度有较高要求,结合速度慢,胶接的可靠性和稳定性易受环境影响。 铆接主要用于桥梁、造船、重型机械及飞机制造等部门。焊接一般用于低碳钢、低碳合金钢和中碳钢。胶接适用于机床、汽车、拖拉机、造船、化工、仪表、航空、航天等工业部门。 14.7 设计套筒联轴器与轴连接用的平键。已知轴径mm d 36=,联轴器为铸铁材料,承受静载荷,套筒外径mm D 100=。要求画出连接的结构图,并计算连接所能传递的最大转矩。 解:根据轴径36d mm =,查表14.1,选键108(22~110)b h L mm mm mm ??=??。要求连接

Chapter Quiz 12

Chapter Quiz 12 1._____ theories of leadership focus on personal qualities and characteristics. A.Trait B.Path-goal C.LPC D.Contingency 2._____ is the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. A.conscientiousness B.emotional stability C.courage D.consideration 3.According to Fiedler's contingency theory, if there is NOT a match of leadership style to the group situation, what should be done? A.Replace the manager. B.Change the situation to fit the leader. C.Both A and B. D.None of the above. 4.Situational leadership theory (SLT) differs from other leadership theories most clearly because it _____. A.identifies specific leadership styles B.focuses on the followers C.makes leadership contingent on the situation,es the leadership dimensions of task and relationship behaviors 5.A _____ leadership style, identified by House in path-goal theory, leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful than when they are highly structured and well laid out. A.directive B.supportive C.participative D.achievement-oriented 6.Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders? A.They have a vision. B.They have behavior that is unconventional. C.They are willing to take high personal risk. D.They are focused on their personal needs. 7.A charismatic leader's _____ is key to follower acceptance. C.credentials D.history with the organization 8.The overall evidence indicates that transformational leadership is more strongly correlated than transactional leadership with _____. A.lower turnover rates B.higher productivity C.higher employee satisfaction D.all of the above 9._____ leaders know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly. A.Transformational B.Transactional C.Charismatic D.Authentic
