选修8 Unit3Inventors andinventions公开课(教案)

选修8 Unit3Inventors andinventions公开课(教案)
选修8 Unit3Inventors andinventions公开课(教案)

Book8 Unit3 Inventors and inventions教学设计Period 2 Reading The problem of the snakes

Date: May. 23rd, 2018

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge goal:

Help the Ss learn about the procedure of doing scientific research .

2.Ability goals:

(1) Improve the Ss’ abi lity of skimming and scanning the passage.

(2) Improve the Ss’ speaking skill.

3. Emotion goals:

(1)Increase the Ss’ understanding of inventors and inventions.

Teaching important points:

1.Grasp the main idea of the passage .

2.To develop the students` reading abilities by skimming and scanning the


Teaching difficult points:

1.To develop the students` reading abilities.

2.Clear the structure of the passage.

Teaching methods:

Task-based teaching methods, discussion, cooperative learning

Teaching Aids:

a projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Talk about some inventions.

Step 2Pre-reading

1.Work out the correct order of different stages in producing an invention.

2.Listen and get the main idea of the passage.

Step 3 Reading and comprehending

1..Fast-reading: Skimming and find out which paragraph or paragraphs deal with


第四章电化学基础 第一节原电池 班级:姓名: 学习目标: 1、体验化学能与电能相互转化的探究过程。 2、使学生进一步了解原电池的工作原理和构成原电池的条件。 3、探究简单原电池的缺点和改进,了解盐桥原电池的功能和价值。 学习重、难点:原电池的工作原理和探究简单原电池的缺点和改进。 学习过程 1、原电池:将转变为的装置。 2、组成原电池的条件: a b 、 c 、 d 、 3、原电池反应的实质: 4、工作原理:负极反应:_______反应,_______电子;正极反应:_______反应,_______电子 注意:①原电池中电子和电流沿导线流向相反。 ②形成原电池后反应速率明显加快。 一、根据反应设计原电池 负极:材料,电极反应Array正极:材料,电极反应 电子流向电流流向 外电路:Zn失去电子沿通过电流表进入铜片 内电路:离子向着正极移动,离子向着 负极移动。 二、体验原电池 发现了什么问题? 此原电池的缺点是什么?

三、改进原电池 1、盐桥原电池的组成——两个半电池、盐桥 盐桥:饱和 溶液(以 制作成 ) 盐桥的作用: ① ② 2、工作原理 外电路:Zn 失去电子沿 通过电流表进入铜片 内电路:Zn 原子失去电子成为Zn 2+进入溶液,使ZnSO 4溶液因Zn 2+增加而带正电,盐桥中的 会移向ZnSO 4溶液;同时H +获得电子生成H 2,使H 2SO 4溶液因H +的减少而带负电,盐桥中的 移向H 2SO 4溶液,从而形成闭合回路。 负极:材料 ,电极反应 正极:材料 ,电极反应 总反应 电子流向 电流流向 阳离子流向 阴离子流向 思考:对比以上两个原电池,有盐桥原电池有什么优点? 小结:将原电池反应中的氧化反应与还原反应分开在两个不同区域内进行,再以适当的方式 连接起来,从而获得了稳定持续的电流。 【反馈练习】 根据下式所表示的氧化还原反应设计一个原电池: Zn(s)+Fe 2+(aq)=Zn 2+(aq)+ Fe(s) (1) 装置可采用烧杯和盐桥,画出此原电池的装置简图; (2) 注明原电池的正极和负极; (3) 注明外电路中电子的流向; (4) 写出两个电极上的电极反应。 H 2SO 4溶液 Zn Cu A

选修8 Unit3Inventors andinventions公开课(教案)

Book8 Unit3 Inventors and inventions教学设计Period 2 Reading The problem of the snakes Date: May. 23rd, 2018 Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge goal: Help the Ss learn about the procedure of doing scientific research . 2.Ability goals: (1) Improve the Ss’ abi lity of skimming and scanning the passage. (2) Improve the Ss’ speaking skill. 3. Emotion goals: (1)Increase the Ss’ understanding of inventors and inventions. Teaching important points: 1.Grasp the main idea of the passage . 2.To develop the students` reading abilities by skimming and scanning the passage. Teaching difficult points: 1.To develop the students` reading abilities. 2.Clear the structure of the passage. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching methods, discussion, cooperative learning Teaching Aids: a projector and some slides. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up Talk about some inventions. Step 2Pre-reading 1.Work out the correct order of different stages in producing an invention. 2.Listen and get the main idea of the passage. Step 3 Reading and comprehending 1..Fast-reading: Skimming and find out which paragraph or paragraphs deal with


选修8u n i t1公开课 教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Teaching plan of “California” Analysis of the teaching material This is a reading passage about California. It introduces the history of California and describes the great historical events happened in various times. It also tells us when, how and why different people from all over the world have been immigrating to California. It explains to us the reasons why it will be a simple multicultural community in the 21st century. The passage helps to develop Ss’ culture awareness and cross-culture communicative skills. Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: To master the new words &phrases in this unit Ability aim: To train the Ss’ reading ability Moral aim: To develop Ss’ culture awareness and cross-culture communicative skills Teaching key point and difficult point: Key point: To know the history of California and master the key words, phrases and sentence structure. Difficult point: To help the students understand why California is the most multicultural state in the USA. Teaching Approaches Task-based language teaching Cooperative learning approach Communicative approach Situational Approach Affective Motivation… Learning Methods Self-learning Task-based learning Cooperative learning Teaching procedures: Step 1: Lead in When the class begins, teacher asks the following questions: 1. What did you do during the May Day holiday? 2. As we know, the Shanghai World Exhibition was opened On the May Day holiday; did you go to Shanghai to see it during the holiday Students may say they didn’t have time and money to see the exhibition. Then teacher say: What a pity! The World Exhibition will show us the cultures and technologies of different countries. It is a good chance for us to broaden our views.


《原电池》教学设计 模块:人教版选修4《化学反应原理》 课题:第四章第一节《原电池》 授课人:德江县第二中学-廖碧荣 时间: 2017年12月1日

《原电池》教学设计 德江县第二中学廖碧荣 一、教材分析与学情分析 1、教材分析:在人教版教材必修2中以铜锌单液电池模型为载体,简单介绍了原电池的工作原理和形成条件;在选修4《化学反应原理》的第四章第一节中以双液电池模型为载体,深化认识原电池原理和形成条件;随之,第二节《化学电源》则在此基础上介绍实用化学电池及其工作原理。因此,本节课在教材内容上起着承上启下的作用。 2、学情分析: 【认知基础】对原电池原理有初步认识;具有一定的实验探究能力。 【局限认识】氧化剂和还原剂只有接触才可能发生氧化还原反应。 【发展方向】通过实验活动对原电池原理形成完整认识,提高解决问题的能力。 从单液电池模型到双液电池模型,学生的知识和能力层次需要进行一次较大的跨越。因此,本节课的关键是寻找学生的“最近发展区”,帮助学生主动思考,突破认识的局限性,完成对原电池原理及形成条件的认知跨越。 二、教学目标与教学策略: 1、教学目标设计 【知识与技能】深入理解原电池的工作原理;完整的认识原电池的形成条件;学会书写电极反应式和电池总反应方程式;能根据反应设计简单的原电池。 【过程与方法】通过桔子电池实验活动体验建构原电池模型的过程;通过Zn-CuSO4电池的设计活动,感悟科学探究的思路和方法;体会控制变量在科学探究中的应用。 【情感态度与价值观】通过介绍电池发展史,激发学习兴趣,感受原电池原理应用于化学电源的关键作用;通过双液电池模型的建构,渗透对立统一的辩证唯物主义思想。 【教学重点】原电池工作原理和形成条件 【教学难点】氧化还原反应完全分开在两极发生(分池、分液) 2、教学策略设计 教师引导下的学生实验探究与模型建构相结合:
