







Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)

Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:

Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools. My own children's school week is focused on pretests, drills, tests, and retests. I believe that my daughter Erica, who gets excellent marks, has never read a chapter of any of her school textbooks all the way through. And teachers are often heard to state proudly and openly that they teach to the state test.

Teaching to the test is a curious phenomenon. Instead of deciding what skills students ought to learn, helping students learn them, and then using some sensible methods of assessment (评估) to discover whether students have mastered the skills, teachers are encouraged to reverse the process. First one looks at a test. Then one draws the skills needed not to master, say, reading, but to do well on the test. Finally, the test skills are taught.

The ability to read or write or calculate might imply the ability to do reasonably well on standard tests. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through being taught to take tests. We must be careful to avoid mistaking preparation for

a test of a skill with the acquisition of that skill. Too many discussions of basic skills make this fundamental confusion because people are test obsessed rather than concerned with the nature and quality of what is taught.

Recently many schools have faced with what could be called the crisis of comprehension or, in simple terms, the phenomenon of students with grammar skills still being unable to understand what they read. These students are good at test



taking, but they have little or no experience reading or thinking, and talking about what they read. They are taught to be so concerned with grade that they have no time or ease of mind to think about meaning, and reread things if necessary.

1. What does the writer say about his daughter?

A、She teaches in a middle school.

B、She reads many good books.

C、She does well on tests.

D、She is proud of her way of learning.

2. What are students encouraged to do nowadays at school?

A、To master basic reading skills.

B、To learn how to deal with tests.

C、To read well in order to pass tests.

D、To master all kinds of skills.

3. Which of the following statements would the writer agree with the most?

A、The nature and quality of subjects are more important than marks on them.

B、Teachers should force students to learn to red and write and calculate well.

C、Good preparation for standard tests is necessary for students.

D、Most students are clear about how to acquire basic skills.

4. What do students do when they are test obsessed?

A、They pay attention only to tests.

B、They hate tests very much.

C、They try to avoid rereading things.

D、They often join in discussion.

5. What kind of students does the writer dislike most?

A、Students with poor test marks and without creative thinking.

B、Students active in thinking yet unable to talk about what they read.

C、Students who are too well prepared for any test.

D、Students unable to understand what they read.

Passage Two

Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:

Eye contact is nonverbal (非语言的) technique that helps the speakers “sell” their ideas to an audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listeners' interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good relation with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus only on their notes. Others look over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience's interest and respect. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium or from across the table, are regarded not only as exceptionally friendly by their target but also as more believable and earnest.

To show the power of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those



people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel uncomfortable and immediately look away. To make eye contact,

it seems, is to make a certain link with someone.

Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor (观察) his listeners. It is, in fact, essential to analyze an audience during a speech. Visual feedback (视觉反馈) from the audience can indicate that a speech is boring, that the speaker is talking too much about a particular point, or that a particular point requires

further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered.

6. What does the writer believe about a speaker's eye contact?

A、It makes the speaker closer to his audience.

B、It makes the audience lose the interest in his speech

C、It makes the audience frightened of him.

D、It makes listeners see the speaker more clearly.

7. What does the word “target” (Para.1) refer to?





8. Why does the writer give the example of passers-by in Paragraph 2?

A、To show that people are not comfortable with eye contact from strangers.

B、To show that strangers can get to know each other easily through eye contact.

C、To prove the point that people look more friendly with direct eye contact.

D、To prove the point that eye contact plays a role in social communication.

9. What does the writer imply about visual feedback in the last paragraph?

A、It can make the speaker adjust his speech.

B、It can make the speech more informative.

C、It may discourage and stop the speaker.

D、It may cause the speaker make less eye contact.

10. What is the main point of the passage?

A、Eye contact is a good way to attract the audience.

B、It is necessary to maintain direct eye contact with the audience.

C、Eye contact is important to a successful speech.

D、A speaker's eye contact is more important than his notes.

Passage Three

Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:

The whole industrial process, which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives, will unavoidably create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed of (处置) properly, but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made complex, there will be new, dangerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, 精品文档.


the waste products from nuclear power stations. Many people see pollution as only part of a large and more complex problem, that is, the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods. Others see the problem mainly in connection with agriculture, where new methods are helping farmers grow more and more on their land to feed our ever-increasing population.

Whatever reasons behind it, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, governments and people would make more efforts.

In the home there is an obvious need to control litter (乱扔的废物) and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metals and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.

11. What will happen if the industrial process continues according to the passage?

A、Environmental balance will be achieved easily.

B、Less land will be used for agriculture.

C、New environmental problems will have to be dealt with.

D、World population will be reduced.

12. Why does the writer mention food and drinks in Paragraph 2?

A、To show the problem of litter and waste.

B、To show the problem of overproduction.

C、To show how they are consumed.

D、To show how they are wrapped.

13. What does the writer say about advertising?

A、It causes pollution directly.

B、It wastes energy.

C、It puts litter under control.

D、It brings about waste.

14. What is the writer's attitude towards the solution to environmental problems?







15. Which of the following best describes the structure of the passage?

A、Question and answer.

B、Problem and solution.

C、Situation and explanation.

D、Statement and conclusion.

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

Because of satellite links which now enable broadcast news organizations to originate live programming from any part of the globe, the entire world is becoming one giant sound stage for television news. As a result, Marshall McLean's reference to the post-television world as being a single global village is gaining new acceptance and Shakespeare's famous line, all the world's a stage, has taken on

an interesting new twist in meaning.

But, beyond the philosophical dimensions of global television communications there are some dramatic, political implications. Even before today's worldwide satellite links were possible, the growing effect of broadcast news technology on national and international politics was becoming increasingly evident.

Because television is a close-up medium and a medium that seems to most readily involve emotions, it is most

it is revealing the plights of people.

It was probably the appalling footage of the Nazi death camps that first demonstrated the power of motion pictures and television to affect the collective consciousness of a world audience. In the United States during the 50's and 60's the power of television to stir the consciousness of large numbers of people was demonstrated

in another way. Night after night graphic news footage(英尺数) of the civil rights struggle was brought into U.S. homes.

Years later, this role was to take on a new and even more controversial dimension during the Vietnam War. Reading about war was one thing; but war took on a deeper and more unsavory(令人讨厌的) dimension when it was exported directly into U.S.



living rooms night after night by television. Public opinion eventually turned against the war and to some measure against President Johnson who was associated with it. As a result of the public opinion backlash(消极反应) during these times, the Pentagon was thereafter much more careful to control what foreign correspondents and TV crews would be allowed to see and report.

It was during this time that President Carter brought the issue of human rights to the centre of his foreign policy, and, to some degree, to the centre of international politics. Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, Carter said. Of all human rights the most basic is to be free of arbitrary violence, whether that violence comes from government, from terrorists, from criminals, or from self-appointed messiahs(救世主) operating under the cover of politics or religion.

Although political viewpoints have changed since then, because of the emotional nature of human rights, this has emerged as the soul of television news. The transgression(侵犯) of human rights has been the focus of many, if not most,major international television news stories. The reporting of these stories has created outrage in the world, prompted attempts at censorship by dictators, and in many cases resulted in the elimination of human rights abuses.

16. The passage is mainly about_____.

A) the evolution of international politics in the United States

B) the broadcast media's growing role in international politics

C) the concern for human rights as is shown in broadcast media

D) the impact of global television communication on viewers'emotions

17. The introduction of satellite technology into television broadcast ____

A) confirmed what Shakespeare said long ago

B) changed the way television news is handled

C) improved the sound effect of television news

D) initiated a shift of emphasis to international politics

18. The civil rights struggle to the 50's and 60's won public support partly owing to_____

A) the viewing of the Nazi atrocities on TV

B) the news broadcast through satellite links

C) the impact of televised news on emotions



D) the support provided by a world audience

19. President Carter's major contribution to broadcast news was that he _____

A) eliminated any kind of censorship of broadcast news

B) encouraged news coverage of the Vietnam War and ended it

C) proclaimed the Pentagon's control over the media unconstitutional

D) made the transgression of human rights a global focus in broadcast news

20. The television coverage of human rights issues has all the effects EXCEPT ___

A) reduction in the cases of human rights violation

B) prompted attempts at censorship by dictators

C) increased respect for different cultures and attitudes

D) heightened international concern over human rights abuses

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)

Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21.It is highly _____ that the project will be of great use in solving the water pollution problem.





22.You should be _____ of yourself for telling such a lie.





23.Obviously the steak is overdone. I can hardly _____ it.





24. His newly published novel, _____ spoken of by both experts and common readers, is a great success.







25.You might consider _____ work before you decide what you want to do.





26.At least six times since the end of the last ice age, the Mississippi River has dramatically altered its _____.





27.The purpose of this program is to measure students' _____ to learn instead of their present achievement.





28.Words failed to _____ her excitement when she was told she had won the first prize in the music competition.





29.Please write your name in the _____ space at the top of the form and then hand

it back to me.





30.There will be a series of _____ on the British legal system in our department.





31.It is the _____ for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.





32.The refrigerator will be sent to your house within three days free of _____.







33.Creating a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are _____ all creating new festival every year.

A、in fact

B、in a word

C、in general

D、in turn

34.If you don't want to be down and out, you'd better try your best to _____ the fast pace of modern society.

A、make up for

B、live up to

C、keep up with

D、put up with

35.None of us expected Doctor King to _____ at the meeting. We thought he was still in America.

A、turn down

B、turn off

C、turn to

D、turn up

36.The plain silver ring was her favorite; it was _____ to her form her


A、handed out

B、handed down

C、handed over

D、handed in

37.On seeing the old lady crossing the road, she _____ her car immediately.

A、pulled up

B、pulled down

C、pulled in

D、pulled off

38.Glass-fiber cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations _____.

A、at length

B、at the moment

C、at the same time

D、at intervals

39._____ this sad event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations.

A、In regard to

B、In light of

C、In line with

D、In terms of

40.This kind of vegetable is extremely expensive in winter because it is _____.

A、out of season

B、out of fashion



C、out of date

D、out of order

41. The courses at our school are very different from _____ at your school.





42. The meeting began two hours ago, but so far no decision _____.

A、had arrived by

B、has arrived at

C、had been arrived by

D、has been arrived at

43. There is some doubt _____ Julia can pass her driving test tomorrow.




D、were canceled

44. I'm very tired and I don't think I feel like _____ shopping today.

A、to go to

B、to go

C、going to


45. Mary should have put the fish in the refrigerator. I bet it _____ uneatable

by now.


B、has become

C、will become

D、had become

46. – Did Richard mend the roof himself? – No, he _____ because he doesn't like to climb a ladder.

A、hadn't mended it

B、had it mended

C、mended it

D、had mended it

47. Being watched by a lot of people, Alison felt very nervous, _____ what to say.

A、didn't know

B、not knowing

C、and doesn't know

D、not know

48. Not only _____ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.

A、do nurses want

B、nurses want

C、are nurses wanted

D、nurses are wanted



49. nurses are wanted No tree could be seen here five years ago, but now over 60% of this district _____ covered by trees and greens.





50. It is important that she _____ a record of everything she does in the experiment.


B、must keep


D、will keep

51. Human beings differ from animals _____ they can use language as a tool to communicate with each other.

A、for that

B、in that

C、for which

D、in which

52. There are now over 8000 students in the college, almost _____ there were six years ago.

A、as many as three times

B、there times as many as

C、three more times than

D、as three times many as

53. It was _____ I left my hometown and moved to Hangzhou .

A、ten years ago that

B、the years since

C、ten years when

D、for ten years since

54. _____ he sand storm, the train for Beijing would not have been delayed for

thirty-two hours.

A、In spite of

B、Because of

C、As for


55. Alone in a strange country, Malian was so devoted to her study that she felt

_____ lonely.

A、all but

B、nothing but

C、everything but

D、anything but

56. It is common knowledge that cotton cloth, _____ in hot water, tends to shrink.

A、it is washed

B、when washed




D、to be washed

57. Man cannot live without food _____ than plants can grow without sunshine.

A、any more

B、more or less

C、not more

D、no more

58. In modern society, knowledge is to us _____ water is to life.





59. Why do those rich people steal things _____ they could easily afford to buy them?





60. What you said was true. It was, _____, a little impolite.





Part III Cloze (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 61 an event takes place; newspapers are on the streets 62 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 63 the news.

Newspapers have one basic 64 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 65 it. Radio, telegraph, television,

and 66 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 67 , this competition merely spurred

the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 68 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 69 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 70 of the latest news, today's newspapers 71 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices 72



advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 73 .Newspapers

are sold at a price that 74 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The

in selling commercial advertising. The 76 main 75 of income for most newspapers is

advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 77 in terms of

work on the Circulation depends 78 read circulation. How many people the newspaper?

a 79 in services or entertainment of the circulation department and on the

value newspaper's depends circulation on a pages. But for the most part, newspaper's nation, state, community, city, country, a source of information 80 the to readers as

and even outer space.

—and worldD.Before C.Soon after 61.A.Just when B.While

given D.being C.given 62.A.to give B.giving

D.bring C.carry 63.A.gather B.spread

D.purpose C.problem 64.A.reason B.cause


C.know 65.A.make B.publish

other D.the B.other C.one another 66.A.another

D.So C.Therefore 67.A.However B.And


C.rate 68.A.value B.ratio


C.printed B.passed 69.A.spread

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c412483563.html,rmed informed be B.be informed C.to https://www.360docs.net/doc/c412483563.html,rm

D.edit https://www.360docs.net/doc/c412483563.html,cate 71.A.entertain B.encourage


C.with 72.A.on B.through


C.contents 73.A.forms B.existence

in D.succeeds to cover cover B.manages to cover C.fails to 74.A.tries

D.finance C.course 75.A.source B.origin


C.chance 76.A.way B.means

measured measured D.was 77.A.measures B.measured C.Is



C.much 78.A.somewhat

offered be D.to B.offered C.which offered 79.A.offering

D.about C.at 80.A.by B.with

分)(共35Part IV Translation

20分)小题,每小题(共54分,共Section A

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part I.

81. reasonably

do ability might imply the to calculate write read ability The to or or

well on standard tests. (Passage One)82. These students are good at test taking, but they have little or no experience

reading or thinking, and talking about what they read. (Passage One)精品文档.


83. To have good relation with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. (Passage Two)84. Whatever reasons behind it, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused

could be controlled if only companies, governments and people would make more efforts. (Passage Three)85. It was during this time that President Carter brought the issue of human rights

to the centre of his foreign policy, and, to some degree, to the centre of international politics. (Passage Four)Section B (共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

81. 如果你们能够提供令人满意的售后服务,你们的产品一定会有一个广阔的市场。

这部小说是近几年最热门的,值得再读一遍。 82.

这件毛衣我穿着不合适,你们还有其他款式的吗? 83.

如果你想学好英语,你就有必要尽量多讲。 84.


Part V Writing (共15分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the following topic. You should write at least 100—120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 网络提供给了人们丰富多彩和便捷的生活

2. 很多人开始感觉离开网络寸步难行

3. 你对网络依赖症的看法




1. C

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. A 10. C

11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B


21. 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. A

34. C 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. A 41. B 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. B 47.

B 48. A 49. D 50. A 51. B 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. D 56. B 57. D 58.

C 59.

D 60. A

61. A 62.A 63.A 64.D 65.C 66.B 67.A 68.D 69.C 70.D 71.C 72.B 73.B74.C 75.A 76.D 77.C 178.C 79.B 80.D


86. If you can provide satisfactory after sale service, your products are sure to have a wide market.

87. This novel is the most popular one in the recent years and it is worth reading once more.

88. This sweater doesn't fit me. Do you have any other styles?

89. If you want to learn English well, it's necessary for you to practice as much as possible.

90. Mary has got a cold. I regret not having reminded her to put on more clothes yesterday.



2012年writing(课堂所讲范文) 李仁杰预测 范文一:1.人们对职业务有不同的理想 2.我理想的职业是什么 3.我怎样为我理想的职业做准备 My Ideal Job ?Everyone has his own ideal job. Some want to be doctors, some want to be teachers, and some want to be engineers. ?My ideal job is in teaching. Firstly, I like children very much. I would like to sing, to dance, and to play with them. Secondly, a teacher has two vacations each year. I can enjoy myself during the summer and winter holidays. Finally, I want to teach the students all that I know and help them to develop their potential so that they can work better for our country in the future. ?In order to be a good teacher, I will study hard not only in class, but also in daily life. I will train my patience, improve my handwriting, and enrich my knowledge. In a word, I will study harder than ever to prepare for my future teaching job. 范文二: Outline 1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 (提示:雨水、河水、井水......) 2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的 (提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染......) 3. 我们应该怎么办 Global Shortage of Fresh Water ?Many people believe that the world’s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They hold that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water. ?As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world’s population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs. ?Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water, and try to find substitutes to reduce the use of fresh water. 范文三: 1.大学生了解社会的必要性。 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等) 3. 我打算怎么做。


2008年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 大学英语 本试卷分第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 卷中未注明做大对象的试题为英语类和非英语类学生共同作答的试题,注明作答对象的试题按规定作答。第I卷(共100分) Part I Reading Comprehension (共40分) Passage 1 Sometimes, people simply do not realize they are being ill mannered. Take Ted, for example. He prides himself on speaking his mind, and has something to say on everything. But his frankness is often extremely embarrassing. He is incapable of saying, “I thought that last advertising campaign had a lot of good ideas in it, but perhaps next time we could give the copy more vitality (活力) .” Instead, he could say, “That campaign was a disaster. A child of three could have done be tter!” The fact that he is often right does not help. Other employees dislike his manner even more, he is too sensitive to notice. Another character among the list of ill-mannered employees is Sally, who seems to regard just being at work as a severe punishment. Everything is done unwillingly. Asking her to do a task beyond her basic job description is often not worth the trouble. It will be done, but half-heartedly. Fergus is just the opposite. He shows an over-familiarity to his boss. When an important visitor is shown into the manager’s office, Fergus cannot take the hint and leave. In stead he w3ill attempt to take part in the conversation, declaring, “You can talk in font of me. Henry and I don’t have many secrets, do we? ” Over the years Pergus has fallen behind his former equals. But he seeks to maintain the same close relationship that he imagines existed in their younger days. 1. Which of the following words describes Ted best? A. Cold B. Tactless C. Stupid D. Warm-hearted 2. It can be inferred from the passage that Ted . A. is well-known for his honestly B. tends to blame others rather than himself C. often gives the right idea in the wrong way D. is treated unfairly by the management 3. Which of the following is true about Sally? A. She thinks it’s unfair to have so much work to do. B. She is unhappy to help others. C. She hates being ordered about. D. She does everything half-heartedly. 4. Form the passage, we can infer that Fergus . A. was once close to all his colleagues B. has remained in the same position for years C. doesn’t kn ow what a hint is D. knows everything that happens in the office 5. The writer is taking the point of view of . A. a colleague B. people like Ted C. an employee D. a manager Passage 2 A lot of real businesses are focusing on the Internet as a way of building sales, but some people with nothing to sell are creating their own Web sites to announce wedding plans, show off pictures of their kids or just have communication. It’s not as hard as you think and it can be a lot of


江苏省2012 年普通高校专转本统一英 语考试 第一卷(共100 分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20 题,每题 2 分,共40 分) Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. American researchers have developed a technique that may become an important tool in fighting AIDS. The technique stops the AIDS virus from attacking its target-cells in the body's defense system. When AIDS virus enters the blood, it searches for blood cells called T4 lymphocytes (淋巴细胞). The virus connects to the outside of T4 lymphocytes, then forces its way inside. There it directs the cells' genetic (基因的)material to produce copies of the AIDS virus. This is how AIDS spreads.Researchers think they may be able to stop AIDS from spreading by preventing virus from connecting to T4 cells. When AIDS virus finds a T4 cell, it actually connects to a part of the cell called CD4 protein.Researchers want to fool the virus by putting copies or clones of the CD4 protein into the blood. This way the AIDS virus will connect to the cloned protein instead of the real ones. Scientists use the genetic engineering methods to make the clones. Normally a CD4 protein remains on the T4 cell at all times. The AIDS virus must go to it.In a new technique, however, the cloned CD4 protein is not connected to a cell. It floats freely, so many more can be put into the blood to keep the AIDS virus away from real CD4 proteins on T4 cells. One report says the AIDS virus connects to the cloned proteins j ust as effectively as to real protein. That report was based on tests with blood cells grown in labs. The technique is just now beginning t o be tested in animals. If successful, it may be tested in humans within a year. 1. The new technique can ________. A. cure AIDS B. kill the AIDS virus C. prevent the AIDS virus from spreading D. produce new medicines for AIDS 2. When the AIDS virus enters the blood, it is reproduced by ________. A. the inside of the virus itself B. any blood cells in the body C. the CD4 protein D. the genetic material of T4 cells 3 The AIDS virus connects to cloned proteins instead of to the real ones because ________. A. the cloned proteins stay on the T4 cells B. the cloned proteins can float freely in the blood C. it connects to cloned proteins more effectively than to the real ones D. the cloned proteins are made by genetic engineering methods 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The new technique has been tested in labs. B. The new technique is being tested in animals. C. The new technique may be tested in humans. D. The new technique is now under clinical test. 5 Which of the following could be the best title of this passage? A. AIDS---a Fatal Disease. B. A New Technique in fighting AIDS. C. A Report on the Spread of AIDS Virus. D. The Technique of Cloned CD4 Protein. Passage TWO Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. During the early ears of last century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada.


江苏省 2019 年普通高校专转本选拔考试 大学语文试题卷 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,试题卷共 6 页。全卷满分150 分,考试时间120 分钟。 2.必须在答题卡上作答,作答在试题卷上无效。作答前务必将自己的姓名和准考证号准确清晰地填写在 试卷和答题卡上的指定位置。 3.考试结束时,须将试题卷和答题卡一并收回。 一、语文知识(本大题共15 小题,均为单项选择题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分。请将答题卡 上代表改题正确答案的字母涂黑) 1. 哲学是立千人的学间,是人用千理解世界,把握世界,世界智慧之学。在上面这段一文字横线处填入的词语,最恰当的一项是() A. 认识 B. 分析 C.改造 D. 掌控 2. 下列加点的字词译义正确的一组是() A. 休戚与共(忧愁)钟灵敏秀(凝聚)成人之美(成全) ... B. 言简意骸(完备)文不加点(标点)待价而沽(卖出) ... C.笔力扛鼎(举起)少不更事(改变)学而不厌(厌倦) ... D.一筹莫展(计算)严于律己(约束)不胫而走(大腿) ... 3. 下列句子中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是() A.他和同学在南京南站避近,两个人一见如故,回忆起大学的青春岁月,他们感慨万千。 B.北固山以险峻闻名,它巧夺天工的自然美景和深厚的人文积淀,每年都吸引大量游客。 C.国产科幻电影(流浪地球)成为2019 年春节电影“贺岁档"炙手可热的影片之一。 D.孔子因材施教,有教无类的教育思想及启发式教学方法被中国后世的教育者奉为经典。 4.互联网是渠道的革命,它可以传递产品和服务。因此它也可以通过互联网的渠道实现传递。 根据上下文的意思,填入横线最恰当的一句是:() A.互联网和金融有相似点 B.互联网为金融插上翅膀 C.金融是一种产品和服务 D.金融和互联网相似类型 5. 下列句子没有语病的一项是() A.同学们带着无比崇敬的心情聆听和注视着这位英雄的事迹报告很多人都表示深受感动。


2019年江苏省普通高校“专转本”英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷、答题卷和答题卡三部分。试题卷分为第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分,第I卷第1页至第10页;第II卷第10页至第11页,有两大题;共11页,共五大题,全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.作答题,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号准确清楚地填写在试题卷、答题卡和答题卷的指定位置,并认真核对。 3.作答第I卷时,考生须用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂答案;作答第II卷时,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案答在答题卷上,否则无效。 4.考试结束时,考生须将第I卷、第II卷和答题卡、答题卷一并交回。 第I卷(共100分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2 分,共40 分) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements, For each of them there arc 4 choices marked A, B, C and should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage "Cool"is a word with many meanings, Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed. The word has had many different meanings. "cool"can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize the meaning of "cool"You can use it instead of many words such as "new"or "surprising". Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used . A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence. "It’s so cool."Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity(贫乏)of words. Without "cool", some people have no words to show the same meaning . So it is quite important to keep some credibility. Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word "cool"? I can. and I think they are also very cool. 1 .According to the passage,the word "cool"has had . A. only one meaning B. only a few meanings C. many different meanings D.the same meaning 2.In the passage, the word"express"(Para. 2)means . A.see B.show C. know D. feel 3.If you are __ something. You may say "It’s cool." A. interested in B. careful about C. afraid of D. angry about 4.The writer gives an example to show he is the way the word"cool"is used.


绝密★启用前 江苏省2014年普通高校专转本选拔考试 英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. People and the sources of air pollution are found in the same place. This means that cities with large population have the biggest problem of dirty air. Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major source of air pollution is the gas fumes (烟尘) from cars. Another major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much more electricity is used in the city than in the country. On the average, we throw away trash and garbage than years before. The burning of garbage leads to air pollution. Many major industries are also the cause of the dirty air in and around cities. The fumes from iron, steel, chemical, and petroleum production add particles (粉尘) to the air. The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death. The levels of pollution found in heavy traffic may cause headaches or loss of clear sight. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants. In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the lives of human beings by leading to lung diseases and causing early deaths. 1. From the passage, we know that ______. A. air pollution is caused by electricity B. the cause of air pollution is not people C. air pollution is caused by many different sources D. headaches and death are not related to air pollution 2. What is stated in the passage? A. How cars produce fumes. B. Why so many people live in cities. C. What the causes and effects of air pollution are. D. How people in cities feel about polluted air. 3. Which of the following is NOT the cause of air pollution? A. Trucks. B. Headaches. C. Burning garbage. D. Burning coal and oil. 4. What are the major sources of air pollution in cities?


江苏省专转本英语考试大纲 考试内容:专转本英语考试包括五个部分:阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、完形填空、翻译、作文。试卷分为第i卷(客观题)和第n卷(主观题)两部分。两卷满分150分。考试时间 为 120 分钟。 第i卷(客观题):(100分) 第一部分:阅读理解(Part i:Reading Comprehension)第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part n:Vocabulary and Structure) 第三部分:完形填空(Part川:Cloze) 第n卷(主观题):(50分) 第四部分:翻译(Part V:Translation) 第五部分:写作(Part V: Writing) 第一部分:阅读理解(Part i:Reading Comprehension):(共 20 题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) 要求考生阅读 4 篇短文,每篇阅读量不超过 300 词。每篇短文后有 5 个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 选材的原则是: 1 、题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、科普常识等,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解; 2、体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等; 3、文章的语言难度中等,无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词会用汉语注明词义。阅读理解部分主要 测试下述能力: 1 、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4、既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速度。 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part n:Vocabulary and Structure):(共40 题,每小题1 分,共 40 分)题目为词和短语的用法和语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。试题主要相关于谓语动词的时态语态、非谓语动词、 it 作形式主语或形式宾语、强调句、倒装句、从句引导词、虚拟语气等。词语用法和语法结构部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。 第三部分:完形填空(Part川:Cloze):(共20题,每小题1分,共20分) 在一篇或两篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约 200 词)中留有 20 个空白,每个空白为一 题,每题有四个选择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。填空的词项包括结构词和实译词。 形填空部分的目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,包括语法概念、词汇运用、篇章结构的理解等综合能力。 第四部分:翻译(Part IV: Translation):(共10题,共35分)一般为英译汉、汉译英各一半。两种翻译虽然在形式上不同,但就其本质,就是在谙熟两种语言内在结构的基础上自由转换。在英译汉过程中有通过之前文章理解全文基础的上进行翻译的趋势。英译汉的能力主要取决于对英文的理解能力,汉译英的能力主要取决于用英语的表达能力。 第五部分:写作(Part V: Writing) : 15分 要求考生写出一篇 120 词以上的短文,试卷上可能给出题目,或规定情景,或要求看图作文,或给


江苏省2019年普通高校专转本选拔考试 大学语文 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,试题卷共6页。全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.必须在答题卡上作答,作答在试题卷上无效。作答前务必将自己的姓名和准考证号准确清晰地填写在试卷和答题卡上的指定位置。 3.考试结束时,须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语文知识(本大题共15小题,均为单项选择题,每小题1分,共15分。请将答题卡上代表改题正确答案的字母涂黑) 1.哲学是立于人的学问,是人用于理解世界,把握世界,_________世界智慧之学。在上面这段文字横线处填入的词语,最恰当的一项是 A.认识 B.分析 C.改造 D.掌控 2.下列加点的字词译义正确的一组是() A.休戚与共(忧愁)钟灵敏秀(凝聚)成人之美(成全) B.言简意赅(完备)文不加点(标点)待价而沽(卖出) C.笔力扛鼎(举起)少不更事(改变)学而不厌(厌倦) D.—筹莫展(计算)严于律己(约束)不胫而走(大腿) 3.下列句子中,加下划线的成语使用正确的一项是()。 A.他和同学在南京南站邂逅,两个人一见如故,回忆起大学的青春岁月,他们感慨万千。 B.北固山以险峻闻名,它巧夺天工的自然美景和深厚的人文积淀,每年都吸引大量游客。 C.国产科幻电影(流浪地球)成为2019年春节..电影“贺岁档”炙手可热的影片之一。 D.孔子因材施教,有教无类的教育思想及启发式教学方法被中国后世的教育者奉为 4.互联网是渠道的革命,它可以传递产品和服务。因此它也可以通过互联网的渠道实现传递。根据上下文的意思,填入横线最恰当的一句是:() A.互联网和金融有相似点 B.互联网为金融插上翅膀 C.金融是一种产品和服务 D.金融和互联网相似类型 5.下列句子没有语病的一项是() A.同学们带着无比崇敬的心情聆听和注视着这位英雄的事迹报告很多人都表示深受感动。 B.观众沉浸在“中国诗词大会”节目中,感受着浓厚的古典主义情怀,受到各界一致好评。 C.经过十多天艰苦的谈判,他们终于与另一家实力不俗的公司签订了城市地铁建设向工程。 D.随着彩技术的不断出现,未来的设计也需要融入更多的科技元素,才能不断地进行创新。 6.原本科学家认为当肺脏周边的组织侦测到肺里氧浓度变低时,人就会打哈欠以吸入更多气但胎儿已经会打哈欠了。这主要是说明() A.肺脏与打哈欠未必有必然的关系。 B.肺脏不一定会侦测到氧气的不足。 C.人打哈欠是为了吸入更多的空气。 D.胎儿虽然不会换气但己会打哈欠。 7.下列句子表述得体的一项是()


作文必备 一.评分标准 2分—条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分—基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 8分—基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 11分—切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14分—切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。字数不足应酌情扣分 (注: 白卷/作文与题目毫不相关/ 或只有几个孤立的词汇而无法表达思想,则给0分) 字数不足应酌情扣分: 110-119 100-109 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 <49 字 数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 扣 分 ( 注: 1. 如题目中给出主题句,起始句, 结束句,均不计入所写字数 2. 规定的内容没写全者,按比列扣分 3. 如果扣为0分, 要慎重处理) 二.写作思路 三.段落特点 英语文章段落结构一般有三部分构成:主题句+扩展句+结尾句 四.写作原则 (一)长短句原则 第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。 (二)主题句原则 特别提示:隐藏主体句可是要冒险的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主题句)。 Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly. (三)一二三原则 1)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐) 2)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐) 3)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐)


2011年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试试卷大学英语 21. By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world's people ____in cities rather than in rural areas. A. are living B. will be living C. have lived D. will have lived 将来完成时will have done 22. All flights ____because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but stay at the airport. A. had been cancelled 过去完成时 B. were cancelled C. having been cancelled D. have been cancelled 23. The problem is believed ____at the meeting two days ago. A. to have discussed B. to have been discussed 过去将来完成时 C. being discussed D. having been discussed 24. It was so hot that they ____the electric fan ____all through the night. A. had; running(have sth done/doing 让某事做/被做但run没有被动) B. had; run C. had; ran D. had; to run 25. Some of the committee members suggested ____ a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didn't approve. suggest doing A. to arrange B. arrange C. arranging D. to be arranging 26. - Do you regret paying five hundred dollars just for the oil painting? - No. I would gladly have paid ____for it. A. twice as much B. twice so much C. as much twice D. so much twice 27. ____me most was that the young man who had lost both arms in an accident could play the piano beautifully with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed C. Which amazed D. What amazed固定句型,比如what matters was that… 28. The team leader promised to attend the meeting ____he arrived at the office. A. for the time being B. the moment=just when, 一…就… C. as much as D. the day 29. Bob ____hard, otherwise he ____this exam. A. must have worked.... would fail B. mustn't have worked... wouldn't fail C. can't work …wou ldn't have failed D. can't have worked...wouldn't have failed can't have worked 对过去的否定猜测一定没有努力学习 wouldn't have failed 过去将来完成时would have done 30. Scarcely ____asleep when a knock at the door awakened her. A. had she fallen B. she had fallen C. did she fall D. she fell Scarcely… when: when引导一般过去时从句,Scarcely引导的主句使用过去完成时,并且倒装。相类似的还有“hardly…when…”/ no sooner… than…


江苏省2010年普通高校专转本统一考试 大学语文 注意事项: 1.考生务必将密封线内的各项目及第2页右下角的座位号填写清楚. 2.考生须用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接答在试卷上,答在草稿纸上无效。 3.本试卷共8页,四大题,满分15O分,考试时间l20分钟。 一、选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分.共l5分。在列出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确答案的字母标号填在题后括号内) 1.下列加点字读音完全相同的一组是() A.谜语糜烂靡丽麋鹿 B.阡陌掮客扦插迁就 C.诠释蜷缩得鱼忘筌痊愈 D. 半身不遂随心所欲骨髓绥靖 [答案]C [解析]C项音为quún,A项“靡丽”音mǐ,其余mí;B项“掮客”音qián,其余qiān;D项“骨髓”音suǐ,其余suí。 2.下列没有错别字的一组是() A.长歌当哭歪风邪气明辨是非异曲同功 B. 好大喜功相形见拙情不自禁冠冕堂皇 C.迫不及待发扬光大宽洪大量当仁不让 D. 川流不息貌合神离名副其实奇货可居 [答案]C D [解析]A项应为“异曲同工”,B项应为“相形见绌”,C D无错别字,估计是出题的问题。3.下列加点字释义正确的一组是( ) A.数典忘祖(责备)居高临下(处在)同仇敌忾(愤恨) B.罄竹难书(尽)雷霆万钧(三十斤为—钧)惴惴不安(恐惧发愁的样子)C.摇曳多姿(拉)夙兴夜寐(旧的)潜移默化(暗) D. 要言不烦(扼要)殒身不恤(安抚)残羹冷炙(烤熟的肉) [答案]B [解析]A项“数典忘祖”之“数”应为“说起”“谈起”;C项“夙兴夜寐”之“夙”应为“早、早上”;D项“要言不烦”之“烦”应为“烦琐”。 4.下列各句采用的修辞手法依次是() ①何以解忧,惟有杜康。 ②现在不是西风压倒东风,而是东风压倒西风。 ③我的母亲早已出来了,接着便飞出了八岁的侄儿宏儿。 A.借代、借喻、拟物 B.借代、借喻、拟人 C.借喻、借代、拟物 D.借喻、借代、拟人 [答案]A [解析]“杜康”代指“酒”,“东风”“西风”借喻,“飞出”拟物。 5.在下列各句中,存在语病的一句是( ) A.青年一代的素质如何,在很大程度上决定着中华民族在21世纪的前途和命运。 B.有识之士指出,全面提高学生的素质教育,是教育界目前面临的大事。
