自考高级英语各类笔记汇总 上册 Lesson1

自考高级英语各类笔记汇总 上册 Lesson1
自考高级英语各类笔记汇总 上册 Lesson1

背景知识(Background knowledge)

Rock Music

A form of popular music is characterized by a pronounced, amplified beat. Electric guitars are almost always the main instrumental sound source. The modem rock band's basic elements are one or more vocalists, an electric lead guitar and bass guitar and drums. A rhythm guitar is often included, and many bands also use keyboards. "Rock-and-roll" was coined in the mid-1950 by a Cleveland broadcaster, Alan Freed, to replace "rhythm-and-blues"——a term that Freed thought had too many racial overtones'. (It was being called "race music" in some quarters at the time.) Rhythm-and-blues was itself an updated, urbanized stylization of the blues, which had been developed mainly by rural or country-oriented black musicians. When the music was renamed rock-and-roll, it also underwent an elemental change, particularly when white performers saw how eagerly young audiences responded. "White" music——that is essentially conventional popular music with a decided country-and-western flavor——was blended with rhythm-and-blues, and young people continued to hold a proprietary attitude about it. Rock went through its share of phases and participated in a number of pop culture fads.

课文要义(Main idea of the text)

The author focuses on the social influences of the rock music in terms of sociology. By contrasting different attitudes toward the rock among the young and adult audience, the author points out that rock is served as an expression of social ideas, and also provides a debating stage for different ideas. Rock 'n' roll stars express the young generation's viewpoints on various political and social problems, and also help the society see its own beliefs and attitudes, and express the young men's feelings and hope.


1.adulation: (n.) excessive admiration or praise; flattery

The magazine is full of the fan’s adulation of their favorite pop stars.


adulate: (v.) flatter

He respected science without adulating it. 他尊重科学而不迷信科学。

The leaders are easily adulated . 领导容易受逢迎.

adulator (n.)=ass-kisser/ apple-polisher/ toad-eater 溜须拍马的人

2.affluent: prosperous

3.ban: (v.) officially forbid

ban the use of nuclear weapons/chemical weapons

4.bewilderment: (n.) confusion 困惑, state of being confused.

The child watched the noisy crowd in bewilderment. 孩子目瞪口呆地看着嘈杂的人群。

Young people usually bewildered by the adult world. 年青人总是被成人世界里的事情所迷惑。

bewilder: (v.) confuse [bewilder (v.)=confuse, esp. with numerous conflicting situations, objects or statement.] The city traffic often bewildered me when I was young. 小时候,城市交通常使我不知所措。

Big city 's traffic bewilders me . 大城市的交通使我不知所措.

bewildering (adj.) very confusing 令人迷惑不解的

What she had said was bewildering to me . 她所说的令我迷惑不解.

bewildered (adj.) completely puzzled 迷惑不解

He was bewildered by her question . 他被她的问题弄得不知所措.

5.baptismal (adj.)-baptism (n.)=ceremony marking a person’s admission into the Christian Church by sprinkling him

with water.洗礼

e.g. baptism of fire 首次严峻的考验

baptize (v.)

6.celebrate: (v.) praise; honor

Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout the land. 今天他的言行受到全国人民的赞颂。

The deeds of many heroes are celebrated by poets. 许多英雄的行为受到诗人的赞美。

7.conceive 设想,想出,想像conceive of sth.

以-ceive为词根的有conceive, perceive(理解,感知), deceive (欺骗)

You cannot conceive how rude he is to me. 你无法想象他对我是多么粗鲁。

8.clash and crash: (押头韵alliteration)be in conflict with sth.

crash: go bankrupt

My business crashed last year.

9.crawl: crawling on one’s knees. a crawling snake, crawling traffic/cars

creep: move slowly, quietly and secretly.

climb: up the tree


crunch发出嘈杂声地走,嘎吱作响地走means screaming


affectionate (adj.)

12.drive: n. energy; capacity to get things done

He is a young man with brains, drive and initiative. 他年轻,有头脑,有精力,还有进取心。

The new headmaster is lacking in drive. 新校长缺乏魄力。

13.editorialize: (v.) announce editorial (报刊)发表社论,

means publish a editorial to make remark or make comment about something.

All the local papers editorialized on the subject. 当地所有报纸都对这一问题发表了社论。

Youth editorialized against depriving poor children of opportunities to be educated.




14.embody: (v.) express or give visible form to ideas, feelings, etc. ; include or contain sth. 体现


To me, he embodies all the best qualities of a teacher. 在我看来,他身上体现了教师应有的一切优秀品质。

It’s necessary for the officials to embody principles in actions. 对官员们来说,用行动体现原则很有必要。

Words embody thought. 文字表达思想.

Dove is the embodiment of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征.

Usually rock music embodies the rebellion sprit of the younger generation.摇滚乐体现了年青人的反叛精神。

embodiment (n.)化身

15.grab (v./n.)

1. take sth. by force, capture, seize, snatch

Eg. He grabbed the book from my hand and ran off.

2. do sth. in a hurry

Eg. grab a nap/a breakfast

16.idle (adj./v.) not active, lazy

Don’t idle away your youth!

worthless, senseless, meaningless, useless

17.mirror: (v.) reflect as in a mirror

The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake. 静静的湖水映出岸上的树木。

The decline in his influence mirrors a drop in his prestige. 他的影响减弱反映出他的威信下降。

18.misguided: misled, lost

19.motion: action, behavior


21.piety (n.)—pious (adj.)

22.pilgrim: person who travels to a holy place as an act of religious devotion

pilgrimage (n.) holy journey

23.ramble (v./n.) walk for pleasure with no special destination,wander, rambler

24.rebel (v./n.)—(n.) rebellion (adj.) rebellious

25.reject: (v.) put aside, throw away, as not good enough to be kept; refuse to accept

The idea that the earth is flat was rejected centuries ago. 地球是扁平的理论几百年前就被否决了。

The army doctors rejected several recruits as unfit. 军医拒收几名新兵,认为他们身体不合格。

26.reverence (n.) great respect 尊敬,崇敬

eg: They show great reverence to him .他们对他极为尊敬.

(v.) admire or respect 尊敬,崇敬

eg: He was still reverenced by people after many years . 多年以后他仍然受到人们的尊敬.

reverent (adj.) having a feeling of reverence 崇敬的

eg: This is a reverent behavior . 这是一种崇敬的行为.

27.sick: disgusting

28.sprinkle: (v.) scatter or throw sth. in small drops or particles etc. on (a surface); spread

Every morning the sanitation workers sprinkle water on the dusty streets.


Sprinkle sand along the icy path. 把沙撒在冰封的路上。

29.stand: endure, tolerate, bear, put up with

30.stuff: disorder

31.surge (v.) to move ,esp. forward ,in or like powerful waves 汹涌,澎湃

eg: The crowd surged past him . 人潮从他身边汹涌而过.

The crowds surged into the stadium.

The floods surged along the valley.

(n.) strong, wavelike, forward movement 波涛,巨浪

eg: The surge crashed against the coast .汹涌的波涛拍打着海岸.


33.touch=lead to

34.urge: (v.) push or drive on, press sth. with requests and arguments

He urged that we should go. (He urged us to go.) 他催我们走。

They urged direct use of troops to try to suppress the movement. 他们敦促使用军队镇压这场运动。

35.variety show—talk show(脱口秀)—fashion show(时装秀)steal the show 抢镜头


1. a range of一系列的

2.act out: show, perform action which represent, and may help to release, the fears, etc

She acted out the role of wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她装扮作受冤枉的情人,好让他感到内疚。

The actress has acted out the heroine's part in detail. 女演员把女主人公这个角色细腻地表现出来。

3.affection for sth.

disaffection against sb./sth.

4.ban sb. from doing sth.禁止某人做某事

(n.) put a ban on sth.

5.be crawling with sth(aunts)

6.be drawn to sth.: be attracted to, be appealing to

7.clash with 冲撞

The meeting clashes with my English lesson, so I can’t go there.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a04225735.html,bine A with/and B 把…和…结合在一起

9.conceive of: form an idea in the mind

It is difficult to conceive of traveling to the moon. 很难想象去月球旅行的情景。

I can't conceive of your allowing the child to travel alone. 我想不通你为什么让孩子独自旅行。

10.creep into someplace.

11.dressed in sth: wearing sth.

The bride was dressed in white. 新娘穿一身白色的礼服。

They wanted to be dressed in clothes of virtue. 他们想穿得道貌岸然。

12.editorialize against 批判

editorialize against sb.: publish the editorials to criticize sb.

editorialize on/about 对于某一主题发表社论

13.get away from=escape from=keep away from摆脱……

14.go back to 回到……

15.go on and on继续

16.head for 去哪儿

17.in return: as repayment 回报

He gave her some roses in return for her kindness. 他送她一些玫瑰花答谢她的好意。

How much did he give you in return for your bicycle? 他买你的自行车给了你多少钱?

18.look at sb. as=consider/regard sb. as 把某人视作……

I look at you as my close/best friend.

19.mix sth. into=put sth. into=add/combine=blend

20.pack A in/into B.

pack B with A—be packed with

The stadium was packed with the football fans.

The restaurant was packed.

This newspaper is packed with a lot of useful information.

21.rather than: by preference or choice

These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这鞋不好看,但很舒服。

Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 与其让蔬菜烂掉,他干脆以半价卖掉了。

rather than—more than—other than与其说……不如说……

She has no close friends other than him. (except)

She seldom appears other than happy. (not)

more accuracy than originality

22.reverence for sb.

23.sing of: to speak, tell about, or praise in poetry or songs

The poet sang of victory. 诗人歌颂胜利。

They sang of his brave deeds. 他们称颂他的英勇行为。

24.speak about 谈论

speak of 谈及

speak for= on behalf of sb. 替某人说话

=representing; state the wishes, views, etc of sb.; act as a spoken man for sb.

25.sprinkling over 洒到……上此处为现在分词作伴随状语

sprinkle sth. on/onto/over sth. pour 倾泻

out of/into/along creeping wine

26.think of 想起

27.urge sb. to do sth.催促某人做某事


自考英语(一)课堂笔记完整版(6) Unit3(第7讲—第10讲) 4. One idea was that it reached out to “the edge of the world”。 Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot. 这两个都是表语从句和主句中的系动词连用的句子。结构为:主语+系动词+表语从句。请看下面的例句:My idea is that we contact him as soon as possible.(我的想法是我们应该尽快跟他联系。) 请翻译下面的句子: 1)My suggestion is that we should put off the meeting.(我的建议是我们应该把会议延期。) 2)One advantage of solar energy is that it will never be used up.(太阳能的一个优点是用之不竭。) 3)问题是你不在时谁照管孩子。(The problem is who will take care of the children while you are away.) 4)看起来天要下雨。(It looks that it is going to rain.) 请注意辨析another 和other: another由an+other构成,只和单数可数名词连用。other可用于所有名词前。another+单数名词表示不定的“另一个”,the other+单数可数名词表示特指的“另一个”。 请看下面的例句: 1)This idea is not very practical,will you think of another one?(这个主意不太实际,你能另想一个吗?) 2)This book is too difficult. Show me another one.(这本书太难了,给我看另外一本。) 3)Of the three books in my bag,two are published in China,the other is published in the United States.(我包里的三本书中,两本是中国出版的,另一本是美国出版的。) 4)Tom is here,but where are the other boys?(汤姆在这儿,其他的男孩在哪儿呢?) 5)I like this coat better than the other one.(两件上衣中,我更喜欢这一件。) 6)This camera is more expensive than the other one.(这架照相机比另一架贵。) boiling hot意思是“滚热的,酷热的”。此处的boiling不是形容词而是副词,表示热的程度,修饰hot. 5. Sailors were afraid that they might sail right off the earth. 此句中,that引导的名词性从句作形容词的补足语。例如: 1)I am afraid that I can not finish the article in two hours.(我担心我两小时内写不完这篇文章。)


第二章 1.国际收支:指一个国家或地区与世界上其他国家和地区之间,由于贸易、非贸 易和资本往来而引起的国际资金移动,从而发生的一种国际资金收 支行为。 说明:国际收支>外汇收支与国际借贷→金融资产→商品劳务 2.国际收支平衡表: ⑴编制原则:复式记账法: 借:资金占用类项目(外汇支出:进口- ) 贷:资金来源类项目(外汇收入:出口+ ) 权责发生制:先付后收,先收后付 市场价格原则 单一货币原则 ⑵内容:经常项目:贸易收支(出口>进口,贸易顺差/盈余,出超) (出口>进口,贸易逆差/赤字,入超) 非贸易收支(服务、收入项目) 资本和金融项目(长期资本、短期资本) 平衡项目(储配资产、净误差与遗漏) 3.国际收支分析(按交易性质的不同): ⑴自主性交易:经常项目、资本与金融项目中的长期资本与短期资本中的私人部 分。 ⑵调节性交易:调节性交易、短期资本中的政府部分与平衡项目。 注:①贸易差额=出口- 进口 ②经常项目差额=贸易差额+劳务差额+转移差额

差额:③基本差额=经常项目差额+长期资本差额 ④官方结算差额=基本差额+私人短期资本差额 ⑤综合差额=官方结算差额+官方短期资本差额 ①微观动态分析法:差额分析法、比较分析法 ⑶国际收支与国民收入的关系:(封闭)Y=C+I+G 分析法:②宏观动态分析法:(开放)Y=C+I+G+X-M 与货币供给量的关系:Ms=D×R×E 4.国际收支失衡的原因及经济影响: ⑴原因:①季节性、偶然性原因 ②周期性因素: a.繁荣期:X↑M↓,劳务输出↓劳务输入↑,资本流入↑,资本流 出↓→顺差 b.萧条期:X↓M↑,劳务输出↑劳务输入↓,资本流入↓,资本流 出↑→逆差 ③结构性因素:产出结构调整 ④货币因素: 货币a.对内价值→贬值→P↑→X↓M↑→国际收支变化价值 b.对外价值→贬值→e↑→X↑M↓→国际收支改善 ⑤收入因素:C、S→X、M↑ I↑→X、M,资本流动 ⑥不稳定的投机和资本流动 ⑵影响:①对国民收入的影响:Y=C+I+G+X-M ②对金融市场的影响:


高纲1569 省高等教育自学考试大纲 04009 国际金融市场 财经大学编省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室

Ⅰ课程性质及其设置目的与要求 一、课程性质和特点 《国际金融市场》课程是我省高等教育自学考试部分经济类专业的一门重要的专业基础课程,是一门系统介绍国际金融市场及其组成的课程,其任务是使应考者通过本课程学习,了解国际金融市场的基本概念,分析国际金融市场环境,掌握外汇市场及外汇风险管理、国际货币市场、国际资本市场、国际黄金市场等各个分领域的基础知识和基本功能,并结合具体案例,使得应考者能够运用知识创造性地分析与解决问题。 二、本课程的基本要求 本课程共分五部分:第一部分为国际金融市场的外部环境及国际金融市场概述,包括国际货币体系概述,国际收支,国际金融市场概述;第二部分是对外汇市场进行分析与阐述,包括:外汇市场概述,外汇与汇率,主要外汇交易形式,外汇交易风险的管理;第三部分为国际货币市场;第四部分为国际资本市场;第五部分为国际黄金市场。通过对本书的学习,要求应考者对国际金融市场有一个全面和正确的了解。具体应达到以下要求: 1.了解国际金融市场的概念、组织形式和发展趋势,能够从经济学角度来解释国际金融市场的功能。 2.理解并掌握国际金融市场的各组成成分。 三、本课程与相关课程的联系 《国际金融市场》是以金融学为基础,结合国际金融、金融市场学等学科容法的综合性理论与应用相结合的学科。因此本课程的前修课程包括金融学、国际金融、金融市场学、国际投资学等,这些课程可以帮助我们更好地掌握国际金融市场的组成、功能和分析法。 Ⅱ课程容与考核目标 第一章国际货币体系 一、课程容 本章首先定义了国际货币体系的概念,概括了国际货币体系的主要容和作用,然后介绍了世界经济的发展与国际货币体系的演变,最后介绍了欧洲经济货币联盟与欧洲单一货币——欧元。 二、学习要求


高级英语课后练习答案(上下全册) Rock Superstars What Do They Tell Us About OurSelves and Our Society? 课后练习(Exercises on the text) A.Answer the following questions on the text: 1.They emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. 2.The author attempts to illustrate that there are completely different ideas about Rock Music between the young people and the adult. 3.Rock music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forum where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs. 4.Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. 5.Bob Dylan spoke of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace and piety, and the Rolling Stones demanded revolution. 6.Apart from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings. 7.They got applause, praise and money. 8.No, he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully. B.Translate the following into Chinese: 1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到


Unit 2 Text A Taxes,Taxes,and More Taxes 搭配: 1. be sure of 确保、一定、毫无疑问/形容词词组 2. have a corner in/on sth. 垄断/动词词组 e.g. have a corner on the textile market 垄断纺织市场 have a corner in textile 对纺织品进行垄断 3. lead the world with sth. 以什么来引领世界/动词词组 4. vary in sth. 有差异 e.g. vary in ideas 想法有差异 vary sth. 改变 e.g. vary your attitude 改变你的观点 vary with 随什么而改变 vary from sth./sb. to sth./sb. 什么什么各不相同 e.g. vary from person to person 人人不同vary from place to place每个地方各不相同 5. sth. is due. 到了该什么的时间了。e.g. The federal taxes are due. 到了该收税款的时间了 6. be similar to 与什么一样/形容词词组 7. buy sth. for +多少钱/动词词组 e.g. buy a packet of cigarettes for twenty-five cents. 8. in addition to sth./doing sth.除了(表示加的概念)/名词词组 e.g. In addition to teaching,she is in charge of managing the whole school. In addition to his flat in Chaoyang,he has anther flat in Haidian. 9. in two forms 以两种形式 10. charge on sth. 收取什么的费用 e.g. charge on cars in a city.收取城内汽车的费用。 be charged with被控诉有某种罪行;be charged by sb. 由某人收取费用 charge for 收取多少价钱e.g. How much do you charge for this car?这辆车你要多少钱? in charge 负责 e.g. Who is in charge here?谁在这负责?


第一章:导论 1、对外贸易:一国或地区同别国或地区进行货物和服务交换的活动,从一个国家的角度来看,这种交换活动被称为对外贸易;从国际范围来看这种货物和服务交换活动就被称为国际贸易.:P41 2、对外贸易额又称对外贸易值,它是指一国或地区一定时期进口额与出口额的总和,是反映一国对外贸易规模的重要指标之一,一般以国际上通行的货币表示。 3、对外贸易量是用以固定年份为基期计算的进口或出口价格指数去调整当年的进口或出口额,得到相当于按不变价格计算的进口额或出口额.P42(2009.1,2010.10) 4、对外贸易依存度.又称对外贸易系数.以一国对外贸易总额同该国GNP或GDP的比率来表示,用以反映一国经济发展对对外贸易的依赖程度P46 5、对外贸易地理方向又称对外贸易地区分布或国别构成,指一定时期内各个国家或国家集团在一国对 . 外贸易中所占有的地位 1、世界货物出口总额总是小于世界货物进口总额。原因:出口用FOB价(货价,不含运费保险费),进口用CIF价(包含运费、保险费),因此从世界范围看,出口总额﹤进口总额。09.10,P42 2、总贸易体系与专门贸易体系是指贸易国家进行对外货物贸易统计所采用的统计制度,前者以货物通过国境作为统计进出口的标准(世界上大部分国家采用此法),后者以货物通过海关作为标准(欧洲除了英国都用专门贸易体系) 3、直接贸易指货物消费国.生产国直接买卖货物的行为;转口贸易也称中转贸易,指货物消费国与生产国通过第三国进行的贸易活动,对第三国而言便是转口贸易;过境贸易指别国出口货物通过本国国境,未经加工改制,在基本保持原状条件下运往另一国的贸易活动P43 4、世界贸易组织列出服务行业包括以下12个部门:商业.通讯.建筑.销售.教育.环境.金融.卫生.旅游.娱乐.运输.其他P45(多选考点。07.01,0710,08.10,) 5、一定时期内一国出口额与进口额之间的差额称贸易差额.当出口额超过进口额时,为贸易顺差或出超;当进口额超过出口额时,称为贸易逆差或入超.P46(2012.1,2011.1,2011.10,单选) 6、对外贸易按商品形式与内容不同,分为货物贸易与服务贸易. 7、对外贸易与国际贸易结构是指货、.服务在一国进出口或世界贸易中所占的比重.狭义的对外贸易与国际贸易结构又称对外贸易或国际贸易货物结构;对外贸易货物结构是指某大类或某种货物进出口贸易与整个进出口贸易额之比,以份额表示 二战后国际贸易发展的特点是什么?P50 1、不同阶段,国际贸易增长速度呈现出重大差异。 2、制成品贸易成为国际贸易的主导。 3、服务贸易迅速发展,成为国际贸易的重要组成部分。 4、发达国家仍然是国际贸易的主体,发达国家之间的贸易为国际贸易的主要流向。 5、区域性贸易迅速发展。 (1)2002年,某国对外贸易依存度为0.8,而该国当年的服务贸易总额为


F . Man's alien! ion span is very short- In order to capture a viewer's attention, television must provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. In doing so, news is rather short, and it results in inefficient communication; much of the news is like "machine-gunning with scraps", and it destroys the coherence of thought. The TV's appeal to the short attention span is decivilizing as well. A voiding complexity means sacrificing thought. Among adult Americans, there are more and more "functionally illiterate" people, who even cannot answer the want ad or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. At least, TV is partly responsible for this. Television, since its first prevalence over radio in the 1950s, has played a more and more important role in people's lives. Some are of the opinion that TV is enlightening. It has become so much a part of human life that a modern world without television is unimaginable. But I, on the other hand, argue against TV. I think TV's disadvantages outweigh its advantages. I want to draw your attention to the fact that television is decivilising. In the first place, watching TV takes too much of our time. Children rush to TV immediately after school. Some people sit in front of TV all day long. In this way, reading is entirely ignored. Do you remember the days when we had no TV? We read stories, listened to radio programs from which we benefited a lot. I dare say that the generation accompanied by TV will be less literate. In the second place, watching TV doesn't involve much thinking. When we take up reading, we need to think and imagine before we can thoroughly understand the writer. However, when we watch TV, what we have to do is to open our eyes and enjoy whatever is shown. Little by little we will become slow in thinking. F. 14F. 15 F.


自考英语(一)课堂笔记完整版(2) Unit1 4. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice,and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner. 注意句中hundreds of hours的用法,阅读课本第六页注解2. 请翻译下面的词组: 1)十个学生 ten students 数十个学生 tens of students 2)五百年 five hundred years 数百年hundreds of years 3)两千年 two thousand years 数千年 thousands of years 4)三百万美元 three m illion dollars 数百万美元m illions of dollars 5. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. 句中be different from意为“与…不同”,如:My opinion is different from yours.(我的 观点与你的观点不同。) 请注意下面三个句子中所用的词组: Man is different from all the other anim als in his ability to learn and use a language. Man differs from all the other anim als in his ability to learn and use a language. The greatest difference between m an and all the other anim als is his ability to learn and use a language. 从上面的句子中可以看出differ是动词,different 是形容词,difference是名词。 6. … find it difficul t to succeed in language learning. … find it difficul t to succeed in other fields. 句中的i t是形式宾语(form al object),真正的宾语(real object)是不定式to succeed in language learning,此类用法在英语中很常见,请注意掌握。如:At first I found it diffi cult to rem em ber all these new words.(开始我感到记住这些单词很难。) 请翻译下面的句子: 1)外面的噪音使我无法继续工作。 (The noise outside m ade it diffic ult for m e to go on with m y work.)


《国际金融》常考知识点串讲 1、外汇是国际汇兑(Foreign Exchange)的简称。有动态和静态之分。 动态外汇是把一国货币兑换成另一国货币以清偿国际间债务的金融活动。同于国际结算。 静态的外汇,有广义和狭义之分。 广义的外汇是各国外汇管理法令所称的外汇:⑴外国货币,包括纸币、铸币; ⑵外币支付凭证:票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证;⑶外币有价证券:政府债券、公司债券、股票;⑷特别提款权、欧洲货币单位;⑸其他外汇资产。 狭义的外汇是通常所说的外汇,是以外币表示的用于国际结算的支付手段。 基本特征:⑴国际性;⑵可兑换性,即表示这些支付手段的货币是可自由兑换的货币(Freely Convertible currency)。⑶可偿性,即在国外能直接作为支付手段无条件的使用,对方也无条件的接受并承认其所代表的价值。 外币表示的有价证券和黄金不能视为外汇,因为他们不能用于国际结算,而只有把他们变为在国外的银行存款才能用于国际结算。外币现钞,严格说来也不能算作狭义外汇。 只有在国外的银行存款,以及索取这些存款的外币票据与外币凭证,才能是狭义外汇。 国外银行存款才是狭义外汇的主体。 2、 1918年以后,国际收支被解释为一国在一定时期的外汇收支。凡在这一定时期涉及有外汇收支的国际经济交易,都属于国际收支畴。是建立在收支基础(现金基础Cash Basis)上的。是狭义的国际收支。 3、第二次世纪大战以后,世界各国广泛采用广义的国际收支概念即国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)所制定的概念:在一定时期,一国居民(Resident)与非居民(Ninresident)之间经济交易的系统纪录。必须领会: ⑴它强调居民与非居民之间的经济交易。经济交易是经济价值从当事的一方向另一方的转移。实际上也就是商品、劳务和金融资产在两个当时这间的转移。. .


1 Rock music began in America in the late 1950's ? It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this foiiini, the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate ? Allin all, in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society ? The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on ? They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped ? 2 The American young people in 1960,s were a generation of rebellion ? Tliey found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn't tmst the adult world that didn't belong to them and revised to take theii' beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War ? Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections ? They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life ? Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life ? 3 Mathilda had been ill for three days ? Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didn^t do any good ?So they had to ask the doctor to come ? There had been a number of cases of diphthena in Mathildaschool and two of them had been dead ? When the doctor anived at Olson's home . he wanted to examine Mthilda's tluoat first ? But no matter how he coaxed ”She wouldn't open her mouth ? So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth ? But Mathilda reduced it to splinters .In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not, so that he could treat her in time ? Letting Mathilda c s father hold her wrists lie tned his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. Tliis stoiy made us can think such a question that something in life can^ only depend on self willingness ? Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary ? 4


自考英语心得范文 才的有关规定,造就和选拔德才兼备的专门人才,提高全民族的 欢! 自考英语心得范文一 加自考专升本学习,经过一年多的学习,顺利通过了专升本课程以及加考的水平英语(一)、水平英语(二)和综合英语(二)课程。应该说,对于比较难学的英语专业,我算是在比较短的时间内取得 在此与大家交流。 滴的积累达到的,从量变上升到质变,即所谓的平时有好的学习习惯,才会使我们最终取得好的成绩。所以在平时的学习当中就要严格要求自己,力求扎实的功底,为日后的考试做好准备。

习惯的养成还源自对自考的正确认识。高等教育自学考试是高等教育中较为严格、对考生要求较高的一种自学形式,要想通过考试,就要有较强的自控力和坚持不懈的恒心。其中自控力是坚持不懈的保证,没有较强的自控能力,基本的学习时间无法保 在此我就谈谈我的学习习惯。 读,其他课程如公共课若时间不足,可注意上课笔记。 二、坚听挺好每一堂课,知识的积累重在平时的点点滴滴,虽然一些需要记忆的课程,临阵磨枪有一定的作用,但基础课程仍在于平时的功夫,在于潜移默化,扎扎实实,稳步提高。 三、及时的针对所学内容作总结、联系。即对所学课程及时 四、考前要做的工作。大致读一遍课文,然后有针对性的增加习题训练,起到查漏补缺的作用,最后做一些模拟题型、模式。 五、在不面临国考压力时,也不能松懈,而应主动培养自己的英语意识,多听英语广播、音乐,以及多看英语方面的书籍与节目等,同时如有充裕时间,可针对自身的弱点有选择的参加一些辅导班。

除了以上这几点,我认为还需要时时保持一种紧张状态,即在规定课程未全部达到要求之前,绝不能有所放松,从而争取最后的胜利。 这是我的体会。我认为通过考试拿文凭不是我们的目的,更多的是为了获取真正的知识以及更好的掌握知识,为我们将来的学习和事业打下坚实的基础。所以,在努力通过考试的同时,也应注意培养自身的能力,包括运用知识的能力,适应社会的能力等。在学习的过程中,注意磨砺自己的意志,培养积极、向上、乐观的心理状态,从而迎接人生中的每一次挑战和考验。 最后,我要说的是,既然大家选择了这条学习道路,就应该有恒心、有耐心并且有信心,要相信:付出的汗水中终将获得收获,这段经历将成为我们人生中特有的宝贵的财富,也将成为教会我们懂得珍惜人生的一次机会。 让我们共同努力,为最后的胜利而奋斗! 自考英语心得范文二 我2001年大学毕业以后一直在北京从事英语教育行业,因为一个偶然的机会我接触到了一个自考学校,我发现相当多的自考学生的英文功底不好,要想通过公共科目英语(一)(二)十分的不容易,所以我现在正在筹划开办一个校内的英语补习培训班,


1、狭义的国际收支:是指一国(或地区)在一定时期之内,居民与非居民之间的所有外汇收入和外汇支出的总和。 2、广义的国际收支:是指一国(或地区)在一定时期之内,居民与非居民之间的各种国际经济交易的总和。 3、国际收支平衡表:又称为国际收支账户,是指将国际收支按照特定账户分类,根据一定的原则用会计方法编制出来的报表。 4、自主性交易:亦称事前交易,是指交易当事人自主地为某项动机而进行的交易。如经常项目中的各项交易和长期资本项目中的交易 5、动态的外汇:是指把一国货币兑换成为另一国货币,用以清偿国际间债务的金融活动。 6、静态的外汇:由动态的外汇而形成的相关的金融凭证,或称金融资产。 7、汇率:是两种货币的比率、比价,是以一种货币表示的另一种货币的价格。 8、直接标价法:是以一定整数单位(如1或100等)的外国货币作为标准,折算为若干数量的的本国货币的汇率标价方法。 9、间接标价法:是以一定单位的本国货币(如l或100等)作为标准,折算为若干数量的外国货币。 10、固定汇率制:是指以本位货币本身或本位货币的法定含金量作为确定汇率的基准,汇率水平比较稳定的一种汇率制度。 11、浮动汇率制:是指一国货币当局不规定本币与外币的汇率平价和上下波动的界限,也不承担任何维持汇率波动界限的义务。听任两国货币的比价完全按外汇市场的供求状况而波动。 15国际储备:亦称“官方储备”,是指一国政府所持有的,备用于弥补国际收支赤字、维持本币汇率的国际间普遍接受的一切资产。 16、国际清偿力:亦称“国际流动性”,指一国政府为本国国际收支赤字融通资金的能力。(也称广义国际储备) 17、在岸金融市场:是国内金融市场的对外延伸。国内金融市场是本国居民之间发生金融资产交易的场所,交易的对象一般是本国货币,空间范围也仅限于本国境内。当金融资产交易的主体扩大到非居民,交易范围超越国境之外,成为传统的国际金融市场。即在岸金融市场。18、离岸金融市场:又称境外市场。以市场所在国以外国家的货币即境外货币为交易对象;交易活动一般是在市场所在国的非居民与非居民之间进行;资金融通业务基本不受市场所在国及其他国家法律、法规和税收的管辖。 19、欧洲货币市场:是对离岸金融市场的概括和总称。欧洲货币又称境外货币、离岸货币,是在货币发行国境外被存储和借贷的各种货币的总称。 20、外国债券:是一国发行人或国际金融机构,为了筹集外币资金,在某外国资本市场上发行的以市场所在国货币为标价货币的国际债券。通常把外国债券称为传统的国际债券。 22、外汇风险:即汇率风险或汇兑风险,是指经济实体以外币定值或衡量的资产与负债、收入与支出,以及未来的经营活动可望产生现金流量的本币价值因货币汇率的变动而产生损失的可能性。23、交易风险:是指在以外币计价的交易中,由于外币和本币之间汇率的波动使交易者蒙受损失的可能性交易风险又分为外汇买卖风险和交易结算风险。 24、会计风险:又称折算风险。是指企业在会计处理和外币债权、债务决算时,将必须转换成本币的各种外币计价项目加以折算时所产生的风险。也就是将外币债权、债务折算成本币时,由于使用的汇率与当初入账时的汇率不同而产生的账面上损益的差异。 25、国际资本流动:是指资本从一个国家或地区转移到另一个国家和地区。 26、国际直接投资:是指一国居民以一定生产要素投入到另一国并相应获得经营管理权的跨国投资活动。 27、出口信贷:属于中长期贸易信贷,是一国为支持和扩大本国大型设备的出口和加强国际竞争能力,鼓励本国的银行对本国的出口商或外国进口商(或银行)提供优惠利率贷款。 29、国际货币体系:是指在国际经济关系中,为满足国际间各类交易的需要,各国政府对货币在国际间的职能作用及其他有关国际货币金融问题所制定的协定、规则和建立的相关组织机构的总称。 30、国际金本位制:即各国货币均以黄金为本位(基础)建立联系,彼此可兑换,由此构成的世界性货币制度。 31、国际货币基金组织(IMF):是一个从事国际间金融业务,致力于推动全球货币合作、维护金融稳定、便利国际贸易、促进高度就业与可持续经济增长和减少贫困的国际组织。


Lesson 15: The Beauty Industry美容用品业 The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beauty industry. 美国工业中惟一未受贸易大萧条影响的是美容用品业。American women continue to spend on their faces and bodies as much as they spent before the coming of the slump經濟蕭條前—about three million pounds a week. 美国妇女仍不断在她们的脸上和身体上花费与经济萧条到来之前同样多的钱——每周约300万英镑。 These facts and figures are "official", and can he accepted as being substantially 充分true. 这些事实与数字都是官方的,可大致属实。 Reading them. I was only surprised by the comparative 相對較小smallness of the sums expended. 当读到这时,我只为花费的数目相对较小而感到惊奇。From the prodigious巨大number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines, 从美国杂志上铺天盖地的化妆品广告来看, I had imagined that the personal appearance business must stand


自考高级英语近义词辨析题 上册(共128题) 1. The whole nation watched the two candidates (arguing,debating) the issue of raising taxes on TV. Argue:(transitive) to state,giving clear reasons,that something is true,should be done etc Debate:(transitive) to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution 2. It was a (proud,arrogant) moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President. Proud:feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own,or about someone or something you are involved with or related to Arrogant:behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people 3. Even if you (mix,blend) oil and water,they will not (mix,blend)。 Mix:if you mix two or more substances or if they mix,they combine to become a single substance,and they cannot be easily separated Blend:to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result,or to become combined in this way 4. Some people watch television so much that they cannot (conceive,imagine) of living without it. Conceive:(formal) to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way Imagine;to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like 5. As it was an informal dinner,most people (wore,were dressed) in their comfortable clothes. Wear:[transitive] to have something such as clothes,shoes,or jewellery on your body Dress:to put clothes on yourself or someone else (一般跟IN搭配) 6. Do you think those young people are (idealistic,ideal) or pragmatic? Idealistic:believing that you should live according to high standards and principles,even if they cannot really be achieved,or showing this belief Ideal:the best or most suitable that something could possibly be 7. Filled with great (adulation,admiration) for their integrity and courage,e was determined to be a man like them. Adulation:praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve Admiration:a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone
