



说明:1. 本卷分为听力和笔试两部分.共8页.十大题。总分120分.考试时间120分钟。

2. 第一卷【选择题】答案一律在第6页选择题答题栏内将所选题目的正确标号涂满涂黑.否则





1. Why does Ann look excited?

A. Because she’ll see a new movie tomorrow.

C. Because her family will visit Mount Tai tomorrow.

2. How does Jenny feel when she sees green?

A. She feels relaxed.

B. She feels excited.

C. She feels worried.

3. What do they decide to do at last?

A. To go fishing.

B. To have a picnic.

C. To walk in the forest.

4. What does Susan think of riding a bike?

A. It can save energy.

B. It causes no air pollution

C. It can help her do exercise.

5. What was the result of the traffic accident?

A. The car hit a woman.

B. The car ran into a big tree.

C. A woman ran into a big tree.



Dialogue A

6. What day is it today?

A. Sunday.

B. Saturday.

C. Friday.

7. Where will they go tomorrow?

A. To the zoo.

B. To the park.

C. To the library.

8. How will they go there?

A. By bike.

B. By bus.

C. By car.

Dialogue B

9. What’s the matter with Pingping?

A. She is ill.

B. She feels unhappy.

C. She feels sad.

10. What’s Pingping like?

A. She is quiet and shy.

B. She is active and kind.

C. She is kind and fun.

11. What does Pingping worry about?

A. She can’t do well in her studies.

B. The school isn’t good.

C. Her new classmates don’t like her.

12: Who is talking with Pingping?

A: Mr. Lee. B: Mrs. Lee. C: Miss Lee.

Dialogue C

13: How is Li Tao’s village?

A: Very big. B: Very small. C: Very beautiful.

14: When does Li Tao climb the hill?

A: On weekends. B: After school. C: In the morning.

15: What’s in the southeast of the village?

A: A hill. B: A lake. C: A park.

16: How often does Li Tao go fishing?

A: Every week. B: Every day. C: Every Sunday.


17: Where is Jim from?

A: Shanghai B: Beijing C: Qingdao

18: Who did he go to Qingdao with?

A: His friends. B: His parents. C: His brothers.

19: What did his mother do for them?

A: Cooked the meals. B: Booked the room. C: Bought the tickets.

20: How long was their trip?

A: Five days. B: Six days. C: Four days.



26. What food is mum cooking in the kitchen? It ______ nice.

A. tastes

B. sounds

C. feels

D. smells

27. Many students don’t know how to ______ stress(压力).

A. agree with

B. deal with

C. care for

D. ask for

28. You can’t tell ______ about it. It’s a secret only between you and me.

A. someone

B. everyone

C. other

D. anyone

29. Winter is my favorite. It’s a beautiful season, ______ when it snows.

A. only

B. especially

C. suddenly

D. quickly

30. —I didn’t watch the soccer game last night. How about you, Jack?

—Me, ________.

A. too

B. neither

C. instead

D. also

31. Do you believe some special dogs can do things ______ man?

A. as good as

B. so good as

C. as well as

D. so well as

32. When I hear of the bad news, I can’t ______.

A. help crying

B. help to cry

C. wait crying

D. wait to cry

33. The children ______ a P.E. class on the playground when it began to rain


A. have

B. are having

C. had

D. were having

34. —The TV show Home With Kids is so wonderful. You shouldn’t miss it.

—If I ______ time, I ______ it.

A. will have; will see

B. have; will see

C. will have; see

D. have; see

35. Diaoyu Islands(岛) are parts of China and they’re ____ the southeast of China.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to



Cycling—means riding a bike, is now popular among children from across the UK. Children like 36 to go to school or go traveling for a short journey. It can help 37 money in petrol(汽油) cost.

With petrol price rising(上涨), families in the UK are trying to 38 ways to make the cost less in petrol. So the parents encourage(鼓励) their 39 to ride bikes to school. They say 40 a child keep cycling to school all the year round, a family can save about £300 in petrol cost.

Also, cycling to school is good for children’s 41 42 their studies at school. “ 43 .”a student called Tommy said confidently.

“It’s great to see more people cycling, and I 44 smile when I see a child on a bike. Many kids want to cycle, 45 we should make it easy and safe for them to get around by bike and keep healthy.”another student, Mark said.

36. A. running B. riding C. driving D. walking

37. A. save B. raise C. spend D. make

38. A. think B. care for C. look after D. look for

39. A. children B. friends C. families D. neighbors

40. A. whether B. or C. what D. if

41. A. health B. mind C. mood D. feeling

42. A. improve B. change C. affect D. solve

43. A. In B. By C. For D. With

44. A. only B. never C. seldom D. always

45. A. and B. but C. so D. or




You may meet many people in your life. But Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. Over your lifetime, they may influence(影响) you more than anyone else you will meet. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids every day. Most parents will do this as long as they live.

There are many ways to stay close, to get along well and to build a strong relationship(关系) with your parents. Here are some of them:

Spend time together. Don’

Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can give your parents a happy day with a card or a joke. It’s also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents will be so happy.

Do your best at whatever you do. You don’t have to be the best, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud(骄傲). It makes them happy to see how you are turning into a good kid. Why? Because it lets them know they are doing a good job.

46. What does the underlined word “this” mean in the first paragraph?

A. To meet people everywhere.

B. To care for their kids every day.

C. To work for the family.

D. To take their kids to school .

47. Which of the following can’t help you build a strong relationship with your parents?

A. Being kind.

B. Spending time with them together.

D. Doing your best at whatever you do.

48. Which of the following can make your parents happy?

A. Give them a card .

B. Play a joke with them.

C. Clean the room yourself.

D. All of the above.



Tuesday, May 1st

Last week I went for a visit to Mount Tai with

Jack. We arrived there by train at 17:00 last Sunday.

We spent the night in a clean hotel and enjoyed

delicious Shandong food. The next morning the

weather was nice and we began to climb the mountain.

It took us the whole day to get to the top of Mount Tai.

Along the way we saw beautiful scenery(景色),

visited an old temple(寺庙) and bought many nice things. At night we ate nice hot food in the mountain. On Tuesday morning we enjoyed the sea of clouds. It was exciting.

Yours To:

Tony Smith

16Green Gardens, New York, USA

49. _________ wrote the postcard.

A. Tony

B. Tom

C. Jack

D. Peter

50. The hotel was very _________.

A. big

B. beautiful

C. clean

D. warm

51. They arrived at Mount Tai on _________.

A. April 26th

B. April 27th

C. April 28th

D. April 29th

52. What did they do on Tuesday morning?

A. They ate nice hot food.

B. They visited an old temple.

C. They bought many nice things.

D. They enjoyed the sea of clouds.


Scientists are trying to find out how things affect our feelings. How you feel is controlled by many things, such as your personality(性格), the actions(行动) of others. Maybe you don’t know the weather can affect your feelings as well.

People often say they feel good when the sun is shining and sad when it is cloudy. In fact, sunlight makes us feel good. When sunlight hits our skins, our bodies makes vitamin D(维生素D). Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical(化学物质). This special chemical affects our brains and makes us feel happy. For example, there are long, dark winters of little sunlight in Sweden and Norway, so many people in these countries often feel sad. To help the people in these countries feel better, scientists build special “sunrooms” for p eople to go there and get “sunlight” for an hour or two!

brains. Through these ways, the weather can affect our feelings in these ways. Sadly, while the weather can change us, we cannot change the weather.

53. Which of the following is TRUE about vitamin D according to the passage?

A. It is a kind of special food.

B. It makes us worried by affecting our brains.

C. It is helpful to our bodies.

D. It is in the sunlight.

54. The underlined words “brains” means in Chinese.

A. 心灵

B. 心脏

C. 大脑

D. 精神

55. What can we infer(推断) from the passage?

A. We will feel good when we are in the bright cool weather.

B. We will be happy when we are in the rain.

C. All people in Norway and Sweden feel sad in winter.

D. The less vitamin D you have, the happier you’ll be.

56. What may be the best title for this passage?

A. Why Do We Feel Sad

B. The Weather Influences People’s Feelings

C. People Need More Vitamin D

D. We Can Change the Weather


In today’s world, so many people like traveling around the world. Traveling abroad can be expensive, but there are some ways of visiting Britain cheaply. So we hope we can give you some good ideas.

If you don’t go there in the busy months—July and August, your visit may be cheaper. There will be fewer visitors. The weather in Britain can be pleasant from April to the end of September. Of course you can go there in winter, but it is often dark by 4 pm. Many places, such as large houses and castles(城堡)are closed in winter. However, if you are interested in museums, art galleries(画廊) or theaters, winter may be the good time to visit.

If you are a student, it is a good idea to apply for (申请) an International Student Identify Card. With the card, you can save a lot of money. You can get the card from your local 【当地的】student travel office, and you can also call (44)08708 413224 to get it. To get the card, you need to show that you are a student, get a passport photo, and pay for a little money.

57: If you want to visit ____, it is not the good time to visit Britain in winter.

A: museums B: castles C:art galleries D: some places 58: Which of the following is not true?

A: There are many visitors in July in Britain. B: Days are very long in winter in Britain. C: Many museums are not closed in winter.

D: Only student can get the International Student Identify Card.

59: A student without an International Student Identify Card may______. A: get a little money. B: watch TV at home. C: spend more money. D: save a lot of money. 60: Which of the following is the best title?

A: How to have a cheaper trip in Britain. B: How to travel to Britain. C: When to travel to Britain. D: Why to travel to Britain.

洪湖市2013-2014学年度第二学期期中文化素质检测 八年级英语试题

题号 选择题

四 八 九 十 十一 总分 得分





21: --When did Kangkang ’s parents get everything ready for supper? -- At _____ _____ on Saturday afternoon.

22: ---Where did they meet Maria ’s and Jane ’s parents?

16 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

17 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 18 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 19[A] [B] [C ] [D] 20 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

11 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

12 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 13 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 14 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 15 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

6 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

7 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

8 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

9 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 10[A] [B] [C ] [D]

1 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

2 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

3 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

4 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

5 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

31 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 32 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 33 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 34 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 35 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

26[A] [B] [C ] [D] 27[A] [B] [C ] [D] 28 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 29 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 30 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

36 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 37 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 38 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 39 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 40 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

21 -------25 答案写在第六页相应位置。 41 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 42 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 43 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 44 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 45 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

46 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 47 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 48 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 49 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 50[A] [B] [C ] [D]

51 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 52 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 53 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 54 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 55 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

56 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 57 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 58 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 59 [A] [B] [C ] [D] 60 [A] [B] [C ] [D]

--- At the _____ ______ the movie theater.

23: --Why did Mr. Brown feel sorry?

-- Because Michael _____ _______.

24: --How was the music in the theater?

-- It sounded ______ _______.

25:--- What did they think of the food?

-- They thought the food was ______ and ______.



61: 别吵闹.有人在睡觉。

Don’t ____________. Someone is sleeping. (make)

62: 他在那部电影中扮演过重要角色。

He ___________________ in that film. (role)

63: 我要带汤姆出去转转.让他振作起来。

I want to take Tom out to________________. (cheer)

64: 如果你们不自信.你们就会感到不安或紧张。

If you are not _____________________, you may feel upset or nervous.

65: 咱们回到讨论的要点上来吧。

Let’s _______________ the main point of the discussion. ( get)

66: 总之.我们应该自己解决这个问题。

___________, we should solve this problem ourselves. (word)

67: 请不要在这儿吸烟以防火灾。

Don’t smoke here_________ fire ,please. (case)

68: 我一到家就会给你打电话的。

I will call you ___________ I get home. (soon)

69: 我的朋友们希望再次参观我们的学校。

My friends ___________________ our school again. (forward)

70: 如果你总是心情不好.这对你的健康不利。

It will be bad for your health if you are always_________. ( mood)


A. 根据句子意思和音标、首字母提示写出单词。

71: The music is too l_____, please turn it down.

72: I don’t know _____/'en?w?n/ in this new school.

73: The old man lives alone, he feels ______/'l??nl?/

. 74: He was very sad because he f______ in the long jump.

75: If people obey the t_____ rules, there will be fewer accidents.

B. 根据句子意思.用所给单词的正确形式填空。

76. J enny is a ______(love) girl and we all like her.

77. M y words may hurt Ann’s ______(feel).

78. T hat’s my ______(old) sister, she is four years older than me.

79. H e was too ______ (worry) to think about what to do next..

80. H ow to remember new words is one of my ______(difficult).



sorry, for, everyone, want, teacher, mother

little, not, take, something, with

Everyone 81_ to be happy. But life isn’t like our imagination (想象). In fact, 82_ worries sometimes. How do you deal 83 _your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can 84_ these three steps to deal with them:

1. Try to find out what you’re worried about.

Sometimes, you will know what you’re worried about. But other times, you might 85_. Try to find it out first; if you can’t, you can ask 86_ help.

2. Think of ways to make it better.

There is always 87_ you can do to help you feel 88_ worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won’t solve your problem.

If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do: write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, say 89 _to him or her, etc. Once (一旦) you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.

3. Ask for help.

When you’re worried, it can help to find someone to talk to. You can ask your parents, friends or 90_ for help.

81. ________ 82. ________ 83. __________ 84. __________ 85. ________

86. ________ 87. _________88. __________ 89. __________ 90. ________








提示词:patient n.病人;relative n.亲人;calm adj.平静的;express v.表达

要求:1. 短文必须包括表格中所有内容;2. 可适当发挥.增加细节;

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________






11. M: Hi, Ann. You look so excited. Why?

W: Because I’m going to visit Mount Tai with my family tomorrow.

12. M: What’s your favorite color, Jenny?

W: Green. When I see the color, I always feel relaxed.

13. M: How about going fishing this Sunday?

W: I don’t like fishing. Why not have a picnic in the forest?

M: Good idea!

14. M: How do you go to school every day, Susan?

W: By bike. I think riding a bike can help me do exercise.

15. W: Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?

M: Yes. The car was too fast. It ran into a big tree.


听A, B.C三段对话和一篇独白.然后选择正确答案。

Dialogue A

W: It’s Saturday tomorrow. What will you do?

M: I have no idea.

W: What about going skating?

M: That sounds nice. We’d better go skating in the park.

W: That’s OK. Where will we meet?

M: What about the gate of the library?

W: OK. And when will we meet?

M: At nine in the morning. Remember to ride your bike.

W: OK.

Dialogue B

M: Hi, Pingping! You seem unhappy. What’s the matter?

W: I’ll have to go to a new schoo l in another town because my parents find jobs there.

M: Well, it may be good for you to make some new friends.

W: Maybe you’re right. But I think I’ll feel lonely in the beginning. You know I’m quiet and shy and I feel nervous to talk with new people. And I’m afraid my new classmates don’t like me. M: Take it easy, Pingping. Everyone gets these feelings at your age. You’re a kind girl. I think your new classmates would like to be your friends.

W: But what should I do if I feel lonely?

W: Thank you Mr. Lee. I feel better now.

Dialogue C

W: Hi, Li Tao! Could you tell something about your village?

M: Yes, of course. My village is very beautiful. There is a hill behind it. I often climb the hill on weekends.

W: Is there a lake near your village?

M: Yes, it’s in the southeast of my village. The water is very clean and there are many fish in it.

W: Do you often go fishing?

M: Yes, I do it every week. I hope you will visit my village one day.

W: I hope so.


Hi, I’m Jim, a student from Beijing. I went to Qingdao with my friends this summer. Qingdao is in Shandong, in the east of China. My mother booked the room for us before we arrived. We had a four-day trip there. We went swimming in the sea, visited some old buildings and enjoyed delicious seafood. Qingdao is beautiful and we had a great time.



Kangkang’s parents got everything ready for supper at 5:30 on Saturday afternoon. Then they left for the movie theater . They met Maria’s and Jane’s parents and Mr. Brown at the gate of the movie theater. Mr. Brown felt very excited to have a ticket but sorry that Michael was ill. The music in the movie sounded very beautiful. They felt happy to see the movie together.

The children were glad to have supper at Kangkang’s house. The food smelt nice and tasted delicious. They had a good time together. But they missed Michael and felt sorry for him.


1—5:CABCB 6—10:CBA BA 11--15: CACAB 16—20: ABABC

21—25: five thirty/5:30 , gate of, was ill, very beautiful, nice and delicious

26—35: DBDBB CADBA 36---45:BADAD AABDC 46---50: BCDDC

51—55:DDCCA 56—60:BBBCA

61: make any noise 62: played an important role 63: cheer him up

64: confident about yourselves 65: get back to. 66: In a/one word

67: in case of 68: as soon as 69: look forward to visiting 70: in a bad mood

71: loud 72: anyone 73: lonely 74: failed 75: traffic

76: lovely 77: feeling(s) 78: elder 79: worried 80: difficulties

81: wants, 82: everyone, 83: with, 84: take, 85: not, 86: for,

87: something, 88: less, 89: sorry, 90: teachers


Colors can affect our feelings. So we can control and express our feelings by wearing clothes in different colors.

Red is an active color. It often makes us want to do exercise.

Orange is a warm color. During the cold winter, wearing orange clothes can make you feel warmer and better.

When our relative dies, we should wear black clothes. Because black means sadness.
