河南省信阳高级中学2020┄2021学年高二12月月考 英语试题







June came and the hay was almost ready for cutting.On Midsummer's Eve, which was a Saturday, Mr.Jones went to Willington and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he did not come back till midday on Sunday.The men had milked the cows in the early morning and then had gone out rabbiting, without bothering to feed the animals.When Mr.Jones got back, he immediately went to sleep on the living-room sofa with the "News of the world" over his face, so that when evening came, the animals were still not fed.At last, they could stand no longer.

One of the cows broke into the door of the store-house with her horns(角) and all the animals began to help themselves to the grains.It was just then that Mr.Jones woke up.The next moment he and his four men were in the store-house with whips (鞭子) in their hands, whipping in all directions.This was more than the hungry animals would bear.Together, though nothing of the kind had been planned beforehand, they jumped upon their masters.Jones and his men suddenly found themselves being struck with horns and kicked from all sides.The situation was quite out of their control.They had never seen animals act like this

before, and this sudden uprising (起义) of creatures whom they were used to beating and whipping just as they chose frightened them.After only a moment or two, they gave up trying to defend themselves.A minute later all five of them were in full fright down the road, with the animals running after them joyfully.

21.Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?

A.Willington was the name of a relative.

B.Red Lion was the name of a bar.

C.News of the World was a TV program.

D.Store-house is a place to feed the cows.

22.The cows broke into the store-house to feed themselves because .

A.They were so angry at their masters B.They wanted to fight with the men

C.They wanted to go on strike D.They-were too hungry

23.The cows jumped upon their masters because _________.

A.they were not fed B.they were so hungry

C.they were whipped so hard D.they were so happy

24.What would be the best tile for the story?

A.Midsummer's Eve B.A Bad Sunday

C.Cows and Their Masters D.Rebellion of Cows


The Future Stars

General introduction

The Future Stars was set up in 1988 as a non-profit service center for child development devoted to providing quality childcare in a loving and educational environment for children 6 weeks to 6 years of age. Our funds mainly come from public donations.

A healthy curiosity about learning is the most important quality for early childhood development. We aim at offering high quality developmentally age-appropriate activities for early childhood, the most Important time of child development, so that they can do better after they start formal schooling.

Hours of operation

Childcare will be provided for the child from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday except for holidays. Children may not arrive before 7:00 am or remain after 6:00 pm. Should an emergency arise, the parent should immediately make us know in consideration of our work arrangements. A late charge of $ 1.00 per minute will be assessed if the child is not picked up by 6:05 pm. Charges for these services are to be paid directly to the staff person that has been looking after your child until your arrival, not to the center. Failure to pay late charges may affect continued services with the center.

Tuition (学费)

When it has been confirmed that a position is available for your child, you must pay a registration (注册) fee of $200 per child.

The weekly tuition fee is $ 98.00. You can make payments either by credit card or in cash on Monday every week. If your payment is not made by Tuesday at 9:00 am, you will be charged a $ 25.00 late fee.

For more information, please call 434-293-6110 or visit .

25. The Future Stars is intended for______.

A. would-be parents

B. teenagers

C. child experts

D. pre-school children

26. What can we know about late pickups from the passage?

A. They may affect continued services with the center.

B. Parents have to pay late charges for them to the center.

C. Parents have to inform the center of them right away.

D. They greatly disturb the work arrangements of the center.

27. If you want your child to receive childcare services from the Future Stars you must ___.

A. pay extra for delayed payment

B. pay every Tuesday

C pay $ 98 for registration D. pay in cash

28. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To attract public donations.

B. To promote early education.

C. To tell the benefits of childcare.

D. To introduce a child development center.


You may not pay much attention to your daily elevator ride. Many of us use a lift several times during the day without really thinking about it. But Lee Gray, PhD, of the University of North Carolina, US, has made it his business to examine this overlooked form of public transport. He is known as the “Elevator Guy”.

“The lift becomes this interesting social space where etiquette (礼仪) is sort of odd (奇怪的),” Gray told the BBC. “They (elevators) are socially very interesting but often very awkward places.”

We walk in and usually turn around to face the door. If someone else comes in, we may have to move. And here, according to Gray, lift users unthinkingly go through a set pattern of movements. He told the BBC what he had observed.

He explained that when you are the only one inside a lift, you can do whatever you want –it’s your own little box. If there are two of you, you go into different corners, standing diagonally (对角线地) across from each other to create distance. When a third person enters, you will unconsciously form a triangle. And when there is a fourth person it becomes a square, with someone in every corner. A fifth person is probably going to have to stand in the middle.

New entrants to the lift will need to size up the situation when the doors slide open and then act decisively. Once in, for most people the rule is simple – look down, or look at your phone.

Why are we so awkward in lifts?

“You don’t have enough space,” Professor Babette Renneberg, a clinical psychologist at the Free University of Berlin, told the BBC. “Usually whe n we meet other people we have about an arm’s length of distance between us. And that’s not possible in most elevators.”

In such a small, enclosed space it becomes very important to act in a way that cannot be construed (理解)as threatening or odd. “The eas iest way to do this is to avoid eye contact,” she said.

29.The main purpose of the article is to _____.

A.remind us to enjoy ourselves in the elevator

B.tell us some unwritten rules of elevator etiquette

C.share an interesting but awkward elevator ride

D.analyze what makes people feel awkward in an elevator

30.According to Gray, when people enter an elevator, they usually _____.

A.turn around and greet one another

B.look around or examine their phone

C.make eye contact with those in the elevator

D.try to keep a distance from other people

31.Which of the following describes how people usually stand when there are at least two people in an elevator?

32.The writer wrote the passage in a tone of ___________.

A.disapproved B.objective C.negative D.supportive


Does a Tea Break Make You More Efficient?

China has been drinking tea since the time of Shennong, 5,000 years ago. Britain’s relationship with tea is much shorter, but tea enjoys the pride as the UK’s national drink. According to the UK Tea Council, British people drink an average of three cups a day or a national total of 165 million cups every day.

With figures like these, it is no surprise that time spent taking tea affects the working day in Britain. A recent survey found that 24 minutes a day are lost to making, buying and drinking tea and coffee. That is, £400 a year is lost in working hours per employee, or 190 days over a lifetime. So, should employers be worried about this lost working time, or does the tea break make up in other ways?

One argument is that caffeine improves mental state:a drink of tea or coffee can make you active and focus on work.

Professor Rogers of the University of Bristol disagrees. After years of studying caffeine he sees nothing can prove t hat. “Workers would perform equally well if not drinking it at all,” he says. “But if they’re often drinking it and then go without, they’ll feel tired and won’t work well.”

Psychologist Cooper instead emphasizes the role tea breaks play in office life, and in building social relationships. “We need to make people more active and see other people. The tea break is one way of doing this,” says Cooper.

And Professor Rogers also points out the comfort effect of a hot drink:“We warm our hands on them on a col d day; they’re comforting and play a big role in our everyday life. Whatever the caffeine’s doing, I’d say these 24 minutes aren’t wasted.”

33 What is the passage mainly about?

A. Tea Breaks cannot make people more active at work.

B. British people drink more tea than people in other countries.

C. Tea break plays an important role in people’s life in Britain.

D. A lot of time has been wasted drinking tea in the working day.

34. We learn from a recent survey that in Britain _______.

A. £400 is lost in worki ng hours for each person

B. tea breaks take up 24 minutes in a working day

C. people spends 190 days drinking tea and coffee each year

D. people drink 165 million cups in working hours every day

35. What’s Psychologist Coopers’ attitude towards tea break?

A. Doubtful.

B. Uncertain.

C. Negative.

D. Positive.


What makes a good school?

I'm a parent of two elementary students.The experience that my children are going through now in the elementary school is so different from mine when I was at their age.What I think of a good school is communication between teachers.students and parents. 36 Parent-teacher communication guarantees that a child is educated in the same way and in turn a child will build special bonds in communication between their teachers and parents.

37 My children return home telling me that their teachers ignore their questions when they raise their hands and don’t talk much.On the other hand,I feel the same when I write notes to school. 38 This is telling me there is a lack in communication from the school teachers nowadays as their life is so overwhelmed by the over-crowded schools we have in the US.

However.choosing a career in education is not just for a good job.A teacher should really have h eart in touching every child’s life. 39 Even now,I still remember all my elementary

school teachers’ names. 40 The answer lies in the fact that they spent every minute of their precious time helping me and answering all my questions with patience.When you have teachers who are willing to spend time for any child and communicate with parents,it is what I consider a GREAT school for a child to attend,not just GOOD.

A.I don’t get any response from the teachers to my questions,not even a one-word response.

B.There are different ways of communication, according to different cultures.

C.Why is that?

D.Strong communication is very important to a child’s education.

E.I feel that schools nowadays don’t communicate with parents enough and neither is involvement.

F.My elementary school teachers all touched my life.

G.What do you think of it?




第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题.1.5分, 满分30分)


I met Ryan, a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), in my biology class. My simple "Hello!" and his cheerful reply were the 41 to our friendship from the first day of school. There was a time when Ryan was not able to come to school. He was in a great deal of 42 after having a surgery on his legs, but he 43 his sufferings from everyone.

In our junior year, we found that we didn't 44 a single class. This was not a problem, though. We just talked a little more in the hallway 45 passing periods. That year seemed to fly by. One day, Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runner's flag that would 46 the spot where Ryan would 47 his Olympic torch run. He gently explained that he would be honored 48 I would accept this position for him. The Olympic committee sent a letter saying that the person that holds the flag for him must be someone 49 to him. He said I was the only true friend he had 50 made that talked to him and not to his wheel chair. How could I 51 such a request?

On the morning of June 5th, as I walked down the sidewalk, my heart 52 and my mind became a factory of questions. I kept wondering how everything was going to happen and how Ryan would 53 the huge crowd of thousands of people.

After the van arrived, the other runners got out and lined up outside the van, chanting his name, "Ryan! Ryan!" Then all of the people 54 in, “Ryan! Ryan!” The lift then lowered Ryan to the ground. There he was, in all his 55 .

It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch. The runner lit Ryan's torch and then Ryan began his 56 . As he took off down the street, the chanting became louder and louder. The 57 filled the air and even I felt like I was on cloud number nine. I could not have

been any prouder of Ryan! He 58 this moment in time --a historic moment--a moment that he was a part of and 59 me to be a part of, too.

Mr. Weinheimer, the next torch runner, bent over and gave Ryan a hug. That moment will last in time forever. It symbolized the whole 60 of the flame:love, excitement, enthusiasm, brotherhood, and life of any man. The flame united us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world go around after all.

41A. solutions B. keys C. routes D. notes

42.A. danger B. fear C. pain D. puzzle

43.A. hid B. prevented C. released D. relieved

44.A. change B. miss C. leave D. share

45.A. except B. for C. during D. before

46.A. mark B. test C. number D. decorate

47.A. cover B. begin C. continue D. lead

48.A. while B. although C. if D. unless

49.A. polite B. kind C. grateful D. important

50.A. ever B. never C. also D. even

51.A. admit B. refuse C. make D. repeat

52.A. ached B. raced C. stopped D. sank

53.A. explain to B. differ from C. respond to D. call on

54.A. joined B. stepped C. poured D. broke

55.A. potential B. preference C. glory D. surprise

56.A. training B. journey C. life D. struggle

57.A. anxiety B. satisfaction C. harmony D. excitement

58.A. deserved B. recalled C. treasured D. chose

59.A. promised B. encouraged C. allowed D. followed

60.A. mystery B. power C. information D. meaning


第二节: 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



An idea to cycle to Tibet ___61___(occur) to me one year ago. I know___62___ idea is quite practical in economical way. For one thing, I can’t have too much money. For another, it is bound to do me good because I can take in fresh air_63___ the way there. I called Tom, ___64___ had borrowed me a sum of money, telling him my idea. He was excited at my words and promised to pay off his debt as soon as possible. He also offered to team up with me. ___65___ (apparent), he also showed great interest in this trip. Five months___66___ our trip, we kept taking exercise and built up strong body because we knew__67____ would be impossible to realize our dream without being ___68___ (health). I used to hear that some people_69___(make) a trip there died from the lack of oxygen---- they did devote their lives to their dream ! But the cost is too much. So ___70___ of us insisted on running in the morning from time to time.






注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。

Dear Headmaster,

I am writing to talk about the canteen of our school. There are only a few stand in the canteen, leading to lots of students have to line up for food. It is waste of time, isn’t it? But at times the food is not fresh and does not taste deliciously. So it’s not surprising that some students chose to go to the street to buy junk food which do harm to their health. Would you think about that how to improve it? I would appreciate you if you could take some measures. Hopefully, my opinion can be taken to account.




假定你是李华,几天前收到美国朋友Jack 的e-mail, 告诉你他在北京大学主办的中文演讲比赛中得了一等奖,你给回复一封邮件,表示祝贺。要点如下:







Dear Jack,


Li Hua


阅读理解 21- 24 BDCD25--28 DCAD 29--32 B D C B33--35 CBD

36-40 DEAFC


语法填空 61.oocurred 62. the 63.on 64. Who 65.Apparently

66. before 67. it 68.healthy 69.making 70 both


I am writing to talk about the canteen of our school. There are only a few stand in


the canteen, leading to lots of students have to line up for food. It is ∧waste of time,

having a

isn’t it? But at times the food is not fresh and does not taste deliciously. So it’s not And delicious

surprising that some students chose to go to the street to buy junk food which do harm choose does

to their health. Would you think about that how to improve it? I would appreciate you it

if you could take some measures. Hopefully, my opinion can be taken to account.



one possible version

Dear Jack,

I’m so glad to know that you got the first prize in the Chinese Speaking Competition held by Peking University. Congratulations! You are so great to make such rapid progress in learning Chinese. I hope we can go on to learn from and help each other while you help me with my English and I can help you with your Chinese.

Moreover, to improve and deepen your understanding of Chinese culture, I’d like to invite you to pay a visit to my hometown during this summer vacation, which is

a famous town with a long history. I can work as a guide when you come and I’m

sure you can enjoy your stay here and learn a lot.


Li Hua
