


景点中英文对照 加德满都Katchmandu 杜巴广场Durbar Square 泰米尔区Thamel 独木庙Kasthamandap 阿育王比纳亚克寺Ashok Binayak 马居德瓦尔庙Maju Deval 活女神庙Kumari Bahal 纳拉扬神庙Trailokya Mohan Narayan Temple 湿婆神庙Shiva-Parvati Temple 老皇宫Gaddhi Baithak 巴格沃蒂神庙Bhagwati Temple 天黑神庙Krishna Temple 马拉国王雕像King Pratap Malla's Column 佳格纳特神庙Jagannath Temple 因陀罗神庙Indrapur Temple 毗湿奴神庙Vishnu Temple 卡科喜瓦神庙Kakeshwar Temple 玛哈德神庙Kotilingeshwar Mahadev Temple 玛哈德喜瓦神庙Mahendreshwar Temple 哈努曼多卡宫Hanuman Dhoka 三圣庙Three Goddesses Temple 必穆森塔Bhimsen Tower 火葬台 Pachali Bhairab & The Southern Ghats 博达哈大佛塔Boudha 猴庙Swayambhunath 大钟Great Bell 塔莱珠女神庙Taleju Temple 大鼓Great Drums 大天黑寺Mahakala Temple 寇特广场 Kot Square 阿山街Asan Tole 白贝拉伯Seto Bhairab 坎提路Kanti Path 黑贝拉伯Kala Bhairab 奇异街Freak Street 圣毗湿奴神庙Mahavishnu Temple 帕坦古城Patan 比姆森寺Bhimsen Temple 曼嘉喷泉Manga Hiti 黑天神庙Krishna Mandir 嘉格纳那扬神庙Jagannarayan Temple 塔莱珠女神庙Taleju Temple 帕坦国王雕像柱King Yoganarendra Malla's Statue 拜伊德嘉寺Bhai Dega Temple 皇宫和博物馆Royal Palace & Patan Museum 桑里连宫院Sundari Chowk 库玛喜瓦神庙Kumbeshwar Temple 比斯瓦卡拉神庙Bishwakarma Temple 乌玛马赫希瓦神庙Uma Maheshwar Temple 千佛塔Mahabouddha Temple 乌库巴哈尔寺Uku Bahal 八角库里须那庙Chyasin Deval 贾瓦克尔Jawalkhel 普尔乔基山Phulchowki 金庙Golden Temple 毗湿瓦纳神庙Vishwanath Temple 玛辰赫拉纳特神庙Rato Machhendranath Temple 哈里桑卡庙Shankar Temple 哈卡宫Haka Bahal 塔莱珠钟Taleju Bell 帕坦动物园The Central Zoo 慕尔宫院Mul Chowk 巴克塔普尔古城Bhaktapur 象庙Erotic Elephants Temple 国王雕像柱King Bhupatindra Malla's Column 55窗宫Window Palace 库里须那庙Chyasilin Mandapa 加德满都杜巴广场(Kathmandu Durbar Square)200RS/人,如需在此逗留几天,需在SITE OFFICE办理相关手续(需要照片一张),便可凭证无限次进出。 加都的“猴庙”斯瓦扬布寺(Swayambhunath)门票100RS/人 加都的帕斯帕那提神庙(Pashupatinath)250RS/人 博卡拉(Pokhara)的萨朗科(Sarangkot)门票25RS/人。 巴德岗门票750RS/人,对南亚组织成员国、中国游客有巨额的优惠(买票时要出示护照),50RS/人,如需在此逗留几天,也需告知售票处,办理相关手续,便可凭票无限次进出。 帕坦杜巴广场(Patan Durbar Square),130RS/车,帕坦门票200RS/人。


Recommendation of Tourist Attractions Below is just the recommendation of tourist places about Suzhou & Shanghai . Tourist Attractions(景点) Suzhou(苏州) 1.Humble Administrator's garden (拙政园) The Humble Administrator's Garden (Chinese: 拙政园; pinyin: Zhuōzhèng yuán; Suzhou Wu: is a Chinese garden in Suzhou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most famous of the gardens of Suzhou. The garden is located at 178 Dongbei Street (东北街178号). At 51,950 m2, it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is considered by some to be the finest garden in all of southern China. See the pictures as below: Learn more from Website or Wikipedia. 2.The Lion Grove Garden (狮子林) The Lion Grove Garden (simplified Chinese: 狮子林园; traditional Chinese: 獅子林園; pinyin: Shī Zǐ Lín Yuán; Suzhou Wu: Sy tsy lin yoe is a garden located at 23 Yuanlin Road in Pingjiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. The garden is famous for the large and labyrinthine grotto of taihu rocks at its center.


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


中国著名旅游景点英文介绍 1. The Great wall The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7th century to 14th century AD. The wall has b ecome a symbol of both China’s proud history and its present strength. 2. The Palace Museum The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there. 3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago,


承德避暑山庄旅游景区服务质量评析 运用服务质量差距模型,从景区相关配套设施、基本服务的实现能力、服务能得到游客的信任、服务的效率和沟通能力、对游客的帮助和照顾5个方面分析了承德避暑山庄的服务质量,得出结论;避暑山庄的景区服务质量有待于进一步提高。并提出相关对策。 标签:避暑山庄服务质量差距模型旅游景区服务质量 0 引言 旅游景区是旅游活动的核心和空间载体,是旅游产业系统中重要的组成部分,旅游景区服务质量的优劣直接影响到旅游目的地的形象,关系到景区的生存和发展。在国内外旅游迅速发展的今天,服务质量问题已成为许多景区管理问题的焦点,游客是景区服务质量的受众和评委,其对景区服务的满意程度是由游客对景区服务质量的实际感知与期望之间的对比来决定的,当游客对景区服务质量的感知与期望相符时,游客会感到满意,说明景区服务质量良好,相反,当游客的实际感知与期望不相符时,游客会感到不满。说明景区服务质量需要改进。 承德市旅游业发展迅速,为建设国际旅游城市、打造世界精品旅游景区而全面提升景区旅游服务质量和服务水平。本文以承德避暑山庄为实证分析对象,运用服务差距模型和SERPUAL量表方法,测评避暑山庄的服务质量,分析避暑山庄服务中存在的问题和原因,提出改进措施和建议。 1 理论与方法 服务与质量差距模型是美国市场营销协会资助下,由PZB组合研究出来的,其目的在于分析服务质量问题产生的原因并帮助服务企业的管理者了解如何改进服务质量。根据这一理论,游客对旅游产品或服务的满意度来自于旅游活动后的感知实绩与旅游活动前期望的比较结果,正差异意味着实绩高于期望,这时消费者会感到非常满意;负差异意味着实绩低于期望,消费者会感到失望[1-3]。结合评价表,该模型可用数学公式表达为:S=P-E(S表示评价分值,P表示感知实绩值,E表示期望值)。 根据景区服务质量评价因素表[4](如表1所示)所设计的调查问卷,采用李克特的五点量表作为衡量的尺度,游客的期望程度分别为:不重要、较不重要、一般、比较重要和很重要。游客的满意程度分别为不满意、较不满意、一般、比较满意和很满意。具体的得分分别为1分、2分、3分、4分和5分。 2010年6月向避暑山庄游客发放调查问卷,进行调查,共发放问卷100份,收回100份,其中有效问卷98份,有效率为98%。 2 数据整理及结果分析


承德避暑山庄 园林分析

目录 1、承德避暑山庄简介 2、承德避暑山庄建筑风格 3、承德避暑山庄设计手法 4、承德避暑山庄具体建筑分析 5、承德避暑山庄康熙年间与乾隆年间的风格差异

承德避暑山庄简介: 承德避暑山庄,中国古代帝王宫苑,清代皇帝避暑和处理政务的 场所。位于河北省承德市北部。始建于一七零三年,历经清康熙、雍 正、乾隆三朝,耗时八十九年建成。与全国重点文物保护单位颐和园、 拙政园、留园并称为中国四大名园。一九九四年十二月,被列入世界 文化遗产名录。二零零七年五月八日,经国家旅游局正式批准为国家 5A级旅游景区。 避暑山庄又名热河行宫、承德离宫,位于今河北省承德市区北部, 是中国现存占地最大的古代离宫别苑。 承德地处长城内外交通要冲,清朝开国后,皇帝每年都到木兰围 场(在今河北省围场县)巡视习武,行围狩猎。避暑山庄始建于康熙 四十二年(1703),康熙四十七年初具规模。经过多年的扩建和改造, 于乾隆五十五年(1790)建成。以后,清朝历代皇帝每逢夏季到此避暑和处理政务,这里便成为第二政治中心。 承德位于群山环抱之中,有滦河、武烈河流过,峰峦重叠,清流索绕,林木葱郁,盛夏凉爽宜人。避暑山庄占地560公顷。山庄内有康熙用四字题名的三十六景和乾隆用三字题名的三十六景。这些风景博采全国各地风景园林艺术风格,使山庄成为中国各地胜迹的缩影。山庄可分为宫殿区、湖泊区、平原区和山岳区。其中山岳约占全园面积4/5,平原占1/5。平原中湖泊占面积的一半,主要由热河泉汇聚而成。山庄创造了山、水、建筑浑然一体而又富于变化的园林。它的布局立意、造园手法在中国古代宫苑中占有重要地位。


承德避暑山庄简介 承德避暑山庄特点 为什么会选承德建避暑山庄,因为承德避暑山庄这里具备了以下四个特别,第一个特点,承德是一个盆地,四周是山,按风水说是万象引领,众象朝揖。,皇帝那是惟我独尊,天下都要朝中,所以这个地势他感到非常地好。第二个特点,地势很高,空气很清新,适合于避暑,第三个特点,这个地方离北京不远,仅230公里,处理国家的政务,与宫中无异,比较方便,第四个,这地方的特点,就是这地方当时是蒙古的游牧场,不会侵占民田或者民居,而且这个地方有武烈河,有沼泽,有山有平地自然环境,选景可以有广阔的空间,便于大规模的营造皇家的园林。 承德避暑山庄美景 承德避暑山庄这座规模宏大的园林拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺、等建筑100余处。承德避暑山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大分。苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。承德避暑山庄宫殿区建筑风格独特,它没有紫金城宫殿之华丽感,建筑基座与民宅相似,青砖素瓦,装修古朴淡雅,不施彩绘,木显本色,显得格外清爽、古朴、淡雅而恬静。 承德避暑山庄宫殿区的主要建筑宫殿区是皇帝处理政务和帝后居住的地方,包括“正宫”、“松鹤斋”、“万壑松风”和“东宫”(已毁)四组建筑。正宫是宫殿区的主体建筑,包括9进院落,分为“前朝”、“后寝”两部分。主殿叫“澹泊敬诚”,是用珍贵的楠木建成,因此也叫楠木殿。各种隆重的大典都在这里举行。其后的殿堂分别叫“四知书屋”、“烟波致爽”、“云山胜地”等,是皇帝处理朝政、读书和居住的地方。其他景点还有:承德避暑山庄门、勤政殿、万岁照房、下马碑、云山胜地楼。 从承德避暑山庄宫殿区出来便是山庄的苑景区,承德避暑山庄以山为名,而胜趣实在水。整个湖区一泓清水,洲岛错落,一派江南水乡秀色。右边湖上的三座亭子叫“水心榭”,屹立在石桥之上,结构匀称,明快轻盈。山庄咫尺间,直作万里观。承德避暑山庄只有五百多公顷,却浓缩了中国的地貌和地形,浓缩了清代的历史。身在山庄,就能了解到清代的一个兴衰过程。德避暑山庄位于中华人民共和国河北省承德市北部。始建于1703年,历经清朝三代皇帝:康熙、雍正、乾隆,耗时89年建成。是清代皇帝夏日避暑和处理政务的场所,为中国著名的古代帝王宫苑。1994年12月,避暑山庄及周围寺庙(曾用名热河行宫)被列入世界文化遗产名录。2007年5月8日,承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。 承德避暑山庄曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫。距离北京200公里。是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄位于承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的谷地上,山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺、等建筑一百余处。它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。 避暑山庄是中国著名的古代帝王宫苑,始建于康熙四十二年(1703年),建成于乾隆五十五年,历时87年。避暑山庄占地564万平方米,环绕山庄婉蜒起伏的宫墙长达万米,是中国现存最大的古典皇家园林。相当于颐和园的两倍,有八个北海公园那么大。与北京紫禁城相比,避暑山庄以朴素淡雅的山村野趣为格调,取自然山水之本色,吸收江南塞北之风光,成为中国现存占地最大的古代帝王宫苑避暑山庄及周围寺庙是一个紧密关联的有机整体,同时又具有不同风格的强烈对比,避暑山庄朴素淡雅,


介绍承德避暑山庄的导游词 女士们、先生们: 你们好!欢迎大家来承德避暑山庄观光游览。避暑山庄位于承德市区北部,是我国现存最大的古典皇家园林。 避暑山庄是清代康、乾盛世的象征。作为山庄缔造者的康熙、乾隆,都曾六下江南,遍历天下景物之美。在修建避暑山庄时,博采众家之长,融合中国南北园林风格为一体,使避暑山庄成为中国古典园林艺术的总结与升华。我国园林专家们说,整个避暑山庄就是祖国锦绣河山的缩影。专家们为什么会这样说呢?这个问题我想还是请女士们、先生们游览了避暑山庄之后再来回答。不过,我这里先给大家提个醒,这原因与避暑山庄的地形有关。(导游员采用悬念法,以激发游客游览的兴趣) 各位,避暑山庄到了,请大家下车,现在我就带领大家一睹她的风采。 (在丽正门外) 女士们,先生们,我们面前这座古色古香的门,就是避暑山庄的正门,叫丽正门,是清代皇帝进出的门。宫门面宽三间,上下两层。下层辟有三个方形的门洞,上层有城台和阙楼。你们看,中间门洞的上方有一块石匾,上面是乾隆皇帝用满、藏、汉、维、蒙五种文字题写的“丽正门”,它象征着我们祖国是一个统一的多民族国家。门的两边有两尊石狮,以显示皇帝的威严。门前有御道广场,青石铺路,

广场东西各立一块石碑,上面用满、蒙、藏、汉四种文字刻着“官员人等至此下马”,所以我们又叫它下马碑。广场南边有一道红色照壁,使这座皇家园林与外界隔开。关于红照壁,传说里边藏有从鸡冠山飞来的金鸡,在夜深人静时,轻叩照壁,金鸡就会发出叽叽的叫声。如果哪位想考证一下的话,就请夜里到这里来听一听。好了!今天我请大家当一回“皇帝”,进去感受一下皇帝的生活。 (进丽正门内) 请各位向右看,远处的山峦上,有一巨大石柱,擎天而立,直插云端。它上粗下细,很像洗衣用的棒槌,我们承德人叫它棒槌山,康熙皇帝赐名“磬锤峰”。修建避暑山庄时,巧借此景,使山庄内外浑然一体,扩大了空间感,创造了新的意境美,这是山庄设计者运用“借景”这一造园艺术的成功典范。一般来承德的人,都要到山上去摸一下棒槌山,因为承德民间流传这样一句话:“摸到棒槌山,能活一百三。”如果大家有兴趣的话,不妨明天上山摸一摸,一定很有意思的。 前面这片宫殿就是清代皇帝在承德“办公居妆的地方,现在承德人把这里为避暑山庄博物馆。 (在第一展室里) 首先映入我们眼帘的这张图就是避暑山庄全图,是清代山庄鼎盛时期的全貌图。避暑山庄,又叫“热河行宫”、“承德离宫”。它从康熙四十二年(172019年)开始动工兴建,至乾隆五十七年(1792年)最后落成,历时89年。清代前中期的几位皇帝几乎每年都来这里消夏避暑,处理政务,通常是每年农历四、五月份来,九、十月份返回北


Shanghai 2010 is going to attract the world’s attention, as the World Expo is going to be held there. Is Shanghai travel on your schedule[时间表] yet? Have you planned what to do in this highly cosmopolitan[世界性的] financial city of China? As a Chinese who travels to Shanghai frequently, here is my suggested list of the top ten things to do in Shanghai. “Shanghai at Night”is famous in China and worldwide. The Bund[外滩] is the most famous and attractive sight there. The best time to admire the Bund is after dark when all the buildings are lit up, creating an extremely colourful and breathtaking[激动人心的] scene. There are 52 blocks[大楼] –comprised[由……组成] of banks, hotels, MNC[即multinational corporation,跨国公司] headquarters –of different architectural[建筑的] styles including Gothic, Baroque, Romanesque, Classicism and the Renaissance. The stunning[极漂亮的] views there attract not only visitors but film producers as well. There are two ways to admire the Bund. 世博会开幕在即,2010年的上海必将受到世界的关注。你将游览上海列入日程表了吗?在中国这个世界级金融中心里,你打算做些什么呢?作为一名经常到访上海的中国人,我推荐以下十件最值得做的事情。 “夜上海”中外驰名。外滩是那里最出名、最吸引人的景点。欣赏外滩的最佳时间是天黑以后,这时所有建筑物都亮起了灯,营造出一片色彩斑斓、引人入胜的景象。这里有52幢大楼——包括银行、酒店和跨国企业总部——建筑风格各异,有哥特式、巴洛克式、罗马式、古典式和文艺复兴式等风情。外滩壮观的景色不仅吸引了游客,还吸引了众多电影人前来取景。 游览外滩的方式一般有两种。 Admire the Bund by Cruise [航行] 乘船游览外滩 There are lots of sightseeing cruises that let you view the beautiful Bund every night. Make sure to go on one of these cruises. 这里每晚都有很多观光游船让你欣赏外滩的美景,记得去坐坐这些游船哦。 Admire the Bund on the West Bank of the Huangpu River 在黄浦江西岸欣赏外滩 Take a relaxing walk on the walking corridor[走廊] along the Bund. Or you can drive along the Huangpu river bank and stop by the end of the Bund near the Russian Consulate[领事馆] where you can overlook[远眺] the Oriental[东方的] Pearl TV Tower on the opposite bank. You are not able to take good photos on board a cruise, so this is the best spot for you to take plenty of beautiful photos of Shanghai. 沿着外滩走廊轻松自在地散散步吧。或者沿着黄浦江驾车游览,在接近外滩尽头的俄罗斯领事馆附近停下来,远眺对岸的东方明珠电视塔。在游船上很难拍到好照片,所以这里是让你拍到大量漂亮照片的



台吉渥巴锡,以及西藏政教首领六世班禅等重要人物,还在此接见过以特使马戈尔尼为首的第一个英国访华使团。清帝嘉庆、咸丰皆病逝于此。1860年,英法联军进攻北京,清帝咸丰逃到避暑山庄避难,在这座房子里批准了《中俄北京条约》等几个不平等条约。影响中国历史进程的“辛酉政变”亦发端于此。随着清王朝的衰落,避暑山庄日渐败落。[7] 1961年国务院将避暑山庄及周围寺庙中的普宁寺、普乐寺、普陀宗乘之庙、须弥福寿之庙列为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。从1976年到2006年,国务院先后批准实施了三个《避暑山庄外八庙十年整修规划》,明确了以“抢救和整修”为主的保护原则,国家和地方政府相继投入几亿元专项资金用于古建维修和园林整治,并投入大量资金用于文物保护区周围环境的综合整治。 2010年8月以来,承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙文化遗产保护工程全面展开。该工程计 山庄美景5[8] 划用3至5年实施,由中央财政投入专项资金6亿元,用于文物保护修缮和山庄水系治理,并确定了古建筑保护、文物科技保护等多个方面的文化遗产保护项目和3项山庄水环境综合治理项目。这项修缮工程还成立了一个强大的“智囊团”,每一项工程都会在缜密勘测的基础上为之“量身定做”修缮计划。从承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙文化遗产保护工程指挥部工作办公室又传出信息,各项保护工程进展顺利。自去年以来,共有考古勘探、安远庙保护修缮、须弥福寿之庙大红台抢险等13个项目开工建设。其中须弥福寿之庙大红台抢险、避暑山庄清代道路等5项工程已经完成。[9] 3气候 承德避暑山庄地处内蒙古高原与华北平原的过渡带,属温带大陆性季风型山地


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.


承德避暑山庄建筑艺术 摘要:承德避暑山庄鉴于康熙42年(公元1703年)至乾隆57年(1792年)竣工,是我国现存最大的古典皇家园林,占地8460亩。避暑山庄是中国现存最大的古代帝王苑囿,与北京的颐和园,苏州的拙政园,苏州的留园并称全国四大名园。多种建筑形式的自由组合与变化,人工园林与山林景观的对比与和谐,各民族建筑文化的交流与融会。山庄的建筑有镇江金山寺样式的“上帝阁”,有苏州“狮子林”一般模样的“文园狮子林”,有似于杭州西湖苏堤、白堤的“芝径云堤”,有酷似宁波范氏“天一阁”的“文津阁”。它集中国古代造园艺术和建筑艺术之大成,是具有创造力的杰作。在造园上,它继承和发展了中国古典园林“以人为之美入自然,符合自然而又超越自然”的传统造园思想,总结并创造性地运用了各种造园素材、造园技法,使其成为自然山水园与建筑园林化的杰出代表。在建筑上,它继承、发展、并创造性地运用各种建筑技艺,撷取中国南北名园名寺的精华,仿中有创,表达了“移天缩地在君怀”的建筑主题。 避暑山庄的历史是清朝历史的缩影。见证了康乾盛世的辉煌与荣光,记录了晚清的颓败与悲凉。康熙皇帝每年都要前往木兰围场(位于避暑山庄北),表面是打猎娱乐,内含重要的的政治意义,军事意义。第一,通过行围活动,不仅可以使八旗官兵既习骑射,又习劳苦,用以保持八旗官兵传统的骁勇善战和醇朴刻苦的本色,抵御骄奢颓废等恶习的侵蚀,做到安不忘危、常备不懈。第二,皇帝可以借每年的木兰行围,在那里定期接见蒙古各部的王公贵族,以便进一步巩固和发展满蒙关系,加强对漠南、漠北、漠西蒙古三大部的管理,这对于北方边防有着十分重大的意义。由此,从北京到河北省围场修建了不少行宫,但不能让康熙满意,直到看到了承德,一个不足千人的小村落和守候在这片山峦之间的丹霞地貌山岩--馨锤峰,其奇特的自然景观博得了康熙的垂青, 1713年,以“前朝”和“后寝”为部分格局的避暑山庄正宫区基本落成,康熙将理政生活牵制


Pe a r l Tower Shanghai The Oriental Pearl Tower is a in , . The Oriental Pearl Tower is located at the tip of in the district, by the side of , opposite of . It was designed by the Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Co. Ltd. Principal designers are Jiang Huan Chen, Lin Benlin and Zhang Xiulin. Construction began in 1990 and the tower was completed in 1994. At 468 m (1,535 feet) high, it was the tallest structure in (excluding ; see ) from 1994 - 2007, when it was surpassed by the . The spheres in the tower The tower features 11 spheres, big and small. The two largest spheres, along the length of the tower, have diameters of 50 m (164 ft) for the lower and 45 m (148 ft) for the upper. They are linked by three columns, each 9 m(30 ft) in diameter. The highest sphere is 14 m(46 ft) in diameter. The entire building is supported by three enormous that start underground. Observation levels The tower has fifteen observatory levels. The highest (known as the Space Module) is at 350 m (1148 ft). The lower levels are at 263 m (863 ft) (Sightseeing Floor) and at 90 m (295 ft) (Space City). There is a at the 267 m (876 ft) level. The project also contains exhibition facilities, restaurants and a shopping mall. There is also a 20-room hotel called the Space Hotel between the two large spheres. Antenna spire An , broadcasting TV and radio programs, extends the construction by another 118 m (387 ft) to a total height of 468 m (1,535 ft). Chinese symbolism in the design The design of the building is said to be based on a verse of the poem Pipa Song by about the wonderful sprinkling sound of a instrument, like pearls, big and small falling on a plate. However, the designer Jiang Huancheng says that he did not have the poem in mind when designing the tower. It


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云南旅游景点英文介绍 本文介绍了云南景点:西双版纳(Xishuangbanna)以及香格里拉(Shingri-La)两个云南景 点,作文地带还在进一步完善当中,请关注… 云南旅游-香格里拉英文(英语)导游词(旅游景点介绍) In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous region. On their way home, their plane was hijacked and fell down into the mountain in the Tibetan region. Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks. James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here t o investigate and remained much relics…… Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception. From Joozone_com. With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries. Later, a Chinese named Guo Huonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world. At the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the legendary Shangri-La. Up to the end of this century, they finally have found……。 After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only Tibetan region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people’s way of living. Therefore, the name of "Diqing Shangri-La" spreads worldwide. 云南景点介绍:Xishuangbanna Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed Aerial Garden for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical 云南景点介绍:Xishuangbanna Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed " Aerial Garden " for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.
