








1. Why is the man late?

A. His car broke down.

B. He got off work late.

C. He missed the bus.

2. What will the woman do?

A. Go to the bookstore.

B. See her doctor.

C. Visit her uncle.

3. What does the man mean?

A. He is just a visitor.

B. He knows Mr. Smith well.

C. He will help the woman.

4. What is the man doing now?

A. Washing clothes.

B. Playing football.

C. Watching TV.

5. When is the woman probably going to decorate her room?

A. On Tuesday.

B. On Wednesday.

C. On Saturday.





6. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a park.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In an office.

7. What does the woman do?

A. An office worker.

B. A doctor.

C. A student.


8. What’s the woman doing in the beginning?

A. Reading a book.

B. Writing a novel.

C. Watching TV.

9. Why wo n’t the woman go to the beach?

A. She has to work overtime.

B. Her husband will be busy.

C. Her classmates will visit her.

10. What does the woman decide to do at last?

A. Go mountain climbing.

B. Go to her college with Paul.

C. Go shopping with her classmates.


11. How long will it take the speakers to go to the club by car?

A. About half an hour.

B. About 15 minutes.

C. About 10 minutes.

12. What is the woman going to do in the Students’ Club?

A. Have a swim.

B. Play basketball.

C. Do some running.

13. How are the speakers going to the club?

A. By car.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.


14. Where was the man last night?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a cinema.

C. At a friend’s home.

15. What did Alice do last night?

A. She had a drink with the man.

B. She saw a film with the woman.

C. She left her cellphone at home.

16. What does the woman think of the film?

A. Terrifying.

B. Boring.

C. Touching.


17. What is the number for flight information?

A. 0800-0000-123.

B. 0870-0000-123.

C. 0870-0000-132.

18. What information can be got by ringing 0845-7484-950?

A. Train times.

B. Ship times.

C. Coach times.

19. For what problems can people dial 0800-8877-66?

A. Problems in the forest.

B. Problems on the road.

C. Problems at home.

20. What can the Tourist Authority help the tourists find?

A. Where to travel.

B. Useful numbers.

C. Accommodation.





King’s College Summer School is a training program every year for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King’s College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year’s summer school will be f rom July 25 to August 15.

More information is as follows:

21.You can most probably read the text in ________.

A. a newspaper

B. a travel guide

C. a textbook

D. a telephone book

22.Which of the following is true about King’s College Summer School?

A. Only top students can take part in the program.

B. Only the teachers of King’s College give courses.

C. King’ s College Summer School is run every other year.

D. Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.

23.If you are to live with your relatives in New York, you will have to pay the school ______.

A. $200

B. $400

C. $500

D. $900


My challenge for you is this: to read a book for 15 minutes every single day for a month.

Let me explain a bit, by telling you where the challenge came from. I have many things in common with my dad, like music taste and sense of humor, but sadly reading isn’t one of them. I can happily spend a whole day with a book, but my dad can’t read a book for longer than about 5 minutes. He reads emails, websites and papers for work, but not books. He’s busy, so I think sitting down to read for just 15 minutes a day is a good way to relax and to introduce him to reading.

My dad is not the only person who avoids books. I know lots of people would rather relax on their computers or in front of the TV. Everyone is different and has their own interests, but I think there are lots of benefits to reading, which screen-based activities don’t have.

Firstly, it’s better for your eyes. Looking at screens can be very stressful for your eye muscles, and clearly you should avoid looking at screens for an hour before bed, to get a good night’s sleep.

One thing I personally love reading, is being transported to another world—I often forget the time or things around me! Reading is a great way to switch off before you go to bed, because you think more about the world of the book, rather than the real world, so you can truly relax. I know you can be transported to a different world in a film or a TV show, but I think books do it better.

I also enjoy hearing what people are doing and finding out what they think. Reading gives me the chance to get to know hundreds of new people! It also teaches you to see things from other people’s point of view, and understand other people’s decisions or opinions. With a book, you can hear everything a character is thinking or feeling—you really can be inside someone else’s head!

So give it a go! Take 15 minutes when you are waking up, going to bed, eating lunch, or having a coffee. If you read a lot, why not try 15 minutes of an English book, or pass the challenge on to someone else? Good luck, and happy reading!

24.The author mentions his father in the text to show.

A. his father is busy

B. reading is important

C. his father likes reading

D. many people have no habit of reading

25.The author writes the text mainly basing on.

A. his personal experience

B. some scientific experiments

C. his father’s personal advice

D. knowledge from books

26.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refers to.

A. helping readers sleep well

B. making readers feel relaxed

C. transporting readers to a different world

D. reminding readers of the real world

27.What is the author’s attitud e to reading?

A. Negative.

B. Uncertain.

C. Supportive.

D. Doubtful.


How Much Can We Afford to Forget?

In 2018, Science magazine asked some young scientists what schools should teach students. Most said students should spend less time memorizing facts and have more space for creative activities. As the Internet grows more powerful, students can access(获得)knowledge easily. Why should they be required to carry so much of it around in their heads?

Civilizations(文明)develop through forgetting life skills that were once necessary. In the Agricultural(农业的)Age, a farmer could afford to forget hunting skills. When societies industrialized, the knowledge of farming could be safe to forget. Nowadays, smart machines give us access to most human knowledge. It seems that we no longer need to remember most things. Does it matter?

Researchers have recognized several problems that may happen. For one, human beings have biases (偏见), and smart machines are likely to increase our biases. Many people believe smart machines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing

and scoring process. In the process, human beings still decide on the correct answers.

Another problem relates to the case of accessing information. When there were no computers, efforts were required to get knowledge from other people, or go to the library. We know what knowledge lies in other brains or books, and what lies in our heads. But today, the Internet gives us the information we need quickly. This can lead to the mistaken belief —the knowledge we found was part of what we knew all along.

In a new civilization rich in machine intelligence, we have easy access to smart memory networks where information is stored. But dependency on a network suggests possibilities of being harmed easily. The collapse of any of the networks of relations our well-being(健康)depends upon, such as food and energy, would produce terrible results. Without food we get hungry; without energy we feel cold. And it is through widespread loss of memory that civilizations are at risk of falling into a dark age.

We forget old ways to free up time and space for new skills. As long as the older forms of knowledge are stored somewhere in our networks, and can be found when we need them, perhaps they’re not really forgotten. Still, as time goes on, we gradually but unquestionably become strangers to future people.

28.Why are smart machines likely to increase our biases?

A.Because they go off course in testing and scoring.

B.Because we control the training process on them.

C.Because we offer them too much information.

D.Because they overuse the provided answers.

29.The case of accessing information from the Internet .

A.frees us from making efforts to learn new skills

B.prevents civilizations from being lost at a high speed

C.misleads us into thinking we already knew the knowledge

D.separates the facts we have from those in the smart machines

30.The word “collapse” in Paragraph 5 probably means “”.

A. a sudden failure

B. the basic rule

C. a disappointing start

D. the gradual development

31.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To question about the standards of information storage.

B.To discuss our problems of communication with machines.

C.To stress the importance of improving our memorizing ability.

D.To remind us of the risk of depending on machines to remember.


Located at Europe’s biggest water park, the Galaxy Erding in South Germany, the world’s first VR water slide takes the exciting experience to a whole new level by offering thrill-seekers the choice of three attractive worlds — Space, Sky, or Snow. By simply wearing a headset, riders can slide through a magical alien world, follow beautiful butterflies around floating islands or put themselves in a white winter wonderland. To make the experience even more heart-stopping, the 160-meter-long ride that lasts about 35 seconds has two uphill tracks that provide a roller-coaster-like experience.

While the tire slide, which has been successfully tested by almost 10,000 park goers since it opened in February 2018, is impressive, the technology behind it, developed by California start-up Ballast is even more so. The specially-created waterproof headsets can be worn in water up to a few meters deep, without harming the delicate Samsung Galaxy S8 mobile devices that run the custom software for the VR experiences. The headsets also charge wirelessly (无线地), allowing park operators to swap out sets throughout the day.

The biggest challenge the company faced, however, was providing a suitable VR experience for everyone. That’s because unlike roller coasters, where the speed is fixed for all riders, water slide speeds vary depending on the weight of the person. To overcome the issue, Ballast fixed smart sensors (传感器) in i mportant areas along the slide to keep track of the rider’s progress at all times. The information, conveyed through the headset, allows the custom software to adjust his or her location within the virtual world accordingly, making for a smooth, seasickness free ride for all.

Though Ballast is thrilled at Space Glider’s success, the company has bigger ambitions. They want to create an experience where guests will be able to swim underwater surrounded by virtual dolphins, whales, and even sharks, without wearing the heavy headsets!

32.What can people do if they go to the Galaxy Erding?

A. They can swim with dolphins.

B. They can explore the outer space.

C. They can experience VR water slide.

D. They can swap out sets all day long.

33.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The tire slide has been successfully tested so far.

B. Water slide speed vary depending on the age of the person.

C. Thrill-seekers take the exciting experience by wearing a headset.

D. The specially-created waterproof headsets can be applied in water.

34.What can help park goers experience a smooth, seasickness free ride?

A. The painkillers.

B. The fixed speed.

C. A sensor fixed in important areas.

D. Virtual dolphins, whales and sharks.

35.What is the author’s attitude t owards the VR water slide?

A. objective

B. subjective

C. opposed

D. indifferent



Enjoyable Family Picnics

Going for a picnic is great at any age. It can either be a simple lunch in the park or a family barbecue at the beach. Whether with little kids or just as a romantic afternoon date, picnics can be fun and relaxing. Just remember to prepare.

Check the weather forecast. 36 Picnics are never much fun when it gets too hot or starts to rain. If it is likely to rain, but you still make up your mind to go, think about bringing umbrellas.

Pick a location suitable for your family’s needs. Different locations are for different types of picnics. 37 Choose one with a playground for them, and perhaps some bathrooms nearby. Do you want a quiet afternoon to read, or a park with a big field to play soccer on?

38 Food is the most important part of a picnic, so don’t forget it! Remember to bring any utensils(器皿)you might need, as well as napkins and a garbage bag to clean up afterwards. Bring some books, balls or anything else that could be fun. Finally, don’t forget your camera.

Other ideas. If it gets hot in the afternoon, why not try a morning picnic to enjoy the songs of birds in the fresh morning air? 39 It can be fun to have a picnic in your backyard. If you’re going on a hike, pack a lunch and turn it into a picnic. But remember to bring extra water!

Remember to prepare, and you’ll soon be enjoying picnics wherever you are. But keep in mind that not everything always go as planned. 40

A. What to bring?

B. Do you have little kids?

C. Just learn to laugh and enjoy it anyway.

D. Another idea is to stay at home.

E. Not everybody likes eating outside.

F. It may seem obvious but it’s often forgotten.

G. Do you need big trees to keep the heat off on a sunny day?




I was a single mother of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always

41 , but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, 42 on our backs. It was Christmas time, we 43 downtown to see the Christmas lights, and enjoyed a special dinner, 44 the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas 45 at the market. They talked and planned for weeks ahead of time, 46 each other what they wanted for Christmas.

The big day arrived and we started out early. I 47 each kid a twenty-dollar bill and asked them to 48 for presents. Then everyone scattered (散开).

Back in the car driving home, everyone was 49 about Christmas, laughing and asking

each other about what they had 50 . I found my younger daughter, Ginger, had only one small and flat bag with her. I could 51 enough through the plastic 52 to tell that she had bought candy bars — fifty-cents candy bars! What did she 53 with that twenty-dollar bill I had given her? I was so 54 . After getting home, I called her into my bedroom and closed the door. This was 55 she told me.

“I was looking around and thinking of what to buy, and I 56 to read the little cards on one of the Salvation Army’s ‘Giving Trees’. One of the cards was 57 a little girl, four years old, and all she 58 for Christmas was a doll with clothes and a hairbrush. So I took the card off the 59 and bought the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have anything.”

My anger 60 and I had never felt so rich as I did that day.

41.A. powerful B. tight C. valuable D. much

42.A. books B. babies C. bags D. clothes

43.A. drove B. ran C. rode D. walked

44.A. if B. and C. but D. when

45.A. working B. shopping C. eating D. travelling

46.A. reading B. studying C. helping D. asking

47.A. gave B. sent C. passed D. dropped

48.A. wait B. beg C. look D. excuse

49.A. curious B. excited C. careful D. nervous

50.A. served B. found C. received D. bought

51.A. see B. take C. get D. hear

52.A. hairbrush B. card C. bag D. bar

53.A. play B. do C. go D. begin

54.A. worried B. embarrassed C. happy D. angry

55.A. what B. how C. why D. where

56.A. forgot B. stopped C. hesitated D. returned

57.A. on B. along C. for D. with

58.A. wanted B. prepared C. sold D. saved

59.A. roof B. window C. tree D. doll

60.A. increased B. continued C. impressed D. disappeared



I am now on my year abroad in Germany as part of my university course. At the 61 (begin) of my time here, I had the chance to meet so many new people and make lots of new friends. It is almost like 62 (start) a new life and can make you feel nervous and lonely at first. But I knew that when I moved to Germany I had to be open and friendly. This is 63 (certain) what I have done since moving here and I have made some great friends along the way.

Next week a friend of 64 (I) is moving to Spain for the next part of her year abroad. She will be living near a beach and have a lot of fun. But I am also 65 (concern) about her as she will have to start a new life in another new country. She said that she 66 (want) to go back in time very much.

In order 67 (say) goodbye to her, a group of friends and I had a surprise party. We made her a scrapbook(剪贴簿)with photos and memories of her time here so 68 she could take it along! We hope that she has 69 wonderful time in Spain and that she will get along well 70 her new classmates and settle into her new home.









It was Grandma’s birthday yesterday. Father, Mother and I go to visit her. She lives with my uncle in the villages not too far away from our house. In the earlier morning, we bought some presents and got here by bus. Grandma and Uncle was very glad to see us. We gave the presents for Grandma and she was very much happy. Then parents helped Uncle prepare lunch. I talked excited with Grandma about my studies and other things. At 4 o’clock in an afternoon, we said goodbye and

went back home.








Dear Editor,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Yong



1~5 BCACC 6~10 ACABA 11~15 CABAB 16~20 CBABC


Text 1

M: I’m terribly sorry I’m late, dear. I had a long meeting at the office.

W: That’s OK. I arrived here only a moment ago because my car broke down and I walked all the way down here.

Text 2

M: How about going to the bookstore after work?

W: Sorry, I have to see my uncle. He is in hospital now.

Text 3

W: Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Mr. Smith? I need to speak to him right now.

M: I’m sorry, but I don’t know who Mr. Smith is. I don’t work here— I just came here to see a friend.

Text 4

W: OK, Nick, it’s your turn to do the washing.

M: I’ll be there. I want to finish watching the football game.

Text 5

M: Are you going to decorate your room on Tuesday or Wednesday?

W: I’m going to do it at the end of the week.

Text 6

W: Oh, it’s a fine day, isn’t it? And the food smells nice. It’s a perfect day for a picnic.

M: Yes, it is. I’m glad it doesn’t rain. My name’s Mike Gates, by the way.

W: Oh, hi! I’m Alice. Nice to meet you.

M: Nice to meet you too. So Alice… what do you do?

W: I’m studying medicine.

M: Really? Where?

W: At Harvard. What about you?

M: I’m working for IBM.

W: Oh, are you? That sounds interesting.

M: Yeah. I like it. Hey, it looks like the food is ready.

Text 7

M: Hello, Betty. What are you doing?

W: I am reading the novel The Red and The Black.

M: Yeah. The national holiday is coming. I want to know what you are going to do.

W: My husband would be working overtime during the holiday, so we gave up the plans of going to the beach.

M: Don’t be sad. Paul called me a few days ago. He invited you and me to climb the mountains with our college classmates. How about you?

W: Great idea! I haven’t seen them since we graduated.

Text 8

M: Are you free this weekend? Go to the Students’ Clu b with me, will you?

W: Hmm, isn’t it far away?

M: Not really. It’s only about half an hour’s walk. If you drive there, it will take you just 10 minutes at most.

W: You often go there at the weekends, don’t you?

M: Yes, four times a month.

W: So how can I enjoy myself there?

M: Well, you can play basketball and volleyball. If you are not interested, you can try some indoor exercises. They have a large indoor swimming pool and an indoor track. It’s a great place to get relaxed.

W: OK. I’ll have a swim the re. How about meeting me at the school gate? Let’s walk there.

M: Sure. See you then.

Text 9

W: What were you doing last night? I couldn’t find you anywhere.

M: Sorry, I was drinking with some of my friends at Sunlight Restaurant and I left my cellphone at home. What was the matter?

W: I had two tickets for the film and I wanted you to see it with me.

M: What a pity! What happened later?

W: I asked Alice to go with me instead.

M: What was on in the cinema?

W: Gone with the Wind.

M: Wow, it is a famous American film. What do you think of it?

W: Really wonderful. The audience were moved even to cry.

M: Then I’m going to see it tomorrow evening.

Text 10

M: And here are some useful numbers for travelers in the UK.

For flight information to and from Heathrow airport, dial 0870-0000-123.

You can get train times and fare information on 0845-7484-950.

For National Express bus and coach information ring 0870-5808-080.

If you have problems on the road, the number for the AA 24-hour breakdown service is 0800-8877-66.

The British Tourist Authority can help you find accommodation. Ring 0208-8469-000.

And remember, if you don’t know a number, contact Directory Enquiries on 192. They will be pleased to help.


21. A 22. D 23.C


【解析】21.文章出处题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段中的“King’s College Summer School is a training program every year for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English.”可知,本文介绍的是一个英语培训项目——国王学院暑期班的相关信息,属于教育招生范围,最有可能出现在报纸中,故A项正确。

【解析】22.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.”可知,国王学院暑期班包括参观博物馆和文化中心,故D项正确。


24.D 25.A 26.C 27.C


【解析】24.细节理解题。根据第三段My dad is by no means the only person who avoids books.

I know lots of people would rather relax on their computers or in front of the TV.可知,我父亲绝不是唯一一个不看书的人。我知道有很多人宁愿在电脑或电视机前放松,故选D。

【解析】25.细节理解题。根据第五段One thing I personally love reading, is being transported to another world—I would often forget the time or things around me! 可知,就我个人喜欢读书这件事来说,读书可以转换到另一个世界,我将忘记时间或周围的事情,可知这篇文章的基础是“作者的亲身经历”。故选A。


28. B 29.C 30.A 31. D

【解析】28.本题属于细节题。根据题干中的关键“increase our biases”;定位至文章第三段。根据本段最后一句“In the process, human beings still decide on the correct answers”。该句译为“在该过程当中,人类仍然决定正确答案”。本句与选项B “我们控制这个训练过程”相符合。故正确答案为选项B。

【解析】29.本题属于细节题。根据题干中的关键信息“The case of accessing information”定位到文章第四段,通过本段最后一句“This can lead to the mistaken belief — the knowledge we found was part of what we knew all along.”该句译为“这会导致错误的观念——我们发现的知识是我们已知的一部分”。本句与选项C “误导我们认为我们早已了解了这些知识”相符合。故正确答案为选项C。

【解析】30.本题属于猜词题。根据题干中的关键信息“Paragraph 5”定位到文章第五段第三句,根据该句动宾结构“产生糟糕的结果”可知选项为负向词汇;选项B译为“基本的规则”,为中性词汇;选项D译为“逐渐的发展”,为正向词汇;故排除选项B和D。选项C译为“一个令人失望的开始”,文章未提及“开始”。选项A译为“一次突然的失败”。故正确答案为选项A。

【解析】31.本题属于段落主旨题。文章通过第一段末尾提出提问:学生们为什么被要求在大脑中储存如此多的知识?引出了作者观点。文章第二、三、四、五段讲述人类是否需要记忆大量信息,第六段论述全文论点,得出依赖机器去记忆存在的风险。选项A 译为“质疑


32.C 33.B 34.C 35.A

本文是一篇说明文,介绍了欧洲最大的水上公园Galaxy Erding提供的刺激的VR滑水体验。【解析】32.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the Gal axy Erding in South Germany, the world’s first VR water slide takes the exciting experience to a whole new level by offering thrill-seekers the choice of three attractive worlds”可知,在Galaxy Erding可以体验VR滑水,故C项正确。【解析】33.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“water slide speeds vary depending on the weight of the person.”可知,VR滑水的速度因人们的体重而异,而不是因年龄而异,故B项正确。

【解析】34.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Ballast fixed smart sensors (传感器) in important areas along the slide…making for a smooth, seasickness free ride for all.”可知,固定在重要区域的传感器能够帮助人们获得平稳、不眩晕的划水体验,故C项正确。



36.F 37.B 38.A 39.D 40.C


【解析】36.根据上句Check the weather forecast. “查看天气预报”可知,用表示“这似乎很明显,但常常被遗忘。”的选项F。

【解析】37.根据后句Choose one with a playground for them, and perhaps some bathrooms nearby.“为他们选择一个有操场的地方,也许附近有浴室”可知,用表示“你有小孩吗?”的选项B。

【解析】38.根据下句Food is the most important part of a picnic.“食物是野餐中最重要的部分”可知,用表示“带什么东西呢”的选项A。

【解析】39.根据后句It can be fun to have a picnic in your backyard. “在你的后院野餐会很有趣”可知,用表示“另一个办法是待在家里。”的选项D。

【解析】40.根据上句But keep in mind that not everything always go as planned.“但请记住,并非所有事情都按计划进行”可知,用表示“学着笑,尽情享受吧。”的选项C。


41—45 B D A C B

46—50 D A C B D

51—55 A C B D A

56—60 B C A C D


【解析】41.考查形容词辨析。根据I was a single mother of four small children, working at a low-paid job. 可知钱总是很紧。A. powerful强大的;B. tight紧张的;C. valuable有价值的;

D. much大量的,故选B。

【解析】42.考查名词辨析。上文说但我们有自己的房子,桌上有食物,这里自然是说身上有衣服。A. books书;B. babies婴儿;C. bags书包;D. clothes衣服,故选D。

【解析】43.考查动词辨析。在下文Back in the car driving home中发现关键词driving,可知这里意思是我们开车去市区看圣诞灯。A. drove驾驶;B. ran跑;C. rode骑;D. walked走路,故选A。

【解析】44.考查连词辨析。句意:但对孩子们来说,最大的兴奋是在市场上圣诞购物带来的乐趣。该句与上句之间是转折关系,A. if如果;B. and并且;C. but但是;D. when当……时,故选C。

【解析】45.考查动词辨析。根据I ______ each kid a twenty-dollar bill and asked them

to_____for presents.可知但对孩子们来说,最大的兴奋是在市场上圣诞购物带来的乐趣。A. working工作;B. shopping购物;C. eating吃;D. travelling旅行,故选B。

【解析】46.考查动词辨析。根据They talked and planned for weeks ahead of time,可知她们彼此询问她们圣诞节想要什么。A. reading阅读;B. studying学习;C. helping帮助;D. asking



A. gave给;

B. sent送;

C. passed通过;

D. dropped掉下,故选A。

【解析】48.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我给了每个孩子一张20美元的钞票,让她们去寻找礼物。A. wait for等候;B. beg for乞求;C. look for寻找;D. excuse for借口,故选C。【解析】49.考查形容词辨析。根据laughing and asking each other about what they had______. 可知每个人对于圣诞节都很兴奋。A. curious好奇的;B. excited兴奋的;C. careful小心的;

D. nervous紧张的,故选B。


A. served服务;

B. found找到;

C. received收到;

D. bought买,故选D。

【解析】51.考查动词辨析。句意:我可以通过塑料袋看到她只买了50美分糖果! A. see看到;

B. take拿;

C. get获得;

D. hear听到,故选A。

【解析】52.考查名词辨析。句意:我可以通过塑料袋看到她只买了50美分糖果! A. hairbrush 发刷;B. card卡片;C. bag书包;D. bar棒,故选C。

【解析】53.考查动词辨析。句意:她用我给她的那张20美元钞票做什么了? A. play游戏;

B. do做;

C. go去;

D. begin开始,故选B。

【解析】54.考查形容词辨析。根据After getting home, I called her into my bedroom and closed the door.可知我非常生气。A. worried担心的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. happy快乐的;D. angry生气的,故选D。

【解析】55.考查表语从句。下文作者的女儿在给作者讲述发生的事情,所以这里意思是“这是她告诉我的。”_______ she told me.是一个表语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语,用what,故选A。

【解析】56.考查固定用法。根据One of the cards was ______a little girl, four years old, and all she ______ for Christmas was a doll with clothes and a hairbrush.可知作者停下来去读小卡片。stop to do sth.停下来去做某事,该用法是固定用法,故选B。

【解析】57.考查介词辨析。句意:其中一张卡片是为一个四岁小女孩写的。A. on在……之上;B. along沿着;C. for为了……;D. with用,故选C。

【解析】58.考查动词辨析。句意:她圣诞节想要的只是一个有衣服和梳子的洋娃娃。A. wanted 想要;B. prepared准备;C. sold卖;D. saved节省,故选A。

【解析】59.考查名词辨析。根据and I ________ to read the little cards on one of the Salvation


人教版一年级下册数学开学测试卷 一、我会做。(8题6分,其余每空1分,共28分) 1. 至少要()个相同的正方形才能拼成一个长方形,至少要()个相同的正方形才能拼成一个正方形。 2. 40前面一个数是(),后面一个数是()。 3. 按顺序填数。 上面所填的数中,()最接近80。 4.比15少6的数是(),38比30多()。 5.一个两位数,个位上是6,十位上是8,这个数是()。 6. 69是一个()位数,它添上1是()。 7.在()里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 15-7()945-5()50 57-50()5 4+8()13 7+60()76 12-5()7 8.画一画,写一写。 4个十和8个一8个十和4个一 5个十 ()() () 9.用围成一个正方体,“5”的对面是“()”,“2”的对面是“()”。

二、我会辨。(每题1分,共5分) 1.两个长方形一定能拼成一个正方形。() 2.兰兰比明明大2岁,也就是明明比兰兰小2岁。() 3.35比80少得多。() 4.同样的物体可以根据不同的标准进行分类。() 5.王老师今年五十六岁了。五十六写作506。() 三、我会选。(每题2分,共10分) 1.66和72之间有()个数。 A. 5 B.6 C.7 2.至少要()根同样的小棒才能拼成一个长方形。 A.4 B.6 C.8 3.以下三个数中,()最接近70。 A.59 B.67 C.72 4.90比28(),28比30()。 A.多得多 B.多一些C.少一些 5.与13-6的结果相同的算式是()。 A.12-6 B.15-9 C.14-7 四、我会算。(15分) 12-3= 14-7=8+4=30+7=42-2=50+6=20-9= 55-50=36-6= 63-3=25-5= 77-70=7+9-8=64-60+8=17-9-2= 五、填一填。(2题4分,其余每题3分,共10分)

小学一年级入学考试试题集锦 (2)

良山学校崇贤校区一年级入学考试面试题 一、学生试题 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少? 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么? 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 你能试着数一百个数吗?数数看? 你会唱首歌吗?试试看?你还会什么,说一说? 你能背一首儿歌吗? 你知道报警的电话号码吗? 如果不小心把同伴的铅笔碰到地上了,你会说什么? 看见小朋友需要帮助,你会怎么办? 10. 10+8=? 11. 老师说:8个小朋友玩捉迷藏,已抓住4个还剩几个? 12. ()+3=7 5+()=9 8-()=2 你认识这几个拼音码? dà jiā hé huā huǒ chē wū yā yǔ yī xīɡuā zhī 家里只剩下一个苹果你想这个苹果给谁吃? 妈妈、自己还是一人一半? 15、在幼儿园的时候,你经常一个人玩还是愿意和小朋友一起玩? (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,知识性及思想是否健康、普通话是否标准。)家长试题 1 孩子平时都是谁来照顾?(不只靠老人管教孩子)

2 孩子应该吃点苦”这句话你是怎么理解的?(舍得孩子吃苦) 3 下班以后你经常做些什么事?(没有不良嗜好) 4 你家是否有家族病史,遗传病,或其他传染性疾病? 5 在生活中你是否不讲脏话,经常使用文明用语呢? 6 以下规定你能做到哪些?(请打√) 能理解和接受学校教育观、教学观和管理要求等() 能积极配合学校教育,不把教育要求、责任全部推给学校() 通情达理,不胡搅蛮缠,不干涉学校教育() 不溺爱孩子,舍得孩子吃苦,不给孩子乱花钱,任由孩子发展() 孩子不只和老人生活在一起,不只靠老人管教孩子,接送孩子() 家庭健全,和谐,父母没有不良嗜好() 有较高的文化素养,有比较先进的家庭教育观() 7 在教育孩子的问题上与老师产生歧义,你如何解决此类问题? 8 在孩子的教育问题上,你怎样理解老师、学校、家长和社会之间的关系? 9 家长晚上来接孩子时,电瓶车应停在哪里? 10 课间时间小孩子在操场上玩耍,不小心摔坏受伤了,你认为是谁的责任?怎样处理是合理的? 11 在学校看见老师时应该怎样? 12 在学校操场上看见地面上有一片垃圾你该怎么办? 13 当你的孩子在学校受了委屈,回家告诉你,你会怎么做? 14 当你知道你的孩子在学习上碰到困难时,你会怎么做? 15在寒假和暑假期间,你是怎样安排你的孩子让他的生活更有意义和丰富多彩?(如何安排孩子的暑假生活?


一、语言表达 师生对话 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少? 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学饿过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么? 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 4.看图说话。 (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,普通话是否标准。) 二、观察,记忆 1.一幅图上画了10-20种物品,先让学生看15秒钟,然后遮住图,让学生回忆看到了什么。 2.老师在黑板上画图或写字,让学生看30秒钟后擦掉,然后让学生在纸上按原样画或写出来 3.听一段故事后,把大意复述出来,并且能根据故事内容回答老师的提问 (评分标准:看观察是否仔细,记忆是否准确,迅速,在记忆基础上理解力怎样。) 三、积累,联想,创造 1.词语接龙(可以音同字不同) 2.任选1-2首诗歌或儿歌背诵。 3.给出三个词语,让学生联想造句或说几句话。 4.有一个皮球掉到小河里去了,你能想出办法把它拿上来吗? (评分标准:看语言准备和操作能力,测试儿童的创造潜能,凡是语汇丰富,想象大胆

解决难题的办法越多或独特的适当加分。) [align=center] [b]第二部分数学[/b][/align] 一、发散思维,逆向思维 1.填空 ()+3=7 5+()=9 8-()=2 ()-6=4 ()+()=()()- ()=() 2.对数字6,除了下列说法外,你还能怎么说? (1)是双数,(2)8-2=6 (3)比4多2 (4)像豆芽(5)比10小 4 。。。。。。。 二、逻辑思维 1.对不同东西进行归类 2.按照一定规律补充数字或补画图形 3.给打乱了的图画重新排列次序,或依据某一特征对3-7个物体进行排序 三、空间想象 1.用立方体摆出各种立体图形,让学生数数、想象、数出立方体图形的方块数 2.几何图形的不同造型及拆装、拼接,或通过想象找出合适的一块,把原图补完整。 四、基础运算 1.准确、迅速数数,知道相邻数和单双数,正确读写阿拉伯数字1-100


小学一年级入学考试试 题集锦 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

一、语言表达 师生对话 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少? 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学饿过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么? 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 4.看图说话。 (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,普通话是否标准。) 二、观察,记忆 1.一幅图上画了10-20种物品,先让学生看15秒钟,然后遮住图,让学生回忆看到 了什么。 2.老师在黑板上画图或写字,让学生看30秒钟后擦掉,然后让学生在纸上按原样画 或写出来 3.听一段故事后,把大意复述出来,并且能根据故事内容回答老师的提问 (评分标准:看观察是否仔细,记忆是否准确,迅速,在记忆基础上理解力怎样。) 三、积累,联想,创造 1.词语接龙(可以音同字不同) 2.任选1-2首诗歌或儿歌背诵。 3.给出三个词语,让学生联想造句或说几句话。 4.有一个皮球掉到小河里去了,你能想出办法把它拿上来吗? (评分标准:看语言准备和操作能力,测试儿童的创造潜能,凡是语汇丰富,想象大胆 解决难题的办法越多或独特的适当加分。) [align=center] [b]第二部分数学[/b][/align] 一、发散思维,逆向思维 1.填空 ()+3=7 5+()=9 8-()=2 ()-6=4 ()+()=()()- ()=() 2.对数字6,除了下列说法外,你还能怎么说? (1)是双数,(2)8-2=6 (3)比4多2 (4)像豆芽(5)比10小4 。。。。。。。二、逻辑思维 1.对不同东西进行归类 2.按照一定规律补充数字或补画图形 3.给打乱了的图画重新排列次序,或依据某一特征对3-7个物体进行排序 三、空间想象 1.用立方体摆出各种立体图形,让学生数数、想象、数出立方体图形的方块数 2.几何图形的不同造型及拆装、拼接,或通过想象找出合适的一块,把原图补完整。 四、基础运算 1.准确、迅速数数,知道相邻数和单双数,正确读写阿拉伯数字1-100 2.口算10以内的加减法 3.给10根小棒或方块,熟练进行数的组成与分解,观察学生的动手能力 4.灵活举例,理解应用题 5.认识人民币,会玩买卖游戏 [align=center] [b]第三部分艺术特长[/b][/align] 一、美术 1.按要求涂色,或给图画想象涂色,要求颜色正确,均匀,不能出线 2.从所给的一组画中挑选一幅仿画下来,然后添上其他景物或内容组成一幅美丽的图


良山学校崇贤校区一年级入学考试面试题一、学生试题 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 你能试着数一百个数吗数数看 你会唱首歌吗试试看你还会什么,说一说 你能背一首儿歌吗 你知道报警的电话号码吗 如果不小心把同伴的铅笔碰到地上了,你会说什么 看见小朋友需要帮助,你会怎么办 10. 10+ 8= 11. 老师说:8 个小朋友玩捉迷藏,已抓住 4 个还剩几个 12.()+3=75+()=98-() =2 你认识这几个拼音码dàjiāhéhuāhuǒchē wū家里只剩下一个苹果你想这个苹果给谁吃y āyǔy īxīɡ uā 妈妈、自己还是一人一半 zhī 15、在幼儿园的时候,你经常一个人玩还是愿意和小朋友一起玩 (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,知识性及思想是否健康、普通话是否标准。)家长试题 1.孩子平时都是谁来照顾(不只靠老人管教孩子) 2.孩子应该吃点苦”这句话你是怎么理解的(舍得孩子吃苦) 3.下班以后你经常做些什么事(没有不良嗜好) 4.你家是否有家族病史,遗传病,或其他传染性疾病

5.在生活中你是否不讲脏话,经常使用文明用语呢 6.以下规定你能做到哪些(请打√) 能理解和接受学校教育观、教学观和管理要求等() 能积极配合学校教育,不把教育要求、责任全部推给学校() 通情达理,不胡搅蛮缠,不干涉学校教育() 不溺爱孩子,舍得孩子吃苦,不给孩子乱花钱,任由孩子发展() 孩子不只和老人生活在一起,不只靠老人管教孩子,接送孩子() 家庭健全,和谐,父母没有不良嗜好() 有较高的文化素养,有比较先进的家庭教育观() 7.在教育孩子的问题上与老师产生歧义,你如何解决此类问题 8.在孩子的教育问题上,你怎样理解老师、学校、家长和社会之间的关系 9.家长晚上来接孩子时,电瓶车应停在哪里 10.课间时间小孩子在操场上玩耍,不小心摔坏受伤了,你认为是谁的责任怎样处理是合理 的 11.在学校看见老师时应该怎样 12.在学校操场上看见地面上有一片垃圾你该怎么办 13.当你的孩子在学校受了委屈,回家告诉你,你会怎么做 14.当你知道你的孩子在学习上碰到困难时,你会怎么做 15在寒假和暑假期间,你是怎样安排你的孩子让他的生活更有意义和丰富多彩(如何安排孩子的暑假生活


幼儿园升一年级实验小学入学测试题 一、语言表达 师生对话 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少? 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么? 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 4.看图说话。 (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,普通话是否标准。) 二、观察,记忆 1.一幅图上画了10-20种物品,先让学生看15秒钟,然后遮住图,让学生回忆看到了什么。 2.老师在黑板上画图或写字,让学生看30秒钟后擦掉,然后让学生在纸上按原样画或写出来 3.听一段故事后,把大意复述出来,并且能根据故事内容回答老师的提问 (评分标准:看观察是否仔细,记忆是否准确,迅速,在记忆基础上理解力怎样。)

三、积累,联想,创造 1.词语接龙(可以音同字不同) 2.任选1-2首诗歌或儿歌背诵。 3.给出三个词语,让学生联想造句或说几句话。 4.有一个皮球掉到小河里去了,你能想出办法把它拿上来吗? (评分标准:看语言准备和操作能力,测试儿童的创造潜能,凡是语汇丰富,想象大胆解决难题的办法越多或独特的适当加分。) 第二部分数学 一、发散思维,逆向思维 1.填空 ()+3=7 5+()=9 8-()=2 ()-6=4 ()+()=()()- ()=() 2.对数字6,除了下列说法外,你还能怎么说? (1)是双数,(2)8-2=6 (3)比4多2 (4)像豆芽(5)比10小4 。。。。。。。

二、逻辑思维 1.对不同东西进行归类 2.按照一定规律补充数字或补画图形 3.给打乱了的图画重新排列次序,或依据某一特征对3-7个物体进行排序 三、空间想象 1.用立方体摆出各种立体图形,让学生数数、想象、数出立方体图形的方块数 2.几何图形的不同造型及拆装、拼接,或通过想象找出合适的一块,把原图补完整。 四、基础运算 1.准确、迅速数数,知道相邻数和单双数,正确读写阿拉伯数字1-100 2.口算10以内的加减法 3.给10根小棒或方块,熟练进行数的组成与分解,观察学生的动手能力 4.灵活举例,理解应用题 5.认识人民币,会玩买卖游戏

2020版一年级数学下学期开学考试试卷 新人教版(I卷)含答案

2020版一年级数学下学期开学考试试卷新人教版(I卷)含答案 班级:_______ 姓名:_______ 学号:_______ (试卷60分钟,满分为100分,附加题单独20分) 题 一二三四五六七八九附加题总分号 得 分 同学们,一个学期过去了,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧! 一、我会填(本题共10分,每题2分) 1、读数和写数都从()位起。 2、小红用直尺测量橡皮如下图: 小红的橡皮长()厘米。 3、在( )里填上米或厘米。①课本宽17( ) ②大树高大约10( )。 4、长方形有()条边,正方形有()条边,三角形有()边。 5、一个一个地数,把79前面的一个数和后面的两个数写出来。()、79、()、()。 二、我会算(本题共20分,每题5分) 1、看图列算式。

2、草地上白兔有8只,黑兔和白兔同样多,草地上一共有多少只兔子? 答:草地上一共有()只兔子。 3、选择条件或问题、再进行计算。 树上有15只鸟,先飞走了7只,又飞来了2只,_______? (1)现在有几只?(2)还剩几只? 答:现在有()只。答:还剩()只。 4、根据18、8、10三个数,写出四个算式: 三、我会比(本题共10分,每题5分)

1、在○里填上>、<或=。 9○10 1○0 6○7 5○5 7○6 3○4 8○6 6○10 2、看图,比一比。 四、选一选(本题共10分,每题5分) 1、我能在正确的时间下面画“√”,并能正确画出时针和分针。 12时 6时半 2时刚过画上你吃午饭 1时 7时半快2时了的时间2、想一想:小明走哪条路回家是最近的,然后在后面的□里打“√”。 五、对与错(本题共5分,每题2.5分)


8 +9 = 5 + 8 = 4 + 8= 6 + 6= 4+8-5= 普光学校升一年级分班试卷 姓名 得分 一、按顺序写数字。(10分) 12()( ) 5 ( )7 ( ) 9 () 20 19 ( ) 17( )( )14 13 ()() 一、数一数,把你数的数填在下面的括号里。 (8分) ( ) ( ) 二、填“〈”、 “〉”或“ =”。(12 分) 5 O 6 10 O 9 12-5 O 4+3 4+8 O 13 5 O 9-4 6 O 2+5 9 O 13 8 O 15 19019 5 018 12 O 13 15 010+5 三、计算(20分) 9+ 8= 2 + 5= 8+ 6= 6+ 9= 3 + 7 = ( ) ( )

五、你会写单韵母吗? ( 5分) (a )()() ()()( ) 六、你会按顺序写声母吗? (15 分) ()()m f () ()()1 () k ( ) ()()x ( zh)() ()()z () () (y )() 七、给生字组词。(8分) 火( )山( )天( ) 云( 八、拼一拼, 连连。 (10 分) y e ye n d nai d a r e n shu iti 印 du o sh ao 奶奶 爷爷 水田 大人 多少 ()+7=13 16-( )=9 8- ( ) =2 13- ( ) =3 5+ ( ) =10 四、填一填(10 分 ) 2 E 匚 匚& 叵匚 匚匚 四、圈圈、涂 涂。 (2分) 1、把从左边数第 4个三角形涂色。 16-7-5 = 18- 7 = 9 — 2 8 -4 = 17 - 9


小学一年级新生入学语文测试题 小学一年级新生入学语文测试题 小学一年级入学试题【一】 一、语言部分(2分) 1、背一首儿歌或诗歌 2、接下去把话说完整 3、叔叔送给我一个小玩具,我对叔叔说: 4、小弟弟摔跤了,我会。 5、我看过的动画片有。 6、我喜欢的小动物是。 7、我叫(),今年()岁,我家住在()。全家有()口人。我爸爸是干()的。妈妈是干()的。我长大了要当()。 8.春夏秋冬的区别和特征(白天和黑夜区别) 9、鸡和鸭有什么不同? 小鸡的嘴尖尖,小鸭的嘴扁扁,小鸡的脚分分(分叉)小鸭的脚连连(有蹼),小鸡叫声咯咯,小鸭叫声嘎嘎! 10、儿歌:老师说一遍,小朋友复述一遍: 春天到了,花儿笑了,夏天到了,知了叫了,秋天到了,枫叶红了, 冬天到了,雪花飘飘(老师只念一遍) 11、读一读: 这些鹅,红嘴巴,高额头,浑身雪白。它一看见我,就伸长了脖子,边叫边点头“问好”。我很喜欢跟它们玩。练一练:

①、短文一共有几句话? ②、找出表示颜色的词。、 ③、“我很喜欢跟它们玩。”它们指谁呢? ④、找出描写鹅的动作的词语。、、⑤、找出描写鹅的样子的句子。 12、只青蛙几张嘴?几只眼睛?几条腿? 13、说出它们的区别:小鸡和狗、石头和鸡蛋、皮鞋和拖鞋。 14、仔细听,找出每一组中不是同一类的事物,并说出为什么(每题3分) ①橘子,香蕉,草莓,土豆,苹果 ②机器猫铅笔水彩笔文具盒书包③小猫,小兔,小羊,小狗,小鸡 15、大象、水牛、山羊、鸡分别载在同样的船上,小朋友,你能说出几号船装的是什么吗? 16、、小明不喜欢穿高跟鞋,小明换灯泡不用梯子,小朋友你们认为小明有什么特征。 17、电话铃响了,爸爸妈妈不在身边,你会怎么做。18、、门铃响了,爸爸妈妈不在身边,你会怎么做?19、、今天是几月几日,星期几。 20、一年有几个季节,你最喜欢那个季节,每个季节有什么明显的同,白天和黑夜有什么不同。 21、你喜欢什么运动? 22、你和小朋友吵过架吗?为什么?你是怎么处理的? 23、如果爸爸妈妈和老师不在身边,有小朋友打你,你该怎么办?


学前班升一年级入学 考试试卷

姓名 一、照样子写数字。(6分) ( 5 )()()() 二、在○里填上“>、<、=”。(8分) 6 ○ 6 3 ○ 5 7 ○ 5 9 ○ 2 7 ○ 8 8 ○ 8 8 ○ 4 5 ○ 5 三、组成。(12分) 7 4 5 6 9 8 10 3 □ 2 □ 2 □ 3 □ 5 □ 四、看图写算式。(15分) 五、口算下面各题。(9分) 6-1=() 1+8=() 3+5=() 6-3=() 2+2=() 1+7=() 白坝乡中心小学一年级入学考试试卷

9-2=() 10-5=() 10-6=() 一、按要求默写拼音。 1、默写23个声母。(16分) b ______ ______ ______ d ______ ______ ______ ɡ ______ ______ j ______ ______ z ______ ______ zh ______ ______ ______ y ______ 2、默写24个韵母。(15分) ɑ o e i u üɑi ei ui _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 二、比一比再组词。(6分)例:月(月光) 天()人()书()日()田()牛()大()木()王()太()本()土() 三、写出下面生字的笔顺及笔画数。(4分) 例:中 ______________________________共( 4 )画。 书 __________________________________共()画 山 __________________________________共()画 马 __________________________________共()画


一、学生试题 1.你的名字,家长姓名,工作单位,家里电话号码是多少? 2.在哪个幼儿园读书,学过哪些课,最喜欢学什么,为什么? 3.说一件你最高兴(或最伤心)的事。 你能试着数一百个数吗?数数看? 你会唱首歌吗?试试看?你还会什么,说一说? 你能背一首儿歌吗? 你知道报警的电话号码吗? 如果不小心把同伴的铅笔碰到地上了,你会说什么? 看见小朋友需要帮助,你会怎么办? 10. 10+8=? 11. 老师说:8个小朋友玩捉迷藏,已抓住4个还剩几个? 12. ()+3=7 5+()=9 8-()=2 你认识这几个拼音码?dà jiā hé huā huǒ chē wū yā yǔ yī xī ɡuā zhī 家里只剩下一个苹果你想这个苹果给谁吃? 妈妈、自己还是一人一半? 15、在幼儿园的时候,你经常一个人玩还是愿意和小朋友一起玩? (评分标准:看说话是否流利,表达是否完整,知识性及思想是否健康、普通话是否标准。)家长试题 1.孩子平时都是谁来照顾?(不只靠老人管教孩子) 2.孩子应该吃点苦”这句话你是怎么理解的?(舍得孩子吃苦) 3.下班以后你经常做些什么事?(没有不良嗜好) 4.你家是否有家族病史,遗传病,或其他传染性疾病? 5.在生活中你是否不讲脏话,经常使用文明用语呢?

6.以下规定你能做到哪些?(请打√) 能理解和接受学校教育观、教学观和管理要求等() 能积极配合学校教育,不把教育要求、责任全部推给学校() 通情达理,不胡搅蛮缠,不干涉学校教育() 不溺爱孩子,舍得孩子吃苦,不给孩子乱花钱,任由孩子发展() 孩子不只和老人生活在一起,不只靠老人管教孩子,接送孩子() 家庭健全,和谐,父母没有不良嗜好() 有较高的文化素养,有比较先进的家庭教育观() 7.在教育孩子的问题上与老师产生歧义,你如何解决此类问题? 8.在孩子的教育问题上,你怎样理解老师、学校、家长和社会之间的关系? 9.家长晚上来接孩子时,电瓶车应停在哪里? 10.课间时间小孩子在操场上玩耍,不小心摔坏受伤了,你认为是谁的责任?怎样处理是合 理的? 11.在学校看见老师时应该怎样? 12.在学校操场上看见地面上有一片垃圾你该怎么办? 13.当你的孩子在学校受了委屈,回家告诉你,你会怎么做? 14.当你知道你的孩子在学习上碰到困难时,你会怎么做? 15在寒假和暑假期间,你是怎样安排你的孩子让他的生活更有意义和丰富多彩?(如何安排孩子的暑假生活? }


一年级入学测试口试题(总) 1、小朋友,请你做个简单的自我介绍。 指导语:小朋友,今天老师和你交个朋友,你告诉我你家的情况好吗?老师问你,你听清楚,回答老师. (2分钟内完成) 你叫什么名字?你今年几岁了?在什么幼儿园就读? 你最喜欢什么?(根据回答延续提问) 2、小朋友,请认读下面的拼音宝宝。 A卷:b m f q a i g c h ü B卷:p n l x o w k z t ü C卷:d h j y e u s t n a 3、小朋友,请看图说英语。 A卷: 1 apple orange tiger dog one

B 卷: banana strawberry cat watermelon two C 卷: pear apple rabbit elephant three 3、小朋友,请你算一算. A 卷: 1+2= 5—3= 2+3= 7-4= 5+2= 6-1= B 卷: 1+5= 3+4= 2+2= 4—2= 5-1= 6—3= C 卷: 1+4= 3+3= 2+5= 4-1= 5—3= 6—2= 2 3

评价等级标准 A等级:认真倾听,声音响亮,有自信、有礼貌的回答问题。正确率达到90%(大概错0—5小题) B等级:较认真倾听,声音较为响亮,较有自信、有礼貌的回答问题.正确率达到80%(大概错3—8小题) C等级:不够认真倾听,声音一般,有礼貌的在老师的提示下能回答问题。正确率达到50%(大概错6-13小题) D等级:不认真倾听,声音微弱或不做声回答,欠缺礼貌,在老师的提示下任然不能回答问题。正确率在50%一下(大概错13题以上)如有特别调皮,或特别内向等其他异常行为,请作出备注。

一年级入学测试题 学生版[1]

学而思·乐加乐秋季班入学测试题 一年级 考试时间:1.5小时 姓名: 成绩: 小朋友,欢迎来到学而思·乐加乐智慧乐园,祝你过五关斩六将,如愿以偿地成为我们超优秀学员中的一员!加油哦! 【第1题】羊羊们去森林采蘑菇,可是美羊羊贪玩迷路了。现在美羊羊面前有一座数字迷宫,只有得数是 6的出口才能通过到达出口,而发现美羊羊不见了的伙伴们正在迷宫的出口寻找美羊羊。所以 为了尽快回到伙伴们身边,美羊羊需要找到迷宫的出口才行。可是美羊羊找了很久都找不到,急的眼泪都快流出来了,小朋友们快来帮帮它吧! 【第2题】美羊羊走出迷宫和伙伴们一起开开心心的去采蘑菇,喜羊羊说只能采大蘑菇,可是懒羊羊问道: “什么样的蘑菇才是大蘑菇呢?”小朋友们,你们能回答懒羊羊的问题吗?请将下图中的大蘑菇涂成红色。 【第3题】进入森林之后,懒羊羊误吃了毒蘑菇,喜羊羊决定去住在森林里的小熊家借一些药。现在喜羊 113 + 741 -+128 -352 +-124 ++93 -28 +42+ 158- 1812 -

【第4题】喜羊羊赶到小熊兄弟家的时候小熊兄弟正在睡午觉,被吵醒后小熊兄弟很不开心,于是提出三 个问题让喜羊羊回答,答对了就可以借给他药去帮助懒羊羊。仔细看吧,这只是第一道题哦! 小熊有9罐蜂蜜,吃掉3罐之后还剩几罐? 【第5题】第一题喜羊羊很快就答出来了,于是小熊兄弟打了个哈欠继续出题:把下面的数从小到大排列。 【第6题】第二题同样没有难住喜羊羊,小熊兄弟有些烦躁,赶紧又出了第三道题:森林里有5棵苹果树, 6棵梨树,那么森林里苹果树和梨树一共多少棵? 【第7题】答对了三道题的喜羊羊带着小熊兄弟给的药回到伙伴们身边,懒羊羊吃了药好多了,于是伙伴 们准备继续采蘑菇,可是天空突然下起雨来,于是羊羊们赶紧跑着去避雨。沸羊羊原本采了20块蘑菇,可是由于路上跑得太急掉了8块,那么它现在还有多少蘑菇? 【第8题】羊羊们找到一个山洞避雨,可是却遇到了和灰太狼串通好的眼镜蛇。因为眼睛蛇没有答出灰太 狼的问题,所以要帮灰太狼抓羊羊们,可是眼镜蛇很喜欢聪明的孩子,于是提出三个问题,只 要羊羊们答对了就不帮灰太狼抓他们。第一个问题是:蛇妈妈有8 个孩子,其中有 3 个孩子是 小母蛇,那它有几个孩子是小公蛇? 【第9题】美羊羊抓了抓头发答出了第一个问题,于是眼镜蛇晃了晃头又出了第二道题:小猴哥哥一顿饭 要吃5个桃子,小猴弟弟一顿饭要吃3个桃子,那么小猴兄弟一 顿饭一共要多少个桃子?
