




(1) 若逻辑变量X=Y=1,则执行按位加X?Y以后的值为_____。

A) 1 B) 0 C) 10 D) 2

(2) 在计算机内进行加减运算时,最常用的码是_____。

A) 原码B) 反码C) 补码D) ASCII码

(3) 计算机中对操作数进行逻辑左移1位,一般它的最低位是_____。(2分)

A) 0 B) 1 C) 不变D) 不确定

(4) 下面命题公式中哪一个的主析取范式中含3个极小项?_____。(2分)

A) p∨q∨r B) (p∧q)(┐p∧q∧r)

C) p→(q∧r) D) ┐(p∧┐q)∧(r∨q)

(5) 公式



A) xtw((F(x,y)→G(t))→H(w,y))

B) x$tw((F(x,y)→G(t))→H(w,y))

C) x$y((F(x,y)→G(y))→H(x,y))

D) $x$t$w((F(x,y)→G(t))→H(w,y))

(6) 下面集合之间的包含和属于关系中哪些为真?_____。

Ⅰ. ? í ?

Ⅱ. {?} ? {?,{?, {?}}}

Ⅲ. {a,b} í {a,b,{a,b}}

Ⅳ. {a,b} ? {a,b,{a,b,c}}

A) Ⅰ和ⅡB) Ⅰ和ⅢC) Ⅰ和ⅣD) Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ

(7) 设N为自然数集合,Z为整数集合,Q为有理数集合,N奇为全体奇数集合,(a,b)和(0,1)为两个开区间,下列等势关系中哪个为假? _____。

A) Q ≈ N

B) Z ≈ N奇

C) (0,1) ≈ Q

D) (a,b) ≈ 2N,其中2N为N到2= {0,1}的全体函数集合

(8) 设N为自然数集合,+,-,分别为普通的加法、减法和乘法。在下面四种情况下不构成代数系统的为_____。

A) x*y=x+y-2x.y B) x*y=x+y

C) x*y=x.y D) x+y=|x|+|y|

(9) 无向完全图K有多少个非同构的连通的生成子图?_____。(2分)

A) 11 B) 9 C) 8 D) 6

(10) 设G为n(n≥2)阶无向连通图,下面哪些(个)命题必为真?_____。



A) 仅ⅠB) 仅ⅡC) 全不一定为真D) 全一定为真

(11) 以下哪一个术语与数据的存储结构有关? _____。

A) 栈B) 队列C) 散列表D) 串



(12) 能构造出多少种不同的二叉排序树? _____。(2分)

A) 24 B) 14 C) 10 D) 8

(13) 这些二叉排序树中有多少棵是最佳二叉排序树?_____。

A) 6 B) 5 C) 4 D) 3

(14) 下面关于事件结点网络中关键路径的叙述,哪一个是正确的?_____。

A) 关键路径是从开始结点到完成结点的具有最小长度的路径,关键路径的长度就是完成整个工程所需的最短时间。

B) 关键路径是从开始结点到完成结点的具有最大长度的路径,关键路径的长度就是完成整个工程所需的最短时间。

C) 关键路径是从开始结点到完成结点的具有最小长度的路径,关键路径的长度就是完成整个工程所需的最长时间。

D) 关键路径是从开始结点到完成结点的具有最大长度的路径,关键路径的长度就是完成整个工程所需的最长时间。

(15) 对线性表进行二分法查找,其前提条件是_____。

A) 线性表以链接方式存储,并已按关键码值排好序

B) 线性表以链接方式存储,并已按关键码值的查找频率排好序

C) 线性表以顺序方式存储,并已按关键码值排好序

D) 线性表以顺序方式存储,并已按关键码值的查找频率排好序

(16) 下列排序方法中,哪一种方法的比校次数与记录的初始排列状态无关?_____。(2分)

A) 直接插入排序B) 起泡排序

C) 快速排序D) 直接选择排序

(17) 在程序状态字PSW中设置了一位,用于控制用户程序不能执行特权指令,这一位是_____。

A) 保护位B) CPU状态位

C) 屏蔽位D) 条件位

(18) 作业装入内存后,在其运行过程中,不仅允许其搬家,而


A) 直接分配B) 间接分配

C) 静态分配D) 动态分配

(1l (21) 假设一个计算机系统,在一段时间T内,运行用户程序所用的时间为T1,运行操作系统程序对用户提供服务所用的时间为T2,运行操作系统做系统管理工作所用的时间为T3。那么计算机系统的运行效率为_____。(2分)

A) T1/T2+T3 B) T1/T1+T2+T3 C) T1+T2/T D) T1+T3/T

(22) 下列关于UNIX的叙述中,正确的是_____。

Ⅰ. UNIX是一个多用户多任务操作系统

Ⅱ. UNIX支持很多正文编辑器

Ⅲ. UNIX文件系统可以安装或拆卸

A) Ⅰ和ⅡB) Ⅰ和ⅢC) Ⅱ和ⅢD) Ⅰ,Ⅱ和Ⅲ

(23) 启动DOS时若屏幕上显示:Disk boot failure,表示_____。

A) 启动盘的https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd18989270.html,和https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd18989270.html,文件丢失

B) 启动盘的https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd18989270.html,文件丢失

C) 妄动盘上无操作系统

D) 妄动盘的引导区数据错误

(24) 下面列出的数据模型中,哪一个不是结构数据模型?_____。

A) 网状模型B) 关系模型C)层次模型D) 实体联系模型

(25) 下面列出的条目中,哪个或哪些是属于数据库技术研究的内容?_____。

Ⅰ. 数据库存储

Ⅱ. 数据库结构

Ⅲ. 数据库设计

Ⅳ. 数据库使用

A) 只有ⅠB) Ⅰ和ⅡC) Ⅰ、Ⅱ和ⅢD 都是

(26) 在关系数据模型中,外键(Foreign Key)是_____。(2分)

A) 在一个关系中定义了约束的一个或一组属性

B) 在一个关系中定义了缺省值的一个或一组属性

C) 在一个关系中的一个或一组属性是另一个关系的主键

D) 在一个关系中用于唯一标识元组的一个或一组属性

(27) 在关系SC(student_id,student_name,course_id,grade)中,有_____。


student_id → student_name

关系SC最高达到哪级范式? (2分)

A) 不满足B) 1NF C) 2NF D)3NF

(28) 下面列出的关系代数表达式的等价变换规则中,哪一个式子不一定成立?_____。(2分)

A) Л A1,A2,…,An (σF (E)) ≡ σF (Л A1,A2,…,An (E))

B) E1∞E2 ≡ E2∞E1

C) (E1∞E2)∞E3 ≡ E1∞(E2∞E3)

D) σF1(σF2 (E) ≡ σF1 ∧F2 (E)

(29) 下列的SQL语句中,哪一个语句不是数据定义语句? _____。


(30) 将E-R图中的实体和联系转换为关系,这是数据库设计中哪个阶段的任务?_____。

A) 需求分析B) 概念设计C) 逻辑设计D) 物理设计

(31) 关于课程信息的表C列出如下,且c_id 为主键。

c_id5) C_nameChar(10) Teacher12)

C_001 DATABASE Zhang_Ling

C_002 NETWORK Li_Ming

E_101 ENGLISH Wang_Jun

M_201 MATH Chen_Hong


CREATE TABLE SC (s_id 5) not null,c_id 5) not null,grade integer) 其中s_id为主键,c_id为外键(是C表的主键)。当执行如下语句时,哪个语句不能执行?_____。(2分)

A) SC values (`99011’, `C-001’, 75)

B) SC values (`99318’, `A-101’, 80)

C) SC values (`99410’,` E-101’, 93)

D) SC values (`99222’, `E-101’, 93)

(32) ORACLE系统具有丰富的应用开发工具,若要进行数据库的模式设计,应选用_____。

A) Oracle Designer/2000 B) Oracle Developer/2000

C) Oracle Forms D) Oracle Graphics

(33) 软件生产的复杂性和高成本,使大型软件生产出现危机,下述哪个(些)是软件危机的主要表现_____。

Ⅰ. 需求增长难满足

Ⅱ. 生产成本过高

Ⅲ. 进度难以控制

Ⅳ. 质量不易保证

A) Ⅰ和ⅡB) ⅣC) Ⅱ和ⅢD) 全是

(34) 在面向数据流的软件设计方法中,一般将信息流分为_____。

A) 变换流和事务流B) 变换流和控制流

C) 事务流和控制流D) 数据流和控制流

(35) 软件需求说明书是软件需求分析阶段的重要文件,下述哪个(些)是其应包含的内容_____。

Ⅰ. 数据描述

Ⅱ. 功能描述

Ⅲ. 模块描述

Ⅳ. 性能描述

A) ⅡB) Ⅲ和ⅣC) Ⅰ、Ⅱ和ⅢD) Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ

(36) 软件测试一般分为三类,即

Ⅰ. 静态测试

Ⅱ. 动态测试

Ⅲ. 正确性证明


A) ⅠB) ⅡC) Ⅰ和ⅡD) Ⅲ

(37) 模块独立性是由内聚性和耦合性来度量的,其中内聚性是度量_____。(2分)

A) 模块间联系程度B) 模块的功能强度

C) 信息隐蔽程度D) 接口的复杂程度

(38) 软件设计中一般将用到图形工具,下述哪种(些)工具可用作设计的图形工具_____。(2分)

Ⅰ. 结构图

Ⅱ. 实体联系


Ⅳ. 层次图

A) Ⅰ和ⅡB) Ⅲ和ⅣC) Ⅰ、Ⅲ和ⅣD) 全部

(39) 试判断下列论述中哪个(些)是正确的_____。

Ⅰ. 软件系统中所有的信息流都可以认为是变换流

Ⅱ. 软件系统中所有的信息流都可以认为是事务流

Ⅲ. 事务分析和变换分析的设计步骤基本类似

A) ⅠB) ⅡC) ⅢD) Ⅰ和Ⅲ

(40) 软件的有效性测试是验证软件的运行是否达到用户的期望,用户的期望应体现于_____。(2分)

A) 详细设计报告B) 软件需求说明书

C) 总体设计报告D) 有效性测试要求

(41) 原型化是常用的一种软件开发方法,下述哪些是应用原型化方法的前提_____。




A) ⅠB) ⅡC) ⅢD) Ⅱ和Ⅲ

(42) 根据Amdahl的定义,计算机体系结构反映的计算机属性是_____。

A) 概念性的结构B) 层次性的结构C) 模块性的结构D) 管理性的结构

(43) 把指令和数据分别进行存储的结构称为_____。

A) 冯.诺依曼结构B) 普林斯顿结构

C) 非冯.诺依曼结构D) 哈佛结构

(44) Intel CPU芯片的暂存机制是_____。

A) 累加器B) 累加器与通用寄存器

C) 堆栈D) 堆栈与通用寄存器

(45) 建立存储层次体系依据的原理是_____。

A) 性价比原理B) 总体成本原理

C) 局部性原理D) 全局性原理

(46) 目前使用最多的局部总线是_____。


(47) 脉动阵列计算模式属于_____。


(48) 运行相同的程序,计算机A需10秒,计算机B需15秒,其速度比较是_____。(2分)

A) A比B快50% B) A比B快30% C) B比A快50% D) B 比A快30%

(49) 在流水线计算机中,通过细化流水、提高主频,使每个机器周期能完成多个操作,该技术称为?_____。(2分)

A) 多流水技术B) 超标量技术

C) 超流水技术D) 超长指令字技术

(50) 主要用于测试处理器芯片的基准程序是_____。(2分)

A) Spec. B) Linpack C) Puzzle D) Quicksoft


您的位置:首页> 查看试卷 考试名称考试时间试卷总分 四级笔试新题型模拟题08 2016-03-31 100.00 各题型成绩 名称得分题型总分 Part I -- 15 Part II -- 35 Part III -- 35 Part IV -- 15 Part Ⅰ Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 187 words. 本题得分:--/15分Renting an Apartment off Campus 1. 现在大学生在校外租房的现象很普遍 2. 这种现象产生的原因 3. 我的看法 你的答案 未作答 参考范文 Renting an Apartment off Campus Nowadays, an increasing number of college students would rather rent an apartment off campus than live in a dormitory. This phenomenon has raised considerable concern among parents and college faculties about living off campus, which is caused by the following reasons. To begin with, living conditions of an apartment off campus may be better than those of a dormitory. A rented apartment is often equipped with an independent washroom and a shower equipment which may be of great advantage over the school dormitory. In general, a typical dormitory often accomodates four or six, or even eight students and it is too crowded and noisy for those who prefer private space as well as quiet circumstances. In addition, instead of being regulated by dormitory rules, students may enjoy more freedom in a rented apartment. If college students intend to rent an apartment, I think they should give top priority to safety. It is important to make a survey of the surroundings first to ensure the security. Besides, when they tend to enjoy the freedom, they should have a better sense of self-control and make good use of their time. 范文点评: 作文是一篇涉及校外租房话题的论述文,考生需要根据所给大纲进行写作。本文语言规范、地道、结构清晰。作者首先指出了当下大学生校外租房的普遍性;第二段通过to begin with 和in addition的使用,清晰地列举出校外租房相对于住宿舍的优势:公寓房条件要比宿舍好,而且学生可以享有更多的自由。最后,作者给出了自己的建议,如果想要校外租房,首先要考虑的就是安全问题。 Part Ⅱ Section A Understanding Conversations


2015英语专四词汇语法模拟题练习及答案解析(一) 2015年英语专业英语四级考试已进入冲刺阶段,适当做些模拟练习题有助于同学们在考前着重复习自己的弱项,希望百度文库整理的2015英语专四词汇语法模拟题练习及答案解析能给同学们带来帮助。 1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. A. Unpopular has as white been B. White has been as unpopular C. Unpopular has been as white D. Unpopular as white has been 2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up. A. There has been no rain B. Having no rain C. There having been no rain D. There being no rain 3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had they been done B. they had been done C. having been done D. they were done 4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____. A. which they are happening B. they are happening C. which they happen D. they have happened 5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed C. Which amazed D. What amazed



Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor's degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn't, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it. The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification(满意). It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. Television's variety becomes a narcotic(麻醉的), nor a stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic (万花筒般的)exposures force us to follow its lead. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another. In short, a lot of television usurps(篡夺;侵占) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone's attention—anyone's. The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. Quite


大学英语四级考试新题型样卷答案 Part I Writing A Campaign Speech Good evening,ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for coming to this election campaign today. With the trust and complete support of my team, I am delighted to announce that I am running for chairman of the Student Union. As a diligent man with pleasant personality, I have been always considered to be a good team member. Meanwhile, as a big fan of sports I fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger. I possess strong determination to take firm steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. In addition, my working experience with the Student Union in the past two years will be extremely helpful to my future work here if I get elected. A sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its values. If I am elected, I believe I have the capability to lead the Union to advance in the right direction. I will cooperate well with my fellow members of the Union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the Union a true assistance t o students’study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students. Thank you very much! Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1.Y 2.Y 3.N 4.N 5.Y 6.N 7.NG 8. municipalities and construction companies 9. $10 to $40 10. drop-off stations Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11-15 DBACB 16-20 CDCDB 21-25 BCAAD Section B


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS —GRADE FOUR— MODEL TEST ONE PART I DICTATION [10 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at the task on the ANSWER SHEETONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now, listen to the talk. When it is over, you will be given TWO minutes to check your work. SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section, you will hear two conversations. At the end of the conversion, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE



大学英语四级考试模拟试题 Model Test Five Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. Choose the correct answer---A, B, C or D, and then, mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Section A (C) 11. A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) It’s not his office hour. C) He doesn’t have time. D) He is too tired after class. (A) 12. A) The woman insists on going out. B) The woman doesn’t like watching TV. C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out. (B) 13. A) There are too many courses offered to


第1篇 Teamwork Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiments are designed,data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone. Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience. What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Thirdly, always worktogether, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference. Useful words and expressions: playing field n. 运动场 productive adj. 多产的,有生产价值的 productive force 生产力 productive labor 有价值的劳动 a productive farm 肥沃的农场 a productive writer 多产作家 investigation n. 调查,研究 (be) under investigation 在调查研究中 bear investigation 经得起考查,不怕追查 keep an open mind 不抱成见,抱着虚心态度 make a great difference 有很大差别,有很大影响 听力源文件下载地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd18989270.html,/s/1i3iV5Tb


2019大学英语四级听力考试模拟试题(6) 听录音把文中空白处补全 In many countries, authority is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is (1) _______. Sometimes, too, because (2) _______ has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. In other countries, (3) _______America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will be often told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be (4) _______ exciting new ideas in all fields of science and the arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national (5) _______ offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic (6) _______. This interest in questioning and searching may be (7) _______ by some people as bad for young people’s (8) _______, that young people lack respect for authority. (9) ___________________. However, this is because many Americans have different attitudes toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. (10)_________________________. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, (11) ______________________________. 1.feared 2.rank


1.What are the two speakers talking about? A) How to keep healthy. B) How to calm our nerves. C) The benefits of exercise. D) The benefits of good sleep. 正确答案为C你没有作答。 解析: 音频中男士提到,锻炼可以带来很多好处(Exercise offers all the obvious benefits),女士对此进行了补充,可见两人是在谈论锻炼身体的益处,所以选C。 Script W: Professor Smith, what are your future projects on teaching? M: Later in the year I plan to revise my free Computer Basics course for the English majors at our college. 2.What is Professor Smith most likely to do later this year? A) Revise his Computer Basics course. B) Publish his third book on computer. C) Teach English majors American literature. D) Give a lecture to English majors at his college. 正确答案为A你没有作答。 解析: 音频中男士提到,他今年晚些时候计划修改计算机基础课程(I plan to revise my free Computer Basics course),所以选A。 Script W: What information or advice can you offer to our home users of this software? M: Just spend some time now and then exploring your software. I guarantee you'll learn something and you might even have fun! 3.Who is the woman probably speaking to? A) A film producer. B) A software designer. C) A newspaper reporter. D) A home user of that software. 正确答案为B你没有作答。


大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第 一套) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is foll owed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fou r choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and ma rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method o f answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships betwee n observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to o rganize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniq ues, and procedures for implementing the finding of science. Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progr ess in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comp rehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy an d certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or disli kes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover m ay shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unple asant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of re fusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice


大学英语四级考试模拟新试题2 Part ⅠWriting 第1题: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of cases of excessive or unnecessary tests prescribed by some doctors and then explain the reasons and consequences of those irresponsible practices in some hospitals and make your suggestions about it . You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考答案: [参考范文] "You"re in excellent health. I"ll need to run some tests until I find something wrong with you." The caption in the picture reveals an embarrassing fact that patients have to go through many unnecessary tests such as X-rays and ultrasound scan prescribed by the doctor and pay the expensive bills when going to hospital. It"s unbelievable that some doctors should do such things. Regarded as angels who save the wounded and rescue the dying, some doctors only want to earn money in reality. Prescribing many tests for patients is the best way to achieve their goals. As a result, with a surge in medical disputes, conflicts between doctors and patients are increasingly intensified to an unprecedented degree. In my opinion, the government should take measures to tackle this issue. Firstly, the government should regulate and supervise the price of medical examinations and drugs. Secondly, an inspection mechanism should be established to monitor hospitals. Only when the problem of excessive medical tests is solved can doctor-patient relationship be improved. 详细解答: Part ⅡListening Comprehension Section A [听力原文] 听力原文:Rising levels of obesity and unhealthy weights could be linked to 670,000 extra cases of cancer in the next 20 years, a UK report predicts. If current trends continue, experts say, almost three in four adults could be overweight or obese by 2035, bringing a host of health issues. Their work suggests a rise in the number of people who are overweight or obese would contribute to 4.6 million additional cases of type-2 diabetes and 1.6 million extra cases of heart disease by 2035. The report recommends a number of ways to tackle this problem, including introducing a 20 pence per litre tax on sugary drinks and a review of how food is advertised online. Department of Health officials said they had already brought in a ban on adverts featuring junk food during children′s TV programmes and would be launching a childhood obesity strategy shortly.


2013年12月大学英语四级(CET4)考试样卷 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 PartII Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A) The man has left a good impression on her family. B) The man’s jeans and T-shirts are stylish. C) The man should buy himself a new suit. D) The man can dress casually for the occasion. 2. A) Its price. C) Its location. B) Its comfort. D) Its facilities. 3. A) It is a routine offer. C) It is new on the menu. B) It is quite healthy. D) It is a good bargain. 4. A) Read the notice on the window. C) Go and ask the staff. B) Board the bus to Cleveland. D) Get a new bus schedule. 5. A) He is ashamed of his present condition. B) He is careless about his appearance. C) He changes jobs frequently. D) He shaves every other day.
