

1 Give a brief discussion of Henry James’ literary achievement.

International theme: James?s novels are always set against a larger international background, usually between America and Europe

Psychological realism: James?s realism is characterized by his psychological approach to his subject matter. His fictional world is concerned with the inner world of human beings. He is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th century “stream-of-consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism

His language is highly refined and insightful; he is the most expert of stylist of his time

Narrative point of view: moving away from authorial omniscience, making the characters reveal themselves Literary criticism: “The Art of Fiction”. The theme of “The Art of Fiction” clearly indicates that the aim of the novel is to present life, also advocates the freedom of the artist to write about anything that concerns him. James?s language is elaborate and refined with lengthy psychological analyses.

2. Hemingway Code heroes

It refers to some protagonists in Hemingway?s works. In the general situation of Hemingway?s novels, life is full of tension and battles; the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive in the process of seeking to master the code with the honesty, the discipline, and the restraint are Hemingway code heroes.

2. Some of Hemingway?s heroes are regarded as the Hemingway code heroes. Whatever the differences in experience and age, they all have something in common which Hemingway values. What are the characteristics of the Hemingway code hero?

They have seen the cold world and for one cause or another, they boldly and courageously face the reality, whatever the result is, they are ready to live with grace under pressure.

Almost all his heroes are “soldiers” either in a narrow or broad sense. They are out there against the nature or the world, or even themselves. But no matter where the battle-ground is and how tragic the ending is, they will never be defeated.

Hemingway himself is one of those code heroes, some critics say his protagonists are autobiographical, for they share something that is Hemingway.

2 Greatly and permanently affected by the war experiences, Hemingway formed his own writing style,together with his theme and hero. Please discuss Hemingway?s writing style in relation to his novels you have read.

Hemingway himself once said, “The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water”. Typical of this “iceberg” analogy is Hemingway?s style. He deals with a limited range of characters in quite similar circumstances and measures them against unvarying code, known as “grace under pressure”.

The characters he depicted, with the honesty, the discipline, and the restraint, survive in the process of seeking to master the code

According to Hemingway, good literary writing should be able to make readers feel the emotion of the characters directly and the best way to produce the effect is to set down exactly every particular kind of feeling without any authorial comments, without conventionally emotive language, and with a bare minimum of adjectives and adverbs.

Besides, Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain

答案Greatly effected by war experience, Ernest Hemingway formed his own writing style, together with his theme and hero.

In Our time is the first book to present a Hemingway's hero-------Nick Adams.the great part of the book traces in separate, but thematically related, short stories the growth of a young man called Nick Adams from his childhood to his return as a war veteran.

The Sun Also Rises is Hemingway's first true novel. it casts light on a whole generation after the First War and the effects of the war by way of a vivid portrait of ' The lost generation' a group of young american who left their native land and fought in the war and later engaged themselves in writing in a new way about their own expericenc.

A Farewell to Arms tells us a story about the tragic love between a wounded American soldier with a British nurse.

For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and The Sea tell more about later Hemingway. For Whom the Bell Tolls clearly represent a new beginning in Hermingway's career as a writer, which concerns a volunteer American Robert

Jordan fighting in spanish Civial War. Although fully aware of the doomed failure of his strugle, he keeps on striving because it is a cause of freedom and democracy. in the end, the mannerof his dying convences people that life is worth living and there are causes worth dying for. the Old Man and The Sea is a triumph, a fullfillment of the affirmative attitude that makes its first successful appearance in For Whom the Bell Tolls. the thort story is about an old Cuban fishman Santiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin. In a tragic sense, it is a representation of life as a truggle against unconquerable natural forces in which only a partial victory is possible. there is a feeling of great respect for the struggle and mankind.

Man Without Woman is a collection of short stories, the best of which are " The Undefeated'',''The Killer'',and ''Fifty Grand''. In Death in the Afternoon, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of bullfight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy. The Green Hills of Africa is about how the writer can survive against the threats to his talents of genteel traditions in America. The Snow of Kilimanjaro tells a brillient short story about a mortally wounded American writher who attempts to redeem his imagination form the corrosion of weath and domestic strife. To Have and Have not is one of many to show Hemingway's characteristic pattern of a lonely individual struggling against nature and the environment.

Hemingway's world is limited. he deals limited range of characters in quite similar circumstance and measures them against an unvarying code, known as ''the grace under pressure''. in the general situation of his novels, life is full of tension and bettles. thouth life is but a losing battle, it is a struggle man can dominate in such a that loss becomes dignity;man can physically destoryed but never defeated spiritually.

typical of this "iceberg'' analogy is Hemingway's style. according to Hemingway, good literary writing should be able to make reader feel the emotion of the characters directly and the best way to produce the effect is to set down exactly every particular kind of feeling without any authorial comments,without conventionally emotive language, and with a bare minium of objectives and adverbs. seemingly simple and natural , Hingmingway's style is actually polished and tightly controlled,but highly suggestive and connotative. besides, Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain. the accents and mannerisms of human speech are so well presented that the characters are full of flesh and blood and the use of short,simple and conventional words and sentence have an effect of clearness ,terseness and great care

3Whitman is one of the representative poets in America. He employed brand-new means in his poetry. What are the features of his poetry?

His poetic style is marked by the use of the poetic “I”

He adopted “free verse”, that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rh yme scheme.

The images in his poems are unconventional

He uses oral English

His vocabulary is amazing

Parallelism and phonetic recurrence are used at the beginning of the lines

3Whitman has made radical changes in the form of poetry by choosing free verse as his medium of expression. What are the characteristics of Whitman?s free verse?

It doesn?t have fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme

His poetic lines are simple and prose-like, varying in length, which allows him to express his ideas freely

He also applies oral English in his free verse to make it an effective way to express freely the feelings of common people.

3 Give a brief comment on Whitman’s style and language

radically innovative in terms of poetic form by using “free verse”, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme

the use of poetic “I” representing all those people in his poems as well the poet

relatively simple and crude

honest and undistorted images of different aspects of America of the day

strong tendency to use oral English

4 F. Scott Fitzgerald has been regarded as the literary spokesman of the Jazz age.

his first novel This side of paradise, the second novel The beautiful and Damned, they have the same theme that they portray the emotional and spiritual collapse of a wealthy yong man during unstable marriage.

his masterpiece The Great Gatsby made him one of the greatest novelist .

Tender is the Night, which he traces the decline of a young American psychiatrist whose marriage to a beautiful and weathy patient drains his personal energies and corrodes his professional career.

The last novel is The Last Tycoon .

Fitzgerald's short-story collections: Flappers and philosophers, Tales of Jazz Age, All the Sad Yong Man, Taps at Reveille. one of the best stories is Babylon Rvisited, which depicts an American's return to Paris in the 1930s and his regretful realization that the past is beyond his reach, since he can neigher alter it nor make any amends.

Fitzgerald's fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the jazz age, in which he shows a particular interest in the upper-class society, especially the upper-class young people.

Fitzgerald never spared an intimate touch in his fictions to deal with the bankruptcy of the American dream ,which is highlighted by the disillusionment of the protagonists' personal dreams due to the clashes between their romantic verson of life and the sordid reality.

Fitzgerald is a greatest stylist in american literature. his style closely related to his themes,is explicit and chilly. his accurate dialogues, his careful observation of mannerism,styles models and attitude provide the reader with vivid sense of reality. he fellows the jamesian tradition in using the scenic method in his chapters, each one of which consists of one or more dramatic scenes some time with intervening passage of narration, leaving the tedious process of transition to the readers'imagination. he also skillfully employs the device of haveing events observed by a central consciousness to his great advantage.

答案:Why was Fitzgerald regarded as spokesman of the “Jazz Age”?

Fitzgerald was a representative figure of the 1920s. He never failed to remain detached and foresee the tragedy of the “Dollar Decade”. His works mirror the exciting age in almost every way. Through the glittering world of his fiction run the themes of moral waste and decay and necessity of personal responsibility. The Great Gatsby, a book about the Jazz Age, is a case study in people?s pursuit of an elusive American Dream. It is also a powerful criticism of American society. Thus he is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.

5. William Faulkner, a Nobel Priza winner, has an important position in American literature. Name two of his Major novels. Do you know anything about"Yoknapatawpha County?" What is unique of Faulkner's fiction, historically and geographically?

The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Go Down, Moses, Absalom, Absalom!

Yoknapatawpha County is an imaginary place based on Faulkner?s own hometown, a place that he took for the setting of 15 of his 19 novels and many short stories. This small region in American South becomes in Faulkner?s fiction an allegory or a parable of the Old South.

His literary representation of the Old South; and his theme of the deterioration, loss and moral decay of the Old South when it was falling apart.

5 William Faulkner is one of the greatest American novelists. What do you know about his narrative techniques?

The range of narrative techniques used by Faulkner is remarkable.

He would never step between the characters and the reader to explain, but let the characters explain themselves and hinder as little as possible the reader?s direct experience of the work of art.

The most characteristic way of structuring his stories is to fragment the chronological time. He deliberately broke up the chronology of his narrative by juxtaposing the past with the present, in the way the montage does in a movie.

The modern stream-of-consciousness technique was frequently and skillfully exploited by Faulkner to emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator

Moreover, Faulkner was good at presenting multiple points of view

The other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include symbolism and mythological and biblical allusion.

6Mark Twain is known as locol colorist, who prefered to present social life though portraits of local characters of his reagion.

Another factors that made Twain unique is his magic power with language, his use of vernacular. His words are coloquial, concrete and direct in effert, and his sentence structure are simple , even ungrammatical, which is a typical of spoken language. what's more , his characters confined to a particular region and historial monent, speak with strong accent, which is ture of his local colorism. besides, different character from different literary or different culture backgrounds talk differently. Twain has made colloquial speech an accepted , respectable literary medium in the literary history of the country

Marke Twain's humor is remarkable.

Mark Twain 's full literary career began to blossom in 1869 with the travel book INNOCENTS ABROAD, an account of american tourists in Europewhich pokes fun at old world in a satirical tone .

ROUGHING IT, he describes a journey that work its way further and farther west through Navada to san francisso then to Hawaii.

LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI tell a story of his boyhood ambition to become a riverboat pilot, this time up and down the Missippi.

THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SOWYER and ADV ANTUES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN proved themselves to be the milestone in the american literature, the the firmly established TW AIN'S possition in the literary work.

THE GILDED AGE remarks the transition of life attitude, Twain 's dark view of society become more self-evident in the works published latter in his life . A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHER'S COURT ,offering to develop the Arthurian's world and rid of superstitions, Hank Morgan destroys it, instead of modernizing it. A similar mood of despair permeates THE TRAGEDY OF PUDD'n HEAD WILSON which shows the disastrous effects of salary on vicimizer and victim.

By the turn of the century, with the publication of THE MAN THAT CORRUPTED HADLEYBURG and THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER, the change in Mark Twain from optimist to an amost despairing pessimist. ADVENTURES OF HUCKL YBERRY FINN is know as characteration of HUCK, a typical american boy whom its creator descriped a boy with sound heart and deformed conscience. and remarkable for the raft's journey dowm the mississippi river, which twain used both realistically and symbolically to shape his book into organic whole. Though the eyes of huck , the innocent and reluctant rebel , we see

the pre-civil war american society fully exposed and at the same time we are deeply impressed by Mark Twain 's thematic contrates between innocence and experience,nature and culture , wilderness and civilization.

7 Discuss the concept of wasteland in relation to the works of those writers in the 20th century American literature.

…The Waste Land? is a poem written by T.S. Eliot on the theme of the sterility and chaos of th3 contemporary world. This most widely known expression of the despair in the postwar era has appeared over and over again in the works of those writers in the 2oth century American literature. Faulkner exemplified T.S. Eliot?s concept of modern society as a wasteland is a dramatic way, he condemned the mechanized, industrialized society that has dehumanized man by forcing him to cultivate false values and decrease those essential human values such as courage, fortitude, honesty and goodness. Fitzgerald sought to portray a spiritual wasteland of the jazz age. Beneath the masks of relaxation and joviality, there was only sterility, meaningless and futility amid the grandeur and extravagance, there was a hint of decadence and moral decay. Hemingway, the leading spokesman of the Lost Generation, though disillusioned in the postwar period, strove to bring about man?s “grace under pressure”. He tried to bring out the idea than man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually.

8 Transcendentalism has been defined philosophically as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively, or of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the sense”. Emerson once proclaimed in a speech, “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind”. Other concepts that accompanied Transcendentalism include the idea that nature is ennobling and the idea that the individual is divine and, therefore, self-reliant.

1. Growth and Development

1) the publication of Emerson?s Nature

a new way of intellectual thinking in America;

a new and mature period of American Romanticism: the period of New England Transcendentalism

2) the first American intellectual movement

3) romantic idealism on Puritan soil

a system of thought from three sources:

A. William Ellery Channing?s Unitarianism

a thoughtful revolt against orthodox Puritanism:

a. God as one being → the doctrine of trinity

b. the tolerance of difference in religious opinion

c. the free control of each congregation?s own affairs and its independent authority

B. the idealistic philosophy from France and Germany

C. oriental mysticism

2. Major Concepts

1) the definition of Transcendentalism

the recognition in man of the capacity of acquiring knowledge transcending the reach of the five senses, or of knowing truth intuitively, or of reaching the divine without the need of an intercessor

2) the leader of Transcendentalism

Ralph Waldo Emerson: moral law

3) the major concepts

A. the power of intuition

B. essence behind appearance

C. unity of humanity and nature

D. the significance of the individual

E. an emotional communication between an individual soul and the universal “Oversoul”

F. less attention to the material world

3. Significance

1) a manifestation of romantic movement

2) an ethical guide to life for America

3) important to American literature

4. Weakness

1) never a systematic philosophy

2) a rationale for the pressure toward


3) the result of rampant individualism

4) its denial of its real spiritual origin

9 What are the artistic achievements of Edgar Allan Poe?

Poe is known as a poet and critic but most famous as the first master of the short story form, especially tales of the mysterious and macabre. He originated the novel of detection. The best known tale in this genre is The Murders in the Morgue (1841). Many of Poe?s tales are distinguished by the author?s unique grotesque inventiveness in addition to his superb plot construction. Such stories include The Fall of the House of Usher(1983), in which the penetrating gloominess of the atmosphere is accented equally with plot and characterization. Poe?s poems are remarkable for their flawless literary construction and for their haunting themes and meters as in the poems …The Raven? and … Annabel Lee?


全国自考2018年7月英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上(全部题目用英文作答) PART ONE(40 POINTS) I. Multiple Choice (40 points in all,1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1. Of all the eighteenth—century British novelists ______ was the first to set out,both in theory and practice,to write specially a “comic epic in prose”,the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. A. Thomas Gray B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan C. Jonathan Swift D. Henry Fielding 2. The poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” established ______ as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day,especially “the Graveyard School”. A. Thomas Gray B. Samuel Johnson C. John Bunyan D. John Milton 3. “Do you think, because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little,I am soulless and heartless?... And if God had gifted me with some beauty,and much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me. as it is now for me to leave you. ”The quoted part is taken from ______. A. Great Expectations B. Wuthering Heights C. Jane Eyre D. Pride and Prejudice 4. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are all the following EXCEPT ______. A. Francis Bacon B. Christopher Marlowe 1

英美文学选读 傲慢与偏见

英 美 文 学 选 读 论 文 《傲慢与偏见》的女性 叙事视角解读 姓名: 班级: 学号:

《傲慢与偏见》的女性叙事视角解读 摘要: 奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中,通过在全知视角下具有限制性的叙述模式向我们展示了灰姑娘的浪漫爱情故事,描绘出作者所处时代的社会道德风貌,表达了作者的女性抗争意识及对当时社会婚姻观的批判。 关键词: 全知视角;有限视角 在奥斯丁的著作中,《傲慢与偏见》一直深受读者的喜爱,并经受住了时间的考验,成为文学史上不休的名著。剖析其原因,发现这与奥斯丁高超的叙事技巧是分不开的。自小说发表以来,其叙述技巧引起了广泛的评论,纵观其评论,发现对其独特的女性视角分析还是不够。在这部小说中,奥斯丁颠覆了以往男权统治下的话语权,采用了全知视角下,从女性的有限视角展示故事,从女性的角度来描写生活,并首次让小说中的女性形象第一次成为真正意义上的主角,让女性有了话语权。因而,从女性视角这一角度对小说进行解读,对于理解和把握作品具有重要的意义。申丹曾指出:叙事者的性别不同,往往会对叙事模式及其意义产生影响。把性别和视角结合在一起的女性视角是指从性别入手来审视人类的文化遗产和文化创造的一种批评观念和批评角度。本文将从女性叙事视角对小说进行解读,发掘其对于展现女性意识的意义。 叙事视角,在文学作品中是指作品叙述者或者人物从什么角度观



英美文学选读-阶段测评4 成绩:30分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 ( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th—century “stream—of—consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism. A、Theodore Dreiser B、William Faulkner C、Henry James D、Mark Twain (P498.para.2)亨利.詹姆斯是美国现实主义文学大师,他的作品往往涉及美国之外的主题,其作品的风格是“心理活动”。被誉为20世纪美国意识流文学的先驱。 标准答案:C 考生答案:D 本题得分:0 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 Closely related to Dickinson’s religious poetry are her poems concerning( ),ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death. A、love and nature B、death and universe C、death and immortality D、family and happiness (P518para2)迪金森的诗歌涉及宗教和爱情两方面,而其涉及宗教的诗歌往往是以死亡和永恒为主题的,所以答案是C。 标准答案:C 考生答案:A


英美文学选读-阶段测评3 成绩:87.5分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 https://www.360docs.net/doc/a02022616.html,wrence’s novels( )are generally regarded as his masterpieces. A、The Rainbow,Women in Love B、The Rainbow,Sons and Lovers C、Sons and Lovers,Lady Chatterley’s Lover D、Women in Love,Lady Chatterley’s Lover (P370.para2)劳伦斯的成名作是《儿子和情人》,而其代表作是《虹》和《恋爱中的女人》 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 T.S.Eliot’s poem( )is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream - of -consciousness technique,also a prelude to The Waste Land. A、―Prufrock‖ B、―Gerontion‖ C、The Hollow Men D、Lyrical Ballads (P358.para3)―Gerontion‖是一部用戏剧式独白写成的诗歌,是《荒原》的前奏曲,也采用了意识流派的文风。 标准答案:B 考生答案:B

本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 3 本题分数:2.5 分 https://www.360docs.net/doc/a02022616.html,wrence’s autobiographical novel is( ). A、The Rainbow B、Women in Love C、Sons and Lovers D、Lady Chatterley’s Lover (P369.para1)劳伦斯的作品大多都是从心理上去探求让人的本能的,同时也反映人性中最内在的东西。其作品《儿子和情人》真实地反映了自己在童年时期的家庭状况,被视为其半自传体小说。 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 4 本题分数:2.5 分 The typical representatives of G.B.Shaw’ s early plays are( ). A、Man and Superman,The Apple Cart B、Widowers’ House,Mrs. Warren’ s Profession C、Candida,Mrs. Warren’ s Profession D、The Apple Cart,Widowers’ House (P321-322)。萧伯纳的第一步剧作是Widowers’ House,写于1892年;第二部剧作是Mrs. Warren’ s Profession,写于1893年。 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 5 本题分数:2.5 分 It was only after the publication of( )that https://www.360docs.net/doc/a02022616.html,wrence was recognized as a prominent novelist.


要通过《英美文学选读》这门课考试,不是考前“冲刺”一类的短训能奏效的。这门课难就难在它的阅读量很大,它包括英国和美国的诸多作家的诸多作品,而每一部作品就是一部书。现行统一教材在作家和作品的选取方面尽管已经是精而又精了,但还是不得不采用节选的办法来压缩篇幅。即便如此,为了更好地理解作品,考生还不得不在对整部作品了解的基础上,在教师指导下反复阅读节选,才能对节选部分的内容以及思想有较好的理解。不过文学阅读也有规律可循。下面的文字就“选读”课的性质、阅读时读取什么信息、现行试题各个部分的考查点是什么、如何回答简单论述题等问题,给考生一点提示,希望能对考生学习、复习《英美文学选读》课提供一些帮助。 第一部分《英美文学选读》课的性质 一、《英美文学选读》课的重点是作品顾名思义,“英美文学选读”是有选择地阅读英美文学史上有影响作家的重要作品,熟知作品内容,了解大多数批评家和读者已经接受的对这些作品主题的表述,并能从作品中找到、列举出证明这些表述的细节。这样的定义里有三个要注意的问题。一是作品内容,二是作品里的细节,三是节作品主题。三个同等重要,学习者不能只取其一。以小说为例,所谓作品内容,是指情节(plot)、场景(setting)、人物(characters)、语气(tone)、以及语言(style)。情节是指故事里所展示的事件和这些事件按作家意愿有序的安排,如事件发生的背景、事件中涉及的人物、事件本身(即冲突)、以及解决冲突的办法和结果。情节就是故事;没有情节就没有故事;熟知情节是理解文学作品,特别是小说和戏剧的第一、也是不可缺少的一步。不掌握故事情节,对作品进行深入分析就无从谈起。有故事当然就有人,对人物的分析是对作品分析的核心。语气是指作者在他/她刻画人物、安排情节、描写场景时所持的态度,而作者的态度直接影响我们对作品思想的理解。作者要表达自己对人物、事件的态度,只有通过文字才能与读者交流,而不同的作家使用语言的风格(style)是不一样的。如果掌握了以上内容,就掌握了细节,之所以把细节单列出来,是因为多数考生只记得大概情节,考试中不能用具体的细节进行人物或思想分析、评述,空话太多。劳伦斯小说《儿子与情人》(Sons and Lovers)里,成年的保罗是如何仍然生活在他母亲的掌控之下的细节,是分析这部作品里的人物和主题的关键,不能引用相关细节作为根据,分析就失去了基础。阅读文学作品一定要在一般性的了解情节的基础上,尽量记一些细节,细节显示考生对作品的熟悉程度。主题是对作品思想的高度概括。教材里作家作品概述和作品简介(斜体部分),对作品主题已有简明准确的表述,考生不可不读。对这些表述的理解,又是以考生对作品内容、细节的掌握为基础的。作品内容、细节、主题是考生学习的重点。 两点说明: (一)这里我们姑且不讨论新批评对作者和作品关系的观点,也不去讨论接受美学和读者反映理论,本科阶段没有开设文学批评理论课,没有必要进行那样的讨论,教师也不要引入类似的话题,以免造成不必要的困惑。 (二)从历年考题来看,作家的生卒年月、家庭背景、接受教育情况、作品发表年代等都不在考察范围,考生不必在这些方面浪费时间。目前市场上有一些英美文学教材和辅导材料在作家生平上花费了相当的篇幅,有的甚至远远超过了对文学作品本身的介绍和分析,这类书籍对考生复习没有多大帮助。教育部组织专家编写的现行教材尽管可以再修改、完善,但它的最大好处是它给考生提供了学生最需要的作品概要和精确而恰当的分析(教材里作品前的斜体部分),对考生从作品全貌理解文学作品很有帮助。 二、文学作品与文学史的关系关于文学作品和文学史哪个在先、以及哪个更重要的问题,我们还是留给专门的学者去争论,我们要搞清楚的是考生学习过程中应该以哪一个为重点的问题。前面讲选读课的性质时已经讲过,《英美文学选读》课的重点是作品,以往考试所包括的内容也充分说明了这一点,似乎没有争论的必要。但我们不得不考虑另一个无法回避的问题:如何对待教材中每个文学阶段前对该时期影响文学作品的经济、文化、社会、思想思


《英美文学选读》模拟试题(一) 一、单项选择题 1.The excerpt from Chapter 10 of Sons and Lovers ends with the conflict between Paul and his mother. The conflict is possibly caused by Paul and his mother’s different views towards _____. A. Paul’s father B. art C. life D. Paul’s brother 2.The _____ can be regarded as one of the themes of Joyce’s story “Araby”. A. loss of innocence 在所有有關童年故事中,孩子都是同叔叔同姨媽同住,父母則不在身邊—這便是一種象征,象征父母與孩子之間骨肉親情的隔絕和一種正常關系的缺 失. B. childish love C. awareness of harsh life D. false sentimentality 錯誤的多愁善感 3.After reading “Araby”, one more feel the story has a _____ tone. A. joyous B. harsh C. solemn D. painful 4.In “Araby”, Joyce’s diction evokes a sort of _____ quality that characterizes the boy on this otherwise altogether ordinary shopping trip. A. religious B. moral C. sentimental D. vulgar 5.The major concern of _____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. A. D. H. Lawrence’s B. J. Galsworthy’s C. W. Thackeray’s D. T. Hardy’s 6.The mission of _____ drama was to reveal the moral, political and economic truth


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.B A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______.C A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people.C A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift


英美文学选读要点总结精心整理(只考26位作家) [英国』Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴 1. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。 2. the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。 3. Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。 4. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。 5. Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。 6. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation.英国文艺复兴初期只是一个学习模仿与同化的阶段。 7. The goals of humanistic poetry are: skillful handling of conventions, force of language, and, above all, the development of a rhetorical plan in which meter, rhyme, scheme, imagery and argument should all be combined to frame the emotional theme and throw it into high relief.人文主义诗歌的主要目标是对传统习俗的熟练运用,语言的力度与气概,而最重要的是发展了修辞模式,即将格律,韵脚(式),组织结构,意象(比喻,描述)与议论都结合起来勾画出情感主题,并将其极为鲜明生动的表现出来。 8. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and Ben Jonson.文艺复兴时期英国最著名的戏剧家有克利斯朵夫.马洛,威廉.莎士比亚与本.约翰逊。 9. Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the first important English essayist.费兰西斯.培根是英国历史上最重要的散文家。(III)William Shakespeare威廉.莎士比亚 17. The first period of his dramatic career, he wrote five history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III, Richard III, and Titus Andronicus; and four comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, and Love’s Labour’s Lost.在他戏剧创作生涯的第一个阶段,他创作了五部历史剧:《亨利六世》,《理查三世》,《泰托斯.安东尼》以及四部喜剧:《错误的戏剧》,《维洛那二绅士》,《驯悍记》和《爱的徒劳》。 18. In the second period, he wrote five histories: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V; six comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar.在第二阶段,他写了五部历史剧:《理查三世》,《约翰王》,《亨利四世》,《亨利五世》以及六部喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》,《威尼斯商人》,《无事生非》,《皆大欢喜》,《第十二夜》,《温莎的风流娘儿们》,还有两部悲剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《裘利斯.凯撒》。 19. Shakespeare’s third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies. The tragedies of this period are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus. The two comedies are All’s Well That Ends and Measure for Measure.第三阶段诞生了莎翁最伟大的悲剧和他自称的黑色喜剧(或悲喜剧),悲剧有:《哈姆雷特》,《奥赛罗》,《李尔王》《麦克白》《安东尼与克利奥佩特拉》《特罗伊勒斯与克利西达》及《克里奥拉那斯》。两部喜剧是《终成眷属》和《一报还一报》。 20. The last period of Shakespeare’s work includes his principle romantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest; and his two plays: Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen.最后一个时期的作品主要有浪漫悲喜剧:《伯里克利》《辛白林》《冬天的故事》与《暴风雨》。他最后两部剧是《亨利八世》与《鲁克里斯受辱记》。21. Shakespeare’s sonnets are the only direct expression of the poet’s own feelings.这些十四行诗都是莎翁直抒胸臆的成果。 22. Shakespeare’s history plays are mainly written under the principle that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity.莎翁的历史剧都有这样一个主题:在一个强大英明的君主统领下的国家,统一是非常必要的。 23. In his romantic comedies, Shakespeare takes an optimistic attitude toward love and youth, and the romantic elements are


《英美文学选读》模拟试题(二) 一、单项选择题 1.D. Father and son in the medieval period, it is Chaucer alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive _____ picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of valid _________ from all walks of life in his masterpiece “the Canterbury Tales”. A. visionary/women B. romantic/men C. realistic/characters D. natural/figures 2.Humanism sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on the conception that man is the _____ of all things. A. measure B. king C. lover D. rule 3.Many people today tend to regard the play “The Merchant of Venice” as a satire of the hypocrisy of ___________ and their false standards of friendship and love, their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against _____. A. Christians/Jews B. Jews/Christians C. oppressors/oppressed D. people/Jews 傳統的理論認為該劇的主題是褒揚安東尼奧Antonio與巴塞尼奧Bassanio之間的友誼,贊美鮑西婭Portia的完美:美貌,智慧與堅貞,並揭露了Jews--Shylock的貪婪與殘忍 但是經曆了几個世紀對對Jews不會平的待遇,今天許多人將該劇的主題看作chritains的hypocrisy ,為追求世俗利益而不擇手段以及對Jews不公正的偏見 補充閱讀 1) Bassanio——Portia 2) Antonio——Shylock The traditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship betweem Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a heroine of greate beaulity, wit and loyalty, and to expose the insatiable greed and brutality o f the Jew. Tody, many people tend to regard the play as a satire of the christians’ hypocrisy and their false standards of frindship and love, their cunning way of pursuing worldliness(俗心, 俗气) and their unreasoning prejudice against Jews.


英美文学选读试题 Ⅰ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices [A],[B],[C],[D] of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement and write the letter on the answer sheet. 1.Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ___ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period. A.Christian B.knightly C.Greek D.primitive 2.Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ___. A.Piers Plowman B.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C.Confessio Amantis D.The Canterbury Tales 3.Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaiss sance Movement? A.The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture. B.The new discoveries in geography and astrology. C.The Glorious revolution. D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion. 4.Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18? A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature. B.The speaker satirizes human vanity. C.The speaker praises the power of artistic creation. D.The speaker meditates on man's salvation. 5.“And we wil l sit upon the rocks,/Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,/By shallow rivers to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals.”The above lines are probably taken from __. A.Spenser's The Faerie Queene B.John Donne's “The Sun Rising” C.Shakespeare's “Sonnet 18” D.Marlowe's “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” 6.“Bassanio:Antonio,I am married to a wife Which is as dear to me as life itself; But life itself, My wife, and all the world. Are not with me esteem'd above thy life; I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, Here to the devil, to deliver you. Portia:Y our wife would give you little thanks for that, If she were by to hear you make the offer.” The above is a quotation taken from Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of V enice. The quoted part can be regarded as a good example to illustrate ____. A.dramatic irony B.personification C.allegory D.symbolism 7.The ture subject of John Donne's poem,“The Sun Rising,” is to ___. A.attack the sun as an unruly servant B.give compliments to the mistress and her power of beauty C.criticize the sun's intrusion into the lover's private life D. lecture the sun on where true royalty and riches lie 8.Of all the 18thcentury novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “___ in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. A.tragic epic https://www.360docs.net/doc/a02022616.html,ic epic


全国2018年7月自考英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上(全部题目用英文作答) PART ONE (40 POINTS) I.Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. 1. The first mass movement of the English working class and the early sign of the awakening of the poor, oppressed people is_____. A. The Enclosure Movement B. The Protestant Reformation C. The Enlightenment Movement D. The Chartist Movement 2. Daniel Defoe’s works are all the following EXCEPT_____. A. Moll Flanders B. A Tale of a Tub C. A Journal of the Plague Year D. Colonel Jack 3. “Metaphysical Poetry” refers to the works of the 17th - century writers who wrote under the influence of _____. A. John Donne B. Alexander Pope C. Christopher Marlowe D. John Milton 4. The most important play among Shakespeare’s comedies is _____. A. A Midsummer Night’s Dream B. The Merchant of Venice C. As You Like It D. Twelfth Night 5. The most perfect example of the verse drama after Greek style in English is Milton’s _____. A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. Areopagitica 6. Which of the following descriptions of Enlightenment Movement is NOT true? A. It was a progressive intellectual movement that flourished in France. B. It was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries. C. The purpose was to enlighten the whole world with moderu philosophical and artistic ideas. D. The Enlighteners advocate individual education. 7. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws and rules for prose EXCEPT_____. A. being precise B. being direct C. being flexible D. being satiric


Network Education College, BLCU 《英美文学选读》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 I.Multiple Choice. (1 point for each, altogether 30 points) Directions:There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of_______. [A] Piers Plowman [B] Sir Gawain and the Green Knight [C] Confessio Amantis [D] The Canterbury Tales 2. In "After Apple- Picking," Robert Frost wrote: "For I have had too much / Of apple -picking: I am overtired/ Of the great harvest I myself desired." From these lines we can conclude that the speaker is_______. [A] happy about the harvest [B] still very much interested in apple-picking [C] expecting a greater harvest [D] indifferent to what he once desired 3.With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the literary scene,_______became the major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century. [A] Sentimentalism [B] romanticism [C] realism [D] naturalism 4. Of the following American poets in the twentieth century, the one who has the best knowledge of Chinese culture is _______. [A] Robert Frost [B] Allen Ginsberg [C] Ezra Pound [D] Cummings 5. _______is the first important governess novel in the English literary history. [A] Jane Eyre [B] Emma [C] Wuthering Heights [D] Middlemarch 6. The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their_______. [A] indestructible spirit [B] pessimistic view of life [C] war experiences [D] masculinity 7. Which of the following is taken from John Keats’Ode to a Nightingale? _______
