



—I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.


B. Have a pleasant trip!


—OK, I'll fix your computer right now.

—Oh, take your time, _________________________.


B. I'm in no hurry


—This apple pie is too sweet, don't you think so

—_________________________. I think it's just right, actually.

A. Not really 正确


Success can breed success, if you ______ it.

A. take care of 正确



Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon ______ school education depends.

C. which




Marry: What do you plan to do for your holiday

Jeff: Come on, it went up in smoke. 回答

Marry: Wow,you are going for a business trip next week Where

Jeff: Xiamen.

Marry: 回答

Jeff: By train. You know our boss is afraid to take a plane because of high anxiety.

Marry: Actually, it's not so awful to take a plane if you don't look out the window.

Jeff: Good idea!

Marry: Well, Xiamen is a perfect place to be on holiday, you know.

Jeff: I know. But a business trip is tiring to me.

Marry: Oh, take it easy. 回答I like taking occasional business trip for a change of pace.

Jeff: I hope so.

Marry: I think you should take advantage of this good opportunity to go on a business trip with our boss and gain the boss's favor.

Jeff: 回答. I think it makes sense.

Marry: You know, I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down on the beach of Xiamen to relax myself.

Jeff: So have I. But it's not always nice and sunny there, sometimes cloudy and rainy.

Marry: Come on, I don't think it will spoil your trip. 回答

Jeff: Thanks a lot.


A. By plane or by train

B. Maybe it's not so bad as you imagined.

C. I have to go on a business trip with my boss.

D. Anyhow, I hope you'll have a nice trip.

E. Hey, that sounds like a really good idea.


1. C

2. A


3. B

4. E

5. D



—I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.

—Oh great! _________________________.

C. Keep it up


—What are you going to do this weekend

一_________________________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

A. It depends 正确


I couldn't stand London! Bloody ______ place.

C. awful



Tom asked me to go to play football and ______.

B. so I did


二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Something else that could be coming soon to a vehicle near you. More technology. The kind that could help your car talk to others around it. 回答some proposed cars of the futures it would not actually do the driving for you. But it could warn you about what other drivers are doing. The . government may require this feature in the future, but it would 回答the cost of the car.

It's the vehicle of the future, cars that talk to the driver and each other. The . government wants it on the road soon, 回答technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction.

It's called vehicle to vehicle technology. Cars would send wireless message to each other 回答about 300-yard. Communicating information like speed, direction and GPS position ten times per cars share this information, they can 回答all the vehicles around them, which means they are able to identify possible crashes.



1. B

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. C


No one had enough foresight to ______ the winner.

A. predict 正确


She is ______ tall as you are.

C. as




Wide World of Robots

Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobs. These researchers tinker (修补) with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devices. "They're the best toys out there," says Howle Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Choset is a roboticist, a person who designs, builds or programs robots.

When Choset was a kid, he was interested in anything that moved--cars, trains, animals. He put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them move. Later, in high school, he built mobile robots similar to small cars.

Hoping to continue working on robots, he studied computer science in college. But when he got to graduate school at the Califomia Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Choset's labmates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars: robotic snakes. Some robots can move only forward, backward, left and right. But snakes can twist (扭曲) in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain (地形) . "Snakes are far more interesting than the cars," Choset concluded.

After he started working at Carnegie Mellon, Choset and his colleagues there bagan developing their own snake robots. Choset's team programmed robots to perform the same movements as real snakes, such as sliding and inching forward. The robots also moved in ways that snakes usually don't, such as rolling.

Choset's snake robots could crawl (爬行) through the grass, swim in a pond and even climb a flagole.

But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as well. For some heart surgeries, the doctor has to open a patient's chest, cutting through the breastbone. Recovering from these surgeries can be very painful. What if the doctor could perform the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake


Choset teamed up with Marco Zenati, a heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical School, to investigate the idea. Zenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and they tested the robot in pigs.

A company called Medrobotics in Boston is now adapting the technology to surgeries on people. Even after 15 years of working with his team's creations, "I still don't get bored of watching the motion of my robots," Choset says.

1. Choset began to build robots in high school.回答

2. Snake robots could move in only four directions.回答

3. Choset didn't begin developing his own snake robots until he started working at Carnegie Mellon.回答

4. Zenati tested the robot on people after using it in pigs.回答

5. The robotic technology for surgeries on people has brought a handsome profit to Medrobotics.回答









He ______ his baggage among hundreds of others.

B. identified


______no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.

A.Were there 正确


If you have any ______ news of my husband, please let me know.

A. definite 正确


Tom can speak French. ______.

B. So can Jack

电大资源网《理工英语 》形成性考核册作业题目和答案

电大资源网《理工英语(3)》形成性考核册参考资料2018 《理工英语(3)》是国家开放大学2017年春季新开的课程之一,对国家开放大学的理科专业学生进行统一考试。该资料对学生完成学习任务起着一定的辅助作用。电大资源网还有国家开放大学其他课程的参考资料,可以参考。 注:本科目已按字母排版整理成期末考试小抄 作业1 一、交际用语(共计 10 分,每小题 2 分) 1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 1. - How long is this cell phone guaranteed? - . A. No problem B. You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year C. Don’t mention it 2. - It is a little expensive for me. Can I have a discount? - . A. You must be kidding B. It is terrible C. The price has been reduced by 50%. It is a real bargain 3. - Would you like to go to attend the conference on global warming with me? - .but I should finish my homework first. A. It’s hard to say B. You’re welcome C. I’d love to 4. - What do you think of your new computer? - . A. I think so. B. How about you? C. It is really fantastic. 5. - I have just got an iPod as my birthday gift. - . A. Good luck B. That’s right C. Congratulations 二、词汇与语法(共计 30 分,每小题 2 分) 6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选顶。 6. You don’t have to start over from · A. scratch B. head C. again 7. Our company specializes architectural design. A. off B. in C. on 8. How will the war on his generation? A. effect B. affect C. impact 9. The store will for cash payment. A. discourse B. discourage C. discount 10. I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly to me.


2020年最新电大《理工英语1》考试(题目和答案) 《理工英语1》形成性考核真题 《理工英语1》期末复习题库 手动整理的,考试真题基本上都包括在内! 主页还有其他专业各科试题库,或许有你想要的~ 1. [单选题]交际用语: - Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? - I'm sorry, | have no idea. I A. am a stranger here B.am a new C. don't know 2. [单选题]交际用语: -We've booked a table. We hope you can join us. - A.O B. How can I resist such a gracious invitation! C. I don't think so. 3. [单选题]交际用语: - I'm going to Hainan for my holiday. - A. Have a nice trip B. Not at all

C. thanks a lot. 4. [单选题]交际用语: - Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan? - A.1 don't like the Japanese food. B. Don't ask me. C. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project. 5. [单选题]交际用语:-Would you like a glass of wine? -I don't drink. A. Yes, please. B. No, thanks. C. I don't like it. 6. [单选题]词汇与结构: () is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer. A. As B. That C. Who 7. [单选题]词汇与结构: This article deals with the natural phenomenon


最新国家开放大学电大本科《理工英语4》期末标准题库及答案(试卷号:1388) 考试说明:本人汇总了历年来该科的试题及答案,形成了一个完整的标准考试题库,对考生的复习和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。内容包含:交际用语、词汇与结构、阅读理解、写作。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具(Ctrl+F),把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核、机考及教学考一体化试题答案,敬请查看。 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1.- Good morning, Jeff. Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks? A. Thank you for reminding me. B. No problem! You want the usual? C.You must be joking. 2. - Do you eat porridge every day? A. Porridge is my favorite. B. No, sometimes I'd have a cup of soybean milk and a boiled egg for my breakfast. C.I seldom eat fast food because it's rich in fat. 3.- Do you mind my using my mobile phone here? A. Yes, use it please. B.No, you can't use it. C.No, of course not. 4.- This apple pie is too sweet, don't you think so? ___ _I think it's just right, actually. A. Not really. B.I hope so. C.Sounds good. 5.- Oh. Dear! I've lost my new watch. A. I'm sad. B.That's all right. C.What a pity!


1.—Hello, may I speak to Henry? —_______ A. This is Henry speaking. 正确 B. It is Henry. C. My name is Henry. 2.—What's your major please? —_______ A. Who knows B. I'm majoring in Interior Design 正确 C. I'm not sure 3.This garden is three times as ______ as that one. A. big B. biggest 不正确 C. Bigger 4.The _____ question is much more different than this one. A. sixteen B. six C. sixth 正确 Hold on a minute, please. I'll put you _____ . A. in B. through 正确 C. On —If you're short-listed for the interview, we'll ring you by Friday. —_______ A. It doesn't matter. B. OK,Madam.I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 正确 C. I don't care. —Could you give me your phone number? —_______ A. It doesn't matter. B. It's very kind of you to do so. C. Sure. My phone number is 135-5674-5633. 正确 Going “green”____ have to be a challenge. A. doesn't 正确


电大理工英语期末考试 复习 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

《理工英语1》期末复习重点: 1、《理工英语1》期末复习指导 2、《理工英语1》形成性考核册作业1-3三套题 《理工英语1》形成性考核册 作业1答案 第一部分交际用语 (共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1.C 2. C 4. B 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 AAAAA 16-20 BCBBA 第三部分阅读理解(共计40分) 21-25 BCACC 26-30 FFTTT 第四部分翻译(共计20分) 31-35 CBAAB 作业2答案 第一部分交际用语 (共计10分,每小题2分)

1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1-5 CBBAB 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 BBABA 16-20 ACABC 第三部分阅读理解(共计40分) 21-25 CCACB 26-30 BCABC 第四部分翻译(共计20分) 31-35 ABBAA 作业3答案 第一部分交际用语 (共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1-5 BAABC 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-10 CBCBA 11-15 CAACC 16-20 BAABA 第三部分阅读理解(共计40分) 21-25 CBACB 26-30 TTFFF 第四部分翻译(共计20分) 31-35 BCAAA


2019年7月国开(中央电大)本科《理工英语4》期末考试试题及答案 说明:试卷号码:1388; 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化、计算机科学与技术、数学与应用数学、水利水电工程和土木工程本科。 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1.- Good morning, Jeff. Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks? A. Thank you for reminding me. B. No problem! You want the usual? C.You must be joking. 2. - Do you eat porridge every day? A. Porridge is my favorite. B. No, sometimes I'd have a cup of soybean milk and a boiled egg for my breakfast. C.I seldom eat fast food because it's rich in fat. 3.- Do you mind my using my mobile phone here? A. Yes, use it please. B.No, you can't use it. C.No, of course not. 4.- This apple pie is too sweet, don't you think so? ___ _I think it's just right, actually. A. Not really. B.I hope so. C.Sounds good. 5.- Oh. Dear! I've lost my new watch. A. I'm sad. B.That's all right. C.What a pity!


《理工英语1》期末复习重点: 1、《理工英语1》期末复习指导 2、《理工英语1》形成性考核册作业1-3三套题 《理工英语1》形成性考核册 作业1答案 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. C 2. C 3.A 4. B 5.B 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 AAAAA 16-20 BCBBA 第三部分阅读理解(共计40分) 21-25 BCACC 26-30 FFTTT 第四部分翻译(共计20分) 31-35 CBAAB 作业2答案 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)

1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1-5 CBBAB 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 BBABA 16-20 ACABC 第三部分阅读理解(共计40分) 21-25 CCACB 26-30 BCABC 第四部分翻译(共计20分) 31-35 ABBAA 作业3答案 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1-5 BAABC 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-10 CBCBA 11-15 CAACC 16-20 BAABA 第三部分阅读理解(共计40分) 21-25 CBACB 26-30 TTFFF 第四部分翻译(共计20分) 31-35 BCAAA


机械专业理工英语综合测试参考答案 一、交际用语:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 题目1----Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan? ---- ___________________________ 正确答案是:Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project. 题目2--- Would you please open this suitcase for me? I can't open it. --- . 正确答案是:OK, let me see. 题目3--- Is there anything I can do? --- 正确答案是:Thanks, but I can manage. 题目4---A: Hello, Bill Burton speaking. ---B: Hello, Mr. Burton, this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call. 正确答案是:What can I do for you? 题目5—We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have a walk? — 正确答案是:It sounds like a good idea. 二、词汇语法:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个

能填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目6It was _______ to see the students’excitement when they discovered that simple materials could be used to cook food under the sun and the solar cooking really attracts those creative kids. 正确答案是:amazing 题目7They also have a camera ______allows you to take and share photos and video. 正确答案是:which 题目8Tom is________ than any other players in the school team. 正确答案是:taller 题目9We _______ two railway tickets online this Monday. 正确答案是:booked 题目10This box is___ that one. 正确答案是:as heavy as 题目11Separate passwords for every account make difficult for cyber criminals to hack you. 正确答案是:it 题目12It is easy to get the software we need ______ the market is small. 正确答案是:although 题目13You know, online shopping has so many ______. 正确答案是:advantages
