




People who read books for pleasure can be better developed in imagination and language skills than those who watch TV can. Do you agree or disagree.


At the moment/ at present/ currently/ nowadays/ right now / for now recently/ lately

It is apparent/ it is beyond obvious/ it is generally perceived/ it is well admitted/ it is profoundly recognized/ it is boarded accepted/ it has been pointed out

A considerable proportion of the public holds/ a large amount of the public argues/ a wide range of the people believes/ an increasing number of people acknowledges / a great deal of global citizens claims/ the majority of the people supports the idea/

However, I truly do not think so. But, I do not think it is the case.

Yet, I am afraid I cannot give my approval. Frankly speaking, I totally disagree with such an argument. To tell the truth, my personal view contradicts the matter.

Honestly, my personal opinion differs vastly from that of others.

As far as I am concerned, the claim is flawed.

As a matter of fact, I am inclined to oppose such an idea.

It has been pointed out that a large amount of the public argues book readers tend to imagine and learn languages better than couch potatoes. As far as I am concerned, the claim is flawed.


…..because (as) they are not without good reasons/ since several reasons can be concluded/due to the following reasons

….the most immediate reason is that/ for one thing/ a direct reason is that/ initially/ in the first place

.…the second one is that/ the next one is that/ for another thing/ secondly/ then/ afterwards/ after this/ subsequently …the last one is that/ the final one is that/ as a final point/ lastly/ eventually/

Undoubtedly, an increasing number of people acknowledge that reading is more beneficial since several reasons can be concluded. The most immediate reason is that reading itself is a way of learning language. Afterwards, one can imagine when reading artistically written words.



论点1 In the first place 举例For example…

论点2After that…引用According to …

论点3 What is more… By way of contrast…对比


In conclusion/ in summary/ to sum up/ to summarize/ on the whole/ altogether/ all in all/ overall/ to put it briefly/ in short/ to make a long story short

… although/ even though/ despite the fact that/

… I firmly stick to my own belief/ my argument stands/ I have fully approved my reasoning to be correct/ I have made it clear that…

Overall, despite the fact that a wide range of the people believes in the benefits of reading, I have made it clear that watching TV has a more positive impact on one’s development of imagination and language skills.



Furthermore, the living condition may base on the financial support. As I have said, the prices of houses are getting higher while most of us can not afford them. By storing most of their wealth in real estate, many Chinese households have become house slaves. As a result, here comes the vicious circle. Deprived person’s regular income, they may get nothing left after paying the loan, which contributes to a lower quality of daily life. By way of contrast, apartments are more economical.


The next factor to be considered is money. Nowadays, a sad truth is that houses in China are too expensive to afford. As a result, many Chinese house owners become house slaves, paying a large proportion of monthly income for nearly a decade for housing loan. A person like that usually leads a humble life as the rest of his income could barely support a decent life. A simple calculation here, a typical three-room apartment of the city I live costs approximately 800,000 rmb, while a two-storey house costs 2,000, 000 rmb. What is the difference? 1, 200,000 rmb – enough for a ten cars or 200 iPhone 5! Clearly, one can save so much and really start living if he/her chooses to live in an apartment instead of house.


However, the drawbacks of living in houses are beyond obvious. In the first place, houses are much more expensive than apartments. If someone without very decent pay tries to afford a house, he or she will have to stand the financial pressure. In the second place, the bigger the house is, the harder for the owner to clean it. Consequently, the owner is supposed to spend a lot more time and energy on the housework, where their good mood will soon wane to extinction. In the third place, living in houses blocks the way of exchange visits and daily communications between neighbors. In contract, living in an apartment can keep you always informed of what is going on around. Additionally, it can also cultivate your communication skills and the character of tolerance. As a result, you are likely to make more new friends. Last but not least, living in houses is neither convenient nor safe enough, especially when you lack something or are in trouble. In other words, only when people get together and help with each other can we build a harmonious neighborhood where the living standard is improved too.


However, the drawbacks of living in houses are beyond obvious when finance, maintenance and security issues are considered. In the first place, if someone without decent pay takes out an overdraft to fund a house, he/she will have to stand the financial pressure for years or decades in as much as houses are much more expensive than apartments. In the second place, the bigger the house is, the harder the maintenance is. Consequently, big-house owners sometimes spend time and energy on housework to such an extent that the commodiousness/ownership becomes exhaustive burden rather than a luxury. In the third place, house owners communicate all the less because they rarely have a chance to acquaint

the next-doors, let alone home visits. Whereas, on the other side of the picture, neighbors in apartment buildings, greeting each other so often, are always kept informed of what is going on around. As such exposure generally enhances communicative skills and tolerance, one is more likely to develop new friendship. Last but not least, house owners will find it inconvenient or insecure when needing a helping hand. In other words, than sticking with each other and lending a helping hand nothing can be more significant in building a harmonious neighborhood favoring the quality of living of each individual within.


2B: 三个简单句

The man was driving a car. He looked outside the window. He thought it was a nice day. 普通:定语成分+ 状语成分

The man driving a car thought it was a nice day when he looked outside the window.


The man driving a car thought it was a nice day at looking outside the window.


Looking outside the window, the man driving a car thought it was a nice day.





小学数学试讲模板 教学内容:圆锥的体积 教学目标: 1.通过动手操作实验,推导出圆锥体体积的计算方法,并能运用公式计算圆锥体的体积。 2.通过学生动脑、动手,培养学生的思维能力和空间想象能力。 3、培养学生个人的自主学习能力和小组合作学习的能力。 教学重点和难点:掌握圆锥体体积公式的推导。 教具准备: 1、等底等高的圆柱体和圆锥体 6 套,大小不同的圆柱体和圆锥体 6 套、水槽 6 套。 2、多媒体课件设计 教学过程设计 (一)复习准备: 1.怎样计算圆柱的体积?(板书:圆柱体的体积=底面积×高) 2.一个圆柱的底面积是 60 平方分米,高 15 分米,它的体积是多少立方分米?3.圆锥有什么特征? 拿出一个圆锥体,将它的底面、侧面、高和顶点指给学生看。 (二)导入新课 今天我们就利用这些知识探讨新的问题-----怎样计算圆锥的体积(板书课题)(三)进行新课 1、探讨圆锥的体积公式 教师:怎样探讨圆锥的体积计算公式呢?在回答这个问题之前,请同学们先想一想,我们是怎样知道圆柱体积公式的: 学生回答,教师板书: 圆柱------(转化)------长方体 圆柱体积公式--------(推导)长方体体积公式 教师:借鉴这种方法,为了我们研究圆锥体体积的方便,每个组都准备了一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体。你们小组比比看,这两个形体有什么相同的地方?学生操作比较。 (1)提问学生:你发现到什么?(这个圆柱体和这个圆锥体的形状有什么关系)(学生得出:底面积相等,高也相等。) 底面积相等,高也相等,用数学语言说就叫“等底等高”。(板书:等底等高) (2)为什么?既然这两个形体是等底等高的,那么我们就跟求圆柱体体积一样,就用“底面积×高”来求圆锥体体积行不行?(不行,因为圆锥体的体积小)


Topics of Task 2 (2008~2009.11.21) 一、教育(共25题,占%) 1. In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (08.01.26) 不同意: 中学教育是一个重要的德育阶段,如果在这个时候中断,带来的不仅仅是失业这样的问题,还有青少年犯罪等社会问题vital stage for moral education. If it was interrupted, numerous of social problems/headaches may create as juvenile delinquency. (正如马克吐温说:你每关闭一所学校,你就必须开设一座监狱。Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail ) 教育能够帮助培养个人素质;提高劳动力的素质,从而提高生产效率,推动社会发展,从根本上解决失业的问题。do a favor to/be beneficial(advantageous, preferable) to personal quality, enhance/boost/promote the quality of the labor force, thereby increase production efficiency, social development, solve the problem of unemployment 从长远来看,如果受过更高的教育,则有更多的机会找到好的工作。In a long run/term, if pupils could receive better education, they may have far more opportunities to find better jobs. 教育的作用不仅仅应当局限在找工作,而是为了将来更好的发展。The function of education should be not only focused on \limited in job hunting, but also for a better development. **失业的原因是综合的comprehensive/complicated,例如经济原因:经济衰退或者不景气economy recession/depression,就业岗位剧减,导致市场对于劳动力的需求整体下降 a fall in the overall demand for labor;社会原因,个人原因等 2. Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which subject is the most important for young people and which one is the least important? Subjects: Literature Sports Mathematics Economy Physics History Music Geography (08.03.01) 整个题目可以分为理论科目和实践科目两种: 理论科目的好处:智的角度 实践科目(音乐、体育)的好处:美、体、劳的角度 E.g.: What does sports benefits your academic? Any sport will have a positive effect on academic performance simply because exercise is good for the brain, and teamwork and strategy that are focal to most sports are applicable as well to many academic areas. 理论科目的坏处:枯燥、单调、需要长时间的学习、结合实践时较为困难 体育、音乐的坏处:需要天赋;需要大量时间和金钱的投入;就业范围小,职业生涯短 3. Schoolteachers used to be the source of information, however, some people argue that teachers are not as important as before as the increasing variety of information resources. What is your opinion? (08.0 4.24) 和以前一样重要:(也就是说老师的重要性) 学校教育更加有利于学生的道德培养,尤其对于年龄较小的学生。老师可以帮助学生建立自信心,培养能力,塑造良好的性格最终成为一个有利于社会的人。Teachers could help the students to build up confidence, shape upright character and ultimately grow a full man beneficial to the society. 通过老师的讲解,能够更加容易接受知识。By lectures, students are more easily to receive knowledge.可以根据学生的需要而改变teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differences 学生在学校里能够参加体育锻炼,有利于身体的健康和成长 学校教育给了学生一个交流、沟通、合作的机会,有利于团队精神team spirit、合作精神cooperation、创新能力innovation的培养foster/cultivation。 其他信息途径的好处(远程教育的好处) 提供了一种更为新颖有效的教育形式an original and effective educational model;增加人们接受教育的机会increase the opportunities of being educated;提高参与者的科技能力develop technology competencies、拓展技术面broaden skill set,从而提高就业机会job opportunity。 为地处偏远和行动不便的人、工作时间不稳定的人提供了受教育的机会those with restricted mobility, such as elderly, disabled, injured, irregular work schedule. 可以同时和全国各地甚至全世界各地的人进行交流和学communicate and interact with students all over the country or even the world 文档和资料容易储存、易提取、打印和阅读documents and materials are easily recorded, retrieved, printed and read 远程教育的缺点: 缺乏和老师面对面的交流lack of in-person contact with faculty members很难及时接受到老师的反馈wait for a long time before receiving feedback about assignments 不能像传统教育那样和同学之间更多地接触,没有机会提高口头交流能力和合作能力等have no chance to enhance oral communication skills and cooperation skills 精力和注意力会被很多东西分散many distractions at home 并不是所有的行业都承认网络教育的学历,缺乏就业认可。not all work industries acknowledge online degrees 4.Schools should teach children some academic subjects, which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (08.0 5.22) 同第2题 5.University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what


一.雅思大作文的15大考察内容 考察频率最高专题: ? 1. 教育:儿童,中学,大学教育体制和方法 ? 2. 科技发展对生活的影响 ? 3.文化的组成因素和保护 ? 4.生活方式的转变和社会观念 ? 5. 全球化及其影响 ? 6. 环境问题和环境保护 ?7. 政府投资 考察次重点专题: ? 1. 艺术的价值 ? 2.媒体的作用 ? 3.广告的影响 ? 4.动物的保护和动物实验 ? 5.城乡差距和城市化 ? 6.犯罪 ?7.弱势群体:妇女的权利,妇女参军 ?8.体育 雅思写作错误检查表(10条) 1.使用了正确的语法结构:时态语态,主谓一致,从句,用词准确(名词,动词,形容 词的形式),介词,冠词 2.句式有变化 3.使用了一定量的词汇 4. 拼写没有错误 5. 观点明确,语意精准不模糊 6. 每段主题句都表明了该段中心思想,所有拓展句支持句都紧扣主题 7. 大量的过渡性词语(逻辑连接词),使句子间和段落间都具有逻辑性和条理性 8. 提供了足够的细节,例子或论据 9. 每一段话都得到充分展开 10. 每一段话都紧扣文章主题 如何应用: a.1347当做检查项目,其他当做考前提醒 b.时间紧,就改第一段和每段的前两句话 三.大作文首段基本写作策略---三步走 1.转述背景,扩展题目(setting/ background information ):把题目所提供的背景再用自 己的话拓展转述同义替换一下 题目:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to be a good sports person or musician. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 考官写的开头段: The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sports, art or music. 2. 说明意图(statement of purposes):


教师面试试讲教案 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

快乐高效课堂模式(新景航) 号考生年级科目课型 标题: 【教学目标】 一、知识与技能 知道…、了解…、学会…、理解…、掌握…、会用…。 二、过程与方法 1.通过…提高…能力。 2.通过…培养…方法。 3.能够…体验…。 三、情感态度与价值观 体会…;激发…;培养…;养成…。 【教学重点】 1.写法同(知识与技能)。 2.确定方法:(1)在教材系统中的重要作用。(2)考试中的重点和常考点。 【教学难点】 1.写法同(知识与技能)。 2.确定方法:由于学生的现有知识水平或该知识点比较抽象等原因,学生难以学会和掌握。 【教学方法】(又称教学手段) 讲授法、自学(阅读)法、交流讨论法、演示实验法、强化训练法、互动展示法等。 【教学准备】(又称教学用具) 【教学过程】 1、激趣导入:教师积极创设情境,导入课题。目的:凝神、起兴、点题。 2、预习定标:展示学习目标,学生自主学习。 3、学生合作达标:学生交流学习成果,完成学习目标。 4、师生交流达标:老师观察学生学习情况,引导学生完成学习目标。 5、课堂小结强化:教师用简短的语言梳理知识点,形成知识框架,强化重点、难点。 6、强化训练,反馈矫正:精选题目,检验应用知识解题的能力,查找知识盲点。 【板书设计】 模式:要点式;表格式;行文线索式;绘图式;对比式等。 【作业布置】 (1)第几页,第…题。(2)要求。 【教学反思】 总结本堂课的教学效果;反思教学中的不足之处;还需要改进和完善的地方。


精品文档 尊敬的各位老师: 大家好,我是体育组号考生,今天我试讲的题目是蹲踞式跳远,现在开始我的试讲。 集合,体育委员整队,好,归队。上课,同学们好!同学们,亲近阳光,亲历风雨,做更勇敢的自己,欢迎大家来到我们的体育课堂。老师看到大家今天今天都精神饱满,请问,有没有身体不舒服需要见习的同学,很好没有。昨天老师发给大家的教学视频,同学们看了没有,好,大家都看了,视频的内容是什么呢?恩对,是“_________________________”,那么今天咱们就来学习一下“_________________________”。在接下来的学习过程中,老师希望大家:勤于思考,认真观察,团结协作,勇于拼搏。大家能不能做到?非常好!从大家响亮的回答声中,老师听出了你们信心十足。 俗话说,万丈高楼平地起,打好地基是前提,那么在学习之前,咱们先来热热身,全体都有,立正,向右转,绕操场跑两圈,跑步走,121.121.注意调整呼吸,调整步伐,121.1234,齐步走,各排头带领各队到指定位置,1组2组3组4组,踏步,调整前后间距,成体操队形,立定,面向老师向左转,同学们,让我们一起做一下热身操,第一节上肢运动,预备,起,1234567停,第二节体侧运动,第三节体转运动,腹背运动,踢腿运动,全身运动,跳跃运动,来,活动一下踝腕关节,停!看到大家头上已经冒出了晶莹的汗珠,想必大家已经充分的活动开了。接下来,咱们开始学习新课。 首先,我们来学习__________________,同学们跟老师一起,我们先做________________的练习,以左脚起跳为例,右脚在前,左脚在后,然后左脚上一步,双臂后引,还原,再来一次,上步,好,同学们咱们加上起跳动作,起跳时注意摆臂抬腿,上步,起跳,不要后仰,大家练习1分钟。 停!接下来我们_________________练习,同样右脚在前,左脚开始上步,三步助跑后起跳,开始练习,这位同学,起跳要用力蹬地,身体不要前倾。每人再做5次练习。 停止练习!接下来咱们要增加难度,尝试5步助跑完整动作练习。老师在每一组的场地上都给大家放置了垫子,请同学们回忆着昨天的教学视频,进行尝试练习。开始!停!在刚才的练习中,老师发现个别同学的动作有错误。老师在场地边上给大家准备了学习的助手——挂图,对比着挂图,并纠正一下自己的错误,在练习中要注意体会跑跳的结合,开始。这位同学,助跑时要节奏轻快,注意落地缓冲,来停,老师看到大家练得有模有样,也想要精品文档


雅思写作基础段课程 补充讲义资料 赵光伟


雅思写作基础词汇翻译练习(有提示版) 001. 现在,越来越多的孩子都是从小学开始学习外语,而不是中学。 002. 在许多国家,青年人通常要用四年时间完成本科学习,两年以上时间完成研究生学习。

004. 大学的课程总体是由必修课和选修课组成的。 005. 诸如经济学(economics)之类的科目是大学商科类(business)课程的重要组成部分。 006. 大学应当为学生同时提供理论性知识和实践性知识。 007.在大学的第一年学习中,学生主要获取公共基础知识,而不是专业知识。 008. 有优秀(excellent)学习成绩的学生通常都对基础的理论和原理有比较好的掌握。 009. 以学生为中心的教学方法很关注学生的实际需求(real needs)。 010. 教师应当鼓励学生积极地(actively)参与到课堂活动中来。 011.网络资源(online resources)可以有效(effectively)激励学生对学习外语的兴趣。 012. 各个学校应当尽最大努力(make every effort to)培养孩子们的全面发展。 013. 孩子们的身心健康和他们的学习成绩是同等重要的(of equal importance)。(倒装结构) 014. 鼓励独立思考(independent thinking)能帮助培养孩子们的创造力和解决问题的能力。 015. 道德教育能帮助孩子们形成(shape)积极的(positive)性格特征。 016. 雄心,热情和坚持是我们事业成功的三个重要因素(important factors to)。 017. 对于应当培养(foster)孩子们的合作意识(a sense of )还是竞争意识一直存在争论(there exists a debate)。018. 家长和学校应当一齐努力(make a concerted effort to)教育孩子们分辨是非。 019. 被家长溺爱的孩子会在长大后缺乏(without)对他人的尊重。 020. 家长也应该为孩子设立适当的行为准则,以防止(prevent)行为问题(behavioral problems)的发生。 021.老师应当多关注(pay more attention to)一下那些缺乏自律性的学生。 022.糟糕的家庭教育会导致孩子产生各种行为问题(behavioral problems)。 023.家长应当给予孩子更多情感的关怀与支持,而不是以物质的方式(in material ways)满足(meet)他们的需要。024.学校有责任(have a responsibility for)教育(educate)学生成为良好的社会成员。 025.大学的基本功能(basic function)之一是教授与工作相关的知识和技能。


第一节听说课教学过程 一、听说课教学流程 Leading in Presentation Practice Production Summary Homework 二、导入方法 图片导入 视频导入 歌曲导入 情境导入 复习导入 谈话导入 例1:The life of William Shakespeare(阅读课) Show Ss a photo of young Shakespeare and ask them to guess who he is. Then show them more photos about Shakespeare, for example, at school, in the family and at the performance. (These interesting pictures can arouse ss’ interests easily and lead them to get a first impression about Shakespeare.) 例2:What’s the matter? (听说课) 老师请几位同学上台表演小纸条上的关于健康问题的动作(如牙疼和感冒),请同学们猜他们怎么了,并试着用英语表达。 例3:How often do you exercise?(听说课) 提问同学们马上就要到周末了,他们的心情如何,为什么,引出大家都在周末做什么的讨论。同学们可能会说watch TV, do exercise, go to the movies, 老师把这些写在黑板上进行复习。例4:The Million Pond Bank Note(阅读课) At the beginning of the class, the teacher asks students to imagine what they are going to do if


Unit 1 雅思IELTS 考试写作简介 雅思考试写作部分在听力和阅读后进行,由两部分组成,TASK1和TASK2。要求考生在60分钟内完成两篇文章的写作。普通培训类和学术类考生在写作的考试内容上有一些区别。两类写作TASK2题目类型基本相同,考试的结构和要求也大体相同,要求在40分钟完成250字左右的议论文。类似英美国家学校里任课教师布置的课堂讨论作文。一般要求考生根据自己的知识和经验就一个现象阐明自己的态度和见解,或就一个观点发表自己赞同或反对的观点。 学术类写作TASK 1(ACADEMIC TRAINING MODULE)要求考生对题目中给出的各类图表加以观察和分析,并根据已知的图表和资料写一篇不少于150字的小短文。考得较多的有曲线图、柱状图、饼状图、表格、饼图等。也有可能考到两种不同种类的图。另外,流程图和示意图也偶尔考到。时间20分钟。 普通培训类写作TASK1(GENERAL TRAINING MODULE)则要求考生就某个假设的场景写一封信. 到目前为止,出现较多的书信种类有投诉信、请求信、建议信、寻找失物信、邀请信等。20分钟内完成150个字的文章。 总之,就题目的难度而言,GENERAL TRAINING MODULE 普通类写作比ACADEMIC TRAINING MODULE学术类写作稍微简单一些。 评分标准 The examiner reads your answer and awards band score of between 1(did not answer the question) and 9 (native speaker-like ) according to these criteria: ? 1.Task Response (i.e. how fully and appropriately the candidate has answered all parts of the task; the extent to which the candidate's ideas are relevant, developed and supported; the extent to which the candidate's position is clear and effective) ? 2.Coherence and Cohesion (i.e. how well the information and ideas are organized and presented i.e. paragraphing; how well the information is linked) ? 3.Lexical Resource (i.e. the range of vocabulary used, how accurately it is used and how appropriate it is for the task) ? 4.Grammatical Range and Accuracy (i.e. the range of structures used, how accurately they are used and how appropriate they are for the task) The band scores are then added together divided by 3 and rounded to determine your band score for this task. Writing Overall Band = 1 / 3* Task1 + 2 / 3*Task2 For example: Task1 =6 Task2 =7 Overall Band = 1 / 3* 6 + 2 / 3*7= 6.5


一、概括: 1.写作考试介绍: Time: 60mins 20mins TASK1 150words 40mins TASK2 250words 2.考试题型: TASK1 Process 和Introduction 题目罕见出现。 TASK2 I. Discuss Eg: 2005年7月9日 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people do not think it the government’s responsibility. Discuss both and give your opinion. II. Advantages and Disadvantages Eg: 2005年5月14日 Some school leavers go to travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages for their studies? III. Agree or Disagree Eg: 2005年6月25日 People think that the news media has influenced people’s lives nowadays, and it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IV. Your Opinion Eg: 2005年3月5日 Some academic subjects are useful for children’s future career while others such as music and sports are not so useful. What is your opinion. Give your reasons. V. Problem, Reasons and Solutions Eg: 2005年1月22日 Statistics suggest that nowadays an increasing number of crimes are committed by the young people. Explain the reasons for this and give solutions. 二、小作文解析(T ASK 1): 1.通用格式: ⑴OPENING—1SENTENCE--- A. Paraphrase 5W & B. Overall trend Ⅰ.Line phases Ⅱ.Pie classification Ⅲ.Bar the gap between A&B e.g. The graphs and charts tell us a clear overview of the characteristics and trends of…… It can be seen from the table that….. 详细见白书P6/下,“Referable IELTS Writing opening &writing” ●RULE 1: A.不可以抄题目 B.不可以写“According to ….”,只能写“In that figure….” C.不可以写“below/following” D.不可以写“that/this” E.第一段不出现数据


中学教师招聘面试讲课与问题作答技巧 一、面试讲课要点: 1、教学目标:教学目标完整(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观等方面)符合大纲要求和学生特点;教学目标符合教学实际、体现与教学过程。 2、教材处理:教材重点、难点突出、详略得当;深广度适宜。 3、教学结构:结构开展符合学生认识规律;结构完整、重视过程;程序合理、过渡顺当、教学环节紧奏、节奏适当。 4、教学方法:是师生交往、共同发展的互动过程;因材施教、面向全体、能激发学生的学习兴趣、让学生在愉快中学习;能培养学生的独立性、自主性、引导学生质疑、探究、实践;能创设有利于学生主动参与、相互合作探究的教学环境;恰当运用现代技术手段。 5、教学基本功:板书简明、清晰、规范、设计合理;实验操作熟练、准确;教学组织得法、条理清楚、调控应变能力强。 6、教学效果:学生主动参与、注意力集中、思维活跃、活动面广、正确率高;师生交流充分、正确评价学生、教学有专长;按时完成教学任务、双基落实、学生能力得到培养。 7、教学态度:仪表端庄、教态亲切自然;语言表达流畅、准确生动;概念表述清楚、讲解深入浅出。 二、面试讲课的注意事项: (一)上台讲课我不怕 当然,没有人第一次讲课就什么都不怕的,但是有了充分的事前准备,在心理上就多了一份安全感,站在台上,自己就是专业的讲师,要展现出自己的专业形象,有几点是需要注意的。「减少赘词」 说话简洁、清楚,减少一些「然后」、「嗯」等等口语和语助词。 「眼睛要注视学员」 人说新讲师一看就知道,除了说话会结巴,还有眼睛只看天花板、地板跟黑板,有很多的旧学员,你是不是新讲师,心里都清楚,但是切忌不要只看一个人,要环顾全场,在前面、左右两边各找一个定点,视线在这三个定点中循环,但是环顾视线的速度不要太快,也不要只有眼睛或是头转动,用旋转上半身的方式去环顾。 「说话不急不徐」 不需要急着把话说完,慢慢说,务必求清楚,先想过再出口。 (二)语言技巧: 教师主要是通过语言来传授知识,所以语言要有一定的艺术和技巧。 首先,教师讲课的语言应清楚流畅,这点是最基础的。其次是具备知识传给学生的良好的语言表达能力。 有关资料已总结出教师的语言具备“六性”: 1、叙事说理,条理清楚,言之有据,全面周密,具有逻辑性。 2、描人状物,有声有色,情景逼真,细腻动人,具有形象性。 3、范读谈话,情真辞切,真挚感人,具有感染性。 4、借助手势,穿插事例,比喻新颖,生动有趣,富有趣味性。 5、发音准确、吐字清晰,措词恰当,寓意贴切,富有精确性。 6、举一反三,弦外有音,留有余地,循循善诱,富有启发性。 因此,要求每一位教师具备一定的语言修养,在讲课时最好带一点演员的风度。


掌声 一、导入 1.师:老师第一次给大家讲课,心里有点紧张,大家能给我掌声鼓励一下吗?谢谢大家。老师也要把掌声送给你们,一是为了表达对你们的感谢,二是希望你们认真听讲,三呢是因为,我们今天学习的课文就是——掌声。 2.大家和我一起板书课题,注意,掌字上面是尚字头,下面是一个手。齐读课题。 3.检查读书情况,解决生字词语,读通难的句子。 二、合作交流,整体感知 1.师:下面请大家自由朗读课文,一边读,一边思考,这篇课文讲了一件什么事?读完之后请用正确的坐姿告诉老师。 从同学们正确的坐姿中老师已经知道,你们已经读完课文了。课下大家都已经预习课文了,现在老师检查一下大家的预习掌握情况。 2.首先检查生字词的掌握情况,请看大屏幕出示的生字词,哪位同学给大家读一下?(评价:读的真好,不仅全部读正确了,而且字正腔圆,像个小播音员。)默默地、小儿麻痹症、落下残疾、姿势、骤然间、犹豫、忧郁 3.师:这里面有一个字,特别容易写错,教师板书。记住了吗?好,那就在练习本上将这个字写三遍。 写字的时候要做到——头正身直脚放平。(指着一生)这位同学不仅坐姿端正而且写的字结构匀称、大方美观,大家都要向他学习。 4.师:看来生字词已经难不倒大家了,下面再来检查大家对课文内容的掌握情况。这篇课文讲了一件什么事?试着用上我们刚才读过的词语。 你概括的内容简洁明了,真好。 课文就是讲了一个叫英子的孩子,小的时候得了小儿麻痹症,落下了残疾,变得忧郁,后来在同学们的鼓励下,变得开朗起来的故事。那下面我们就走进英子。 三、走近人物,感受“情感”变化。 (一)感受英子的内心变化。 1.感受英子的忧郁、自卑。 (1)师:英子是一个怎样的孩子?“因为她得过小儿麻痹症,腿脚落下了残疾,不愿意让别人看见她走路的姿势。”从这句话,你看出英子内心什么情感?(忧郁、自卑)(2)通过句式转化,引导学生感受这是什么样的英子。相机指导朗读。 因为她得过小儿麻痹症,腿脚落下了残疾,()不愿意让别人看见她走路的姿势。 因为她得过小儿麻痹症,腿脚落下了残疾,不愿意让人看见她走路的姿势,所以()


雅思考试写作金牌教程(6-7.5分)教学方案 第一次课 一、教学目标:雅思写作概述、基本构成、雅思写作考试与其他考试的类比 二、课时陈述:第一次课,2.5小时 三、教学重点:议论文体和报告文体的题型 四、教学难点:雅思评分标准与其他考试评分标准的异同 五、教学亮点:雅思考官阅卷的潜规则 六、课堂结构: 1、雅思考试介绍 2、雅思考试评分标准 3、雅思写作话题介绍 4、雅思写作题型介绍 5、中英两国写作对比 1、雅思考试介绍 雅思写作的量分 task1 占三分之一,而task2占三分之二。 Task 1 (以下简称小作文) 题型:LINE PIE BAR TABLE DIAGRAM MAP MIXED Task 2 (以下简称大作文) 题型:argumentation report 2、雅思考试评分标准 孙武子说“知己知彼,百战百胜”.为了更好的对付雅思写作考试,我们起先要了解它的具体评分准则。 Task Response and Fulfillment Coherence and Cohesion Lexical resources Grammatical Range and Accuracy Band 7—good user Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. 具体要求: Task response: whether all parts of the task are addressed; whether a viewpoint is clearly expressed, developed and supported.


顶尖教育初中数学教师招聘试讲教案 二次函数 考点一、二次函数的概念 1、二次函数的概念 一般地,如果)0,,(2 ≠++=a c b a c bx ax y 是常数,,那么y 叫做x 的二次函数。 )0,,(2 ≠++=a c b a c bx ax y 是常数,叫做二次函数的一般式。 2、二次函数)0,,(2≠++=a c b a c bx ax y 是常数,中,c b 、、a 的含义: a 表示开口方向:a >0时,抛物线开口向上 a <0时,抛物线开口向下 ∣a ∣越大开口越小 b 与对称轴有关:对称轴为x=a b 2- c 表示抛物线与y 轴的交点坐标:(0,c ) 考点二、二次函数的解析式 二次函数的解析式有三种形式: (1)一般式:)0,,(2 ≠++=a c b a c bx ax y 是常数, 已知任意三点坐标 (2)顶点式:)0,,()(2 ≠+-=a k h a k h x a y 是常数, 已知顶点坐标、对称轴或最值 (3)当抛物线c bx ax y ++=2 与x 轴有交点时,即对应二次方程0 2 =++c bx ax 有实根1x 和2x 存在时,二次函数c bx ax y ++=2 可转化为两根式 ))((21x x x x a y --=。如果没有交点,则不能这样表示。 已知抛物线与x 轴的交点坐标(x 1,0).(x 2,0) 考点三、二次函数的图像及性质 1、二次函数的图像是一条关于a b x 2- =对称的曲线,这条曲线叫抛物线。 抛物线的主要特征:①有开口方向;②有对称轴;③有顶点。 2、二次函数的性质 函数 )0,,(2≠++=a c b a c bx ax y 是常数, 图像 a>0 a<0 性质 (1伸; (2)对称轴是x=a b 2- ,顶点坐标是(1)伸; (2)对称轴是x=a b 2-,顶点坐标是


雅思哥6篇小作文推送 1、曲线图(剑7 Test2 W1) The graph below show the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979and 2004. Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004. In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities (around 150 grams), while much less fish was consumed (just over 50 grams). However, during this 25-year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively. The consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams,

雅思 全套新东方ielts笔记 新东方ielts笔记汇总 ★【汉魅】

新东方ielts笔记汇总 一.雅思考试介绍听力: 听力教材、英语中级听力阅读:整理难句笔记本——摘抄分析写作:图表作文——柱状图、饼状图、曲线图、表格——上面有百分比、数据、固定的时间段,善于从现象中发现规律,趋势,提炼,升华,得出结论——科研能力口语: 1. 自信:不要太介意语音语调,语法,允许犯错误,关注内容,体态语言, 2. 小心陷阱。要时刻注意沟通,符合生活逻辑。不要忘记提问卡上的问题逻辑顺序。 3. 3.争取主动。 4. 4.有备而来。在很大程度上可以预测。 二:写作总的指导5堂课: 1. 总的知道 2. 写作流程,问题极其对策(审题)——重点第二篇 3. 审题,指令,展开。 4. 书信作文。 5. 图表作文。本身内容和语言。最后总的串讲。范文作用:吸取语言的营养,不能机械背诵。 三:写作总论 1.用书面语言 2.题目中有单词不认识:它可能是不重要的,或联系上下文可以知道意思,实在看不明白就抓住看得懂的部分做文章。 3.时间概念很重要。重点在第二篇。先写第二篇(写对位置)。 4.字数:第一篇至少140字(10到12句话)。第二篇至少250字(15到18句话)。5.四大原则:1.图表作文重点在描述,不要随意解释,根据文字可以复原图表。 2.要让考官觉得你的思路非常清晰,要有“路标行标”,承上启下的短语结构词。 3.中心论点由几个分支论点支持。并提供证据。 4.7分必须有复杂句子结构(并列句、复合句、非谓语动词形式);用词面宽一点,尽量不要多次重复。第一篇用3个复杂结构,第二篇用5—7,个复杂结构。 四:作业21页task 5version C (多少个字,多少句话,每一段由几句话组成,找语法错误,评论结构布局)74页task 2严格按照40分钟写。 针对十个问题的思考 1.情感分段和逻辑分段首先晾出观点,罩住一个自然段, 2.文章中心思想句是读者体会(中文)还是作者交代(英文)——第一段就说 3.3.引言段(开头第一段)是开门见山(英文)还是层层剥开(中文)议论文不可以太长,第一段只能3——5句话 4.段落主题句有(英文)没有(中文)不要把每个主题句分散在不同处,在第一句写5.线性段落(英文)还是螺旋性段落(中文)说出来——为什么这样说 6.人证(中文)与法证(英文)强调事实、数据、普通人事件、该领域专家 7.一般具体(英文)还是曲折前进(中文) 8.段内连贯:过渡词语(英语)还是词义重复(中文)英语:形式语言中文:意合语言for, obviously, turn out, as a result, and, in the end 英语靠过渡词的衔接、词汇的纽带、语法的照应
