


一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

1. The composition is well written ______ a few spelling errors.

A. except

B. but


D.except for


2. A life ______ without fantasy and daydreaming is a seriously impoverished one.

A. live

B. lived

C. living



3. The importance people attach to ______ holidays and the rapid development of

services for mass entertainment and recreation are signs of this increasing concern.

A. paying

B. paid

C. pays

D. having paid


4.It is ______ this division that apartheid rests.

A. on

B. with

C. for

D. to


5.There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer

from a lack of daydreaming ______ an excess of it.

A.other than

B.rather than

C.in place of

D. instead


6. There is the apparent ______ that the effective cause of the high proportion

of the old is births rather than deaths.


B. parade




7.When it ______ to the latest researches into heart disease, I haven’t the

slightest idea.



C. tells



8. It is very ______ of you to send me a birthday card.






9. Einstein ______ that matter and energy are interchangeable.






10. A black hole_____a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter.






解析:B extend 延长,延伸 exert 产生,发挥 export 出口 expose暴露,揭露。

二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking,

bicycling, or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some 1

— football, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering. Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often 2 with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, 3, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.

Mountaineering is a sport and 4 a game. There are no manmade rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There, 5, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from manmade rules that makes mountaineering 6 to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.

If we compare mountaineering and other more 7 sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should be mistaken 8 this. There are, it is true, no “matches” between “team” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is 9 teamwork.

The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of 10. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities.









(B).looked upon

















(A).for example



(D).of course






(D).noticeable 答案:C

















(D).conversely 答案:A





(D).snow 答案:C

三、Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。


Observe the dilemma of the fungus(真菌): it is a plant, but it possesses no

chlorophyll(叶绿素) while all other plants put the sun’s energy to work for them combining the nutrients of ground and air into body structure, the chlorophylless fungus must look elsewhere for an energy supply. It finds it in those other plants which, having received theirs free from the sun, relinquish it at some point in

their circle either to other animals or to fungi.

In this search for energy the fungus has become the earth’s major source of rot and decay. Wherever you see mold forming on a piece of bread, or a pile of leaves

turning to compost (堆肥), or a blowndown tree becoming pulp on the ground, you are watching a fungus eating. Without fungus action the earth would be piled high with the dead plant life of past centuries. In fact certain plants which contain resins (树脂,松香) that are toxic to fungi will last indefinitely; specimens of the

redwood, for instance can still be found resting on the forest floor centuries after

having been blown down.

(1). The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is _______.

(A).Life without Chlorophyll

(B).The Strange World of the Fungus

(C).The Harmful Qualities of Fungi

(D).Utilization of the Sun’s Energy


(2).The statement “you are watching a fungus eating” is best described as




(C). joking

(D). contradictory


(3).The author implies that fungi _______.

(A).are responsible for all the world’s rot and dec ay

(B). cannot live completely apart from other plants

(C).are poisonous to resinproducing plants

(D).can survive indefinitely under favorable conditions


(4). The author uses the word dilemma (in the first sentence) to indicate that _______.

(A). the fungus is both helpful and harmful in its effects

(B).fungi are not really plants

(C).the function of chlorophyll is a puzzle to scientists

(D).the fungus seems to have its own biological laws


(5). Which word best describes the fungus as depicted in the passage?


(B).Enigmatic (莫名其妙的).

(C).Parasitic (寄生的).

(D).Slothful (懒散的).


2. In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly taken an interest in the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention. Annual bike sales doubled between 1960 and 1970, and there are nearly 70 million bikes in the United States today. That’s more than two for every three automobiles.

Of course, the bike has been around for more than 150 years, and this is ‘t America’s fir st bicycle boom (兴旺). A wave of bike enthusiasm swept the land in the late 1800s and bicycle production hit two million units in 1897. Then with the coming of the auto, bicycling declined, and for decades remained popular only with children and a few adults.

Now, national concern with air pollution and physical fitness has brought the bike back to the forefront---particularly with adults. More than eight million bikes were sold in the United States last year and a third of them went to adults. The year before, only 15 percent of new bike sales were for adults.

(1).In the United States, the bicycle is_______.

(A).becoming popular again

(B).creating traffic problems

(C).popular chiefly with children

(D).replacing the family car


(2).According to the passage, there are_______.

(A).more bicycles than automobiles in the United States

(B).more automobiles than bicycles in the United States

(C).as many bicycles as automobiles in the United States

(D).fewer automobiles than bicycles in the United States


(3).We can infer from the passage that Americans are______

(A).quick to follow the example of others

(B).interested in comfort and luxury

(C).concerned with the quality of their lives

(D).easy to accept new things


(4).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage _____?.

(A).More and more adults are beginning to accept bicycle.

(B).The bicycle has been existing for more than 150 years.

(C).The automobile once affected bicycle production.

(D).Americans have found the bicycle a better means of transportation.


(5).It can be concluded that if people continue to concern themselves with air pollution and physical fitness______.

(A).stricter air standard will be enforced

(B).fewer automobiles will be sold

(C).Americans will enjoy better health

(D).bicycle sales will continue to rise



Students who score high in achievement needs tend to make higher grades in college than those who score low.When degree aptitude for college work,as indicated by College Entrance Examination Board Tests, is constant,engineering students who score high in achievement needs tend to make higher grades in college than the aptitude test scores would indicate.

We can define this need as the habitual desire to do useful work well. It is a salient influence characteristic of those who need little supervision. Their desire for accomplishment is a stronger motivation than any stimulation the supervision can provide. Individuals who function in terms of this drive d o not“bluff” in regard

to a job that they fail to do well.

Some employees have a strong drive for success in their work; others are satisfied when they make a living. Those who want to feel that they are successes have high aspiration for themselves. Thoughts concerning the achievement drive are often

prominent in the evaluations made by the typical employment interviewer who

interviews college seniors for executive training. He wants to find out whether the senior has a strong drive to get ahead or merely to hold a job. Research indicates that some who do get ahead have an even stronger drive to avoid failure.

(1). What is the main subject of this passage?

(A). Student grades in college.

(B). Individual motivation for work.

(C). The achievement needs of engineering students.

(D).Successful interview techniques.


(2).What is interesting about engineering students who score high in

achievement needs?

(A). Their grades tend to be higher than those of other students.

(B).Their college grades are often unusually good.

(C).They show a high aptitude for college work.

(D). They also achieve high scores in the College Entrance Examination Board



(3).According to the passage, individuals with a strong drive to succeed


(A).accept responsibility for themselves

(B). blame others if they fail

(C). are motivated by stimulation from a supervisor

(D).pretended they haven’t failed when they have


(4).What quality do employment interviewers look for in college seniors for

executive training?

(A).Ability to hold down a job.

(B).High achievement needs.

(C). Capacity to work hard.

(D).Constant aptitude for work.


(5). What motivates some seniors to succeed?

(A).They are afraid of failing.

(B).They like living well.

(C). They want to become executives.

(D).They wish to do research work.


四、Word Spelling(20 points,0.5 point for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语。


1.天文学家 n. a

答案: astronomer

2.最小的;最少的 a. m


3.误导的;引起误解的 a. m


4.完成 v. a


5.放松;休养 n. r


6.无责任感的;不负责的 a. i


7.谈判;协商 n. n


8.保守的;守旧的 a. c


9.文明的;开化的 a. c


10.冲击;影响 n. i


11.毒性 n. t


12.例外的;异常的 a. e


13.软管;电子管;地铁 n. t


14.幸运地;幸亏 ad. F


5.最佳的;最有利的a. o



16.方便的 a. c


17.参与者 n. p


18.赌博;投机 v. g


19.垄断;专卖 n. m

答案: monopoly

20.无论如何;不顾 ad. r


五、Word Form(10 points,1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

1.It is not feasible to wait four days until the body ___(use) to the new time


答案: is used

2.Understand what Jet Lag is , and how a careful diet can ___ (minimum) its worst

effects, and your flights will be less stressful.


3.There are ___(estimate) to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants

working in Britain.

答案: estimated

4.In 1992, Clinton won in states that gave him an ___ (overwhelm) 370 electoral

votes, compared with 168 for Bush and none for Perot.


5.The most ___ (convince) evidence of black holes comes from research into binary

star systems.


6.Between labor and play ___ (stand) work.


7.How ___(come) you finished your work so early?


8.Her powers of ___(persuade) were to no avail.


9.The walls of ballrooms were covered with ___(change) patterns of light.

答案: changing

10.If only I ___(have) more time to think about it.


六、Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。


答案: The moon is called a satellite because it goes round our earth as well as

round the sun.


答案:Before she died she somehow slipped the microcassette into her pocket without her killer knowing it.


答案:Opponents think patients may not really want to end their lives, and probably there is another request behind the request.


答案:As research techniques become more advanced, the number of animals used in

experiments may decrease.


答案:If we ha d set out earlier, we wouldn’t be walking in the rain.

七、Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答


1.But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate

intimacy that annihilates (歼灭;消灭) formality. Books are for use, not for show;

you should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the

table, wide open and face down. A good reason for marking favorite passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly, and then in later years, it is like visiting a forest

where you once blazed (在树上做标记) a trail. You have the pleasure of going over the old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier







2019年10月髙等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷(课程代码:00015) 本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1?10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 To Lease(租赁) or Not to Lease Planning to lease a car because you don't think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just as expensive as buying. Most people think about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They're right-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease anew Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If you were to buy the same car, you would pay about $400 per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the car back. Many people want to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than they might otherwise be able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 monthly on a car, you might be able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might have to buy a used Explorer, or buy a new but much less expensive model. A lease,therefore,allows you to drive the latest models of more expensive cars. However, whatever car you can afford to buy you get to keep it, and it will always have a resell or trade-in(以新旧换)value if you want to upgrade to a new car later. Furthermore, people who lease cars are often shocked by how much they must pay when the lease is over . Most leases limit you to a certain number of miles. If you go over that, you must pay for each mile. As a result, you may end up paying thousands of dollars in mileage(里程) fees. In addition, when you lease ,you have to pay for regular maintenance and repairs to the vehicle. Since you must return the car finally, you are paying to repair someone else's car.


2015年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二) 试卷 (课程代码 00015) 本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 选择题区 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~l0题,每题l分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了l0个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该旬提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择8;如果该旬的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 Black Friday Everyone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday; most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节).On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am. In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday. Black Friday is not as ok! as many people think. In fact, it is believed that the first Black. Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA. It was a day when stores decided to mark the start of the holiday season In order to draw more customers, they offered great discounts. All products sold very well. This large success resulted in the name Black Friday, it was so named because the stores were "in the black". This financial term means the stoics made a lot of money. However, it was not until around 2002 that Black Friday really started to gain in popularity. Today in the USA, countless advertisers proudly announce their Black Friday sales. They hope to attract shoppers into their stores. Black Friday is a day when many shoppers in the USA go out and buy gifts, even though Christmas Eve is still a more popular day to shop. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible to get some excellent Black Friday deals online. So if you don't want to get to the stores by 4 am, this is the perfect way to still get items at reduced prices.


2011年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 I. Vocabulary and. Structure (10 points, 1 point each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1 .Students should_____their own interests as well as do their schoolwork. A. persuade B .pursue C. persist 2. I'd like to remind you that there is no_____on the part of suspects to answer questions. A. obligation 3. He blamed his poor performance_____jet lag. B .for 4 .We_____knowledge from our families,schools,jobs,and the mass media. 5. Not until recently_____that Thompson had ben telling the truth all along. realized I realize did realize I 6. I don’t need any help at the moment,but I_____your offer. 7 .The sad condition of women working as house servants around the world received much media_____early this year. A .importance B. attention 8 .She has no hostility to us, _____can be judged from her eyes. A. that 9 .When you're_____ a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone. through in for after over on whether the message is right or wrong should at least come after _____what the message is. out out out out II. Cloze Test (10 points,1 point each) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 People in all parts of the world are observing "No Tobacco Day". It is the day 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) appeals to people to stop using tobacco products. WHO hopes if people stop smoking cigarettes or 12 tobacco for one day, they will stop permanently. Health experts have warned for years that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other 13 .WHO says diseases linked to smoking kill 14 2,500,000 persons each year. Still, many people find it 15 stopping smoking. One reason is nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes. Nicotine is a drug. Its effects are 16 those of cocaine and heroin. "No Tobacco Day" is intended for smokers and 17 who earn money from tobacco sales. So businesses are urged to stop selling tobacco products for twenty-four hours. 18 are urged not to carry advertisements for cigarettes. WHO has approved plans to help reach its 19 of a "smoke-free" world. They urge governments to take action to help 20 make money by growing other crops. They also call for improved public information campaigns about the risks of smoking. 11. A. whether B. which C. when D. what


2005年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷及答案 (课程代码:00015) PART ONE (50 POINTS) Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1.Would’t you rather your child ______ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A. became B. become C. would become D. becomes 2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders _______will happen to his family life. A. it B. that C. what D. this 3. We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ________ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting . A. while B. after C. since D. as 4. We cannot leave this tough job to a person_________. A. who nobody has confidence B. in whom nobody has confidence C. for whom nobody has confidence D. who everyone has confidence of 5. You are the best for the job _____ you apply your mind to it . A. until B. if only C. in case D. unless 6.Hey, leave _____!I hate people touching my hair. A. behind B. out C. off D. over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ________ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it. A. come up B. come up to C. come over D. come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I ________ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue. A. say a word with B. have words with C. mention a word with D. have a word with 9.There is a deadlock (僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the over . A. a way B. way C. the way D. its way 10. This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages. A. with B. for C. to D. in Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology. Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets. Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses. Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired. Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the


全国至自学考试英语二历年真题及答案全集 Last revision on 21 December 2020

2014年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试题答案及评分参考 第一部分:阅读选择(第1-10题,每题1分,共10分) 第二部分:阅读判断(第11-15题,每题2分,共10分) 第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第16-25题,每题1分,共10分) 第四部分:填句补文(第26-30题,每题1分,共10分) 第五部分:填词补文(第31-40题,每题1分,共10分) 第六部分:完型补文(第41-50题,每题分,共15分) 绝密★启用前 2014年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试题答案及评分参考 (课程代码00015) 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 1、B 2、B 3、A 4、C 5、B 6、C 7、A 8、A 9、B 10、A 第二部分:阅读选择(第11~15题,每题2分,共10分)

11、D 12、A 13、C 14、B 15、A 第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第16~25题,每题1分,共10分) 16、C 17、D 18、A 19、B 20、F 21、D 22、F 23、E 24、A 25、C 第四部分:填句补文(第26~30题,每题2分,共10分) 26、C 27、E 28、A 29、F 30、B 第五部分:填句补文(第31~40题,每题分,共15分) 31、G 32、I 33、B 34、H 35、A 36、K 37、C 38、E 39、L 40、J 第六部分:完形补文(第41~50题,每题分,共15分) 41、born 42、resulted 43、growth 44、manufacturing 45、moved 46、addition 47、fewer 48、machines 49、unnecessary 50、unemployment 【评分参考】本部分无分和1分的计分。语法错误或拼写错误均不给分;英、美拼写均可接受;大小写错误不扣分。 第七部分:短文写作(第51题,30分) 51.范文(略)


全国高等教育自学考试自考英语二历年试卷试题真题 第一部分(选择题,共50 分) I. Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1.It was there, the police believe, ________ she was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag. A、until B、which C、that D、when 2.It is not yet known ________ computers will one day have vision as good as human vision. A、whether B、if C、that D、how 3.If you are now ________ ,you ought to pay more attention to your health. A、in the fifties B、in your fifties C、in fifties D、in your fifty 4.Americans have learned much about he way in which the system can be managed so as to ________ the peaceful transfer of power from one party to the other. A、make it possible B、make possible C、make possibly D、make it possibly 5. ________ their differences, they fell passionately in love with each other. A、As for B、Owing to C、Despite D、Through 6.Such attitudes amount to a belief ________ leisure can and should be put to good use. A、which B、if C、whether D、that 7. ________ yourself to the job in hand, and you’ll soon finish it. A、Reply B、Imply C、Apply


2014年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)标准试题 (课程代码:00015) 第一部分:阅读判断题(每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供 的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。 Running: Sport or Way of Life? You go through the channels several times and find that once again there's nothing on TV that interests you. Not a problem! Just put on some running shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a run. One of the best things about the sport of running is that you don't need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But don't be fooled into thinking the sport of running is easy It requires discipline and concentration. Running is good for you both physically and mentally. It strengthens your heart lungs and muscles? It makes you more aware of your body. Running also improves your body so that you don't get sick as easily. It can even help you to stay more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more clearly. How do you get engaged in the sport if you don't know much about it? Most schools offer running programs. A simple internet search can help some in your find area. Then programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set practical goals and take care of their bodies. Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race you'll see people cheering for all the runners. Running isn't always about how fast you are or how far you're going. It's about getting out there and doing it. Participation is more important than competition and effort is recognized over talent. If you're looking for more than just a sport running may be the perfect choice for you 1. You may find it interesting in go for A run. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. The sport of running is easy. A True B. False C. Not Given 3. It is hard to End n safe environment for running.



绝密★考试结束前 全国4月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题和答案 课程代码:00795 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. GRAMMARAND VOCABULARY Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all) 1. Mr. Johnson ______ rather not invest that money in the stock market. A. should B. could C. would D. must

2. Americans eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice many B. as twice as many C. as many as twice D. twice as many 3. In 1900, the energy derived from burning petroleum was only four percent ______ of coal. A. that B. this C. what D. which 4. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, ______ they have no schedules to keep. A. since B. even though C. so D. as if 5. In summer, she would sit in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the smell of the things she ______. A. was planting B. had planted C. has planted D. would plant 6. There ______ nothing more for discussion, the meeting ended earlier than expected. A. to be B. to have been C. being D. be 7. ______ we can hope for is to avoid complete failure in the coming game with that strong team. A. For the best B. With the best C. At best D. The best


自考《英语二》复习四题型解析 这部分题每句有一个空格,下面有四个选择项,要求从中选出一个最佳答案,目的是检查考生运用英语基本词汇和语法结构的能力。《大纲》对哪些是词汇题,哪些是语法结构题没有严格界定,但这不妨碍做题。我们大体上可以从下述几个方面分别讨论。对于实义词(这可从四个选择项中看出来),我们有时要从整句话的意思来选择答案,看它在逻辑上是不是说得通;有些是近义词,看似差不多,实际上在不同的语境,要求用不同的词;还有一些词要求不同的介词或副词与它搭配。这些因素都能给我们提供解题的线索。还是看《样题》(一)中的相应部分,它的第4题是: In no way can cheating on exams be ______ in school. A. elevated B. navigated C. exaggerated D. tolerated 我们选D为答案,因为tolerate是“允许,容忍”的意思。学校不能姑息考试作弊行为,这在道理上是合情合理的。要是把其余三个词的任何一个放在里面,在意思上就说不通了。做这种题,有时不巧会遇到一些生词,我们可先从认得的词入手,把说不通的否定掉,这样可缩小选择的范围,以后即使只能*臆测选定答案,选中的概率也就大了。如果已找到了一个符合上下文意思的答案,就可以不用再往下看。再看《英语(二)自学考试样题》(以下简称《样题》(二))相应部分的第9题: Most violence-related toys jeopardize the role of play in helping children make better _________ of their own feelings and interpret the world. A. knowledge B. realization C. emotion D. sense 我们选D为答案。为什么呢?这里涉及搭配问题。make sense of是个固定词组,意思“理解,弄明白”,这类词组是不能变通的,换了别的词就不通。 有的题要我们选择介词、关联词或起搭配作用的副词等。关于介词,有些是有明白的意思的,但多数试题中,它没有独立的意思,只是别的词要求和它搭配使用。如《样题》(一)这部分的第1题: They are still not fully able to distinguish right __________ wrong.



7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 I. Vocabulary and. Structure (10 points, 1 point each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1 .Students should_____their own interests as well as do their schoolwork. A. persuade B .pursue C. persistD.proceed 2. I'd like to remind you that there is no_____on the part of suspects to answer questions. A. obligation B.evidence C.transaction D.motivation 3. He blamed his poor performance_____jet lag. A.to B .for C.on D.at 4 .We_____knowledge from our families,schools,jobs,and the mass media. A. request B.require C.inquire D.acquire 5. Not until recently_____that Thompson had been telling the truth all along. A.I realized B.did I realize C.I did realize D.realized I 6. I don’t need any help at the moment,but I_____your offer. A.appreciate B.admire C.enjoy


2013年10月真题解析 2013年10月高等教育自学考试 全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷真题解析 (课程代码00015) 本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 第一部分为选择题。考生必须在“答题卡”上按要求填涂作答。 第二部分为非选择题。 第一部分选择题 一、阅读判断(第1—10题,共10分) 短文后列出10个句子,根据短文内容判断每个句子。A是正确,B是错误,C是文中未提及。 Farms Appear in Cities When you h ear the word “farm”, you may imagine the countryside with cows and crops. But scientists say the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities. It may be difficult to believe, but in fact, the technology for growing crops in doors already exists. Farming in the city is already happening. Some vegetables are already grown in greenhouses. Even the scientists at the South Pole research station can enjoy fresh vegetables they grow in their own greenhouse. Experts say indoor farming solves many problems. First, traditional farming takes up a lot of land. Growing crops in tall buildings — called vertical farming(垂直农业)— can solve the problem. Also, fruits and vegetables grown indoors would not face serious threats from insects and weather. Though vertical farms don’t exist yet, experts have created a plan for recycling in such farms. The water from indoor fish ponds would be used to water crops. Gases from crop waste would be used to heat the building. Waste from chicken or pigs would be reused as a source of energy. But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy. They say it can be difficult to control climate conditions indoors. Besides, Plants differ in their weather and lighting needs. For example, some plants like warm, sunny weather, but other plants prefer cooler temperatures. That’s not to say these difficulties won’t be overcome —but it will take time. Most experts suggest it may take about 5 to 15 years before the first vertical farms could be created. 【参考译文】 农场出现在城市里(城中农场) 当听到“农场”一词,你可能联想到乡下的母牛和庄稼等等。但科学家说,未来的农场可能会建在一些大城市的高楼里。 此事可能难以置信,可是事实上,在室内种庄稼已经存在了。城市里的农场已经出现,某些蔬菜已经在温室里生长。甚至在南极科考站,科学家们能享用他们在温室里自己栽种的新鲜蔬菜。 据专家们说室内农场可以解决许多问题。首先,传统农场占据大片土地。在高楼里种庄稼(称之为垂直农业)可以解决此问题。再者说,水果和蔬菜室内种植不会受到害虫和气候的威胁。 尽管垂直农场尚未成为现实,但是专家们已经在一些农场创建了再循环计划:把室内养鱼池的水用于浇灌农作物,把来自于农作物的废气用于建筑物的供热,来自于鸡和猪的粪便重新利用作为能源。 但是专家认为垂直农业并不是一件容易的事。他们说,控制室内气候环境是困难的。除此之外,植物对气候和光照需求有差异。例如,一些植物喜好温暖、阳光普照的气候,但另一些植物更喜欢较凉爽的温度。 并不是说这些困难不能克服——但是这将需要花时间。大多数专家指出,建立起第一个垂直农场可能需要五年到十五年的时间。 word “farm” may m ake you think of the countryside. Given [答疑编号0101]


2013 年英语(二)自学教程冲刺班 完型补文题型攻略和例文分析 完型补文题型特点: 该部分考查考生综合理解和运用语言的能力。题目的要求是:准确掌握单词拼写,熟练派生,屈折变化等构词法,具备语篇分析能力。能够通过上下文语意和文章结构对具体单词的意义,词性,语法现象等方面的应用做出有效分析。短文一般是传记,社会文化,日常知识或科普常识。 例文学习: 第一篇:Traffic in Our Cities The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes m any p roblems, i ncluding s erious a ir p ollution, 1 (length) delays, and the greater risk of accidents. Clearly, something must be 2 (do), b ut i t is o ften difficult t o p ersuade people to change their 3(habitual) and leave their cars at home. O ne possible approach is t o m ake i t 4 (expensive) for people to use their cars by 5 (increase) charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who breaks the law. In addition, drivers could be required to pay for using 6 (particularly) routes at different times of the day. This system,7(know) as "road pricing", is already being introduced in a number of cities, using a special 8 (electricity) c ard f ixed to the windscreen of the car. Another way of dealing with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the outskirts of the city, and 9 (strict) control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the final stage of their journey. Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport which must be felt to be reliable, 10 (convenience) and comfortable, with fares kept at an acceptable level. 答案: 1.lengthy:adj 延长的; 2.done: v 表示被动; 3.habits: n 习惯; 4.more expensive: 更昂贵的; 5.increasing: 动名词; 6.particular:adj 特别的,特殊的; 7.known: 众所周知;8.electronic: adj 电子的; 9.strictly:adv 严格地;10.convenient:adj 方便的 第二篇:Global Warming Few (几乎没有) people now question(质疑)the1(real)of global warming and its 2 (affect) on the world’s climate(世界的气候).Many scientists put the blame (责备) for (把。。。归咎于。。。)recent(最近的)3 (nature) disasters(灾害)on the increase(名词,上升、增加)in the world’s temperatures(世界的温度)and are4(convince) that,more than ever before(以往任何时候),the Earth is at risk(濒临危险)from (来自于)the forces 1页
