




The first Starbucks opens. The name comes from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a classic American novel about the 19th century whaling industry. The seafaring name seems appropriate for a store that imports the world’s finest coffees to the cold, thirsty people of Seattle.


Howard Schultz joins Starbucks in 1982. While on a business trip in Italy, he visits Milan’s famous espresso bars. Impressed with their popularity and culture, he sees their potential i n Seattle. He’s right – after trying lattes and mochas, Seattle quickly becomes coffee-crazy.


The demand for great coffee allows Starbucks to expand beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States, then further a field. After becoming one of the first companies to offer stock options to its part-time employees, Starbucks becomes a publicly traded company.


The Starbucks phenomenon continues. At the time of writing, Starbucks has more than 6,000 locations in over 30 countries. In addition to our excellent coffees and espresso drinks, people now enjoy Tazo? tea and Frappuccino? ice blended beverages.


Caffè Mocha摩卡

Caramel Macchiato焦糖玛奇朵

Caffè Americano美式

Caffè Latte拿铁



Caramel Coffee Jelly焦糖吉利

Vanilla Frappuccino香草星冰乐

coffee Frappuccino咖啡星冰乐

mocha Frappuccino摩卡星冰乐

Frappuccino? Blended Tea芒果茶星冰乐




Coffee frappuccino 星巴克的冰咖啡

that called ice latte!!

冰砂is called frappuccino

they make mistake! how much did u pay? frappuccino are normally more expensive then ice latte.

you can always tell them they get you wrong drink and they will make you a new one marketing strategy

To take a flexible investment and cooperation mode based on different market conditions around the world.According to the proportion of the shares held by Starbucks headquarters of Starbucks around the world to see, the mode of cooperation of Starbucks around the world four cases.

The benefits of doing so "it can borrow someone else's power to help it do a lot and the same time together. "in order to direct business-based”The reason why to take a direct way: behind the brand is in the business, Starbucks stringent requirements of the company's philosophy of their own business identity, brand recognition, emphasizing the action, discipline, consistency of quality

Our shop is the best advertising" Starbucks operators say. It is understood that, Starbucks has never been in the mass media spent a penny in advertising. This is both a economical and affordable way, Starbucks is unique! "

Starbucks one of the main competitive strategy is to communicate with customers in the coffee shop, with particular emphasis on communication with customers. Requires that every waiter can have a premonition customer needs.


星巴克菜单最全介绍中英文版 星巴克做的就是世界三大饮料的生意,茶叶、咖啡与可可。 并且最受众于一线城市的白领和大学生。 饮品: (Caramel Macchiato)焦糖玛奇朵 (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino)卡布奇諾 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)濃縮星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 小食: (Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、藍苺、香蕉 (Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)維也納黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake)藍苺芝士蛋糕 (Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比薩:燻鶏、呑拿魚 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各類餅干 (Tiramisu)提拉米蘇 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿魚、燻鶏(Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋(Vegetable Salad)田園沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿魚沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉


星巴克菜单介绍中英文 版 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

星巴克菜单最全介绍中英文版 星巴克做的就是世界三大饮料的生意,茶叶、咖啡与可可。 并且最受众于一线城市的白领和大学生。 饮品: (Caramel Macchiato)焦糖玛奇朵 (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino)卡布奇诺 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)浓缩星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 小食: (Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、蓝苺、香蕉

(Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)维也纳黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake)蓝苺芝士蛋糕 (Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比萨:燻鶏、呑拿鱼 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各类饼干 (Tiramisu)提拉米苏 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿鱼、燻鶏(Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋 (Vegetable Salad)田园沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿鱼沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉 (Fruit Cup)水果沙拉 (Meal Box:Tuna, Ham&Cheese)餐盒:呑拿鱼、火腿芝士 Barista(咖啡师傅) 指的是站在Starbucks柜台後面,且深知每一种完美的浓缩饮料配方的人。他能解读您的需求,并且做出您真正想要的饮料。 Shot(一份浓缩咖啡)


1、意大利特浓咖啡 意大利特浓咖啡(Espresso)是当今最受欢迎的一种咖啡,有独特的浓郁香味。Espresso是普通咖啡浓度的两倍,通常用新鲜磨碎的咖啡豆放置高压机处理,以保存咖啡的浓郁香味,因此喝完小小一杯已经够醒神了,若嫌不够,可以Double或者Trebleshot. 。 2、摩卡咖啡 产地非洲的也门,具有特殊风味,其独特之酸,甘,苦味极为优雅,为一般赶集人士所喜爱的优良品种,普通单品饮用较多,饮之润滑可口,极为香醇,调配中和咖啡,更是一种理想的品种。

3、炭烧咖啡 炭烧咖啡是一种日本划分的单品咖啡,指一种口感,几乎无酸,强烈的焦苦和甘醇,口味是比较强烈的。正宗的炭烧咖啡一般用碳火深度烘焙(烘培分煤气、碳火和红外),色泽较黑,味道又香又醇,品起来不觉得酸,如果加炼奶又有一番风味。 4、耶加雪啡咖啡 耶加雪啡是座小镇,海拔1700--2100米,也是埃塞俄比亚精品豆的代名词。耶加雪啡,皆采水洗处理,但也有少量绝品豆刻意以日晒为之,增强迷人的果香味与醇厚度。所谓的‘耶加雪啡味’是指浓郁的茉莉花香、柠檬以及桃子、杏仁甜香和茶香。笔者的品尝经验只有一句话:咖啡入口,百花盛开!恰似花朵触动味蕾与鼻腔嗅觉细胞的舒畅感。除了花香外,细致的醇厚度(body)尤如丝绸在嘴里按摩,触感奇妙。

5、蓝山一号 蓝山咖啡是世界上最优越的咖啡,且产量较少,物以稀为贵。蓝山山脉位于牙买加岛(Jamaica)东部,因该山在加勒比海的环绕下,每当天气晴朗的日子,太阳直射在蔚蓝的海面上,山峰上反射出海水璀璨的蓝色光芒,故而得名。蓝山一号是蓝山咖啡的一种,其味道均衡,酸度柔顺。具有多种果味芳香,是一款能带给你清新感受的咖啡。


A Sample of Company Profile: Starbucks The Starbucks Story Our story began in 1971. Back then we were a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee, tea and spices with a single store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Today, we are privileged to connect with millions of customers every day with exceptional products and more than 30,000 retail stores in 80 markets. Folklore Starbucks is named after the first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Our logo is also inspired by the sea – featuring a twin-tailed siren from Greek mythology. Starbucks Mission Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. Our Coffee We’ve always believed in serving the best coffee possible. It's our goal for all of our coffee to be grown under the highest standards of quality, using ethical sourcing practices. Our coffee buyers personally travel to coffee farms in Latin America, Africa and Asia to select high quality beans. And our master roasters bring out the balance and rich flavor of the beans through the signature Starbucks Roast. Our Stores Our stores are a neighborhood gathering place for meeting friends and family. Our customers enjoy quality service, an inviting atmosphere and an exceptional beverage. Total stores: 30,000 across 80 markets (as of June 30, 2019) Our Partners We offer some of the finest coffees in the world, grown, prepared and served by the finest people. Our employees, who we call partners, are at the heart of the Starbucks Experience. We believe in treating our partners with respect and dignity. We are proud to offer several landmark programs for our partners, including comprehensive health coverage for eligible full- and part-time partners, access to full college tuition coverage through the Starbucks College Achievement Plan, and equity in the company through Bean Stock. Our Products Starbucks offers a range of exceptional products that customers enjoy in our stores, at home, and on the go. Coffee: More than 30 blends and single-origin premium coffees.


抹茶慕斯Matcha Mousse 慕斯(mousse ):芝士(cheese): 忌廉(cream): 吉士(jí shì): Best Blue Mountain-极品蓝山咖啡 Mande Ling-曼特宁咖啡 BrziL-巴西 Ice Cream Coffee-漂浮冰 特级蓝山(英文名:Speial Blue Mountain):单品咖啡 蓝山(英文名:Blue Mountain):单品咖啡 描述:香醇甘滑带微酸的风味,为咖啡之极品 摩卡(英文名:Macha):单品咖啡 描述:酸带甘,具有强烈个人风情的咖啡 巴西(英文名:Brzil):单品咖啡 描述:微香.微苦.情感内敛的中性咖啡 曼特宁(英文名:Mande Ling):单品咖啡 描述:香.浓.苦的特性,最适合质朴的您 炭烧(英文名:Charcoal Roast):单品咖啡 描述:精心烘焙,浓郁香醇的咖啡口感 哥伦比亚(英文名:Colombia):单品咖啡 描述:柔软甘醇,与世无争,悠悠自得情怀 意大利(英文名:Espresso):单品咖啡 描述:精心调制,品尝意大利异国风味 名典热咖啡(英文名:M.T.Hot):单品咖啡 描述:精心调配的品味,甘醇温和适口的香浓咖啡 维也纳交响咖啡(英文名:Vienna Symphony):冰咖啡 描述:洁白的鲜奶为香醇的咖啡桂上有味道的表情 卡布基诺咖啡(英文名:Cappuccino):冰咖啡 描述:咖啡与肉桂的恋情 爱尔兰卡咖啡(英文名:Ireland):冰咖啡 描述:咖啡与纯酒带来英国的浪漫风情 拿铁咖啡(英文名:Latte):冰咖啡 描述:味道浓郁醇厚,口感香滑 名典冰咖啡(英文名:M.T.Ice):花式咖啡


咖啡的基本种类和常见 英语 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

咖啡的基本种类和常见英语 第一种是espresso浓缩咖啡,也称为“意式浓缩咖啡”,它是把研磨过的咖啡豆,借着高压蒸汽和热水滤冲所煮出来的咖啡。用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。浓缩咖啡加上不同比例的牛奶,就可以调出许多种咖啡。如果想喝浓一点的咖啡,可以要求店员把espresso的份数加倍。比如说,I’d like a double/triple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。 第二种是latte拿铁咖啡。拿铁咖啡的特点是加了很多热牛奶,上面只点缀一层薄薄的奶泡,foam。但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,可以说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就可以说,Don’t use too much ice. 不要加太多冰块。 第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。摩卡咖啡是喜欢甜食的人的最佳选择,因为有摩卡酱(巧克力酱)当底,最上层再加上鲜奶油。不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,可以说,I don’t want any whipped cream. 我不要鲜奶油。你还可以调整摩卡酱的比例,可以说,Please give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。 第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。喜欢吃绵密奶泡的人,可以点卡布奇诺,因为这款咖啡的奶泡最多。如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,可以说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。或者I want a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。如果你想要多


咖啡的基本种类和常见英语 第一种是espresso浓缩咖啡,也称为“意式浓缩咖啡”,它是把研磨过的咖啡豆,借着高压蒸汽和热水滤冲所煮出来的咖啡。用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。浓缩咖啡加上不同比例的牛奶,就能够调出很多种咖啡。如果想喝浓一点的咖啡,能够要求店员把espresso的份数加倍。比如说,I'd like a double/t riple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。 第二种是latte拿铁咖啡。拿铁咖啡的特点是加了很多热牛奶,上面只点缀一层薄薄的奶泡,foam。但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,能够说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就能够说,Don't use too muc h ice. 不要加太多冰块。 第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。摩卡咖啡是喜欢甜食的人的最佳选择,因为有摩卡酱(巧克力酱)当底,最上层再加上鲜奶油。不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,能够说,I don't want any whipp ed cream. 我不要鲜奶油。你还能够调整摩卡酱的比例,能够说,P lease give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。 第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。喜欢吃绵密奶泡的人,能够点卡布奇诺,因为这款咖啡的奶泡最多。如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,能够说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。或者I w

ant a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。如果你想要多一点热牛奶,能够说,I want it wet. 我要牛奶多一点。或者I want a wet cappuccino. 我一杯牛奶多一点的卡布奇 诺。 第五种是Americano美式咖啡。美式咖啡就是浓缩咖啡加上一定比例的水。不过还有一种好喝的做法,就是直接加冰块而不加水:I want an Americano with ice, no water. 我要一杯只加冰块 不加水的美式咖啡。 最后再来说一说misto密斯朵咖啡,这种咖啡其实就是由一半咖啡,一半牛奶组成的“咖啡牛奶”,也成为cafeau lait“欧雷咖啡”。点misto的时候,能够改变牛奶的份量,你能够说,I want more/less milk. 我的牛奶要多一点。/少一点。 说完了咖啡的种类,再说说一些在点咖啡的时候要用到的词汇和句型,你能够用I'd like a .../I want a .../Can you get me a ...?/Please pull me a ...?这些句型来点你喜欢的咖啡。 那么在点咖啡的时候,你可能会被问到要选哪种份量的咖啡,咖啡一般都有三种份量可供选择,grande大杯,tall 中杯还有sho rt小杯。如果想加冰,就是iced coffee,如果你没有做特别说明, 就说明你要点热的咖啡。


星巴克中英文菜单 (Caramel Macchiato)焦糖玛奇朵 (Caffe Latte)拿鉄 (Cappuccino)卡布奇諾 (Caffe Mocha)摩卡 (Caffe Americano)美式 (Iced Caffe Latte)氷拿鉄 (Iced Caffe Mocha)氷摩卡 (Iced Caffe Americano)氷美式 (Coffee Frappuccino)星氷楽 (Mocha Frappuccino)摩卡星氷楽 (Espresso Frappuccino)濃縮星氷楽 (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino)芒果茶星氷楽 (Caramel Cream Frappuccino)焦糖星氷楽 (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino)香草星氷楽 (Chocolate Cream Frappuccino)巧克力星氷楽 (Muffin:Chocolate, Blueberry, Banana)麦芬:巧克力、藍苺、香蕉(Classic Chocolate Cake)法式巧克力蛋糕 (Black Forest Cake)維也納黒森林蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake)藍苺芝士蛋糕

(Pizza:Smoked Chicken, Tuna)比薩:燻鶏、呑拿魚 (Vegetable&Ham Pie)蔬菜派 (Cheese Stick & Cookies)芝士条,各類餅干 (Tiramisu)提拉米蘇 (French Sandwich:Tuna, Smoked Chicken)法式三明治:呑拿魚、燻鶏 (Sandwich:Ham&Cheese, Roasted Chicken, Ham&Egg)三明治:火腿芝士、烤鶏胸、火腿蛋 (Vegetable Salad)田園沙拉 (Tuna Salad)呑拿魚沙拉 (Macaroni Salad)通心粉沙拉 (Potato Salad)土豆沙拉 (Fruit Cup)水果沙拉 (Meal Box:Tuna, Ham&Cheese)餐盒:呑拿魚、火腿芝士 Barista(咖啡师傅) 站在Starbucks柜台後面,且深知每一种完美的浓缩饮料配方的人。他能解读您的需求,并且做出您真正想要的饮料。 Shot(一份浓缩咖啡) 一份一盎司的浓缩咖啡。每一份标准的浓缩咖啡是由三个部分所组成:浓郁黄金泡沫(crema)、醇厚口感(body)与热情的心(heart)。黄金泡沫指的是浓缩咖啡表面一层焦糖色的泡沫,在浓缩咖啡煮完後几秒就消失了。 Espresso(浓缩咖啡)(E-SPRE'-SO)


Company Starbucks Marketing Report Produced by Names 1.Student Number:9 Name : Grace 2.Student Number:1 Name : Ann 3.Student Number:2 Name : Tom 4.Student Number:8 Name : Serena 5.Student Number:16 Name : Anna Report date : 2014/12/10

Group :Grace Date: December 10, 2014 Executive summary The purpose of this report was to identify a suitable for Startbucks to introduce into a target market. As part of this process a strategic analysis was conducted to the environment. Strategies that mitigated threats and weakness and ones that took of these strategies a suitable new product was then developed. The booming of Chinese economy nourishes a broad coffee consumption market. Against this macroeconomic background, Starbucks puts the Chinese market into the first place of its overseas market except American market. Starbucks has made great business achievement in Chinese market, while it is also challenged by the devaluation of Startbucks’ brand and the downgrade of its core competitiveness. based on the background, product and environment analysis and strategy making ,analyses on many related literatures, this paper researched on the Startbucks’marketing strategies, analyses Startbucks’operating environment both internally and externally and summarizes the marketing strategies of Starbucks in china. The report was based on information from a range of data sources, including Star bucks’ websites and the magazines about this company


浓缩咖啡星冰乐Espresso Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐Mocha Frappuccino 咖啡星冰乐Coffee Frappuccino 无咖啡系列 焦糖星冰乐Caramel Frappuccino 抹茶星冰乐Green Tea Frappuccino 香草星冰乐Vanilla Frappuccino 巧克力星冰乐Chocolate Frappuccino 果茶系列 芒果西番莲果茶星冰乐Mango Passion Fruit Frappuccino 咖啡和茶 新鲜调制咖啡 本周精选咖啡Coffee of the week (COW) 密思朵咖啡Caffe Misto 冰制咖啡Iced Brewed Coffee 泰舒茶 抹茶拿铁Green Tea Latte 英式红茶English Breakfast 伯爵红茶Earl Grey 冰摇泰舒茶Iced Shaken Tea 冰摇柠檬茶Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 其他饮料 经典热巧克力Signature Hot Chocolate 冰经典巧克力Iced Signature Chocolate 牛奶Milk 豆奶Soy Milk 气泡矿泉水Sparking Mineral Water 矿泉水Mineral Water 果汁Juice 瓶装星冰乐Bottled Frappuccino 好了~知道了这些,我们下次去星巴克就可以轻松地表达自己想要什么了~for here Grande Caramel Macchiato~ Tips: 如果想省钱的话,就自己带杯子去喝吧~星巴克的企业文化很注重环保,所以,自带杯顾客可以享受2元的优惠~而且,星巴克经常会大方的让人难以想想,如果去参加一些他们组织的活动经常会有很大收获。如果有新店开业的话,有时在本地别的店都会领到仅限新店使用的免费咖啡券(大连新世界店开业时,顾客就可以在别的店面得到宣传卡片,凭此可


咖啡已经越来越深入地融入中国人的生活了,特别是对于年轻一代来讲。 不过,大家是否都清楚咖啡的各种分类呢拿铁、摩卡、卡布奇诺分别指的又是什么 今天小编就来科普一下这个问题,顺便普及一下和咖啡有关的英语词汇。 1. Espresso意式咖啡 [e'spresu] 又叫“蒸馏咖啡”、“浓缩咖啡”、“意式八倍浓缩” 是用浓缩咖啡机(espresso machine)萃取出的咖啡精华(coffee essence),每份都是很小的一杯,非常苦。 它的量词一般不用cup,而用shot。 现在很多咖啡店都用espresso作为咖啡底料,然后调配出其他种类的咖啡。 2. Americano美式咖啡 [,meri'kan] 把1到2份意式咖啡(1-2 shots of espresso)加水稀释(dilute),就成了美式咖啡。 其实就是黑咖啡(black coffee)。 据说Americano这个名字最早是意大利人拿来挤兑美国人的,“喝咖啡居然要加水”Coffee黑咖啡 于是,现在为了和美式咖啡区别开,就专门把直接用咖啡豆、咖啡粉煮出来的咖啡叫黑咖啡。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/aa15723201.html,tte拿铁 在意式咖啡里加点牛奶,就成了拿铁。 完整名字应该是“咖啡拿铁”(coffee latte),因为latte在意大利语里就是“牛奶”的意思。所以,好多人第一次去星巴克的时候以为“红茶拿铁”是红茶味的咖啡,结果点来了发现就是杯奶茶。 话说,现在还流行一种和拿铁很像的奶咖,叫醇艺白或者平白咖啡(flat white),从根本上讲,就是奶加得少一点,更能体会咖啡本来的风味。 5. Au Lait欧蕾 一种来自法国的咖啡,欧蕾跟拿铁一样,是一种加牛奶的咖啡。只不过,它不是用意式咖啡做的,而是用普通的黑咖啡加奶,所以口味没那么浓烈。 和拿铁一样,au lait也是个简称,全称是coffee au lait(欧蕾咖啡),au lait在法语里的意思是“和奶”。 6.Coffee Mocha/Mocha摩卡咖啡/摩卡 ['mk]


我们的星巴克 使命 激发并孕育人文精神—- 每人,每杯,每个社区。 我们每天实践的理念原 则: 我们的咖啡 我们一直追求卓越品质,并将永远如此。我们致力于通过以道德采购的方式购买高品质的咖啡豆,精心烘焙,并提高种植者的生活水平。我们积极地关心着这一切;我们的 工作还任重而道远。 我们的伙伴 我们称彼此为伙伴,因为这不仅是一份工作,而是我们的激情所在。我们拥抱多元化一起创造一个可以自由工作、发挥所长的场所。我们永远相互尊重维护对方的尊严。我们将始终以此作为彼此相待的标准。 我们的顾客 我们全身心地投入,我们和顾客真诚沟通,分享快乐,并提供振奋人心的生活体验哪怕只是片刻时光。当然,这一切都是从承诺制作一杯完美的饮品开始,但我们的工作远不止于此。我们工作的真正核心是 联结彼此 我们的门店 当我们的顾客感受到一种归属感时,我们的门店就成了他们的港湾,一个远离外界纷扰的空间,一个与朋友相聚的处所。它使人们得以享受不同生活节奏带来的快乐——时而悠闲自得,时而步履匆匆,任何时候都充满了人文气息。 Our Starbucks Mission Statement Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. Here are the principles of how we live that every day: Our Coffee It has always been, and will always be, about quality. We’re passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care, and improving the lives of people who grow them. We care deeply about all of this; our work is never done. Our Partners We’re called partners, because it’s not just a job, it’s our passion. Together, we embrace diversity to create a place where each of us can be ourselves. We always treat each other with respect and dignity. And we hold each other to that standard. Our Customers When we are fully engaged, we connect with, laugh with, and uplift the lives of our customers – even if just for a few moments. Sure, it starts with the promise of a perfectly made beverage, but our work goes far beyond that. It’s really about human connection. Our Stores When our customers feel this sense of belonging, our stores become a haven, a break from the worries outside, a place where you can meet with friends. It’s about enjoyment at the speed of life – sometimes slow and savored, sometimes faster. Always full of humanity.

星巴克 中英文对照

第一部分:经典咖啡类 1.热饮系列:Hot espresso 拿铁:Caffe latte 香草拿铁:Vanilla latte 美式咖啡:Caffe Americano 卡布奇诺:Cappuccino 摩卡: Caffe Mocha 焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato 浓缩咖啡: Espresso 浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna 浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato 2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso 冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte 冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte 冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha 冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato 第二部分:星冰乐 Frappuccino 1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee 焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel 浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso 摩卡星冰乐:Mocha 咖啡星冰乐: Coffee 2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream

焦糖星冰乐:Caramel 抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea 香草星冰乐:Vanilla 巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate 3、果茶系列:Blended Juice 芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit 第三部分:咖啡和茶 Coffee & Tea 1、新鲜调制咖啡 Brewed Coffee 本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week 密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto 冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee 2、泰舒茶 Tazo Tea 抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte 英式咖啡:English Breakfast 伯爵红茶:Earl Grey 冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea 冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 3、其他饮料 Other Favorite 经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy) 冰经典巧克力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy) 牛奶:Milk 豆奶:Soy Milk 气泡矿泉水:Sparkling Mineral Water


Hao: Good morning madam. What can I get you? Hao: 早上好,您要点什么? Jenny: I’d like a coffee please.Jenny: 我要一杯咖啡。 Hao: Certainly madam, what kind of coffee would you like? Hao: 您要哪一种? Jenny: What have you got? Jenny: 你们都有什么? Hao: Well we have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinny latte or americano. Hao: 我们有义式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡或美式咖啡。 Jenny: Goodness me! What a choice! I think I’ll have a cappuccino please Jenny: 这么多种类! 请给我一杯花式咖啡吧。 Hao: Here you are. You’ll find the sugar just o ver there.Hao: 给您,砂糖就在那边。 Ling: Would you like something to drink? Ling: 你想喝点什么? Jenny: Yes please. Do you have any teas? Jenny: 好的,你们有茶吗? Ling: Of course we have lots of teas?Ling: 当然,我们有很多。 Jenny: What do you recommend?Jenny: 你给推荐一种吧? Ling: What about a green tea or perhaps a jasmine tea? Ling: 你看绿茶或茉莉花茶,怎么样? Jenny: What’s this one? Jenny: 这是什么? Ling: That’s Oolong tea –it’s a Cantonese tea.Ling: 这是乌龙茶-是一种广东茶。 Jenny: Ok, I’ll try that.Jenny: 好吧,我想试试。 What can I get you? 你要点什么? What have you got? 你们有什么? What do you recommend? 你给推荐一下好吗? I’ll try that. 我来试试那个。


Starbucks is an international coffee and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 15,012 stores in 44 countries. Starbucks sells drip brewed coffee, espresso-based hot drinks, other hot and cold drinks, snacks, and items such as mugs and coffee beans. Many of the company's products are seasonal or specific to the locality of the store. Starbucks-brand ice cream and coffee are also sold at grocery stores. 星巴克是设在西雅图,华盛顿国际咖啡和咖啡馆链。星巴克是世界上最大的咖啡馆公司与15,012 店在44 个国家。星巴克销售滴咖啡、浓咖啡的热饮、其他冷热饮料、小吃、和杯子和咖啡豆等项目。许多公司的产品都是季节性或特定于存储的地方。在杂货店也卖了星巴克品牌冰淇淋和咖啡。 From Starbucks' founding in Seattle as a local coffee bean roaster and retailer, the company has expanded rapidly. In the 1990s, Starbucks was opening a new store every workday, a pace that continued into the 2000s. Domestic growth has since slowed, although the company continues to expand in foreign markets and is opening seven stores a day worldwide. The first location outside of the United States and Canada was established in 1990s, and they


咖啡厅常用英语口语情景对话 Hao: Good morning madam. What can I get you? Hao: 早上好,您要点什么? Jenny: I’d like a coffee please.Jenny: 我要一杯咖啡。 Hao: Certainly madam, what kind of coffee would you like? Hao: 您要哪一种? Jenny: What have you got? Jenny: 你们都有什么? Hao: Well we have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinny latte or americano. Hao: 我们有义式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡或美式咖啡。 Jenny: Goodness me! Wha t a choice! I think I’ll have a cappuccino please Jenny: 这么多种类! 请给我一杯花式咖啡吧。 Hao: Here you are. You’ll find the sugar just over there.Hao: 给您,砂糖就在那边。 Ling: Would you like something to drink? Ling: 你想喝点什么? Jenny: Yes please. Do you have any teas? Jenny: 好的,你们有茶吗? Ling: Of course we have lots of teas?Ling: 当然,我们有很多。 Jenny: What do you recommend?Jenny: 你给推荐一种吧? Ling: What about a green tea or perhaps a jasmine tea? Ling: 你看绿茶或茉莉花茶,怎么样? Jenny: What’s this one? Jenny: 这是什么? Ling: Th at’s Oolong tea –it’s a Cantonese tea.Ling: 这是乌龙茶-是一种广东茶。 Jenny: Ok, I’ll try that.Jenny: 好吧,我想试试。 What can I get you? 你要点什么? What have you got? 你们有什么? What do you recommend? 你给推荐一下好吗? I’ll try that. 我来试试那个。


STARBUCKS COFFEE History 1970's The first Starbucks opens. The name comes from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a classic American novel about the 19th century whaling industry. The seafaring name seems appropriate for a store that imports the world’s finest coffees to the cold, thirsty people of Seattle. 1980's Howard Schultz joins Starbucks in 1982. While on a business trip in Italy, he visits Milan’s famous espresso bars. Impressed with their popularity and culture, he sees their potential i n Seattle. He’s right – after trying lattes and mochas, Seattle quickly becomes coffee-crazy. 1990's The demand for great coffee allows Starbucks to expand beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States, then further a field. After becoming one of the first companies to offer stock options to its part-time employees, Starbucks becomes a publicly traded company. 2000's The Starbucks phenomenon continues. At the time of writing, Starbucks has more than 6,000 locations in over 30 countries. In addition to our excellent coffees and espresso drinks, people now enjoy Tazo? tea and Frappuccino? ice blended beverages. Products Caffè Mocha摩卡 Caramel Macchiato焦糖玛奇朵 Caffè Americano美式 Caffè Latte拿铁 Cappuccino卡布奇诺 espresso特浓咖啡 Caramel Coffee Jelly焦糖吉利 Vanilla Frappuccino香草星冰乐 coffee Frappuccino咖啡星冰乐 mocha Frappuccino摩卡星冰乐
