Analysis on the My Oedipus Complex 我的俄狄浦斯情结 英语小说选读 分析 原创

Analysis on the My Oedipus Complex 我的俄狄浦斯情结 英语小说选读 分析 原创
Analysis on the My Oedipus Complex 我的俄狄浦斯情结 英语小说选读 分析 原创

Name 郭琦

Class: E


Course: 英语小说选读

Date: 2012.2 Analysis on the My Oedipus Complex

My Oedipus complex is a short story written by an Irish author called Frank O’Connor who was best known for his short stories and plays all over the world. In his entire life, Frank O’Connor wrote 150 short stories, novels, plays and some other things. In this My Oedipus complex, he tells people a story of a five years old boy Larry who has to come to the difficulties caused by his instinctive jealousy and envy. The writer tells us this story in the view of a five years old boy who is trying to fight with his father coming back home from the war to gain the attention and time and love from his mother. Such short story arises huge resonances among different kinds of people for the situation is just part of our childhood more or less, and it shows us the contradiction between people’s instinct motions.

The whole story sets on the point of view of little Larry, the five years old boy who enjoys the cares and love of his mother before his father, a soldier who join the army, comes back from the war. Larry enjoys the company of his mother, playing, talking, and always being together. All of this joyful things turn into jealous mood when his unfamiliar father comes back home unexpectedly who takes away the whole attention of the previous love from his mother. Such feelings occurred to me when I look back to my childhood where I have the same thoughts with Larry and I can fully understand how helpless the jealousy is.

Actually, when his father appears in the house, little Larry just does not get used to his father without the army uniform. But the turning point is that he feels being ignored and boring for the first day his father comes home while his mother keeps laying her attentions on this hardly knows man. In the beginning, the young boy acts in excitement and contentment ways when his father arrives unexpectedly on the visit from the army. The day his father came home from the war, everything changed for

Larry. Without the uniform on the man’s body, or even no souvenirs from the mysterious war, Larry comes to show out the unpleasant mood, this is, as to Larry, the first time in his life without having all of the attention of his mother and for the first time in his life he feels being neglected. At this time, the conflict begins to become clear and easygoing. Larry does not clear that the love and attention were going to be sharing between his little-known father and him. And he does not know that the whole family is going to be supported by getting a job of his father. The little boy keeps his hate for his father and does everything he can to against his father in his own ways.

The funny point in that he thinks he can stay with his mother by marrying his mother, and Larry even thinks to that he can send his father back to the war through the pray the God. However, he gets a little boy after his father comes back from the army. After this, Larry turns his attention from the disgusting father to the cute little son whose name is Sonny. At this time, Larry has to trying his effort to grasp the attention of his mother.

In this short story by Frank O’Connor’s there are two main views, firstly, the puzzle of the little boy a bout his mother’s attention. Secondly, it leaves people a deep thinking about the nature emotion when we were small child. The whole simple description about the relation between his parents and the little Sonny: the world only contains him and his mother, father and the little baby come into his life. These descriptions are extremely smooth and beautiful, which also implies us the common phenomenon when regarding people as animals. As human beings, both boys and girls have the love emotion which beyond description about mothers and fathers.

My Oedipus Complex is a simple and humorous short story which can leave the readers an enjoyable feeling. Just as the introduction of this book says: Not only is the story memorable for its ironical use of Sigmund Freud’s interpretation of the Oedipal myth, but is also captivating for the amused evocation of the little boy’s. I really enjoy reading this book because it allows me to look back on a series of events that happened several years ago and to see them in a totally different light now. Likewise, I agree with that reading about Larry pushes me to understand more about the love between parents and children, and come to realize why the little child relies on their

parents so much in today: children do some things not because they are afraid of losing their mothers, but the adoration to them.
