浙江大学远程教育 英语报刊选读作业(2012)

浙江大学远程教育 英语报刊选读作业(2012)
浙江大学远程教育 英语报刊选读作业(2012)



第一讲:Introduction to American and British Publication


A. Multiple Choices.

1.Which of the following publication has a slogan “All The News That's Fit To Print”?

A)New Y ork Times

2. Which of the following publication conducted Watergate investigation, which played a major role in the undoing of the Nixon presidency?

C) Washington Post

3. Which of the following news agencies is in the US?


4. Which of the following newspapers is sometimes referred to as America's "newspaper of record"?

A) New Y ork Times

5. Where is the Asian Wall Street Journal based?

B) Hong Kong

6. Since 1927, ________ has chosen “The Person of the Y ear” annually -- a man, woman, or idea that "for better or worse, has most influenced events in the preceding year."

C) Time

7. Which of the following is regarded as a quality newspaper?

A) The Daily Telegraph

8. Which of the following is a weekly magazine?

B) U.S. News & World Report

9. Which magazine gives an annual list of the 500 largest companies in the United States?

C) Fortune

10. Which of the followings are American publications? (多选)A、D、E、H、I

A) Reader’s Digest

B) Economist

C) Finance

D) National Geographic

E) Newsweek

F) The Spectator

G) Nature

H) Fortune

I) Time

B. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).

1.Articles in Reader's Digest cover a range of topics, including politics and government,

health, international affairs, business, education and humor.

2.The Christian Science Monitor is a daily international newspaper aimed at religious


3.Time is known for its characteristic yellow border.

4.Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report are all weekly U.S. news magazines.

5.The Financial Times is a broadsheet quality newspaper in the U.K.

6.The Times is an international business newspaper printed on distinctive pink broadsheet


7.All the fourteen Pulitzer prizes in journalism are given in the form of money.

8.The Wall Street Journal is a daily business and financial newspaper edited in New Y ork

City and sold throughout the United States.

9. Los Angeles Times conducted Watergate investigation in the early 1970s, which played a

major role in the undoing of the Nixon presidency.

10.The Guardian takes an independent liberal stance in its editorials.



第二讲:Some concepts in English Journalism

Types of Journalism

Structure of English News Reporting


1.Give the definition of the following terms.


a prominent or special article, story, or department in a newspaper or periodical.

2) editorial

an article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers.

3) op-ed

of or being a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personal view points

4) inverted pyramid

The inverted pyramid is a traditional form of writing in which the news is stacked in paragraphs in order of descending importance. The lead summarizes the principal items of a news event. The second paragraph and each succeeding paragraph contain secondary or supporting details in order of decreasing significance. All the paragraphs in the story contain newsworthy information, but each paragraph is less vital than the one before it. Inverted-pyramid form puts the climax of a story at the beginning, in the lead.

5) lead

A lead is a terse opening paragraph that provides the gist of the story and invites

readers inside.

2.What is the difference between hard news and soft news?

Hard news events, such as killings, and speeches by leading government officials, are timely and are reported almost automatically by the media. Soft news events, such as a car wash by a fourth-graders to raise money for a classmate with cancer, are not usually considered immediately important or timely to a wide audience. These events still contain elements of news, however, and the media often report them.

3.What is the difference between news and features?

A news story emphasizes the facts of the event, while the feature displaces the facts to accommodate the human interest of the story.

4.What are the major criteria for newsworthiness?





Conflict and Controversy


Human interest

5.What are the principles of news writing?

News writing tends to be:

1. Impersonal to make it appear objective (to distance the reporter from the story)


–Written in the third person

–Use of direct speech or indirect speech which is attributed to someone other than the reporter,

–Some use of passive verbs but usually only when someone who is being

quoted wants to distance themselves from an issue and to show objectively

about n issue.

2. About something that has taken place so mostly written in the past tense.

3. Simple – In fact close to the way we talk – relatively short sentences and words and

some use of clichés which the whole audience understand.

4. Punchy –it must grab the reader’s attention so often uses:

–short rather than long words

–active verbs

–relatively short sentences

–concrete rather than abstract vocabulary

–sometimes emotive and colorful vocabulary

–some use (but not overuse) of adjectives

5. But also relatively formal hence:

–no use of contractions

–sentences written in full (no elision) or elliptical sentences

6. sometimes imagery is used to help create a clearer mental picture for the reader.

7. often including the reporter’s by-line and/or a date-line

6.Read the following headlines and analyze the features of the language they use.

1)More Iraqis Said to Flee Since Troop Rise

When passive voice is used in headlines, “to be” is always omitted. Here “are” in “More Iraqis are said to flee…” is omitted. Nouns and noun phrases are often used in headlines to save space. Noun phrases which actually express actions or state are heavily used, and they are derived from verb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without lowering the amount of information conveyed.

Instead of “since the troop rises”, noun phrase “troop rise” is used.

2)Insurgent raid kills 22 villagers

Most headlines use the present tense-despite the fact that they generally describe past events. The present tense gives the subject a sense of freshness and immediacy, making it more interesting to read. Instead of using “killed”, “kills” is used

to describe what happened in the past. Beside s, the article “An” in “an insurgent raid”

is omitted.

3)Bangladesh Sets Curfew To Curb Student Protests

Short words (i.e. midget words) are often used to conserve space in headlines, for example, “curb” in this headline. Besides, present tense “sets” is us ed to describe a past event.

4)Storm Death Toll in Midwest Climbs

1. Compact noun phrases are often used in headlines to save space.

2. Most headlines use the present tense-despite the fact that they generally describe

past events.

5)Wall Street slightly lower as credit worries linger

Rhetoric devices often used in the writing of newspaper headlines.

In this headline, Wall Street refers to the stock exchange, which is a metonymy.

Another rhetoric device used here is rhyme (Correspondence of terminal sounds o f words or of lines of verse), as we find in lower and linger.

6)China launches crackdown on inferior goods, unsafe food

In order to conserve space in headlines, comma is sometimes used to replace “and”.

7)China to become U.S. third largest export market by year end

In phrase headlines, infinitives are sometimes used to indicate a future action or event.

7. What do the following abbreviations and acronyms stand for?


Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局

3) IMF

International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

4) WHO

World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

5) DJI

Dow-Jones Index 道·琼斯指数

6) PM

prime minister首相;总理

8. Read the following news story and answer the following questions.

1. What is the headline of the report?

Sprawl puts houses in hot zones

2. What is the subheading of the report?

Lack of fire hydrants a growing problem

3. What is the byline of the report?

By Joseph Gidjunis


4. What is the dateline of the report?

Salisbury, Md

9. Directions: Read the following news report and answer questions.

Q1: What is the headline of this news report?

Saudi King to allow women to vote in local elections

Q2: What is the dateline in this news report?

Riyady, Saudi Arabia

Q3: What is the byline in this news report?

The Associated Press

Q4: What is the summary lead of this news report?

And identify the 5 W’s and H in the lead.

The first paragraph:

Saudi King Abdullah announced Sunday that the nations women will gain the right to vote

and run as candidates in local elections to be held in 2015 in a major advancement for the rights of women in the deeply conservative Muslim Kingdom.

WHAT: the nations women will gain the right to vote and run as candidates in local elections WHEN: in 2015

WHERE: Muslim Kingdom

WHO:Saudi King Abdullah

HOW: in an annual speech

Q5: Explain what the inverted pyramid is by analyzing this news report.

An inverted pyramid is a traditional form of writing in which the news is stacked in paragraphs in order of descending importance. The lead summarizes the principal items of a news event. The second paragraph and each succeeding paragraph contain secondary or supporting details in order of decreasing significance. All the paragraphs in the story contain newsworthy information, but each paragraph is less vital than the one before it. T ake this news report for example, the writer first presents the most important details of the bombing, including the time, the place, and the casualty. Then the writer goes on to less essential information, such as the other violence and the background.




Lesson 1 For Many Generation X’ers, Job Loyalty is Getting Stronger

1. The survey dispels the myth that this generation is not loyal, said Sheila Wellington, president of Catalyst, the research group that conducted the study.

A) drives away

2. But GenX’ers are attracted to their organizations for utterly traditional reasons.

C) completely

3. Still, Catalyst and other research organizations that have studied Generation X caution that this age group has high demands for employers that, if not met, could prompt employees to depart, downturn or not.

D) warn

4. … employers have worked hard at retaining good workers in recent years as labor shortages intensified.

C) keeping

5. There are a lot of seeming myths and assumptions about 26- to 37-year-olds.

A) presuppositions

Lesson 3 How to manage an ageing workforce

1. One of the side-effects of the Second World War was the most momentous social change of the past half-century.

A) important

2. Because it is far larger than the generation that follows it—or any that preceded it—it casts a shadow over the companies it is set to leave behind.

D) went before

3. Their productivity may decline as they get older — although people gain in experience, their capacity for sharp thinking falls off — but the traditional pattern of retirement, in which one day an employee is in a bustling office busy as a bee and the next he is good only for the potting shed and the fireside chair does not make sense for the economy, for companies or for people.

B) energetic

4. This social upheaval may be quieter than the last one they were responsible for, but its consequences will be more profound and longer-lasting.

D) disturbance

5. There are several ways of dealing with a falling supply of labor: work might be shifted offshore, to take advantage of abundant cheaper workers in poorer countries; laxer immigration rules might allow in more skilled labor from abroad; new equipment could enhance the productivity of a better-educated workforce.

A) not strict

Additional Reading


1.When and why is a border wall to be built between Mexico and Texas?

1. The border wall is planned to be built this fall to stem illegal immigration into America.

2. Why do some people strongly oppose the building of a border wall in southeast Texas?

2. Landowners are concerned it may cut across their property, conservationists see it destroying crucial riverside habitat, and some activists see it inflaming ethnic tensions.

3. What is the significance of the embrace of two mayors on the Paso del Norte Bridge?

3. It is an expression of friendship between two mayors, two cities and two countries.

4. What is the major argument for building a border wall?

4. The border wall is needed to help block the swelling tide of illegal immigration as well as widespread drug and gun smuggling.

5.Why do so many Mexicans flee to the US, according to the news?

5. Because the Mexican government has failed its own people and Mexicans were forced to go north seeking jobs because of the poverty they faced at home.



Lesson 6 Full of sound and fury

1. Unlike most political messages, these were turgidly written, scrupulously accurate and did not cost the candidate’s campaign a penny.

A) carefully

2. Mr. McCain’s attacks on Mr. Obama foc us on his slender résumé, his dodgy associates and the possibility that he will raise taxes.

C) dishonest

3. …however, Mr. McCain has not gone after Mr. Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of “God damn America” fame, perhaps for fear of being branded a racist.

4. But predictions of impending violence are unfounded.

D) going to happen soon

5. Mr. Obama’s ads attack Mr. McCain for the many ways he plans to make life wretched for nearly everyone.

A) miserable

Lesson 8 Travel can help mend a fractured world

1. Increasingly, our government finds itself at odds with the rest of the globe.

C) in disagreement with

2. Huge military costs abroad, skyrocketing security costs at home and the loss of trade as American goods become shunned overseas are an economic drain, the brunt of which we'll all bear.

C) increasing

3.Huge military costs abroad, skyrocketing security costs at home and the loss of trade as American goods become shunned overseas are an economic drain, the brunt of which we'll all bear.

D) avoided

4. Travel gives us a perspective that can translate, through the voting booth, into American policies that will not alienate us from the family of nations.

B) distance

5. Thoughtful travel —becoming a "temporary local" to really get a break from our cultural norms — shows us how the world sees America.

C) standard


Lesson 10 Family-Unfriendly Policies

1.The stable family of two biological parents - surprise, surprise! - turns out to be the ideal

vessel for molding character, for nurturing, for inculcating values, and for planning for a child's future.

2.Children in mother-only families are more likely than those with two parents to be suspended

from school, to have emotional problems, to become delinquent, to suffer from abuse, to take drugs, and to perform poorly on virtually every measure.

C) guilty of misdeed

3.Federal aid should give incentives for couples to form and sustain healthy marriages, not

encouragement for single parenthood and non-marital birth.

D) maintain

4.Social service benefits that phase out fairly quickly after marriage, for example, can actually

create a marriage penalty.

A) increase

5.But the bulk of the nation's most intractable social problems would benefit from tempering

that trend by nurturing the American family.

A) main part

Additional Reading


More Y oung Men Opt to Live With Parents

1.According to the report, why do more young people choose to remain living with their parents?

1. Because of the recession and poor private housing prospects in the early 1990s.

2. How does the traditional American culture view maleness and adulthood?

2. The traditional American culture thinks of maleness and adulthood in terms of separation, particularly in moving away from home and mother.

3. What effect(s) will the current trend bring to the family?

3. This could lead to rises in family tension and even violence, but it may also improve relationship by giving children the chance to see their parents as independent adults rather than just as parents.

4. What should parents do to adjust to this social trend?

4. Parents should allow their children to behave as adults in a family home.

5. Will new housing benefit restrictions on unemployed people aged under 25 orient them for marriage, cohabitation or independence?

5. No. It is found that the benefit was not a factor in encouraging young single people to leave home for private accommodation. Even those entitled to it often did not claim.



Lesson 14 College Ranking

1. In the mid-1990s, Cornell University purged its alumni lists of former students who didn't graduate or whose mailing addresses were unknown —a tool to hike its percentage of alumni giving in the rankings, according to Cornell economist and former vice pres ident Ronald Ehrenberg.

D) release

2. In the mid-1990s, Cornell University purged its alumni lists of former students who didn't graduate or whose mailing addresses were unknown —a tool to hike its percentage of alumni giving in the rankings, according to Cornell economist and former vice president Ronald Ehrenberg.

D) raise

3. According to Ehrenberg, one president of a flagship public university confided that he might be forced to solicit more applications from less-qualified students, so the college can turn them down, thus making it appear more selective.

B) ask for

4. Since 1990, more schools have started "early decision" programs, in which students apply early, have their applications processed quickly and, if accepted, pledge to enroll.

B) promise

5. Further, U.S. News focuses almost exclusively on input measures —including institutional wealth, faculty salaries and acceptance rates —and almost entirely ignores the key question in evaluating a college: how well it teaches its students.

C) only



Is Your Boss Spying on You?

1.What are the major findings of the 2005 survey by the American Management Association and the e-Policy Institute?

1. The 2005 survey found that about three out of four companies regularly track which websites their employees visit. More than half use surveillance software to scour office e-mail (looking for hot-button keywords like sex in the subject line or body of messages). More than a third extend their snooping to monitor how much time workers spend a t the computer, record their keystrokes or log their downloads. And one in four companies reports firing someone for improper e-mail use.

2. How did Heidi Arace and Norma Yetsko lose their jobs at PNC Bank in New Jersey?

2. Heidi Arace and Norma Yetsko distributed via office e-mail what they thought was fun to share, which their bosses found offensive enough. As a result, the two longtime workers were fired.

3. What are the reasons why companies monitor their workers’ computer use?

3. Reasons why companie s monitor their workers’ computer use include:

- to see to it that workers waste less time online and work more efficiently;

- to avoid legal trouble;

- to guarantee the security;

- to avoid the leakage of sensitive information.

4.What are the two types of spying software in use?

4. Companies are using two types of spying software: network-based programs that monitor all traffic passing through a system, and programs that sit directly on an employee’s desktop.

5. What are the suggestions workers should take when using work computers?

5. They should know the company’s computer-use policy and comply with it. They should assume they’re being monitored, and behave accordingly. They should never bad-mouth the company online. They should not use personal e-mail accounts or post to a blog. They should avoid transmitting any message that could embarrass themselves or others if made public. They should not think instant messaging is less permanent than e-mail. When surfing the Web, they should never click on something flagged NSFW (not safe for work).


1.What crime did Cho commit according to the report?

1. He shot and killed two people about 7:20 a.m. in West Ambler Johnston Hall. Two-and-a-half hours later, he killed 30 people in Norris Hall and then committed suicide.

2. According to the panel report, how could Virginia Tech officials have saved lives?

2. They could have warned students earlier that two students had been shot and that the killer had not been caught yet.

3. What are the problems identified by the panel that investigated the massacre at the Virginia Tech?

3. It has identified problems like communications breakdowns, gaps in the mental health system and confusion over student privacy laws.

4. How did Steger defend his actions and refuse to resign at the news conference?

4. He said that his people had acted quickly and to the best of their abilities based on what they knew at the time. He also said the school administration did not have all the facts about the first shooting and did not want to spread partial or incorrect information to students.

5. When the university accepted Cho, did the officials know about his mental state? And why?

5. No, they didn't know about his history of mental health problems because Fairfax schools did not relay anything about Cho's mental state to the college due to the privacy laws.


大学远程教育学院 《程序设计基础(C)》课程作业 :袁洋学号: 2 年级:2017春学习中心:紫金港校区—————————————————————————————第1章C语言的基本构成 由add、main、scanf、printf函数组成, 调用了scanf、printf两个系统函数。 保留字:int、return。 自定义标识符:add、a、b、c、x、y、z。 第2章输入输出程序设计 1.用printf输出一个中空的五角星。 #include void main() { printf(" * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * * * * * * *\n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * * \n"); printf(" * *\n"); printf(" * * * \n"); printf(" * * * * \n"); printf(" * * * * \n"); printf(" * * * * \n"); } 2.仿照例子2.2,定义一个字符数组,从键盘输入一字符串,然后输出的程序。 #include void main() { char charshuz[20];

puts(gets(charshuz)); } 3.从键盘输入十六进制整数,转化为八进制数输出。 #include void main(){ int shiliu; scanf("%x",&shiliu); printf("%o\n",shiliu); } 4.只定义两个整型数据并赋值,实现两个整型数的互换。 #include void main() { int a,b,swap; scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b); printf("a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); swap=a; a=b; b=swap; printf("a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); } 5.从键盘上输入一个整数,分别输出8、16进制数的程序。 #include void main() { int a; scanf("%d",&a); printf("%o %x\n",a,a); } 6.从键盘上输入一个整数,分别输出它的个位数,十位数,百位数。 #include void main() { int integer; do { printf("请输入一个三个数:"); scanf("%d",&integer); if (integer<100 || integer >=1000) printf("请重新输入,\n"); }while(integer<100 || integer >=1000); printf("输入的整数为:%d,百位为:%d,十位为:%d,个位为:%d。\n",integer,integer/100,integer%100/10,integer%100%10); }


《运筹学》作业 第2章 1.某公司计划生产两种产品,已知生产单位产品所需的三种原材料的消耗及所获的利润, 产品利润=40X+50Y 约束条件: X+2Y<=30 3X+2Y<=60 2Y<=24 X,Y>=0 用图解法得出安排生产产品1为15件,产品2为7.5件时工厂的获利最多,最大利润为975。 2.某公司计划生产两种产品,已知生产单位产品所需的两种原材料的消耗和人员需要及所获的利润,如下表所示。问应如何安排生产使该工厂获利最多?(建立模型,并用图解 产品利润=300X+500Y 约束条件: X<=4 2Y<=12 3X+2Y<=24 X,Y>=0 用图解法得出,该公司安排生产产品1为4件,产品2为6件时该工厂获利最大,最大利润为4200。 3. 下表是一个线性规划模型的敏感性报告,根据其结果,回答下列问题: 1)是否愿意付出11元的加班费,让工人加班; 答:不愿意付出11元加班费让工人加班。 2)如果工人的劳动时间变为402小时,日利润怎样变化? 答:日利润增加2×8=16

3)如果第二种家具的单位利润增加5元,生产计划如何变化? 答:因为允许的增加量是10,所以生产计划不变 Microsoft Excel 9.0 敏感性报告 工作表 [ex2-6.xls]Sheet1 报告的建立: 2001-8-6 11:04:02 可变单元 格 终递减目标式允许的允许的单元格名字值成本系数增量减量 $B$15 日产量(件)100 20 60 1E+30 20 $C$15 日产量(件)80 0 20 10 2.5 $D$15 日产量(件)40 0 40 20 5.0 $E$15 日产量(件)0 -2.0 30 2.0 1E+30 约束 终阴影约束允许的允许的单元格名字值价格限制值增量减量 $G$6 劳动时间(小时/件)400 8 400 25 100 $G$7 木材(单位/件)600 4 600 200 50 $G$8 玻璃(单位/件)800 0 1000 1E+30 200 4某公司计划生产两种产品,已知生产单位产品所需的三种原材料的消耗及所获的利润,如 解:设生产产品1为X件,生产产品2为Y件时,工厂获利最多 产品利润=25X+10Y 约束条件: 0.6X+0.5Y<=12000 0.4X+0.1Y<=4000 0.4Y<=6000 X,Y>=0



浙江大学远程教育学院习题集 课程代码名称_1803074兽医微生物学与免疫学_ 年级专业(层次)_动物医学专升本 绪言 一、填空题 1. 1683年荷兰人用自制的显微镜首次观察到微生物。 2. 法国科学家利用弯颈瓶试验证明“自然发生论”是荒谬的,他是微生物学、生理学与免疫学的主要奠基人。 3. 微生物的发展可概括为三个阶段:、和等。 二、名词解释 1. 微生物 2. 微生物学 3. 兽医微生物学 三、简答题 1. 微生物有何特点? 2. 微生物的种类有哪些? 3. 巴斯德的主要贡献是什么? 4. 柯赫的主要贡献是什么? 第一章细菌的形态与结构 一、填空题 1. 测定细菌大小的单位通常是。 2. 细菌的形态有、和等三种基本类型。 3. 球菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为、、、 和等。 4. 杆菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为、和。 5. 螺旋状菌分为和两种。 6. 细菌的基本结构包括、、和等。 7. 细菌的特殊结构有、、和等。 二、名词解释 1. 细菌 2. 菌落 3. 原生质体 4. 球状体 5. 细菌L型 6. 间体 7. 核体

8. 荚膜 9. S层 10. 鞭毛 11. 菌毛 12. 芽孢 三、简答题 1. 绘出细菌的基本结构和特殊结构图。 2. 比较革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌细胞壁的结构及化学组成的差异。 3. 叙述细菌核体与真核细胞核的异同。 4. 试述鞭毛的结构功能。 5. 菌毛的本质、分类及功能如何? 6. 叙述芽孢的结构、功能及对外界环境抵抗力强的原因。 7. 常用的细菌染色方法有哪些? 8. 什么是革兰氏染色?有何意义?其染色机制如何? 第二章细菌的生理 一、填空题 1. 细菌细胞的代谢过程包括、、和等四个步骤。 2. 细菌物质主要通过、、和等方式进出细菌细胞。 3. 细菌细胞结构的组装有两种方式:和。 4. 细菌以进行无性繁殖。 5. 根据生长曲线,细菌生长繁殖分为、、和等四个时期。 6. 细菌的生长繁殖条件主要有:、、、和等。 7. 根据细菌对氧的需要,可将细菌分为、和等。 8. 根据细菌对温度的适应范围,可将细菌分为、和等。 二、名词解释 1. 世代时间 2. 生长曲线 3. 培养基 4. 厌氧培养基 三、简答题 1. 形成细菌个体的代谢过程有何特点? 2. 试绘制细菌的生长曲线图,并说明各时期的特点。 3. 根据营养、状态和功能的差异,可将培养基分为哪些种类?各有何用途? 4. 病原菌对氧气和温度的需求有何特点? 5. 试述主要的细菌生化反应的原理及用途。 第三章消毒与灭菌 一、填空题 1. 对微生物影响较大的物理因素包括:、、、、微波和滤过等。 2. 高温灭菌法可分为灭菌法和灭菌法两类。 3. 干热灭菌法包括:和两类。 4. 常见的湿热灭菌法有:、和。 5. 影响消毒剂作用的因素主要有:、、


2019— 2019— 2020运筹学期末考试试题及答案 2012---2013 上学期 经济信息管理及计算机应用系 《运筹学》期末考试试题及答案 班级 __________________ 学号________________ ,、单项选择题: 1、在下面的数学模型中;属于线性规划模型的为( A ) 2、线性规划问题若有最优解;则一定可以在可行域的 (A )上 达到。 A.顶点 B .内点 C .外点 D .几何点 3、在线性规划模型中;没有非负约束的变量称为 (C ) A. 多余变量 B.松弛变量 C.自由变量 D .人工变量 4、 若线性规划问题的最优解同时在可行解域的两个顶点处达到;那么 该线性规划问题最优解为(C )。 A.两个 B.零个 C.无穷多个 D.有限多个 5、 线性规划具有唯一最优解是指( B ) A .最优表中存在常数项为零 B.最优表中非基变量检验数全部非零 C.最优表中存在非基变量的检验数为零 D.可行解集合有界 6、设线性规划的约束条件为 min S 3X Y max S 4X Y B. s.t. 2X Y 1 A. s.t. XY 3 C. X,Y 0 X,Y 0 max 2 2 S X Y min S 2XY st. X Y 2 D. s.t. X Y 3 X,Y 0 X,Y 0

2x1 2x2 x4 4 x1, ,x4 0 则基本可行解为(C )。 A.(0;0;4;3)B.(3;4;0;0) C.(2;0;1;0)D.(3;0;4;0) 7、若运输问题已求得最优解;此时所求出的检验数一定是全部(D ) A、小于或等于零 B.大于零 C.小于零D.大 于或等于零 8、对于m 个发点、n 个收点的运输问题;叙述错误的是( D ) A.该问题的系数矩阵有m x n列 B.该问题的系数矩 阵有m+n 行 C.该问题的系数矩阵的秩必为m+n-1 D.该问题的最优解 必唯一 9、关于动态规划问题的下列命题中错误的是( A ) A、动态规划分阶段顺序不同;则结果不同 B、状态对决策有影响 C、动态规划中;定义状态时应保证在各个阶段中所做决策的相对独立性 D、动态规划的求解过程都可以用列表形式实现 10、若P为网络G的一条流量增广链;则P中所有正向弧都为G的 ( D ) A.对边 B.饱和边 C.邻边 D.不饱 和边 一、判断题。 1、图解法和单纯形法虽然求解的形式不同;但从几何上理解;两者是一致


大学物理(上)期中试卷(B) 专业 编号 姓名 一、 填空 1、 两个惯性系中的观察者O 和O’以0.6c (c 表示真空中光速)的相对速度互相接近。 如果O 测得两者的初始距离是20cm ,则O’测得两者经过时间△t =______________s 后相遇。 2、 在_____________速度下粒子的相对论动量是非相对论动量的二倍,在 ______________速度下粒子的动能等于其静止能量。 3、 在光滑的水平面上,一根长L=2m 的绳子,一端固定 于O 点,另一端系一质量m=0.5kg 的物体。开始时,物体位于位置A ,OA 间距离d=0.5m ,绳子处于松弛状态。现在使物体以初速度V A = 4m ·s -1垂直于OA 向右滑动,如图所示。设以后的运动中物体到位置B ,此时物体速度的方向与绳垂直。则物体速度的大小V B =__________________。 4、 一质点的运动速度v 时间 t 的函数 )/(34)(s m j t i t v +=,此质点在t=1秒时的切身向加速 度a t =_____________,法向加速度a n =_______________。 5、 一维保守力的势能曲线如图所示,有一粒子自右向左运 动,通过此保守力场区域时,在________________区间粒子所受的力F x >0;在_____________区间粒子所受的力F x <0;在x=______________时粒子所受的力F x =0。 6、 某物体的运动规律为 2dv Kv t dt =-(K 为正恒量) ,当t = 0时,初速度为v 0,则速度的大小v 与时间t 的函数关系为 。 7、 已知质点在保守场中的势能p E Kr C =+,其中r 为质点与坐标原点间的距离,K ,C 均为大于零的常数,作用在质点上的力的大小 F ,该力的方向 。 8、 如图所示,倔强系数为K 的弹簧,一端在墙壁上,另一端连一质量为m 的物体,物 体静止在坐标原点O ,此时弹簧长度为原长,物体与桌面间的摩擦系数为,若物 体在不变的外力F 的作用下向右移动,则物体到达最远位置时系统的弹性势能 P E = 。 9、 升降机内有一装置如图所示,滑轮两侧悬挂的物体质量分 别为12m kg =, 21m kg =,若不计绳与滑轮的质量, 忽 m o a


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 浙江大学远程教育本科毕业论文 远程教育学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目中小企业会计制度设计问题探讨姓名与学号年级与专业学习中心指导教师朱娜713115192019 13 秋会计学萧山学习中心叶雪芳老师1 1/ 44

浙江大学远程教育学院本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书 1.本人郑重地承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计),是在指导教师的指导下严格按照学校和学院有关规定完成的。 2.本人在毕业论文(设计)中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明。 3. 本人承诺在毕业论文(设计)选题和研究内容过程中没有抄袭他人研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为。 4. 在毕业论文(设计)中对侵犯任何方面知识产权的行为,由本人承担相应的法律责任。 毕业论文(设计)作者:朱娜2015 年11月11日2

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 论文版权使用授权书本论文作者完全了解浙江大学远程教育学院有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交本论文的复印件和电子文档,允许论文被查阅和借阅。 本人授权浙江大学远程教育学院可以将论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索和传播,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编论文。 毕业论文(设计)作者签名:年月日3 3/ 44


1.【Unit One (2)】I wouldn't _____________ my money into his company. A discover B invent C draw D invest 正确答案:D 词汇结构 2.【Unit One (2)】This is George, __________ class you will be taking. A which B where C whose D whom 正确答案:C 词汇结构

3.【Unit One (2)】He turned over in his head the idea __________ by David. A proposed B proposing C to be proposed D having proposed 正确答案:A 词汇结构 4.【Unit One (2)】____________ I'm afraid of is their attitude to me. A What B Why C Who D Which 正确答案:A 词汇结构

5.【Unit One (2)】I don't think we should ___________ any more time to this question. A spend B cost C devote D waste 正确答案:C 词汇结构 6.【Unit One (2)】Rising job losses are likely to __________ future sales. A cut into B look for C come across D insist on 正确答案:A


翻译: 请将下列五句英文分别翻译成中文。 1. Some people take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas, shops, dance halls and restaurants. 有些人对乡村的事物不感兴趣:对他们来说,幸福在于城镇的电影院、商店、舞厅和餐馆。 那些热衷于城镇的电影院、商店、舞厅和餐馆的人对乡村的事物不感兴趣。 2. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. 很快到了我的朋友帶杰克去散步的时间了。 3. To mark students' test papers, a checking machine is used. 为了给学生的试卷评分,用了一台阅卷机。 4. Whoever disobeys the law will be punished. 违者必罚。 5. With all his savings gone, he started to look for a job. 他用完了所有的存款,然后開始找工作了。 写作:请按照要求完成一篇英文作文,字数不少于80字。 标题:Parents Are the Best Teachers 内容需包括以下方面: 1.提出“父母是最好的老师”的观点,你的看法; 2.解释其中的原因; 3.重申观点。 As we all know, in our life, we have many different teachers, but the best teachers, I think, are our parents. My view is based on such reasons. They are the first people we meet. They teach us how to eat, and then how to walk. They teach us to speak, and they give us communication skills and so many others. They try their best to teach us, and develop our own learning skills. On the other hands, their words and actions will deeply affect our minds and decisions. Leading by example is an important way our parents teach us social skills, morals and how to get along with others. I believe that most of us have seen a public-interest advertisement on CCTV. The scene is about below: a young mother comes back home, after busy working for a whole day, she feels very tired. But she still washes feet carefully for her mother. All these have been seen by her little son behind the door. After his mother finish, the little child carries a basin of water slowly for his mother, and said “Mum please wash your feet.” All these tell us that the parents’ good actions will give a good example for their children. In our life, we follo w many people to study. Because every person we meet has something that we can learn. However, the greatest teachers in our lives will be our parents, because they were our first and most important teachers.


13秋学期《运筹学》在线作业满分答案 13秋学期《运筹学》在线作业 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100 一、单选题(共20道试题,共40分。)得分:40 1.下列为目标规划的数学模型的一般结构为 A. B. C. D. 以上模型均不是 答案:A 满分:2分得分:2 2.下面对线性规划解的讨论中,叙述正确的选项是() A. 线性规划问题求解的结果有三种,它们分别是唯一解、无穷多解、无解。 B. 线性规划问题求解的结果有四种,它们分别是唯一解、无穷多解、无解和无界解。 C. 线性规划问题求解的结果有四种,它们分别是唯一解、无穷多解和无界解。 D. 以上说法都不正确。

满分:2分得分:2 3.下列选项中关于动态规划的表述正确的是() A. 在时间推移的过程中,在每个时间阶段选择适当的决策,以使整个系统达到最优 B. 在时间推移的过程中,在某个时间阶段选择适当的决策,以使整个系统达到最优 C. 考虑现有的资源的条件下,就多个经营目标寻求满意解,即使得完成的目标的总体结果离事先制定目标的差距最小 D. 以上说法均不正确 答案:A 满分:2分得分:2 4.. A. “=SUMPRODUCT(单位净现值,投资比例)” B. “SUMPRODUCT(单位净现值,投资比例)” C. “=SUMPRODUCT(可用资金,投资比例)” D. “=SUMPRODUCT(实际使用,投资比例) 答案:A 满分:2分得分:2 5..

B. 非平衡 C. 模糊 D. 以上均不正确 答案:A 满分:2分得分:2 6.下列关于网络配送问题的叙述正确的是() A. 约束为确定需求约束 B. 约束为资源约束 C. 约束为收益约束 D. 以上说法均不正确 答案:A 满分:2分得分:2 7.. A. 最短路问题 B. 最小费用流问题 C. 最大流问题 D. 最小费用最大流问题 答案:A


浙江大学是一所历史悠久、声誉卓著的高等学府。经过近120年的建设与发展,浙江大学已成为一所特色鲜明,在海内外有较大影响的 综合型、研究型、创新型大学。 浙江大学是教育部批准开展现代远程教育的64所高校之一,也是卫 生部确定的全国远程医学教育首批示范试点单位。自1998年开始现代远程教育试点,目前浙江大学远程教育已设有20多个专业,涉及文学、经济学、管理学、教育学、医学、法学、工学、农学等学科, 是学科涉及面较广、开设专业较多的网络院校之一。办学以来,浙江 大学远程教育秉承“求是创新”的校训,坚持以质量为本,以规范求 发展,在社会上赢得了良好的声誉。 一、招生对象及条件 主要面向具有国民教育系列大专或大专以上毕业证书的在职从业人 员。 二、入学方式 1.免试入学 凡具有国民教育系列本科及以上学历者,可免试参加学习。 2.测试入学 凡不符合免试入学条件者,均须参加由浙江大学命题并组织的入学测 试。入学测试大纲及模拟试题可从学院网站 —>“远程教育”—>“远程招生”—>“入学考试”栏目下载。 三、选课、课程考核与免修

学院按专业教学计划规定的毕业zui低学分和参考性学习计划第,一 学期进行统一配课,学生根据配课进行学习。从第二学期起,学生在 配课的基础上,可依照专业教学计划要求进行网上选课。 课程考核分考试和考查两种,其中考试根据不同课程要求,采用闭卷、闭卷(复习专用纸)和开卷等多种形式。课程考试成绩由考试成绩和 学习过程评价成绩构成,学习过程评价成绩约占该门课程总成绩的25%。考试不及格或缺考的课程,有一次免费重考的机会。 凡在学院专科毕业后5年内续读本科,或已在浙江大学修读并通过考 试的课程,或入学前5年内获得全国高等教育自学考试合格证的课程,可在专业教学计划范围内按学院有关规定申请课程免修。免修课程学分数累计不超过25学分。 四、教学模式及学习方式 浙江大学远程教育实行弹性学制和学分制,采用宽带互联网、数字多媒体和移动通信等现代教育技术组织教学。学生可自行安排学习进 度,学习形式自主灵活。 在任何时间和地点,学生都可通过互联网访问学院网站进行学习,或使用移动终端设备(如Android手机、iPhone和iPAD等)基于客户端访问学院移动学习平台,并下载课件与教材学习、在线答疑与讨论等完成学习过程。 在学习过程中,学生应保持积极的学习态度,掌握计算机与互联网基 本操作技能,熟悉网络学习平台,认真学习“远程学习入门”课程及 《学生手册》规定,了解院历、教学计划、课程考试计划、课程免修、


您的本次作业分数为:100分单选题 1.【第1章】按照不同级别管理者对管理信息的需要,通常把管理信 息分为以下三级()。 ? A 公司级、工厂级、车间级 ? B 工厂级、车间级、工段级 ? C 厂级、处级、科级 ? D 战略级、战术级、作业级 正确答案:D 单选题 2.【第1章】EDPS是以下哪个术语的简称? ? A 电子数据处理系统 ? B 单项数据处理阶段 ? C 综合数据处理阶段 ? D 管理信息系统 正确答案:A 单选题 3.【第1章】()反映了某个企业、组织或部门所涉及的数据本身的 内容,同时也反映了数据之间的联系。 ? A 数据库

? B 数据文件(表) ? C 文件系统 ? D 数据结构 正确答案:A 单选题 4.【第1章】从管理决策问题的性质来看,在运行控制层上的决策大 多属于()的问题。 ? A 结构化 ? B 半结构化 ? C 非结构化 ? D 以上都有 正确答案:A 单选题 5.【第1章】DSS是以下哪个术语的简称? ? A 决策支持系统 ? B 群体决策支持系统 ? C 智能决策支持系统 ? D 管理决策系统 正确答案:A

单选题 6.【第1章】管理信息系统的应用离不开一定的环境和条件,这里所 说的“环境”具体指的是()。 ? A 组织所处的自然环境 ? B 组织所处的社会环境 ? C 组织内外各种因素的综合 ? D 组织所处的自然环境和社会环境的综合 正确答案:C 单选题 7.【第1章】局域网与使用调制解调器进行计算机通信的远程网相 比,它的信息传送速度要()。 ? A 高得多 ? B 低得多 ? C 差不多 ? D 无法比较 正确答案:A 单选题


《教育心理学》作业 三、选择题 1、教育心理学的核心部分是1。 (1)学习心理学(2)人格心理学(3)不同心理学(4)发展心理 学 2、贯穿本书学习分论部分的理论是3。 (1)同化论(2)信息加工理论(3)知识分类理论(4)解决问题 3、教育心理学作为一门分支学科诞生于4。 (1)第二次世界大战以后(2)20世纪50年代(3)20世纪60年代末(4)科学心理学诞生之后 4、教学实验过程与教学设计的共同点是4。 (1)调查研究(2)发展规律(3)验证假设(4)解决问题 5、根据学习的定义,下列属于学习的现象是24。 (1)吃了酸的食物流唾液;(2)望梅止渴;(3)蜘蛛织网;(4)儿童模仿 电影中人物的行为。 6、小明在2岁时就学会了背“床前明月光,疑是地上霜-------”这首唐诗。按加涅的学习 结果分类,这里发生的学习是3。 (1)言语信息(2)态度(3)动作技能;(4)智慧技能 7、小学生在英语课上学习“书”的英语单词“book”。按奥苏伯尔的学习分类,这里发生 的学习实质上是1。 (1)符号表征学习(2)概念学习(3)命题学习(4)接受学习 8、婴幼儿在与承认的交往中,学会区分“你”、“我”、“他”,根据奥苏伯尔的学习分类,这里发生的学习实质上是2。 (1)符号表征学习(2)概念学习(3)命题学习(4)接受学习 9、加涅将认知领域的学习分为言语信息,智慧技能和认知策略三大类,其依据是4 。 (1)认知复杂程度(2)知识的内在表征方式(3)学习的信息加工模型;(4)内在的能力和外在的表现 10、桑代克的准备率与现代学习心理学中的1相一致。 (1)动机原理(2)强化原理(3)学习的发展准备原理(4)成熟概念11、苛勒的顿悟学习实验中,能解决此类问题的动物是4。 (1)人工饲养的黑猩猩(2)所有野生的黑猩猩(3)所有灵长类(4)个 别野生黑猩猩 12、艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线是根据1实验结果得出的。 (1)系列学习(2)联想学习(3)自由回忆学习(4)S-R学习 13、主张“知识是外部现实在人脑中的表征”属于2。 (1)社会建构主义理论;(2)信息加工理论(3)皮亚杰理论(4)激 进建构主义观 14、主张“知识是个人的建构,不存在共同的知识”属于3。 (1)社会建构主义观(2)信息加工理论(3)激进建构主义观(4)奥 苏伯尔的理论


浙江大学远程教育学院习题集 浙江大学远程教育学院习题集 课程代码名称_1803074兽医微生物学与免疫学_ 年级专业(层次)_动物医学专升本 绪言 —、填空题 1.1683年荷兰人_______ 用自制的显微镜首次观察到微生物。 2.法国科学家利用弯颈瓶试验证明“自然发生论”是荒谬的,他是微生物学、生理学与免疫学的主要 奠基人。 3.微生物的发展可概括为三个阶段:________________ 、和 ________________ 等。 二、 1.微生物 2.微生物学 3.兽医微生物学 三、简答题 1.微生物有何特点? 2.微生物的种类有哪些? 3.巴斯德的主要贡献是什么? 4.柯赫的主要贡献是什么?

第一章细菌的形态与结构 一、填空题 1.测定细菌大小的单位通常是。 2.细菌的形态有_______ 、________ 和________ 等三种基本类型。 3.球菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为____________ 、_________ 、___________ 、 ________ 和 _________ 等。 4.杆菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为、_________ 和___________ 。 5.螺旋状菌分为__________ 和__________ 两种。 6.细菌的基本结构包括、、和等。 7.细菌的特殊结构有、、和等。 二、名词解释 1.细菌 2.菌落 3.原生质体 4.球状体 5.细菌L型 6.间体 7.核体 &荚膜 9.S层 10.鞭毛 11.菌毛 12.芽抱 三、简答题 1.绘出细菌的基本结构和特殊结构图。 2.比较革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌细胞壁的结构及化学组成的差异。 3.叙述细菌核体与真核细胞核的异同。 4.试述鞭毛的结构功能。 5.菌毛的本质、分类及功能如何? 6.叙述芽抱的结构、功能及对外界环境抵抗力强的原因。 7.常用的细菌染色方法有哪些? &什么是革兰氏染色?有何意义?其染色机制如何? 第二章细菌的生理 —、填空题 1.细菌细胞的代谢过程包括________ 、________ 、________ 和_______ 等四个步骤。 2.细菌物质主要通过_______ 、_________ 、________ 和 _______ 等方式进出细菌细胞。 3.细菌细胞结构的组装有两种方式:_________ 和_______ 。 4.细菌以_________ 进行无性繁殖。 5.根据生长曲线,细菌生长繁殖分为_________ 、_______ 、_______ 和 ________等四个时期。 6.细菌的生长繁殖条件主要有:_________ 、________ 、 _______ 、________ 和________ 等。


2017浙大远程管理信息系统在线作业 窗体顶端 您的本次作业分数为:97分单选题 1.【第1章】对管理信息系统进行综合,我们可以了解到,管理信息系统是由多个功能子系统组成的,这些功能子系统又可以分为业务处理、运行控制、管理控制和()几个主要的信息处理部分。 A 财务管理 B 信息管理 C 人力资源管理 D 战略管理 正确答案:D 单选题 2.【第1章】DSS是以下哪个术语的简称? A 决策支持系统 B 群体决策支持系统 C 智能决策支持系统 D 管理决策系统 正确答案:A 单选题 3.【第1章】管理信息系统的应用离不开一定的环境和条件,这里所说的“环境”具体指的是()。 A 组织所处的自然环境 B 组织所处的社会环境 C 组织内外各种因素的综合 D 组织所处的自然环境和社会环境的综合 正确答案:C 单选题 4.【第1章】按照不同级别管理者对管理信息的需要,通常把管理信息分为以下三级()。 A 公司级、工厂级、车间级

B 工厂级、车间级、工段级 C 厂级、处级、科级 D 战略级、战术级、作业级 正确答案:D 单选题 5.【第1章】从管理决策问题的性质来看,在运行控制层上的决策大多属于()的问题。 A 结构化 B 半结构化 C 非结构化 D 以上都有 正确答案:A 单选题 6.【第1章】EDPS是以下哪个术语的简称? A 电子数据处理系统 B 单项数据处理阶段 C 综合数据处理阶段 D 管理信息系统 正确答案:A 单选题 7.【第1章】()反映了某个企业、组织或部门所涉及的数据本身的内容,同时也反映了数据之间的联系。 A 数据库 B 数据文件(表) C 文件系统 D 数据结构 正确答案:A 单选题 8.【第1章】局域网与使用调制解调器进行计算机通信的远程网相比,它的信息传送速度要()。

浙江大学大学物理甲下 04-05冬期末试卷

浙江大学2004-2005学年冬季学期 《Physics (Ⅱ)》课程期末考试试卷 开课学院:理学院 考试形式:闭卷,允许带非存储计算器、纸质词典入场 考试时间:2005年 1月21日 所需时间120分钟 姓名_______专业 学号 组号 任课教师 Permittivity constant ε0=8.85?10-12C 2/(N ?m 2) Electronic volt 1eV=1.6? 10-19J Permeability constant μ0=4π?10-7H/m Mass of an electron m e =9.11? 10-31kg Ⅰ. Multiple choices (there is one correct answer only): 1. The electric charge on a conductor is A. Uniformly distributed throughout the volume. B. Confined to the surface and is uniformly distributed. C. Mostly on the outer surface, but is not uniformly distributed. D. Entirely on the surface and is distributed according to the shape of the object. E. Distributed throughout the volume of the object and distributed according to the object ’s shape. 2.* You are given a closed circuit with radii a and b , as shown in the Fig. , carrying current i . The magnetic dipole moment of the circuit is: A. 4 )(22b a i +π. B. )(22b a i +π C. 2 )(22b a i +π. D. )(b a i +π. .


浙江大学远程教育本科毕业生学士学位授予办法 (2010年9 月修订) 浙大发继教[2010]03 号 第一条为进一步加强我校远程教育本科毕业生申请学士学位工作的管理,保证学士学位授予质量,根据《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》和《浙江大学学位授予工作细则》(浙大发研〔2004〕37 号)的有关规定,结合我校远程教育工作实际,特制定本办法。 第二条本办法适用对象为我校在册的远程学历教育本科毕业生,2010 年春季以前入学的本科学生可按原规定执行。 第三条学士学位授予条件: (一)完成学校规定的相应教学计划的各项要求,符合毕业条件; (二)全部课程平均成绩70 分及以上; (三)毕业论文(毕业设计)成绩中等及以上; (四)护理学专业的学生须参加学校组织的学位课程综合考试,成绩合格; (五)外语水平须达到如下要求之一:1.在校期间参加学校组织的学位外语考试,成绩合格;2.英语专业的学生须参加学校组织的第二外语(日语)考 试,成 绩合格。 (六)应具有良好的思想道德品质,遵纪守法,在校期间未受记过及以上处分。受记过及以上处分的本科毕业生申请授予学士学位,须提出书面申请,申明受处分的原因及申请学士学位的理由,

报学校学士学位审定委员会审定是否授予学士学位。 第四条第二本科学历教育毕业生申请第二学士学位的,必须已获得第一学士学位,同时符合第三条中除第(五)点以外的所有条件。 第五条审核和授予学士学位的程序: (一)远程教育学院依据学位授予有关条件进行初审,提出推荐意见和推荐名单,填写《浙江省普通高等学校授予成人本科毕业生学士学位人员情况登记表》,并将有关证明、相关文件等报学校学士学位审定委员会; (二)学校学士学位审定委员会对初审材料进行全面评审,最终确定授予学士学位名单;未通过者的申请不再受理。 (三)学校在毕业当学期办理学位审核,学生毕业后提出的学位申请不再受理。 第六条学校根据国务院学位委员会规定,统一制发成人高等教育学士学位证书,注明网络教育。 第七条如发现有弄虚作假等严重违反学位授予规定的行为,经学校有关部门查实,提请学校学士学位审定委员会进行复议,按规定撤销授予的学士学位,并追回已发放的学位证书。 第八条本办法自公布之日起施行,由学校继续教育管理处负责解释。


第2章 1.某公司计划生产两种产品,已知生产单位产品所需的三种原材料的消耗及所获的利润,如下表所示。问应如何安排生产使该工厂获利最多?(建立模型,并用图解法


3. 下表是一个线性规划模型的敏感性报告,根据其结果,回答下列问题:

1)是否愿意付出11元的加班费,让工人加班; 2)如果工人的劳动时间变为402小时,日利润怎样变化? 3)如果第二种家具的单位利润增加5元,生产计划如何变化?Microsoft Excel 9.0 敏感性报告 工作表 [ex2-6.xls]Sheet1 报告的建立: 2001-8-6 11:04:02 可变单元 格 终递减目标 式允许的允许的 单元格名字值成本系数增量减量$B$15 日产量(件)100 20 60 1E+30 20 $C$15 日产量(件)80 0 20 10 2.5 $D$15 日产量(件)40 0 40 20 5.0 $E$15 日产量(件)0 -2.0 30 2.0 1E+30 约束 终阴影约束允许的允许的 单元格名字值价格限制 值增量减量 $G$6 劳动时间(小时/件) 400 8 400 25 100 $G$7 木材(单位/件)600 4 600 200 50 $G$8 玻璃(单位/件)800 0 1000 1E+30 200 解: 1)在不影响生产计划的情况下劳动时间的范围[300,425], 此时劳动时间增加1小时,利润增加8*1=8元。即工人加班产生的利润为8元/小时, 则如果付11元的加班费产生的利润为8-11=-3元/小时。利润减少。则不愿意付11元加班费,让工人加班。 2) 在不影响生产计划的情况下劳动时间的范围[300,425], 劳动时间变为402小时,在允许的变化范围内,利润增加8*2=16元/日。 3)第二种家具的单位利润增加5元,则利润为25元, 在第二种家具的允许范围[17.5.,30]内,则生产计划不会变化。 利润增加量为:80*5=400元 4某公司计划生产两种产品,已知生产单位产品所需的三种原材料的消耗及所获的利润,如下表所示。问应如何安排生产使该工厂获利最多?(建立模型,并用图解法求


窗体顶端 您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【第1章】对管理信息系统进行综合,我们可以了解到,管理信息系统是由多个功能子系统组成的,这些功能子系统又可以分为业务处理、运行控制、管理控制和()几个主要的信息处理部分。 A 财务管理 B 信息管理 C 人力资源管理 D 战略管理 正确答案:D 2.【第1章】DSS是以下哪个术语的简称? A 决策支持系统 B 群体决策支持系统

C 智能决策支持系统 D 管理决策系统 正确答案:A 3.【第1章】管理信息系统的应用离不开一定的环境和条件,这里所说的“环境”具体指的是()。 A 组织所处的自然环境 B 组织所处的社会环境 C 组织内外各种因素的综合 D 组织所处的自然环境和社会环境的综合 正确答案:C 4.【第1章】按照不同级别管理者对管理信息的需要,通常把管理信息分为以下三级()。 A 公司级、工厂级、车间级 B 工厂级、车间级、工段级

C 厂级、处级、科级 D 战略级、战术级、作业级 正确答案:D 5.【第1章】从管理决策问题的性质来看,在运行控制层上的决策大多属于()的问题。 A 结构化 B 半结构化 C 非结构化 D 以上都有 正确答案:A 6.【第1章】EDPS是以下哪个术语的简称? A 电子数据处理系统 B 单项数据处理阶段 C 综合数据处理阶段

D 管理信息系统 正确答案:A 7.【第1章】()反映了某个企业、组织或部门所涉及的数据本身的内容,同时也反映了数据之间的联系。 A 数据库 B 数据文件(表) C 文件系统 D 数据结构 正确答案:A 8.【第1章】局域网与使用调制解调器进行计算机通信的远程网相比,它的信息传送速度要()。 A 高得多 B 低得多 C 差不多
