




1. ①hello ②hi

2. ①morning ②afternoon

3. ①give ②thank

4. ①face ②mouth

5. ①draw ②read

6. ①father ②mother

7. ①four ②five 8. ①yellow ②green


1. ()()

2. ()()

3. ()()

4. ()()

5. ()()

6. ()()

7. ()()8. ()()


()1.A. What’s this? B.What’s that?

()2.A. Is this a bear? B.Is thay a monkey?

()3.A. Color the pencil green. B. Color the book red.

()4.A. How many apples? B.How nice.

()5.A. He’s my grandfather. B.She’s my



1. 2. 3.


4. 5. 6.





六、听音,根据情景选择正确的答案,将编号写在括号里。念两遍(10分)( )1. A. Good morning B.Good afternoon.

( )2.A. Here you are. B. Thank you.

( )3.A. This is my mouth. B.This is my ear.

小学一年级英语上册期末测试卷( )4.A.He is my father. B.She is my mother.

( )5.A.It’s a cow. B.It’s a duck.



1.I can dance / sing.

2. A chick / duck goes “peep,peep” .

3. Look! This is my ear / eye.

4. He’s / She’s my mother.

5.There is a tiger / lion.


1. What colour is it? A. No. It's a panda.

2. Is this a bear? B. It is yellow.

3. May I have a pie,please? C. Here you are.

4. Who is he ? D. Goodbye!

5. Goodbye! E. He is my father.

6. What can you do? F. I can dance.


1. 2. 3.

readraw noseare shorthin

4. 5. 6.

twone monkeyellow rulerubber



A. Good mornng.

B. Good afternoon.


A. Hello

B. Goodbye.


A. Here you are.

B. Give me a book, please.


A. Give me a rubber, please.

B. Thank you.

5. 问有多少个苹果,你应该说:

A. How many apples?

B. May I have an apple?

6. 问这是什么颜色,你应该说:

A.What colour is it ? B. Colour the boo red.


一年级英语下第一单元测试卷 班级姓名分数 听力部分 一、听录音,在对应的图片下面打对号。(10分) 1. 2. ()()()()3. 4. ()()()()5. ()() 二、听录音,按你听到的顺序给下面图画编号(1-5)。(20分) 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () 三、看图,听录音,判断正误,相符的画对号,不相符的画错号。 (10分) 1. 2 3 ()()() 4 5

( ) ( ) 四、听录音,圈出你所听到的句子。(10分) ( )1、A. Show me your present. B. Try your new shoes. ( )2、A. I am fine,thank you. B. Very well,and you ( )3、A. Happy new year. B. Happy new year,Miss li. ( )4、A. I like the sweets. B. I like the new dress. ( )5、A. I like the new shoes. B. Make a new year card. 笔试部分 五:把图片和单词配对连线。(10分) 1. uncle 2. grandmother 3. grandfather 4. fold 5. aunt 六.看图,圈出正确单词。(10分) 1. 2 A. mother B. grandmother A. father B. grandfather 3. 4 5 七.看图将与句子对应字母填在图画下的括号里。(20分)


沪教版上海市一年级下学期语文期末考试题 一、看拼音写词语 yuán lái yán zhòng nǎo d a i wàng jìjīng yíng ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) jiāo tán tíng tín g yù lìfāmíng wèn tízhǔn bèi ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 二、圈出正确的读音 使劲(jìng jìn )必须(xū xǖ)扎辫子(zā zhā) 以为(wèi wéi)因为(wéi wèi)干活(gān gàn) 灾难(nán nàn)责任(rèn lèn)传说(zhuàn chuán)三、加部首,换新字,再组词 合()()争()()音()()()()()()()()长()()中()()奴()()()()()()()()四、选字填空 经劲轻披波坡名民明放房仿运远玩()重()着()白模()()耍 使()爬()()字()间()近 ()常()浪()间()学()用 五、填上合适的词 ()的空气()地穿过一()椅子 ()的阳光()地说一()笑脸 ()的脚步()地笑一()塔

()的语言()地哭一()地震 六、查字典 字音序部首共几笔第几笔笔画 疗第6笔 怪第3笔 圈第3笔 丸第1笔 运第6笔 七、连词成句 1是谁最好的你们班上成绩同学 2是一位英雄巾帼古代我国的花木兰 3小河我家门前清清的一条有 八、阅读 (一)蝴蝶的礼物 今天,我和好朋友王静吃过午饭就下楼去玩耍。 我看见一只蝴蝶停在花朵上,就轻手轻脚地走了过去,我伸手一抓,可惜, 速度太慢,让蝴蝶逃走了。 王静却抓住了一只蝴蝶。她对我说:“这只就送给你吧!”我赶忙说:“谢谢你。”我用手指捏住了蝴蝶的翅膀。我仔细一看,这只蝴蝶十分美丽,特别是蝴


沪教版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Getting to know you《1 Hello!》 (2) Module 1 Getting to know you《2How are you》 (7) Module 1 Getting to know you《3 Are you Kitty》 (11) Module 1 Getting to know you《Revision 1》 (15) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《4 My friends》 (19) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《5 My family》 (24) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《6 Me》 (29) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《Revision2》 (34) Module 3 Places and activities《7 In the classroom》 (38) Module 3 Places and activities《8 At the fruit shop》 (41) Module 3 Places and activities《9 In my room》 (47) Module 4 The world around us《10 Numbers》 (51) Module 4 The world around us《11 Small animals》 (60) Module 4 The world around us《12 The four seasons》 (64) Module 4 The world around us《Revision 4》 (69) Module 4 The world around us《Project 4》 (74)


一年级英语下册期末考试试卷 ⅰ、单词连线。在右边找到左边各单词的汉语释义,并连线。(20分) horse照相机鱼carrot baseball大象足球soccer camera马热狗fish elephant剪刀胡萝卜hockey scissors棒球曲棍球hot dog ⅰ、单词分类。请将下边方框中的单词按照用途放入不同的房间。(20分) bed bathtub kitchen knife flowers wardrobe TV table computer broom telephone clock bookcase mirror bowl lamp chairs sofa refrigerator towel cupboard bedroom: bathroom: kitchen: living room: ⅰ、情景交际。请从B栏中找出A栏各句的答语,并将其字母序号填入题前括号中。(20分) A ( )1.What’s he doing? ( )2.Where are my cats? ( )3.Have you got a computer? ( )4.What do you do at school? ( )5.How are you? ( )6.What’s her favourite sport? ( )7.Do you like bananas? ( )8.What’s your name? ( )9.Please have some chicken.

( )10.How old are you? B a. Her favourite sport is tennis. b. I’m 9 years old. c. They’re behind the bookcase. d. Yes,I lik e. e. He’s sleeping. f. I’m fine. Thank you. And you? g. No,thanks. h. No,I haven’t. i. My name is May. j. I read books. ⅰ、读短文,判断正( )误( )。 I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m.,I go to school and play badminton with my friends. In the afternoon,I play badminton. In the evening,I watch badminton games on TV. Do you like playing badminton? () 1. I don’t like sports. () 2. My favourite sport is table https://www.360docs.net/doc/b114974605.html, () 3. I go to school at seven in the morning. () 4. I watch TV in the afternoon. () 5. I play badminton with my friends in the morning. ⅰ、找单词。你能在下面的字母格中找出10个单词并圈出来吗?(横行、竖行、斜行均可)(20分) d y i c e c r e a m n r t b o q l s v t o v i p i z z a u e o r h n t n g m o r n i n g k f e e q v r i c e o p g c a k e u n b h v c z u t t y f g x s q


沪教版上海市一年级语文上册期终考试卷 一、写字端正,卷面整洁:5% 二、拼音与词语连线。8% xu ě hu ā 迷路 w ěi b ɑ 秋天 m í l ù 落叶 sh ēn t ǐ 尾巴 lu ò y è 工作 xu ě d ì 身体 ɡōn ɡ zu ò 雪花 qi ū ti ān 雪地 三、一字开花。(写序号。)8% 1、上 2、水 3、学 4、星 5、风 6、病 7、日 8、活 四、数笔画,填一填。8% “成” 共有 笔,第2笔是 。 “边” 共有 笔,第1笔是 ,部首是 。 “阳” 共有 笔,第2笔是 ,组词 。 五、加一笔,变成一个新字。8% 大( ) 日( ) 万( ) 土( ) 口( ) 今( ) 乌( ) 云( ) 六、按要求归类(写序号)8% ①抱 ②圆 ③忘 ④国 ⑤安 ⑥阳 ⑦回 ⑧海 从上到下: 从左到右: 先外后里再封口: 七、用线把合适的词连起来。12% 采 泡泡 一条 落叶 早 近 吹 松果 一片 流星 轻 后 丢 马戏 一颗 菊花 前 重 看 果皮 一朵 小鱼 远 晚 八、选词填空(写序号) 6% ①闪闪的 ②清清的 ③彩色的 ④蓝蓝的 ⑤小小的 ⑥绿绿的 ( )星星 ( )船儿 ( )天空 ( )小溪 ( )火花 ( )草地

九、连词成句。(填序号)9% ①尾巴②松鼠③好像④的⑤一把伞 。 ①小青蛙②的③歌台④荷叶⑤是 。 ①晚上②真美③国庆节④的⑤呀 ! 十、根据课文内容填空。(填序号)10% ①云雾②浪花③铅笔 1、船儿在海上用写字,飞机在天上用写字,我在白纸上用写字。 ①虾②马③小花子 2、小海马生下来的时候像,等它长大了,头像,身体像,变成会游水的小海马。 ①竹叶②梅花③枫叶④画家 3、小鸡的脚印像,小狗的脚印像,小鸭的脚印像。它们全是雪地里的小。 十一、读古诗,连一连。8% 千山鸟飞绝,凌寒独自开。《江雪》柳宗元 举头望明月,粒粒皆辛苦。《梅花》王安石 谁知盘中餐,低头思故乡。《悯农两首》李绅 墙角数枝梅,万径人踪灭。《静夜思》李白 十二、读拼音,写词语。10% fēi jī zhǎnɡ dàɡuǒ pí

最新沪教版小学英语三年级下册Unit 3 Sounds 公开课教学设计3

Unit 3 Sounds 教案 【教学目标】 1. 能听会说更要求会默写几种交通工具的单词 bike, bus, plane, ship, car, train。 2. 能用英语问答what can you hear? 【教学重点】 1. 能听会说更要求会默写几种交通工具的单词 bike, bus, plane, ship, car, train。 2. 能用英语问答what can you hear? 【教学难点】 1.单词发音。 2.句型的自如运用。 【教具准备】 教材、多媒体课件、单词卡片、图片 【教学过程】 Step1. Pre-task Activities 1. Say a poem. 2. Daily Talk. Ask and answer. T: What day is today? What’s the date today? What can you see on the desk? What color is it? Is this is it? Is this your ruler?

Whose ruler is this? What can you hear? (a cat) Can you hear a dog? Step2. While-task Activities Sound 1.Show T: Read and say the words pronounced. P: Cake name plane date. 2. Show the words: fat, jam, apple. a. T: Read the words. b. Show the sound c. T: Read it and say the other word pronounce d. P: ant map lamp. 3.T: Read the sentences: The fat man like jam. Say a rhyme 1. T: Look at the slide and listen to the tape. 2. T: What can you hear about the rhyme? P1: I can hear “Listen to the bird in the tree. Tweet! Tweet!” P2: I can hear “Listen to the dog in the street. Woof! Woof!” P3: I can hear “Listen to the cat on the roof. Miao! Miao!” P4: I can hear “Listen to the Dotty in her cage. Hello! Hello!”Step3. Post-task Activities 1. Read the rhyme. 2. Repeat the thyme. 3. Make a new rhyme. Eg: Listen to the bike, on the toad, Ling, ling ling.


班级________姓名___________ 一 1、请大声读出下列声母,发音标准 b p g k 2、请大声读出下列韵母,注意声调 ǎi iūánɡǔn 3、请大声拼读下列词语,注意语音声调 rén l iúrúc háo s hān c h uān zǒng shì fù ráo 二 1、读出下列词语 活泼富饶重新觉得回忆语重心长情不自禁坐井观天2、读出下列部首 礻冂匚门 3、说出反义词 厚()深( ) 三 正确朗读下列句子,读准字音,不加字、漏字,按标点停顿。 1、(1)布莱恩难过极了,他整天躲在家里,连最要好的朋友也不见。 (2)我是主人的一双脚,本领可大啦! 2、请正确背诵古诗《春晓》。

班级________姓名___________ 题号一/1 一/2 一/3 二/1 二/2 二/3 三/1 三/2 总评价评价 一 1、请大声读出下列声母,发音标准 m l j q 2、请大声读出下列韵母,注意声调 ǘǐnāo uì3、请大声拼读下列词语,注意语音声调 fēng yī zú shí tíng tíng yù lì fā chóu jìng zi 二 1、读出下列词语 皮匠聪明战争富饶水波亭亭玉立无边无际丰衣足食2、读出下列部首 犭囗刂 3、说出反义词 静()骄傲( ) 三 正确朗读下列句子,读准字音,不加字、漏字,按标点停顿。 1、(1)刮的风是绿的,下的雨是绿的,流的水是绿的,阳光也是绿的。 (2)唉!到底什么时候天才亮呢? 2、请正确背诵古诗《江上渔者》。

班级________姓名___________ 一 1、请大声读出下列声母,发音标准 x p g h 2、请大声读出下列韵母,注意声调 ǘǐnāo uì3、请大声拼读下列词语,注意语音声调 fēng yī zú shí tíng tíng yù lì fā chóu jìng zi 二 1、读出下列词语 柳条夸奖浇水窗户慢吞吞清水滴滴乌云密布妙不可言2、读出下列部首 彳攵衤忄 3、说出反义词 哭()高( ) 三 正确朗读下列句子,读准字音,不加字、漏字,按标点停顿。 1、(1)非非糊涂了,明明是块冰,洪洪怎么说是水呢? (2)来,云是好多好多小水滴组成的呀! 2、请正确背诵古诗《所见》。


沪教版小学英语三年级下册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Using my five senses《1 Colours》 (2) Module 1 Using my five senses《2 Tastes》 (5) Module 1 Using my five senses《3 Sounds》 (11) Module 2 My favourite things《4 Animals in the zoo》 (15) Module 2 My favourite things《5 Toys》 (18) Module 2 My favourite things《6 Food and drinks》 (22) Module 2 My favourite things《Revision 2》 (26) Module 3 My colourful life《7 Hobbies》 (30) Module 3 My colourful life《8 Happy birthday!》 (34) Module 3 My colourful life《9A day on the farm》 (39) Module 4 Things we enjoy《10 Funny cartoons》 (44) Module 4 Things we enjoy《11 Mother’s Day》 (47) Module 4 Things we enjoy《12 Three little pigs》 (52)

Module 1 Using my five senses《1 Colours》 1教学目标 1.能听懂、韧认读单词black, blue, green, red, white, yellow. 2.学习句型What colour is your ball?及其回答 It's red and white. 3.灵活运用所学句型询问身边事物的颜色。 2学情分析 本课时学习两个栏目。 Listen and say呈现的是Alice和Kitty帮助一个小朋友找皮球的故事。核心句型是What colour is your ball?It's red and white. Look and learn呈现了六种颜色,核心词汇是black, blue, green, red, white, yellow. 3重点难点 教学重点 1.能听懂、读单词black, blue, green, red, white, yellow. 2.学习句型What colour is your ball?及其回答 It's red and white. 教学难点 3.灵活运用所学句型询问身边事物的颜色。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step1 Warm-up 1. Greetings.


、 一年级英语(下)期中测试题一、听音选图片。 ()1 A B ()2 A B ()3 A B ()4 A B ()5 A B 》 二、听句子选图片。 ()1 A B ()2 A B ()3 A B

()4 A B ()5 A B 三、听句子补全单词。 ()1、Put your book ()your schoolbag. : A in B on ()2、Where is your book It’s on my (). A desk B chair ()3、What’s behind the door It’s a (). A bed B desk ()4、I have a gift ( ) you . A for B on ()5、Thank you , ( ) . : A Mum B Dad 四、圈出你所听到的句子 1、A Put the ruler on the pencil box. B Put the ruler in the pencil box. 2、A What ’s near the door B What ’s behind the door 3、A Put the book on the bed. B Put the schoolbag on the bed. {

4、A I have a gift for you . B Give me a gift. 5、A It’s on the chair. B It’s on the desk. 五、听句子,标序号。 1 ? 笔试部分 六、根据图片选单词。 ()1 A black B chair C blackboard ()2 A light B kite C fan


小学一年级上 Unit1 hello 你好 hi嗨 goodbye 再见morning 早上afternoon中午,下午evening晚上 night深夜 nice好的 see看见 you 你 unit2 give给 me我 a 一,一个 please请 thank you 谢谢你ruler 尺子 book书 pencil 铅笔 rubber橡皮 how多么 for 为,给 unit3 this这,这个 is是 my 我的 your 你的 touch 摸摸 not 不是face脸 mouth嘴巴 nose 鼻子 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 cute 可爱的 can会,能 Unit 4 I 我 you 你 what什么 flower花 house房子 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 read阅读 draw画画 Unit5 who 谁 she她 he他grandfather爷爷grandmother 奶奶father 父亲mother母亲 yes 是 no 不 mummy妈妈daddy爸爸 sister姐,妹brother 兄,弟

baby 宝贝finger手指Unit 6 look看 tall高的 thin 瘦的 fat肥的 short矮的classmate同学friend 朋友Unit 7 how many多少one 一 two 二 three三 four 四 five 五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine 九 ten十 paper纸张rabbit兔子let’s 让我们unit8 apple苹果pear梨peach桃子orange橘子like喜欢 them他们(宾格)supermarket超市 Unit 9 may 可以 have 有,吃,喝 help 帮助 hamburger 汉堡包 pizza披萨 cake蛋糕 pie 派 banana香蕉 soup 汤 at 在什么地方 snack bar小吃部,小卖部Unit 10 farm农场 that那,那个 peep 鸡叫声 moo 牛叫声 chick小鸡 duck鸭子 cow 奶牛 pig 猪 oink猪叫声 quack 鸭叫声 it’s它是(=it is) cut 切stick 粘 Unit 11 zoo 动物园


沪教版小学一年级英语教案三篇 【篇二】 Let‘s enjoy Song Learning skills: Students can sing and act the song freely. Students know the word:little Learning materials: Tape recorder,cards,a paper rabbit,... Learning course: Pre-task preparation: 1. Free talk. How are you? How old are you? I see a ...What can you see? Happy New Year! 2. You did a good job. Now let’s listen and act,ok? Show me your ... Clap one,clap two... While-task procedure: 1. Can you count from one to ten? Let the students count from one to ten. 2. Teacher acts a bird,a rabbit. Then draw a big rabbit on the blackboard,point and say a big rabbit. Then draw a little rabbit,ask the students:“is it big? No,it ‘s a little rabbit. Repeat a little rabbit for several times. Today will learn a song about the little rabbit.ok?


小学一年级英语期末测试题 年级________ 班级________姓名____________学号____________ 听力部分 一、听一听,圈一圈。用圆圈圈出你所听到的单词图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、听音判断。如果下列单词与你所听到的录音一致,请在括号内划对号“√”,如果不一致在括号内划错号“×”。 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. () 6. () 7. ()8. () 9. ()10. () 三、听一听,圈一圈,将你听到的数字用圆圈圈出来。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9.10. 四、听一听,排一排。根据你听到的录音,按照顺序用数字1-5标号。 ()()()()() 五、听录音用圆圈圈出你所听到的单词选项。

1. A. door B. window 2. A. closet B. where 3. A. boy B. girl 4. A. pants B. jacket 5. A. picture B. table 6. A. ball B. wall 7. A. doll B. box 8. A. chair B. plane 9. A. skirt B. sock10. A.pants B. room 笔试部分 六、判断题,如果单词与图画一致请在括号内画“√”,不一致画“×”。 eleven ( ) pinwheel ( ) girl ( ) ball ( ) bus ( ) computer ( ) toys ( ) fish ( ) TV ( ) window ( ) 七、连线。将单词与相应的图片连起来。 dress T-shirt skirt shoe sock pants jacket sweater picture shorts 八、根据图片将下列单词补充完整。 b_______ d b_______ s b_______ll c_______ r b _______x ch_______ ir d_______ll b_______ y


(沪教版) 一年级语文上册期末试卷 班级姓名成绩 一、读拼音,写字。 xià yǔbái yún yú er shēnɡqí shuǐ tián ya zi ()()()()旗()()二、我会变魔术。加一笔,我能写成另一个字。 日——()了——()木——() 十——()人——()米——() 三、在正确的字上打“√”。 公(机鸡)(河和)水电(视是) 读书(shū sū) 骑(qí pí)车身(shēn sēn)体 四、我帮字娃娃找朋友。 日(生日)十()木()开() 白()土()本()升() 目()天()禾()自() 五、我会动脑筋,想一想,连一连。 参加语文早操故事 ɡù shi zǎo cāo cān jiā yǔ w?n 六、我能找出一个不同类的词语,并且把它圈出来。 1、西瓜黄瓜萝卜白菜茄子 2、铅笔本子面包尺子小刀 3、毛巾洗衣粉牙膏脸盆牛奶 七、我知道它们的朋友是哪个。 大多去前左远有 少小后无来近右

八、相信我,一定可以帮它们排好队。 1、画画小明了学会 ______________________________。 2、一年级是小学生的我 __________________________________。 九、我能把句子写完整。 1、 _____ 的船儿__________尖。 2、 _________ 月______ 日是元旦(dàn)。 3、雨越下越____________ 。 4、这里有一()美丽的小河,河里游着几条可爱的小鱼。一()小鸟在白云下()。这里真漂亮!我们好喜欢这里啊!我们要爱护这美丽的环境! 把字词的序号写在短文的括号里,并把这幅画画出来。 1、只 2、条 3、飞来飞去


沪教版小学一年级英语下册教案三篇 【导语】研究证明,小学时期是学生各方面全面发展的起步时期,这时候会更容易接受信息输入,所以,英语语言学习在这一阶段是很好的发展时期,更加容易吸引学生的兴趣,当然,学不进去是多方面的原因。不妨从下面WTT为您准备的资料里面去寻找学习英语语言的兴趣。 let’s act language focus: using imperatives to give simple in structions. eg: show me your present. try your new shoes. language skills: listening: locate specific in formation in response to simple instructions. speaking: use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. materials: a beautifully wrapped preset picture of a new pair of shoes. pictures cut out from newspapers or magazines that are related to the new year. a large sheet of card which has the actline of a lantern on it. teaching ladders: ⅰ. warming up 1. greeting 《good morning》song 2. rhyme t:let’s have a cutest. each group read a rhyme eg: one, two, three read, sing, draw my father is coming this is my nose. ⅰ. teaching new lesson (一) pre-task preparation (中英文对应)


译林英语一年级下册 期中测试卷 听力部分(60%) 一、听录音,圈出你所听到图片的序号,听两遍。(1*6) 1. A B 2. A B 3.A B 4. A B 5. A B 6. A B 二、按照你听到的顺序给下面的图片编号。(2*6) ()()()()()() 三、听一听,圈出你所听到的单词。(2*10) 1. 5 3 4 5 4 3 2. 3 5 2 2 3 5 3. ABC ABD 4. HIG HIJ 5. ruler rubber 6. four five 7. peas peppers 8. tree flower 9. book balloon 10. carrots onions

四、听录音,圈出你所听到的句子的序号。(1*6) 1. many red marbles many yellow marbles 2. this your book is your book. 3.’m sorry. ’s OK. 4. are beautiful. are colourful. 5. like carrots. all like carrots. 6. at the birds. at the kites. 五、听录音,根据所听问题选答句,并圈出答句的序号。(2*6) 1. red marbles. green marbles. 2. you. ’s OK. 3. too. , thanks. 4.’m sorry. ! Ha! 5., thank you. is my pencil. 6. are so yummy. are beautiful. 六、听录音,写出所听字母的大小写。(1*4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 笔试部分(40%) 七、根据图片,在与图片相符的句子后面打√。(2*5) 1. at my marbles. Cool.() at the trees. () 2. is my rubber. () is my ruler. () 3. am sorry. () you. () 4. like peppers. () like peas. ()


深圳版小学英语四年级下册 Unit1 一:英汉互译 often _____________ 5.一周一次____________ habits______________ 6.一日三次___________ times a week________ 7.整理书包__________ the table______________ 8.洗盘子____________ 二:选择题。 ()1.. I finish my homework _______eight thirty in the evening. A. in B. at C. on () usually wash my clothes_______ Monday. A. at B. in C. on () and Pat __________talking about a class survey. A. is B. are C. can () _____good habits A. has B. have C. having () _________once a day A brush her teeth B. wash her face C. combs her hair () is going to_________ at Pat's home A. Stay B. stays C. staying () _____the plants and ______the table once a week. A. Water/set B. waters/sets C. water /set () usually _______lunch at school A. has B. have C. having 三:读一读,写一写 How often does...? Susan Candy Tom wash her face 2/day 3/day 2/day wash her hands 3/day 4/day 2/day clean the house 4/week 1/week 1/week Wash the dishes 1/week 6/week 5/week washes her face_________________________________________ times a day. times a week. washes the dishes_____________________________________ times a day. the house once a week. and Tom wash their faces______________________________ 四.连词成句 1. mother /in /is/tim's/ hospital ________________________________ 2. usually /i/my/twice/brush/a /teeth/day___________________________ 3for/ it's / school /time/. ___________________________________ there's/today/school/ ____________________________________


一年级第一学期语文期终模拟卷 班级姓名 一、听句子,选择正确的句子在括号内打“√”。 1、春风轻轻地吹来,树叶发出“沙沙”的响声。() 2、春风轻轻地吹来,柳树垂下枝条,一动也不动。() 3、星期天的早上,在美丽的公园里快乐地游戏。() 4、星期天的早上,我们在美丽的公园里快乐地做游戏。() 5、可爱的气球在空中自由地飘荡。() 6、雪花从天上慢慢地飘荡下来。() 二、读拼音写词语: ting shuo qi guai chuang li xian mei ban chang ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) pai dui shi jian ru guo chu xian tian an men ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、给多音字选择正确的读音,用线连起来。 数数shu 种子zhong 和气he 暖和he 数学shu 种树zhong 和诗huo 四、照样子写出带有下列部首的字,再组词。 例:氵(河)(河水) ()()()()()() 五、选字填空。 在再 1、我们()学校里学到很多的本领。 2、要考试了,你不要()看电视了! 有友 同学之间应该团结()爱,你()什么困难尽管来找我! 六、把意思相反的词用线连起来。 寒冷伤心出现光明冷清清难受前进喜爱 消失黑暗炎热快活热闹闹后退舒服讨厌

七、在括号内填上合适的量词。 一()话一()花一()鞭炮一()黄牛 一()书一()手一()树叶一()红旗 八、读一读,把两边可搭配的词语用线连起来。 茂密的种子树叶飘动 饱满的树林风车颤动 洁白的故事钟摆转动 有趣的雪花红旗摆动 九、古诗积累。 (一)填空。 1、《夜宿山寺》的作者是唐朝的。 2、只在此,深不知处。 3、三百滩,新安在。 (二)诗句连线。 意欲捕鸣蝉,农夫犹饿死。《咏鹅》(唐)李绅 江上往来人,但爱鲈鱼美。《锄禾》(唐)王维 四海无闲田,恐惊天上人。《杂诗》(唐)骆宾王 不敢高声语,忽然闭口立。《寻胡隐者》(明)高启 十、阅读 (一)飞翔的纸张 纸张想要飞翔,人们把它贴在竹片上,于是,蓝蓝的天空里,就有漂亮的风筝在飞翔。 竹子想要唱歌,人们把它做成笛子,于是,悠扬的歌声就随风飘荡。 树木不想一直站立,人们把它做成马车、大船,它便快快乐乐四处游玩。 因为人们会思考,会发明,会创造,梦想就变成了美好的世界。 1、读拼音,在课文中圈出下列词语。 ① piao liang ② you yang ③ piao dang ④ you wan ⑤ si kao 2、读词语,圈出每组中不是同一类的词语。 ①飞翔飘荡唱歌风筝游玩 ②天空纸张马车世界站立 3、照样子写句子。 例:蓝蓝的天空里,有漂亮的风筝在飞翔。

最新沪教版小学三年级英语下册教案(全册 共40页)

最新沪教版小学三年级英语下册教案(全册共40页) 目录 Unit 1 colours Unit 2 Tastes Unit 3 sounds Unit 4 Animals in the zoo Unit 5 Toys Unit 6 Food and drink Unit 7 Hobbies Unit 8 Happy birthday Unit 9 A day on the farm Unit 10 Funny cartoons Unit 11 Mother’s Day Unit 12 Three little pigs

Unit 1 colours the first class Teaching aims 1、能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。 2、学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 Developing aims 能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。Education aims 学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 Learning readiness 1、单词卡片。2、录音机。 Teaching procedure Pre-task preparations 1、听录音,认读单词。 2、听录音,自学课本第2页Listen and say。 3、结合课文图片,听录音,读句子,尝试翻译英语句子。 集体交流,小组汇报学习情况。 While-task procedures 1、教师做必要的讲解。 What colour is…这个句型是用来询问事物的颜色的。 What’s the matter?的意思是发生了什么事? 2、播放录音,学生边看书边听录音。再放录音,学生边听边跟读。


深圳版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 1练习题 1 When a light turns red, we cross the road. A.must B.mustn't C.can D.can't 2 If we find a fire, we must call . A.120 B.119 C.112 D.122 3 If you are , you should talk quietly in the library. A.rude B.polite C.happy D.sad 4 Mary doesn't like doing her homework doing any work. A.and B.but C.so D.or 5 This is empty fridge. It's untidy one. A.a, an B.an, an C.a, a D.an, a 6 We must talk in the library. A.quickly B.quietly C.carefully D.slowly 7 The children going to play football tomorrow. A.is B.are C.am D.will 8 I went to hospital to visit my friend yesterday. A.a B.the C.an D./ 9 Look at the sign. You eat or drink on the bus. A.will B.must C.mustn't D.do 10 We never walk quickly the swimming pool. A.of B.on C.into D.at 11 -- Must I finish the work before dinner? -- No, you . A.needn't B.mustn't C.must D.can't 12 We play at the museum. A.mustn't B.needn't C.must D.will 二阅读理解,判断对错. It is Sunday. Jim doesn't go to school. He and his friends are playing in front of a house. A young man comes and asks, "Hello, Jim. Is your father at home?" "Yes, he is," Jim answers. The man knocks at the door. He knocks it for a long time, but no one comes to open the door. He says to Jim angrily, "You say your father is at home. Why doesn't he open the door?" Jim answers, "Yes, he is at home. But this is not my home, sir!" 根据短文,判断正(T)误(F): 1. Today is Saturday.
