2020届二轮复习阅读理解解题技巧之词义猜测解题指导 (1)

2020届二轮复习阅读理解解题技巧之词义猜测解题指导 (1)
2020届二轮复习阅读理解解题技巧之词义猜测解题指导 (1)

















(1)The underlined phrase “___” in the second paragraph could be replaced by ______.

(2)The underlined word “________” in the firs t paragraph probably means________.

(3)What is the meaning of the underlined word in the second paragraph?

(4)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “________”?

(5)What does the underlined word “________” in Paragraph 2 refer t o?

(6)What do you think the expression “________” stands for?

(7)Which of the following words can best take the place of the underlined word “______” in Paragraph 3?

(8)According to the passage, the underlined word “________” is known as ________.


















通常引出该词同位语的词语有or,that is,in other words等,还有的同位语以括号或破折号的形式出现。在这些标记词后考生可较易找到同画线词意义相同或相近的词。



当作者强调的事物之间有区别或对立时往往会运用对比的手法,即会用到对比的词语,例如反义词,也可以暗示出生词的含义。注意这些词语和内容则能帮助判断所需内容。能体现对比关系的词汇很多,主要有but,yet,however, while, unlike, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast with等。标点符号中的分号也可表示对比。







词或句子置于因果关系中。常见的表示因果关系的词汇有:since,as, because, for, so, thus, consequently, therefore, hence, due to, result in, result from, as a result, for this reason, accordingly, so that, so...that, such...that等。




Situation Ⅳ

Q:If I remember my friend's birthday a day late, should I apologize or just wish her a happy birthday like nothing happened?

A:This is the reason why the word belated was invented. “Happy belated birthday!” is short for:“Well, I know I forgot, but then I remembered. Forgive me and happy birthday.”

The underlined word “belated” in Situation Ⅳ probably means ________.

A.predicted B.returned C.cancelled D.delayed






典例2There are many places to go on safari (观赏野生动物) in Africa, but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world's most exciting wildlife journeys.

Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure, providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta. The camps have excellent horses, professional guides and lots of support workers. They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.

What does the underlined word “They”refer to?

A.Flooded waters. B.Wildlife journeys.

C.Safari camps. D.Unique rides.

【答案解析】推理判断题。根据本段的several safari camps...和第二句的the camps...可知,这里的they指的就是the camps。故选C。


(1)要知道代词one, it, that, they, them等用来指代上文中提到的事物,所以要从上文找。




典例3In the mid-1950s, I was a somewhat bored early-adolescent male student who believed that doing _any_more_than_ necessary_was_ wasted_effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment.

In Mrs Totten's eighth-grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数).

Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions.

Mrs Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets.She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.

Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.

What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs Totten made her way from the beginning of the class, I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldn't function.

When Mrs Totten reached my desk, she asked what answer I'd got for problem No.14. “I...I didn't get anything,” I answered, and my face felt warm.

“Correct,” she said.

It turned out that the correct answer was zero.

What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isn't always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third, I would never make it as a mathematician.

If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.

What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?

A.It is wise to value one's time.

B.It is important to make an effort.

C.It is right to stick to one's belief.

D.It is enough to do the necessary.







Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?

UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined. Although Charles Darwin thought that trees are competing for survival of the fittest, Simard shows just how wrong he was. In fact, the opposite is true: trees survive through their co-operation and support, passing around necessary nutrition “depending on who needs it”.Nitrogen (氮) and carbon are shared through miles of underground fungi (真菌) networks, making sure that all trees in the forest ecological system give and receive just the right amount to keep them all healthy. This hidden system works in a very similar way to the networks of neurons (神经元) in our brains, and when one tree is destroyed, it affects all.

Simard talks about “mother trees”,usually the largest and oldest plants on which all other trees depend. She explains how dying trees pass on the wealth to the next generation, transporting important minerals to young trees so they may continue to grow. When humans cut down “mother trees” with no awareness of these highly complex “tree societies” or the networks on which they feed, we are reducing the chances of survival for the entire forest.

“We didn't take any notice of it,” Simard says sadly.“Dying trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying, but we never give them a chance.” If we could put across the message to the forestry industry, we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future.

1. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Old Trees Communicate Like Humans

B. Young Trees Are In Need Of Protection

C. Trees Are More Complex Than You Think

D. Trees Contribute To Our Society

2. In Simard's opinion, trees ________.

A. depend on each other

B. protect their own wealth

C. compete for survival

D. provide support for dying trees

3. We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. “mother trees” are usually of no use to other trees

B. Charles Darwin had the same thought as Simard

C. people know much about the complex “tree societies”

D. if “mother trees” are cut down, the survival for the entire forest will be affected

4. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

A. how trees grow old

B. how “tree societies” work

C. how forestry industry develops

D. how young trees survive




【关键句】①Would it surprise you to learn that,like animals,trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?(第一段)


②UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined.(第二段第一句)






Whether it's joining a school club, going to a friend's birthday party, or travelling by train, we can meet new people anywhere and anytime in our lives. However, many of us feel awkward when meeting people for the first time, especially when we aren't quite sure what to say. The situation feels cold, even icy.

“Breaking the ice” is a term widely used in the English-speaking countries to describe a small talk technique that can help rescue a conversation from certain failure.

So where do you even begin? Well, a good start is to accept that it is perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when talking to someone for the first time. They might look grumpy or scary, but they could turn out to be the nicest person you've ever met.

You might think that breaking the ice is difficult. But sometimes just a simple “hello”,followed by a three-second smile, can make all the difference.

Complimenting someone on their garment or accessories (饰品) is also a great, easy way to break the ice. You might say, “I love your jacket. Where did you buy it from?”

Being in an uncomfortable or unpleasant situation with someone new might feel terrible, but it can actually be one of the best icebreakers. By focusing on the situation, you come together to fight the common enemy: The long bathroom queue, for example, or the overcrowded bus.

You can make observations too. “What kind of drink is that?”“That's a lovely name. What does it mean?”“Do you study here too?” There are opportunities all around you to ask questions that don't seem weird, as long as you have some follow-up questions in mind.

If you're feeling extra bold, make a joke. Jokes can be difficult to master but if you get them right, they show the likeable, witty side of your character. “What's your name?”“Well, people usually call me Mike, but you can call me tonight.”

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. How to develop friendship with a stranger

B. Advice on breaking the ice when we communicate with a stranger

C. How to become a successful public speaker

D. How to start a conversation with a person

6. The underlined word “grumpy” can be replaced by “________”.

A. easily annoyed

B. gentle

C. low-spirited

D. cheerful

7. What can we learn from the passage?

A.“Breaking the ice” is a small talk technique widely used in our daily communication all over the world.

B. As long as you can smile at others, you will make some friends.

C. Realizing that it's normal to feel nervous in front of a stranger is a good start to break the ice.

D. Being in an uncomfortable situation with some strangers can be the best icebreakers.

8. According to the passage, making a joke ________.

A. can be done with ease

B. leads to many new friends

C. can show your wisdom and lovely character

D. makes you enjoy your life happily






The moment a college student arrives on campus, he or she is_bombarded_with credit card offers. Advertisements for student credit cards are everywhere: in bags at the bookstore, in the campus newspaper, in your regular mailbox, in the residence halls.

With so many college students graduating with large amounts of credit card debt (figures vary, but most are at least in the thousands), learning how to manage a student credit card can be an important lesson for any student. While using a card wisely can be an important part of building credit and making it through a difficult time, knowing how to use a card wisely can be the hard part.

Stick to the following rules when, and if, you need to use a credit card:

?You can repay the charges within the card's next billing cycle.

?You must meet your basic needs, like food, clothing and s helter, but set rules and be aware that you will need to repay those charges at the end of the month.

?You can talk to the financial aid office in your school for an alternative in “emergency” situations.

If you do want a credit card, just be smart about it.(They let you into that school because of your brain, right?) Don't automatically get the first one you find. Shop around for a card that has the lowest interest rate possible, and consider places that may not be advertising on campus. Additionally, be aware of any card's repayment options: When will payments be due? How much will they be? A credit card is not like a loan that comes with a grace period(宽限期) after you graduate and waits until you are done with school. That new sweater and nice dinner out will need to be paid back right away.

9. What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Be confused by.

B. Be terribly hurt by.

C. Be attracted by.

D. Be surrounded by.

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. A college freshman should be careful when choosing a credit card.

B. Students should take a lesson about how to use a credit card wisely.

C. A credit card will be the only help for students in emergency situations.

D. The author doesn't appreciate the idea of having a credit card on campus.

11. What's the best title for this passage?

A. Economic Tips for College Students

B. Dos and Don'ts in Using Student Credit Cards

C. Mistakes about Student Credit Cards Use in College

D. Student Credit Cards—What You Need to Know

12. If this is a passage of a college newspaper, in which column can we read it?

A. Entertainment.

B. Advertisement.

C. Economy.

D. Education.



二轮复习阅读理解解题技巧之词义猜测解题指导 命题方式的特点 词义猜测是英语阅读的重要技巧,词义猜测题也是高考中常考的题型。考生要学会“顺藤摸瓜”,通过构词、定义、对比、因果、联想、上下文等线索(各种已知信息)确定词义。要求猜测词义的词一般为实词(动词、名词、形容词等)。另外,这类题也包括对短语和句意的猜测。 考试中经常考查的词汇有以下几种: (1)在特殊语言环境中具有特殊意义的常用词。 (2)专业化程度较高的词。 (3)生僻词。 (4)常用代词。 命题方式的考法 1.猜测单词或短语意义------巧用线索猜词义。 (1)“定义同位”猜词义,主要包括定义释词和同位/举例 (2)“逻辑关系”猜词义 (3)根据构词法猜词义 2.考查代词的指代意义---------“就近原则”猜词义 3.句意猜测类-------“意义吻合”定句意 常见设问形式 (1)The underlined phrase “___” in the second paragraph could be replaced by ______. (2)The underlined word “________” in the first par agraph probably means________. (3)What is the meaning of the underlined word in the second paragraph? (4)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “________”? (5)What does the underlined word “________” in Paragraph 2 refer to? (6)What do you think the expression “________” stands for? (7)Which of the following words can best take the place of the underlined word “______” in Paragraph 3? (8)According to the passage, the underlined word “________” is known as ________. 选项特点 (1)正确选项的特点 ①相应词语的同义词语。 ②对相应语句的解释、复述或概括。 (2)干扰项的特点 ①对原相应表达方式的不正确改写。


高考阅读理解词义猜测题解题技巧 猜词悟义是应用英语的重要能力,也是高考阅读理解中必考的题型。它不但需要准确无误地理解上下文,而且要有较大的泛读量,掌握或认识较多的课外词汇。考生应学会通过构词、定义、同位、对比、因果、常识、同义、反义及上下文线索等确定词义。 一、题型特点与命题方式 此类题型有逐渐增加的趋势,尤其是猜测词组、句义题。因为猜测词组、句义题涉及题材背景、句子结够、文章主旨、作者的观点态度等。联系主旨、整合上下文信息是解答这类题的关键。近几年阅读理解的生词率略有上升,加大了猜测力度。命题者着重考查考生利用同义或反义关系、构词法、语法和语篇文脉等理解生词的能力。 【命题趋势】 1、要求根据阅读材料所提供的信息,结合中学生应有的常识和经验,正确判断生词词组的含义或成熟词在特定语境中表达的具体含义以及一些句子的意思。 2、要求猜测词义的词一般为实词及其词组,通过构词、定义、对比、因果、联想、上下文等线索确定词义的具体内容。 3、代词复指理解题也是猜测词义的常考类型。用―逻辑关系梳理法‖、―递向寻踪法‖理清人物及事物之间的逻辑关系是关键所在。 【设问形式】 The underlined word ―…‖ in the second(third…) paragraph refers to(means) ______. By saying ―…‖ in the first(second…) paragraph, the author means that ______. In paragraph …, ―…‖ can be replaced by ―______‖. The meaning of ―…‖ in paragraph… is related to ______. Which of the follow ing has the closest meaning to…(paragraph…)? The underlined sentence in the … paragraph probably means that _____. 二、解题思路与应试技巧 做这种类型的题,要根据词、词组、句子所在的语境上下文来判断其意义。因此熟练掌握一些猜词技巧是做好这类题的关键。命题者在出这类题时惯用常规词义来麻痹考生,我们要特别注意熟词生义,切不可脱离语境主观臆断。 下面结合近几年高考试题,对猜词悟义的技巧加以解读。 1、根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测 有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义或解释,这就是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。例如: Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly. 句子给予annealing 以明确的定义,即―退火‖。 It will be very hard but also very brittle — that is, it will break easily. 从后面that is(也就是说)的解释中我们可以了解到brittle是―脆‖的意思。 The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. 定语从句中looks after sheep 就表明了herdsman的词义为―牧羊人‖。 【考例】 (2014福建卷,E篇)73. The underlined words ―tipping points‖ most probably refer to ―_______‖. A. freezing points B. burning points C. melting points D. boiling points 【解析】C。请看原文:In his book, he had challenged readers to make deep cuts in personal emissions to keep the world from reaching extremely important tipping points, such as the melting


阅读理解之词义猜测题 词义猜测题常见设题方式:: 1. The word "…” refers to / probably means / could best be replaced by __________ 2. The word "…” is most likely to mea n _________ . 3. What do you thi nk the expressi on "…” sta nds for? 4. The un derl ined word "…” means. _____ ..... 解题方法 1. Definition 定义法 2. Con trast 对比法 3. Similarity 相似法 4. Cause and effect 因果法 5. Example例举法 6. Word Formation 构词法 7. Con text上下文 8. Com mon Se nse 普通常识 1. Defin iti on 定义法:一般通过定义、定语(从句)或同位语(从句)来确定词义。______ a. It will be very hard but very brittle —that is , it will break easily.() b. The herdsma n , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yua n a year._() 2. Contrast 对比法:利用文中的反义词以及表对比关系的词(组)猜测词义。表示对比______ 的词有but、while、however、otherwise 等。 a. Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.() b. She is usually prompt for all her classes, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class. A. on time B. late C. slowly D. quickly 3. Similarity 相似法:利用同义词、近义词或词组猜测词义。 Clea ning up waterways is an eno rmous task .The job is so large, in fact, that the gover nment may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have bee n polluted.() 4. Cause Effect因果法:从原因推测结果,从结果推测原因。 One who is destitute has a great n eed for food and cloth ing. b. That museum is so imme nse that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. () 5. Example 例举法:禾U用文中的举例猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instanee, for example, such as 等。 Today young couples often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instanee, washing mach in es, refrigerators and color televisi ons.() 6. Word Formation 构词法:英语单词大多是由词根、词头(前缀)和词尾(后缀)所组成。 词根是单词最基本的部分,表达单词的基本含义。在词根前或后加上前缀或后缀,可 以用来引申或转变原词的意义。只要我们掌握了各种词根、词头和词尾的基本含义,那么就可以很容易猜测出由其构成的新词的含义了。 中学英语中常见的前缀和后缀有: super-(超)mini-(极小的,微小的) micro-(极微小的)re-(再,反复) mis-(误,恶)im-(不)un-(不,非)in-(不,非) non-(不,非)-able (能…的)-less (不,无)-wards (向) Can you guess the right meanin gs? superma n microwave nonn atural mispr onounce homeless non smoker rebuild eastwards Eg. I ' m goitogbuy a microbus.(


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b02777802.html, 词义猜测题的解题技巧 作者:杨富章 来源:《高中生学习·高三文综版》2015年第04期 词义猜测题是高考阅读理解题中的一种常见题型。通过对近几年湖北卷高考题的阅读理解题的统计,我们会发现2014年词义猜测题在阅读理解部分有1题,2013年考了1道,而2012年湖北卷考了4道。虽然近两年直接考查这种能力的题目不多,但是这种不借助词典,而是通过阅读上下文来推断生词含义的能力,是同学们在考试时必须具备的,它能让我们更好地理解上下文,其实这也是阅读理解题对这种能力的间接考查。 词义猜测题的常见考点有: 1. 直接猜测某个词的含义; 2. 判断文中的某个代词指代的对象; 3. 对文中的多义词或短语进行精确定义; 4. 对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语等进行直接或解释性的描述。 常见设问形式有: 1.The word “ABC”in the passage probably means . 2.The underlined word “ABC” in the passage ref ers to/means . 3.Which of the following is closest/nearest in meaning to the underlined word in the second paragraph? 4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means . 5.The word “it/them” in the first paragraph refers to . 词义猜测题的解题技巧我们可以归纳为8条: 1.根据近义词关系推测。 作者可能会用一个近义词或者同义词去解释另一个更难的词,以使它的意思更清楚。我们可以通过寻找近义词来推测生词的意思:一要看由and或or连接的同义词词组;二要看在进 一步解释的过程中使用的同义词。近义词往往出现在同一句或者同一段落中。如:


教你“五个绝招”破解英语阅读理解 阅读是增长知识获取信息的主要途径,阅读能力是英语教学的重点。近年来,注重对初中生阅读理解能力的考核已成为中考的一大趋势。阅读理解能力影响并制约听、说、读、写能力的形成和发展,中学英语教学大纲也把培养阅读能力作为一个主要的教学目标。要做好阅读理解,应从以下几方面入手。 分门别类识别文体 随着信息时代的到来,阅读内容更趋于信息化、时代化,突破了单一的故事、寓言等题材,内容涉及新闻、广告、科普、医疗、教育等,文章的体裁也从记叙扩大到产品说明、逻辑推理及实际应用等文体。不同的文体阅读的要求与方法不尽相同。 记叙文阅读主要抓四大要素,即时间、地点、人物和事件的起因、发展和结果,以及人物之间的关系、表现,从中分析他们思想品质、性格特征等;议论文是阐明作者对人或事的好坏的立场观点,因此在阅读时必须正确把握文章的论点和论据,理清论证思路,再进行逻辑推理得出结论;应用文是最贴近日常生活的文体,它包括通知、广告、便条、申请书、个人简历,形式多样,题材各异,如图示、表格、地址、网址等,对这类文体的阅读应简明扼要地抓住所需信息,理解文章内容。 统览全篇摘录要点 阅读理解是对整个文章的目的、意图、观点、立场、态度以及内在的逻辑关系的理解,而不是断章取义的一孔之见,所以统览全篇和问题是很有必要的,这些问题会给你提供信息或暗示文章中的一些重要细节。 如2002年本市中考试卷C篇阅读并回答问题中,通过对全篇的布局谋篇以及问题的设置看到的不是片言只语,而从中感悟到人文思想的体现,人类和自然界生态相辅相成的关系,从而得出第6小题:From the passage,we learn that___.答案为B: The rainforest people have done some- thing to protect their home. 在统览全篇的同时要注意要点的摘录,因为一些显性的答案是可以从要点中直接回答,而隐性的答案则是要通过对全篇的理解才能得出。统览全篇,摘录要点亦有利于检查时节省时间。 开动脑筋推测词意 初中英语学科教学基本要求规定,学生能根据上下文推测词义,并能不借助词典读懂含有3%生词的语言材料,换言之,这就是促使学生的知识内化的过程,学生要通过知识内化将内隐的心理活动转换为外显的行为,可以借助以下的几种方法完成内化过程: 根据上下文猜测词意 如闸北区2003年中考模拟题,阅读B篇中p assed away,根据上文的An illness had kept the boy home和下文写给Rick的信中可以猜测出意为“去世”。 根据构词法猜测词意


语文阅读理解解题技巧(绝对有用哦) 文学作品的表达技巧手法,是指作家运用了哪些写作原则、规律和方 法来塑造文学形象和表现作品的内容的。具体来说,对文章的表达技 巧的分析主要指:一是作家在表达方式运用上的技巧和文体知识运用 方面的技巧,二是修辞手法的运用和其他相关写作方面的技巧。 从高考试题来看,对表达技巧的考查不但要求学生判断某种表达技巧 是什么,而且要求赏析其表达的作用。 一、叙述人称 1.第一人称:叙述亲切自然,能自由地表达思想感情,给读者以真实 生动之感。并更能引起读者情感的共鸣! 2.第二人称:增强文章的抒情性和亲切感,便于感情交流。 3.第三人称:能比较直接客观地展现丰富多彩的生活,不受时间和空 间限制,反映现实比较灵活自由。(客观实在 二、叙述方式 1.顺叙:能按某一顺序(时间或空间)较清楚地进行记叙。 2.倒叙:造成悬念,引人入胜。 3.插叙:对主要情节或中心事件做必要的铺垫照应,补充说明,使情 节更加完整,结构更加严密,内容更加充实丰满。 4.补叙:对上文内容加以补充解释,对下文做某些交代。 5.平叙:俗称“花开两枝,各表一朵”,(指叙述两件或多件同时发生的事)使头绪清楚,照应得体。

三、描写总体来说,描写有以下一些作用: ①再现自然风光。②描绘人物的外貌及内心世界。③交代人物活动的自然及社会环境。 1.人物肖像、动作描写、心理描写:更好展现人物的内心世界、性格特征。 2.景物描写:具体描写自然风光,营造一种气氛,烘托人物的情感和思想。 3.环境、场面描写:交代人物活动的背景,写明事件发生的时间和地点,渲染气氛,更好地表现人物。 4.人物对话描写、心理描写、细节描写:刻画人物性格,反映人物心理活动,促进故事情节的发展。也可描摹人物的语态,收到一种特殊的效果。 5.正面描写、侧面描写:正面直接表现人物、事物;侧面烘托突出人物、事物。 四、修辞 1.比喻:化平淡为生动,化深奥为浅显,化抽象为具体。 2.比拟:给物赋予人的形态情感(指拟人),描写生动形象,表意丰富。 3.借代:以简代繁,以实代虚,以奇代凡。 4.夸张:烘托气氛,增强感染力,增强联想;创造气氛,揭示本质,给人以启示。

阅读理解---词义猜测 (公开课)

阅读理解―词义猜测题 Step 1: Warming-up---guess the meanings of the underlined words. 1. The company?s profits are decreasing year by year due to mismanagement. 2. She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading. 3. If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”. 4. It will be very hard but also very brittle —that is, it will break easily. Step2: 词义猜测题基本方法:___________; __________ ●构词法 1. Valentine?s Day is a time of happiness for lovers. Boys like to give girls flowers as presents. That day, he came to see me with a forget-me-not in his hands. 2. When he reached the place with his army, he found an impassable river in front of him. 构词法通常考虑_________和_____________ ●语境法常利用以下技巧 利用同义(向)关系:and,also,or(或者)… 3. Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. ?Which of the following words can replace “detrimental”? ____ A. helpful B. useful C. harmful D. meaningful 4. Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habits die hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost. ?What does the underlined phrase “die hard” probably mean? ____


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 今天分享的是——《小学语文阅读理解常考题型及解题技巧》小学阅读理解常考题型 1、理解加点字、词,体会句子的含义; 2、概括文章(段落)的主要内容; 3、揭示文章的中心思想; 4、对文章主要人物的评价以及联系实际生活谈感受; 考题形式及解题技巧 一、理解加点字、词。 考题形式: 1、联系上下文,解释加点字(词)意思。 答题技巧:(1)文中找(2)换词语(3)逐字解(4)想引申义 答题格式:文中指谁(什么),怎么样(干什么……) 例子: ①在文中用“______”划出相关语句,解释的带点词语。 他有时工笔细描,把金鱼的每一个部位一丝不苟地画下来,像姑娘绣花那样细致;有时又挥笔速写,很快地画出金鱼的动态,仿佛金鱼在纸上游动。 ②请用找近义词的方法解释下面的词语。 京张铁路不满四年就全线竣工了,比原来的计划提早两年。这件事给了藐视中国的帝国主义者一个有力的回击。() ③先理解下面带点的字,再写出整个词语的意思。 节目很精彩,场内座无虚席。坐在前几排的,全是来自异国的旅游者,优美的东方杂技,使他们入了迷,他们和中国观众一起,为每一个节目喝彩鼓掌。 “座”在文中指:_________________。“虚”在文中指: ______________________。 “座无虚席”在文中指_____________________ ④从词语的本义,想到词语的引申义。 老实说,我读《水浒传》不过囫囵吞枣地看一遍,只注意紧张动人的情节;那些好汉的个性,那些复杂的内容,全搞不清楚,有

时候还把一个人做的事情安在另一个人身上。伯父问我的时候,我就张冠李戴地乱说一气。 理解成语分三步: ①逐字解。张:________ 冠:__________ 戴:___________ ②解本义:“张冠李戴”原来指:__________________ ③解比喻或引伸义:“张冠李戴”现在指 _____________________________ 2、直接理解加点字、词,表达作者什么感情? 答题技巧:结合文章中心,解释字、词在文章中的意思。 答题格式:这个词语采用了……手法,生动形象地写出了……的特点,表现了……的情感(或心理、情状)。 例:当天晚上,大刀队员们手握大刀,腰佩手榴弹,又悄悄地向卢沟桥进发。《卢沟桥烽火》 答:表现了我国守军的足智多谋、英勇善战,含有表扬赞许之意。 3、加点字、词换成另外的字、词,好不好? 答题技巧:表态,一般答不好。先分别说出加点字、词和换的字、词的意思,再主要说用加点字、词的好处或换的字、词的不好,所以不能换。 答题格式:不可以。这个字(词)在文中是……意思,体现了……,而替换的字(词)只是……,如果换了不能写出……的效果,所以不能换。 例:“春风又绿江南岸”中“绿”字用得很好,可不可以将它换成“吹”字?为什么? 答:不可以。(表明态度)“绿”在文中是作为动词,有“吹绿”“染绿”的意思,(解释字的意思),更能体现春风所带来的生机(在文中的作用和表达效果),而“吹”只是表示春风的动作,如果换了就不能体现这种生机,所以不能换。 4、加点字、词删去,好不好? 答题技巧:表态,一般答不好。先解释原字、词的意思,在句子中有何表达效果,删掉有何效果,所以不能删。 答题格式:不能。加点字表示……,说明了(表现了)……。删


高考英语复习:阅读理解词义猜测题 [层级一真题题组] A (2018·北京卷,D) Preparing Cities for Robot Cars The possibility of self-driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist's dream,years away from materializing in the real world.Well,the future is apparently now.The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads.The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars,and for companies to operate driverless taxi services.California,it should be noted,isn't leading the way https://www.360docs.net/doc/b02777802.html,panies have been testing their vehicles in cities across the country.It's hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads.But however long it takes,the technology has the potential to change our transportation systems and our cities,for better or for worse,depending on how the transformation is regulated. While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars (and rightfully so),policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams,cut emissions(排放)and offer more convenient, affordable mobility options.The arrival of driverless vehicles is a chance to make sure that those vehicles are environmentally friendly and more shared. Do we want to copy—or even worsen—the traffic of today with driverless cars?Imagine a future where most adults own individual self-driving vehicles.They tolerate long,slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work,entertain themselves or sleep on the ride,which encourages urban spread.They take their driverless car to an appointment and set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking.Instead of walking a few blocks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning,they send the self-driving minibus.The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport—an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing(叫车)services. A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric,self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80% and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure (基础设施) and operations 40% by 2050.Fewer emissions and cheaper travel sound pretty appealing.The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services,considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues(责任与维护问题).But driverless car ownership could increase as the prices drop and more people


阅读理解之词义猜测题 一,词义猜测类题目常见提问方式 1,The underlined word “__”in the passage means ____ . 2,What does “___”in the third paragraph stand for ? 3,3.The word/phrase “____” most nearly means ____. 4,4The word/phrase “___” could best be replaced by ____. 5,The word/phrase “__” in Line…,Para …refers to__. 6,Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase/word/sentence “____”? 7,What’s the meaning of “____” in Line …,Para …? 8,The author uses the word “____” to indicate(暗示)____? 二,技巧 技巧 1. 利用上下文,通过_________结构或________结构中的_____词、______词推测词义。反义词常见信号词有but 、yet 、while 、however、on the contrary 等。同义词常见信号词:and, or, namely, that is, that is to say,等。 1. Although the hazards of the trip were many --- for example , the unbearable heat , the lack of water, the possibility of getting lost , the presence of wild animal and poisonous snakes --- Collins nevertheless decided that she must go. A. safties B. destinations C. dangers D. pleasures 2. It will be very hard but also very brittle --- that is , it will break easily. A. breakable B. firm C. strong D. separate 技巧2 从句子或文段中找线索、信息词(如__________、________或________ 推测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instance, for example, such as 等。 常用的解释性词提示词有that is, mean, stand for, namely, in other words, to be 等, 1. The herdsman , who looks after sheep , earns about 650 yuan a year . A. chief B. sheepherder C. merchant D. buyer 2. Japan has a problem many other countries would envy --- its workforce works too hard. Curing Japanese workers of disease "workaholism" is proving a difficult job , partly because many of them like work better than anything else , experts say. A. killer B. drinker C. jobnik D. secretary 技巧3 根据上下文___________结构(即___________句)及其语境,推断词义。文中常用解释性句子引出生词含义,有时用破折号,括弧来表示,或者用同位语、定语从句的形式出现。 1.Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools ? A. co-operative educational B. separate educational C. boys and girls at the same school's educational D. individual educational 2. We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor . Because of this , most people think that craft (手艺) no longer exists. A. large-scaled production B. small-scaled production C. bankrupt D. fortune hunting 技巧4 利用_______,巧解词义。


III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the cl osest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is related to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。 (2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse (配偶) at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s B. A medicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. Test 2 Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes


猜测词义题型阅读解题技巧 题型介绍 高考大纲要求考生能“根据上下文推断生词的词义”。词义猜测题一般占阅读理解总题量的10%左右。所猜词汇可以是生词,也可以是熟词新义,还可以是人称代词的指代内容。常见提问方式 The underlined word “______”in the passage means ______. What does “_______” in the third paragraph stand for? The word/phrase “________” most near ly means ______. The word/phrase “______” could best be replaced by ______. The word/phrase “______” in Line…, Para …refers to______. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase/word/sentence “________”? What’s the meaning of “______” in Line …, Para …? The underlined sentence in the first /second... paragraph probably means that ________. 正确选项的特点 1. 对于超纲词汇的正确解释,如果将它代入回原文,则符合逻辑,使文章通顺易懂。 2. 对于未超纲的词或短语的正确解释,往往是熟词新义,是根据上下文推测的一个特定场合的含义。 干扰项的特点 1.字面意思:对于熟悉的词,干扰项会列出它的字面意思或常规含义。 2.无关意思:除了字面意思,出题人还常用凭空杜撰出来的其它意思来干扰考生,但只要将此意思带入原文,不符合逻辑就能够排除。 解题思路 1. 返回原文,结合上下文,理解该词的意思。 2. 搜索时应注意同位语、特殊标点、定语从句、(表示上下文之间的逻辑关系)关键提示词及前后缀,特别注意找出其中和生词处于同一位置的词去推测。 特别提示: 1.不管这个词多超纲,根据上下文都能得出其意思。 2.不管这个词多熟悉,都要通过上下文得出其在特定场合的意思。 解题技巧 构词法 派生词:通过分析派生词,猜测划线单词的意思。 Napoleon, as a character in Tolstoy’s War and Peace, is more than once described as having “fat little hands”. Nor does he “sit well or firmly on the horse”. He is said to be “undersized” with “short legs” and a “round stomach”. undersized=under (低于) +size (尺寸、大小),通过构词法可知以-ed结尾的派生词可作形容词(如three-legged 三只脚的),再结合后面的short legs (短腿),可猜出undersized意为“身
