












Unit 1 第一课时 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能借助读音规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会 单词science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital,能读懂句子 Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….并能在情景中运用,达到语音清晰,语 调自然。(重点) b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书 写规范,格式正确。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s review.(通过提示写出next的同类词,复习三年级下册和五年级上 册学过的单词:in,on,under,behind,in front of。句子:Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital Where is the … ? It’s next to the …. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words https://www.360docs.net/doc/c315637827.html,ing the pictures to practice the sentences.


英语公开课教学反思 英语公开课教学反思(一) 一、教学内容和目的:本节课采用的是Unit3C部分的内容,为故事教学,旨在课堂上使学生能听懂,会说本篇对话及听懂,会说新单词:great,again,能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景对话,并最终培养学生掌握正确阅读方法,提高英语学习兴趣。 小结:在对教学内容,教学目的及教学重,难点的定位上,我认真钻研教材,把握得还是比较准确,到位的。 二、课型定位:C部分的故事教学分为两课时,此节课呈现的是第一课时的教学,因此我将之定位为一节阅读课,将课堂的大部分时间花在故事的听,读,练以及语言点的突破上。 听课教师反方观点:PartC是故事课,特别在低年级的故事教学中,应用表演的方式体现,感知语言,更多地培养学生听,说,演的能力。 小结:在备课的过程中,我也反复衡量过这个问题:C部分到底是要上成阅读课还是故事表演课?最终我还是选择了以阅读课的课型呈现,因为我觉得演是建立在理解的基础上的,第一课时不妨让学生多听,多读,多练,那么第二课时的表演对于他们来说就易如反掌了。但同时我也思考:是否能够让阅读和表演在同一节课上完美地融合呢?

三、教学过程 第一环节:这一环节,我通过边唱边做,边说边做,复习单词,翻译短语,猜谜语等一系列活动活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习兴趣,为下文学习做好铺垫。这一整个系列的热身活动我都是经过精心设计的,从单词到短语到句子,引导学生一步一步地巩固旧知,为接受新知做好充分的准备。 反方教师观点:猜谜语这一个环节是否没有必要,浪费了时间? 小结:这也是一个我备课时考虑到的问题,当时我是觉得猜的谜语是关于动物的,似乎跟本课的主题Myrobot没有直接的联系,但这个环节却是承接了之前的单词,短语,复习了本课的重点句型:Ithas、Itcan…所以我还是保留了下来。 第二环节:Presentation:这一环节,我主要通过多次的听,读来完成新知的输入。听分为三次,第一次是看着动画听,整体感知故事的主要内容。第二,三次都是带着问题听,并试着找出问题的答案,这就使得学生能够集中精神地去听,而不是仅仅把注意力停留在动画上。读也分为三次,第一次是让他们跟读,遇到不懂的地方停下来并将之在课文中圈出来,第二次是让他们集体朗读,加深课文印象,第三次让他们和同桌一起读,并找出问题的答案……同时在这一环节中,还有一个解决本节课语言障碍点的任务,即通过创设情景,学习新句型:Oh,dear!That”sgreat.


英语教学反思 英语教学反思 作为一位到岗不久的教师,我们要有很强的课堂教学能力,借助教学反思我们可以学习到很多讲课技巧,来参考自己需要的教学反思吧!下面是小编精心整理的英语教学反思,欢迎大家分享。 英语教学反思1 一、树立信心,明确目标 信心是动力,目标是方向。我们知道初一英语生词多,课文长而且难,听、说、读、写要求高。学生在学习中将会遇到许多困难,因此,信心十足,目标明确是成功地进行英语教学的一个重要因素。首先,教师要上好课。如:备好课,吃透教材,抓住重点、难点,做到有的放矢。其次,教师要提高授课的效率,注重授课的艺术,活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,采用灵活多变的教学方法。 二、夯实基础,查缺补漏 英语基础对于英语学习至关重要,对英语基础不好的同学更应加强这一要求。如何在较短的时间内做到这一点呢? 1、立足课本,夯实基础 我们知道,初一英语学习主要是以深化基础知识为主。我想,在学习中要分阶段学习,在第一阶段要以大纲为标准,以课本为依据,按照课本的编排顺序,每一册、每一单元、每一课都要细致地学习,力求基础,全面。所谓基础,是指学习要抓住“三基”,即基础知识、基本技能和基本解题方法。所谓

全面,一是指学习要全面覆盖所学知识,不遗漏任何一个知识点,二是要面向全体学生,防止“片面追求高分”现象,绝不能冷落“差生”。 2、找出不足,查缺补漏 查缺补漏主要体现在语音、词汇、日常交际用语上。语音和词汇的补漏工作应穿插在教学单词的时候进行。在教新词的过程中及时讲解有关的语言知识和单词辩音,及时归纳所学过的单词;在复习时要善于触类旁通,形成语音类、单词串,力争使没有掌握的语音、词汇逐一巩固。日常交际用语的补漏要融汇于“四会”的语言运用中。要努力使基础知识转化为技能,要不断提高英语的日常交际能力,力争做到听得懂、说得脱、读得畅、写得神。 三、模拟训练,综合提高 查缺补漏后,学生的基础知识已比较全面、系统、完整。但是对于重点内容还要以专题的形式进行训练,以便于进一步突出重点。同时要强化易错点,为达到这一目的,教师要选取高质量的模拟训练题进行训练,然后进行讲评。那么,如何讲评呢?好的讲评应该在讲评之前认真地分析,找出学生的错点,并在课堂上讲评时抓住这些错点,帮助学生弄清出错的原因,使学生及时纠正错误。同时,讲评不能就题论题,而是应该抓住试题中的典型题目,讲清原理,归纳方法,总结规律,并对典型题目进行引申、推广。要做好这一点,需要注意以下两方面: 1、课本为主,资料为辅 2、讲练结合,练重于讲 我们学校地处林区小镇,学生原有的英语基础和学习英语的习惯都较差,这势必大大影响了初中英语的学习效果,我从


六年级英语教学反思2 作为任教六年级英语的我,这无疑是一个挑战,通过将近一年的教学,下面结合新课标,谈一谈本人在英语教学中的一些具体措施: 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。 1、创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3、鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作、探索等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4、创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决问题。 其实在课堂上假设、想象某种交际情景,用英语进行模拟言语活动,使交际灵活多变,轻松自然,易于引导。可以使死气沉沉的教学交际变成有目的,有内容的自然交际,大大提高了学习效率。 二、关注学生情感,创造民主、和谐的教学气氛。 学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化有积极的情感,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩,情感是学好英语的重要因素,因此我努力创造宽松民主、和谐的教学空间,尽力做到: 1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,保护他们的自尊心和积极性。 2、把英语教学与情感有机地结合起来,创造各

种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。 3、关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学习,尽可能地为他们创造语言的机会。 4、建立融洽、民主的师生交流渠道,经常和学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,互相鼓励和帮助,做到教学相长。 三、加强对学生学习策略的指导: 1、积极创造条件,让学生参与到阶段性学习目标,以及实现目标的方法。 2、引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅和协调的方法进行学习。 3、引导学生在学习过程中,进行自我评价,并根据需要调整自己的学习目标和学习策略。 四、对学生进行有效的评价。 评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程,评价或采用测验及非测验形式,平时重视形成性评价,关注学生的点滴进步,及时评价,注意对学生评价的全面性,公正性,以及客观性。注意评价方法的多样性,如有口头评价、等级评价、学生之间互相评价等方法,充分发觉学生的进步,鼓励学生自我反思,自我提高,测验以学生综合运用能力为目标,侧重于学生理解和获取信息,能力减少客观题,增加主观题,通过评价学生学会分析自己的成绩和不足,明确努力方向。


教学反思 反思一、词汇教学 《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个,九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词? 实践证明,传统教学中,靠讲解和机械操练掌握词汇的方法是不行的。尤其在当前中、小学英语脱节,词汇量大,教学任务重的形势下,我们更应注重培养学生自学的能力。我认为我们应做好下列几点: 1、重示范。在教单词时,要求教师自己示范到位,发音清晰,讲解发音要点。同时培养学生认真听,专心看,积极模仿的好习惯。听清后再跟说。确定学生大都听清,模仿正确后,再出示单词卡片,以免分散学生的注意力。对直观的单词配以图片、体态语帮助学生理解。顺利完成音——形——义的逐步过度。 2、重情景。单词是构成语言的三大要素之一。人类思维活动是借助词汇进行的。人类思想的交流也是通过由词构成的句子来实现的。没有词汇任何语言都是不可想象的。因此单词具有语言的意义,应在特定的语境中引出,这样既便于学生理解,印象也深刻。 3、重迁移。在教学中我们应提倡“新旧贯通”或叫“相互迁移”。其实这也是一个很好的学习方法。如:pen----pencil-----pencil-box , day----today----monday----tuesday----yesterday,all---tall---ball----small 等等。 4、重趣味。英国著名语言家c.e 埃克斯利说:“教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法。”我们在单词教学中不能一味让学生死记硬背,而应尝试运用多种形式巧记。如采用儿歌、猜谜语、简笔画等形式。 5、重运用。学习单词的目的是为了运用词汇,并能正确运用到笔头表达之中。在英语教学中创设一定的语言情景,使学生宛如置于一种真实的语言环境中,就能使学生自然而然使用所学习词汇来表达他们的思想感情,从而达到学以至用的效果。如:七年级上册unit3的教学,我们可以让学生带全家照来学校,让学生相互介绍自己的家人,让学生在运用中掌握单词与句型。 反思二、任务设计 《新目标英语》倡导以任务为基础的教学,也就是引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。任务的设计也就是要给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的应用。那么我们在教学中又应如何设计任务? 1、任务要真实。既要从学生的认知水平和生活实际出发,又要与社会生活紧密相连。如教


english teaching summary first、seize the opportunity and render english classroom atmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students interest and curiosity. second、the full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching. it’s always from easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. at the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the students learning interests to make the students’ thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. secondly, we should increase the teaching links third、pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role. the past teaching often emphasizes the teachers leading, but only consider students as the object of education. and students’ mind is seen as the container that can be filled with knowledge.so education characteristics and students’subjective initiative are ignored. teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body development.teachers should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students potential, drive the development the basic view of human nature is the premise of the relationship between teachers and students. if educators believe that human nature is lazy, shiftless, the need for strict teachings is to enlightening conscience, then the authority type relationship between teachers and students should be the most effective. the traditional the teachers dignity is the embodiment of authoritative relation between teachers and students. the modern education view is that human nature is positive and upward with the potential for growth and progress. the purpose of education is to improve the development of the development of human potential. the promotion of human, and authoritative type relationship between teachers and students will no doubt kill creativity and endowment of children. in the teaching process, patience is very important. it is the embodiment of a teacher of good behavior. teachers job is to solve the problem of students of different degrees of problems, which in addition to teaching, but also the soul. the work of educating people is hard, because they must deal with all kinds of problems. and countless students should be faced with a warm heart patient. most of the students, especially the poor students , their english learning persistence and patience are poor, so while learning their mood is often in a state of suppression. they feel that learning is boring. therefore, in the classroom besides to give them participate in activities and the opportunity to speak, especially for their questions and doubts, even simple we teachers should also be patient to answer, and give support and praise, so to eliminate their heart fear and sense of loss is very favorable. ⅰ preparation and teaching process ⅱ students’ learning process for most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. it seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. however, i found some


Unit 1 How can I get there?教学反思 本课单词比较简单,其中science museum一次读音有些难,可以多加练习。在学习单词的基础上要让学生能用Where is the …?It’s next to the bookstore.等类似的句子询问和回答建筑物的具体位置,之前方位词学了不少,都可以用上去,还可以补充“between,opposite”等等方位词,丰富学生的语言和词汇量。本课的重点句型Where is...?学生以前就已经初步接触过。教师通过运用学生已学的词汇进行说唱热身,从复习教室里的椅、门、电视等,让学生初步感知方位的相对性,并鼓励学生积极运用所学句型进行问答,激活旧知,做到学以致用。小学生虽然识记迅速,但记得快忘得也快,因此呈现新知后,教师应及时帮助学生巩固知识。新知学完后,教师不能急于让学生表达,而是要留有一定的时间让学生自由练习,在学生听懂会说的基础上再让学生进行表达交流。教师用游戏来巩固句型,不仅能激发和保持学生的学习兴趣,同时还能让学生在课堂活动中得到放松,进入小学高年级阶段,教师可逐渐让学生接触技巧性的规律,加强学生的规律意识,同时帮助学生更好地巩固升华所学知识。 Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Let’s learn教学反思 本节课重点学习表示出行方式的短语和如何询问和回答日常出行的方式、询问的常用语句。这个话题与学生的日常生活紧密联系,学生在学的过程中兴趣十足,投入度较高。 课堂教学中,我运用课件,向学生展示各种交通工具的图片及短

语便于学生理解短语的意思,也能激发学生的学习注意力和学习兴趣。单词学习中,我还给每个单词都标注了音标,在无形中让学生对音标有一定的认识和了解,了解常见字母的发音。 学习语言的目的是运用于生活并进行交际,在课堂中为学生创设了一个真实自然的交际情景,便于学生更熟练地运用学过的语言进行交际。 本课我设置了很多练习,学生在课堂中对所学知识进行了及时巩固,降低了学生学习的压力和难度,学生在无形中已掌握了所学知识点。 本节课中我还有一些扩展补充,但由于我们班学生的英语基础很差,因此学生掌握的效果不是很好,但我会继续努力,在以后的教学中不断渗透。 当然本节课还有很多不足,我会在以后的课堂教学中继续实践,继续钻研,使自己的课堂丰富生动。 Unit 3 My weekend plan 教学反思 本节课的学习目标是1、能听、说、读、写句子:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. 2、能够理解对话大意;能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并能角色表演。3、能够在情景中运用句型What are /is …going to do ? I’m going to …He/ She’s going to …They are going to …提问及作答。4、学生能够合理计划自己的活动。为了完成教学目标,我开展了如下教学活动。在Warming up部分,我采用了TPR活动复习了学过的词组,并通过与


Ⅰ Preparation and teaching process During my preparation, I prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words. I found that they were quite attractive when students saw them during the teaching. To some extent, the use of the pictures of some famous stars could cultivate students’ interest to use the adjectives to describe their appearance, personality and order to avoid the one-sidedness of comprehension, I gave students more time to read and practice. Ⅱ Students’ learning process During the class, I proceeded well as I designed. Once I raised a question, most of the students could undertake brainstorm and gave me the correct answers. When the discussion time came, I divided them into groups of four, asking them to do related tasks. What I didn’t expect was that they preferred not to come to the front for acting. I felt a bit embarrassed at first, but I respected their choices and dealt with it properly. For most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. “Was my teaching method unsuitable for them”, I said to myself, but I had no time to think. I tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. It really worked. The students and I cooperated well during the following steps. In my teaching process, I felt it a pity that I didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which I thought I should keep in mind for future teaching. After the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. Ⅲ The organization of the class In terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. They were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. From the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class. Warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. I was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. They could give correct answers when they stood up. The feedback information was ideal at this point. Meanwhile, I was not satisfied with the writing part, as I mentioned in part Ⅱ.Although students had time to write their compositions, they didn’t have the opportunities to know how well they had written. They should get some comments on their composition, for instance, grammar, sentence structure, hand-writing and so on. If I had five more minutes, I would present their papers to the whole class and gave some corrections if necessary. All in all, on one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, during my competition, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for


英语教学反思1 今年我担任二(8)班英语教学任务,开学已二个多月,我们英语也进行完了六个单元的学习,于是在4月下旬进行了第一次质量检测。但检测结果不尽如意,学生成绩仍然处于两极分化现象,普遍存在,而且是比较难以解决的一个问题。一般说来,两极分化形成的规律是:刚进校的初一学生,对英语学习热情高,好奇心强,学习成绩较好。但随着时间的推移,难度的加深,以及兴趣的减弱,一些学生的成绩一步步地落后掉队,而且落伍人数也相对地增加。到了初二年级,分化现象尤其突出,直接影响着学生在整个中学阶段的英语成绩,同时也阻碍了初中英语教学质量的提高。因此,如何防止分化,大面积提高教学质量,使学生在初中阶段获得较好的成绩,是我们英语教师必需重视和解决的问题。 分析两极分化的原因,主要来自师生两方面,综合起来有以下几种情况: 1、学生学习目的不明确。有不少学生开始学英语时是从兴趣出发,随意性和方向性程度大。他们学英语只是一阵子,一旦遇到挫折,就容易丧失兴趣和信心,知难而退,不思上进,导致成绩直线下降。 2、学生学习方法欠佳。有些学生没有掌握好正确的学习方法。如:记单词,死记硬背;练句型,生搬硬套,不注意语言环境;写句子不遵循英语习惯,强行汉译英逐句逐词对译等。

3、学生不了解学习英语的关键和要点。不少学生误以为,英语是知识型、理解型的课程,仅满足于老师讲的内容听懂了,而没有把主要精力用在听、说、读、写实践练习上,所以就无法形成语言技能,不能熟练掌握,就会边学边忘,越学越困难,最终导致掉队。 4、学生忽视了语言学习的渐进性。学习英语一定要循序渐进、扎扎实实、逐步提高。单词学不好就无法组织句子,简单句掌握不好就难学复合句,听力差就不能说好英语。如果一段时期没有抓紧,连续出现缺漏,学生继续学习英语就困难重重,掉队就难以避免。 5、教师的教学问题。英语课堂教学是初中生学习英语的主要渠道,如果教师教学不得法,不严格遵循语言教学规律,不全面贯彻英语教学原则,教法单一呆板,只注重知识传授,不注意能力培养,只注重讲解,不注意实践,这样持续下去,学生就很自然地只满足于学好语法、背会单词、看懂课文、会做习题,而实际上没有达到熟练掌握,形成技能。大面积掉队的现象,也就在所难免。 基于以上分析,为防止和杜绝两极分化现象的形成,教师就必须根据两极分化及时帮助,以防为主。初中英语的教学重点是基础知识和基本技能,因此教学应面向全体同学,争取做到人人基本达标。在教学过程中学生学习出现差距是不可避免的。一旦出现,就应该及时找学学生谈,分析他们掉队的原因,动之以情,晓之以理,使学生从思想上认识到学习外语的重要性。同时给予学习方法的指导,耐心帮助他们补习功课。对于一些有可能掉队的学生,及早指出,说明掉队


Teaching reflection: Now I’d like to analyze my teaching from the following aspects: ⅠPreparation and teaching process During my preparation, I prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words. I found that they were quite attractive when students saw them during the teaching. To some extent, the use of the pictures of some famous stars could cultivate students’interest to use the adjectives to describe their appearance, personality and etc. When I had to teach the related words about the face, for example, round and square, I presented some cartoons for comparison. As far as the adjectives of eyes and nose were concerned, I also used some flashcards for presentation and comparison. ⅡStudents’learning process In this English class, all of the students were very hard-working. It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. “Was my teaching method unsuitable for them?”, I said to myself, but I had no time to think. I tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. It really worked. The students and I cooperated well during the following steps. In my teaching process, I felt it a pity that I didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which I thought I should keep in mind for future teaching. After the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. ⅢThe organization of the class In terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. They were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. But I was not satisfied with the writing part, .Although students had time to write their compositions, they didn’t have the opportunities to know how well they had written. They should get some comments on their composition, for instance, grammar, sentence structure, hand-writing and so on. If I had five more minutes, I would present their papers to the whole class and gave some corrections if necessary. The last part was enjoying a poem, which was related to the theme of the class. Because of the limited time, I didn’t realize the teaching aim of this part. I just called them to read it. If I removed this part, I thought it would be better for the writing exercise. All in all, on one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for future use. In addition, the classed should be practical and adhere to the students’ability. I learned a lot from my experience and my instructor’s guide. In order to realize the new concept of teaching, I think I need to do more research on the textbook and learn more from the others.


《Unit 2What should I do?》(Period 1) 教学反思 深圳市海滨中学黄慧 ----------------------------------------------------------- 一、听说领先,读写跟上,从易到难 在给学生上的这堂《Unit 2What should I do?》中,主题是让学生能够陈述自己的问题,并能对别人的问题提出自己的看法和建议。在上课伊始,学生先是唱英文歌曲和比赛读绕口令,充分调动起学习英语的热情和兴趣,为接下来的英语学习做好准备。然后教师通过图片和教师亲身示例来引进新单词和为课文的学习做铺垫;再者是听录音和回答问题、看图俩俩对话操练基本句型;接下来就是小组合作学习,进一步加强口头练习;最后是读和写的巩固练习。只有足够的听说输入,学生才能更好地进行读和写的输出。所有的操练和练习都是遵循由易到难、由浅入深的原则,是一个从教师完全控制到教师半控制再到学生的自由发挥和自主学习的过程。 二、活动形式多样,多角度进行练习 整堂课基本都是在以各种形式的活动中展开的,譬如,竞赛读绕口令、男女朗读、师生对答、游戏等,尤其是小组活动、俩俩合作等形式运用得比较多。这对于一个有58名学生的教学大班来说,是一种比较有效的大面积练习方式,能让班上每一个学生都积极参与到教学活动中来。在操练基本句型后,教师发给学生事先印好不同问题的纸张,这些问题都和学生的日常学习及生活有密切的关系。例如:

Problem1:Linda always has too much homework to do and she often gets stressed out. What should she do? Problem 2:Ken is not good at math. He failed the math exam again. What should he do? Problem 3:I like playing computer games. But my parents don’t want me to do it. What should I do? 教师要求学生四到五人一组为单位进行讨论,由其中一位学生执 笔写下组员对这个问题的建议。然后以游戏的方式抽到哪一个问题, 就由拿到这个问题的组的学生代表发言。因为这些问题都是学生平时 学习生活中经常碰到的问题,所以他们回答起来都非常主动,拿到相 同问题的组争先恐后地发表自己的不同见解,课堂气氛非常活跃。尤 其是一些学生在发表自己的建议时,其风趣的回答让大伙发出阵阵会 意的笑声。由始至终,课堂的教与学都是在各种各样的活动穿插中实 施,师生之间,生生之间,洋溢着友好、轻松的互动合作气氛。 三、充分利用多媒体辅助教学,提高课堂效率 这堂课的主体内容基本都是利用多媒体课件来帮助呈现,如新单 词和短语的学习(视觉效果直观),练习朗读的听力录音稿(节省纸 张的印刷),俩俩对话的练习(帮助学生造句),小组合作学习(水果 转盘的超级链接设计令课堂增添了欢快的游戏气氛)等,从而大大缩 短了需要教师过多解释的时间,使得课堂教学节奏更加明快,环环相 扣,学生在课堂45分钟内所吸收的知识容量明显比单纯用常规教学 方法增大许多。
