Presentation English(英语 演讲用到的各种表达)

Presentation English(英语 演讲用到的各种表达)
Presentation English(英语 演讲用到的各种表达)

Chapter I Beginning the Speech Text (3)

I. Opening Remarks开场: (3)

Sample Opening Remarks (3)

Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢 (3)

Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼 (3)

Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向听众致意 (3)

Others 细节,如确认话筒音量 (3)

Reference to the Audience 与听众呼应 (3)

II. Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation引入话题 (4)

Background Information (4)


Outlining (4)

Purpose/Objective (4)

Comprehensive Samples (4)

Expressions on Other Occasions (5)

Checking the Microphone (5)

Chapter II Developing the Speech Text (6)

I. Announcing the Beginning of the Speech Text (6)

II. Shifting to the Next Main Point (6)

III. Resuming the Topic (7)

IV. Introducing the Supporting Materials (7)

V. Repairing a Slip of Tone (7)

VI. Expressions Concerning Audio-Visual Aids (8)

VI. Explaining the Contents on the Slides (8)

VII. Demanding to Show the Next Slide (8)

VIII. Returning to the Previous Slide (9)

IX. Correcting a Mistake (9)

X. Indicating the Speed of Running Slides (9)

Chapter III Ending the Speech Text (9)

I. Signaling the Beginning of the End Part (9)

II. Summarizing (10)

III. Concluding (10)

IV. Quoting (10)

V. Closing (10)

VI. Samples (11)

[ Sample 1 ] (11)

[ Sample 2 ] ' (11)

[ Sample 3 ] (11)

[ Sample 4 ] (11)

[ Sample 5 ] (11)

Chapter IV Asking and Answering Questions (11)

I. Inviting Questions (11)

II. Raising Questions (12)

Signaling Your Intention to Ask a Question (12)

Expressing Your Attitude (12)

Asking the Specific Question (12)

III. Response to Questions (12)

Asking for Repetition (12)

Welcoming the Question (13)

Repeating or Paraphrasing the Question (13)

Responding to Difficult or Challenging Question (13)

Responding to Improper Question (14)

Responding to the Questions You Do Not Know (14)

Referring Back to the Questioner (14)

Chapter V Talking During the Break (16)

I. Useful encouraging phrases to show your interest and to stimulate the flow of conversation


II. Informal Talking between Participants (16)

III. Initiating a Conversation (17)

III. Additional Samples (17)

Chapter I Beginning the Speech Text

I. Opening Remarks开场:

Sample Opening Remarks

1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.

2) Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.

3) Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.

4) Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough?

5) Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…

6) Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?

Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢

Mr. Chairman, thank you for your introduction.

First, I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his gracious introduction.

Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction.

I would like to thank Dr. Huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.

Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼

Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning!

Members of the conference!

Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向听众致意

I am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in Hong Kong.

I am honored/privileged to be here (with you this afternoon).

I am proud to be here on this special occasion.

It’s a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference.

I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium/ at this conference..

It is a great pleasure to be given the honor of first speaker on this important topic.

Others 细节,如确认话筒音量

Can you hear me all right?

Is my voice too loud?

Reference to the Audience 与听众呼应

I can see many of you are from …department.

I know many of you are familiar with this topic.

You all look as though you’ve heard this before.

I understand that you’ve all traveled a long way./ After hours of conference, you must feel a little tired. Now I’d like you to see an interesting topic…

II. Introducing the Subject and the outline of the Presentation引入话题

Background Information

I would like to start by briefly reviewing the history of open heart surgery.

Let us start with the theoretical basis of this new technique.

To begin with, we have to consider the principle.

I think it would be best to start out by looking at a few slides.

I should like to preface my remarks with a description of the basic idea.

May I begin with a general outline of this project?

The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in my lecture. The first point I'd like to make is the historical background of the invention.

First, I shall explain to you why this new program is correct and feasible.


I would like to concentrate on theproblem Of antibiotic abuse in hospitals.

I shall devote my talk to the surgical treatment of coronary disease.

I want to confine my talk to the latest developments in civil engineering.

Today, I am going to give a talk on the application of computers in medicine.

My topic today will deal with the observation of supernova.

In today's talk, I' 11 restrict myself to the etiology of 15-epa~i;s.

In my presentation this morning, I' 11 limit myself to three major points only.

I take the liberty of restricting my discussion mainly to highway bridge construction.

Now, I would like to address myself to the most important aspect of this problem.

Among the many languages, I shall mention only BASIC.

What I am going to present today is the methodology and the data analysis.

I'm not going to say much about that except to discuss the literature on that topic.


My talk today consists of two parts. One is... and the other is...

I've divided my presentation into four parts.

I shall first talk about ... and then touch on... and finally discuss ...

The subject can be looked at under the following headings: ... (Pointing to the PowerPoint display) I would like to divide my talk into two parts. The first part deals with…, the second part concerns ...

My presentation will be given in four parts. The first part deals with ... The second part relates to... The third part concerns ... And the last part discusses…


The purpose of this presentation is to...

This talk is designed to…

Comprehensive Samples

Sample 1

Thank you, Mr. Chairperson, Mr. Director-General, distinguished members of the ILO's Governing Body and friends. I welcome this opportunity to be here today, with an Organization

which in many ways belongs to all of us workers. I can think of, in fact, no other international body that one can claim as one's own so unambiguously.

I have also had a longstanding formal association with the ILO. Many of my early pieces on women and technological change and on land rights were published by the ILO, as well as was the work of many other scholars. It is therefore a pleasure for me to be here on this important Symposium.

The canvas of the Symposium is very large. I will focus on two aspects of gender inequality that centrally effect millions of women as workers but perhaps have failed to receive the attention they deserve. First, the gender gap in command over property and Productive assets and, second, gender biased social perceptions and social norms.

Sample 2

I learned last May that you have to be careful in speaking to a group of professional communicators. After I conducted a writer' s workshop at the Toronto Conference of the International Association of Business Communicators, Janine Lichaczwrote asked me to speak here tonight and used the communication techniques I had recommended. She even included a footnote citing my lecture. I am susceptible to good communication and to flattery so I am pleased to be with you to discuss your topic for the evening, the use of language in the art of speech writing.

I suppose we must begin by shaking our heads, woefully, over the sad state of language today, whether in formal speeches, casual conversation, or in writing. Most of us in this room no doubt agree with the generally negative tone of Time Magazine's year-end assessment which claims “our language has been besieged by vulgarities”. But to preserve our sanity as professionals in communication of us would probably join Time in optimistically expecting English somehow to survive and even to prosper.

Expressions on Other Occasions

Correcting the Title of the Presentation

First of all, I would like to mention that the title of my presentation should be ...

Please allow me to correct a mistake in the title of my speech which appeared in the program. Instead of... it should read...

Reading. Another Person's Paper

Sometimes you are selected to read another person's paper, as he or she is absent.

I shall read a paper by Dr. Li from Guangzhou, china, who regrets that he could not be here. The title of his paper is...

I'm going to read the paper by Dr. Wang. It's a great pity that, because of a health problem, he could not be here.

I was asked by the author to read his paper. He apologizes for not being able to come here.

The next speaker, Prof. Zhang, regrets that she could not be here and has submitted her paper to me. I am not sure if I can present it as well as she expected.

I am not sure whether I' 11 be able to be very confident in answering specific questions. However, I am somewhat familiar with his work, so I' 11 try my best.

Checking the Microphone

First I want to check if all of you can hear me clearly.

Am I speaking clearly and loudly enough for those in the rear of the room?

I wonder if those in the rear of the room can hear me.

If those in the rear of the room can hear me, would someone please raise his hand?

Can you hear me clearly?

Can you hear me if I am away from the microphone?

Is the microphone working?

* Summary-How to Prepare a Good Introduction

Realize file great importance of the introduction of file presentation mad then do your best in delivering it.

Don' t make file introduction either too wordy, or too brief. Usually, it covers 10 to 15 percent of your entire speech.

Select tile ways to capture the audience attention.

Indicate tile topic.

Outline your Speech.

Announce your purpose.

Prepare several versions of tile introduction, compare them, and then select the best version. Finally, learn it by heart so as to be able to deliver it easily mid fluently.

Don't start your speech with apologies.

Pay attention to your body language.

Chapter II Developing the Speech Text

I. Announcing the Beginning of the Speech Text

To begin with, I would like to talk about a principle.

I think it would be best to start out by looking at some pictures.

The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms which I’11 use in my presentation.

II. Shifting to the Next Main Point

Well, let's move on to the next point.

We will now come to the second problem.

Turning to the next question, I' 11 talk about the stages of the procedure.

As the second topic, I shall stop here. Now let' s turn our attention to the third topic.

So much for the methodology of our experiment. I would now like to shift to the discussion of the results.

Now, let's move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation. That's all for the introduction and now we can go on to the literature review.

Next, I would like to turn to a more difficult problem.

The next point I'd like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.

That brings me to my second point.

I am glad that we can now leave this rather boring subject of mathematic deduction and go into a more attractive one, that is the application of the formula.

III. Resuming the Topic

Let' s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech.

Getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that...

I want to return to the first part of my presentation.

Now, to get back to the effect of temperature, you may be aware that the problems have been solved.

This brings me back to the question of security.

At this point I would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture. Referring again to the first question, I think...

Referring to the Coming Point

I'll deal with it later.

I' 11 touch upon that point in a moment.

I shall tell you in detail shortly.

IV. Introducing the Supporting Materials

I think this part is the most difficult, so I'll explain it in greater detail.

I think this part of my paper is most important, so I plan to spend more time on it.

Please allow me to deal with this matter more extensively.

Being the most important part of my presentation, I will elaborate on it with more slides.

I' 11 expand this topic with drawings and figures.

Indicating the Points Briefly

Limited by the time available, I can only give you a very brief account of this matter.

I don't think that I should describe the methods in detail, because they are included in the handout.

I will not go into detail on it.

This point has been talked about repeatedly in this symposium, so I am not going to spend too much time on it.

Let's go through the following points very rapidly.

I just want to outline for you what I experienced in using this new drug.

I shall not go over all these explanations. My time is running short. So I'’11 be brief.

It is sufficient to say that these experiments were poorly designed and without controls.

V. Repairing a Slip of Tone

The first of such experiments began in 2000, rather than 1999.

May I have the lights, I mean the slides.

The temperature increased, I shall say decreased.

The population is 13 million, sorry, 31 million.

The exchange rate dropped from 2.5 to 1.8, I beg your pardon, 1.9.

As you can see from the first row, excuse me, the second row, that the output increased two fold.

VI. Expressions Concerning Audio-Visual Aids

Could we have the lights off? And the first slide, please.

Lights off, first slide, please.

Dim the lights, and first slide, please.

The slide is not so clear. Please darken the room a little more.

Could you please turn on the lights, please?

Now, we can have the lights on.

Please switch on the lights.

Lights on, please.

I apologize that this slide is not so clear, but I hope you can still make out the general idea. Sorry for the small print.

I'm sorry we left a figure out here.

VI. Explaining the Contents on the Slides

This slide demonstrates ...

On this slide, you can see...

This curve in this slide shows...

This figure in this slide exhibits...

This table on this slide presents...

This diagram on this slide depicts...

This chart on this slide displaces ...

The picture on this slide shows ...

The photomicrograph on this slide shows ...

The flow-chart on this slide points out...

The circuit diagram on this slide represents~...~

Indicating the Sources of the Content in a

This figure is taken from.., by Dr. Li.

This diagram is after that of Prof. Wang with some modification

VII. Demanding to Show the Next Slide

May I proceed to the next slide, please?

I think we can move on to the next slide.

Let me show you the next slide.

Now, we can go on to the next slide. '

Next slide, please.

Next, please.

Next !

VIII. Returning to the Previous Slide

To make a comparison, can we return to the first slide, please?

Let's go back. No, not this one. One back. Back one more. Yes, that’s it. Thank you.

May I go back two slides, please?

Could you return to the second slide?

May we have the previous slide again?

IX. Correcting a Mistake

Sorry, this one is in the wrong order. May I have the next one?

Oh, this slide is misplaced. Please skip over it. Yes, this is the correct one.

I'm afraid I didn't ask for this slide. Can we go back to the previous one? Please.

No, not this one. Next, please. Yes, this is the one I need. Thank you.

I'm afraid you may have lost one slide which is a flow chart of the procedure.

Sorry, there seems to be one slide missing.

X. Indicating the Speed of Running Slides

Let's go through the following slides rapidly.

The following three slides we will go through quickly without explanation.

Wait a minute, please. I want to say more about this slide.

Because of the shortage of time, I' Il have to omit the following slides.

Time is up, let's come to the last slide directly.

Would you please skip the next slid-e and go on to the table?

Next, next. Go ahead... That's it.

Chapter III Ending the Speech Text

I. Signaling the Beginning of the End Part

Let’s look at what I have talked about.

Well, that brings me to the end of my presentation. This last slide is a brief summary of what I have talked about.

Before I stop/finish, let me just say...

To close my speech, I' 11 show you the last slide.

Now I'd like to summarize my talk.

To summarize, I have talked about three aspects of the cancer problem: ...

Finally, as a summary statement, I would like to sum up the major points I have made.


本科毕业论文(设计) 题目: 基于51单片机红外感应家用小 夜灯的设计 院系:物理与电子信息科学系 专业:电子信息科学与技术 姓名: 学号: 指导教师:周鸿武 教师职称:讲师 填写日期:2011年5 月 10 日

摘要 本系统采用了热释电红外传感器,它的制作简单、成本低、安装比较方便,而且性能比较稳定,抗干扰能力强、灵敏度高、安全可靠。 人体都有恒定的体温,一般在37度左右,所以会发出特定波长的红外线,人体辐射的红外线的中心波长为9~10um,而热释电红外传感器的波长灵敏度在0.2~20um范围内几乎稳定不变,所以实际系统中常采用的是热释电红外传感器。热释电传感器主要是以非接触的形式对人体辐射的红外线进行检测,将检测到的红外光谱转变成微弱的电信号,然后通过放大电路将微弱的电信号放大,最后经单片机处理以达到驱动电路从而使感应灯发光的效果。 本设计主要包括硬件和软件设计两个部分。硬件部分包括单片机控制电路、红外探头电路、驱动执行发光电路、发光器控制电路等部分组成。软件部分主要是延时程序的设计,处理器采用51系列单片机AT89C51,整个系统是在系统软件的控制下工作的。 关键词:单片机;红外传感器;数据采集;发光电路

Abstract This system uses a pyroelectric infrared sensor, its make simple, low cost, installation are more convenient and more stable performance, strong anti-jamming capability, high sensitivity, safe and reliable. The human body has a constant temperature, be in commonly 37 degrees or so, so will issue certain wavelengths of infrared radiation infrared center for 9 ~ 10um wavelength, and pyroelectric infrared sensor sensitivity in the wavelength of 0.2 ~ 20um range almost constant, so actual system often USES is pyroelectric infrared sensors. Pyroelectric non-contact sensor is mainly by the form of human radiation of infrared testing, detect the infrared spectrum into a weak signal, and then by amplifying circuit will weak signal amplifier, finally SCM processing to achieve driving circuit is thus make induction lamp glow effect. This design includes two parts and the design of hardware and software. Hardware part includes single-chip microcomputer control circuit, infrared sensor circuit, drive execution shine circuit, lighter control circuit components. Software part mainly delay program design, the processor by 51 series microcontroller AT89C51, the whole system is under control work in the system software. Keywords: PIC, Infrared sensor, Data acquisition, Luminous circuit


2018英语教师演讲稿(4篇) in a twinkle of an eye, sixteen years has passed since i became an english teacher. looking back, i have experienced pleasure, success as well as confusion and sadness. but i think there is much to be grateful for. during the first two years in sz, i had a hard time in my teaching career. why do i say so? on one hand, i like the city because it is young, vital, beautiful and full of challenges. on the other hand, many students in the common classes are quite different from my former students. they didn't study hard at all. they were too indolent in class, talking, sleeping and doing anything that they like. it is a common sight for them not to do homework. they didn't care about their school marks. they just wanted to get much but paid little. what is more, they showed deaf ears to your advice or criticism for their mistakes or faults. when i wanted to point out their mistakes, i should weigh my words over and over not to hurt their feelings. i felt as if i lost my way in the sea. i even had such an idea: to give up the job as an english teacher.


初中英语演讲稿:我的第一位英语老师 下面WTT小雅给大家分享初中英语演讲稿:我的第一位英语 老师,欢迎阅读: 初中英语演讲稿 My First English Teacher Dear friends! Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:“ Yes.” Everyone has his teachers, in my mind, I'll never forget her ------my first English teacher Ms. Li. Without her, I wouldn't be standing here. She is a young and lovely lady with beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well. That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson. In her class, she taught us carefully and patiently. She always made opportunities for us to speak English. She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them, played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little, I had interest in English, but English was a new subject to me, I had many difficulties in learning it well. I often felt very confused. It was Ms.


基于单片机的声光控制模拟路灯 (程序部分) 前言:单片机是一种集成电路芯片,是采用超大规模集成电路技术把具有数据处理能力的中央处理器CPU、随机存储器RAM、只读存储器ROM、多种I/O口和中断系统、定时器/计数器等功能集成到一块硅片上构成的一个小而完善的微型计算机系统,在工业控制领域广泛应用。本次我们采用at89c51单片机设计一种基于单片机控制的声光控制模拟路灯。该灯有声控,光控,声光同时控制楼道灯三种模式,经过调查,现在绝大多数小区的楼道灯都是纯电路形式实现声光控制的,这较之智能控制缺乏功能多样性,稳定性,而未来肯定是智能化的天下,所以我们用单片机模拟这一个多功能灯的系统。 关键字:单片机,at89c51,智能社区,楼道灯 目录: 一、设计目的 (2) 二、总体设计 (2) 方案选择: (2) 三、硬件设计 (3) 原理说明: (3) 四、软件设计 (3) 主要程序清单: (3) 程序框图: (5) 五、实验结果 (6) 六、总结 (6)

通过此次设计,主要是为了巩固我们的单片机相关知识及对单片机的相关应用,培养电子系统设计与实践的能力,学会设计使用简易的声、光传感器,并能用这些传感器设计一个声光控制的路灯(楼道灯)。 完成功能: 1)、声控灯模式。当传感器接收到声音信号时,单片机控制灯亮,并在5秒后灯自动熄灭。 2)、光控等模式。当光电传感器接收到为暗光时,灯自动点亮,接收到为亮光时,等自动熄灭。 3)、楼道灯模式。声光控制结合,即模拟当天暗并且楼道里有人走过的时候灯自动点亮5秒后熄灭。 二、总体设计 此次设计的声光控制灯包括三个基本模块,即声音处理模块、光处理模块、单片机小系统。总体设计框图如下: 图1、总体设计框图 方案选择: 1)、单片机部分。由于此次设计对单片机的要求较低,所以我们选择最为常用的at89c51单片机作控制部分。 2)、声控部分 一:选择专用的声音传感器模块来完成,能得到正确的波形、电压、频率等参数,且设计电路简单省事,但成本较高。 二:用驻极体话筒通过相应的信号处理电路对声音信号进行处理,成本较低,但电路设计麻烦。 综上所述:我们选择方案二,因为此次设计对声音信号的波形等参数要求较小,只要单片机接收到并能判断为高电平即可。 3)、光控部分 一:用光敏二极管作光电元件,光敏二极管对光转换为相应的电流。 二:用光敏电阻作光电元件,光敏电阻对光转换为相应的电阻。 综上所述:我们选用光敏电阻作光控部分的核心元件,因为光敏二极管转换成的是电流,而我们需要判断的是电压信号,将电流转换为电压信号的电路较复杂。


赞美老师的英语演讲稿 篇一:赞美英语教师英文演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”。 篇二:英语教师演讲稿 Good morning , Ladies and gentmen It is great honour t(本文来自:小草范文网:赞美老师的英语演讲稿)o speak here . I value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much. To be honest I felt rather nervous. I can still remember when I made my first speech in college. I ev en couldn't control my breath . . Because I really didn't know what to say at that time .Well- today, being an English teacher for some years in Zhongxin, I have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. After being an English teacher, I think, to be a good English teacher, you should know your major well. Your personality is as


英语老师英文演讲稿 篇一:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 Good morning ,teachers and students. My name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is > .It is my greatest honor to be here today. I would like to share my English learning and teaching experience with you . I studied english educashion at my college. I chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. Then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. Far away from my hometown. Then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. I love teaching. I love talking to my students. How do I enjoy myself with my students I don’t think I can express how I love my students in a few words. I just know, they are the future of China; they are infinity in my hand. What could I do with them To wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. From them, every


教师全英文演讲稿 I can be a good English teacher Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! My name’s ##. I’m from ## Primary School. Today I’m very glad to be here to share my ideas of “I can be a good English teacher” with you. English was my favorite subject when I was a middle school student. I felt so cool when I won the first prize of every text. I have been longing to be an English teacher since I was a little girl. Ten years ago, I really became a teacher, an English teacher. I remembered when I stood at the teacher’s desk for the first time, maybe because I was too young, maybe because I was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to me, don’t behave themselves at all. I felt ashamed and helpless. In order to save my face, I just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little. I thought sooner or later, they would listen to me. Yes, I could control the class now, but the students and the atmosphere became strange. No, they were not listening to me. It was too quiet. I was looking for the reasons. And I was always asking myself:

51单片机课程设计 声控灯

课程设计报告 华中师范大学武汉传媒学院 传媒技术学院 电子信息工程2011 仅发布百度文库,版权所有.

单片机课程设计 一、设计题目、要求 题目:声控灯设计 要求:A.使用单片机实现声控灯 B.当说话声音大于一定程度时,发光二极管显示,延时大于1秒 二、设计框图 1、硬件框图 三、方案设计 如果要让接在P1.0口的LED1亮起来,那么只要把P1.0口的电平变为低电平就可以了;相反,如果要接在P1.0口的LED1熄灭,就要把P1.0口的电平变为高电平;同理,接在P1.1~P1.7口的其他7个LED的点亮和熄灭的方法同LED1。因此,要实现流水灯功能,我们只要将发光二极管LED1~LED8依次点亮、熄灭,8只LED灯便会一亮一暗的做流水灯了。在此我们还应注意一点,由于人眼的视觉暂留效应以及单片机执行每条指令的时间很短,我们在控制二极管亮灭的时候应该延时一段时间,否则我们就看不到“流水”效果了。 四、硬件原图设计

五、程序流程图 六、仿真图 仿真结果如下:当S2关闭

当S3关闭 七、制作

八、调试 流水灯制作完成后,我们对它进行了调试,一开始灯不停地闪,无法接受到声音信号。后来,我们对PCB进行了检查,发现有放大电路的集电极连接线断路了,导致声音信号没法被芯片接收到。我们迅速的电路进行了修复。修复后,电路能够顺利的进行工作了。 九、心得体会 回顾起此课程设计,至今我仍感慨颇多,从理论到实践,在这段日子里,可以说得是苦多于甜,但是可以学到很多很多的东西,同时不仅可以巩固了以前所学过的知识,而且学到了很多在书本上所没有学到过的知识。在今后社会的发展和学习实践过程中,一定要不懈努力,不能遇到问题就想到要退缩,一定要不厌其烦的发现问题所在,然后一一进行解决,只有这样,才能成功。 在设计过程中虽然遇到了一些问题,但经过一次又一次的思考,一遍又一遍的检查终于找出了原因所在,也暴露出了前期我在这方面的知识欠缺和经验不足。比如在调试的时候,程序老是不稳定中断服务程序有时执行一次,有时又执行两次,开始我以为是板子受环境影响。后来在网上百度才知道是软件问题,是我忘了在执行中断服务程序时候把相应的中断关了,导致在执行中断服务程序时易受影响执行两次或两次以上。在这个发现问题之后,我在中断服务程序中关了相应的外中断之后。问题就解决了,下载程序到板子之后,运行就正常了。


家长会英语教师发言稿 我是五年级的英语老师,首先感谢各位家长能够在百忙中抽空来参加本次家长会,由于水平有限,不当之处,敬请批评指正。 我今天主要跟各位说三个方面: 一、回顾过去 二、英语学习状况分析; 三、对家长的要求 (一)、回顾过去 首先,我们学习英语存在着这些难题:英语不是我们的母语,没有现成的语言环境,不能在现实生活中反复运用;所以小朋友们学的知识容易忘记,而且不能立刻体现学英语的价值。但是,英语是国际性语言,我们在求学路上一直都离不开英语。从小学的毕业考,中考,高考,到考硕士,出国,英语都是必考的。在以后的社会竞争中,你不会英语可能寸步难行。 但是,我们在学校学习英语的时间是非常有限的,只靠课堂40分钟的学习是远远不够的。要学好英语,学校学习占40%,课后的巩固学习占60%。那么,在课后学生要怎么做才能把英语学得更好呢? (二)、英语学习状况分析 英语学习从哪里开始?学英语不是从背单词开始,而是从耳朵开始。英语学习从打通耳朵开始。要让孩子多听,而且是反复听同一段英语,不断的对孩子进行语言的输入,为孩子的语音语调打好基础。

那用什么时间听呢?早上起床之后,在刷牙吃早餐的时候放给孩子听,晚上可以边听边模仿,听力水平是学好英语,培养语感的基础。 父母不懂英语,能帮孩子吗?只要找对方法,就可以帮助孩子。我们要好好利用学习资源,晚上的时候,要有三十分钟的英语学习时间,这三十分钟,家长让孩子不断的听,模仿跟读,语音语调就是要靠模仿出来的。我们发的有英语配套磁带,就看你听不听。 听,模仿语音语调,读熟能背下来,这样的学习对英语来说是最有效的。 孩子是每个家庭的重心和希望。我们真诚地呼吁家长,配合学校,配合老师帮助孩子学好英语。我们要和孩子共同成长。在此,提出我对家长的要求。 (三)、家长的要求: 1、每天让小孩听,模仿读至少20分钟,读熟能背。 2、每天看一眼孩子的作业,写得不好,一定要重写。 3、学习贵在坚持。只要养成这种良好的学习习惯,以后越大越省心。 4、播放一些英语动画片给小孩看,多听英语歌。 作业要求: 听读要求:每天必须听录音读英语不少于25分钟。 (请家长监督) 书写要求:整洁,清楚,格式正确 速度要求:及时不拖拉,形成良性循环


大学校园生活英文演讲稿、 friendship is indispensable to peoples life. a man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. friendship is the mother of our psyche, wholl warm her kid when hurt occurs. we have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. alas, its magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship. it also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. love is not selfish. love is endowed by god that we should treasure all our life. 绿色校园英文演讲稿 a beautiful world hello! everyone! now i want to talk about a beautiful world! it is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. you might ask yourself. have i ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? have i ever planted any trees or flowers near my neighborhood? if your answers are yes”, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment. we should always remember that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect. by protecting nature, we protect ourselves. finally let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river. be good to the trees. smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze. be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you! ”just think what a wonderful world it will be! let’s do our best to make our world more beautiful! thanks everybody篇三:学校演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 今天在这个隆重而热烈的庆典上,我非常荣幸代表2008届全体毕业研究生在这里发言, 向我们的母校道别,向我们的师长道别,向朝夕相处的同窗道别,也向这段美好的岁月道别。 寒暑往来,三易春秋,三年前,当我们满怀求知的欲望踏进学校大门的时候,你的第一反应 是什么,我相信很多人可能和我一样,那就是这个学校真大。三年里,一栋栋大楼拔地而起, 气势宏伟的图书馆,厚重而又不乏生机的新实验大楼,还有那崭新的研究生公寓,无不为我 们提供了良好的学习环境。有人说,这是学校发展的必然,是的,但我们也深知,鸡不鸣而 起,月已落而不息,这里面包含了学校领导和员工们太多的辛勤和汗水。这一切我们看在眼 里,记在心里,离别时刻,我代表全体研究生向关心我们的各级领导、老师道一声:您辛苦 了。 研究生与本科有很多不同,让我感受最深刻的就是我们的生活里多了一位良师益友,他 就是我们的导师。从我们拜见导师的那一刻起,我们的一切就牵动着导师的心,从一篇篇文 章到一门门课程,从论文选题到实验取证,每一个环节都使我们受益匪浅。一千多个日日夜 夜,敬爱的导师,您又因为学生而新添白发,因为我们而新添皱纹。多少次,您第一个踏进 实验室;多少次,您和我们一起为课题加班到废寝忘食;多少次,夜已深,人已静,可有一 扇窗却仍然雕刻着您躬耕的身影。您不是简单的说教,而是身体力行的向我们传授知识,教 我们做人。我是一个不善于,甚至不懂得如何去表达感谢的人,但是有一句话在我心底深埋 了三年,在这里,在这个时刻,我代表所有的研究生向我们敬爱的导师们深深鞠躬,谢谢您,


摘要 本课题设计一款基于单片机的楼道内声控灯及报警系统,主要由声控灯和意外紧急报警两部分组成。声控灯部分是通过声音传感器进行声音检测,然后经单片机进行处理,实现灯的开关智能控制。报警部分主要由蜂鸣器和按键组成,当声控灯出现故障时,通过触动按键实现蜂鸣器报警进行维修提示。硬件电路包括单片机最小系统电路、声音传感器检测模块、按键模块、LED显示模块、蜂鸣器报警电路模块;软件部分主要通过C程序的编程实现等灯的亮灭,然后通过发光二极管显示出来,通过按键操作实现报警功能。设计中结合硬件、软件的分步调试,达到要求的控制效果。当有人走过楼梯通道,发出脚步声或其它声音时,楼道灯会自动点亮,提供照明。当人们进入家门或走出公寓,楼道灯延时几分钟后会自动熄灭。当出现故障时,可触动按钮,进行报警维修。声控延时开关不仅适用于住宅区的楼道,而且也适用于工厂、办公楼、教学楼等公共场所,它具有体积小、外形美观、制作容易、工作可靠等优点。 关键词:单片机;声控灯;报警系统;声音传感器;蜂鸣器

Abstract This project is based on single-chip design a voice-activated light and alarm system in the building, by voice-activated lights and emergency alarm which two key components.V oice-activated light partly through sound sensors for sound detection, and then single-chip processing, realization of intelligent control for the light switch.Alarm part consists mainly of beeper and keys, when voice-activated lights fail, through touches the pressed key realization light buzzer alarms for maintenance tips.The hardware circuit consists of single chip microcomputer minimum system circuit, sound sensors module, keys module, LED display module, a buzzer alarm circuit module;Software part mainly accomplished by programming of C programs such as destroy the light of lights, and then through the led display,Alarm functions are realized by key operation.In the design of combination of hardware and software debugging step by step, meet the requirements of control effect.When people walk through the stairs, when making footsteps or other sound, stair lights will automatically light up and lighting.When people enter the House or get out of the apartment, corridor lamp delay automatically turns off after a few minutes.When a failure occurs, you can touch a button and alarm servicing.V oice-activated inertia switch applies not only to the residential area of the building, but also to factories, office buildings, school buildings and other public places, it is of small size, pleasing in appearance, making easy, reliable and so on. Keywords:microcontroller; voice-activated light and alarm system; sound sensors; buzzer


附表: (教师)组 题目 teaching english makes me happy 与初赛题目是否相同(否) 注意:标题二号字,正文小四,字体times new roman 篇二:英语教师英语演讲稿 my simple teaching life 付贤 围子街道宋庄小学 good morning ,teachers and students. my name is fuxian from songzhuang primary school. the name of my speech is << my simple teaching life>> .it is my greatest honor to be here today. i would like to share my english learning and teaching experience with you . i studied english educashion at my college. i chose this major just because its tuition was not high at that time. then half a year before my graduation i came to shandong to be an english teacher. far away from my hometown. then i have lived here for 7 years and taught for 7 years too. i love teaching. i love talking to my students. how do i enjoy myself with my students? i don’t think i can express how i love my students in a few words. i just know, they are the future of china; they are infinity in my hand. what could i do with them? to wait, to be patient, to expect and to love. from them, every teacher must see their future, teaching and guiding them responsibly. to me, my students are just like the wild flowers. can we see a world or heaven in them? the answer is definitely yes. if you want to enjoy yourself while teaching, respect and love your students as their friends; work hard with full responsibility. because i love my students, then i enjoy myself with full responsibility.that is why i together with you,try our best to be an excellent english teacher today! thank you very much for your attention!篇三:英语教师演讲稿 good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here . i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much. to be honest i felt rather nervous. i can still remember when i made my first speech in college. i ev en couldnt control my breath . . because i really didnt know what to say at that time . well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well. your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic. you must love your students and respect them. in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work. a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our class,


先进教室,然后回答两个问题,老师会说开始你的试讲就可以开始了。 这是整个的试讲流程 开场: Good morning everyone. Standing here, I’m very happy and excited. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precio us for me. And I’ll try my best.Next,please allow me to show my lessons for you! 讲课: Hi ,my dear children!(Good afternoon,boys and girls! Hello,everyone!) It is nice to meet you again in the beautiful sunshine day. Now ,let’s began our class! now We have some new friends here. Who are they?ok,have a look. Open your books, and turn to page 100, look, who are they? What’s the matter wit h them? 教师出示一支体温表,说:This is a thermometer. If I have a fever, it will tell me. Let’s see Mike. Mike doesn’t feel well. He has a fever.指着Let’s learn的图片的Mike,教学“have a fever”。让学生看图片,教授单词和短语.the second boy was get hurt,when you get hurt ,you feel very painful,just like him! look at the girl,she was had a cold,when you have a cold,you couldn't stop coughing. what is the matter with the boy ?he looks very painful!he was had a toothach.when we have a toothach,we feel so uncomfortble,do we? the last boy was had a headach,when you have a headach,your head feel painful, you want to have a sleep. look at the girl,what's the matter with her?she has a sore throat.when you have a sore throat,your throat will feel uncomfortable you want drink more and more water.


单片机课程设计报告名称:音乐盒 院系:惠州学院电子科学系 班级:05电气 学生姓名:陈文志 同组姓名:周俊锋、张少威 日期:2008年12月

1、设计方案 设计一个基于MCS-51系列单片机的音乐盒,利用试验板上的开关,按开关切换演奏出不同的乐曲。蜂鸣器发出某个音调,与之相对应的LED亮起。使用两个按键,一个用来切换歌曲,另一个切换八路LED的变化花样。 2、实现功能: 1)电路有两种工作模式:演奏音乐模式和花样灯模式。 演奏音乐模式:演奏完整的一首的歌曲,八路LED随着音乐变化。 花样灯模式:八路LED变化出各种花样,蜂鸣器随着发出“嘀嘀”声 2)按下按键1进入演奏音乐模式,再按切换歌曲,共两首歌曲。 3)按下按键2进入花样灯模式,再按切换LED花样,共四种花样。 此电路的程序只占用了1K左右,可编制更多的音乐和LED花样,使系统的功能更加强大。 3、硬件电路设计 电路原理图

由于51单片机的电流驱动能力较弱,而蜂鸣器的工作电流为几十MA,故驱动蜂鸣器需用一个pnp三极管。单片机给P3.0低电平,则蜂鸣器开;给高电平则蜂鸣器关。 LED接到单片机的P1口,拉低IO口,可使LED亮起。 两个按键的一端接单片机的IO口,另一端接地。不按下去时与按键相连的IO口被单片机内部上拉电阻拉高,按下则与之相连的IO口变成低电平,引发单片机中断。 4、软件设计 程序设置了两个标志——count1和count2,分别初始化为1和0。按键1使得count1在1和2之间切换,按键2使得count2在1~4之间切换。程序检测count1的值,count1等于1时播放第一首歌曲,等于2时播放第二首。另一方面根据count2的值来切换LED 的花样。Count1和count2的值是互斥的,设置count1等于1、2时,count2同时设置为0;设置count2等于1~4时,count1也同时设置为0。 歌曲简谱的编码规则: do re mi fa so la si分别编码为1~7,重音do编为8,重音re编为9,停顿编为0。播放长度以十六分音符为单位(在本程序中为165ms),一拍即四分音符等于4个十六分音符,编为4,其它的播放时间以此类推。音调作为编码的高4位,而播放时间作为低4位,如此音调和节拍就构成了一个编码。以0xff作为曲谱的结束标志。 举例1:音调do,发音长度为两拍,即二分音符,将其编码为0x18。 举例2:音调re,发音长度为半拍,即八分音符,将其编码为0x22 歌曲播放的设计。先将歌曲的简谱进行编码,储存在一个数据类型为unsigned char 的数组中。程序从数组中取出一个数,然后分离出高4位得到音调,接着找出相应的值赋给定时器0,使之定时操作蜂鸣器,得出相应的音调;接着分离出该数的低4位,得到延时时间,接着调用软件延时。 确定定时器0对应于音调的初值: 假设要得到500HZ的声音。500HZ的声音信号每个周期为2ms,即2000us。假设单片机采用12MHZ的晶振,每个机器周期的时间为12/12M=1 us。故单片机操作(对与蜂鸣器相连的IO口取反)一次蜂鸣器的时间间隔为2000us/1us/2=1000个机器周期,故给工作在方式1的定时器0赋的初值为TH0=(65536-1000)/256,TL0=(65536-1000)%256。
