

Dave: Welcome to InfoKing. I'm Dave. Looks like you've 1) inherited Bob's 2) cubicle. 戴夫:欢迎来到资讯王。我是戴夫。看来你已经接管了鲍伯的办公室隔间。

Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob?


Dave: Bob was a totally 3) studly 4) programmer.


Zina: Studly?


Dave: You know. Big brain.


Zina: His stuff is still 5) tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry?


Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid.



A: Sitting in a cubicle all day.


B: What do you hate most about working in an office?


【get to 影响,左右】

get to在对话中是指“影响,左右”,多半是指负面的情况:

A:The pressure has been really getting to me lately.


B:Maybe you should take a vacation.y


get to的另一个常见用法是“抵达”,这个短语在问路时很好用,相信大家也都不陌生:

A:How can I get to the train station?


B:It's around the corner and to the left.


get to还有一个常见用法,意思是“得以,才能够”:

A:How did you get to be a politician?


B:Many years of hard work.


1) inherit (v.) 继承

2) cubicle (n.) (办公室)隔间

3) studly 健壮帅气的,“猛男”是stud。

4) programmer (n.) 程序设计师

5) tack (v.) (用大头针)钉上

Zina: What do you mean? If he was a good programmer, he should have been 1) raking it in.


Dave: The boss wanted to pay Bob with 2) stock options. But Bob didn't want to play that game again. 戴夫:老板想用认股权当作薪水付给鲍伯。可是鲍伯不想再次玩那种游戏了。

Zina: Again?


Dave: At his last 3) start-up, Bob worked for stock and no salary. They 4) folded and he made 5) zip. 戴夫:鲍伯上回参与的创业公司,他工作的酬劳是股票,不拿薪水。他们的公司倒闭,他半毛也没拿到。

Zina: Ouch.


Dave: Now he only works 6) freelance. Hundred 7) bucks an hour.



A: Their business folded last week.


B: No, I can't believe it! That was my favorite bookshop.


【What do you mean?这话怎讲?】

这是谈话时较随便的讲法,照说应该是What do you mean by that? 另一个类似句型是What does the word mean?这个字作何解释?mean 在这两个句型的“意思、意表”解。

mean 也作“打算”解,须要注意的是后面只能接不定词,不可接-ing式,例如:

Paul means to go to Taipei next week.


A: What do you mean by sayingJudy is leaving the country.?


B: Well, she means to accept a job offer in Singapore.


1) rake in 发财,大捞一笔

2) stock option 股票选择权,认股权

3) start-up (n.) 开始(创业,工作,动工等)

4) fold (v.) 关店,倒闭

5) zip (n.) 零,乌有

6) freelance (a.) 无约、自由工作的

7) buck美元

Zina: How do you get paid? 1) If you don't mind my asking.吉娜:你是怎么算薪水的?若你不介意我问的话。

Dave: Not cash. But if our 2) launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time.


Zina: And in the meantime, how do you pay the rent?吉娜:那这段期间你要怎么付房租?

Dave: I don't have to worry about rent. I live right here.戴夫:我不用担心房租。我就住在这里。

Zina: What? In your cubicle?吉娜:什么?在你的隔间里?

Dave: Right here. Me and my PC. Home sweet home.戴夫:就在这。我和我的个人电脑。甜蜜的家庭。


A: We're launched a new website.我们推出了一个新网站。B: That's great. What's the address?太棒了。网址是什么?

【big time 超级,非常】

big time是在口语中常常可以听到的短语,用来强调句中程度的高,意即“超级,非常”,可以当做副词用:

A:I need to go to the bathroom, big time!我得要上厕所,超急的!

B:There's a toilet over there. Why don't you go?那里就有厕所。你为什么不去?


A:She is a big-time movie producer!她是个大牌的电影制片!

B:Really? Why haven't I heard of her before then?真的?那怎么我以前从没听说过她?

1) If you don't mind my asking. 若你不介意我问起的话。这是客气的询问句。要注意的是,mind 的后面要接动名词;而若提到是谁问的,则要用所有格。

2) launch (n., v.) 事业登场,投入市场


Zina: Hi, boss. You wanted to see me?吉娜:嗨,老板。你说要见我?

Vince: Zina. Look, I know when I 1) hired you, I told you I'd pay you a salary. But I just can't.


Zina: Excuse me? I hope I didn't just hear what I think I just heard.


Vince: I know it's 2) awkward, but you're going to be thanking me later. I'm going to make you rich. 文斯:我知道这说来尴尬,不过你以后会感谢我的。我会让你发财。

Zina: You're going to make me rich by not paying me?吉娜:你要用不给我薪水的方法让我发财?


A: How many people did the company hire this year?公司在今年雇用了多少人?

B: Over two hundred.超过两百个。



A:Look, I'll give you ten dollars if you sweep the room for me.听着,如果你帮我扫房间,我就给你十块钱。B:Sounds reasonable.听起来蛮合理的。

1) hire (v.) 雇用2) awkward (a.) 令人尴尬的的,感到尴尬的

Vince: I want to 1) offer you more InfoKing stock options.


Zina: When you hired me, you knew you were going to be low on cash, didn't you?


Vince: Let me explain. To get more cash, I'll have to borrow more from Vikam, the 2) venture 3) capitalists. 文斯:容我解释。为了要有更多现金,我就得跟投资我们的维康创投借更多的钱。

Zina: I know how it works. You don't want to give away any more of your future 4) profits than you have to.


Vince: Exactly. Instead of 5) increasing their 6) position, I want to increase yours.



A: I'm going to offer you a position in our sales department.我要提供我们业务部的一个职位给你。

B: Thank you.谢谢您。

【I know how it works. 我知道规矩。】


A:I am afraid we are going to have to fire you.我恐怕我们得要开除你了。

B:It's OK, I know how it works. You just don't like me.没关系,我知道行规。你就是看不惯我。

【give away 送掉】

give away 这个短语看起来很简单,不过有许多常用的意思,对话中所用到的give away 是指“赠送”。

A: Why did you give your bicycle away?你为何把你的脚踏车送掉了?

B: It's too old. I want to get a new one anyway.那台太老了。反正我要换新的。

1) offer (v.) 提供2) venture (n.) 具冒险性的事业3) capitalist (n.) 出资者,金主,capital 是“资金”。

4) profit (n.) 利润5) increase (v.) 增加6) position (n.) 地位,此指“股权”。


Zina: I'm not cheap.吉娜:我可不便宜。

Vince: I'm prepared to increase your 1) stake to three percent.文斯:我准备把你的股份增加至百分之三。Zina: I've sold more 2) subscriptions to InfoKing in one week than you 3) expected me to sell in a month. 吉娜:我一星期内所卖出资讯王的订阅数,就比你期望的月业绩要高了。

Vince: I know you're good, Zina. You know how much three percent could be 4) worth, don't you?


Zina: Vince, I'm better than good. I'm the best. I want four percent.


Vince: Three-and-a-half.文斯:百分之三点五。Zina: Done.吉娜:成交。


A: I expect you to follow all the rules.我希望你遵所有的规则。B: Yes, ma'am!遵命,夫人!

【subscription to 订阅】

subscription 或其动词subscribe 后面都要用介系词to才等于中文的订阅,例如:

I renew my subscription to Time Express.我续订《时代杂志中文版》。

A:Many of my friends subscribe to the evening newspaper.我的许多朋友订了那家晚报。


A:Only because they want the free Teddy Bear.只因为他们想要免费的熊宝宝。

1) stake (n.) 股份2) subscription (n.) 订阅3) expect (v.) 期待4) worth (a.) 值得的


Zina: Dave, 1) wake up.吉娜:戴夫,醒醒。Dave: Whaah? Zina? What time is it?戴夫:啊?吉娜?现在几点Zina: It's seven-thirty. I want to know who left this note on my desk.


Dave: What note? I can't see. I just pulled an all-nighter.戴夫:什么纸条?我看不到。我开了一整晚夜车。Zina: It's a little green 3) post-it note, 4) stuck right in the middle of my computer screen.


Dave: And? What does it say? Isn't there a name?戴夫:然后呢?上面写着什么?没有名字吗?

Zina: It says, Zina, I like how you 5) rhumba. An 6) admirer.



A: Where should I put this picture of Fiona?我该把费欧娜这张照片摆哪儿?

B: Just stick it on your front door.把它贴在你的前门就好了。

【It's seven-thirty. 七点半。】在这个句型中,it指时间。虽然这句话也可以简化为Seven-thirty.但还是用原句型较为适当。it除了指时间以外,也用于指天气或距离,例如:

It's very hot today.今天天气很热。

It's about 400 kilometers from Taipei to Kenting.从台北到垦丁大约400公里。

A:How far is it from here to Hualien?从这里到花莲有多远?B:It's about 150 kilometers.大约150公里。

A:How is the weather like down there?那里天气怎么样?B:It's raining at the moment.此刻正在下雨。

1) wake up 醒来;awake是“醒着的”。2) pull an all-nighter 开夜车,熬夜

3) post-it note 可贴的便条纸,系3M公司出品的办公用具,现已成为同类产品的代名词。

4) stick (v.) 粘贴5) rhumba (n.) 伦巴舞6) admirer (n.) 仰慕者,secret admirer 是“暗恋者”。


Dave: Whoa. Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer.戴夫:哇。这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了。

Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some 1) lovesick computer 2) geek.


Dave: I know what you mean. I can't stand computer geeks.戴夫:我知道你的意思。我也受不了电脑怪胎。Zina: Sorry, Dave, I didn't mean you. I am just not 3) in the mood for this. I have work to do.


Dave: Who do you think it is?戴夫:你觉得是谁?


A: Your friend seems to be in a better mood.你朋友的心情看起来好多了。

B: I gave her a pep talk.我给她来了段精神讲话。

【I can't stand... 我无法忍受……】


A: Allison is my best friend.爱丽森是我最好的朋友。

B: I can't stand her. She is so fake!我受不了她。她好假喔!


A: It must be 45 degrees in here.这里一定有四十五度。

B: I can't stand it anymore. It's too hot!我再也受不了了。有够热的!


A: Let's go have a beer at Tom's.我们去汤姆的店喝啤酒。

B: I can't stand to go there. It reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.

Vince: Hey, Zina. You're here early today.文斯:嗨,吉娜,你今天早来了。

Zina: Yeah, I'm going to be making phone calls all day. What a 1) blast.吉娜:对啊,我今天要打一整天的电话。真够好玩的。Vince: I just wanted to say thanks for putting us on the map so fast. I 2) appreciate it.


Zina: Save it, Vince. After I put my first million in the bank, I'll say you're welcome.


Vince: Fair enough. 3) Keep up the good work.文斯:很公平。再接再励。


A: Here are those tools you wanted to borrow.这些是你想要借的工具。

B: Thanks a million. I really appreciate it.千恩万谢。我真的很感激。

【Save it. 你省省吧。】

save是“存,省下”的意思,而Save it.在对话中用做短句,意思是“省省吧。”,告诉对方多说无益。而save it for的句型也很常用,意思是“替……预留”,请看以下的实际例子:

A:I wasn't drinking, officer; I just didn't see the red light.警官,我没有喝酒;我只是没看到红灯。

B:Save it for the judge.这些话你留着去跟法官说吧。

A:I love this movie! I want to watch it, too.我好爱这部电影!我也要去看。

B:OK. I'll save it for tonight when you get home from work.好。我就把这部电影留到今晚,等你下班回家一起看。

1) blast (n.) 尽兴,玩得愉快2) appreciate (v.) 感激3) Keep up the good work. 再接再励


Dave: Hey, Zina. You shouldn't act so tough with Vince. 1) What if he's your rhumba boy?


Zina: Please. He's only nice to me because I'm making him a ton of money.吉娜:拜托喔他对我好只是因为我在帮他赚大钱。Dave: He was definitely happy. You must be making a lot of sales.戴夫:他真是高兴得很。你一定做成了很多买卖。Zina: It isn't hard. All the 2) online businesses need a way to 3) keep track of the 4) traffic to their 5) sites.


Dave: That's InfoKing. Tracks every visitor. Or at least it will, if we can get it to work.



A: I can't get online.我连不上线。

B: There must be too many other people using the Internet.一定是有太多人上网了。

【act tough with... 故作强硬】

tough 这个字,指的是“强悍的”,若要说“对……很强悍、强硬”就是be tough with...,对话中用了act这个字,act tough with听来的感觉倾向于“故意装得很强硬”。

A: I'm so angry. I could hit you in the face.我好生气。我真想揍你的脸。

B: Don't you act so tough with me. I know you couldn't hurt a fly.你别跟我故作强硬。我知道你连只苍蝇都舍不得杀。【get it to work 让它运作】

get...to work这个句型,若是用在事物身上,是指“让……能够运作”,可能是指草创的新东西,或是某个窒碍难行的制度,也可以单纯指东西坏了:

A: My car broke down again.我的车又坏了。

B: I bet I can get it to work. Where is it?我打赌能让它上路。车子在哪里?

1) what if... 万一,要是……

2) online (a.) 连上电脑网路的,线上的

3) keep track of... 随时掌握……

Zina: Do you want to know what really 1) motivates Vince to be nice to me?吉娜:你要知道文斯对我好的动机何在吗?Dave: OK. What?戴夫:好啊。是什么?

Zina: It isn't 2) gratitude. It's fear. Vince is afraid I'll 3) jump to a 4) competitor.


Dave: You wouldn't do that. Would you?戴夫:你不会这么做,对吧?

Zina: I might. Vince knows he needs to keep me happy.吉娜:我或许会喔。文斯知道他得让我保持快乐。

Dave: What about your 5) accounts?戴夫:那你的客户呢?


A: Man, that guy was a really good boxer.天啊,那家伙真是个好拳手。

B: You fought a good fight. But your next competitor will be even tougher.你打了场好拳。但是你的下个对手将会更强。【nice to me 对我好】nice to 后面接“人”时,表示“友善、随和”的意思,例如:

Grandma was nice to me when I visited her.我去探望祖母时她对我很友善。

We should all be nice to the new-comer.我们应该对那位新来的人客气些。

【I might. 我可能会】

在英文中谈论可能的情态助动词(modals)有好几个,包括might, could, may, must。大致上,might表示的可能是最低,而must最高。

Tina might be sick.(少于50%可能)Tina could be sick.(约50%可能)

Tina may be sick. (约50%可能)Tina must be sick. (约90%可能)

1) motivate (v.) 给……动机2) gratitude (n.) 感激3) jump to... 换(公司),尤指违反合约的情况。

4) competitor (n.)竞争者5) account (n.) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客户。


Zina: My accounts go where I go. Vince knows that.吉娜:我到哪里,客户就跟到哪。文斯知道的。

Dave: Wow. You are a real snake.戴夫:哇。你真狡猾。

Zina: It's business, Dave.吉娜:这是生意经,戴夫。

Dave: I know, I know. Kill, or die, right?戴夫:我知道,我知道。不是杀人就是被杀,对吧?

Zina: Right. The 1) faint of heart should not 2) apply.吉娜:没错。绝对不可以显得胆小。

Dave: I really feel sorry for that rhumba boy if he ever 3) identifies himself.


Zina: So do I.吉娜:我也是。


A: She applied so much make-up to her face that I don't recognize her anymore.


B: I thought she was wearing a mask.我还以为她戴了面具呢。

【So do I. 我也是。】

谈话中对方提到某种想法或动作,而你要表示同感时常会用到这个句型,要注意助动词do要置于主词 I 之前。类似的句型还有So am I.也表示“我也是”。

使用So do I 或So am I 取决于对方是否使用be动词,使用be 动词则用So am I,其他动词则用So do I. 。

A: I want to find out where John is.我想要找出约翰到底在哪里。

B: So do I.我也是。

A: I'm anxious to know if I'm admitted to the college.我急于想知道我是否被那所大学录取了。

B: So am I.我也是。

1) faint of heart 心生畏惧

2) apply (v.) 适用,运用

Zina: Dave! Look at this!吉娜:戴夫!你看这个!

Dave: You don't have to yell, Zina. I'm just one 1) cubicle away.


Zina: Somebody left another green post-it note.吉娜:有人留了另一张绿色便条纸。

Dave: Was it your humba boy again?戴夫:又是你那个“伦巴男孩”啊?

Zina: It says, You look so 2) frail, / but I know you're tough like a nail. / To me, you are more beautiful than free e-mail.

吉娜:上面写着:“你看来娇柔,但我知道你如钢铁般强韧。对我来说,你比免费的伊妹儿还要讨人喜欢。”Dave: Wow. He really likes you, doesn't he?戴夫:哇,他还真喜欢你,不是吗


A: Brian went off in class and yelled at the teacher.布莱恩在课堂上情绪失控还对老师大喊。

B: That guy is totally out of control.那家伙真是完全失去控制了。

【doesn't he? 不是吗?】


A: This is the book that you want,isn't it?这是你要的那本书,不是吗?B: Yes, it is.正是。

A: You don't like coffee, do you?你不喜欢咖啡,是吗?B: No, I don't.对,我不喜欢。

1)cubicle (n.) (办公室) 隔间2) frail (a.) 柔弱的


Zina: Who has been here already this morning?吉娜:今天有谁一早就在这里了?

Dave: Well, Vince dropped off some sales reports for you. Said you signed a big deal with https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,.


Zina: They're 1) small fry. Tonight I'm going to LA to 2) negotiate with https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,. That'll be big.


Dave: You're right. All the entertainment web sites follow https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,.戴夫:没错。所有的娱乐网站都以https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,马首是瞻。Zina: Who else has been here?吉娜:还有谁到过这里来?

Dave: Elvin stopped by to see me.戴夫:艾文顺道过来找了我一会儿。Zina: Elvin? Which one is he?吉娜:艾文?他是哪一个啊?


A: Did you sign a contract before agreeing to work for him?在你同意为他工作前先签合约了吗?

B: He told me we would do it later.他说那个晚点儿再签。

【stop by 顺道拜访】

stop by是指你在要去一个地方的途中,因为顺路而到某人家拜访:

A:I was going to the store and thought I would stop by.我正要去店里,就想可以顺道过来。

B:I'm so glad you did!我真高兴你来了!

stop by也可以用来表达“稍作停留,不会久留”的意思:

A: I just stopped by to see if you needed anything.我只是过来看一下你是否需要什么。

B: I need some more cough medicine.我还需要多一些咳嗽药。

1) small fry 微不足道的事

2) negotiate (v.) 协商,协调

3) entertainment (n.) 娱乐

Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1) Studly programmer 2) numero uno? With the 3) ponytail and nose ring?


Zina: Great. A 4) geek and a 5) punk all rolled into one. Just my type.吉娜:好极了。集怪胎与朋克于一身。正合我意。Dave: You think he's the one?戴夫:你觉得那个人就是他?

Zina: Could be. He sounds like a 6) prime suspect.吉娜:有可能。他听起来很像头号嫌疑犯。

Dave: What about your 7) assistant? She was here looking for you just now.戴夫:那你的助理呢?她刚刚才来找过你。Zina: Mary? Please, Dave. Anyway, I know it couldn't be her. She has a boyfriend.


Dave: Yeah, but I bet he's nothing like you.戴夫:是啊,但我敢说他跟你可不一样。


A: What's your job title?你的职称是什么?B: I'm an assistant professor of chemistry.我是化学系的助理教授。

【be nothing like... 可不像……】be nothing like...这个句型可以用来比较两个人的不同:

A: Your sister is nothing like you.你的姐姐跟你完全不像。

B: I know, she's much more independent than I am.我知道。她比我独立多了。


A: This job is nothing like the one I used to have.这个工作跟我以前的是两个样。

B: Hang in there. Maybe it will get better.撑着点。或许情况会好转的。

1) studly (a.) (俚) 健壮帅气的2) numero uno(意,西)即number one “第一名,头号人物”。

3) ponytail (n.)(发饰)马尾4) geek (n.) 怪胎

5) punk (n.) 朋克,指发型服饰怪异新潮的族群6) prime suspect 头号嫌疑犯7) assistant (n.) 助手


Mary: Are you Elvin?玛莉:你是艾文吗?Elvin: Elvin Dixon. Who are you?艾文:艾文迪克森。你是谁?Mary: I'm Mary. I want to say I really 1) admire the software you're designed.


Elvin: Easy stuff. But thanks. And the 1)admiration is 2) mutual.


Mary: It is?玛莉:真的?

Elvin: You're selling InfoKing 3) subscriptions like nobody's business. And we don't even have a working 4) demo yet.


Mary: I can't take the credit for that. I'm just Zina's assistant. She's the 5) pro.



A: Here's a demo of our product.这是我们产品的样品。

B: Thank you. I'll take a look at it and get back in touch with you.谢谢。我看过之后再联络你。

【like nobody's business 如入无人之境】

like nobody's business可以用来表达“无人能出其右”,形容此人相当有一手:

A: They play the blues like nobody's business.他们演奏蓝调的技巧无人能敌。

B: I have to go and see them.我一定要去看看他们。

【take the credit居功】

credit是“功劳,赞扬”的意思,take the credit就是指“因为功劳而接受赞扬”,可以用在正面的“居功”。A: Josh, you are amazing!乔许,你真是令人不可思议!

B: I can't take the credit for this job. We all worked hard on it.这工作我不能居功。大家都很努力。

Elvin: She is, like, 1) mega-intense, isn't she?艾文:她整个人热力四射,对吧?

Mary: Ha, she is unstoppable. I'm learning so much from her.玛莉:没有事情能挡得住她。我跟她学了好多。Elvin: What's it like to work with her?艾文:跟她共事是啥感觉?

Mary: She's 2) demanding. But I like that. I mean, I know our timeline is tight.


Elvin: Tell me about it.艾文:这还用说。

Mary: You guys are working around the clock, I know. That guy Dave next to Zina never leaves.


Elvin: Vince wants us to have everything 3) debugged and ready to go by the end of the month.



A: Your mother is so demanding!你妈妈的要求真高!B: That's what my dad always says.我爸爸也总是这么说。【around the clock 日以继夜】由clock 组成的成语除了around the clock 之外,另有一个against the clock“赶时间”。A: Frank, why does your factory have to work around the clock this month?


B: Well, we have got quite a lot of orders for shipment this quarter.


A: In other words, you are all working against the clock now.换句话说,你们现在全都在赶时间。

B: You're right.你说对了。

1) mega-intense intense是指“紧张的、一触即发的”,字首(prefix) mega是“非常,相当多”的意思,亦指“百万的”,如megabyte“百万位元组”。2) demanding (a.) 要求很高的3) debug (v.) (电脑)除虫,指修正电脑程序中的错误。


Mary: Is it true that one of our 1) competitors is planning to 2) launch their 3) tracking service next month?玛莉:听说我们有个竞争对手打算下个月推出监测流量的服务,这是真的还是假的?

Elvin: That would be WebTracker. We're heard they're almost ready. That's why we have to finish first. 艾文:你说的是“网路搜寻家”。听说他们几乎准备好了。所以我们得要抢先完成。

Mary: Or they'll take over the market before we even get started.


Elvin: Right. And that would be a total 4) giga-bummer.艾文:没错。到时就一败涂地了。

Mary: I guess we'd better get back to work.玛莉:我猜我们最好赶快回去工作吧


A: You have such a strange accent. Where are you from?你的口音奇怪。你是哪里人?

B: Take a guess.猜猜看。

【take over 接掌、占据】take over 表达商务上或军事上的“接掌、占据”。

A: Once again, the military has taken over the African country.又一次军方接管了那个非洲国家。

B: Do you think that'll interrupt your plan of taking over the market there?


A: Maybe and maybe not. I just have to wait and see.或许会,或许不会。我只有等着瞧了。

1) competitor (n.) 竞争者

2) launch (v.) 事业登场,投入市场

3) tracking service 监控服务,此指“监控网站流量的服务”。

4) giga-bummer bummer是指“倒霉、不幸的遭遇”, giga这个“字首” 是指“十亿”,意即“非常巨大,非常多”。

Zina: Vince. We're both busy, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. I need a 1) raise.


Vince: I can't do that, Zina. You know I can't.文斯:办不到,吉娜。你知道我无能为力的。

Zina: 2) Bull. I're done my 3) research. I know you still 4) control more than 65 percent of InfoKing 5) options.吉娜:胡扯。我做了研究。我知道你仍掌握了“资讯王”百分之六十五以上的股权。

Vince: Who told you that?文斯:谁跟你说的?

Zina: That doesn't matter. I want 6) at least 4 percent.吉娜:那不重要。我少说要百分之四。


A: I have done extensive research on the French Revolution.我对法国大革命做过广泛的研究。

B: Then you must have been to Paris.那你一定去过巴黎。

【beat around the bush拐弯抹角】

beat around the bush原意是指猎人在打猎时,先在草丛附近拍打,以让鸟类猎物受惊而现出踪迹,引申出藉由迂回的方式,不针对问题回答,犹如中文里的“拐弯抹角”:

A: Stop beating around the bush, and tell me what you want.别拐弯抹角,告诉我你要什么。

B: I want a divorce.我要离婚。

A: What did Tom want to tell you?汤姆那时想要跟你说什么?

B: I'm not sure. He kept beating around the bush.我不确定。他一直在拐弯抹角。

1)raise (n.) 加薪2) bull 原意是“公牛”,这里是用作 bullshit 委婉说法。

3) research (n.) 研究4) control (v.) 控制5) option (n.) 选择,此指“股票选择权”6) at least 至少,起码


Vince: Your 3.5 percent 1) share is going to be worth at least a million.


Zina: I need to be 2) motivated, Vince. 3) Multi-motivated. As in multi-million.


Vince: What if I said no?文斯:要是我说不呢?

Zina: Ever hear of WebTracker?吉娜:有听过“网路搜寻家”吗?

Vince: You wouldn't! If you leave, you'll make nothing.文斯:你不会那样吧!你若是离开,连半毛都赚不到。Zina: I might make nothing even if I stay. For that kind of risk, I want to get rich.


Vince: OK. If you sign the https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html, 4) account before WebTracker does, we'll talk next week.



A: Don't you want to go and exercise?你不想在运动吗?

B: Yes, but I can't seem to get motivated.想,可是我没有动力

【用 as in... 做补述】as in这个短语是用来补述,好让意思能让人更明白,常用在解释拼字的时候:

A: My name is Meg.我叫做梅格。

B: Is that M as in Mary, E as in elephant, and G as in girl?那是Mary的m、elephant的e,girl的g吗?

as in可以用来进一步解释情况,犹如中文里的“像……那种”:

A: I just ate a Chinese buffet for only 2.99 dollars.我刚只花了2.99美元吃了份中式自助餐。

B: As in the all-you-can-eat kind? That's so cheap!是吃到饱的那种吗?还真便宜!

你也可以用as in来提问,以确定自己没有误会对方的意思:

A: I made a million last year.我去年赚了一百万。

B: Is that as in dollars?你说的一百万是美元吗?

Zina: No, Vince, not next week. Now. You need to 1) guarantee me 5 percent.


Vince: But you just said 4 percent!文斯:但你才刚说过百分之四的!

Zina: If the next word out of your mouth isn't Yes it's going up to 6 percent.


Vince: Yes! OK, yes. Stop it! You are just 2) ruthless.文斯:好!好就好吧。别再来了。你真是心狠手辣。Zina: That's why you love me. One other thing. Did you leave me a note this morning on a green post-it? 吉娜:所以你才爱我啊。还有件事。你今天有留张绿色便利贴在我桌上吗?

Vince: I don't think so. Mine are yellow. Why?文斯:我想没有吧。我的是黄色的。怎么?

Zina: 3) Never mind. I'm looking for somebody who uses green.吉娜:别放在心上。我在找用绿色的人。


A: Can you guarantee me that I will like this product?你能跟我保证我会喜欢这个产品吗?

B: Oh, yes. Otherwise we will give you back your money.能。否则我们就会退还你的钱。

【I don't think so. 我想没有吧】


A: Is there anything else you want to tell me about?还有其他什么事要告诉我的吗?

B: I don't think so.我想没有吧。A: It looks like rain.好像下雨了。B: I don't think so.我想没有吧。

1)guarantee (v.) 保证2) ruthless (a.) 冷血无情的3) Never mind. 别在意,别放在心上


Zina: He's been here again.吉娜:他又到过这里了。

Dave: Rhumba Boy? What did he write this time?戴夫:伦巴男孩?他这次写了什么?

Zina: I am not mean. / Actually, I am quite clean. / Will you be my queen? / Answer me in green, / on your computer screen./


Dave: Are you going to answer him?戴夫:你打算回应他吗?

Zina: Yes. don't like your green notes. / They make me see red. / Show your head, and you'll 1) end up dead. 吉娜:对。“我不爱你的绿纸条。它们让我气得脸通红。若敢露脸,就要你死。”


A: Isn't Lisa your girlfriend?.莉莎不是你的女朋友吗?

B: Actually, we broke up. Now I'm dating Jane.其实我们分手了。我现在跟阿珍在约会。

【He's been here. 他到过这里。】

have/has been here隐含“现在已经离开这里”的意思,要是have/has come here即是表示“现在人在这里”。同理have/has been there意味着“已经离开那里”,而have/has gone there说明“尚在那里”。

A: Where have you been? I haven't seen you and Peter for a long time.


B: I have been in Bangkok for a while, and Peter has gone to the U.S.


1) end up 落得......的下场

Dave: Do you think maybe it would be better to just talk to Vince? Explain the situation?


Zina: No way. I want the satisfaction of 1) squishing this bug myself. Plus, what if it's Vince?


Dave: I don't think so. Your admirer seems kind of sweet. Aren't you even a little 2) curious about him? 戴夫:不会吧。你那仰慕者似乎还蛮贴心的。难道你对他一点都不好奇?

Zina: He's just a 3) distraction, like a mosquito buzzing in my ear. I want no distractions.


Dave: A little distraction might 4) do you some good, Zina.戴夫:稍微分点心或许对你有好处,吉娜。


A: Our two-year-old baby is always getting into trouble.我们家那个两岁的小鬼老是出状况。

B: Two is the age when they start to get curious.孩子就是从两岁会开始好奇。

【a little curious 一点儿好奇】

a little 意思是“不多,但仍有一点”,如果是little,意思是“很少”,隐含否定之意。

A: There's still a little time. We can have another drink.还有一点时间,我们可以再来一杯。

B: But there is little money with us.但是我们没有什么钱了。

A: I think they would accept my credit card.我想他们会接受我的信用卡。

1)quish (v.) 挤扁,压扁2) curious (a.) 感到好奇的

3) distraction (n.) 分心4) do someone good 对某人有好处


Zina: Talk about distractions. Vince wants to see us all again this afternoon.


Dave: Another pep talk? That'll make three this week.戴夫:又要来精神讲话吗?那就会是这个星期的第三次了。Zina: He's worried that our team is going to 2) tire out and that WebTracker is going to beat us.


Dave: I don't 3) blame him. People are starting to 4) grumble about working 5) twenty-four seven.


Zina: They need to suck it up. We're going to pull this off. I'll make sure of that.



A: You always blame me for everything!你总把每件事都怪在我头上!

B: That's because it's your fault!因为那是你的错!

【That'll make three times this week. 那就会是这星期的第三次了。】


A: The computer has crashed again.电脑又死机了。B: That makes the fifth time tonight.这是今晚第五次了。【pull something off 完成难题】

pull something off 可以用来表示“完成一份艰难的工作”。

A: This project has to be finished next week.这个企划案在下星期之前得要完成。

B: If we pull this off, we'll all get promotions.若我们闯过这一关,我们就升官了。

1) pep talk 精神讲话。用以提振士气,凝聚共识的谈话。

2) tire out 精疲力竭

3) blame (v.) 责怪

4) grumble (v.) 抱怨

Dave: It's 1) crunch time, isn't it? I wasn't 2) nervous before the meeting, but now I am.


Elvin: No kidding. Time is running out.艾文:一点不假。时间越来越紧迫了。

Dave: It would help to bring in a couple more 3) troubleshooters.


Elvin: Vince says he can't 4) afford anybody else. We're got to 5) come through.


Dave: Do you think we'll make it?戴夫:你觉得我们会成功吗?

Elvin: I guess we'll either make it, or we won't.艾文:我猜我们要么就搞定,否则就完蛋了。


A: Dad! I love that car.爸!我好爱那辆车。

B: Me too. But we can't afford it.我也是。不过我们买不起。

【Time is running out. 时间越来越紧迫了。】

run out 表示“耗尽、到期、届满”,而 run out of 是“将……用光、缺乏”,前者不能接名词,而后者一定接名词或动名词。

A: We'd better hurry. Time is running out.我们最好快一点。时间快到了。

B: But we have to find a gas station first. We are running out of gas.


A: Why didn't we use the other car?为什么我们没有用另外那部车子呢?

1) crunch time (n.) (俚)关键时刻,危机困境。2) nervous (a.) 感到紧张的

3) troubleshooter (n.) 解决麻烦问题的能手。4) afford (v.) 负担得起5) come through 度过难关


Dave: Either we'll be millionaires, or we won't... won't have a dime.


Elvin: And it's all coming down to the next three weeks.艾文:接下来的三个星期就会见真相。

Dave: The only person who seems confident the software will be done on time is Zina.


Elvin: Yeah, she is some kind of Superwoman, isn't she?艾文:对啊,她还真像个女超人,你说是不是?Dave: 1) Failure just isn't an 2) option for her. I'm glad she's on our team.



A: Do I have any other options?我有其他选择吗?

B: You have to pick them up at six A.M.你得在早上六点的时候来拿。

【It's all coming down to...成败攸关于……】

come down to是指情况到了最后成败的关头,短期内就要见真相:

A: It's all coming down to these last two days.成败就看这最后两天了。

B: We can do it!我们做得到的!也可以指彼此的关系每况愈下,到达谷底:

A: I need more money. Give me some.我还要钱。给我一点。

B: Has our relationship just come down to this-money?我们的关系已走到了这样,钱钱钱?

你也可以说It came down to the point where...以表示情势的发展已至最后的临界点:

A: It came down to the point where I had to make a decision.事已至此,我得做出决定。

B: So you decided to quit your job and come here?所以你决定辞职到这里来?

1) failure (n.) 失败

Elvin: I used to 1) be down on the sales people until I saw her 2) in action.


Dave: She means business, for sure.戴夫:她可都是玩真的。

Elvin: Most salespeople seem like 3) half-brains. Zina's definitely an 4) exception.


Dave: We'd better get back to work.戴夫:我们最好回去工作了。

Elvin: Yeah, I'm not too worried about Vince, but I'd hate to face Zina if we don't 5) deliver...



A: It's definitely time you got a haircut.你绝对该去剪头发了。

B: I know. My hair is always in my eyes.我知道。我的头发老是跑进眼睛。

【mean business 玩真的】

mean business是表示“当真,玩真的”,没有儿戏的成份在内,一心一意地去达成某件事,未必和“生意”business 有关:

A: I still can't believe Mary got into college.我还是不敢相信玛莉考进大学了。

B: Well, she meant business this time.呃,她这次是玩真的。

mean business也可以表示为了某种目的而来:

A: Why are the police outside?警察怎么会在这儿?

B: They mean business. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come here.他们来办事。要不然没事他们不会来的。

1) be down on... 对……感到失望,看不起。2) in action 在行动中,在动作中

3) half-brain (n.) 只有半个脑,意即“没大脑,白痴”。4) exception (n.) 例外

5) deliver (v.) 成功达成交付任务


Mary: Zina, can I talk to you about something 1) personal?玛莉:吉娜,我能跟你说些私事吗?

Zina: As long as it doesn't take too long.吉娜:只要不太花时间就可以。

Mary: My boyfriend says I work too much. That I spend more time with you than with him.


Zina: Was he 2) upset when you told him you had to leave this weekend?


Mary: He said not to 3) bother coming back. And I said, fine, I won't.玛莉:他说不劳我再回去了。我就说:“好我就不回来。”Zina: So what's the problem?吉娜:那这有什么问题?


A: Don't bother buying me a present. I hate birthdays.不用费心帮我买礼物了。我讨厌生日。

B: Too late. I already bought you one.来不及了。我已经帮你买了。

【don't bother 别费事,不劳】

don't bother后面可以接四种不同的结构:

1. -ing: Don't bother coming back.

2. 不定词:Don't bother to come back.

3. yourself + -ing: Don't bother yourself coming back.

4. yorself + 不定词:Don't bother yourself to come back.


A: When is your plane tomorrow? I would like to see you off at the airport.你明天班机是几时?我想要到机场给你送行。B: Thanks. But don't bother to come to the airport.谢了。但请不要麻烦跑一趟机场。

1) ersonal (a.) 私人的

2) upset (a.) 感到不爽的,生气的

Mary: I guess I'm just a little nervous. I'm giving everything I have to InfoKing, and...


Zina: ...and what if it doesn't 1) work out, right?吉娜: ......而且要是行不通怎么办,对不对?

Mary: 2) Exactly.玛莉:完全正确。

Zina: You need to 3) quit thinking like a loser. InfoKing is going to 4) kick butt. You know how I know? 吉娜:你别那么没志气了。“资讯王”会所向披靡的。你知道我怎么知道吗?

Mary: How?玛莉:怎么知道?

Zina: Because I won't let it fail.吉娜:因为我不会让它失败。

Mary: But what about tomorrow? What if https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html, decides to go with WebTracker, and not us?



A: You're saying that you didn't steal the loaf of bread?你是说那条面包不是你偷的?

B: That's exactly right. I'm an honest man.完全正确。我是个诚实的人。

【quit thinking 停止……想法】

quit跟stop一样,后面跟着-ing 表示“停止某种动作”,后面跟着不定词时意思是“停下来做某项动作”,例如:quit smoking“戒烟”,stop to smoke“停下来抽烟”。

A: We have been running for an hour. Let's stop to take a rest.我们已经跑了一个钟头了。让我们停下来休息。B: But be sure you don't smoke.但是你可不能抽烟。

A: I promised you to quit smoking, I honor my word.我答应过你要戒烟。我遵守诺言。

1) work out 行得通2) exactly (adv.) 的确,正是

3) quit (v.) 停止4) kick butt (俚) 踢屁股,意即“大胜,击溃”


Zina: We're going to blow WebTracker out of the water. Trust me.吉娜:我们会让“网路搜寻家”出局的。相信我。

Mary: I believe you, Zina.玛莉:我相信你,吉娜。

Zina: Mary, can I ask you something? What color are your post-it notes?吉娜:玛莉,我能问你个问题吗?你的便利贴是什么颜色?

Mary: My post-it notes? Pink, I think. Why?玛莉:我的便利贴?我想是粉红的吧,怎么?

Zina: Are you sure they aren't green? It's OK if they are. Just be 1) honest.吉娜:你确定不是绿色?是也无妨。老实说就好。Mary: I'm pretty sure they're pink. Did I do something wrong?玛莉:我很确定是粉红色的。我做错了什么吗?

Zina: No. Pink is OK. Stick with pink.吉娜:没有。粉红很好。不要换。


A: Why is he so upset?他怎么那么难过?

B: I told him he's getting fat. I was just being honest.我跟他说他变胖了。我只是说实话而已。

【blow...out of the water 击溃……】

blow...out of the water是指“把……打得落花流水”,意即让对方溃不成军:

A: How was the basketball game last night?昨晚的篮球赛如何?

B: The Lakers blew the Pistons out of the water.湖人队把活塞队打得溃不成军。

【stick with... 坚持……】

stick with something 是指“坚持(某事)”,也就是不轻言放弃,不轻易更换:

A: What's the best way to learn English?


B: Stick with the basics until you know them really well.


Elvin: How did it go in LA?艾文:去洛城那一趟有进展吗?

Mary: We signed up https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,, and we also got the Magic Studios web site.


Elvin: Wow! That's good news. Way to go!艾文:哇!那是好消息。真有一套!

Mary: I didn't do anything.玛莉:我啥也没做。

Elvin: What are you talking about? Those two 1) accounts are huge!


Mary: Zina made me stay in the hotel. Said I had a loser's 2) attitude.



A: I hate doing homework.我恨死了做家庭作业。

B: You have a bad attitude.你这种态度不好喔。

【Way to go! 有一套喔!】

Way to go! 这句简短好学的话,跟路可没有什么关系。Way to go! 这句话,是用来表达你的支持与鼓励,好比有人表现得很不错,你就可以送上Way to go! “有一套喔!”这句话给他。

A: I got an 'A' on my exam!我的考试得了A。

B: Way to go! I knew you could do it.有一套喔!我就知道你可以的。

当然,一句话到底是褒是贬,要看当时的情境而定,Way to go!也可以用来讽刺损人。

A: Ouch! I think I just broke my toe.噢!我踢断大脚趾了。

B: Way to go, *clumsy. Now I guess I have to take you to the hospital.


*clumsy (n.) 笨手笨脚的人

1) account (n.) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客户2) attitude (n.) 态度


Elvin: Wow. She can be really 1) nasty, can't she?艾文:哇。她讨厌起来还真要命,不是吗?

Mary: No. She was right. I was too nervous. I kept thinking, What if we 2) blow it?


Elvin: Well, I guess Zina figured you couldn't blow it if you were in the hotel room.


Mary: She even stayed at a different hotel. She said I might be 3) contagious.


Elvin: Well, at least we have https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,. That'll be great 4) publicity.



A: You can be really nasty to your friends.你有时候对朋友还真恶劣。

B: They deserve it.他们活该。

【What if 万一……怎么办】

what if = what will we/you do if,是省略掉“你(或我)要怎么办”字眼,达到简洁的目的。

A: I agree with you. But what if Cindy comes in five minutes?


B: Well, we have waited for her at least 45 minutes.我们至少己经等她四十五分钟啦。

A: Let's stay another ten minutes.让我们多停留十分钟吧。

1) nasty (a.) 惹人厌的,低劣的2) blow (v.) 搞砸,失败

Mary: There's just one 1) catch. Zina asked me to let you know.玛莉:只是有个难题。吉娜要我让你知道。Elvin: What?艾文:什么?

Mary: She promised that we'd be ready to start 3) tracking the https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html, web site by the end of next week. 玛莉:她承诺我们会在下星期结束之前,准备好开始监控https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,的网站流量。

Elvin: What!? It'll be a 4) miracle if we're ready by the end of the month! Is she crazy?


Mary: Yes, I think she is just a little bit crazy.玛莉:对,我觉得她是有点疯。

Elvin: Crazy is too kind. 5) Insane is more like it. Nuts! Wacko! Psycho!



A: Do you believe in life after death?你相信来生吗?B: No. I don't believe in miracles.不。我不相信奇迹。【be more like it.…倒还更贴切】

当我们在形容一个人或是一件东西的时候,常常在大家七嘴八舌之后,却还是不够传神,没有点出精髓,这时若你想到了绝佳的形容方法,你就可以用上这个句型...is more like it.“……还更贴切。”

A: Jane is a little shy.珍有一点害羞。

B: A turtle hiding in her shell is more like it.说她是缩头乌龟还更贴切。

That's more like it.这句类似的话也很常用。这句话的使用时机是当对方的表现终于让你有了满意感觉,你可以用这句话That's more like it.“这才像话嘛。”给对方一点小小的鼓励。

A: After ten weeks of ignoring us, the boss finally said he'd give us both a raise.


B: Now that's more like it.这才像话嘛。1) atch (n.) 诡计,难题2) promise (v.) 承诺

3) track (v.) 追踪,监控;此指track the web site“监控网站流量”4) miracle (n.) 奇迹

5) insane (a.) 精神错乱的;其后的几个字都是用来形容此类情况:nuts (a.) (俚)疯的:wacko (a.) (俚)怪里怪气的;6)psycho (a.) 心理变态的。


Dave: Hi, Zina. Lots of people are looking for you.戴夫:嗨吉娜很多人在找你。Zina: Like who?好比是谁?Dave: Like Elvin. He isn't too happy about what you promised https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,.


Zina: I've got it under control.吉娜:这在我的控制之下。

Dave: You do 1) realize that it isn't 2) humanly possible for us to finish by next week?


Zina: What if you had three more 3) top-notch programmers to help you?


Dave: That would definitely make a difference. But Vince already said no.



A: Do you realize how beautiful you are?你知道你自己有多美吗?

B: Stop. You're embarrassing me.别说了。你让我好尴尬。

【I've got it under control. 这在我的控制之下。】

有时候,当情况看似已失去控制,若你仍有信心能够控制全局,就可以呛出这句话I've got it under control.“这在我的控制之下。”A:The ship is sinking! What are you going to do about it?这艘船要沉了!你打算怎么做?B:Relax, I've got it under control. We won't sink.放轻松,这在我的控制之下。船不会沉的。

【make a difference 造成差别】make a difference是指会对现有的情况造成差别,跟以往不同。

A: I know you need some financial help. If I give you a raise, will it help?

Zina: He's going to change his mind. The 1) reinforcements will be here first thing tomorrow.


Dave: Are you serious? How? How did you 2) manage that?戴夫:你是认真的吗?怎么?你是怎么办到的?

Zina:I worked a little deal with Vikam.吉娜:我跟“维康”做了点小交易。

Dave: The 3) venture capitalists? When have you had time to talk to them?戴夫:投资方?你哪来的时间跟他们说?Zina: We had breakfast this morning.吉娜:我们今天吃了早饭。

Dave: Geez. Does Vince know about this?戴夫:天啊。文斯知道这档事吗?


A: Why do you look so serious?你怎么一副正经八百的样子?

B: I'm thinking! Don't bother me!我在想事情!别烦我!

【first thing tomorrow 明天赶办】

当他人有事情交代的时候,为了表明自己不会拖延,会尽速办理,你就可以用上这句短语first thing tomorrow,好让对方安心。当然由于事情的轻重缓急有所不同,赶办的时间也可以视情况而代换,好比first thing in the morning“一早赶办”,first thing Monday“周一赶办”等等。

A: When are you going to start working on this project?你何时会开始进行这个计划?

B: I'll get to it first thing tomorrow.我赶明天就马上进行。

A: Let's send a fax to our Hong Kong office first thing Monday.让我们在星期一尽速发一份传真给我们香港办事处。

B: I'll surely do that.我一定照办。

1) reinforcements (n.) 增援,救兵2) manage (v.) 得以做到3) venture capitalist 提供创业投资的投资方


Zina: He's on the phone right now. I 1) imagine he's finding out. Dave: What's he going to say?


Zina: He might find it a little 2) awkward, but he's going to thank me. Dave: Are you sure?


Zina: Yes. Because I'm going to help him become a very, very rich man.



A: What would you do if Matt Daemon asked you out? B: I can't even imagine that he would talk to me...


【On the phone 在电话上】

与phone搭配的动词包括answer, speak on ,talk on。要注意phone之前要有定冠词the。“接听电话”是answer the phone,绝不可误用receive, speak/talk on the phone是“在电话中讲话”。而“你的电话”在英文里绝非your telephone,应说It's for you或You are wanted on the phone。

A: Janet, you are wanted on the phone. B: I'm sorry. I Just can't answer the phone right now.


1) imagine (v.) 想像2) awkward (a.) 感到尴尬的,令人尴尬的

Dave: I'm really confused, Zina. Will you explain all this to me?


Zina: Look, we need to have the https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html, 1) account, right?吉娜:我们得要拿到https://www.360docs.net/doc/b83706496.html,这个客户,对吧?Dave: Yes. If we get it, we'll really be set for success.戴夫:对。若是拿到,我们就稳成功了。

Zina: And to get it, we have to 2) beat WebTracker to the punch.


Dave: OK, I'm with you so far.戴夫:好,我到现在都还听得懂。

Zina: That's why I 3) promised that InfoKing would 4) be up and running by the end of next week.



A: Can I convince you into coming over to my house?我能够说服你来我家吗?

B: Only if you promise to cook me dinner.只要你答应做晚餐给我吃。

【I'm with you so far. 我到现在都还听得懂。】

I'm with you.字面上的意义是“我和你在一起。”,而在使用上,I'm with you.是指“我听得懂你说的话。”若当对方已滔滔不绝地讲了一堆话,你为了表达自己都有在听,也都还跟得上他所说的话,这时候你就可以说I'm with you so far.“我到现在都还听得懂。”

A: So we got the bike and walked two miles, then...Are you paying attention?


B: I'm with you so far. Keep going.我到现在都还听得懂,继续说。

1)account (n.) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客户2) beat to the punch 先发制人

3) promise (v.) 承诺4) be up and running (公司,机器等)开始运作


Dave: That's what made Elvin so mad. I think he wants to 1) strangle you.


Zina: Oh, Elvin doesn't know anything. He can't see the big picture.吉娜:艾文啥都不懂。他看不到大局。Dave: Well, he doesn't know that you 2) recruited extra programmers. How did you 3) manage that?


Zina: I just sat down with the 4) venture capitalist boys from Vikam and asked for more money.


Dave: Can you do that? Isn't this Vince's company?戴夫:你这样行吗?这不是文斯的公司吗?

Zina: 5) For now it is.吉娜:暂时是。

Dave: Uh-oh. Here comes Elvin.戴夫:不妙。艾文来了。


A: Arnold began managing his own company at the age of 23.阿诺二十三岁就管理他自己的公司。

B: He must be a genius.他一定是个天才。

【He can't see the big picture. 他看不到大局。】

big picture是“全局,大局”的意思,can't see the big picture是指仅能着眼于眼前发生的事,无法看出事物的整体性,没有综观全局,长期规划的能力。

A: We'll only be able to pay everyone's salaries after our business establishes itself.


B: But Johnnie can't see the big picture. He's unwilling to wait. He wants to get paid now.

不过强尼看不到大局。他不愿意等。他现在就要拿薪水。你也可以劝告、建议他人look at the big picture“从大处着眼,衡量全局”。

A: I want all our employees to get equal pay.我要我们所有的员工都拿一样多的薪水。

B: You've got to look at the big picture. It's just not possible right now.


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


《外贸英语口语》课程标准 (一)课程性质与任务 《外贸英语口语》课程是根据高职高专商务英语和国际贸易实务专业学生需要开设的一门职业基础必修课程,同时也是一门语言技能训练课。其前导课程为商务英语听说、国际贸易实务、外贸英语函电,后续课程为商务英语翻译等。本课程具有很高的综合性,涉及商务活动、商务谈判、外贸单证等英语专业知识,是对英语语法、词汇、专业知识的综合能力运用。本课程旨在通过专业的口语训练,大幅度地提高学生的外贸英语会话能力及口语技巧,从而使学生达到基本满足从事商贸工作所必需的英语口语要求,使学生具备在一般涉外活动和商务谈判中自由交流的能力。 (二)课程教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)掌握相关外贸商务知识及外贸英语基本词汇、句型及表达; (2)掌握建立业务关系、询盘、报盘等相关外贸商务活动背景知识及相关对外贸易实务知识。 2.能力目标 (1)能就日常话题和接送客户、建立业务关系、报盘、询盘等相关商务话题进行对话和讨论; (2)能就某一商务话题清楚阐述自己的观点; (3)能就某一相关商务情景组织对话、回答问题、发表评论。 3.素质目标 (1)通过分组模拟口语训练,培养学生团队协作精神,锻炼学生沟通交流、自我学习的能力; (2)通过英汉互译,增强学生的跨文化意识,锻炼学生英汉双语表达能力,激发语言学习的热情,增强爱国意识; (3)通过商务口语模拟活动掌握商务社交规范与礼仪,培养学生的社

交能力。 (三)参考学时 本课程参考学时共计64课时。 (四)课程学分 本课程共计4学分。 (五)课程内容和要求 本课程根据外贸业务流程的有关知识将其内容分为十二个主要教学项目:建立业务关系、询盘与报盘、供货紧缺、价格、佣金与折扣、支付方式、包装、装运、保险、签订合同、投诉与索赔及代理。


商务英语情景对话 A: seller B: buyer A: Hello, welcome to XX company, I’m the (职位). These are my Colleague , Miss … and Miss …. B: Hi, nice to meet you. I’m the (职位),from XX company,(城市,国家) A: Nice to see you, too. Here is our catalogue for your reference. Is there anything particular you’re interested in? B: Well, I’m interested in your golden delicious apple. A: You have a good judgment. Golden delicious apple is famous as its first class quality, rich juice, and sweet sour taste. It’s also produced from Shandong province which has a good reputation of apples. B: well, I’m very impressed .May I have some idea of your price? A: Sure, USD 2000 per ton, CIF Newyork.(

B: Your price for golden delicious apple at USD 2000 per ton is on the high side, I can’t accept it. A: You must be aware that the price of golden delicious apple has been increasing since last year. It is fixed according to the upward trend in the international market price. B: But your price is much higher than the market price .Thailand gives a much lower price. A: The quality of this kind of golden delicious apple is much better. I can quote you on apple of quality and the price will definitely be lower. Our price varies according to the quality. B: What i mean is that your price is higher than of the same quality .It will be hard for us to persuade our clients to accept such a price .And as I known, many suppliers are in fact cutting the price trying to get a large market share. A: But our product can deal with the competition .You can see that we have already got many orders and more are coming. It shows that our product and price are acceptable


对于商务英语专业和想要从事外贸行业的小伙伴来说,BEC作为一个含金量比较高的英语考试,非常值得考。对于很多在职场打拼的年轻人来说,拿到BEC证书无疑会提高自身的竞争力,从而得到更多更好的工作机会。下面就为各位BEC考生介绍一下BEC(商务英语考试)口语中都要考哪些内容,应该如何应对考试。 一、口语考试内容及流程 Part 1:访谈(Interview) 考试形式:两名考生随机分为一组,对同一个话题的四个相关问题进行轮流回答。 第一阶段(Phase 1)考官与考生互相问候与介绍 第二阶段(Phase 2)对商务相关的话题进行讨论 Part 2:简短陈述(Mini-Presentation) 考试时间:6分钟 考试形式:考生会被提供一张带有三个问题及相关提示的信息卡,就其中一个问题做一个1分钟左右的演讲或者一个简短的口头陈述。两名考生轮流进行演讲,并在另一名考生结束演讲后对他提出一个问题,同样在考生自己演讲完毕后也要回答同伴的一个问题。 Part 3:合作与讨论(Collaborative Task and Discussion) 考试形式:两名考生被给到同样的考试材料,并对试题卡上的问题进行一个三分钟的讨论。在讨论结束后,考官会问两名考生一些与刚刚讨论过的主题相关的问题,可能会涉及到像公司活动、决策等话题。

二、口语考试答题技巧 Part 1:访谈 第一部分的问题都比较简单,其中在第一阶段中只会进行一些比较基础日常的对话交流,值得注意的是在考生过程中一定要注意聆听考官的每一句话,即使现在被问到的是你的搭档,也要认真听,因为很有可能会直接让你说你的观点与想法,这时候如果没有仔细听他们的对话就会很尴尬了。 第二阶段会涉及到一些商务工作相关的话题,可能会涉及较多的专业词汇,考生应当在听清楚之后再做回答。在答题时要显示出自己的自信,保证自己的表达足够清晰、流利、符合逻辑,尽量不要出现发音或者语法错误。 Part 2:简短陈述 在备考时考生应当快速浏览信息,定下自己最有把握的主题为演讲的话题。同时在备考时可以记笔记,以免在发音的时候忘记还没有提示。在即将演讲时要让自己看起来足够自信,有条不紊,不要慌慌张张。在演讲过程中注意自己的逻辑,在开头点题,结尾再次总结,同时也要注意自己的时间,尽量将自己的发言控制在一分钟左右。在准备考试阶段,考生可以在像英语趣配音这样的英语口语学习软件上找到演讲类的视频进行配音练习,将自己提前带入到情境中。 Part 3:合作与讨论 既然是合作与讨论,那么考生在第三部分考试时应当积极与搭档对话题进行讨论。不能不说话,也不能一直自顾自地说,同时要保证有效的沟通,不能听不懂的就混弄过去,应当在保证自己表述足够清楚的基础上,弄懂对方的每一句话,否则将会使对话陷入僵局。


商务英语口语情景对话 大全 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience.我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challengeand work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B: As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position. 在讨论薪水前.我需要更多了解这份工作.或者你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少. A: 3000, with raises after the half yearing to your competence. 起薪是每月3000元。半年后会根据你的表现增加薪水。 B: Well, I think it's acceptable and I really like the job. 我觉得可以接受。我真的喜欢这份工作。我什么时候能得知结果呢 A: Do you have any other questions 我们会在7月初通知你我们的最终决定。你还有别的问题吗

外贸英语口语对话Unit 5:placing an order发出订单

外贸英语口语对话Unit 5:placing an order发出订 单 Unit 5 placing an order 发出订单 Mr Wise is a buyer from overseas,visiting the offices of an import and export corporation in Shanghai.Mr Joe is the manager of the corporation with Miss Li as his secretary. A: Mr Wise is to see you,Mr Joe.Shall I bring him in? B:Yes ,please.And bring me the car’s bundance in the last quotation we set him.Oh,just remind me,Miss Li ,do we offer subjects on sold? A:No, we offered firm. B: Thank you. A: Mr Wise. B:Good morning,Mr wise,you have a good shape,haven’t you? A:Yes.Very good journey,thank you.We’ve had your offer and are very much interested in it. B: I wonder if you have found that our specification meet your requirements.I’m sure the prices submit ted are comoetitive.


很多外贸新手要面临客户来访得事宜,其中语言工具问题也就是困扰相当多得业务员。面对老外对话,听不懂,说不出就是件很尴尬得事情,希望整理下来这些东西能够对外贸新手有一定得帮助作用!?一、商务:?what time would be convenient for you??您瞧什么时间比较方便??I'd liketo suggest a toast to our cooper ation、 我想建议为我们得合作干一杯。?Here is to our next project!?为我们下一个项目干杯! would you please tell me when you are free? 请问您什么时候有空? gald to have the opportunity of vistingyour ompany and I hopeto conclude some business with you。?很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与您们做成交易。 whatIcare about is the quality of the goods、?我关心得就是货物得质量。 pleasehave a look at those samples、?请给我瞧一下那些样品。 I'd like to knowany business connections abroad、 我想多了解一些您们公司。 I would be happy tosupplysamples and a price list f or you、 我很乐意提供样品与价格单给您。?can I have your price list? 您能给我价格单吗??will you giveus an indication of prices??您可以给我报一个指示性得价格吗??I am in charge of export business、?我负责出口生意。?I'm thinking of ordering some of your good s、 我正考虑向您们订货。 what about theprices??那价格方面怎么样??Let's call it a dea l、?好,成交! our product is the best seller、 我们得产品最畅销。 our product is really petitive in theword market、 我们得产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 our productshave been sold in a numberof areasabroad、?我们得产品行销海外许多地区。?It's ourprinciple in business to honor the contract and keep our promise、 "重合同,守信用"就是我们经营得原则。 Iwish you successin yourbusiness transaction、?祝您生意兴隆。?I want to out your product、?我想了解一下您们得产品。 this is our latest devlopment、?这就是我们得新产品。?we have awi de selectionof colors and designs、?我们有很多式样与颜色可供选择。?the quality must be instrict conformity with that of sample、?质量必须与样品一样。?二、价格?I think we can strikeaba rgainwithyou if your pries are petitive、


介绍篇: 1)A:I d o n't b e l i e v e w e'v e m e t. B:N o,I d o n't t h i n k w e h a v e. A:M y n a m e i s C h e n S u n g-l i m. B:H o w d o y o u d o?M y n a m e i s F r e d S m i t h. A:我们以前没有见过吧? B:我想没有。 A:我叫陈松林。 B:您好,我是弗雷德·史蜜斯。 2)A:H e r e's m y n a m e c a r d.

B:A n d h e r e's m i n e. A:I t's n i c e t o f i n a l l y m e e t y o u. B:A n d I'm g l a d t o m e e t y o u,t o o. A:这是我的名片。 B:这是我的。 A:很高兴终于与你见面了。 B:我也很高兴见到你。3)A:I s t h a t t h e o f f i c e m a n a g e r o v e r t h e r e? B:Y e s,i t i s,A:I h a v e n't m e t h i m y e t.

B:I'l l i n t r o d u c e h i m t o y o u. A:在那边的那位是经理吧? B:是啊。 A:我还没见过他。 B:那么,我来介绍你认识。 4)A:D o y o u h a v e a c a l l i n g c a r d? B:Y e s,r i g h t h e r e. A:H e r e's o n e o f m i n e. B:T h a n k s. A:您有名片吗? B:有的,就在这儿。


外贸口语考试范围 1、机场英语 2、晚宴商务合作英语 3、约见英语(商务) 4、酒店服务英语 5、餐厅服务英语 6、购物+收发快递 对话范文: 1、May I see your passport, please? 麻烦请给我你的护照。Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿? Here is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 What's the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票? Sightseeing(Business). 观光(公务)。 Yes, here it is. 有的,这就是回程机票。How long will you be staying in the

United States? 预计在美国停留多久? How much money do you have with you? 你随身携带多少现金? 5 days. 5天。 I have 800 dollars. 大约800元。 I plan to stay for about 10 days. 预计停留约10天。 Good. Have a nice day. 祝您玩得愉快 I'm just passing through. 我只是过境而已。Thank you. 谢谢。 I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 今晚即动身前往日内瓦。 2、A: Mr. Brown, please sit here. This is our traditional seat for the guest of honor(贵宾). B: It's my honor to be given so much attention. Thank you very much for preparing sucha square dinner(丰盛的晚宴)for me. A: Don't mention it. Do you like to use the chopsticks or the fork and knife? B: I'd like to take the chopsticks. A: Well, what would you like for a drink? B: Could you make a few suggestions?


商务英语口语情景对话 大全 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, Mr.Wu.非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience.我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company? B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that? 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何? B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime? 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗? A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations? 你期望多少薪水? B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position. 在讨论薪水前.我需要更多了解这份工作.或者你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少. A: 3000, with raises after the half year according to your competence. 起薪是每月3000元。半年后会根据你的表现增加薪水。 B: Well, I think it's acceptable and I really like the job. 我觉得可以接受。我真的喜欢这份工作。我什么时候能得知结果呢? A: Do you have any other questions? 我们会在7月初通知你我们的最终决定。你还有别的问题吗?


《商务英语口语900句》 出版发行:广东世界图书出版公司 ISBN 7-5062-6878-7/H.0471 中国加入WTO以后,急需培养一大批既懂得国际经贸知识,又熟练掌握商务英语的人才。为了让更多的经贸人员尽快适应我国对外贸易迅速发展的经济形势,我们编写了《商务英语口语900句》一书。 本书市作者对自己多年商贸英语教学实践和商务世纪现场谈判经验的总结,涉及范围全面,内容充实,语言规范、景点,适用面广,实用性强,可以说不但是一本理想的商务口语培训教材,也是一本非常实用的对外经贸业务人员的必备工作手册。 本书共由30各单元组成,每个单元设计了20-40个句子不等,其中有30或40 个句子的单元又分成了两个部分,以减轻学员在学习时的心理负担。 本书同时配有长期在中国从事英语口语教学的美国口语教师配音的cd,以便学院边听边学,帮助他们尽快掌握商务英语会话的各种技巧,同时也可以提高自己的语音语调水平。 目录: Unit 1 希望与要求 Unit 2 产品介绍 Unit 3 业务范围介绍 Unit 4 承诺 Unit 5 询盘 Unit 6 报盘 Unit 7 还盘 Unit 8 对还盘的反应 Unit 9 要求优惠 Unit 10 给予优惠 Unit 11 双方让步 Unit 12 订货及确认 Unit 13 请求代理并说明代理理由和代理能力 Unit 14 对代理请求的回应 Unit 15 代理条件和要求 Unit 16 合同 Unit 17 卖方对支付方式的要求 Unit 18 买方的支付方式 Unit 19 保险 Unit 20 对包装的建议及要求 Unit 21 告知客户包装所用材料、方式及其质量保证 Unit 22 货运通知 Unit 23 货运要求及答复


Booking Hotel Rooms (Tina and Minnie arrive at Garden Hotel. Minnie i s now asking something in the reception desk.) Receptionist:Good afternoon. Welcome to Garden Hotel. Can I help you, madam? Minnie:Well, I’m Minnie from ABC Company. I’d like to check in, please. Receptionist: All right. Do you have a reservation with us, madam? Minnie: Sorry, I didn’t book any room before. I would like to know which standard room do you have ? Receptionist: Wait a moment, please. We have standard double room, and standard single room. What kind of room do you need? Minnie: W hat’s the price for standard single room? Receptionist: oh,sir. The price for standard single room is 200 Yuan。 Minnie: OK. I’d like to check in a standard single room. Receptionist: All right. How many days are you planning to stay? Minnie: I want to stay here for 3 days. Receptionist: Wait a moment, please. Madam,please show your passport or ID card. Minnie: Here you are. Receptionist: Wait a moment ,please. Could you please fill in the registration card? Minnie: Sure. Here it is. Is it all right? Receptionist: Yes, thanks. Your room number is 202. Here is your key. The room bellman will show you to your room. I hope you will enjoy your stay. The check-out time is . of forth day later。 Minnie: Thank you. Receptionist: Y ou’re welcome. Good luck。


外贸人:商务英语邮件表达常用语大集合!附:主要贸易术语的价格构成和换算! 附件是……,请参阅。 Please kindly find the attached …… Attached please kindly find the …… Enclosed is the ……, please kindly find it. Attached you will find…… 我已经收到您的邮件。 I have received your email (yesterday/last week/this morning……). Your email has been received. 非常感谢您的回信。 Thanks very much for your early reply. Thank you for your email. 我明白您的意思。 I know what you mean. I understand what you mean. Got it. (*非常口语化,适合于关系很熟悉的同事朋友之间。) 我不太明白您的意思。 I do not quite understand what you meant. I have some problem understanding what you meant. 能具体解释一下么?您能在说的清楚一点么? Could you please put it in a clearer way? Could you please explain it in detail? Could you please further explain it? What do you mean exactly by saying……? 如有问题,请随时和我联系。 Contact me if you have any problem. If there is any uncertainty, feel free to contact me. Call me if you have any problem. 如有建议,请指出。 Please let me know if anything needs to be improved. Your advice/suggestion will be greatly appreciated. 我会进一步修改/检查的。 I will further modify it. I will further check it. 一旦确认,我会立刻/第一时间通知您的。 Once confirmed, I will let you know immediately. Once confirmed, I will notice you ASAP. (*ASAP=as soon as possible 尽快) 希望尽快得到您的回复。 I’m looking forward to your early reply. Your promote reply will be greatly appreciated. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. 谢谢。 Thanks a lot. Thank you very much.


商务英语口语对话范文 在商务合作之中,和外国的客户用英语进行对话是很自然的事情。下面是给大家整理了商务英语对话,供大家参阅! 商务英语对话:国际贸易 Betty:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking. 贝蒂:喂,业务部,我是贝蒂_菲尔兹。 Ralph:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers. 拉夫:嗨,菲尔兹女士。我是世界计算机的瑞夫_皮特森。 Betty:Yes, how may I help you? 贝蒂:好的,我能为你效劳吗? Ralph:I m interested in a couple of items in your new catalog, and I would like to know the prices. 拉夫:我对你们新目录里的几项产品感兴趣,我想知道它们的定价。 Betty:Great. We re offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind? 贝蒂:好的。我们针对几项产品提供特价。你对哪些产品有兴趣? Ralph:We re particularly interested in your new RS-five sound card shown on page five of your catalog. I would also like more details about the model RS-four card on page seven. 拉夫:我们特别中意你们目录第五页里的新型RS-5 的声卡。我还想知道更多关于第七页里RS-4 型声卡的细节。

关于商务英语对话材料精选 日常商务英语口语对话

关于商务英语对话材料精选日常商务英语 口语对话 商务英语是一门新兴的学科,商务英语翻译既是该学科中的关键一环,又是教学考的难点。X整理了关于商务英语对话材料,欢迎阅读! 关于商务英语对话材料一 哈里: Ok quiet down people, I wish to xxmence this meeting. First order of the summary meeting is a progress report from the sales team. 好的.诸位.请安静.我希望开始会议.本次总结会议的第一项议程是销售团队的一份进度报告. 萨姆: So far things couldn`t have gone any better. The team has finally xxe together and is performing as a single entity. It`s incredible to see. 目前为止事态再好不过了.该团队终于做到了齐心协力.正作为一个单一的整体运作.这实在是令人难以置信. 哈里: Really? Could you elaborate on their progress? 真的吗?你能详细说明他们的进展吗? 萨姆: Sure, so far our actual sales figure is 150% above our forecasted level of sales. The Team has further subdivided into smaller teams to concentrate

their focus more. 当然可以.迄今.我们的实际销售额高出预期水平的150%.该团队并且进一步细分为各个小组来更好地集中致力于各自的任务. 哈里: What result has braking down the team into smaller groups had? 团队划分成各个小组后产生了什么样的结果? 萨姆: It enables them to focus much more intensely on their intended sales target. This has resulted in far more effective sales strategies. 它使得他们能够更加强烈地锁定他们预定的销售目标.这导致了更有效的销售策略. 哈里: But has there been any overlapping or breakdowns in xxmunication? Smaller groups often result in more inefficiency if anything. 但是出现了工作重叠或者沟通障碍问题吗?别的不说.更小的分组往往会导致低效率问题的加重. 萨姆: True, but with constant and tightly controlled overall management, I have managed to keep it together. 没错.但是凭借持续不断和紧密控制的整体管理.我成功地使他们团结协作.
