





英诗的节奏是有规律性的。在英诗中,重读音节(stressed syllable)和非重读音节(unstressed syllable)按规律交替出现。重读音节和它相邻的非重读音节构成一个音步(foot)音步的交替出现,产生跌宕起伏,曲折绵延的艺术效果和美感。一个双音节以上的词有重读音节(可标记为-)和非重读音节(可标记为︶)。在句子中,不同的单词也有重轻读之分。一般来说,实义词通常重读。它包括名词,部份代词尤其是疑问代词和指示代词,形容词、数词、副词和动词。虚词通常非重读。它包括助动词、大多数的代词、连接词、冠词和前置词。分析英诗格律的第一步就是将每一诗行划分成音步,这种方法称为(scansion)。如:

I wan/dered lone/ly as/ a cloud (William Wordsworth)

这个诗行就可划分成4个音步。每行诗所包含的音步各异。含有一个音步的称为“单音步”(monometer);含有二个音步的称为“双音步”(diameter)含有三个音步的称为“三音步(trimeter);四音步称为(tetrameter);五音步称为(pentameter );六音步称为(hexameter);七音步称为(heptameter)

及八音步(octometer )。由于一个音步中重读音节所处的位置不同,音步有不同的类型。传统英诗的音步有七种类型。

1. 抑扬格(Iambus):是最常见的一种格式,每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节


As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass,

So deep / in luve / am I :

And I / will luve / thee still,/ my dear,

Till a` / the seas / gang dry:

Robert Burns(1759-1796):My Luve Is like a Red,Red Rose[4]




Tyger!/ Tyger!/ burning / bright

In the / forests / of the / night (William Blake:The Tyger)

3. 抑抑扬格(Anapaestic foot):每个音步由两个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。如:三音


Like a child / from the womb,

Like a ghost / from the tomb,

I arise / and unbuild / it again.

4. 扬抑抑格(Dactylic foot):每个音步由一个重读音节加两个非重读音节构成。如:两音步扬抑抑格-︶︶/-︶︶

ˊTouch her not / ˊscornfully,

( Thomas Hood )

mournfully. ˊThink of her / ˊ

5. 抑扬抑格(Amphibrach):每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节再加一个非重读音节构成。如:三音步抑扬抑格︶-︶/︶-︶/︶-︶下例中最后一个音步为抑扬格。

O ˊhush thee / my ˊbabie / thy ˊsire was / a knight.



I, saw thee weep—the big bright tear came o'er that eye of blue. (Byron) 这行诗主要以抑扬格为主。在第六,第七音节发生变格,为扬扬格。

⒎抑抑格(pyrrhic ):由两个非重读音节构成。这种类型较为罕见。

ˊOne for the/ ˊmaster, and/ˊone for the/ˊdame.


The Span of Life

The old dog barks backward without getting up

I can remember when he was a pup.





者读起来势必会感到很困难,因为口型在发出下一个音节时必须改变。其结果是这行诗不得不十分缓慢地前进,甚至于丢失了节奏,很不上口。真的,这行凋敝的诗正如那条老狗,它在欢迎主人时只空吠了两声,连头也不转回,躺着不动。但我们在读第二行时,却感到惊人的对比。其格律是正规的抑抑扬格。这里包含的辅音都很光华而柔和,其节奏很轻快、正规,每个音节都落在元音或辅音中的流音上。这样,这两行诗的进程都与字句所含的视觉意象相一致。还有一点,诗人在第一行诗里用back 的首韵来加强前面的象声词bark,这声音突出了听觉形象,就象回声一样。如果说这一首两个诗行的诗具有强大的表现力,其主要原因就是声与意的美妙结合。


英语诗歌的押韵可以根据单词的内音素重复的部位不同而分成不同种类,最常见的有头韵(Alliteration) 、谐元韵(Assonance) 、腹韵(Consonance)、尾韵( End Rhyme)。

⒈头韵(alliteration) 是英语语音修辞中很重要的一部分,也是英诗中常见的以音表意的手法之一,是指词首或重音节的第一个辅音字母相同。作为一种语音修辞格,头韵不仅能增强语言的节奏性、生动性,体现一种韵律美和音乐美,还能起到渲染气氛,烘托感情,加强语言表现力等效果。

⑴. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,

Among my skimming swallows;

I make the netted sunbeam dance

Against my sandy shallows. (Alfred Tennyson)

这是英国诗人丁尼生的诗《小溪》(The Brook)中的一节,这首诗仅第一行就用了两对头韵“slip, slide”和“gloom, glance”来描写小溪(诗中的“我”)的一连串动作:“我滑动,我流淌,我暗淡,我闪光,”该诗还大量地运用鼻辅音(如/m/、/n/和/ /共出现13次)送气音(如/s/和/z/共出现11次)



⑵. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,

The furrow followed free;

We were the first that ever burst

Into that silent sea. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

这是英国诗人柯尔律治的名诗《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)中的一节,/f/、/b/与/s/头韵生动地写出了船在海上轻快航行的景象。诗人把音韵和意境巧妙地结合起来的高超技艺精妙绝伦,令人在阅读时产生无限的联想。使读者似乎感到清风拂面,看到渔船破浪前进,听到紧随船尾的波浪的声音。在上面前三行诗中,押头韵的/f/重复了7次,/f/这个摩擦送气的清辅音,模仿柔风轻涛的声响,创造了一种宁静的意境;最后两个/s/音,宛如和风吹过沉寂海面发出的咝咝声。另外blew 和flew, first 和burst,free 和sea 等分别押尾韵,


⒉谐元韵(Assonance)指两个或两个以上词的重读元音音素相同,而末尾的辅音音素则不同。如Make ready, make ready, my merry men

our gucle ship sails the morn'-

Now ever dark, my master dear

I fear a deadly storm' (Sir Walter Scott)


⒊辅韵(Consonance)是指辅音重复(尤指位于词尾的),但前面无相同或相似的元音。同头韵一样,辅韵亦是英文诗歌中常用的一种文学手法(literary technique),试看下面的一段,体会辅韵在诗歌中的运用:

And the afternoon, the evenings, sleeps so peacefully!

Smoothed by long fingers,

Asleep…tired…or it malingers,

Stretched on the floor, here you and me.

(T.S Eliot: The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrok)


⒋英语诗歌的行与行之间的押韵格式称韵法( Rhyming Scheme ) 。常见的有两行转韵(AABB) 、隔行交互押韵(ABAB)、隔行押韵(ABCB) 、交错押韵(ABBA)和同韵(AAAA)。

尾韵(End Rhyme)是最重要的,也称韵脚,指的是词尾音素重复。在诗行的末尾押韵。尾韵又有不同的表现形式。


I shot an arrow into the air,

It fell to earth,I knew not where;

For,so swiftly it flew,the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.

(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:The Arrow and the Song)

型。: ABAB交叉韵⑵

Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,

When I put out to sea,( Alfred Tennyson:Crossing the Bar)

⑶隔行压韵: ABCB型。这种形式在英语歌谣(Ballad)中经常见到。

O, my luve's like a red, red rose.

That's newly sprung in June;

O, my luve's like a melodie

That's sweetly played in tune. (Robert Burns: A Red, Red Rose)


Eternal Spirit of the chainless Mind!

Brightest in dungeons, Liberty! thou art:

For there thy habitation is the heart-

The heart which love of thee alone can bind; ( G.G.Byron: Sonnet on Chillon) ⑸同韵:有的诗押韵,一韵到底,大多是在同一节诗中共用一个韵脚。如下例就共用/i:p/为韵脚。

The woods are lovely,dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

,And miles to go before I sleep

And miles to go before I sleep. (Robert Frost:Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)



1.英雄双韵体(Heroic Couplet)

英国诗歌之父乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)在其著作《坎特伯雷故事集》( The Canterbury Tales)中采取的诗体形式。诗行以五步抑扬格为基本节奏,每两行压韵,铿锵有力,被称为“英雄双韵体”。从乔叟后,它取代了古英语中的头韵,为后来的诗人所沿用。

2. 十四行诗(Sonnet)


/cdecde。前八行提问,后六行回答。后来,怀亚特(Thomas Wyatt,1503-1542)将十四行诗引人英国,五音步抑扬格,全诗三个四行一个二行,前三节提问,后二句结论。斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552-1599)用韵脚abab,bcbc,cdcd,ee.莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)用韵脚abab,cdcd,dfdf,gg,称英国式或莎士比亚式。

3. 打油诗(Limericks)


4. 无韵体(Blank Verse):五音步抑扬格,不押韵诗体。

)Free Verse自由诗(5.

现代诗中常见的体式,长短不同的诗行存在于同一首诗中,不讲究押韵与格律,只注重诗歌所表达的意象和传递的情感。美国诗人Walt Whitman的Leaves of Grass中,就采用此格式。6.八行体(octave)


……拜伦的另一胜利,在于他为他那夹叙夹议的风格,找到了合适的诗体,即意大利八行体(ottava rima)。



1. Nothing gold can stay by Robert Frost Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, So Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down to day, Nothing gold can stay. 参照: 简简吟白居易 苏家小女名简简,芙蓉花腮柳叶眼。十一把镜学点妆,十二抽针能绣裳。十三行坐事调品,不肯迷头白地藏。玲珑云髻生花样,飘飖风袖蔷薇香。殊姿异态不可状,忽忽转动如有光。二月繁霜杀桃李,明年欲嫁今年死。丈人阿母勿悲啼,此女不是凡夫妻。恐是天仙谪人世,只合人间十三岁。大都好物不坚牢,彩云易散琉璃脆。 2. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 3. The farthest distance in the world By Tagore [t?'g?:] The farthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you The farthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you yet you can't see my love but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both yet cannot be together The farthest distance in the world is not being apart while being in love but when plainly can not resist the yearning yet pretending you have never been in my heart


How do I love thee? 我是怎样地爱你 – Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? 我是怎样地爱你? Let me count the ways. 让我逐一细述。 I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 我爱你之深邃,之宽广,之高远 My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight 尽我的灵魂所能及之处—犹如探求 For the ends of being and ideal grace. 玄冥中神的存在和美好之极。 I love thee to the level of every day’s 我爱你如每日之必需, Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. 阳光下和烛焰前都少不了。 I love thee freely, as men strive for right. 我自由地爱着你,像人们争取他们的权利; I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. 我纯洁地爱着你,如人们在赞美前会垂首。 I love thee with the passion put to use 我爱你,带着我昔日悲伤时的 In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. 那种激情,童年时的那种诚意; I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

我爱你,抵得上往日对圣者怀有的 With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, 如今似已消逝的那种爱-我用呼吸, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, 用微笑,用眼泪,用我整个生命来爱你! Sonnets from the Portuguese_ No. X 不过只要是爱,是爱,可就是美, Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed 就值得你接受。你知道,爱就是火, And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright, 火总是光明的,不问着火的是庙堂 Let temple burn, or flax. And equal light 或者柴堆--那栋梁还是荆榛在烧, Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed. 火焰里总跳得出同样的光辉。当我 And love is fire. And when I say at need 不由得倾吐出:“我爱你!”在你的眼里, _I love thee ... mark! ... _I love thee_ -- in thy sight 那荣耀的瞬息,我忽然成了一尊金身, I stand transfigured, glorified aright, 感觉到有一道新吐的皓光从我天庭 With conscience of the new rays that proceed 投向你脸上。是爱,就无所谓卑下, Out of my face toward thine. There's nothing low 即使是最微贱的在爱:那微贱的生命 In love, when love the lowest: meanest creatures


一、THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURE Robert H. Schuller Failure doesn t mean you are a failure, It does mean you haven t succeeded yet. Failure doesn t mean you have accomplished nothing, It does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn t mean you have been a fool, It does mean you had a lot of faith. Failure doesn t mean you ve been disgraced, It does mean you were willing to try. Failure doesn t mean you don t have it, It does mean you have to do something in a different way. Failure doesn t mean you are inferior, It does mean you are not perfect. Failure doesn t mean you ve wasted your life, It does mean you have a reason to start afresh. Failure doesn t mean you should give up, It does mean you must try harder. Failure doesn t mean you ll never make it, It does mean it will take a little longer. Failure doesn t mean God has abandoned you, It does mean God has a better idea. 失败的意义 罗伯特·H·舒勒陈采霞译 失败并不代表你是个失败者, 它只表明你尚未成功。 失败并不代表你一无所获, 它只表明你吸取了一次教训。 失败并不代表你很愚蠢, 它只表明你信心百倍。 失败并不代表你无脸见人, 它只表明你百折不回。 失败并不代表你工夫白费, 它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。 失败并不代表你低人一等。 它只表明你并非完人。 失败并不代表你浪费生命, 它只表明你有理由重新开始。 失败并不代表你应该放弃, 它只表明你要加倍努力。 失败并不代表成功永不属于你, 它只表明你要付出更多的时间。


The Basic Elements of Appreciating English Poetry 1.What is poetry? ?Poetry is the expression of Impassioned feeling in language. ?“Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” ?“Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be the expression of the imagination.” ?Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty. ?Poetry is the image of man and nature. ?“诗言志,歌咏言。” ---《虞书》 ?“诗言志之所以也。在心为志,发言为诗。情动于中而行于言,言之不足,则嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足,故咏歌之;咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也。情发于声;声成文,谓之音。” ---《诗·大序》 ?“诗是由诗人对外界所引起的感觉,注入了思想与情感,而凝结了形象,终于被表现出来的一种‘完成’的艺术。” ---艾青:《诗论》 2.The Sound System of English Poetry a. The prosodic features ?Prosody (韵律)---the study of the rhythm, pause, tempo, stress and pitch features of a language. ?Chinese poetry is syllable-timed, English poetry is stress-timed. ?Stress: The prosody of English poetry is realized by stress. One stressed syllable always comes together with one or more unstressed syllables. eg. Tiger, /tiger, /burning /bright In the /forest /of the/ night, What im/mortal /hand or /eye Could frame thy/ fearful /symme/try? ---W. Blake Length: it can produce some rhetorical and artistic effect. eg. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea, The Ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. ---Thomas Gray Long vowels and diphthongs make the poem slow, emotional and solemn; short vowels quick, passionate, tense and exciting. Pause: it serves for the rhythm and musicality of poetry. b. Meter or measure (格律) poem---stanza/strophe---line/verse---foot---arsis + thesis; Meter or measure refers to the formation way of stressed and


英文诗歌赏析方法 英诗的欣赏:诗的格律、诗的押韵、诗的体式、诗的评判。 诗以高度凝结的语言表达着人们的喜怒哀乐,用其特有的节奏与方式影响着人们的精神世界。诗讲究联想,运用象征、比喻、拟人等各种修辞手法,形成了独特的语言艺术。 一、诗的格律 “格律是指可以用脚打拍子的节奏”,是每个音步轻重音节排列的格式,也是朗读时轻重音的依据。而音步是由重读音节和非重读音节构成的诗的分析单位。重读音节为扬(重),在音节上用“-”或“?”标示,非重读音节为抑(轻),在音节上用“?”标示,音步之间可用“/”隔开。以下是五种常见格式: 1. 抑扬格(轻重格)Iambus:是最常见的一种格式,每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。 As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass, So deep / in luve / am I : And I / will luve / thee still,/ my dear,Till a` / the seas / gang dry: Robert Burns(1759-1796):My Luve Is like a Red,Red Rose 注;art=are luve=love bonnie=beautiful a`=all gang=go 上例中为四音步与三音步交叉,可标示为:?-/?-/?-/(?-) 2.扬抑格(重轻格)Trochee:每个音步由一个重读音节加一个非重读音节构成。 下例中为四音步扬抑格(少一个轻音节),可标示为:-?/-?/-?/- Tyger!/ Tyger!/ burning / bright In the / forests / of the / night William Blake:The Tyger 3. 抑抑扬格(轻轻重格)Anapaestic foot:每个音步由两个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。如:三音步抑抑扬格??-/??-/??- Like a child / from the womb, Like a ghost / from the tomb, I arise / and unbuild / it again. 4. 扬抑抑格(重轻轻格)Dactylic foot:每个音步由一个重读音节加两个非重读音节构成。如:两音步扬抑抑格-??/-?? ?Touch her not / ?scornfully, ?Think of her / ?mournfully. - Thomas Hood 5. 抑扬抑格(轻重轻格)Amphibrach:每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节再加一个非重读音节构成。如:三音步抑扬抑格?-?/?-?/?-?下例中最后一个音步为抑扬格。 O ?hush thee / my ?babie / thy ?sire was / a knight. 在同一首诗中常会出现不同的格律,格律解析对朗读诗歌有一定参考价值。现代诗中常不遵守规范的格律。 二、诗的押韵


非常美好的英文诗歌欣赏 非常美好的英文诗歌篇二MY BOOK我的书I will not spoil this little book,我决不损坏这本小书,Nor drop it on the floor.也不会让它落到地上。 I will not turn its corners down,我决不会把书角折皱,To spoil more and more.把它弄得来不成模样。 My book's a little friend to me,我的书是我的小朋友,And so a friend to it I'll be,我也要做它的好朋友。 非常美好的英文诗歌篇三I TRY努力I try to do my best each day,不论做功课还是做游戏,In my work and in my play;每天我都尽到最大努力;And if I always do my best,如果我一贯努力,I need not care about the test.就不必为考试忧虑。 非常美好的英文诗歌篇四PUSSY-CAT小猫咪Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat,小猫咪,猫咪乖,Can you catch me that big rat?去把那只大老鼠逮。 It is sitting by the ham,它就藏在果酱后,Just behind the apple一jam.靠近那块火腿肉。 Pussy一Cat, Pussy一Cat,小猫咪,猫咪乖,That fat rat is very bad.那只肥老鼠顶顶坏。 If you catch it, I'll be glad,逮住他,我喜欢,I'll give you some milk for that.我拿牛奶给你舔。 非常美好的英文诗歌篇五LITTLE GREY MOUSE小灰鼠GIRL .Little

英诗赏析(appreciation of englsih poems)

英诗赏析 诗歌是一种精美的艺术,趣味高一点的人一般都喜欢诗歌。受过良好教育的中国人都会背诵若干首古诗。现在人们很重视学习英文,学习英文,视野也应宽阔一些,也应当对英文诗歌多少有些领略才好。中国文学中诗歌成就极大,英语文学中,诗歌也极其丰富多彩。语言艺术的最高表现形式在诗歌。如果只是知道实用性的英文,只学习商业英文、法律英文等英文,对英语文学毫无修养,对英文诗歌一无所知,那将是一个不小的遗憾,将会影响到审美能力的发展和提高, 学英文而不懂英文诗歌,不仅从审美角度看是一个遗憾,而且从英语学习这一角度看,不学一些英文诗歌,其英语水平也达不到很高的层次。诗歌语言最精炼,语汇最丰富,表达形式最精美,语言的色调最细腻。如果对诗歌有一定修养,其语言表达能力会大大提高。试想一个学汉语的人,如果对唐诗宋词一无所知,其汉语水平不会很高。学英语者也是如此。如果他对莎士比亚、弥尔顿、华兹华斯、拜伦、雪莱、济慈等人的著名诗篇一窍不通,其英文水平也不会很高。 总之,有一定英语基础的人不能不更上一层楼,读一点英文诗。这不仅有助于提高我们的文学素养,丰富我们的审美能力,也有助于提高我们的英语水平。 英诗基础知识 读英文诗歌相当不容易。其中的主要原因是诗歌有其独特的语言特点和表达方式,与散文有明显区别。为更好地欣赏英文诗歌,很有必要了解一些相关的基本知识。这方面的知识极其细致,以下只介绍一些最基本的。 一节奏 诗歌是具有音乐性的语言。音乐作品的最大特点之一是音符的流动是有节奏的。所谓节奏就是强拍和弱拍按一定的形式配合起来,有规律地反复出现。懂点音乐的人都知道,音乐中基本的节奏有两种,即强——弱(2/4拍)和强——弱——弱(3/4拍)。举两个简单的例子:《东方红》的节奏就是强——弱: 5 56│2 —│1 16│2 —│5 5│6i 65│1 16│2 —│ 《新年好》(HAPPY NEW YEAR)这首儿歌的节奏是强——弱——弱: 11 1 5 │33 3 1│13 5 5 │43 2 —│23 4 4 │32 3 1│13 2 5│72 1 —│ 中国古诗有节奏。其节奏主要是通过汉字特有的声调表现出来的。传统汉语中的声调有四:平、上、去、入。平声称“平声”,上、去、入三声统称仄声。平声与仄声结合起来反复出现,就是中国诗歌的节奏。如一首五言绝句,其最常见的节奏是: 仄仄平平仄,平平仄仄平。 平平平仄仄,仄仄仄平平。 王之涣《等鹳雀楼》:白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。此诗即是这样的节奏。其中“欲”字是仄声,与格式不合。但根据格律要求,诗行中的第一字可平可仄。 英文诗歌也有节奏。英文没有平声、仄声之分,但有重读轻读音节之分,其节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来,


经典英文诗歌赏析(全) 一 nothing gold can stay 1简介:《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》罗伯特弗罗斯特 的代表作之一。此诗于1923年写就,即于当年十月在《耶鲁杂志(The Yale Review)》上刊印出版,随后就被收录到弗罗斯特的一本名为 《新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)》的诗集中。 2诗歌翻译: Nothing gold can stay 岁月留金 Nature's first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金, Her hardest hue to hold. 也是她最无力保留的颜色.。 Her early leaf's a flower; 她初发的叶子如同一朵花,; But only so an hour. 不过只能持续若此一刹那。 Then leaf subsides leaf, 随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。 So Eden sank to grief. 由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切, So down gose down to day, 破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。 Nothing gold can stay. 宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。 3诗歌赏析:这首诗揭示了一切真切而美好的事物最终定会逐渐消失的哲理。它同时也使用了独特的技巧来表现了季节的变化。想到了 小时了了,大未必佳。一切都是转瞬即逝的,浮世有的仅仅转丸般的 繁华。 二 the road not taken 1诗歌简介:这首名诗《The Road NotTaken》形式是传统的抑扬 格四音步,但音步可变(含有很多抑抑扬的成分);每节的韵式为abaab 。


适合朗诵的英文诗歌欣赏 【篇一】适合朗诵的英文诗歌欣赏 The Passionate Shepherd To His Love by Christopher Marlowe 牧羊恋歌克里斯托夫·马洛 Come live with me and be my love, 来与我同住吧,做我的爱人, And we will all the pleasures prove, 我们将共享一切欢乐; That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields, 来自河谷、树丛、山岳、田野, Woods, or steepy mountain yields. 来自森林或陡峭的峻岭。 And we will sit upon the Rocks, 我们将坐在岩石上, Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks, 看牧人们放羊。 By shallow Rivers to whose falls 浅浅的小河流向瀑布, Melodious birds sing Madrigals. 小鸟唱着甜美的情歌。

And I will make thee beds of Roses 我将为你用玫瑰作床, And a thousand fragrant posies, 还有上千支花束, A cap of flowers, and a kirtle 一顶鲜花编的花冠,一条长裙Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle;绣满桃金娘的绿叶。 A gown made of the finest wool 用最细的羊毛织一条长袍, Which from our pretty Lambs we pull;羊毛剪自我们最可爱的羊羔, Fair lined slippers for the cold, 一双漂亮的衬绒软鞋为你御寒, With buckles of the purest gold; 上面有纯金的带扣。 A belt of straw and Ivy buds, 麦草和长春藤花蕾编的腰带, With Coral clasps and Amber studs: 珊瑚作钩,琥珀作扣, And if these pleasures may thee move,


中英文诗歌鉴赏考试题目与答案 1.In regard to what Poetry is, one of the traditional definitions in China is “poetry is to sing what is in the heart”; (原文为:诗者,吟咏情性也。) thousands of years later, the great poet in Britain Wordsworth interprets poetry as “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” (可译为:诗是强烈情感的自然流露), please make a comment on the two definitions of poetry above. You may answer in either English or Chinese. 答:中国诗歌重在言志抒情。由于人们的社会地位不同,所以反映的志愿也不一样,如李贺的《南园十三首》之五:“男儿何不带吴钩,收取关山五十州。请君暂上凌烟阁,若个书生万户侯?”表达了诗人的不得志。杜甫的“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山。”表达了诗人忧国忧民的情怀。而西方诗歌重在对感情的自然流露。 2.Auditory effect is of great value in reading a poem. What are the elements contributing to the auditory effect in Chinese poems and English poems? Please answer the question above with some examples. You may answer in either English or Chinese. 答:CP: 1. Effects achieved by monosyllabic nature of the characters. 2.Effects achieved by possession of fixed tones of the characters. 3.Effects achieved by other devices (rime,alliteration,riming compounds, reduplication,onomatopoeia ) rime: 静女其姝,俟我於城隅。 爱而不见,搔首踟蹰。 静女其娈,贻我彤管。 彤管有炜,说怿女美。 自牧归荑,洵美且异。 匪女以为美,美人之贻。 Analysis:The poem is mainly in four- syllabic line, with an occasional extra syllable (in stanza I, line2, and stanza III, line3) the rime scheme is :AAOA,BBCC,DDCD


2017-2018校本课程《英语诗歌鉴赏》总结 本学年开设的《英语诗歌鉴赏》是英语选修课程,旨在培养学生的对英语诗歌的理解和鉴赏能力,并以此为基础,提高学生的文学和人文素养,提高英语阅读和鉴赏水平,并且了解每个不同时期的代表诗人及其经典诗歌作品。本课程内容涵盖英语诗歌的基本知识教授和训练,英语诗歌格律、分类、风格、诗人诗作等的介绍和阅读鉴赏,诗歌诵读和翻译,培养学生的文学品鉴能力培养等内容。本课程可适应不同层次的高中学生对于英语文学,尤其是诗歌这一重要的文学门类的学习和研究的需求。 当今时代。世界各国课程改革有一个共同的趋势,就是回归生活即追求科学世界与生活世界的统一.科学精神与人文精神的整合。使受教育者去感受并建构生活世界中那种生动的充满“人格主义”态度的交往。著名语言教育家王蔷教授也提出:“教育本身就是一种社会实践活动.它涉及学生的互动和交流.学生是有情感、动机和价值观的人,他们不是被动的知识接受者.因此教育必须从人文的角度出发.关注人的发展和人的需要。”可见实施人文素质教育具有紧迫性和重大意义。 人文是一种精神文化.具有一种力量。可以激发人的动机、热情、创造性和调动人的内在潜能。人文素质是指由知识、能力、观念、情感、意志等多种因素综合而成的一个人的内在品质,表现为一个人的人格、气质、修养等。人文素质教育就是将人类优秀的文化成果.通过多种形式传授受教育者.并配合环境熏陶,使其通过自身的内化和发展,逐步形成一种稳定的内在品质和价值取向的教育。它强调的是一种基础。一种素养.一种做人和做学问成功的功底。人文素质教育的目的在于引导学生的理性、情感、意志等方面的素养得以提高。 用诗歌教学。陶冶审美情操。诗歌是语言的极致.英语诗中有朗朗上口的韵律。有跳跃的词汇,诵读时。抑扬顿挫,似在音韵中舞蹈,妙趣横生。教师可以引导学生由浅入深、循序渐进地背诵一些原版的英语诗,并注意督促检查。这不仅可以增加英语语感。而且可以进一步感受语言的美感。 通过一学年课程的学习,学习者基本了解各个时期的英语国家的重要的代表性诗人和诗歌作品、能够联系各个时代批评性地认识和分析诗歌作品,形成独立理解和鉴赏英语诗歌的能力、可以自如地翻译和仿写一些风格的英语诗歌、养成阅读英文原文文学作品的意识、提高用英语进行思维的能力、基本掌握一些比较文学的知识,并且能够将所学的知识和意识应用于实践,


【篇一】经典英文诗歌欣赏集锦 A Red, Red Rose Robert Burns(1759–1796) O my luve is like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June; O my luve is like the melodie That's sweetly played in tune. As fair thou art, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi' the sun; And I will luve thee still , my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare thee weel, my only luve, And fare thee weel a while; And I will come again, my luve, Tho'it wre ten thousand mile! 【篇二】经典英文诗歌欣赏集锦 Poem William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)

As the cat climbed over the top of the jamcloset first the right forefoot carefully then the hind stepped down into the pit of the empty flowerpot 【篇三】经典英文诗歌欣赏集锦Cut Grass Philip Larkin (1922-1985) Cut grass lies frail: Brief is the breath Mown stalks exhale. Long, long the death It dies in the white hours Of young-leafed June With chestnut flowers,


《英语诗歌欣赏》课程教学诗选 Types of Poetry Unit one Nature The Pasture Robert Frost (1874–1963) I’M going out to clean the pasture spring; I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away (And wait to watch the water clear, I may): I shan’t be gone long.—You come too. I’m going out to fetch the little calf That’s standing by the mother. It’s so young, It totters when she licks it with her tongue. I shan’t be gone long.—You come too. 牧场 罗伯特·弗罗斯特 (1874–1963) 我去清一清牧场的泉水, 我只停下来把落叶全耙去 (还瞧着泉水变得明净—也许); 我不会去得太久。—你也来吧。 我去把那幼小的牛犊抱来, 它站在母牛身边,小得可怜,一摇一晃,当母牛给她舔舔;我不会去得太久。—你也来吧。 (方平译) Daffodils William Wordsworth (1770-1850) I wondered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils;


关于自然的英文诗歌欣赏 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《关于自然的英文诗歌欣赏》的内容,具体内容:自然界有很多现象使人莫名其妙。自然界有很多奇怪的现象有待我们探索。我精心收集了关于自然的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!关于自然的英文诗歌篇1Mother Nature... 自然界有很多现象使人莫名其妙。自然界有很多奇怪的现象有待我们探索。我精心收集了关于自然的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 关于自然的英文诗歌篇1 Mother Nature (自然之母) Nature, the gentlest mother, 自然,最温和的母亲, Impatient of no child, 没有孩子似的急躁, The feeblest or the waywardest, -- 即使对最微弱的和最任性的, Her admonition mild 她的训诫也是温和的。 In forest and the hill 在森林里,在小山中, By traveler is heard, 旅行者都可以听到, Restraining rampant squirrel 在遏制猖獗的松鼠, Or too impetuous bird. 或太鲁莽的鸟的时候, How fair her conversation, 她的言语是多么公正, A summer afternoon, -- 一个夏天午后,---- Her household, her assembly; 在她的家庭中, 在她的聚会上;

And when the sun goes down 当太阳下山的时候, Her voice among the aisles 过道中她的声音, Incites the timid prayer 激励了最微小的蟋蟀、 Of the minutest cricket, 最微不足道的花的, The most unworthy flower. 羞怯的祈祷。 When all the children sleep 当所有的孩子睡觉的时候, She turns as long away 她只要转身离开, As will suffice to light her lamps; 就会点亮足够的灯; Then, bending from the sky 然后从空中弯下身子, With infinite affection 满含着无限的爱, And infinite care, 无限的关怀, Her golden finger on her lip, 把金色的手指放在唇上, Wills silence everywhere. 嘱咐各处安静。 关于自然的英文诗歌篇2 The Peace of Wild Things When despair grows in me and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my childrens lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought


Teaching Plan for Poetry Appreciation Class < A Perfect Day > Wuxi NO.3 Senior School Grade Two By Wu Yan

A Perfect Day When you come to the end of a perfect day, And you sit alone with your thought, While the bells ring out with a carol gay, For the joy that the day has brought Do you think what the end of a perfect day Can mean to a tired heart, When the sun goes down with a flaming ray, And the dear friends have to part? Well, this is the end of a perfect day, Near the end a journey too; But it leaves a thought that is big and strong, with a wish that is kind and true. For memory has painted this perfect day, With colors that never fade, And we find at the end of a perfect day, The soul of a friend we’ve made


英语诗歌是高雅的语言艺术之一,大多是对真、善、美的讴歌,对人类精神文明的礼赞,是光华灿烂的明珠、美妙绝伦的乐曲;是形美、声美、意美的和谐统一。下面是由带来的经典英文诗歌欣赏,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】经典英文诗歌欣赏集锦 A Red, Red Rose Robert Burns(1759–1796) O my luve is like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June; O my luve is like the melodie That's sweetly played in tune. As fair thou art, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi' the sun; And I will luve thee still , my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare thee weel, my only luve, And fare thee weel a while; And I will come again, my luve, Tho'it wre ten thousand mile! 【篇二】经典英文诗歌欣赏集锦 Poem William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)


初中英语诗歌_初中经典英语诗歌欣赏 诗歌是语言高度精炼的体现,诗是文学的最高形式之一,因此在日常教学中,每一位教育工作者都喜欢引导学生用本民族语言阅读和欣赏诗歌。小编分享初中经典英语诗歌,希望可以帮助大家! 初中经典英语诗歌:The Naughty Boy There was a naughty boy,有一个顽皮的孩子 And a naughty boy was he,顽皮的孩子就是他 He ran away to Scotland 他离家到苏格兰去 The people for to see--去看那边的人们 Then he found 然后他发现 That the ground 那边的地面 Was as hard,一样的坚硬 That a yard 那边的尺码 Was as long,一样的长 That a song 那里的歌声

Was as merry,一样的美妙 That a cherry 那里的樱桃 Was as red,一样的鲜红 That lead 那里的铅 Was as weighty,一样的沉重 That fourscore 那里的八十 Was as eighty,同样也是八十 That a door 那里的门 Was as wooden As in England--和英格兰一样,也是木制的So he stood in his shoes 因此,他着鞋而立And he wonder'd;大感惊奇 He stood in his shoes 他着鞋而立 And he wonder'd.大感惊奇

初中经典英语诗歌:My Heart Leaps Up My heart leaps up when I behold, 当天边彩虹映入眼帘, A rainbow in the sky: 我心为之雀跃; So was it when my life began; 初生时即如此, So is it now I am a man; 我现在仍不变, So be it when I shall grow old, 将来也会如此, Or let me die! 否则我宁愿死去! The Child is father of the Man; 儿童是成人之父;
