

?The United States of America History

?Indians: The “first Americans”

?The Discovery of the New World

?Christopher Columbus (31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506)

a navigator, colonizer, and explorer

He initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the "New World".

?Pilgrim Fathers

?Relations of American Indians with European settlers

?The American War of Independence

What were the causes of the War of Independence?

Britain’s colonial policy

?The economy in the 13 colonies developed very fast

?The British government was to bring the development under control and to collect more taxes from the colonies.

?“No taxation without representation”

?( 无代表,不纳税)

?How was the War of Independence started?

?The “Boston Tea Party”

?In 1773, when ships of tea reached Boston to be distributed, several

dozen Boston residents boarded the ship at night and threw $75,000

worth of tea into the harbor. This came to be known as the “Boston Tea


?The start of the war

?In 1775, about 1,000 British soldiers were sent from Boston to seize the

military supplies of the American militia. When they arrived at

Lexington they were met by the armed militiamen. Suddenly a shot was

fired and the War of Independence began.

?Boston Tea Party

?The First Continental Congress—September, 1774

?The Second Continental Congress

Held in Philadelphia in May 1775

Assume the functions of a national government

?Declaration of Independence

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed.

On July 4, 1776, the Congress formally declared the independence

?The Declaration states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That

all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with

certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are

instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of

the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes

destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to

abolish it, …”

After being printed, the copies were sent out, broadcast and read to crowds everywhere.

?The document greatly encouraged the struggling people, making them think that they should be independent and have the right to enjoy liberty.

?They were beginning to show more interests in a common cause.

?Both a great influence on the course of the war and a far-reaching influence in world history as well.

?It dragged on for seven years. (1775-1783)

?Obstacles for the continental army:

?No enough supplies.

?Tired and hungry, while British troops fresh and well-equipped.

?By the middle of December, 1776, the Revolution seemed lost.

?The victory at Saratoga (1777, October)—turning point.

?The assistance from France

?Benjamin Franklin—a messenger to Europe to get help from other countries.

?The French King made two agreements with Franklin:

?France would take part in the war against England.

?They agreed to trade with each other.

?Spain and Holland joined France against England

?—a quick end to the war.

?In 1781, a decisive victory at Yorktown in Virginia

?On October 19, 1781, the British general Cornwallis was forced to surrender, the war came to an end.

?The two parts signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783—America won its independence

?The Establishment of Constitution

?On May 25, 1787, the constitution was drafted.

?In June 1789, the constitution came into effect in nine states.

?Ten amendments—The Bill of Rights—were added to the Constitution in 1791.

?The Civil War (1861-1865)

?Causes of Civil War

?Economic reason:

?two different economic systems

North Capitalist Economy

South Plantation

?Political reason

?The North—Federal Government as a union

?The South—The Confederate Government: the independence of each state

?Uncle Tom’s Cabin Published in 1852

?Harriet Beecher Stowe ( l811-1896 )

?An antislavery novel which had great political influence.

?"So this is the little lady who made this big war.“---Lincoln

?Abraham Lincoln was elected president and opposed the expansion of slavery.

?Some southern states formed the Confederate States of America in 1861.

?Union army Vs. Confederate army

?Comparison of Power

?The North:

?twenty-three states, 22 million population

?abundant facilities to manufacture arms and ammunition, clothing, and

other supplies

?merchant marines and the navy remained in Union hands

?federal government was better able to raise fund for war ?The South:

?eleven states, 9 million population

?military advantages:

?actively preparing for war

?in possession of many federal forts and arsenals

?superior military leadership: a third of the regular army's officers were

from the South

?fighting on its own soil

?Emancipation Proclamation

issued by Pres. Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves of the Confederacy.

-This transformed the war from a war to save the Union, to a war to abolish slavery.

?Battle of Gettysburg (July 1863) The turning point

Gettysburg Address

“Government of the People, by the People and for the People shall not perish from the earth”

?Influence of the Civil War

?Outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918)

?Inevitable result of contradiction between two groups of imperialist powers: ?Allies(协约国)—Britain, France, and Russia

?The Central European Powers(同盟国)—Germany, Austria-Hungary and


?The political, economic and colonial rivalries of the great powers.

?World War I

?The False Prosperity in the 1920’s

1920’s = boom, prosperity, isolationism

a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness

?Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)


1. Reputation

?Spokesman for the Lost Generation

? A Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1954

?Life Story

1899Born in Illinois (his father was a highly respected doctor, his mother was a singer and music teacher)

1917After graduation from High School, he left home and worked for the Star as a reporter; Rejected by the American Army because of his poor vision in one eye 1918Served as an ambulance driver in France, and then as a soldier in the Italian infantry Wounded on both legs

1919Returned home to complete his recovery

1925Left for Paris

1936Took part in the Spanish Civil War as a journalist, on the Republican side

1940Moved to Cuba

1954Awarded the Nobel Prize

1961Committed suicide by shooting himself with his hunting gun

?Major Works

?In Our Time (1925) 《在我们的时代里》

Collection of short stories

Portray the world of adulthood as an arena of danger and violence

?The Torrent of Spring (1926) 《春潮》

?The Sun Also Rises (1926) 《太阳照常升起》

The disillusionment of the lost generation

? A Farewell to Arms (1929) 《永别了,武器》

?For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) 《丧钟为谁而鸣》

A love story, a war novel

?The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 《老人与海》

a man can be destroyed but not defeated


?Writing Style

“Hemingway Code heros”

?Those who survive in the process of seeking to master the code, known as “grace under pressure”, with the honesty, the discipline, and the restraint.

eg: Cuban fisherman Santiago

fighting a losing battle---loss becomes dignity

iceberg theory of writing

?His sentences only give one small bit of the meaning; the rest is implied

?The Great Depression

?1930’s = Great Depression

The stock market crash in1929

Massive unemployment, factory and mill closings, and mortgage foreclosures ?Core of the problem—immense disparity between the productive capacity and the ability of people to consume

?World War II broke out in September, 1939 and ended in August, 1945.

?Background of the war

The World Spread economic crisis

Germany and Italy began their ways of fascism and military expansion.

Japan meant to conquer China and Southeast Asia by military expansion.

?Two opposing military alliances:

the (同盟国)and the (轴心国)

?the in all of human history

USA attitude:

? A sit-on-the-fence policy

?do trade with the warring countries, including the aggressors

?believe in “glorious isolation”

?Its negative effect:

?Isolationism encouraged Nazi and Adolph Hitler to believe that they could rely on American neutrality and their victims could not buy

munitions in US.

?Japan believed that pacifist US would not fight for the integrity of China. ?On the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese air force attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was the direct cause for America’s entrance into the war.

?End of WWII

?The US air force dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima On August 6 and on Nagasaki on August 8.

?On September 2, 1945, Japan surrendered.

?The Cold War

?United Nations in 1945—a new and better world would emerge from World War II.

?The conflict between the two superpowers Russia and the US increased and later led to the Cold War.

?Truman Doctrine

the principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or Communist insurrection. First expressed in 1947 by US President Truman in a speech to Congress seeking aid for Greece and Turkey, the doctrine was seen by the Communists as an open declaration of the cold war




?In 1949, the United States—in company with 11 other powers—entered into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

?The Vietnam War

? A long-time suffering for the US

?Started under Eisenhower and continued by Kennedy and Johnson

?In 1965 US sent in troops to prevent the South Vietnamese government from collapsing. Ultimately, a failure

?In 1975 Vietnam was reunified under Communist control.

?The Civil Rights Movement

?Two other diplomatic breakthroughs:

?Re-establishing US relations with the People’s Republic of China

?Negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviet Union ?Table Tennis Foreign Policy/Ping pong diplomacy

?Nixon–first US president visited Beijing.

?The “Shanghai Communiqué”—a new US policy:

–there was one China;

–Taiwan was part of China;

– a peaceful settlement of the dispute by the Chinese themselves

was in American interest.

Watergate Scandal of President Richard Nixon in 1972

the illegal sabotage and espionage of Nixon’s Committee to Re-elect the President.

Impeachment ---charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct弹劾(官员)?Watergate Scandal

?To defeat his adversary, Nixon hired five burglars to set up wiretaps(窃听装置) to get

confidential information in the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex ;

?It was exposed and became the biggest political scandal in the history of America;

?Because of the pressure of public, Nixon was impeached and resigned in 1974.


?1972: 尼克松总统为竞选连任在对手竞选总部安装窃听器


?尼克松威胁: 报道误导,不公正



?<华盛顿邮报>记者Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward获普利策奖

?America Since 1980’s

?Ronald Regan

At sixty nine, Reagan became the oldest person ever elected as US President in 1980.

?Economic program

–reductions in income taxes and business taxes

–deep cuts in federal spending in every area except defense

?George W. Bush Period

?George W. Bush: The 43rd president of the US elected in 2000

?During his first term, three major tax cuts

?Since 2003, America has had the fastest-growing economy

?The war against terrorism

?Terrorist Event on September 11, 2001

?Invasion of Iraq

?On March 19, 2003 an invasion of Iraq by American and British troops started, supported by small contingents from several other countries.

?“Trial of century”—the trial of Saddam began on October, 19, 2005 in Baghdad.

?Saddam is accused of crimes against humanity.


哈佛大学(Harvard University)是美国历史最悠久的一流学府之一,坐落于马萨诸塞州剑桥,隔查尔斯河与波士顿相望。哈佛大学有两所学院招收本科生,即哈佛学院和拉德克利夫学院,它们招收的学生约占哈佛大学全体学生的一半。哈佛大学是常春藤联校之一。 Harvard University (Harvard University) is the longest in U.S. history one of the first-class academic institution, is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and at Boston and across the Charles River. Harvard University has two colleges to recruit students, Harvard College and Radcliffe College, which recruited the students about half of all students at Harvard University. Ivy Harvard University is one of the school. 哈佛大学创建于1636年,原称剑桥学院。出生于伦敦的英国牧师约翰·哈佛(John Harvard,英国剑桥大学毕业) 于1637年由英国到此新建的学院内工作,由于工作很积极,得到好评。他将其全部藏书和一半资产捐赠给这所学院,该校因此而改名为哈佛大学。1638年夏天学校开学时只有一名教师、一所木板房和一个“校院”。 Harvard University, founded in 1636, formerly known as Cambridge College. Born in London, the British minister John Harvard (John Harvard, graduating from the University of Cambridge in England) in 1637 by the British Institute in this new work, the work is very positive, be praised. He will all of its collections and half of these assets donated to the institute, the school be renamed the Harvard University. 1638 summer school at only one school teachers, a Muban Fang and a "School House." 哈佛创建初期是由教会主办的,但在头200年中,就逐渐地摆脱了宗教和政治的控制。1865年,该校校友开始选举学校管理委员会。19世纪初开设了神学院、法学院和医学院。19世纪中期,哈佛的劳伦斯科学学院为美国应用科学的发展作出了贡献。 Harvard created by the early church-sponsored, but in the first 200 years, to gradually shake off the religious and political control. 1865, the school alumni proceed to the election of the school management committee. The early 19th century opened a seminary, and the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine. The mid-19th century, the Harvard School of the Lawrence scientific application of science for the United States has contributed to the development. 埃利奥特任哈佛校长期间(1869至1909年),将哈佛办成了具有全国影响的学校。他采用选修制,取代了刻板的古典课程,学生们可以攻读他们感兴趣的专业。今天的哈佛大学已是一个多学科的综合性大学。 Elliott president of the Harvard period (1869-1909), will be the Harvard of the impact of national schools. He used an elective system, replacing the stereotype of classical courses, students can pursue their professional interest. Today's Harvard is already a multi-disciplinary comprehensive university. 2007年10月12日,德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特就任哈佛大学第28任校长。她是该校历史上任命的第一位女校长。 哈佛大学设有17个学科系,分属2个本科生学院(哈佛学院和拉德克利夫学院)和10个研究生学院:文理学院、医学院、教育学院、设计学院、公共卫生学院、行政管理学院、法学院、牙医学院、神学院和商学院。与它有直接联系的有95家图书馆、7个植物研究所、2个天文台、50余个科学、工程和医学实验室、9家自然历史、医学、艺术和考古博物馆。哈佛大学还拥有许多著名的研究中心,如国际事务研究中心、教育政策研究中心、环境设计研究中心、电子计算机研究中心等。东方研究中心燕京研究所,是个专门研究中国问题的机构,受到美国著名中国问题专家费正清长期支持。 October 12, 2007, Delujier-Foster as president of Harvard University No. 28. She is the history of the school appointed the first Nvxiao Zhang.


2010 9 28更新』两小时读完美国历史,四小时sat2 从200分到400分.美国历史简单outline, 中英文混版,持续更新来源:张冠晨的日志 第一章 美洲殖民地人们的早期生活。 A.The Age of Exploration The English Colonies 两个主要的1. Jamestown in Virginia in the South 2. Massachusetts Bay Colony in Massachusetts in the North B.Virginia at Jamestown 的主要事件 1.建立于1607 年4月26日 (这篇outline中的时间顺序最好记一下,因为sat 2似乎很喜欢考顺序题,而且有个最基本的时间概念对学历史的感觉很重要) 一个名字嚣张的叫London Company 的股份制公司(Joint-Stock)投资了它 2. Captain John Smith, led the colony. 但是他太笨了,被印第安人给抓了。但是又被印第安的一位女生, Pocahontas给救了 3. Jamestown的地理位置选得不好,而且第一批去的人(settlers)缺乏种田经验,玩过帝

国的人都知道,种田对国家的补给是很重要的。所以结果饿死了好多人,在此存亡时刻,他出现了.... 4. 1619,John Rolfe introduced West Indian tobacco plants. tobacco(烟草) 给jamestown 注入了新的活力。出口烟草成了他们的主要经济来源。 5. London Company的日子其实一直不好过,即使jamestown可以卖烟草,但是London Company 赚的钱还是很少,为了解决招商引资的问题,他们决定做出了决定。你去美国那边可以自己建政府!叫区域自制。类似于自治区。 于是,1619年,House of Burgesses, 建立了(这种英文不知道怎么翻译,也没必要翻译)。它是first representative government in the New World. 6. 1675, 一个叫Nathaniel Beacon 发起了个rebellion against Governor Berkeley. 史称Beacon Rebellion. 主要原因是官员Berkeley“清剿”“印匪”工作不利,导致Beacon自己领导了一个500人的军队去“清剿”印第安人(美国教材也习惯性叫他们Native America)。Berkeley 非常尽责,他表示beacon的行为违法了。Beacon怒了,一把火烧了jamestown。但是Berkeley还是率领军队打败了Beacon。 7. 1640年,slaves(非洲奴隶)被引进jamestown. C.Massachusetts Bay Colony 1. 跟jamestown是因为经济原因建立(profit), Massachusetts Bay 更像是一个宗教避难所。当时欧洲出现于不同传统天主教的“新教”,他们和天主教一样都信耶稣,但是宗教习惯不一样,而且被天主教迫害。所以他们需要一个地方可以有自己的信仰,于是来了new world. 2. 1630年,John Winthrop 率领若干Puritans 建立Massachusetts Bay Colony. 他们实行一种宗教干政的民主形式。只有男性宗教成员才有资格给一个叫the General Court的legislature投票。大部分居民都对这种政体表示满意,可是很快出现了不和谐的声音....(见下一个section) 3. 1636年,一个叫Roger William的人坚持Massachusetts Bay Colony的土地使用权是从英国政府手上买的,不是从印第安人手上买的;所以不合法。而且他要求政教分开和信仰自由。很不幸,他被驱逐出殖民地。但是他去了Rhode Island. 而且建立了一个政教分开,民主,宗教自由的殖民地。


The United States of America The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the



1) The "discovery" of the New World 发现新大陆 ①The "first Americans" were the Indians 最早的美国人是印第安人 ②In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, supported by the Spanish queen, he led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now west Indies. He thought he had reached Asia and didn't know he had discovered a New Continent. 15世纪后期,意大利航海家克里斯多弗.哥伦布,在西班牙女王的支持下,于1492年率领船队穿越浩瀚的大西洋,抵达了现在西印度群岛的一些小岛。他误以为到达了亚洲,并不知道自己已经发现了一个新大陆。 ③Ameriga Vespucci proved that the land was a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after him.

阿美利歌?韦斯普奇证明了这是新大陆,因此,以他的名字命名。 2)Causes of the colonization of the New World 殖民时期 Opportunity was a magic word. 机遇是一个神气的词 ①The new Would drew English nobles (who dreamed of getting more land and establishing great new estates.). ②Drew other people who could not find jobs in England. ③Most of all , it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe. ④Many settlers came to the English colonies in search of religious freedom because they had been persecuted in England. 1)他吸引了英国的贵族(那些梦想在荒原上创建庞大的新地产的) 2)吸引那些在英国无法找到工作的人。


美国各州的缩写及主要城市 一、亚拉巴马州 英文州名(缩写):Alabama (AL) 区号:205 – 251 – 256 – 334 主要城市: 1、伯明翰(Birmingham) 2、蒙哥马利(Montgomery) 3、亨次维尔(Huntsville) 4、土斯卡鲁沙(Tuscaloosa) 5、木比耳(Mobile) 二、阿拉斯加州 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要城市: 1、朱诺(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、费尔班克斯(Fairbanks) 三、亚利桑那州

英文州名(缩写):Arizona (AZ) 区号:480 – 520 – 602 – 623 – 928 主要城市: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix) 2、吐桑(Tucson) 3、孟沙(Mesa) 四、阿肯色州 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501 – 870 主要城市: 1、小石城(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、加利福尼亚州 英文州名(缩写):California (CA) 区号:209 – 213 – 310 – 323 – 408 – 415 – 510 – 530 – 559 – 562 – 619 – 626 – 650 –661 – 707 – 714 – 760 – 805 – 818 – 831 – 858 – 909 – 916 – 925 – 949 主要城市: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、索诺马(Sonoma) 3、圣荷西(San Jose) 4、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)

美国历史英文版a brief history of USA

American Brief History Before Colonial period Forty thousand years ago, a group of Rangers from Asia through North America to Central and South America, these people are the ancestors of the Indians. Indians living in the Americas when Columbus reached the New World ,There are about 30 million, of which about 20 million people live in Canada and the United States, north-central, the rest of the vast majority live in Mexico and the United States south. About 10,000 years ago, there are another group of Asians migrated to northern North America, which is later Eskimos. The earliest American Caucasian may be Vikings, they are a group of adventurous fishing, some people think that 1,000 years ago, they have been to the east coast of North America. Colonial period In 1607, one of about 100 people of colonial groups in Chesapeake Beach Jamestown, which is the first permanent colony built by the British in North America, after 150 years, one after another coming Many colonists settled in the coastal areas, many of them from the United Kingdom, and also in part from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland and other countries. The mid-18th century, the 13 British colonies gradually formed, they have their own government and Parliament in the highest British sovereignty. The 13 colonial area due to the differences of climate and geographical environment, resulting in economic patterns around, the difference between the political system and the concept. Independence Movement The mid-18th century, the British colonies in the Americas and the United Kingdom, the existing cracks. With the continuous expansion of the colony, and gradually make them aware of the seriousness of the developments, which sprouted the idea of an independent. In 1773, the Boston Tea Party, anti-British colonists dumping. In 1774, representatives from 13 states gathered in Philadelphia, convened the First Continental Congress, hoping to solve the problem peacefully and the United Kingdom. King, however, adhere to the colony must unconditionally surrender to the British king, and accept the punishment. 1775, in Massachusetts, to Lexington flames of war, the outbreak of the War of Independence in North America. Held in Philadelphia in May 1776, the Second Continental Congress, staunch war with the independent determination, and published his famous "Declaration of Independence", put forward a good reason to fight the battle. Issued the "Declaration of Independence" is considered to be the beginning of the establishment by the United States, this day (July 4) was also the United States as a National Day. In October 1777, Saratoga victory, reversing the negative trend of the war of independence early. The campaign to make the American people's confidence, and international support. France and the United States signed a military alliance treaty in February 1778, France officially recognized the United States. France, Spain, the Netherlands have war. In 1781, the Battle of Yorktown Victory, the U.S. military has won a decisive victory. Yorktown after the battle, in addition to the sea there are several warring and sporadic fighting on land, the war of the North American continent has basically stopped. The success of the revolution, the American people have the opportunity to express their political ideas in legislative form. Federal Assembly 1787, held in Philadelphia, in Washington pushed for President, they take a matter of principle, that the central authority is a general, but there must be


一、xx 英文州名(缩写):Alabama (AL) 区号:205–251–256–334 主要xx: 1、xx(Birmingham) 2、xx(Montgomery) 3、xx次维尔(Huntsville) 4、xx(Tuscaloosa) 5、xx(Mobile) 二、xx 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要xx: 1、xx(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、xxxx(Fairbanks) 三、xx 英文州名(缩写):Arizona (AZ) 区号:480–520–602–623–928 主要xx: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix)

2、xx(Tucson) 3、xx(Mesa) 四、xx 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501–870 主要xx: 1、xx(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、xx 英文州名(缩写):California (CA) 区号:209–213–310–323–408–415–510–530–559–562–619–626–650–661–707–714–760–805–818–831–858–909–916–925–949 主要xx: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、xx(Sonoma) 3、圣xx(San Jose) 4、xx(Los Angeles) 5、xx(San Diego) 6、旧金山(San Francisco) 六、xx 英文州名(缩写):Colorado (CO)

区号:303–719–720–970 主要xx: 1、xx(Denver) 2、xxxx(Boulder) 3、科罗拉多泉(Clolrado Springs) 七、xx 英文州名(缩写):Connecticut (CT) 区号:203–860 主要xx: 1、xx(Hartford) 八、xx 英文州名(缩写):Delaware (DE) 区号:302 主要xx: 1、多佛(Dover) 2、xx(Wilmington) 3、xx(Newark) 九、xx 英文州名(缩写):Florida (FL) 区号:305–321–352–386–407–561–727–754–772–786–813–850–863–904–941–954


1) The "discovery" of the New World 发现新大陆 ①The "first Americans" were the Indians 最早的美国人是印第安人 ②In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, supported by the Spanish queen, he led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now west Indies. He thought he had reached Asia and didn't know he had discovered a New Continent. 15世纪后期,意大利航海家克里斯多弗.哥伦布,在西班牙女王的支持下,于1492年率领船队穿越浩瀚的大西洋,抵达了现在西印度群岛的一些小岛。他误以为到达了亚洲,并不知道自己已经发现了一个新大陆。 ③Ameriga Vespucci proved that the land was a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after him. 阿美利歌?韦斯普奇证明了这是新大陆,因此,以他的名字命名。 2)Causes of the colonization of the New World 殖民时期 Opportunity was a magic word. 机遇是一个神气的词 ①The new Would drew English nobles (who dreamed of getting more land and establishing great new estates.). ②Drew other people who could not find jobs in England. ③Most of all , it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe. ④Many settlers came to the English colonies in search of religious freedom because they had been persecuted in England. 1)他吸引了英国的贵族(那些梦想在荒原上创建庞大的新地产的) 2)吸引那些在英国无法找到工作的人。 3)尤其是吸引了欧洲农场和乡村的穷人和无家可归的人。


城市介绍英文版 Seattle is located between an inlet of the Pacific Ocean to the west called Puget Sound and Lake Washington to the east. The city's chief harbor, Elliott Bay, is an inlet of the Sound. West beyond the Sound are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; east beyond Lake Washington and the eastside suburbs are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Lake Washington's waters flow out through the Lake Washington Ship canal, a series of two man-made canals and Lake Union, to the Hiram C. Chittenden Locks at Salmon Bay, to Shilshole Bay, which is part of Puget Sound. The sea, rivers, forests, lakes, and fields were once rich enough to support one of the world's few sedentary hunter-gatherer societies. Areas lending themselves well to sailing, skiing, bicycling, camping, and hiking may be reached almost year-round.[ 西雅图(Seattle)是美国太平洋西北地区的最大城市,它位于华盛顿州普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间的国王县,距离加美边境约154公里。西雅图建于1869年,是美国太平洋西北部商业,文化和高科技的中心,也是贯穿太平洋及欧洲斯堪的纳维亚半岛的主要旅游及贸易港口城市。大西雅图地区常年被青山绿水环绕,而远处,就是美国最高的火山——雷尼尔山


纽约的城市介绍 New York is the most popular city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most popular metropolitan areas in the world. New York has a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also known as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part. 第五大道 Fifth Avenue which is the center of Manhattan, is one of the most world famous business the Rockefeller Center to the 58th Street,there are many luxury avenue’s most illustrious name is still Tiffany, the jeweller brought to fame by the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’this movie,every day morning ,Audrey Hepburn came to New York's fifth avenue of Tiffany window, eating her bread and dreaming that she could have breakfast in the jewelry shop one day. the Metropolitan Museum大都会艺术博物馆 One of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 5 million visitors a year. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection and special exhibits offer something for everyone -- from Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass


一种民族语言(包括词汇)的发展与民族的历史密切可关。要了解英语语汇的发展史,不 可避免地跟整个英语的发展史,乃至英国的历史密不可分。 不列颠群岛的最早居民是凯尔特人,又称不列颠人。公元前55年,罗马人在凯萨大帝的 率领下侵入不列颠群岛,凯尔特人被罗马人赶入威尔士和苏格兰的深山之中。直到公元 410年,罗马占领时期才告结束。随后,来自德国北部平原的三个日耳曼部落盎格鲁人, 撒克森人和朱特人开始来到不列颠定居。英语就是盎格鲁—撒克森人的语言。 语言史学家一般把英语的历史分为三个时期:1、古英语时期,2、中古英语时期,3、现 代英语时期。 1、古英语时期(又称盎格鲁-萨克森时期公元450—1100年) 日尔曼部落在不列颠定居后,名自占领一些地区。盎格鲁人占领了泰晤士河以北的英格兰 的大部分地区和苏格兰的低地,朱特人占领了肯特郡一带地区,撒克森人占领了泰晤士河 以南的大部分地区。各个部落建立了一些小王国,出现了英国历史上的七国时代。直到公 元830年,阿尔弗雷德大王才统一了整个英格兰地区。由于全国长期没有统一,所以古英语时期存在着多种方言,主要方言有四种:西萨克森语,肯特语,莫西亚语和北恩布里亚语。这四种方言都曾一度占主导地位。西撒克森语保存下来的手搞最多。其它方言在形成 英语的过程中也起过很重要的作用。 古英语的词汇有着浓厚的日尔曼语族的特点。这主要表现为复合法是重要的构词方法。复 合词在古英语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗《贝奥武夫》3183行诗句中,竟有1069个复合词。有些复合词中不重读部分,渐渐失去了独立地位,而演变成了词缀,如 for-, in-, -ful 等派生法在古英语中也广泛使用。共有二十四个名词后缀、十五个形容词后缀,-dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -the, -ful,- ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。古英语时期的诗歌有一种特殊的修辞手法,即头韵(alliteration),由此产生的许多短语一直保留到现在,如night and main, friend or foe, a labour of love。 古英语时期有两个重要的历史事件,给英语词汇带来较大的影响。第一件事是基督教传入 英国。公元597年,一个名叫奥古斯丁的牧师从罗马来到英国传教。罗马文化随着基督教传入了英国。与此同时,一批拉丁词进入了英语。 第二件事是北欧人入侵英国。从公元790年开始,大批斯堪的那维亚人在英国定居。丹麦国王卡纽特还一度成为英国的君主。斯堪的那维亚人和英国人频繁交往,所以有许多斯堪 的那维亚各国的词语进入了英语。 2、中古英语时期(公元1100—1500年) 公元1066年,诺曼人在征服王威廉率领下,横渡英吉利海峡,在哈斯丁战役中击溃了盎 格鲁-萨克森军队,英王哈路德战死,英国被征服。这在历史上被称为诺曼征服。从此,英国结束了分裂状态,置于中央集权的封建统治之下。谨曼征服是英国历史上的重要转折点,对英语的发展有巨大的影响。 诺曼征服之后,谨曼人占据了教会和政府的一切重要职务。以后的二、三百年里,谨曼法 语成为英国的官方语言。普通人仍然讲英语,但英语的文字记载却几乎中断。中古英语一 般右以分为两个时期,1204年后,英语逐渐恢复主导地位。1362年英王爱德华三世首次 用英语向议会致词。十五世纪,伦敦标准方言兴起。1476年,卡克斯顿把印刷术传入英国,


区号:205 – 251 – 256 – 334主要城市: 1、伯明翰(Birmingham) 2、蒙哥马利(Montgomery) 3、亨次维尔(Huntsville) 4、土斯卡鲁沙(Tuscaloosa) 5、木比耳(Mobile) 二、阿拉斯加州 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要城市: 1、朱诺(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、费尔班克斯(Fairbanks) 三、亚利桑那州

区号:480 – 520 – 602 – 623 – 928主要城市: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix) 2、吐桑(Tucson) 3、孟沙(Mesa) 四、阿肯色州 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501 – 870 主要城市: 1、小石城(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、加利福尼亚州 英文州名(缩写):California (CA)

区号:209 – 213 – 310 – 323 – 408 – 415 – 510 – 530 – 559 – 562 – 619 –626 – 650 – 661 – 707 – 714 – 760 – 805 – 818 – 831 – 858 – 909 – 916 – 925 – 949 主要城市: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、索诺马(Sonoma) 3、圣荷西(San Jose) 4、洛杉矶(Los Angeles) 5、圣地亚哥(San Diego) 6、旧金山(San Francisco) 六、科罗拉多州 英文州名(缩写):Colorado (CO) 区号:303 – 719 – 720 – 970 主要城市: 1、丹佛(Denver) 2、波尔德(Boulder) 3、科罗拉多泉(Clolrado Springs)


美国主要城市中英文名称对照 2006-10-18 15:39 城市英文名城市中文名地区代码Alaska 阿拉斯加 907 Albany(NY) 奥尔巴尼 518 Annapolis 安纳波利斯 410 Atlanta(GA) 亚特兰大 404 Augusta(ME) 奥古斯塔(缅因) 207 Austin(TX) 奥斯汀 512 Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日 504 Bismarck 俾斯麦 701 Boise 博伊西 208 Boston 波士顿 617 Carson City 卡森城 702 Charleston(WV) 查尔斯顿 304 Cheyenne 夏延 307 Chicago 芝加哥 312 Cincinati 辛辛那提 513 Cleveland(OH) 克利夫兰 440 Columbia(SC) 哥伦比亚 803 Columbus(OH) 哥伦布 740 Concord(NH) 康科德 603 Dallas 达拉斯 214 Denver 丹佛 303 Des Moines 得梅因 515 Detroit 底特律 313 Dover(DE) 多佛 302 Frankfort(KY) 法兰克福 502 Harri聪明人urg 哈里斯堡 717 Hartford(AL) 哈特福德 334 Hawaii 夏威夷 808 Helena(MT) 海伦娜 406 Houston 休斯敦 713 Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯 317 Jackson(MS) 杰克逊 228 Jefferson City(MO) 杰斐逊城 573 Kansas City(KS) 堪萨斯城 913 Lansing(MI) 兰辛 517 Lincoln(NE) 林肯 402 Little Rock 小石城 501 Los Angeles 洛杉矶 213 Madison(WI) 麦迪逊 608 Memphis 孟菲斯 901 Miami(FL) 迈阿密 305
