

How do you explain when things don't go as your assume? or better ,how do you explain when others are able to achieve things than the seems to defy all of the assumptions. For example, why is apple so innovative, year after year, after year, after year, than they are more innovative all their competition. And yet, they are just a computer company, they’re just like everyone else. They have the same access, to the same talent, the same agencies, the same consultant, the same Medias. Then why is it that they seem to have some different. why is that Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement. He wasn’t the only men who suffered in a pre-civil rights America. And he certainly wasn’t the only great orator of the day, why him, and why is that the Wright brothers was able to figure out control powered manned flight. When they are certainly other teams who are better qualified, better funded, and they didn’t achieve powered man flight, and the Wright brothers beat them to it, there is something else at play here.

About three and a half year ago, I mad a discover and this discovery profoundly changed my view on how I though the world worked, and it even profoundly changed the way in which I operate in it. And it turns out- there is a pattern, and it turns out, all the great and inspiring leaders and organizations in the world, whether it’s apple, or Martin Luther King or the Wright brothers, they all think, act and communication the exact same way, and it’s the complete opposite to everyone else. And I did was

codify it, and it probably the world’s simplest idea, I call it golden circle. Why? How? What? This little ideas explains, why some organizations and some leaders are able to inspire where others aren’t. let me define the terms really quickly, every single person, every single organization on the planet knows what they do, 100 percent. Some know how they do it, whether you call it your differentiated value proposition, or your proprietary process or your USP.

But very very few people or organizations know why they do what they do. And by “why”I don’t mean “to make a profit”, that a result, it’s always a result. By “why”I mean: what’s your purpose? What’s your cause? What’s your belief? Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of the bed in the morning? And why should anyone care? Well as a result, the way we think, the way we act, he way we communication is from the outside in. it’s obvious, we go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing. But the inspired leaders and inspired organizations, regardless of their size, regardless of their industry, all thing, act and communicate from the inside out. Let me give your example, I use Apple because they’re easy to understand and everybody gets it. If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message from them might sound like this: we make great computers, they’re beautiful designed, simple to use and user friendly. Want to buy one? And that’s how most of us communication. That’s how most marketing is done.

That’s how most sales are done. And that’s how most of us communication interpersonally. We say what we do,we say how we’re different or how we’re better, and we expect some sort of a behavior. A purchase, a vote, something like that. Here’s our new law firm, we have the best lawyers with the biggest clients, we always perform for our clients who do business with us. Here’s new car, it gets great gas mileage, it has leather seats. Buy our car. But it’s uninspiring. Here’s how Apple actually communication, everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently, the way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want buy one? Totally different right? You’re ready to buy a computer from me. All I did was reverse the order of information. What it proves to us is that people don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it. This explains why every single person in this room is perfectly comfortable buying a computer from Apple. But we also perfectly comfortable buying an MP3 player from Apple, or a phone from Apple, or a DVR from Apple. But, as I said before, Apple just a computer company. There’s nothing that distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitors. Their competitors are all equally qualified to make all of these products. In fact, they tried. A few years ago, Gateway came out with flat screen TVs. They’re eminently qualified to make flat screen TVs. They’re been

making flat screen monitors for years. Nobody bought one. Dell came out with MP3 players and PADs, and they make great quality products. And they can make perfectly well-designed products. And nobody bought one. In fact, taking about it now, we can’t even imagine buying an MP3 players form DELL. Why would you buy an MP3 form a computer company? But we do it every day. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The goal is not to business with everybody who needs what you have, the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe. Here’s the best past. None of what I’m said telling you is my opinion. It’s all grounded in the tenets of biology. Not psychology, biology.

金钱与幸福 英文

The truth about money and happiness It is an oft repeated axiom that money cannot buy happiness. While this is certainly true, poverty will not buy Happiness either. Some people become very wealthy, yet struggle to enjoy their lives. On the other hand, others manage to go through life with very few money problems simply because they are able to make the most of what they have. Ideally you should try to combine both prosperity and Happiness. To do this I recommend the following steps: 1. Learn to Value Simplicity The aim of life should not be to accumulate as many possessions and as much wealth as possible. We should learn to be content with what we have and appreciate the benefits of simplicity. For example, if we clear out our unnecessary clutter we will achieve a greater feeling of space and freedom. If you feel happiness is directly related to material possessions, you are making a mistake. Happiness can be gained just through being content with a small amount of possessions. Our inner wealth is not just about what we have, but what we are content to live without. 2. Do Not Be Attached to Your Money Does it pain you to spend your own money - even if it is for something useful? Even someone like Bill Gates can feel uncomfortable spending his billions; it is said he used to always travel economy class because he didn’t see the need to spend more money on first class. The problem with this, however, is that if we are always reluctant to spend money we miss the whole point of earning it. A good attitude is to see money as a circular flow - that is, spending money enables more to come into our lives. It is not like a big dam where we just try to hold onto it all. We need to let the money out by spending on useful and necessary things. It is no good having a stockpile of water unless we use it to generate power; similarly it is no use accumulating large savings if we we feel miserable spending it. 3. Minimize Money Worries We will be happiest if we can make money a small part of our lives, and think about money issues as little as possible. To be able to do this we need to avoid creating situations of debt as getting out of debt can be difficult and stressful. Learn to live within your means by avoiding impulsive overspending. If you do need to go into debt, plan ahead and find a loan which is clear and manageable to repay.


ted演讲稿 ted演讲稿 ted演讲稿 篇一: 倾听的力量 TED演讲稿 Listening is an active skill. hereas hearing is passive, listening is smething that e have t rk at. It s a relatinship ith sund. And yet it s a skill that nne f us are taught. Fr example, have yu ever cnsidered that there are listening psitins, places yu can listen frm? Here are t f them. Reductive listening is listening fr. It reduces everything dn t hat s relevant and it discards everything that s nt relevant. Men typically listen reductively. S he s saying, I ve gt this prblem. He s saying, Here s yur slutin. Thanks very much. Next. That s the ay e talk, right guys? Expansive listening, n the ther hand, is listening ith, nt listening fr. It s gt n destinatin in mind. It s just enjying the jurney. men typically listen expansively. If yu lk at these t, eye cntact, facing each ther, pssibly bth talking at the same time. Men, if yu get nthing else ut f this talk, practice expansive listening, and yu can transfrm yur relatinships. 认真倾听是一种主动技能。普通地听是被动的,而倾听却是要花功夫的。倾听是处理声音与声音之间的关系。它也是一种与生俱来的能力。比如,你考虑过倾听也有不同的姿势,以便你接收声音吗,看以下两个例子。删减性的倾听是有“选择”的听。它会只关注你想要知道的东西,而忽略无关紧要的内容。男人通常会删减性的倾听。比如一个人说: “我有个问题。”另一个人说:

李世默 两种制度的传说 观后感 思考

两种制度的看法 李世默将演讲的题目定为两种制度的传说,主要论述的就是两种社会制度,一党专政下的社会主义和讲民主选举制的资本主义,典型的国家就是中国和美国。首先梳理一下他的讲演思路。 两个三十年的元叙事灌输了不同的故事:一个基于马克思主义的社会制度演变,人类社会最终走向共产主义社会,一方面它本身要求社会主义替代资本主义,进行一场正义和邪恶的较量,另一方面,作为社会主义制度的典型代表,中国现存的一党制与西方讲求的民主水火不容。但按照现在中国呈现出来的发展形势是社会稳定、经济繁荣,而这些在西方政治制度逻辑中是不可能出现在中国的,于是从中国社会的繁荣景象对西方民主政治唯一论提出质疑。那么如何指出西方民主选举制唯一性和普适性的荒谬呢,抑或说如何反驳这种民主选举不适合中国发展?李顺着民主选举制指出一党制的“弊病”:僵化、封闭、不具合法性,然后从国家制度改革、组织部任命、民意满意度调查三个角度阐述了中国的一党制具有与时俱进的能力、选贤任能的体制、深植于民心的政权合法性。在指出世界大多是选举民主制国家“惨淡经营”后,又明确地表示不存在中国威胁论,腐败现象跟一党制没有根本关系。最后大胆做出预测中国未来的发展,将两种制度的传说落脚到都是人类最美好的追求,不存在某种普适的政治模式。 其实从社会最终形态上讲,民主和社会主义、共产主义并不矛盾,只是有深有浅。但是资本主义推行的民主政治是将人都定位为理性的个体,具有不可剥夺的权利,然后选举出来最好的政府,实行最好的制度,可以事实上人还不都是理性的个体,没有那么完美绝对的认识水平,因此选举产生的政党都不可能脱离阶级局限性和个体狭隘性,同样被选举政要也难免带有自身狭隘性,不可能完全的公平公正民主,相反不断的选举变换执政党,对社会各方面发展都有严重影响,因此这方面它相对于一党制没有明显的优势。共产主义的宏伟蓝图是将人性至善之美作为终极目标,即是说要实现共产主义首先消灭私有制,人不能有私心,天下大同,这是对人性一个很高的要求,它必须建立在丰厚的物质财富基础之上,就是必须有先进的生产力创造足够的财富为基础,在向共产主义演化的过程中,消灭阶级差别,消灭私有制。但这种把理性个体作为终极目标是实现是合情合理的,相反若要把每个个体(都有选举权)考虑为理性个体,然后再一次得出所谓的民主,以及民主选举制带来的优越性,我认为是有待考量的。 在坚持改革上,要消除一党制僵化的弊病,必须要不断深化改革,提升自我纠错能力。古语云“变则通,通则达”,首先得改变,即改革才能带来发展,发展必然带来选择,我们要有正确的认识去面对选择。过去的“吃大锅饭”就是对共产主义的一种误解,认为把生产资料计划分配就是共产主义;虽然现在还有一些社会主义国家仍然实行计划经济,但它已经不足以调动劳动者的积极性,促使经济发展。中华人民共和国成立后,我们实施了很多改革,在演讲中也有提到,只有不断深化改革才能做到与时俱进,不断促进社会经济和谐稳定发展。 选贤任能是打破一党制封闭性的必然要求。大体上国家实行全国政治协商制度,公民有参政议政权利;从李给出的材料证明在高层领导的任命上是相当严格的,个人履历等方面也是精益求精。似乎腐败是目前很多国家都面临的一个问题,它带有人性本身的弱点,由于目前还存在一些制度不够完善,所以一些职能部门领导行使公职还有不合理的地方。 一党制是不同于民主选举制的另一种政治模式,是凸显社会多元化的一个例子,在中国


杨澜ted演讲稿中文 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 杨澜ted演讲稿中文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guewho was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.


关于金钱和人生的哲理名言 [标签:栏目] ,关于金钱和人生的哲理名言 1、可以不赚钱,但决不要赔钱。 2、梦想再好,不行动只是水中月、镜中花。 3、金钱何时在我眼里如此能看清楚一个人的。 4、所谓的人生,不过是金钱与思想的兑换。没钱时,拿思想去换取金钱。有钱时,又拿金钱去换思想。所谓的成功,不过是对金钱和思想的对比。 5、无视小钱,定将痛失大钱。 6、节俭是有计划地奔向财富。 7、对于浪费的人,金钱是圆的,可是对于节俭的人,金钱是扁平的,是可以一块块堆积起来的。 8、永远不讲排场乱开支。 9、不要因挫折而动摇自己的决心和改变计划。 10、爱的背后是一种承诺,不是金钱取代得了的。 11、蔑视金钱是不合常理的,一个自认为有力量的人,应该努力向社会索取她所应得到的一切。 12、没有人真心的喜欢过金钱,之所以痴迷是因为钱能满足他们所需罢了。 13、人生最大的财富,便是人际关系。 14、金钱是很腐败的东西,但它能让你交到新的情人。 15、金钱诚可贵,荣誉价更高。 16、人生并不是以金钱为对象,我们的对象是人群。 17、节俭是财富的种子。 18、金钱的魔力实在不小。它已经吃遍了全世界的穷人。 19、如让我向神灯许愿:我希望时间和金钱可以像女明星的事业线一样,挤一挤就有了。 20、享受悠闲的生活决不需要金钱。有钱的阶级不会真正领略悠闲生活的乐趣。 21、当教育和金钱挂钩的时候,老师变成了老板,学生变成了学徒,而家长

就变成了ATM提款机。 22、钱只是钱,一件平常的物。 23、不为没把握的事情而等待,该放弃时要果断放弃。 24、追求财富,但不能被金钱蒙蔽了眼睛。 25、既然生活在金钱世界中,就不能不好好地控制金钱,才不致为金钱所奴役。 26、财富是赚出来的,不是攒出来的。 27、开源亦要节流方是理财之道。 28、要避免借债,好似避开魔鬼一样。 29、金钱是个好仆人,但在某些场合也会变成恶主人。 30、世人都晓神仙好,惟有金钱忘不了。 31、金钱是个好兵士,有了它就可以使人勇气百倍。 32、人的本性有2种,要么是金钱的欲望,要么就是性冲动! 33、玛蒙,你太执着于金钱了。如果让金钱蒙蔽了双眼,心灵会被染成一片漆黑,逐渐腐朽的。 34、金钱可以使人卑微,也可以使人卑贱,可以使人高傲,却无法使人高贵。 35、你能用金钱买来的爱,别人也能用金钱把它买去。 36、人活着离不开金钱,但是人不能为金钱而活着,我们还有人生。 37、财富不是你能赚多少钱。 38、人不能把金钱带入坟墓,但金钱却可以把人带入坟墓。 39、金钱有价,情义无价—珍惜身边的朋友。 40、学习有关金钱的预算,懂点财务知识。 41、真正厌恶的不是金钱本身,而是人们对于金钱的欲望。 42、人们都清楚金钱买不到幸福,但也心照不宣地承认幸福换不来金钱。 43、投资理财应避免盲目跟风。 44、什么东西都要拿金钱来衡量的话,那你其实也得不到什么东西。 45、想要长期地赚大钱一定要脚踏实地。 46、把钱都揣进腰包不算富翁。 47、而是你赚的钱能让你过得多好。


倾听为主题的演讲稿 篇一:倾听,演讲稿 篇一:倾听的力量 ted演讲稿 listening is an active skill. whereas hearing is passive, listening is something that we have to work at. its a relationship with sound. and yet its a skill that none of us are taught. for example, have you ever considered that there are listening positions, places you can listen from here are two of them. reductive listening is listening for. it reduces everything down to whats relevant and it discards everything thats not relevant. men typically listen reductively. so hes saying, ive got this problem. hes saying, heres your solution. thanks very much. next. thats the way we talk, right guys expansive listening, on the other hand, is listening with, not listening for. its got no destination in mind. its just enjoying the journey. women typically listen expansively. if you look at these two, eye contact, facing each other, possibly both talking at the same time. men, if you get nothing else out of this talk, practice expansive


ted演讲稿中英文对照 小编今天推荐给大家的是 ted演讲稿中英文对照,仅供参考,希望对大家有用。关注网获得更多内容。 ted演讲稿中英文对照 Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。并使它们听来真诚,具体。 And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and until about a few years ago, that I would want to say thank you to someone, I would want to praise them, I would want to take in their praise of me and I'd just stop it. And I asked myself, why? I felt shy, I felt embarrassed. And then my question became, am I the only one who does this? So, I decided to investigate. 之所以我对此感兴趣是因为我从我自己的成长中注意到几年前,当我想要对某个人说声谢谢时,当我想要赞美他们时,当我想接受他们对我的赞扬,但我却没有说出口。我问我自己,这是为什么? 我感到害羞,我感到尴尬。接着我产生了一个问题难道我是唯一一个这么做的人吗?


Sample:Beijing bid for a host city Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. You're going to have a great time in Beijing.The game was very popular and women were also participating. There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. People of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideals throughout the country. Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will live in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes."Share the Peace, Share the Olympics," Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to the world. Come and join us.Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all. 主席先生,女士们,先生们,下午好!在向各位介绍我们的安排之前,我想先告诉大家,你们2008年将在北京渡过愉快的时光。北京是一座充满活力的现代都市,三千年的历史文化与都市的繁荣相呼应,除了紫禁城、天坛和万里长城这几个标志性的建筑,北京拥有无数的戏院、博物馆,各种各样的餐厅和歌舞场所,这一切的一切都会令您感到惊奇和高兴。北京城里还有千千万万友善的人民,热爱与世界各地的人民相处,无论是过去还是现在,北京历来是各个民族和各种文化的汇集地,北京人民相信,在北京举办2008年奥运会,将推动我们文化和全世界文化的交流。在我们的计划当中,教育和交流将是我们的希望,我们期待在全国尤其是数百万青少年中,留下一笔精神财富。以共享和平、共享奥运为主题,女士们,先生们,我相信北京和中国将向世界证明,这是一块神奇的土地。谢谢主席先生,谢谢大家!


高中作文之金钱与幸福 篇一:作文金钱与幸福许多人喜欢在金钱和幸福之间画上等号,羡慕那些大款大腕,认为有钱就有一切,“有钱就是幸福”。真的是“有钱就是幸福”吗? 诚然,金钱能买到物质方面的享受,如:精美的饰品,漂亮的时装,甚至舒适的住房,高级的轿车,等等。但是,人区别与动物之处,在与人不仅需要物质享受,还需要拥有精神财富。仅有物质上的满足,没有精神上的愉悦,是不可能真正幸福的。 古往今来,许多人不以拥有金钱为幸福。一心探索科学奥秘的居里夫人在手掌一般大的小屋里做实验时,感到幸福;共产主义战士雷锋把省吃俭用积蓄起来的100元钱支援灾难区时,感到幸福;徐洪刚把群众捐给他治伤的钱又奉献给人民群众,感到幸福;苏州青年杜芸芸将10万遗产捐献给国家后说:“在现在的世界上,要过上幸福的生活是需要钱,但有了钱不一定就能过上幸福的生活。” 真正的幸福,不是以占有金钱的数量来衡量的。奥斯特洛夫斯基说得好:“幸福,就在于创造新的生活,在于为改造和重新教育那个已经成了国家主人的社会主义时代的伟大智慧的人而奋斗。”可见,幸福是和创造、奋斗联系在一起的。居里夫人发现了镭,为人类认识自然开创了新的天地;雷锋、徐洪刚、杜芸芸甘愿奉献,激励人们为实现美好理想而努力奋斗。他们视创造为乐趣,视奋斗为幸福,他们的幸福观远远超越了狭隘的物质上的满足,展示了真正追求人生价值完美的崇高的精神境界。

金钱是买不到真正幸福的,因为幸福并非的奴仆,而某些人却变成了金钱的奴仆。我们要好好把握自己,不要拜倒在金钱面前,做金钱的奴隶。金钱并不等于幸福,幸福要用美好的理想编织,用辛勤的汗水浇灌,它属于为创造新生而奋斗不息,鞠躬尽瘁的人们!它属于具有高尚情操的人们!篇二:作文金钱与幸福时下,有些中学生唱到,“世上只有钞票好,有钱的孩子像块宝……”言外之意,几是金钱是“万能”的,有钱便代表着拥有幸福。事实果真如此吗? 裴多菲说过:“价值才是用贡献来计算的。从物质的消耗中谋求欢乐才是人生真正的悲哀。”人拥有了金钱是为了生活,但一个人活着却不是为了金钱。其实拥有了金钱并不意味着拥有了幸福。人生的幸福在与追求,在于拼搏,在于奋斗。人要活,就要活得有意义,有价值,要学有所得志有所成,就要放弃自己私利而“为天下人谋幸福”,正因如此,即使身无分文,也会赶到幸福。。方志敏一生清贫,当敌人抓住他时,企图从他身上发财,但全身却搜不出一个铜板;雷锋“穷”的一双袜子可以穿好几年,却自称是做幸福的;周总理克勤克俭,一件睡衣上补丁摞补丁,为人民鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已……至于年安歇在平凡岗位上默默奉献的劳动者们与及少数靠非法营商的“巨富大款们”相比,可谓是“无钱”,实在是“穷得可怜”。但他们靠着自己的双手和诚实的劳动,在生活中处处感受到幸福的阳光。人民子弟兵以保卫国家为幸福;辛勤的园丁以教育人为幸福;开拓者有创造的幸福;奋斗者有搏斗的幸福…… 记得曾经有一个爆发户说过:“我穷地什么都没有了,就只光剩


ted英语演讲稿3篇 as a magician, i try to create images that make people stop and think. i also try to challenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possible. i was buried alive in new york city in a coffin, buried alive in a coffin in april, 1999, for a week. i lived there with nothing but water. and it ended up being so much fun that i decided i could pursue doing more of these things. the next one is i froze myself in a block of ice for three days and three nights in new york city. that one was way more difficult than i had expected. the one after that, i stood on top of a hundred foot pillar for 36 hours. i began to hallucinate so hard that the buildings that were behind me started to look like big animal heads. 作为一个魔术师,我总是尝试去创造一个现象可以让人们驻足思考。我也试着挑战自己做一些医生看来不可能的事情。我曾于1999年4月,被埋在纽约一口棺材里整整一个星期。着一个礼拜仅靠水存活下来。但结果是我从中获得极大的乐趣。于是我决定去追求实现更多这样的事。下一次就是我把自己冻在一个大冰块里整整三天三

TED演讲—Martin Jacques《了解中国的崛起》(中英对照)

Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China The world is changing with really remarkable speed. If you look at the chart at the top here, you’ll see that in 2025 these Goldman Sachs projections suggest that the Chinese economy will be almost the same size as the American economy. And if you look at the chart for 2050, it’s projected that the Chinese economy will be twice the size of the American economy, and the Indian economy will be almost the same size as the American economy. We should bear in mind here these projections were drawn up before the Western financial crises. 世界正在以惊人的速度飞快得改变着。如果你看着这上方的图表,你会看到在2025年,高盛投资公司的这些预测表明中国经济规模会和美国经济几乎相当。如果看2050年的图表,预测表明中国经济规模将会是美国经济的两倍,印度的经济规模将会和美国的经济几乎持平。在这里,我们应该记住这些预测是在西方经济危机之前做出的。 A couple of weeks ago, I was looking at the latest projection by BNP (Banque Nationale de Paris) PARIBAS for when China will have a larger economy than the United States. Goldman Sachs projected 2027. The post-crisis projection is 2010. That’s just a decade way. 几周前,我查看法国巴黎银行的最近预测,中国在什么时候会超越美国经济,成为第一大经济体。高盛投资公司预测2027年。危机过后的预测是2020年。这也不过只有10年的光景。 China is going to change the world in two fundamental respects. First of all, it's a huge developing country with a population of 1.3 billion people, which has been growing for over 30 years at around 10% a year. And within a decade it will have the largest economy in the world. Never before in the modern era has the largest economy in the world been that of a developing country, rather than a developed country. 中国将在两个基本方面上改变世界。首先,中国是一个幅员广大的发展中国家它有13亿人口,在过去30年间它以每年10%左右的经济增长率发展。在未来10年间,它会有世界上最大的经济体。在世界现代史中,以前从来都是发达国家还没有一个发展中的国家变成了世界上最大的经济体。 Secondly, for the first time in the modern era, the dominant country in the world which I think is China will become, will be not from the West, and from very very different civilizational roots. 第二,在现代史中第一次在世界上,我认为中国会变成大国,它有别于西方国家而它是从非常,非常不同的文明根源发展起的大国。 Now I know it’s a widespread assumption in the West that as countries modernize, they also Westernize. This is an illusion. It’s an assumption that modernity is a product simply of competition markets and technology. It is not; it is also shaped equally by history and culture. China is not like the West, and it will not become like the West. It will remain in very fundamental respects very different. Now the big question here is obviously, how do we make sense of China? How do we try to understand what China is? And the problem we have in the West at the moment by-and-large is that the conventional approach is


杨澜ted英文演讲稿 篇一:杨澜TED演讲稿中英文 Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guestSusan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese]So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.


Today, I will give you a speech. The title of the speech is Can Money Buy Happiness? It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a comfort and security life. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness. Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly. 大家好! 今天是我的演讲。金钱能买来幸福吗? 金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的回答。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒适稳定的生活。然而,同样缺钱往往引起巨大的忧伤。人们常常认为“金钱是万恶之源”,对金


TED励志演讲稿:怎么讲话别人才更愿意听 人类的声音:是我们所有人都弹奏的乐器。可能是这个世界上最有力的声音。它绝无仅有,或能引起战争,或能说“我爱你”。 然而,很多人有这种经历,当他们说的时候,人们并不在听。这是为什么呢? 我们怎样有力地说而让世界发生某种改变? 我所提议的是,我们需要改变一些习惯。在此我为你们收集整理了,说话的七宗罪。我没打算假装这是一个详细的列表,但这七个,我以为是我们相当容易犯的坏习惯。 第一就是:流言蜚语 在背后说某些人的坏话。这不是一个好习惯,我们都很明白那个说闲话的人在五分钟以后就会在别人跟前说我们的闲话。 第二,评判 我们知道有些人在谈话中是这样的,这让人很难听进别人的话,如果你知道你被人评判且被认为不合格。 第三,消极 你能陷入这个泥潭。我的母亲,在她生命的最后几年里,变得非常非常消极,很难让人听她说话。我记得有一天,我对她说,“今天是十月一号,”她说,“我知道,这不可怕吗?”当某人那么消极的时候是很难让人听进去的。 另外一种消极,就是抱怨

这是英国的全国性艺术。是我们的全国性运动。我们抱怨天气,体育和政治,几乎每件事,但实际上抱怨是病毒性的悲催,它不会在这个世界上传播太阳和光明。 借口 我们都遇上过这个家伙。也许我们都曾经是这个家伙。有些人有指责癖好。他们怪罪任何人而不是对自己的行为负责任,所以,这又是让人难以聆听的一种。 七件里面的老六,倒数第二,浮夸,吹牛 它有时贬低了我们的语言,事实上。比如,如果我看见什么真的很神奇的事情,那我该说什么呢? (笑声) 当然这种夸大后来就变成了说谎。彻头彻尾的说谎,我们就不想听这种我们知道会说谎的人。 最后是,固执己见 把事实和意见混淆。当这两件事混为一谈,你就像在听风一样。你知道,有人用他们自己的意见来强迫你。这很难让我们听讲。 这就是说话的七宗罪。我认为这些是我们需要避免的。 但有没有比较正面的呢? 的确有。我想建议四种我们可以牢靠站立的,真正强有力的基石或者基础,如果我们想让我们的言语有力并且让世界产生变化。 幸运的是,这些事情连起来是一个单词。这个词就是“hail”,
