自考英语2 课堂笔记 Unit 1

自考英语2 课堂笔记 Unit 1
自考英语2 课堂笔记 Unit 1

Text A What Is a Decision?


1. A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available.

made 是过去分词,作choice的定语,可改为定语从句which / that is made …,from among是双重介词结构,除from以外,还有until、but、except后面可再跟介词短语。

2. The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives.

该句中to establish and achieve …是不定式短语,充当句子表语成分。

3. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them.

句中介词for与前面名词reason搭配,表示"…的理由"。另外,当reason充当句子主语时,该句表语从句必须以that引导。句中in the way意为"妨碍、阻碍",way的搭配还有on the way(在…的路上)、by the way(顺便问一下、顺便说一句)。


1. Thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management.

该句中be fundamental to意为be important to

2. Almost everything a manager does involves decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making.

该句第一分句的主谓结构是everything involves decisions,everything 是主语,故谓语必须有"s"标记。句中a manager does 为定语从句,前面省略了关系代词that。此处切不可使用which。第二分句中suggest意为"提出、认为"。若表示"建议",其宾语从句则必须使用虚拟语气,动词为:(should) do型。

3. Although managers cannot predict future, many of their decisions require that they consider possible future events.

该句中require意为"要求",其宾语从句中也必须使用虚拟语气,动词为:(should) do型。

4. Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance, but since uncertainty is always there, risk accompanies decisions.

句中make a guess at 意为"猜一猜",注意介词at;what引导的是一名词性从句,作宾语;chance在此处表示"偶然性"。

5. Sometimes the consequences of a poor decision are slight; at other times they are serious.



1. Choice is the opportunity to select among alternatives.

该句名词opportunity后面的to select …是定语成分,因opportunity 与动词select之间没有任何逻辑主谓关系,故以不定式作定语。

2. If there is no choice, there is no decision to be made.

该句中there is no decision to be made也可写成there is no decision making。

3. Decision making is the process of choosing, and many decisions have a broad range of choice.

此句中range是名词,表示"范围",它还可作动词,意为"在…范围内变化",常与from …to…搭配。

4. For example, a student may be able to choose among a number of different courses in order to implement the decision to obtain a college degree.

a number of表示"许多",后接可数名词的复数形式,而the number of则表示"…的数量";in order to表示"为


5. For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, procedures, laws, precedents, and the like.

based on …在句中充当constraints的定语成分,可改写为定语从句which are based on …,be based on意为"

以…为基础、以…为根据、建立在…基础之上";and the like相当于and so on,表示"等等"。

6. These constraints exist at all levels of the organization.



1. Alternatives are the possible courses of action from which choices can be made.

from which …是定语从句,修饰courses of action,表示"可从中进行选择的可能的行动方案"。

2. If there are no alternatives, there is no choice and, therefore, no decision.

3. If no alternatives are seen, often it means that a thorough job of examining the problems has not been done.

该句意为"If you can't see any alternative, often it means that you haven't examined the problems thoroughly."

4. For example, managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion; this is their way of simplifying complex problems.

比较sometimes, some times, sometime, some time:它们分别表示"有时"、"几次"、"(将来)某个时候"、"一段时间"。

5. But the tendency to simplify blinds them to other alternatives.

blind sb to sth意为"使某人看不到…"。


1. At the managerial level, decision making includes limiting alternatives as well as identifying them, and the range is from highly limited to practically unlimited.

本段仅一句,as well as 表示"不仅…而且…",但和not only …but also …结构有区别,当使用as well as 时,被强调的成分在前,而在not only …but also结构中,被强调的成分在后。例如:I have studied French as well as English. = I have studied not only English but also French.


1. Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best--that is, which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goals.

some 接"单数可数名词"时,表示"某种、某个";接"复数可数名词"时,表示"一些"。Contribute to 意思是"


2. An organizational goal is an end or a state of affairs the organization seeks to reach.

seek to do相当于try to do,意思是"力求做某事";the organization seeks to reach前面省略了which 或that,是一定语从句。

3. Because individuals (and organizations) frequently have different ideas about how to attain the goals, the best choice may depend on who makes the decision.

depend on意思是"依靠、依赖"。英语中表示"依靠、依赖"的动词有不少,而且常与on搭配,例如:rely on, live on, feed on, rest on, draw on等等。who makes the decision是宾语从句。

4. Frequently, departments or units within an organization make decisions that are good for them individually but that are less than optimal for the larger organization.

句中decisions有两个定语从句,都由that 引导,but连接两个that从句;less than后接数词时表示"少于、不到",而此句中less than后接形容词,意思是"不太、不那么",例如:less than happy(不太高兴),less than perfect (不太完美)。

5. Called suboptimization, this is a trade-off that increases the advantages to one unit or function but decreases the advantages to another unit or function.

句首called …是过去分词短语,表示被动,充当状语,其逻辑主语是句子主语this。

6. For example, the marketing manager may argue effectively for an increased advertising budget.

句首for example是短语,意思是"例如",它不同于such as,前者常接句子,后者则接名词,因为as 是介词;

argue for意为"赞成、力主、为…作争辩"。

7. In the larger scheme of things, however, increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization.

however常作插入语,意思是"然而";be beneficial to表示"对…有益、对…有好处"。


1. These trade-offs occur because these are many objectives that organizations wish to attain simultaneously.

occur是不及物动词,意思是appear(出现)或happen(发生);that引导定语从句,修饰objectives;simultaneously 意为"同时",另有at the same time, in the meantime, meanwhile等短语。

2. Some of these objectives are more important than others, but the order and degree of importance often vary from

person to person and from department to department.

vary from person to person意思是"因人而异",vary后面可与from …to …搭配,表示"在…范围内变化、变动";另有动词range,后面也可与from …to …搭配,但是,当from与in后面所接名词相同时,只可用vary。例如:

Marriage customs vary from country to country.婚俗因国家而异。

The ages of these children range / vary from 10 to 15.这些孩子的年龄从10岁到15岁变化不等。

3. Different managers define the same problem in different terms.

in常与terms搭配使用,in different terms意思是"以不同的说法"。

4. When presented with a common case, sales managers tend to see sales problems, production managers see production problems, and so on.

when presented with…是when加上过去分词短语,作时间状语,这是when they are presented with …之省略;

present sb with sth和present sth for sb是present的两种常用搭配,意为"把…呈现/呈交/赠送给某人";具有同样双宾结构的动词还有:provide, supply, furnish;tend to do sth意为"倾向于做某事、往往会做某事"。


1. The ordering and importance of multiple objectives is also based, in part, on the values of the decision maker.

be based on是固定搭配(第三段第5句出现过),意思是"以…为基础、以…为根据、建立在…基础之上";

in part(部分地)= partially = partly。

2. Such values are personal; they are hard to understand, even by the individual, because they are so dynamic and complex.

they are hard to understand中的不定式to understand形式上是主动结构,实际是被动意义。在"主语+ be + hard / difficult / easy / simple to do"句型中,不定式以主动形式来表示被动意义。例如:The problem is difficult to solve. 这个问题难以解决。

3. In many business situations different people's values about acceptable degrees of risk and profitability cause disagreement about the correctness of decisions.

cause意为"导致、引起",同义的还有:bring about, lead to, result in, give birth to等等。


1. People often assume that a decision is an isolated phenomenon.


2. But from a systems point of view, problems have multiple causes, and decisions have intended and unintended consequences.

point of view意思是"观点"。

3. An organization is an ongoing entity, and a decision made today may have consequences far into the future.

made today是过去分词短语,表示被动,修饰主语a decision。

4. Thus the skilled manager looks toward the future consequences of current decisions.

look toward意为"考虑、展望"。

Text B Secrets of Success at an Interview


1. The subject of today's talk is interviews.

today's 为所有格形式,英语中表示"时间、距离、量度等"的无生命名词也可以有所有格形式。


1. The key words here are preparation and confidence, which will carry you far.

which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代前面的名词preparation and confidence。


1. Do your homework first.



1. Find out all you can about the job you are applying for and the organization you hope to work for.

find out意思是"查明、了解、弄清楚";all后面有定语从句you can about the job …and the organization …,从句引导词that被省略;注意:all后面若需要关系代词,该用that,不可使用which!另外,the job后面也有定语从句you are applying for,the organization后面的定语从句是you hope to work for,这两个定语从句前面都省略了which / that;apply for意为"申请"。apply 的用法有:apply for(申请)、apply to(适用于)、apply sth to sth(把…


1. Many of the employers I interviewed made the same criticism of candidates.

I interviewed是定语从句,修饰前面的employers。

2. "They have no idea what the day to day work of the job brings about.

what 引导的是idea的同位语从句;若将have no idea替换为don't know,意思不变,但what从句则成了宾语从句;bring about = lead to = result in = give birth to(带来、引起、导致)

3. They have vague notions of 'furthering the company's prospects' or of 'serving the community', but have never taken the trouble to find out the actual tasks they will be required to do."

take the trouble to do sth意思是"不辞劳苦、费力、下功夫(做某事)";find out意思是"查明、了解、弄清楚"(在第四段出现过);they will be required to do是定语从句,前面省略了which / that,修饰the actual tasks。


1. Do not let this be said of you.

Do not let this be said of you. 意思是"不要让人们这样评价你。"句中be said是被动结构,该句可改写为:Do not let people say this of you. 其中say sth of sb意思是"对某人作…的评论/评价";let作谓语时,宾语后面的补足语的不定式符号"to"必须省略!类似于动词let的用法的动词总共是11个:see, look at, watch, observe, notice, hear, listen to, let, have, make, feel。再如:

I saw him go upstairs.

He had me buy a book for him.

2. It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and to your job.

名词indifference与介词to 搭配。其形容词形式indifferent同样与介词to 搭配。


1. Take the time to put yourself into the interviewer's place.

put oneself into sb's place意思是"设身处地替某人想想"。

2. He wants somebody who is hard-working with a pleasant personality and a real interest in the job.

who引导的是定语从句,修饰somebody;名词interest与介词in搭配,其形容词形式interested同样与介词to 搭配。

1. Anything that you find out about the prospective employer can be used to your advantage during the interview to show that you have bothered to master some facts about the people who you hope to work for.

that you …employer是定语从句,修饰anything;注意:此处关系代词不可使用which!在以下5种情况下,关系代词只能使用that,而不能使用which:

1) something, anything, everything, nothing + that

2) 最高级+ n. + that

3) 序数词+ n. + that

4) all + that

5) little, any, no, only, last, next + n. +that

to one's advantage意思是"对某人有利";to show …是不定式短语,充当目的状语;bother后面可加介词about 或不定式to do sth搭配。


1. Write down (and remember) the questions you want to ask the interviewer(s) so that you are not speechless when they invite your questions.

该句是一复合句,主句为"Write down …the interviewer(s)",从句是"so that …your questions",so that引导的是目的状语从句;在主句结构中,宾语the questions后面有定语从句"you want to ask the interviewer(s)",该从句前面省略了which或that;so that引导的从句也是复合句,其中you are not speechless是主句,when they invite your questions是时间状语从句。

2. Make sure that holidays and pay are not the first things you ask about.

make sure that意思是"确信、务必做到、保证",that后接宾语从句,you ask about是定语从句,修饰things,该从句前面省略了that,此处不可使用which,因为things前面有first(序数词)修饰。

3. If all your questions have been answered during the interview, reply: "In fact, I did have several questions, but you have already answered them all."

该句主句为祈使句reply: "In fact, …them all",动词reply的宾语是直接引语;in fact等于actually,意思是"



1. Do not be afraid to ask for clarification of something that has been said during the interview if you want to be sure what was implied, but do be polite.

本段仅一个句子,该句是并列句,第一分句是"Do not be …what was implied",第二分句是"do be polite",两者之间以but连接;第一分句是复合句,主句是"Do not be …the interview",if后面引导了条件状语从句;而主句和从句又是复合句,在主句中,that引导了定语从句,修饰something,此处that不可改为which,因为先行词是something;在从句中,what引导了宾语从句,充当sure的宾语。


1. Just before you go to the interview, look again at the original advertisement that you answered, any correspondence from your prospective employer, photocopies of your letter of application or application form and your resume.

本段仅一个句子,just before you go to the interview是时间状语从句,主句是祈使句look again at …your resume,主句较长,look at的宾语是几个并列名词:the original advertisement, any correspondence, photocopies …

1. Then you will remember what you said and what they want.

what you said和what they want是两个并列的宾语从句,同时作remember的宾语。

2. This is very important if you have applied for many jobs in a short time as it is easy to become confused and give an impression of inefficiency.



1. Make sure you know where and when you have to report for the interview.

make sure (that)意思是"确信、务必做到、保证",宾语从句you know 后面还有where and when引导的宾语从句。

2. Go to the building (but not inside the office) a day or two before, if necessary, to find out how long the journey takes and where exactly the place is.

if necessary 是插入语;find out意思是:查明、弄清楚;to find out …是目的状语从句。


1. Aim to arrive five or ten minutes early for the actual interview, then you will have a little time in hand and you will not panic if you are delayed.

in hand表示"手头"。

2. You start at a disadvantage if you arrive worried and ten minutes late.

at a disadvantage意思是"处于不利状况",start at a disadvantage表示"出师不利";you arrive worried and ten minutes late是when you arrive, you are worried and ten minutes late之省略。例如:They came back empty-handed. = When they came back, they were empty-handed. 他们两手空空地回来了。


1. Dress in clean, neat, conservative clothes.


a woman in white白衣女人

in uniform穿着制服

in spectacles戴着眼镜

in a top hat戴着大礼帽

in irons戴着镣铐

2. Now is NOT the time to experiment with the punk look or (girls) to wear low-cut dresses with miniskirts.

experiment with意思是"试试、试验";punk look表示"朋克式打扮"。

3. Make sure that your shoes, hands and hair (and teeth) are clean and neat.

make sure that意为"确信、务必做到、保证"。


1. Have the letter inviting you for an interview ready to show in case there is any difficulty in communication.

inviting you for an interview是现在分词短语,作letter的定语;ready是letter的宾语补足语;in case意思是"

以防、万一",后面接目的状语从句,从句动词可用虚拟语气should do,也可用陈述语气。


1. You may find yourself facing one interviewer or a panel.

find oneself + 现在分词短语/ 过去分词短语/ 形容词短语/ 介词短语,表示"发现自己处于…的状态",oneself后面的形式是宾语补足语。

2. The latter is far more intimidating, but do not let it worry you too much.

the latter意思是"后者",the former表示"前者";let后面的宾语补足语是不定式短语,不定式符号to必须省略,所以worry是动词原形。


1. The interviewer will probably have a table in front of him/her.

in front of意思是"在…前面"。

2. Do not put your things or arms on it.


1. If you have a bag or a case, put it on the floor beside your chair.


2. Do not clutch it nervously or, worse still, drop it, spilling everything.



1. Shake hands if the interviewer offers his hand first.

offer his hand此处意思是"伸出手"。

2. There is little likelihood that a panel of five wants to go though the process of all shaking hands with you in turn.

There is little likelihood that相当于It is hardly possible / likely that,意思是"几乎不可能";in turn意为"轮流";

更正:原句中go though应改为go through,意思是:经过、经历。

3. So you do not be upset if no one offers.

no one offers后面省略了his hand。


1. Shake hands firmly--a weak hand suggests a weak personality, and a crushing grip is obviously painful.

crushing意思是"压倒的、决定性的",crushing grip表示"用力过猛"。

2. Do not drop the hand as soon as yours has touched it as this will seem to show you do not like the other person.

as soon as引导时间状语从句,表示"一旦、一…就…",yours是your hand之省略。


1. Speak politely and naturally even if you are feeling shy.

even if意思是"即使",引导条件状语从句。

2. Think before you answer any questions.



1. If you cannot understand, ask: "Would you mind rephrasing the question, please?"

mind后面必须接doing,而不可接to do作宾语,故此处出现mind rephrasing结构。这类动词有:finish, mind, suggest, enjoy, give up, can't help, avoid, escape, consider, delay, put off, postpone, admit, deny, practise, excuse, fancy, imagine, keep, miss, risk, appreciate

2. The question will then be repeated in different words.

in different words意思是"用不同的话";words 或language前面的介词用in。


1. If you are not definitely accepted or turned down on the spot, ask: "When may I expect to hear the results of this interview?"

turn down意思是"拒绝";on the spot表示"当场、就地、在现场"。


1. If you do receive a letter offering you the job, you must reply by letter (keep a photocopy) as soon as possible.


2011年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 I. Vocabulary and. Structure (10 points, 1 point each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1 .Students should_____their own interests as well as do their schoolwork. A. persuade B .pursue C. persist 2. I'd like to remind you that there is no_____on the part of suspects to answer questions. A. obligation 3. He blamed his poor performance_____jet lag. B .for 4 .We_____knowledge from our families,schools,jobs,and the mass media. 5. Not until recently_____that Thompson had ben telling the truth all along. realized I realize did realize I 6. I don’t need any help at the moment,but I_____your offer. 7 .The sad condition of women working as house servants around the world received much media_____early this year. A .importance B. attention 8 .She has no hostility to us, _____can be judged from her eyes. A. that 9 .When you're_____ a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone. through in for after over on whether the message is right or wrong should at least come after _____what the message is. out out out out II. Cloze Test (10 points,1 point each) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 People in all parts of the world are observing "No Tobacco Day". It is the day 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) appeals to people to stop using tobacco products. WHO hopes if people stop smoking cigarettes or 12 tobacco for one day, they will stop permanently. Health experts have warned for years that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other 13 .WHO says diseases linked to smoking kill 14 2,500,000 persons each year. Still, many people find it 15 stopping smoking. One reason is nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes. Nicotine is a drug. Its effects are 16 those of cocaine and heroin. "No Tobacco Day" is intended for smokers and 17 who earn money from tobacco sales. So businesses are urged to stop selling tobacco products for twenty-four hours. 18 are urged not to carry advertisements for cigarettes. WHO has approved plans to help reach its 19 of a "smoke-free" world. They urge governments to take action to help 20 make money by growing other crops. They also call for improved public information campaigns about the risks of smoking. 11. A. whether B. which C. when D. what

Unit 2 课文翻译

能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 智能汽车 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk


2005年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷及答案 (课程代码:00015) PART ONE (50 POINTS) Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1.Would’t you rather your child ______ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A. became B. become C. would become D. becomes 2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders _______will happen to his family life. A. it B. that C. what D. this 3. We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ________ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting . A. while B. after C. since D. as 4. We cannot leave this tough job to a person_________. A. who nobody has confidence B. in whom nobody has confidence C. for whom nobody has confidence D. who everyone has confidence of 5. You are the best for the job _____ you apply your mind to it . A. until B. if only C. in case D. unless 6.Hey, leave _____!I hate people touching my hair. A. behind B. out C. off D. over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ________ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it. A. come up B. come up to C. come over D. come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I ________ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue. A. say a word with B. have words with C. mention a word with D. have a word with 9.There is a deadlock (僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the over . A. a way B. way C. the way D. its way 10. This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages. A. with B. for C. to D. in Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology. Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets. Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses. Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired. Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the

unit2课文翻译The Virtues of Growing Older

The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处) Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age. 我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。连篇累牍的广告劝我们买希腊配方的洗发水和玉兰油,这样的话,白发无处可寻,面部的皱纹也能被抚平。电视节目上尽是体魄强健,肤色无暇,头发浓密的年轻明星。而中年人则在体育馆里锻炼,在马路上慢跑,尽量不让岁月过早地留下痕迹。 Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages. 不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。青春年少令人愉悦,但长大变老也有明显的好处。 When young, you are apt to be obsessed with your appearance. When my brother Dave and I were teens, we worked feverishly to perfect the bodies we had. Dave lifted weights, took megadoses of vitamins, and drank a half-dozen milk shakes a day in order to turn his wiry adolescent frame into some muscular ideal. And as a teenager, I dieted constantly. No matter what I weighed, though, I was never satisfied with the way I looked. My legs were too heavy, my shoulders too broad, my waist too big. When Dave and I were young, we begged and pleaded for the "right" clothes. If our parents didn't get them for us, we felt our world would fall apart. How could we go to school wearing loose-fitting blazers when everyone else would be wearing smartly tailored leather jackets? We could be considered freaks. I often wonder how my parents, and parents in general, manage to tolerate their children during the adolescent years. Now, however, Dave and I are beyond such adolescent agonies. My rounded figure seems fine, and don't deny myself a slice of pecan pie if I feel in the mood. Dave still works out, but he has actually become fond of his tall, lanky frame. The two of us enjoy wearing fashionable clothes, but we are no longer slaves to style. And women, I'm embarrassed to admit, even more than men, have always seemed to be at the mercy of fashion. Now my clothes ---- and my brother's ---- are attractive yet easy to wear. We no longer feel anxious about what others will think. As long as we feel good about how we look, we are happy.


2014年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)标准试题 (课程代码:00015) 第一部分:阅读判断题(每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供 的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。 Running: Sport or Way of Life? You go through the channels several times and find that once again there's nothing on TV that interests you. Not a problem! Just put on some running shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a run. One of the best things about the sport of running is that you don't need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But don't be fooled into thinking the sport of running is easy It requires discipline and concentration. Running is good for you both physically and mentally. It strengthens your heart lungs and muscles? It makes you more aware of your body. Running also improves your body so that you don't get sick as easily. It can even help you to stay more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more clearly. How do you get engaged in the sport if you don't know much about it? Most schools offer running programs. A simple internet search can help some in your find area. Then programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set practical goals and take care of their bodies. Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race you'll see people cheering for all the runners. Running isn't always about how fast you are or how far you're going. It's about getting out there and doing it. Participation is more important than competition and effort is recognized over talent. If you're looking for more than just a sport running may be the perfect choice for you 1. You may find it interesting in go for A run. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. The sport of running is easy. A True B. False C. Not Given 3. It is hard to End n safe environment for running.


2019年10月髙等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷(课程代码:00015) 本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1?10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 To Lease(租赁) or Not to Lease Planning to lease a car because you don't think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just as expensive as buying. Most people think about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They're right-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease anew Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If you were to buy the same car, you would pay about $400 per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the car back. Many people want to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than they might otherwise be able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 monthly on a car, you might be able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might have to buy a used Explorer, or buy a new but much less expensive model. A lease,therefore,allows you to drive the latest models of more expensive cars. However, whatever car you can afford to buy you get to keep it, and it will always have a resell or trade-in(以新旧换)value if you want to upgrade to a new car later. Furthermore, people who lease cars are often shocked by how much they must pay when the lease is over . Most leases limit you to a certain number of miles. If you go over that, you must pay for each mile. As a result, you may end up paying thousands of dollars in mileage(里程) fees. In addition, when you lease ,you have to


Unit 2 Friendship Text A All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter 摘要: 老朋友天各一方,你心有何感?你是否努力保持联系?有时候写信的事很容易会一拖再拖,总以为明天有的是时间。然而,正如这则故事所表明的,有时我们拖得太晚了。也许读一读这个故事会让你提起笔来。 出租车司机拥有的就剩一封信 福斯特?韩克洛 他准是完全沉浸在所读的东西里了,因为我不得不 敲挡风玻璃来引起他的注意。 他总算抬头看我了。“你出车吗?”我问道。他点点 头,当我坐进后座时,他抱歉地说:“对不起,我在读 一封信。”听上去他像是得了感冒什么的。 “我不着急,”我对他说。“你接着把信读完吧。” 他摇了摇头。“我已经读了好几遍了。我想我都能 背出来了。” “家书抵万金啊,”我说。“至少对我来说是这样,因为我老是在外旅行。”我估量他有六七十岁了,便猜测说:“是孩子还是孙子写宋的?” “不是家里人,”他回答说。“不过,”他接着说,“想起来,也可以算是一家人了。 埃德老伙计是我最老的朋友了。实际上,过去我俩总是以‘老朋友’相称的——就是说,当我俩相见时。我这人就是不大会写东西。” “我看大家写信都不那么勤快,”我说。“我自己笔头就很懒。我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” “差不多认识了一辈子了。我俩小时候就一起玩,所以我俩的友谊确实很长了。” “一起上的学?”. “都一起上到高中呢。事实上,我俩从小学到高中都在一个班里。” “保持这么长久友谊的人可真不多见啊,”我说。 “其实呢,”司机接着说,“近25到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,联系自然就少了,虽说你一直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” “你刚才说他‘在的时候’。你是说——?” 他点了点头。“前两个星期过世啦。” “真遗憾,”我说。“失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。” 他开着车,没有接话儿。我们沉默了几分钟,可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该—直保持联系。” “是明,”我表示赞同,“我们都该与老朋友保持更多的联系。不过总是有事情冒出来,好像就是抽不出空来。”


Unit 1 ·The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives. 决策的目的是为了建立并达到组织的目的和目的。 ·Managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 管理者经常必须对未来的情况做出最佳的猜测,尽管不存侥幸。 ·For managers,every decision has constraints based on policies,procedures,laws,precedents,and the like. 对于管理者来说,每次决策都是受到政策、程序、法律、惯例等因素的制约。 ·But the tendency to simplify blinds them to other alternatives. 但是这种简化倾向会他们对于其他的可选项视而不见。 ·Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best—that is,which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goals. 决策者们必须有办法决定数个可选项中哪一个是最好的—哪一个对组织目标的实现起作用最大。 ·Different individuals frequently have different ideas about how to attain the goals,the best choice may depend on who makes the decision. ·Because different individuals frequently have different ideas

unit 2 课文翻译(1)

Smart cars that can see, hear, feel, smell, and talk? And drive on their own? This may sound like a dream, but the computer revolution is set to turn it into a reality. 能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 Smart Cars智能汽车 Michio Kaku米其奥?卡库 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen. 美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器检测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。 5 Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby. Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars. Should you make a serious driving mistake (e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your "blind spot") the computer would sound an immediate warning.


2020年08月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 课程代码 00015 本试卷共8页。满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断 下面的短文后列出了十个句子,请根据址文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果读句提供的是正确信息,选择A如果读句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果读句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。 Bicycle Commuting I may not be a movie star, best-selling author,or millionaire when I grow up,but one thing I will be known for,at least locally,is commuting by bicycle. I's sad to see how few people do even though many could Lots of people eagerly campaign for the reduction of greenhouse gases,but by driving cars,they're sill contributing to the problem. You might be picturing me as an extreme environmentalist (环保主义者),but I'm not one of those teenagers who wear shirts that say "Help save the world: Recycle." Actually,my interest in exercise,health,and fitness led me to cycling. Cycling can help you lose weight,improve your health,and prevent many diseases. Cycling also carries a relatively low chance of injury. While being good for your body,bicycle commuting is also a great way to cut greenhouse gases. Many environmentalists recycle,plant tees,and drive hybrid cars (混合动力汽车),but bicycle commuting could be even more effective than all of those combined. You could cut down the amount of greenhouse gases just by commuting by bicycle a few times a week. Bicycle commuting saves money too. When you buy your bicycle and the things that usually go with it. You might be shocked by the cost. But if you think about the increasingly high gas prices, you will know for sure that you can save a significant amount each year by not driving a car. You might think that you don't have time for bicycle commuting Actually. you probably do. You could cut back on your TV time and pick up this activity. It helps you care for the environment,save money,and most importantly get fit. 1. I will write a best-selling book on cycling. ( ) A:True B:False C:Not Given 英语(二)试卷第1页(共8页)
