






I. 选择填空 (Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分)

A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

31. _________ is a fact that English is being accepted as a global language.

A. This

B. That

C. There

D. It

32. —Are you still busy?

—Yes, I _________ my work, and it won't take long.

A. have just finished

B. am just finishing

C. had just finished

D. am just going to finish

33. Perseverance is a kind of quality, and that's _________ it takes to do anything well.

A. what

B. why

C. that

D. as

34. —What do you think of your boss?

—Seldom in all my life _________ such a _________ person.

A. I have met; determining

B. I met; determining

C. have I met; determined

D. did I meet; determined

35. —Do you know where Joe is? I couldn't find him anywhere.

—Well. He _________ have gone far—his coat is still here.

A. shouldn't

B. mustn't

C. wouldn't

D. can't

36. The mother, along with her two children, _________from the sinking aircraft by a passing ship.

A. has been rescued

B. have been saved

C. has saved

D. have rescued

37. Many people would rather ride bicycles, as bicycle riding has _________ of the trouble of taking buses.

A. nothing

B. none

C. some

D. any

38. —I'm afraid Mr. Wood can't see you until 4 o'clock.

—Oh, _________ I won't wait.

A. no doubt

B. after all

C. in that case

D. in this way

39. Thank you for sending us _________ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us _________ great service.

A. 不填; a

B. the; a

C. 不填;不填

D. the; 不填

40. Mr. Lee never said that he hated school when he was a child, _________?

A. did he

B. would he

C. didn't he

D. wasn't he

41. With the development of the Internet, _________ communication is do ne by regular mail.

A. more

B. little

C. much

D. less

42. —English has a large vocabulary, hasn't it?

—Yes, _________ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

A. knowing

B. to know

C. know

D. having known

43. —What's the matter? You really look down.


—Well, better luck next time.

A. Why, I always look up to you.

B. I failed an important test.

C. I have a bad cold.

D. Me? I never look down upon anybody.

44. —You broke my glasses.

—_________ I stepped on them by accident.

—It's all right. Don't worry.

A. I didn't mean to.

B. I forgot.

C. You should believe me.

D. You've got me all wrong.

45. —Can I leave school early?


—I have a terrible headache.

A. You should see a doctor.

B. I'm relieved to hear that.

C. What's wrong with you?

D. I have to say I can.

B) 下列5题中的句子可以组成一篇小短文,请从所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

46. The life of Beethoven is the life of a great artist who was also a great man. His genius _________ the language of music,

A. limited

B. enlarged

C. created

D. expressed

47. for his compositions speak to the world of the struggles, aspirations and triumphs of the _________.

A. soul

B. music

C. imagination

D. works

48. They are deeply _________ and express the feelings of all humanity in their beauty.

A. exciting

B. interesting

C. pleasant

D. emotional

49. People respect him for his great genius and love him for the goodness and purity of

_________ soul.

A. one's

B. their

C. his

D. its

50. Through grief and misfortune he bravely fought a lifelong battle with fate in order to be worthy _________ his high ideals.

A. for

B. of

C. with

D. against

II. 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension) (共20小题,计35分)

A) 阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳



Everyone has a childhood full of dreams. Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.

Before World War I, we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects.

I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil reading about other people's observations and discoveries. Then something happens, that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle, because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might honor with the title of scientific research.

But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: one of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist, up to point, can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds.

51. The first paragraph tells us the author __________.

A. was interested in flowers and insects in his child-hood

B. lost his hearing when he was a child

C. didn't like his brothers and sisters

D. was born to a naturalist's family

52. The author can't remember his relatives clearly because __________.

A. he didn't live very long with them

B. the family was extremely large

C. he was too young when he lived with them

D. he was fully occupied with observing nature

53. It can be inferred from the passage that the author was __________.

A. a scientist as well as a naturalist

B. a naturalist but not a scientist

C. no more than a born naturalist

D. first of all a scientist

54. The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he __________.

A. has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmetic

B. lacks some of the qualities required of a scientist

C. just reads about other people's observations and discoveries

D. comes up with solutions in a most natural way

55. According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be __________.

A. full of hope

B. full of enthusiasm

C. knowledgeable

D. self-disciplined



In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's postwar era there was quite a widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of

the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are hesitant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply function in a wrong way.

Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal(内在的) computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong.

Questioning and routine double-checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come

with the warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.

Answer the questions 56—59 and complete the sentence of 60.

56. What was the initial concern about computers?

57. What's the less dramatic and less foreseen problem?

58. What does “their own internal computers” refer to?

59. What's one of the reasons why questioning and routine double-checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days?

60. The author would disapprove of _________.


There are five advertisements above. Column (A) are the names of the five advertisements, and column (B) gives some information that the advertisements tell. Please match the items of column (B) to column (A) by choosing the letters from A to E. Each item in column (B) can be used only once.


61. Jaspar's

62. BOY

63. Writers cafe

64. Trellinis

65. Vegetarian Cooking Classes


A. offering facilities for parties

B. not a restaurant

C. offering breakfast

D. giving you an extra serving if you present the


E. bringing the food you order to your houses


When Christopher Columbus arrived in America 500 years ago, he found people who had been living here for centuries. Among the Native Americans eventually affected by his “discovery” were the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. Recently, we spoke with five Pueblo teens. Here's what they had to say about their lives today:

What qualities do you think are special to Native Americans?

Robin Atencio, 15: Our people are proud and have a strong sense of community. We look out for one another. No one is homeless.

Katrina Humetewa, 16: We have many strong old beliefs and traditions. One is that nature is sacred(神圣的). The earth gives us food and life. We don't throw away a lot of poisons into the ground and rivers.

How do you learn about your history and culture?

Fabiola Lovato, 17: We learn from our elders. They tell us about the natural world, medicines, and other things. Our traditions are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.

Is your daily life like that of other teens?

Justin Mchorse, 17: In many ways, yes. I listen to rap and rock ‘n' roll. I dress in jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. I go to a regular school. In my pueblo (village), I live in an adobe (house made of mud and plaster). We have electricity and plumbing.

Jonathan Teba, 15: I go to movies with my friends and just hang out and talk. I also love sports. I watch the Lakers and the Bulls on TV.

How is your life different?

Justin: I listen to traditional Native American music. At powwows, different tribes get together to perform their dances. I'll hear round-dance songs, war-party songs, and stuff like that.

Jonathan: Mostly it's a matter of religion. We have many traditional beliefs and ceremonies. But we can't talk about them. They're private.

What's the biggest problem you face as a Native American living in today's world?

Justin: There's a lot of prejudice. Many people have stereotypes about Native Americans.

They think we all live in tepees (圆锥形帐篷) and hunt buffalo, like the Native Americans they see in TV westerns.

Fabiola: Some history books talk about us as if we were all savages (原始人) and uncivilized. They're wrong. We're good, hard-working people who live in harmony with nature.

What other concerns do you have?

Robin: For me, seeing Columbus being celebrated for discovering America is difficult. Our people lost their lives, their cu lture, their land. We're wondering, “What about us?”

Jonathan: I worry about losing our traditions. I'm trying to learn my language—Tewa. But it seems many elders have forgotten a lot. Elders used to stay home and teach the children. Today, many have to work. There's less time for the old ways nowadays.

Answer the following questions.

66. What's the purpose of this article?

67. Who are important people in Pueblo culture according to the article?

68. How do these teenagers feel about their heritage (文化遗产)?

There are a lot of information in the teenagers' talk. Fill in the following chart with the names of people to find out who talk about the information given.

III. 完形填空 (Cloze)(共15小题,计15分)


I grew up in the south of Spain in a little community called European. I was 16 (71)_________ one morning, my father told me I could (72)_________ him to a remote village called Mijas, about 18 miles away, on the (73)_________ that I took the car in to be serviced (待命) at a nearby garage. Having just learned to drive, and hardly ever (74)_________ the opportunity to use the car, I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas and promised to (75)_________ him up at 4 ., then drove to a nearby garage and dropped off the car. Because I had a few hours to (76)_________, I decided to catch a couple of movies at a theater near the garage. (77)_________, I became so immersed (迷住) in the films (78)_________ I completely lost track of time. When the last movie had finished, I looked down at my (79)_________. It was six o'clock. I was two hours late!

I knew Dad would be angry if he (80)_________ out I'd been watching movies. He'd never let me drive again. I decided to tell him that the car needed some (81)_________ and that they had taken (82)_________ than had been expected. I drove up to the place where we had planned to meet and saw Dad (83)_________ patiently on the corner. I (84)_________ for being late and told him that I'd come as quickly as I (85)_________, but the car had needed some major repairs. I'll never forget that look he gave me.

IV. 翻译 (Translation) (共10小题,计10分)


A couple of years ago, when I was going to college, I volunteered to be a finish-line “hugger” at the

Kentucky Special Olympics held in Richmond. (86) Because I was studying to become a special-education teacher, I was very interested in the games and the people and wanted to be more involved.

The day of the event dawned dreary, wet and gray. I arrived early and watched as the participants arrived with their families, friends and school groups. (87) Even though it started to rain and a cold wind blew, I didn't hear a single person complain. In fact, most of the participants were so excited that they didn't seem to notice the weather at all.

When the sky cleared up a bit, the first games began. (88) My job was to stand at the end of a lane on the track and hug the person in that lane when he or she crossed the finish line. It seemed to me that many of the participants completed their races just so they could get that “finish” hug. (89) As the arms of the hugger closed around them, their faces lit up with pure joy, whether they came in first or dead last.

While we huggers stood around, waiting for one race to end and the next to begin, we talked.

I was told that most of the participants had been training for the races all year. I was impressed.

(90) A dedicated athlete, I had been captain of my high school soccer team for two years, but even I hadn't trained year-round.

B) 用括号中所给的词语把下列句子译成英语。

91. 一旦你有了自己的滑板(skateboard),你就可以滑着它去任何地方。(be free to)


92. 做一个好的听者不仅仅意味着“用耳朵听”。(much more than)


93. 我们应当预先把整整一年的事做出安排。(map out)


94. 结果天气很糟,这一点我没有预料到。(turn out)


95. 你父亲让我转告你,他今天不回家。(pass)


V. 短文改错 (Error correction) (共10小题,计10分)



此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。




My grandfather is used to have a beautiful gold watch.

96. _________

When I was small, he promised to lend it to me in his will.

97. _________

“When I was gone,” he said, “this is going to be yours.”

98. _________

Unluckily that will never happen. About three months before,

99. _________

my grandfather came up to London visit us. The first

100. _________ Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park.

101. _________

“We'll do better than that,” said to my grandfather.

102. _________ “We'll go and feed the pigeon in Trafalgar Square.”

103. _________ But off they went. When they came back, my

104. _________ Grandfather looked very anxiously. “My watch,” he

105. _________ said, “It's gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding pigeons.”

VI. 智力测试 (IQ)(共5小题,计5分)


106. Fill in the missing numbers.

107.Using exactly four straight lines, without taking your pen off the paper, can you join all nine dots? You are not allowed to retrace (折回) your path.

108. Which letter should replace the question mark?

109. Michelle digs a hole in the back garden that is 10 centimetres deep, 15 centimetres wide and 6 centimetres long. How much earth is in the hole?

110. Next to Simone's high school is a river that is 30 metres wide. Students can cross the river by walking over a bridge. One-fifth of the length of the bridge goes over land on one side of the river, and one-fifth of the length of the bridge goes over land on the other side of the river. What is the total length of the bridge?


VII. 写作 (Writing) (共2小题,计 25分)

A) Read the following poem, and then write about what you think of the poem. (about 100 words) (10分)


by Gwendolyn Brooks

A computer is a machine.

A machine is interesting.

A machine is useful.

I can study a computer.

I can use it.

Who made it?

Human beings made it.

I am a human being.

I am warm. I am wise.

I have empathy for animals and people.

I conduct a computer.

A computer does not conduct me.

B) Suppose you are Li Hua, and you have a penfriend living in another country and he / she is curious to know about the major news items in our country.

Briefly describe ONE news story that has been on TV, on the radio, or in the newspapers in our country, and explain why people are interested in it. (about 150 words) (15分)



I. 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A

40. A 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. D

49. C 50. B

II. 51. A 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. B

56. Computers may take control of the world.

57. People are hesitant to challenge authority of computers.

58. People's basic thinking and reasoning skills.

59. Wrong buttons may be pressed. / A computer may function in a wrong way.

60. complete dependence on computers for decision-making

61. D 62. E 63. C 64. A 65. B

66. To help people learn more about Native Americans.

67. The elders. 68. They are proud of their heritage.

69. Jonathan 70. Justin

III. 71. when 72. drive 73. condition 74. having / getting

75. pick 76. spare 77. However 78. that 79. watch

80. found 81. repairs 82. longer 83. waiting 84. apologized

85. could

IV. 86. 因为当时我正在为成为一名特殊教育的教师而学习,所以,对这类比赛和参加比赛的人都


87. 虽然天空下起了小雨,冷风也不停地吹着,但我却没有听到一个人在抱怨。

88. 我的任务是站在跑道的终点线处,等那条跑道上的参赛者跑完全程,穿过终点线的时候,


89. 不论在比赛中他们获得的是第一名还是最后一名,只要当拥抱者的双臂紧紧地拥抱着他们


90. 我曾经担任我们中学英式足球队的队长两年,自认为是个很投入的运动员,但即使这样,


91. Once you have your own skateboard, you are free to skate anywhere.

92. Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears.

93. We should map out the whole year in advance.

94. The weather turned out to be so bad, which was more than I would expect.

95. Your father asked me to pass you the message that he would not go back home today.

V. My grandfather is used to have a beautiful gold watch.

96. is

When I was small, he promised to lend it to me in his will.

97. leave “When I was gone,” he said, “this is going to be yours.”

98. am Unluckily that will never happen. About three months before,

99. ago

my grandfather came up to London∧visit us. The first

100. to Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park.

101. √“We'll do better than that,” said to my grandfather.

102. to “We'll go and feed the pigeon in Trafalgar Square.”

103. pigeons But off they went. When they came back, my

104. And Grandfather looked very anxiously. “My watch,” h e

105. anxious said, “It's gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding pigeons.”

VI. 106. 根据前两个图得出如下规律:

A=D; A+C=B; B+C=E


108. W(圆形、正方形、梯形和三角形中的字母拼起来是spring, autumn, winter, summer。)

109. None 110. 50 metres

VII. A) One possible version:

This is a poem about the computer with easy and simple words. Brooks, the writer, tells us in the poem how humans and computers are different.

A computer has a great effect on the way people live. It makes people's life easy and convenient. For example, I use the computer to get the information I need and communicate with my friends by sending emails or chatting on line. A computer is really a “useful” and “interesting machine”. However, the computer was made by human beings, who are “warm” and “wise”, and who have “empathy for animals and people”. No matter how useful and powerful a computer is, it is operated and controlled by human beings.

So humans are great and clever!

B) One possible version:

Dear Joy,

Thank you for your letter. You asked me to tell you what is in the news here. I think probably the most interesting story at the moment is the battle over our water supply.

This is a very dry area in our country, and water is always a problem. Back in the early 60's, the Snowy Mountains Scheme turned a river around so that it flowed back inland rather than out into the sea. Since then we have had several major irrigation projects, and for a long time the irrigated farms did very well.

However, we now have major disputes as to which farms should get the most water. Farmers at the end of the irrigation systems claim that they are not getting their fair share.

I think people find this interesting because we all need water to live. We also know that if the farmers don't get water we will have far less to eat ourselves and less food to export.

Take care, and write to me soon.

Best wishes from your penfriend,

Li Hua
















2019年高考理综模拟考试 1.下列关于人体中蛋白质功能的叙述,错误的是 A.浆细胞产生的抗体可结合相应的病毒抗原 B.肌细胞中的某些蛋白质参与肌肉收缩的过程 C.蛋白质结合Mg2+形成的血红蛋白参与O2运输 D.细胞核中某些蛋白质是染色体的重要组成成分 2.下列有关物质跨膜运输的叙述,正确的是 A.巨噬细胞摄入病原体的过程属于协助扩散 B.固醇类激素进入靶细胞的过程属于主动运输 C.神经细胞受到刺激时产生的Na+内流属于被动运输 D.护肤品中的甘油进入皮肤细胞的过程属于主动运输 3.下列有关人体内激素的叙述,正确的是 A.运动时,肾上腺素水平升高,可使心率加快。说明激素是高能化合物 B.饥饿时,胰高血糖素水平升高,促进糖原分解,说明激素具有酶的催化活性C.进食后,胰岛素水平升高,其既可加速糖原合成,也可作为细胞的结构组分D.青春期,性激素水平升高,随体液到达靶细胞,与受体结合可促进机体发育4.有些作物的种子入库前需要经过风干处理,与风干前相比,下列说法错误的是A.风干种子中有机物的消耗减慢 B.风干种子上微生物不易生长繁殖 C.风干种子中细胞呼吸作用的强度高 D.风干种子中结合水与自由水的比值大 5.下列关于病毒的叙述,错误的是 A.从烟草花叶病毒中可以提取到RNA B.T2噬菌体可感染肺炎双球菌导致其裂解 C.HIV可引起人的获得性免疫缺陷综合征 D.阻断病毒的传播可降低其所致疾病的发病率6.在致癌因子的作用下,正常动物细胞可转变为癌细胞,有关癌细胞特点的叙述错误的是A.细胞中可能发生单一基因突变,细胞间黏着性增加 B.细胞中可能发生多个基因突变,细胞的形态发生变化 C.细胞中的染色体可能受到损伤,细胞的增殖失去控制 D.细胞中遗传物质可能受到损伤,细胞表面的糖蛋白减少 7.化学与生活密切相关。下列说法错误的是 A.碳酸钠可用于去除餐具的油污 B.漂白粉可用于生活用水的消毒 C.氢氧化铝可用于中和过多胃酸 D.碳酸钡可用于胃肠X射线造影检查 8.研究表明,氮氧化物和二氧化硫在形成雾霾时与大气中的氨有关(如下图所示)。下列叙述错误的是 A.雾和霾的分散剂相同 B.雾霾中含有硝酸铵和硫酸铵 C.NH3是形成无机颗粒物的催化剂 D.雾霾的形成与过度施用氮肥有关 9.实验室中用如图所示的装置进行甲烷与氯气在光照下反应的实验。 光照下反应一段时间后,下列装置示意图中能正确反映实验现象的是 10.W、X、Y和Z为原子序数依次增大的四种短周期元素。W与X可生成一种红棕色有刺激性气味的气体;Y的周期数是族序数的3倍;Z原子最外层的电子数与W的电子总数相同。下列叙述正确的是 A.X与其他三种元素均可形成两种或两种以上的二元化合物 B.Y与其他三种元素分别形成的化合物中只含有离子键 C.四种元素的简单离子具有相同的电子层结构


2019年6月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷) 英语答案解析 第一部分听力 1.【答案】B 2.【答案】A 3.【答案】B 4.【答案】C 5.【答案】A 6.【答案】C 7.【答案】B 8.【答案】A 9.【答案】C 10.【答案】C 11.【答案】B 12.【答案】A 13.【答案】C 14.【答案】A 15.【答案】B 16.【答案】A 17.【答案】C 18.【答案】B 19.【答案】A 20.【答案】C 第二部分阅读理解 第一节 A 【文章大意】文章主要介绍了Zachariah Fike为“军功章”寻找其真正的主人的故事。 21.【答案】A 【解析】根据第二段中的"he earned one himself in a war as a soldier"可知,Zac曾经在战场上获得过紫心勋章,故选A项。 【考点】细节理解 22.【答案】B 【解析】根据第三段中的"she called Zac back...To drive eight hours to come to see me"可推知,Adeline 很在意这枚勋章,故选B项。 【考点】推理判断 23.【答案】D

【解析】根据倒数第二段中的"Adeline couldn't understand.…missed my brother more and more...the only thing we had left"可知,这枚紫心勋章代表着Adeline对在战场上牺牲的兄弟的深切怀念和记忆,故选 D项。 B 【文章大意】文章介绍了Tyler Bridges发起的一个项目,让有能力的人捐助钱财,让需要的人自取钱财,而这个项目的宗旨是让人们能够互相帮助。 24.【答案】C 【解析】根据下文的内容并结合木板上写的"Give What You Can, Take What You Need"可知,附在木板上的钱是可以随意取的,并不附带任何条件,故选C项。 【考点】句意理解 25.【答案】B 【解析】根据第二段的内容,尤其是"People of all ages, races..…even had a bride"可推知,作者提到新娘参与该活动来说明参与人员的多样性,故选B项。 【考点】推理判断 26.【答案】D 【解析】根据倒数第二段第一句中的"Bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and sympathy"并结合全文内容可知,Bridges开展这个活动的目的在于传递“慷慨和同情之心”,故选D项。 【考点】细节理解 C 【文章大意】文章主要讲述了美国加利福尼亚州的森林中大树急剧减少的现象,并分析了其原因。 27.【答案】A 【解析】根据文章第二段中"The number of trees...declined by 50 percent...more than 55 percent (75) percent"提到的数字可知,该段主要描述了加州森林中大树急剧减少的严重性,故选A项。 【考点】段落大意 28.【答案】D 【解析】根据第三段中的"Aggressive wildfire control..…compete with big trees for resources(资源)“可知,声势浩大的森林防火措施虽然一定程度上保护了森林,但同时也导致小树泛滥,与大树争抢资源,从而导致大树数量减少,故选D项。 【考点】推理判断 29.【答案】C 【解析】根据最后一段中的"Since the 1930s, Mclntyre said.…have been rising temperatures...reduces the water supply"可知,Mclntyre认为水资源短缺的主要原因是逐渐上升的气温,故选C项。 【考点】细节理解 30.【答案】A 【解析】根据全文可知,文章主要讲述了美国加州森林中大树数量急剧下降的现象,并分析了其原


2015年高考英语全国卷 第二部分阅读理解 第一节 A 【语篇导读】这是一篇广告文体类阅读材料。介绍了四则伦敦运河博物馆每月(八月除外)的第一个星期四的报告主题。 21. C 事实细节题。由第一则报告的首句可知,Chris Lewis所做的报告“运河先驱”中,James Brindley被公认为早期最重要的运河设计师。由此可知C项正确。 22. D 事实细节题。由题干中的“February”可将答案锁定在“February 6th”的话题“An Update on the Costwold Canals”中。显然答案为D。 23. A 事实细节题。根据题干中的关键词islands, the Thames可知答案在“March 6th”中。Miranda Vickers 在其报告“Eyots and Aits—Thames Islands”中对泰晤士河中的岛屿做了一个全景的回顾。因此答案为A。 B 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。“我”生活在美国东北部的纽约,那儿的冬季实在让人难以忍受。一次去佛罗里达的Sarasota度周末的机会让“我”深切感受到了宜人的气候是多么令人惬意。尤其是那又大、又软又圆的西红柿。 24. B.推理判断题。由第一段最后一句“dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables”所提供的信息尤其是dulled一词的意义可以推测纽约寒冷的冬季是令人厌烦的。故答案为B。 25. D。事实细节题。根据首段末句可知,让作者最感惬意的事情是逛一逛早七点的农贸市场。因此D项为最佳答案。 26. B。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句可知,作者之所以不再购买冬季的西红柿是因为不论商店里的西红柿看起来多么诱人,买到家里就会变得又干又硬,索然无味。故选B项。 27. C。推理判断题。由最后一段所述可知,Brown’s Grove Farm是新开业的一家餐馆。Jack Dusty是供货方之一。再结合“I was planning to have dinner that very night.”一句可知作者打算去那儿用餐。因此答案为C。 C 【语篇导读】这篇短文主要介绍了现代著名艺术家Dali的作品风格及the world of Dali中的展品情况。28. B。推理判断题。短文首段介绍了艺术家Dali的作品。由“…with an exhibition bring together over 200 paintings, sculptures, drawings and more.”一句可知,Dali的作品众多,是一个多产画家。故答案为B。29. A。推理判断题。根据第一段“…the visitors will find the best pieces, most importantly the Persistence of Memory”可知,该作品在Dali的最佳作品中是最重要的,由此可以推断它是Dali的杰作之一。 30. D。事实细节题。根据第二段末句中的“…follo ws a path of time and subject.”可知,Dali的作品是按时间和主题进行布展的。答案选D。 31. A。词义猜测题。由最后一段可知,展出的作品主要来源于两个途径:一是与马德里的一家艺术馆密切合作;一是靠像Salvador Dali Museum这样的机构的捐赠。联系全文大意及前一分句不难推测其它机构捐赠的是艺术作品。因此答案为A。 D 【语篇导读】这是一篇议论文。作者从La Chope咖啡馆的经营特色谈起,介绍了巴黎的一些主题咖啡馆经营理念的变化及其大受欢迎的原因。 32. D。推理判断题。根据短文第一段第二句“”可知,顾客在这里可以学着与他们内心的真实情感取得联系。亦即将自己的真实情感表达出来。故答案为D。 33. A。推理判断题。由第二段“Over the years, Parisian cafes have fallen victim to changes in the French lifestyle…”一句可知,在过去的几年里,巴黎咖啡馆的生意因法国人生活方式的变化而受损。由此可以推断,人们不再那么频繁地光顾咖啡馆了。因此答案为A。


绝密★启封并使用完毕前 2019最新全国高考理科综合试卷(含答案)

理科综合能力测试 本试卷共300分。考试时长150分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 第一部分(选择题共120分) 本部分共20小题,每小题6分,共120分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。 1.细胞膜的选择透过性保证了细胞内相对稳定的微环境。 下列物质中,以(自由)扩散方式通过细胞膜的是A.Na+ B.二氧化碳 C.RNA D.胰岛素 2.哺乳动物肝细胞的代谢活动十分旺盛,下列细胞结构与对应功能表述有误 ..的是 A.细胞核:遗传物质储存与基因转录 B.线粒体:丙酮酸氧化与ATP合成 C.高尔基体:分泌蛋白的合成与加工 D.溶酶体:降解失去功能的细胞组分 3.光反应在叶绿体类囊体上进行。在适宜条件下,向类囊

体悬液中加入氧化还原指示剂DCIP,照光后DCIP由蓝 色逐渐变为无色。该反应过程中 A.需要ATP提供能量 B.DCIP被氧化 C.不需要光合色素参与 D.会产生氧气 4.以下高中生物学实验中,操作不正确 ...的是 A.在制作果酒的实验中,将葡萄汁液装满整个发酵装置B.鉴定DNA时,将粗提产物与二苯胺混合后进行沸水浴C.用苏丹Ⅲ染液染色,观察花生子叶细胞中的脂肪滴(颗粒) D.用龙胆紫染液染色,观察洋葱根尖分生区细胞中的染色体 5.用Xho I和Sal I两种限制性核酸内切酶分别处理同一DNA 片段,酶切位点及酶切产物分离结果如图。以下叙述不. 正确 ..的是


高考理综模拟试题 一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的 1.在真核细胞中,下列生理过程可以在生物膜上完成的是 A.mRNA的合成 B.CO2的固定 C.纺锤体的形成 D. NADPH的生成 2.下列有关实验的叙述,错误的是 A.做“细胞中脂肪检测和观察”实验时,染色后可以用50%酒精洗去浮色 B.探究酵母菌细胞呼吸的方式时,用重铬酸钾溶液检测CO2的产生情况 C.观察植物细胞的吸水和失水时,需记录中央液泡的大小和原生质层的位置 D.设计并制作生态缸时,应将生态缸置于室内通风、光线良好的地方进行观察 3.下列与胰岛素有关的叙述,错误 A.胰岛素可催化细胞中葡萄糖的氧化分解 B.胰岛B细胞分泌的胰岛素可随血液流到全身 C.许多糖尿病患者可以通过注射胰岛素来治疗 D.胰岛素的作用结果会反过来影响胰岛素的分泌 4.下列关于植物生命活动调节的叙述,错误的是 A.从细胞水平看,适宜浓度的生长素可以促进细胞的伸长 B.在成熟组织中,生长素可以通过韧皮部进行非极性运输 C.用适宜浓度的2,4-D处理插条两端,可促进插条两端生根 D.“瓜熟蒂落”的过程中,乙烯和脱落酸均起调节作用 5.下图简要表示某种病毒侵入人体细胞后发生的生化过程,相关叙述正确的是 A.X酶存在于致癌的RNA病毒和T2噬菌体中 B.X酶可催化RNA分子水解和DNA链的合成 C.图中核酸分子水解最多产生5种碱基和5种核苷酸 D.图中所示过程所需板和原料均来自人体细胞 6.西瓜是雌雄同株异花植物,果皮深绿条纹(基因A)对果皮浅绿色(基因a)为显性。将果皮浅绿色的四倍体西瓜(aaaa)和果皮深绿条纹的二倍体西瓜(AA)间行种植。待开花后自然传粉,并收获四倍体植株上所结的种子甲。第二年,将种子甲与二倍体西瓜按4行:1行进行间行种植,自然传粉后,种子甲长成的植株所结的果实(注:果皮由母本的子房壁发育而来) A.全部为无子西瓜 B.全部为有子西瓜


英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:Ho w much i s the sh i r t? B. Buy a pa i r o f gym shoes. C. Change h i s work schedu le. C.When to l eave. A. She migh t wan t a t i cke t. B. She i s look ing f or the man. C. She has an ex t ra t i cke t. 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答 时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 C. Re t i re f rom work . C. Bus iness admini s t ra t ion . C. Unders tand ing . B. Hos t ing a rad io program. B. Her l eaders ’ guidance . B. Her fa ther . C. Conduc t ing a job in te rv iew. C. Her f r i ends ’ he l p . C. Her mother . A. He lacks mot ivat ion . B. He has a hear t prob lem. C. He works a l l the t ime . C. He ’s a journa l i s t . C. To suppor t he r f ind ings . C. 75 minu tes . A. To encourage the man . B. To recom mend an exerc i se . 17. How much t ime wi l l the man probably spend exerc i s ing week ly? A. 300 minu tes . B. 150 minu te .


绝密★启用前 2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(全国Ⅰ卷) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 【A】1. What time is it now? A. 9:10. B. 9:50. C. 10:00. 【C】2. What does the woman think of the weather? A. It’s nice. B. It’s warm. C. It’s cold. 【A】3. What will the man do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Give a lecture. C. Leave his office. 【B】4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 【C】5. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Speak louder. B. Apologize to her. C. Turn off the radio. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 【B】6. How long did Michael stay in China? A. Five days. B. One week. C. Two weeks. 【A】7. Where did Michael go last year? A. Russia. B. Norway. C. India. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 【B】8. What food does Sally like?


绝密 ★ 启用前 2019年高考理综模拟试题(二) 理科综合能力测试 注意事项: 1、本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。 2、回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。 3、回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。 4、考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Fe 56 Zn 65 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共13小题,每小题6分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.下图为基因型AABb 的某动物进行细胞分裂的示意图,相关判断正确的是 ( ) A .此细胞只能是次级精母细胞或次级卵母细胞 B .此细胞中基因a 可来自基因突变或基因重组 C .此细胞分裂结束时最多生成两个成熟的生殖细胞 D .此细胞随后的分裂过程中最多可含有四个染色体组 2. “Na +―K +”泵由4个亚基(多肽)组成,其中一个亚基向着细胞质的一面有一个ATP 结合位点和三个Na +结合位点,向着细胞外的一面有两个K +结合位点。“Na +―K +”泵利用A TP 供能,将Na +从细胞内逆浓度梯度排出,将K +从细胞外逆浓度梯度运入。下列对此过程的叙述错误的是( ) A .Na +和K +出入细胞是主动运输的过程 B .该过程与细胞膜的选择透过性无关 C .该过程需要的ATP 主要来源于葡萄糖的分解 D .这一过程可能和细胞膜内外电位差的产生有关 3.下列与人体生命活动调节有关的叙述,错误的是( ) A .缺水会引起垂体释放抗利尿激素,促进水分的重吸收 B .遇冷时,下丘脑通过神经—体液发送信息,使机体增加产热 C .因激素直接参与细胞内多种生命活动,人体不断地产生激素 D .胰高血糖素的作用结果反过来会影响胰高血糖素的分泌 4.如图表示在最适温度和最适pH 条件下,反应物浓度与酶促反应速率的关系,其中曲线b 此卷只装订不密封 级 姓 名 准 考 证 号 考 场 号 座 位 号


2019年英语高考试卷(全国卷1)试题及答案 英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分.第一卷1至14页.第二卷 15至16页.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 第一卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径O.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码.请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目. 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效. 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上. 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍. 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18. 答案是B. 1.What does the man like about the play? A.The story. B.The ending. C.The actor. 2、Which place are the speakers trying to find? A.hotel. B.bank. C.restaurant. 3.At what time will the two speakers meet? A.5:20. B.5:lO. C.4:40. 4.what will the man do? A.Change the plan. B.Wait for a phone call. C.Sort things out. 5.What does the woman want to do? A.See a film with the man.


2015年高考全国卷2英语试题及答案(word精校版) 含详细解析 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautiful when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed. Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static(静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set. When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my first, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the sit is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble. 21. Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set? A.He got an older model than he had expected. B.He couldn’t return it when it was broken. C.He could have bought it at a lower price. D.He failed to find any movie shows on it. 22. Which of the following an best replace the phrase “signed off” in paragraph 1? A.ended all their programs


2019年高考理综试卷(全国I卷)生物部分 一、选择题(36分) 1.细胞凋亡是细胞死亡的一种类型。下列关于人体中细胞凋亡的叙述,正确的是【】A:胎儿手的发育过程中不会发生细胞凋亡 B:小肠上皮细胞的自然更新过程中存在细胞凋亡现象 C:清除被病原体感染细胞的过程中不存在细胞凋亡现象 D:细胞凋亡是基因决定的细胞死亡过程,属于细胞坏死 2.用体外实验的方法可以合成多肽链,已知苯丙氨酸的密码子是UUU,若要在体外合成同位素标记的多肽链,所需的材料组合是【】 ①同位素标记的tRNA ②蛋白质合成所需的酶③同位素标记的苯丙氨酸 ④人工合成的多聚尿嘧啶核苷酸⑤除去了DNA和tRNA细胞裂解液 A:①②④B:②③④C:③④⑤D:①③⑤ 3.将一株质量为20g的黄瓜幼苗栽种光照等适宜的环境中,一段时间后植株达到40g,其增加的质量来自于【】 A:水、矿质元素和空气B:光、矿质元素和水 C:水、矿质元素和土壤D:光、矿质元素和空气 4.动物受到惊吓刺激时,兴奋经过反射弧中的传出神经作用于肾上腺髓质,使其分泌肾上腺素;兴奋还通过传出神经作用于心脏。下列相关叙述错误的是【】 A:兴奋是以电信号的形式在神经纤维上传导的 B:惊吓刺激可以作用于视觉、听觉或触觉感受器 C:神经系统可直接调节,也可通过内分泌活动间接调节心脏活动 D:肾上腺素分泌增加会使动物警觉性提高、呼吸频率减慢、心率减慢 5.某种二倍体高等植物的性别决定类型为XY型。该植物有宽叶和窄叶两种类型,宽叶对窄叶为显性。控制这对相对性状的基因(B/b)位于X染色体上,含有基因b的花粉不育。下列叙述错误的是【】 A:窄叶性状只能出现在雄株中,不可能出现在雌株中 B:宽叶雌株和宽叶雄株杂交,子代中可能出现窄叶雄株 C:宽叶雌株和窄叶雄株杂交,子代中既有雌株又有雄株 D:若亲本杂交后子代雄株均为宽叶,则亲本雌株是纯合子 6.某实验小组用细菌甲(异养生物)作为材料来探究不同条件下种群增长的特点。设计了三个实验组,每组接种相同数量的细菌甲后进行培养,培养过程中定时更新培养基,三组的更新时间间隔分别为3h、10h、23h,得到a、b、c三条种群增长曲线,如图所示。下列叙述错误的是【】 A:细菌甲能够将培养基中的有机物分解为无机物 B:培养基更换频率的不同,可用来表示环境资源量的不同 C:在培养到23h之前,a组培养基中的营养和空间条件都是充裕的 D:培养基更新时间间隔为23h时,种群增长不会出现J型增长阶段

2019年高考英语全国一卷真题 翻译

Need a Job This Summer? The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program. Not a student? Go to the government website to learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills find a job or start businesses all year round. Jobs for Youth If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province you could be eligible(符合条件)for this program which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training. Who is eligible: Youth 15—18 years old in select communities(社区). Summer Company Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3000 to start and run their own summer businesses. Who is eligible: Students aged 15—29 returning to school in the fall. Stewardship Youth Ranger Program You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer. Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire but not turning 18 before December 31 this year. Summer Employment Opportunities(机会) Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service its related agencies and community groups. Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability. 21. What is special about Summer Company? A. It requires no training before employment. B. It provides awards for running new businesses.


2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 英语 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的、号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 第Ⅰ卷听力部分满分30分,不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供给高校作参考。 5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£ 19.15 B.£ 9.18 C.£ 9.15 答案是C。 1. What time is it now? A.9:10 B.9:50 C.10:00 2. What does the woman think of the weather? A. It’s nice. B. It’s warm C. It’s cold 3. What will the man do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Give a lecture C. Leave his office. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the cour se? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Speak louder. B. Apologize to her. C. Turn off the radio. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How long did Michael stay in China? A. Five days. B. One week. C. Two weeks. 7. Where did Michael go last year? A. Russia. B. Norway. C. India. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What food does Sally like? A. Chicken. B. Fish. C. Eggs. 9.What are the speakers going to do? A. Cook dinner. B. Go shopping. C. Order dishes. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Where are the speakers? A. In a hospital. B. In the office. C. At home. 11. When is the report due? A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Next Monday. 12. What does George suggest Stephanie do with the report? A. Improve it. B. Hand it in later. C. Leave it with him. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。


2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科综合能力测试 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Mg 24 S 32 Fe 56 Cu 64 一、选择题:本题共13个小题,每小题6分。共78分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的。 1.细胞凋亡是细胞死亡的一种类型。下列关于人体中细胞凋亡的叙述,正确的是A.胎儿手的发育过程中不会发生细胞凋亡 B.小肠上皮细胞的自然更新过程中存在细胞凋亡现象 C.清除被病原体感染细胞的过程中不存在细胞凋亡现象 D.细胞凋亡是基因决定的细胞死亡过程,属于细胞坏死 2.用体外实验的方法可合成多肽链。已知苯丙氨酸的密码子是UUU,若要在体外合成同位素标记的多肽链,所需的材料组合是 ①同位素标记的tRNA ②蛋白质合成所需的酶 ③同位素标记的苯丙氨酸 ④人工合成的多聚尿嘧啶核苷酸 ⑤除去了DNA和mRNA的细胞裂解液 A.①②④ B.②③④ C.③④⑤ D.①③⑤ 3.将一株质量为20 g的黄瓜幼苗栽种在光照等适宜的环境中,一段时间后植株达到40 g,其增加的质量来自于

A.水、矿质元素和空气 B.光、矿质元素和水 C.水、矿质元素和土壤 D.光、矿质元素和空气 4.动物受到惊吓刺激时,兴奋经过反射弧中的传出神经作用于肾上腺髓质,使其分泌肾上腺素;兴奋还通过传出神经作用于心脏。下列相关叙述错误的是 A.兴奋是以电信号的形式在神经纤维上传导的 B.惊吓刺激可以作用于视觉、听觉或触觉感受器 C.神经系统可直接调节、也可通过内分泌活动间接调节心脏活动 D.肾上腺素分泌增加会使动物警觉性提高、呼吸频率减慢、心率减慢 5.某种二倍体高等植物的性别决定类型为XY型。该植物有宽叶和窄叶两种叶形,宽叶对窄叶为显性。控制这对相对性状的基因(B/b)位于X染色体上,含有基因b的花粉不育。下列叙述错误的是 A.窄叶性状只能出现在雄株中,不可能出现在雌株中 B.宽叶雌株与宽叶雄株杂交,子代中可能出现窄叶雄株 C.宽叶雌株与窄叶雄株杂交,子代中既有雌株又有雄株 D.若亲本杂交后子代雄株均为宽叶,则亲本雌株是纯合子 6.某实验小组用细菌甲(异养生物)作为材料来探究不同条件下种群增长的特点,设计了三个实验组,每组接种相同数量的细菌甲后进行培养,培养过程中定时更新培养基,三组的更新时间间隔分别为3 h、10 h、23 h,得到a、b、c三条种群增长曲线,如图所示。 下列叙述错误的是 A.细菌甲能够将培养基中的有机物分解成无机物


2019年高考理综模拟试题及答案(卷一) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分300分。考试时间150分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量: H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Ca-40 K-39 I-127 第I 卷(选择题,共20题,共120分) 一、选择题(本题共17小题。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。) 1.如图所示,利用菠菜制备等量的叶肉细胞悬浮液(甲)和叶绿体悬浮液(乙、丙)置于最适宜光照条件下,CO2缓冲溶液在实验过程中能维持试管内CO2相对稳定。三组悬浮液中的叶绿体密度相同,液面均有一 薄层液体石蜡,叶肉细胞和叶绿体在实验过程中维持正常活性。下面分析正确的是( ) A .适当增强光照,甲试管产生气泡速率基本不变 B .乙、丙试管产生气泡速率基本相同 C .乙试管在叶绿体外合成蔗糖 D .乙试管中叶绿体不能进行蛋白质更新 2.某反射弧模式如图所示,在a 处给予一个适宜强度、适当持续时间的刺激(S )后,肌肉收缩。下列分析正确的是( ) A .给予刺激S 以前,a 处质膜上没有Na+、K+进出 B .a 点与肌肉的距离越近,给予刺激S 后肌肉收缩越强 C .刺激S 可使a 处质膜的通透性迅速发生变化 D .从图中可看出神经细胞之间有3个突触 3.右图表示人体感染轮状病毒(rotavirus )后,人体内发生细胞免疫的过程。相关叙述正确的是( ) A .细胞乙、丙、丁都起源于造血干细胞 B .过程⑤与细胞膜上蛋白质无直接关系 C .细胞乙与细胞丙的MHC 基因不同 D .与细胞丙相比,细胞已的细胞周期变短 4.下列关于胚胎工程的叙述中,错误的是( ) A .可收集受孕母畜体内的早期胚胎用于胚胎移植 B .即使有卵细胞质的调节,囊胚内细胞团的细胞核也不能表达其个体发育全能性 C .只有受体与供体的生理状态基本相同,被移植胚胎才能继续正常发育 D .培养胚胎干细胞可用于细胞移植,以修复病人体内的损伤组织 5.下图是某质粒示意图,其中ori 为质粒复制所必需的核苷酸序列,amp 为氨苄青霉素抗性基因,tet 为四环素抗性基因,箭头表示目的基因插入位点。受体大肠杆菌细胞内原来不含有这两种抗 生素抗性基因。下列有关叙述正确的 是( ) 2溶液溶液甲a S
