

Passage Four (It Is Bush)

On the 36th day after they had voted, Americans finally learned Wednesday who would be their next president: Governor George W. Bush of Texas.

Vice1 President Al Gore2, his last realistic avenue for legal challenge closed by a U. S.Supreme3 Court decision late Tuesday, planned to end the contest formally in a televised evening speech of perhaps 10 minutes, advisers4 said.

They said that Senator Joseph Lieberman, his vice presidential running mate, would first make brief comments. The men would speak from a ceremonial chamber5 of the Old Executive office Building, to the west of the White House.

The dozens of political workers and lawyers who had helped lead Mr.

Gore’s unprecedented6 fight to claw a come-from-behind electoral victory in the pivotal state of Florida were thanked Wednesday and asked to stand down.

―The vice president has directed the recount committee to suspend activities,‖ William Daley, the Gore campaign chairman, said in a written statement.

Mr. Gore authorized7 that statement after meeting with his wife, Tipper, and with top advisers including Mr. Daley.

He was expected to telephone Mr. Bush during the day. The Bush campaign kept a low profile and moved gingerly, as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate8 his next steps.

Yet, at the end of a trying and tumultuous process that had focused world attention on sleepless9 vote counters across Florida, and on courtrooms form Miami to Tallahassee to Atlanta to Washington the Texas governor was set to become the 43d U. S. president.

The news of Mr. Gore’s plans followed the longest and most rancorous dispute over a U. S. presidential election in more than a century, one certain to leave scars in a badly divided country.

It was a bitter ending for Mr. Gore, who had outpolled Mr. Bush nationwide by some 300000 votes, but, without Florida, fell short in the Electoral College by 271votes to 267—the narrowest Electoral College victory since the turbulent election of 1876.

Mr. Gore was said to be distressed10 by what he and many Democratic activists11 felt was a partisan12decision from the nation’s high est court.

The 5-to –4 decision of the Supreme Court held, in essence, that while a vote recount in Florida could be conducted in legal and constitutional fashion, as Mr. Gore had sought, this could not be done by the Dec. 12 deadline for states to select their presidential electors.

James Baker13 3rd, the former secretary of state who represented Mr. Bush in the Florida dispute, issued a short statement after the U. S. high court ruling, saying that the governor was ―very pleased and gratified.‖

Mr. Bush was planning a nationwide speech aimed at trying to begin to heal the country’s deep, aching and varied14 divisions. He then was expected to meet with congressional leaders, including Democrats15. Dick Cheney, Mr. Bush’s ruing16 mate, was meeting with congressmen Wednesday in Washington.

When Mr. Bush, who is 54, is sworn into office on Jan.20, he will be only the second son of a president to follow his father to the White House, after John Adams and John Quincy Adams in the early 19th century.

Mr. Gore, in his speech, was expected to thank his supporters, defend his hive-week battle as an effort to ensure, as a matter of principle, that every vote be counted, and call for the nation to join behind the new president. He was described by an aide as

―resolved and resigned.‖

While some constitutional experts had said they believed states could present electors as late as Dec. 18, the U. S. high court made clear that it saw no such leeway.

The U.S. high court s ent back ―for revision‖ to the Florida court its order allowing recounts but made clear that for all practical purposes the election was over.

In its unsigned main opinion, the court declared, ―The recount process, in its features here described, is inconsistent with the minimum procedures necessary to protect the fundamental right of each voter.‖

That decision, by a court fractured along philosophical17 lines, left one liberal justice charging that the high court’s proceedings18 bore a political taint19.

Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in an angry dissent:‖ Although we may never kno w with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly20clear. It is the nation’s confidence in the judge as

an impartial21guardian22of the law.‖

But at the end of five seemingly endless weeks, during which the physical, legal and constitutional machines of the U. S. election were pressed and sorely tested in ways unseen in more than a century, the system finally produced a result, and one most Americans appeared to be willing at lease provisionally to support.

The Bush team welcomed the news with an outward show of restraint and aplomb23. The governor’s hopes had risen and fallen so many times since Election night, and the legal warriors24 of each side suffered through so many dramatic reversals, that there was little energy left for celebration.

1.The main idea of this passage is

[A]. Bush’s victory in presidential election bore a political taint.

[B]. The process of the American presidential election.

[C]. The Supreme Court plays a very important part in the presidential election.

[D]. Gore is distressed.

2.What does the sentence ―as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next

step‖ mean

[A]. Bush hopes Gore to join his administration.

[B]. Bush hopes Gore to concede defeat and to support him.

[C]. Bush hopes Gore to congraduate him.

[D]. Bush hopes Gore go on fighting with him.

3.Why couldn’t Mr. Gore win the presidential election after he outpolled Mr. Bush in

the popular vote? Because

[A]. the American president is decided25by the supreme court’s decision.

[B]. people can’t directly elect their president.

[C]. the American president is elected by a slate26 of presidential electors.

[D]. the people of each state support Mr. Bush.

4.What was the result of the 5—4 decision of the supreme court?

[A]. It was in fact for the vote recount.

[B]. It had nothing to do with the presidential election.

[C]. It decided the fate of the winner.

[D]. It was in essence against the vote recount.

5.What did the ―turbulent election of 1876‖ imply?

[A]. The process of presidential election of 2000 was the same as that.

[B]. There were great similarities between the two presidential elections (2000 and


[C]. It was compared to presidential election of 2000.

[D]. It was given an example.


1.avenue 通向成功/获取成功的途径/手段

2.running mate 竞选伙伴,如作为总统的竞选伙伴,获胜后为副总统

3.pivotal 重要的,枢纽的

4.gingerly=carefully 小心翼翼地

5.tumultuous 吵闹的,骚动的,激动的

6.rancorous 充满仇恨的

7.elector 总统选举团成员

8.elector college 美国选举总统的选举团

9.leeway 风压差,余地

10.for all practical purpose 事实上,实际

11.fracture 断裂,折断

12.taint 污点,败坏,感染

13.dissent 不同意,异议

14.provisionally 暂时的,临时的

15.aplomb 镇静,沉着

16.restraint 抑制,克制,谨慎


1. stand down 退出竞争/竞选,辞职,推出法庭。这里指戈尔感谢这些竞争支持者后,就退出竞

选。此短语的对立面是stand for 竞选。 Ex: to stand for parliament 竞选国会议员。

2.The Bush campaign kept a low profile and moved gingerly, as if to leave space for Mr.

Gore to contemplate his next steps.

[结构简析] profile 外形,轮廓,外观。Low profile 低姿态,不出头露面,不惹人注意。High profile 鲜明的姿态。

3.recount committee 重新计算选票委员会。

4.…one certain to leave scars is a badly divided co untry.

[结构简析] election 的同位语one (election) which was certain。 Leave scar 留下伤疤。

[参考译文] 人们可以肯定计算问题在这两派分裂的国家上留下伤疤。

5.It was a bitter ending for Mr. Gore, who had outpolled Mr. Bush nationwide by some

300000 votes, but, without Florida, fell short in the Electoral College by 271votes to 267—the narrowest Electoral College victory since the turbulent election of 1876.

[结构简析] outpoll 得到的选票超过某人。Fall short (of) 缺少,不足,达不到。Electoral college 选举团票,指每一个州人民选出一群人组成选举团,由它们直接选举总统。

6.The election of 1876


7. James Baker 3rd 贝克曾任前共和党总统里根(Ronald Reagen)政府的内阁成员和白宫

办公所主任。在小布什父亲的父亲George Bush任总统时又担任过国务卿(1989——1993)。

这次他是小布什为重新计票问题在法庭展开斗争的律师代表,而民主党的律师代表似乎克林顿政府中担任过国务卿的克里斯托弗Warren Christopher (1993--1997)。

8. Dick Cheney 切尼是小布什父亲执政时的老臣。他这次出山要以辅弼大臣的资格和经验辅

佐朝政。所以报道中提到he will act in the Bush administration as a president in a corporation while George W. Bush as the Chairman of the board of directors.

9.John Adams (1735—1848), 约翰·亚当斯,美国第二任总统(1979——1801),联邦党人,

Federalist, 是起草独立宣言的关键人物。

10.John Quincy Adams (1767—1848)美国第六任总统,是上述亚当斯大儿子。

11.resolved and resigned 这里指他的追随者认为戈尔坚定而又顺从(天命),因为戈尔的演说,


12.It saw no such leeway. 美国高等法院认为这是没有成功的多花时间,金钱的事。和后面句

内for all practical purpose the election was over 事实上选举已结束(已成定居),传达了高等法院认为重新计票毫无作用之义。

13.That decision, by a court fractured along philosophical lines, left one liberal justice

charging that the high court’s proceedings bore a political taint.

[参考译文] 法院这一裁决割裂了哲学思想,使一位自由派法官(司法官)指高等法院程序沾上了政治污点。

14.But at the end of five seemingly endless weeks, during which the physical, legal and

constitutional machines of the U. S. election were pressed and sorely tested in ways unseen in more than a century, the system finally produced a result, and one most Americans appeared to be willing at lease provisionally to support.

[参考译文] 经过5个似乎无休止的星期之后,这个制度总算产生了一个结果,一个大多数美国人,至少目前能暂时支持的总统。在这五星期内,有形的,法律的,政体的机器都经受了压力(都很紧张),也经受了一百多年来没有见过的这方面的沉重考验。




1. A. 布什在总统选举中获胜沾上了政治污点。整篇文章环绕这一点而写。文章一开始就写戈尔在



B. 美国总统选举过程,文章过程的焦点在布什获胜之因,不单单是过程,故B. 项不对。

C. 高等法院在总统选举中起着重要的作用。其作用是欺诈性裁决,偏袒布什获胜,是政治污点,

反映了布什的手段。 D. 戈尔很难受,这是事实,但不是中心思想。

2. B. 布什希望戈尔(能退一步)承认失败,并支持他,而戈尔确实是也这样做了。所以他的助手

称戈尔为―resolved and resigned.‖坚决而又顺从天命的人。至少在他的演讲中号召人们追随新总统。

A. 布什希望戈尔参与他的政府。 C. 布什希望戈尔祝贺他。 D. 布什希望戈尔继续和他


3. C. 美国的总统由选举团提名选举产生。见难句译注5和6。

A. 美国总统由高等法院裁决。

B. 人民不能直接选举总统。这只是第一步的原因,主要原

因在C. D. 各州人民支持布什。

4. D. 其结果实质上就是反对重新计票。这在第十二段阐述得很清楚:高等法院5比4之裁决实


A. 其结果实际上是支持重新计票。不对。

B. 其结果和总统选举毫无关系,不对,关系很

大,见D项注释。 C. 其结果决定胜者的命运。

5. B. 它隐射2000年的总统选举和1876年的总统选举两者之间有着很大的相似之处。见难句译


A. 两者选举总统过程一个样。 C. 把1876年总统选举比作2000年的总统选举。 D. 作



一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 What will the world of the future be like? There are plenty of people who are happy to give their opinion of what we will be doing in 2050. Here are two predictions about the world of tomorrow. When we dream about the future, many like to think of owning a personal flying car. The advantages are obvious. This technology would allow total freedom of movement. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, some people believe there will be problems with traffic control. If the cars become popular, there is likely to be air traffic jam. Another big problem is mechanical failure. What will happen if the cars stop working? These are problems we must expect if flying cars become a reality. Three-dimensional printing is another new technology with exciting possibilities. 3D printers are used to build an object with liquid plastic. They build the object layer by layer until it is complete. Car companies already use 3D printers to make life-size models of car parts, and medical companies use the technology to make man-made body parts. As we move into the future, 3D printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way we manufacture and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such equipment will be extremely expensive. So in the future, we might be able to fly to work or print out new shoes. Although there are some problems to solve before this will be possible, we can certainly dream of a world where technology makes life easier and safer for millions of people. (1)What is the passage mainly about? A. Environmental protection. B. The world of tomorrow. C. Advantages of technology. (2)What do we learn from the passage? A. Some people think technology development may bring new problems B. 3D printing can bring great changes to our life and its equipment is cheap. C. The flying cars won't bring air traffic jam even when they become popular.


I In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。 More and more people are using mobile phones now. Smart phones are used as televisions, cameras, and music players. They are also used for sending e-mails or surfing the Internet. If someone talks about mobile phones, many Chinese will think of Huawei. In China, even in the world, Huawei is a wonder (奇迹). Ren Zhengfei built up (创建)Huawei company in 1987. The company sold 58.4 million smart phones in the first season of 2019. Huawei has got the second place at the mobile market. Now, Huawei has been the leader in 5G field. It has more than 75, 000 top engineers and scientists on research. They try their best to bring digital (数码) and high technology to every person and place. It's more convenient for modern people to live in a rapid way. What a useful technology 5G is! We are looking forward to seeing a stronger Huawei. It provides a faster and better communication way for us. It also brings "Created in China" to the world. (1)You can use Huawei mobile phones to take photos. (2)Ren Zhengfei set up Huawei company in 1987. (3)Huawei has got the first place at the mobile market. (4)Few top engineers and scientists work on research in Huawei company. (5)Huawei gives us a slower communication way. 【答案】(1)1 (2)1 (3)0 (4)0 (5)0 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是华为手机和5G技术的发展情况。 (1)细节理解题。根据Smart phones are used as televisions, cameras, and music players. 智能手机被用作电视、相机和音乐播放器。可知可以照相。故答案为:正确。 (2)细节理解题。根据Ren Zhengfei built up (创建) Huawei company in 1987。任正非于1987年创建华为公司。故答案为:正确。 (3)细节理解题。根据Huawei has got the second place at the mobile market. 华为在移动市场排名第二。故华为在移动市场上占据第一。故答案为:错误。 (4)细节理解题。根据It has more than 75, 000 top engineers and scientists on research. 它


中考英语阅读理解培优训练(附解析) 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟). Don't argue (争辩) with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days. Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try! (1)According to the passage who have a communication problem? A. parents and other people B. only school kids and their parents C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages (2)How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A. 5. B. 4. C. 3. D. 2. (3)The underlined word "bridge" in the passage means "___________". A. 建立 B. 消除 C. 通过 D. 到达 (4)If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you'd better ___________. A. argue with them B. keep away from them C. agree with them all the time D. tell your parents what you care about (5)The best title for the passage is ___________.


英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Every day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses claiming that it is easy and quick to learn English. There is even a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage learners even more. When I see advertisements like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. But many people must believe these ridiculous claims, or else the advertisements would not appear. Of course it is clear that students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage over others, but too many cannot afford to do so. Some go to the opposite extreme and think they can teach themselves at home with dictionaries. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language, let alone produces good pronunciation and intonation. Most teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology. Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and making sentences. If we were parrots or chimpanzees, these methods might be successful. A large number of theorists seem to think it is a pity we aren't, because it would make it easier to use their methods. In my personal opinion, no one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication. What they listen to and read cannot be a formula. It must be real. There is another relevant point worth mentioning here. We need other people to talk to and listen to when we communicate. They can work with us and practice the unfamiliar forms with us in real situations, talking to each other about real life language. (1)Many people believe advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses probably because . A. they are encouraged by William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens B. they are eager to learn and then believe them C. the ways advertised can help them to save time and efforts D. the ways advertised prove effective and helpful (2)What may behaviorists argue towards English learning? A. Human beings make more interesting noises than parrots and chimpanzees. B. Human beings should relate their speech to their own lives. C. Language is a formula with lots of repetitions and practices. D. Language is a means of communication. (3)What opinion does the author hold? A. A quick method that suits all the students does exist. B. English can be mastered within a very short period of time. C. Each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language. D. No one can learn English well without being interested in it.


英语阅读理解题及答案 Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone. Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods. With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you. Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, low-fat snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough. Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them. Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate. Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.

【英语】 英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)及解析

【英语】英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)及解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Science fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne(凡尔纳) as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864) and From the Earth to the Moon(1865). In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne's writing included many predictions(预言)for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich. Jules Verne's books have been the subjects for many movies. 20, 000 Leagues under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first time that Disney movie had used real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne's books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thing is to be always on time! (1)What does the phrase "the father of science fiction" mean? A. The father who has several children. B. The man who loves science and inventions. C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction. D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully. (2)What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories? A. The plays he wrote for the theater. B. The encouragement from his father. C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon. D. The scientific subjects in his stories. (3)Why were Jules Verne's books very popular in the 19th century? A. Because his books made him rich and famous. B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time. C. Because his books were the subjects for many movies. D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions. (4)Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg? A. Five Weeks in a Balloon. B. Around the World in Eighty Days. C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. D. From the Earth to the Moon. (5)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The space flight Verne described was different from others. B. The main characters in Verne's books are always on time. C. Jules Verne only wrote in the 19th century. D. Many of the predictions in Verne's stories came true.


(英语)英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 D If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming. Sure, it’s hard to see uncertainty in such positive(积极的)light when you’re out of work, or when you feel like you’re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance. When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chan ces all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting(咨询), but she knew she wouldn’t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income(收入)by teaching students. Still, she didn’t think she wanted to go to graduate school. Allison knew she w asn’t doing what she wanted, but she didn’t know what she wanted. She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的)plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent, and time we must all take if we’re being honest with ours elves. The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty and make a choice. Otherwise your life is not your own—it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, but it doesn’t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty. (1)From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that . A. being out of work is a sad thing B. uncertainty is what makes life interesting C. life in a film is more exciting than real life. D. chance never appears when we need it (2)What troubles Allison after graduation? A. She couldn’t find a well-paid job. B. She had no money to start a business. C. She was not sure what to do. D. She didn’t score high enough for graduate school. (3)How did Allison feel about her six years’ working experience? A. Uncertain. B. Amazed . C. Sorry. D. Satisfied. (4)What may be discussed in the following paragraph?


中考英语阅读理解本章综合与测试(解析版) 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容理解选择正确答案。 A According to a new survey, students’ safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens. Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No. 25 Middle School, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger. ★If you are robbed Keep calm. lf you can not cry for help or run away. Give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. ★If you are in a traffic accident If a car hits you. You should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt ★If it is raining hard and there is lighting Don't stay in high places and stay away from trees. ★When there is a fire Get away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not take the lift. ★If someone is drowning If you can't swim, don't get into the water. Cry out for help. Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all time! (1)Why do students like the self-protection lesson? ①Because there are no tests. ②Because the lessons are boring ③Because they can learn how to save lives. ④Because they can know how to stop danger b efore it happens. A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①②④ D. ①③④ (2)What will you do if a bicycle hurts you? A. I will remember the bicycle number. B. I won't let the rider go until I call my parents. C. I will let the rider go before I call my parents. D. I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt. (3)lf your house is on fire, you must__________. A. put dry things on your body B. run quickly and take the lift C. run away and find an exit as quickly as you can

(英语) 英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

(英语)英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Education is not a bystanders sport. Numerous researchers have shown that when students participate in classroom discussion they hold more positive attitudes toward school, and that positive attitudes promote learning. It is no coincidence that girls are more passive in the classroom discussion and score lower than boys on SATs. We found that at all grade levels in all communities and in all subject areas boys controlled classroom communication. They participated in more interactions than girls did, and their participation became greater as the year went on. Our research contradicted the traditional assumption that girls control classroom communication in reading while boys in math. We found that whether the subject was language arts and English or math and science, boys got more than their fair share of teacher attention. That teachers talk more to male students is simply because boys are more aggressive in grabbing their attention by calling out answers to the teachers' questions first. While girls sit patiently with their hands raised or keep silent. Psychologist Lisa Serbin and K.Daniel O'Leary, then at the state university of New York at stony brook studied classroom interaction at preschool level and found that teachers gave boys more attention, praised them more often and were at least twice as likely to have extended conversations with them. Years of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do it yourself. It is also important to give students specific and direct feedback about the quality of their work and answers. Teachers behave differently depending on whether boys or girls are active to provide answers during discussions. During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys answers with powerful, precise and effective responses, while they often gave girls mild and unclear reactions because of their silence. Too often, girls remain in the dark about the quality of their answers. Active students receiving precise feedback are more likely to achieve academically. And they are more likely to be boys. This kind of communication game is played at work, as well as at school. As reported in numerous studies, it goes like this. Men speak more often and frequently interrupt women. Listeners recall more from male speakers than from female speakers, even when both use a similar speaking style and cover the same content. Women participate less actively in conversation. They do more smiling and gazing, and they are more often the passive by standers in professional and social conversations among peers. Women often their own statements into unsure comments. This is accomplished by using qualifiers and by adding tag question. These uncertain patterns weaken impact and signal a lack of power and influence. Only when girls are active and treated equally in the classroom will they be more likely to achieve equality in the workplace. (1)What does the authors mean when they say“Education is not a bystanders sport.”? A. Both boys and girls should do more sports. B. The girl students should be the audience to
