



◆unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

目标语言:ask for information politely





2.宾语从句的引导词:1)连词that引导的宾语从句,在口语和非正式文件中可以省略。2)由连接代词what, which, who, whose或连接副词when, where, why, how等词引导的宾语从句。3)由连词if或whether引导。如,I hope that you will have a good holiday. He asked who could answer this question. They don’t know if they will visit the history museum tomorrow.

3.宾语从句的语序:宾语从句的语序应当用陈述语序。即,从句的连接词后面是主语+谓语+宾语的语序。注意连接词在句子中当主语时,后面直接跟谓语和宾语。如He asked who could answer these questions. Could you tell us what time the plane leaves?

4.Perhaps, maybe, probably: perhaps表示“可能,也许”,之意但不能肯定,它修饰整个句子。Maybe为副词,表示“或许,大概”之意,一般用于句子的开头,常用于口语。Probably有可能性较大的意味,可以位于句首,也可以位于谓语动词前,情态动词,助动词或be动词的后面。

5.both, either, neither: both表示“两者都”;either表示“两者中的任何一个”;neither 表示“两者中任何一个都不”。1)作形容词时,neither,either修饰名词的单数形式,both则修饰名词的复数形式。2)作代词时,neither,either通常被视为单数,both

用作复数。作代词时,both还可以作同位语,neither, either则不可以。3)neither…nor 意思为“既不…也不…”;either…or意思为“或是….或是…”;both…and…意思为“双方都….;既….又…”三者均为并列连词。即连接两个相同的句子成分。当neither…nor, either…or连接句子的两个主语时,其后谓语动词通常和最邻近的主语在人称及数上保持一致。Both…and….连接句子的两个主语时,其后的谓语动词通常使用复数形式。

6.dress, have on, put on, wear: dress作及物动词用时,指“给某人穿衣服”,dress既可以表示动作,也可以表示状态。Dress表示替别人穿衣服时,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语。如,The mother dressed her son quickly and took him to the kindergarten.

Dress表示自己穿衣服这个动作时,接反身代词作宾语,或者用作不及物动词。如,Lily is old enough to dress herself. Dress作不及物动词用,意思是“穿衣,穿礼服”。

◆unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.

目标语言:Tell what you are supposed to do

重点句型:P95-2b&2c, P97-1&2b



1.be supposed to do sth.:be supposed是suppose一词的被动语态结构。后接动词不定式时,含义相当于should后接不定式。但should后面的不定式要省略不定式符号to,且属于主动语态形式,使用起来较严肃和正式;而be supposed to do sth的使用教随便,建议性强。否定式为be not supposed to do sth.,另外ought to do sth也是其一个同义表达的形式,但要注意表示过去时,ought后接完成式的不定式,使用时需要灵活掌握和运用。如You are not supposed to shake hands.= You shouldn’t shake hands.= You ought not (oughtn’t) to shake hands.你不应与之握手。

2.Unfamiliar的用法:为形容词,意思为“不熟悉的;没有见过或听过的”,其同义为strange,其反义词为familiar.1) be unfamiliar to…表示“不深知的;生疏的”如,

That face is unfamiliar to me.那副面孔我很生疏。2)be unfamiliar with…表示“没听过,没听见,不熟悉的”如,I am unfamiliar with their music.我没听过他们的音乐。3.used to do sth, be used to do sth, be/get used to sth./ doing sth.: 1) used to do sth意思是“过去常常做某事;过去曾经做某事”,表示过去发生的动作,其中的to do sth为不定式结构。如,I used to take piano lessons.我过去上钢琴课。2)be used to do sth 意思为“被用来做某事”,其中的to do sth是不定式结构。如,Paper is used to make kites.纸用来做风筝。3)be/get used to 表示“习惯于”,如果get/be used to后面接动词时,则要使用动词-ing形式。如,She is used to living in the country.她习惯居住在农村。

4. most, mostly, the most:1)most可修饰动词,意思是“最,第一”如,That problem troubles him most.那个问题最使他头痛。Most常可作very 用,修饰kind, helpful, grateful, beautiful 等表示主观感觉的形容词和副词。这时不表示比较,不能和the连用。如It’s most kind of you.你真好。Most作代词用,意思为“大多数的,最多的,最大的”。其反义词为fewest,least.2)mostly为副词,表示“大体上,大部分”等意思。如She is mostly out on Sunday.星期天她多半不在家。3)the most表示“最大数量,最大限度”。如,This is the most I can do.这是我力所能及的。

5.Except, besides,but都含有“除了,除…外”的意思。1)except意思为“除…外(不再有)”,其前常接all, any, every, no及其复合词等词。如I answer all the questions except the last one.除了最后一个问题灭有答上外,其余问题我都答上了。2)besides意思为“除…外(还有)”如,I have a few friends besides you. 除了你之外,我还有几个朋友。3)but 后接名词,代词和原形动词,可以和except互换,但except后接副词,介词短语时,不能用but 来代替。如,Mary did nothing except/ but clean the dishes.玛丽只洗盘子。6.point at, point to, point out: point意思为“指着,指向”,在用事物名词作主语时,一般和point to连用,在用人物名词作主语时,常用point at.如,Our teacher is pointing at the map on the wall.我们的老师在指着墙上的地图。The land of the clock points to six.时钟的针指向六。2)point at可以分开来理解,也就是point后直接跟名词或代词作宾语,at 表示方向,point to没有这种用法。3)point out是“指出“的意思,属于“动副”结构的短语,虽可跟宾语,但若是代词,须放point和out之间。如,Can you point out the church in this picture?你能指出这张图画中的教堂吗?

◆unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.

目标语言:talk about how things affect you

重点句型:P102-1b&1c, P103-2b, P105-2a



1.make的用法:1)make+名词/代词+形容词或形容词短语如,The good news

made us happy.这条好消息使我们很高兴。2)make+名词/代词+省略to的动词

不定式如,They made us laugh.他们让我们大笑起来。3)make+名词/代词+

介词短语或名词短语如,The boss made her his assistant.老板让她作自己的助

理。4)make+名词或代词+过去分词短语如,Can you make yourself understood

in English?你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗?5)make it+时间如,Let’s make it

half past two.让我们把时间约定在2:30吧。

2.would rather, prefer: 1)prefer是一个行为动词,后接带to的不定式,表示一

个具体的特定行为,意思为“更喜欢”。如,He preferred to have a part-time job.

他宁愿找一份兼职工作。2)两者接不定式时,分别与than和rather than搭配,

即prefer to do…rather than do…意思为“宁愿做…而不愿做….”,would rather

do…than do…意思为“宁愿做…而不愿做…”.如,Liu Hulan preferred to die

rather than surrender.= Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender.刘胡兰宁死不

屈。3)prefer…to…相当于like…better than…意思为“喜欢….更胜过喜欢…..”。

其后接名词,代词,动词-ing形式。如,I prefer tea to coffee.我喜欢喝茶胜过

喜欢喝咖啡。4)prefer和would rather后都可接从句,从句要用虚拟语气。



如I would rather you came on Sunday.我倒希望你星期天来。I prefer that we(should)do it in another way.我更希望我们用另一种方式做这件事。

3.learn…from, learn of, learn…by: 1)learn…from后接表示人的名词,意思为

“向…学习”;后接表示事物的名词,意思为“从…中学习”。如,We must learn from Comrade Lei Feng.我们一定要向雷锋同志学习。We have learnt a lot from your lecture.我们从你的报告中学到了很多东西。2)learn of后接表示人或事物的名词,意思为“听说,了解到”,相当于hear of。指间接地获得信息,有时可用介词about代替of,但learn about还有“学习有关方面知识”的意思。

如,We were sorry to learn of his failure.听到他失败的消息我们非常遗憾。3)learn..by后接表示事物的名词或动词。接表示事物的名词时,意思为“从…学习”,可与learn from互换;接动词-ing形式时,意思为“通过…方式学习”。如You should learn a language by speaking it.你应当通过说的方式来学习一种语言。另外,learn …by heart是“熟记;背下来”的意思。如You should learn all the words by heart.你应当把所有的单词都背下来。

4.other, another, the other, others, the others: 1)other作前置定语时,修饰单数或复

数名词。如I will come again some other days.我改日再来。2)another用于泛指三者以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,其所修饰的名词前不加冠词。如I don’t want this one. Please give me another.我不想要这个,请给我另一个。3)the other 表示两者中的“另一个”或两部分中的“另一部分”,是特指。如There are six people in the room.Four are girls, the other two are boys.房间里有六个人,四个是女孩,其余两个是男孩。4)others用作代词,泛指“其他人”或“其他事物”。如,Some are singing and dancing, some are drawing ,others are climbing the hill.一些人在唱歌,跳舞,一些人在画画,还有一些人在爬山。5)the others 指整体中除去一部分后,剩余的全部。如There are fifty-five students in our class. Thirty of us are girls. The others are boys.我们班有五十五名学生,三十人


https://www.360docs.net/doc/a12411481.html,pare…to…意思“把…比作….”着重注意两者间的相似点。如,Young people

are often compared to the sun at eight or nine in the morning.年轻人常被比作早


相比较”,侧重指两者间的区别。如,Compare your composition with hers and

you will see whose is better.如果把你的作文与她的加以比较的话,便知谁的较


6.carry, bring, take , get, fetch: carry的意思是“携带,搬运,负担”,即把某人带







◆Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

目标语言:talk about recent events







主语(第三人称单数)+has +动词过去分词3.现在完成时的否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词

4.现在完成时的疑问句及回答:Have/Has +主语+过去分词?


可以细分为下列两种情况:a.表示开始于过去的动作刚刚结束,常和just, now , already, yet等连用。如,I have finished my homework now.现在我已经做完作业了。

b.表示过去动作的结果现在仍残留着,一般不和时间状语连用。如I have lost my pen.

我把钢笔弄丢了。(说明过去某时丢的,现在还没有找到这支钢笔)。2)表继续(动作未结束)。如I have lived here since 1989.我自从1989年就住在这。(表示现在仍住在这)【注意】表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,而且还继续下去的动作或状态。6.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:两种时态都表示过去发生的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的联系,对现在产生的结果,影响等,而一般过去时则只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。表示过去固定时间状语只能与一般过去时连用,而不能与现在完成时连用。表示过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week, a week ago, on Friday, just now, in the evening, the other day。现在完成时的时间状语:since Monday, until now, for a long time, since I came here, since last week, up to now, lately, recently.

7.look for, find , find out, search: look for表示“寻找”,强调找的动作或过程。2)find 表示“找到”,强调找的结果。3)find out表示“找出,查明”之意,指经过调查,观察,询问或研究等手段发现或找到。4)search是指对某一处所,人身进行搜查或指寻找想找的人或物,后面可以接介词for,但比look for语气更强些。

8.go on的其他用法:go on意思为“继续”时,有下列几种用法:1)go on doing sth.

意思为“继续做某事”2)go on to do sth意思为“继续做(另一件事)3)go on with sth有时与go on doing互换使用,意思为“继续做某事”。

9.in the last/past +数字+名词表示“在过去的….时间里”,常用于现在完成时的句子中。10.get back意思为“取回”;get back意思为“回来”,相当于return

11.yet, already:yet用于否定句和疑问句中。Already主要用于肯定句中,用于疑问句中时常表示惊讶。2)yet常放在句尾,也可以紧跟在not的后面,而already则常放在句中。◆Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!

目标语言:Debate an issue




1.be proud of…, be proud to do sth, be the pride of…:1)be proud of表示“以…为自豪/骄傲”2)be proud to do sth表示“骄傲/自豪去做某事”3)be the pride of表示“是...


2.be suitable for适合的,恰当的

3.be made from, be made of:1) be made from指制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特性,原材料发生了本质的变化,在成品中已无法辨认。2)be made of意思为“由…

构成,由…制成”,但be made of是指未经变化,仍可以看出原材料是什么,保持了原材料的质或形状。

4.长,宽,高的表达法:数字+量词+形容词。如20 metres wide二十米宽5.Little, small, tiny: little是一般用语,与great和big相对;small含有“比较小”的意味,与large相对;tiny常和little通用,但little侧重指形体小的,常带有爱惜,赞赏,轻蔑等情感的意味;tiny表示非常小,带有较强的感情色彩;small是就实体而言,按平均大小对比,是“比较小的”,侧重度量,面积,数字等;little也表示“小”,往往指不可数的量。

6.Feed on吃…过日子;用…喂养

7.Foot的用法:on foot 步行foot by foot一步一步地at the foot of在…脚下on one’s feet站立着set foot in踏进stand on one’s own feet自立


人教版新目标英语九年级上知识点汇总 1 Unit1 1. by + doing通过……方式如:by studying with a group by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用、” “经过”、“乘车”等 如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus. 2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论如:The students often talk about movie after class. 学生们常常在课后讨论电影。 talk to sb. === talk with sb. 与某人说话 3. 提建议的句子: ①What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:What/ How about going shopping? ②Why don’t you + do sth.?如:Why don’t you go shopping? ③Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? ④Let’s + do sth. 如:Let’s go shopping ⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.?如:Shall we/ I go shopping? 4. a lot 许多常用于句末如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多。 5. too…to 太…而不能常用的句型too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。


九年级新目标英语知识点详解 Unit 1 一、知识点 1. Check in:在旅馆的登记入住。Check out:在旅馆结账离开。 2. By: ① 通过…..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes. ② 在…..旁边。例:by the window/the door ③ 乘坐交通工具例:by bus/car ④ 在……之前,到……为止。例:by October在10月前 ⑤ 被例:English is spoken by many people. 3. how 与what 的区别: how 通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样如何,通常用来做状语、表语。 what 通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为什么,通常做宾语,主语。 ① How is your summer holiday?It’s OK.(how表示程度做表语) ② How did you travel around the world?I travel by air. ③ What do you learn at school?I learn English, math and many other subjects. ① What…think of…?How…like…? ② What…do with…?How…deal with…? ③ What…like about…? How…like…? ④ What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather today? ⑤ What to do? How to do it? e.g. What do you think of this book?=How do you like this book? I don’t know what I should do with the matter.=I don’t know how I should deal with it. What do you like about China?=How do you like China? I don’t know what to do next step?=I don’t know how to do it next step? ㊣What good / bad weather it is today!(weather为不可数名词,其前不能加 a ) ㊣What a fine / bad day it is today!(day为可数名词,其前要加a ) 4. aloud, loud与loudly的用法: 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 ① aloud是副词,重点在出声能让人听见,但声音不一定很大,常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。aloud没有比较级形式。 如:He read the story aloud to his son. 他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。 ② loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。 如:She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。 ③ loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,可位于动词之前或之后。


新目标九年级英语单元 测试题附答案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

新目标九年级英语第三-四单元测试题(附答案) 笔试部分(90分) 一、单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Who______ will play football next Sunday? A. other B. another C. the other D. else ( )2.If I were a bird, I _________ fly freely in the sky. A. will B. would C. would have D. were going to ( )3. The rest of the food _________ not enough for two days. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )4. Tom ,your hair is too long. Would you please get your hair ? A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. be cut ( )5. So much work usually makes them ______ tired. A. feels B. feel C. to feel D. feeling ( )6. If you go to the park tomorrow morning, ______ A. so will he B. so he will C. so he does D. so does he ( )7.----We can use QQ to talk with each other online. ----Good! Will you show me ______ it? A. what to use B. where to use C. how to use D. when to use ( )8.Our teacher is friendly to us.But he is strict _________ us,too. A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )9. In such hot day, I would rather_______ at home than_____ out . A. to stay; to go B. to stay; go C. stay; to go D. stay, go ( )10. Please give me______ on how to study English. A. an advice B. a advice C. advices D. some advice ( )11. He doesn’t do his homework _________, though he has _______. A. carefully enough , enough time B. enough carelessly, time enough C. carelessly enough, enough time D. enough carefully,enough time ( )12. Every year ______ trees are planted by volunteers. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )13. ----How much time did you______ watching TV? -----Less than an hour. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take ( )14. The blackboard _______ before the next lesson begins. A. must clean B. must be cleaned C. can clean D. can be cleaned ( )15.You have to be 18 years before you _________ to drive a car. A.are allowed B.are C.allowed D.allow 二.完形填空。(10分) We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually 16 some things.


人教新目标英语九年级 全册教案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 How can we become good learners 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白 “一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型:How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法或 途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:动词后加动名词doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b) Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c) Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck) Unit 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English Do you study English by the following ways (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English S: I study English by ______. by working with friends. by making word cards. by asking the teacher for help. by reading the textbook. by working with a group. by listening tapes. Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word card. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes


九年级新目标英语第5单元测试题 一、词汇 A)完成单词 1. s ______ long complex musical composition, usu. In three or four parts (movements) for a large orchestra 2. a ______ things produced by sb. trying to do or make sth. 3. a ______ arrangement to meet or visit sb. at a particular time 4. c ______ very important, decisive 5. a ______ feeling anxiety, worried, uneasy B)在B中选择最佳答案填入A中括号。 A B 1. teenager A. belonging to a particular place or district 2. hallway B. waste material 3. director C. corridor 4. mystery D. person who manages, esp. as a member of board; person who in charge of a film 5. local E. mass of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface 6. ocean F. person in his or her teens 7. garbage G. make oneself appear to be (doing) sth. in order to deceive others or in the play 8. alien H. things of which the cause or origin is hidden or impossible to explain 9. creature I. foreign 10. pretend J. living being, especially animals C)选择正确单词填空。 1. The prisoners ______ to escape, but failed. 2. I have a datal ______ at 3 p.m. 3. There are extra trains to the seaside ______ the summer. 4. I’m very ______ about my son’s health. 5. There would be ______ people in the ______ hall. 6. Getting this contract is ______ to the future of our company. 7. If you have any idea where it ______ be, please call me. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Listen! Some of the girls ______ (talk) about Harry Potter. 2. —Where is Mr. Green now? I haven’t seen him for a few days. —He ______ (go) to Hong Kong. 3. Y ou’d better ______ (not eat) too much meat. Y ou are already overweight. 4. “Titanic” is a very nice film. I ______ (see) it twice. 5. There ______ (be) an English Evening next Monday.

人教版新目标英语九年级 Unit9单元知识点小结

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 短语归纳 24. take sb to sp. 带某人去某地 25. Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐 26. be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的 27. move sb. 感动某人 (sb. be moved by sth.) 28.strangely beautiful 异常的/出奇的美 29. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦 30. the most moving pieces of music 最令人感动的乐曲 31. the city of Shantou = Shantou city 汕头市 32. by age 17 到十七岁的时候 33. musical ability 音乐才能 34. develop a serious illness 得了一种很重的病 35. become blind 成了盲人;变瞎 36. make money 赚钱 37. get married (to sb.) (和某人)结婚 38. continue to do sth. 继续去做某事(另一件事) continue doing sth. 继续做着某事(同一件事) 39. perform in this way 用这种形式表演 40. during/ in one's lifetime 在某人有生之年 41. by the end of ... 到……末为止(时间) at the end of ... 在……尽头/末梢(时间、地点) 42. It's a pity that ... 遗憾的是…… 43. in total 总共 44. be recorded for the future world to hear 被记录下来供后人聆听 45. praise ... for ... 因为……赞美 46. China's national treasures 中国的国家珍宝 47. paint a picture of ... 描绘了一幅……画 48. recall one's deepest wounds 唤起某人最深的伤痛 49. painful experiences 痛苦的经历 50. a time for spreading joy 传播快乐的时间 1. dance to music 随着音乐起舞 2. sing along with 随着……一起唱 3. musicians who play different kinds of music 弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家 4. electronic music 电子音乐 5. not much=nothing much 没什么(事) 6. suppose sb. to do sth. 猜想某人做某事 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以为…… 7. have spare time 有空闲时间 in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间 spare the time to do sth. 抽时间做…… 8. think too much 想得太多;过度思考 9 in that case 既然那样 10. World War II 第二次世界大战 11. smooth music 悦耳的音乐 12. prefer A to B 比起B 来更喜欢A prefer doing A to doing B 愿意去做A 而不是去做B prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A 而不做B 13. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 =want to do sth. =would like to do sth. 14. stick to 坚持,固守 15. be down 悲哀,沮丧 16. cheer sb up 使… 高兴/ 振奋 17. have a happy ending 有个美满的结局 18. less serious 不那么严重 19. a good way to do sth. 做某事的好办法 20. shut off 关闭 21. in time 及时 on time 按时/准时 22. once in a while 偶尔的;有时 =sometimes /at times 23. write one's own lyrics 自己写歌词


新目标英语九年级综合测试题一、单项选择(共30 个,30 分) 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 1 In a zoo in Shandong Province, the zoo keepers tried ___ way to help ___ monkey give up smoking. A. the; a B. one; the C. a; the D every; a 2 —We ve waited for the two sin gers for two hours. Will they be able to come here? --I ' m afraid ____ of them will come today. A. neither B. either C. both D. none 3. - Do you know _____ move into our new house? --We will move there as soon as the key ___ to us. A. when we can; is given B. when can we; will be given C. if we can; is given D. when we can; will be given 4. --Here comes the train. Where are our tickets? --Oh, my God! I ____ them at home. A. forgot B missed C lost D. left 5 - -John sings well in our school. -- _____ Henry, my best friend. He is also popular! A. So does B. Neither does C. So is D. Neither is 6. --It 's a secret between us. Don 't tell anybody else. --Sure, ____ .


2020年春人教新目标英语九年级 知识点归纳总结 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. 1. prefer v 更喜爱;更喜欢;宁愿= like...better 现在分词preferring、过去式preferred prefer sb/sth 更喜欢某人或某物 prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事 prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A而不愿做B prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事 prefer A to B 喜欢A而不喜欢B to是介词He prefers apples to bananas. prefer to do A+ rather than + do B 宁愿做A 而不愿做B=would rather do A than do B prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事 2.dance to 随着…..跳舞to介词按照,随着sing to 和着...唱歌 The children danced to the music of the band. the music that can dance to 能跟着跳舞的音乐 3.along with=together with 伴随着sing along with 跟着一起唱 4.play different kind of music 演奏不同种类的音乐 5.spare adj 空闲的,不用的spare time=free time 空闲时间 in one’s spare time 在某人的空闲时间里have spare time有空闲时间 v 抽出时间,空出房间等spare sb time 为某人挤出时间 6.in that case 即使那样的话,既然那样in this case 如果这样(的话) in case of 要是...,在...的时候in case 万一, 以防, 免得, in any case 无论如何,不管怎样=whatever happens such being the case 既然如此,情况既然是这样 in no case 绝不in nine case out of ten 十有八九,大体上 7.feel like doing sth感觉想做某事 8.stick v n. 棍, 棒, 手杖 1)坚持后加诺言,观点,原则,计划,规定等的名词 stick to doing sth 坚持做某事 2)粘贴,附着于;将..刺入stick a fork into a potato 把叉子叉进土豆stick sth on sth 3)不移开,不偏离,不离题 4)紧跟,紧随;留在…附近Stick to me, or you'll get lost.跟着我走,不然你会迷路的。 5) 保留;保存 6) [口语]忠于,信守,不放弃stick to my promises.信守诺言 7)[口语]坚持,坚守;遵守 stick to one's post坚守岗位 9.depend on 视...而定,取决于+n/pron/doing sth/从句 1)sb+denpend on 依靠,依赖You can’t depend on your parents forever. 2)sth+denpend on 视...而定,取决于 Good health depends on healthy food and regular exercise.



九年级英语上学期单元测试题(U n i t1—2)一、单项选择: ( )1.- do you improve your listening -I improve it listening to tapes. A. How; with B: What; with C: How; by D. What; by ( )2. He must be in the room, because the light in the room is . A. in B. on C. off D. open ( )3. I got an A this term, so my teacher was . A. to impress B. impress C. impressing D. impressed ( )4. seems that Jane has known the bad news. A. She B. It C. This D. That ( )5. All of us were at the news. A. frustrating, frustrating B. frustrating, frustrated C. frustrated, frustrating D. frustrated, frustrated ( )6. Jack likes playing soccer, but he doesn’t like playing piano.


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 本单元围绕“做一个优秀的学习者”这一话题,首先引入了 “I study by working with a group.”这一重点句型,接下来学习how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语和复习现在完成时态。Section A包含两个教学重点:其一要求学生学习、掌握“I study by working with a group.”这一重点句型,;其二,学习how引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。Section B是在Section A基础上的拓展,主要是语言的学习、运用和巩固阶段。另外,本单元介绍了许多优秀的英语学习习惯与方法,可引导同学们借鉴采用。 【知识与能力目标】 (1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud,pronunciation,discover,repeat, note,pronounce, increase,speed, partner, create, active, connect, review, knowledge, wisely, born, attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends, ask the teacher for help read aloud, look up, practice pronunciation, connect…with…, pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: ---How do you study English? --- I learn by working with a group. ----Do you learn English by reading aloud? ----Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. ----- How can I read faster? ----You can read faster by reading word groups. ------How can I improve my pronunciation? ----One way is by listening to tapes. ----But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits 【过程与方法目标】 本单元的主题是谈论学习方法与习惯,可引导学生采用Listening for specific information,


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 短语归纳 1. belong to… 属于… 2. hair band 发带 3. go to/attend a concert 参加音乐会 4. in the music hall 在音乐大厅 5. something valuable/unusual 贵重/不寻常的东西 6. something strange 奇怪的事情 7. at the picnic 在野餐时 8. the rest of.... 其余的…… 9. pick it up 捡起,拾起 10. each other=one another 互相,彼此 11. nothing much 没什么(事) 12. go to a picnic=go for a picnic 去野餐 13. anything else 其它的东西 14. be interviewed by... 被…采访 15. strange noises 奇怪的 16. outside our window 在我们的窗外 17. next-door neighbor 隔壁邻居 18. at first 首先,起初 19. run away 逃走 20. feel uneasy 感到不安 21. have no idea=don't know 不知道 22. a long period of time 很长一段时间 23. have fun doing sth. 做某事开心 24. create fear制造恐惧 25. There must be …doing sth. 一定有…在做某事 26. cough a lot 咳得厉害27. run after 追赶 28. run to do sth. 跑着去做某事 29. must be dreaming 一定在做梦 30. run for exercise 跑步锻炼 31. make a movie 拍电影 32. wear a suit 穿西服/套装 33. express a difference / result 表达差异/ 结果 34. add information 添加信息 35. at the same time 同时 36. a rock circle 一个石头圈 37. most famous historical places 最著名的历史名胜 38. a group of… 一群… 39. a bit late 有点晚儿 40. communicate with ...与……交流 41. so many centuries ago许多世纪前 42. point out 指出 43. put together 放在一起 44. in a certain way 以某种方式 45. on midsummer's morning 在仲夏的上午 46.shine directly into… 直接照进… 47. the center of ... ……的中心 48. move up 上升,提升 49. the position of... …的位置 50. burial place 墓地 51. a place to honor ancestors祭拜祖先的地方 52. celebrate a victory over an enemy庆祝战胜敌人 用法集萃 1. belong to 属于(=be) It must belong to Carla. = It must be Carla's. ※练一练 ① The notebook must be my friend's.(同义句)The notebook must __________ _______ my friend.


Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands. 重点短语 句子重难点解析 1. That's how people in Japan are expected to greet each other. 这就是在日本人们应该互相问候的方式。 ⑴greet v. 问候,打招呼;迎接(= welcome / say hello to ) 常与with ... 或by doing ...搭配,表示“以…方式问候/打招呼” It's a friendly way to greet each other. 这是一种互致友好问候的方式。 She rose to greet her guests. 她起身迎接客人。 ⑵expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 be expected to do sth. 被期望某事 His parents expect him to see them in a short time. 父母期望他马上来看望他们。 She is expected to finish the job on time. 期望她按时完成工作。 ※练一练 ① The host ________________________ at the gate. 主人在大门口迎接我们。 ② He _______________________________ "good morning". 他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。 ③ She _________________________ a friendly smile. 她向我微笑致意。 1. for the first time 第一次 2. the first time ... 第一次…… 3. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 4. be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事 5. shake hands with sb. 和某人握手 6. hold out 伸出 7. to one's surprise 令/使某人意外的是 8. be relaxed about ... 对……感到放松 9. rush around 匆忙赶路 10. value the time 珍惜时间 11. in one's everyday life 在日常生活中 12. drop by 顺便拜访;随便进入 13. after all 毕竟、终究 14. get mad with sb. 生某人的气 15. make an/every effort to do sth. 努力做某事 16. heavy traffic 繁忙的交通 17. It's no big deal! 小事一桩! 18 clean ... off 把……擦掉 19. be worth doing 值得做 20. table manners 餐桌礼仪 21. stick ... into ... 把……伸进…… 22. take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞 23. as ... as possible 尽可能…… 24. be worth the trouble 值得麻烦 25. point at 指着(侧重对象) 26. point to 指向(强调方向) 27. go out of one's way to do sth. 特地/努力做某事 28. make sb. feel at home 使……感到宾至如归 29. be comfortable doing sth. 自在地做某事 30. feel good about doing sth. 对做某事感觉良好 31. behave well / badly 表现好/不好 32. good / bad behavior 良好/恶劣举止 33. Chinese customs 中国的习俗 34. at the table 在桌上 35. at table 就餐 36. show up 出现;显现;赶到;使……出丑 37. show off 炫耀;显摆 38. show sb. around sp. 带某人参观某处


Test for Unit 1 一.词组翻译(30分) 1.犯错,出错______________ 2. 结束_____________ 3. 根本不_____________ 4. 以后,随后____________ 5. 害怕去做______________ 6. 嘲笑_______________ 7. 做笔记_______________ 8. 查阅_____________ 9. 编造______________ 10. 处理______________ 11. 生……的气__________ 12. (指时间)过去,消逝________________ 13. 尽力做……_____________ 14. 突然中止,中断_________________ 15. 没关系________________ 二.单项选择(10分) ()1.---- How do you study ______ a test? ---- I study ______ working with a group. A: for by B: by in C: for from ()2.Have you ever ______ with a group? A: study B: studying C: studied ()3.My sister said she studied by ________ English-language videos. A: watch B: watching C: watched ()4.What about _______ the textbook? A: reading B: read C: to read ()5.It improves my _______ skills A: spoken B: speak C: speaking ()6.I have trouble ________ the new words. A: memorize B: memorizing C: to memorize ()7.I don’t know how ________ commas. A: use B: to used C: used ()8.Miss Li regards all his students _______ his children. A: as B: for C: to ()9.If you don’t know how to spell new words, look them _____ in a dictionary. A: up B: for C: after ()10.The small boys decided ________ to each other. A: not talk B: not talking C: not to talk 三.完形填空(10分) I like English very much. I think English is very important and 1 . Here are my
