


Excuse me. Can you tell how to get to the bus station?

Sorry to trouble you, but could you direct me to the bus station? Can you tell me the way to the bus station?

Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest post office?

Excuse me, Where am I on this map?

Excuse me. Is there a drug store nearby?

Is this the road to the City Hall?

Could you tell me the way to the museum?

Can you tell me where the museum is?

How can I get to the subway station


I want to call for a taxi.

Where can I catch a taxi?

You can call the dispatcher and ask for one.

Please call me a taxi.

Would you like me to call a taxi for you?

Can we catch a cab here?

I can telephone for a taxi.

I’ll call a taxi in case of need.


STUART: Hello. Can I help you?

KAREN: Yes, I hope so. I would like to register for Comp Lit 287.

STUART: I'm sorry, but that class is already full.

And also, students are supposed to register through the touch-tone registration system. KAREN: I know. I already tried to register for it by phone, but the computer won't let me. STUART: That's because it's full.

KAREN: But I'm a new student here.

I thought maybe there was some way I could get into the class.

I thought I should come and talk to you in the department office.

STUART: Well, I could put you on a waiting list.

But that doesn't guarantee you will get into the class. What is your name?

KAREN: My name is Karen Huang. That's spelled H - U - A - N - G.

STUART: Alright. And what is your major?

KAREN: I'm a comparative literature major.

STUART: Wait a minute. You're a Comp Lit major?

KAREN: Yes, that's right.

STUART: Why didn't you tell me? I didn't know you were one of our students. KAREN: That's why I'm trying to get into Comp Lit 287. I know it's a required class. And Professor Cohen told me I need to take it.

STUART: The university computer system saves extra places,

in class 287 for comp lit students.

I can give you a special code.

When you register by phone, you can use the code to get into the class. KAREN: Even if the class is full?

STUART: That's right.

KAREN: Oh, I didn't know that.

STUART: Sure. Here is the code number, with information on how to use it. KAREN: Thank you. So you think I will be able to get in with this? STUART: Sure. Just call the touch-tone registration system again.

Then, follow the directions on the sheet. You will get in no problem. KAREN: Thanks.

STUART: Next time you come in here, I will recognize you.

留学英语口语:在银行开户Opening A Bank Account

IVY: I would like to open an account here.

SUSAN: Alright. What kind of account would you like?

IVY: I'm not sure. I'm new here in America.

I don't know the English words for different kinds of accounts.

SUSAN: Well, most international students open a basic savings account. IVY: Yes, I know I need to have a basic savings account.

SUSAN: Alright. And did you want to have a checking account too?

IVY: Sure. I know a lot of people here use checks. But do I need two accounts? Do I need a savings account and a checking account?

SUSAN: Well. No, not really.

If you think you will use a lot of checks, maybe you just need a checking account.

But you must be good at managing money then.

IVY: I understand. I don't want to write bad checks.

SUSAN: That's right.

IVY: I think I can have just one account. A checking account.

SUSAN: And did you want to use a cash card with your account?

IVY: Yes. Can I have a cash card too?

SUSAN: Certainly. Here is the form to fill out.

In order to open a checking account here, I also need to see your passport.

IVY: Alright. I brought it with me. Here it is.

SUSAN: Good. And I need to see your student I.D.

IVY: Here it is.

SUSAN: Thank you.

Now if you will fill out that form, I will start to enter your information into the computer. IVY: Here is the completed application form.

SUSAN: Good. Here is a deposit slip.

Please fill in your name and the amount you want to deposit today.

IVY: Is fifty dollars okay?

SUSAN: Yes, that's fine.

留学英语口语:谈论学习计划Discussing Study Plans

谈论学习计划Discussing Study Plans With A Professor

TERRY: Have you decided what you are going to take next semester?

LISA: Well, I'm an English major, you know.

So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things.

TERRY: Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this. LISA: I want to finish my degree in four years.

So I don't want to forget to take classes I need.

I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently. There were some classes she needed to take to graduate.

She didn't know about them.

TERRY: Yes, that happens.

LISA: I brought my transcript from my first year.

Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall.

TERRY: Alright. Good.

I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements.

You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science.

So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201?

LISA: No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school.

So I'm not required to take composition.

TERRY: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester.

And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet.

LISA: No, I thought I would take it later.

TERRY: Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later.

LISA: Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class.

I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets.

TERRY: Let me look at the timetable.

Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 AM.

LISA: I can take it then. I have that time slot free.

TERRY: Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important. We want our students to take the class as soon as they can.

And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher.

LISA: I'll take it then.

TERRY: Tell me, Lisa, what made you decide to be an English major?

LISA: I want to be an English professor in the future.

I love studying literature, and I want to teach it.

TERRY: Really? That's great to know.

LISA: That's the reason I want to finish my B.A. in four years.

Because I know I will be in school a long time.

I want to start the M.A. and Ph.D. program as soon as possible

留学英语口语:入住宿舍Moving Into The Dorm

CHRIS: Alright, we need to have a plan here. First of all, which bed do you want? DA VE: Well, everybody wants the bottom bunk. Why don't we flip a coin for it? CHRIS: Alright. Do you have a coin?

DA VE: Yes. Here's a quarter. I flip it, you call it in the air.

CHRIS: Heads.

DA VE: Sorry, it's tails. You lose.

CHRIS: Oh, well. So you get the bottom bunk. What about our stereos?

It looks like we both brought our stereos. Probably we only have room for one.

DA VE: Your stereo is better than mine. Do you mind if we use yours?

CHRIS: No, I don't mind.

I just don't know where we can put the speakers in this tiny room.

DA VE: Probably we can put one on that counter.

And we can put one on the floor by the bed. Over there.

CHRIS: Alright. That's a good plan. What about the desks?

We have two desks, one by the window and one by the door? Which one do you want? DA VE: Well, the desk by the window is nicer, of course. Don't you think?

CHRIS: Yes, I agree.

DA VE: So since I got the bottom bunk, why don't you get the desk by the window? That would be more fair.

CHRIS: Alright.

DA VE: I mean, we could flip a coin for it, but I would probably win again.

I'm incredibly lucky you know. Especially with girls.

CHRIS: Is that right?

DA VE: Yes, that's right.

CHRIS: Well, I hope you let me hang out with you then. Maybe I can learn from you. DA VE: Oh, certainly. Certainly. I'm always willing to help beginners.

Just call me Big Brother Dave.

CHRIS: Are all lucky people so stuck up?

DA VE: C'mon, don't take it seriously! I'm just kidding.

CHRIS: Anyway, I get the desk by the window, you get the bottom bunk. That's it. DA VE: Why don't we start unpacking these boxes?

CHRIS: I will go get something to eat. You unpack first.

Then, when I come back, I'll unpack.

DA VE: Alright. See you later.

留学英语口语:申请奖学金Applying For A Scholarship

申请奖学金Applying For A Scholarship

SHARON: How can I help you today, Alice?

ALICE: Well, I came to talk to you because I want to apply for a scholarship. SHARON: Oh, good. You're an excellent student.

I'd be very willing to help you with that.

ALICE: Thanks. I really appreciate it.

In fact, I do need a letter of recommendation for this scholarship.

SHARON: What kind of scholarship is it?

ALICE: It's an undergraduate scholarship

offered by the American Minority Students Scholarship Association.

I'm eligible for it because I'm Asian American.

SHARON: Fine. I know about that scholarship.

You have to be a student in your junior year,

and you have to have a grade point average of 3.7 or higher.

ALICE: I'm a junior now, and my GPA is 3.92.

SHARON: Excellent. So you'll have a good chance of getting it.

ALICE: Well, I hope so. The competition is probably pretty heavy.

And they want a writing sample too.

SHARON: Do you have an essay you want to send them?

ALICE: No, they want a special essay.

I must write an essay on a particular question they pose.

SHARON: What is the question?

ALICE: They give applicants a topic.

The topic is, "The Place of Ethnic Minorities in a Democratic Society."

My essay must be three pages typed and double-spaced.

SHARON: That's a pretty short essay.

ALICE: Yes, but I need to write it by next week.

SHARON: Good luck. I'm sure you will do a good job.

ALICE: I came here today to talk to you because... Well, I need to ask two favors. SHARON: Sure. What are they?

ALICE: First, I need a letter of recommendation.

SHARON: I'd be happy to write one for you.

ALICE: And second.... Well, I'm not sure if it's normal.

SHARON: What is it? Do you want me to read your essay?

ALICE: Yes, if you could.

I mean, if you could read it to make sure there are no mistakes.

Or maybe you'd have some suggestions.

SHARON: Of course I could read it. That's no problem. But you need to get it to me soon. ALICE: I will. I want to write the first draft tonight.

So I could bring it tomorrow morning.

SHARON: Alright. If you can bring it to me tomorrow morning,

I can talk with you after class on Friday.

So I'll have some feedback for you before the weekend.

ALICE: That would really help me a lot. I'm very grateful.

SHARON: Don't mention it. I'm always willing to help good students.

留学英语口语:去健身中心Going To The Gym

STEVE: I'm going over to the gym. I want to do some running.

JOSEPH: Why don't you run outside?

STEVE: Are you kidding? Do you know how cold it is today?

JOSEPH: Yeah, I suppose. I guess it isn't healthy to run in this weather.

STEVE: No, it's not. Not at all. I'd probably freeze my lungs.

JOSEPH: Wait for me a minute. I'll go over to the gym too.


JOSEPH: Yes, why not? Just let me get my gym clothes together.

STEVE: I didn't know you could exercise.

JOSEPH: What do you mean by that? Everyone can exercise!

STEVE: Yeah, I know. But you?

I always thought you were only good at lifting beer bottles to your mouth. JOSEPH: No, not at all. I was on the swimming team in high school.

And I'd like to do some weight training. They have decent equipment at that gym. STEVE: You're going to lift weights? Hah!

JOSEPH: Are you laughing at me?

STEVE: I'm sorry. I just can't imagine you lifting weights.

JOSEPH: Maybe not. But I want to start. I need to get in shape.

I feel these past couple months that my energy is low.

STEVE: It's true. If a person doesn't exercise, they get sluggish.

That's why I keep running. Even in the winter.

JOSEPH: So I need to do something too.

STEVE: But lifting weights isn't the best thing.

You should do some kind of aerobic exercise.

JOSEPH: I know. But I want to start today with a little weight lifting.

Then I'm going to buy a new swimming suit and goggles,

and every other day I'm going to go swim laps in the pool. How does that sound? STEVE: It sounds like a good plan to me. I'm still... I mean...


STEVE: I'm still just surprised you really want to do it.

It doesn't seem to go with your character.

JOSEPH: Well, if that's true, then maybe I need to change my character, don't I?

I don't want to become a fat slob.

留学英语口语:参加派对Going To A Party

ANN: I think I'm going to go home.

SHARON: Why? We just got here.

ANN: I know, but it's 12:30. It's pretty late.

SHARON: 12:30 isn't late! This party will probably go until three or four o'clock. C'mon, don't leave yet!

ANN: Three or four o'clock?


ANN: I never stay out that late. That's too late.

SHARON: But why is it too late? It's Saturday night.

You have nothing to do tomorrow. Why not stay out and drink with us?

ANN: Were you so wild when you were still in Taipei, Sharon?

SHARON: Yes, I was. And I like living here.

People know how to party here. In Taipei, some people know how to party.

But here, everyone does.

ANN: What is that they're doing on the couch?

SHARON: They're smoking pot. Don't worry about it.

ANN: Pot? Isn't that marijuana?

SHARON: Yes, it is.

ANN: But, Sharon, that's illegal! The police could come, and we could go to jail. SHARON: Don't worry about it. It is true that pot is illegal in America.

But the laws aren't as strict as in Taiwan.

If people are arrested, and they have a little pot in their possession,

they don't go to jail. They just have to pay a fine.

ANN: Really?


ANN: I didn't know you had such wild friends. Do you smoke marijuana too? SHARON: I tried it a couple times. But I don't like it. I like alcohol better.

Don't worry about them, though. If you don't want to smoke pot, you don't have to. ANN: I don't want to.

SHARON: That's alright. But you really should have another drink.

People will probably start dancing soon.

ANN: I don't know if I can drink more. I already had two drinks.

SHARON: You had two drinks at nine o'clock.

C'mon, Ann, you are in an American university now! You have to learn how to drink. ANN: I thought a university was for studying.

SHARON: It is. We study hard all week.

And then, on the weekend, we party hard. That's the best way to live.

ANN: Alright. I'll have another drink.

留学英语口语:语言交流Language Exchange

ALLEN: Excuse me. Do you study Chinese at the university here?

SUZY: Yes, I do. But my characters are very bad.

ALLEN: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing.

SUZY: Are you Chinese?

ALLEN: Yes, I am. I am from Taiwan. I came here to study political science.

SUZY: How do you like it?

ALLEN: I like it so far. But my English still needs work.

SUZY: I want to study Mandarin and international relations.

ALLEN: Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters? SUZY: They teach regular characters.

ALLEN: I see. I'm from Taiwan, so I know regular characters better than simplified. SUZY: You just said your English needs work, yes?

ALLEN: Yes, that's true. Especially my writing.

I think my papers aren't good enough. I make too many grammatical mistakes.

SUZY: Well, I am very serious about learning Chinese.

But for me the hard part now is pronunciation.

You have the four tones in Chinese. It is very hard.

Maybe, if you have time, maybe we could do a language exchange.

ALLEN: You mean you and I?

SUZY: Yes, why not?

I mean, if you come to this cafe often,

maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English.

ALLEN: That sounds like a good idea. How often would you like to do it?

SUZY: Let's see... My schedule right now is quite busy.

But I think I could spend 90 minutes a week in language exchange.

ALLEN: How would we manage it though? How would we spend the 90 minutes? SUZY: First, we could spend 45 minutes working on your English writing.

If you want, I could help you edit your papers.

Or we could do English conversation. Whatever you want.

And then the next 45 minutes you would help me with my Chinese.

ALLEN: Would I help you with writing?

SUZY: No. For me right now, the important thing is spoken Chinese.

I need practice. So you could tutor me in speaking.

We could use my textbook, and you could ask me questions.

Then you could correct my mistakes.

ALLEN: I think it sounds like a good system. But when is it convenient to meet? SUZY: Well, today is Monday.

Actually, for me Monday at this time would be the best.

I am free from now until 11:30 every Monday morning.

ALLEN: Me too. In fact, I'm free until 1:20 on Mondays.

SUZY: So if you want to meet at 10:00 here next Monday, we could start.

ALLEN: It sounds good. I will bring the papers I'm working on.

SUZY: And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder.

I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own.

ALLEN: Let me give you my phone number.

SUZY: Sure. I'll give you mine too. Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason. 留学英语口语:找公寓Looking For An Apartment

LARRY: I really appreciate your driving me around.

CONRAD: It's no problem.

I have time today, and I think it's important that you find a good place. LARRY: It would be hard for just me to do it. I don't know the city at all. CONRAD: So what do you see in there?

LARRY: This one sounds good. "Efficiency with view of the lake."

Utilities and parking included. Newly remodeled kitchen. $470.

CONRAD: Can you afford that much?

LARRY: No, I guess not. But that's what I want, isn't it? An efficiency. CONRAD: Yes, an efficiency is a small apartment.

Usually one large room and a small bathroom.

There is often a small kitchen too. So it's good for one person.

LARRY: How about this one?

"Downtown efficiency. Furnished..." What does furnished mean?

CONRAD: That means the apartment has furniture in it.

LARRY: That's good.

CONRAD: Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. You have to like the furniture. LARRY: "Furnished. Parking included. $400."

CONRAD: It's still pretty expensive.

LARRY: Yes, but it's downtown. I would like to take look at this one. CONRAD: Alright. What's the phone number?

LARRY: 256-7797.

CONRAD: Got it. What else do you see?

LARRY: This one. "Two male grad students seeking roommate."

Must be quiet. Comfortable downtown apartment."

Does this mean I have to share a room with them?

CONRAD: No. It probably means they have a large apartment.

Probably a living room, kitchen and three bedrooms.

They need someone for the empty bedroom.

LARRY: That sounds alright.

CONRAD: Yes, it might be an advantage for you. You are a foreigner, after all. If they're alright roommates, you could learn a lot from them.

LARRY: Here's the number, 256-4367.

CONRAD: Got it.

Let's call these two and see if we can make appointments to see the apartments. LARRY: Sounds good to me. I really appreciate your help on this. CONRAD: Don't mention it, Larry. What are friends for anyway?

留学英语口语:申请停车许可证Applying For A Parking Permit

申请停车许可证Applying For A Parking Permit

SANDY: Can I help you?

DEREK: Yes, I need to apply for a parking permit.

SANDY: Are you a professor?

DEREK: What? Are you kidding? I'm only 22 years old!

SANDY: Yes, I am kidding.

But don't you know only professors and students with disabilities

can apply for parking permits?

DEREK: Yes, I know. I have a disability.

My hip was broken last year. And I can't walk well.

SANDY: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

DEREK: It's alright. You didn't see me walk to the desk.

SANDY: Here is the application form.

I also need to see your student ID and your permission letter from the university. DEREK: My permission letter?

SANDY: Yes, the letter that certifies you have a disability.

And it must certify your disability entitles you to a parking place.

DEREK: I was told I should have the letter sent directly to your office. SANDY: Yes. Or you can bring it yourself.

DEREK: But I asked them to send it to you directly.

SANDY: Let me look in the file then. Maybe we received it.

DEREK: My name is Derek Schneider, S - C - H - N - E - I - D - E - R. SANDY: Yes, here it is.

Alright. Then I just need your completed application form,

and I will be able to process your request.

DEREK: Good. I will sit over there and fill out the form.

I will give it to you in a few minutes.

Oh, by the way, can I apply for any parking lot I want?

SANDY: The form has a map on the back. You may specify your top four choices. We will give a spot in the lot that has an opening.

DEREK: I see. Thank you.

SANDY: You're very welcome.

学英语口语:兼职工作About Part-Time Jobs

NATASHA: I don't know what I'm going to do.

I need to find a job. If I don't, I won't be able to stay here next semester.

ERIC: Have you tried university part-time jobs?

NATASHA: What do you mean?

ERIC: I mean in the library, or in some information center.

Often the university hires foreign students for part-time positions. NATASHA: Yes, I know. I tried that.

They don't have anything now. So what can I do?

ERIC: Well, since you're a foreign student, it's hard.

That's because it's actually illegal for you to work in America.

NATASHA: I know that. You don't have to tell me that. That's my problem.

I know I have the right to work for the university. That's legal.

But they don't have a job for me. And it's illegal for me to get a job elsewhere. ERIC: Anyway, there must be some solution.

You know there are many people working illegally in New York.

NATASHA: But I need a pretty decent job.

I need to make enough to pay my rent at least.

ERIC: I have an idea.


ERIC: Since you're Chinese, maybe you can find part-time work in Chinatown. NATASHA: I already had that idea.

ERIC: Well, why don't you go and look down there?

NATASHA: But I don't know what I would do.

ERIC: It may be part-time work as a waitress or something.

It would be illegal, but sometimes waitresses make a good salary. NATASHA: Maybe. I don't know.

ERIC: I will ask my friends for you.

Maybe someone knows a company that needs part-time people.

That's another thing you should do. Ask all your friends to ask around for you. You might find something.

NATASHA: I have to find something.

Otherwise I have to go back to Taiwan. I'll be broke in two months.

留学英语口语:去教堂In The Church

RYAN: I am kind of nervous.

SARAH: Nervous? Why?

RYAN: I don't know. I never went to a church before.


【医院常用的英语口语对话】 A:Have you taken your temperature? A:你量体温了么? B:Yes, and it is 37℃. B:量了,37度。 A:Well, open your mouth and let me have a look. It is nothing serious. You haven't got a fever. But you should take the medicine and need to have more rest recently. When you feel well, you could take more exercises, or play sports like basketball, running, and swimming. And eating healthy food, having more fruits and vegetableand drinking milk are good for your heath. A:哦,张开嘴,我看看。没什么大问题,你没发烧。但你还是要吃药,最近也要多休息。感觉好些的时候多做运动,打打篮球、跑跑步或者游游泳什么的。多吃健康食品,多吃蔬菜水果,还有多喝奶,对你身体都有好处。 B:Yes, I see. Thanks a lot. B:好的,我知道了。谢谢你。 【医院看病常用的英语口语对话】 护士:早上好! Nurse: Good morning. 病人:你好! Patient: Good morning. 护士:请问哪里不舒服? Nurse: What seems to be the problem? 病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。 Patient: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. 护士:这种情况出现有多久了? Nurse: How long have you had the problem? 病人:从昨晚开始的。 Patient: Since last night. 护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗? Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before? 病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。 Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city. 护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。 Nurse:O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.


【假期生活常用的英语口语对话】 丹尼尔: Good evening! Long time no see, how are you? 晚上好! 好久不见.还好吗? 苏珊: Good evening! I`m fine, how about you, beauty? 晚上好!我很好美女.你呢? 丹尼尔: Thanks for God! I am fine too. 感谢上帝!我也很好. 苏珊: How did you spend your spring festival? 你的春节是怎样度过的呢? 丹尼尔: Aha, it is a long story! 说起来就长了. 苏珊: I`m willing to listen to you. 我愿意洗耳恭听. 丹尼尔: Ok! Actually, I have a wonderful holiday. I spend most of the time with my family members and friends. 好的!事实上.我度过了一个精彩的假期.大多数时间我和家人和朋友待在一起. 苏珊: That sounds great! 听起来不错! 丹尼尔: How about your spring festival? 你的春节是怎么度过的呢? 苏珊: I had visited some relatives and spend some time watching TV and surfing internet. 我拜访了一些亲戚.再就是看电视.上网. 丹尼尔: It seems that both of us are satisfied with our spring festival. 这似乎看起来我们俩都满意自己的春节假期. 苏珊: Quite right. 是的 丹尼尔: It`s time to say goodbye. See you! 该说再见了. 苏珊: See you! 再见! 【谈论假期生活的英语口语对话】 A:Welcome back! How was your vacation? 欢迎回来!假期过得怎么样? B:It was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back! Being a tourist


大学生二人英语口语对话材料 【篇一】大学生二人英语口语对话材料 Dennis: What the heck! He cut himself. 呀呀的。他居然给自己动刀子。 Lorry:What’s going on? Who got cut? I’ve got Band-Aid. 发生什么了?谁割伤了?我有邦迪。 Dennis:Relax. It’s this cool doctor. He felt pain in his stomach. He thought it was acute appendicitis and operated himself. 放松。是这个医生了。他感觉自己腹部疼痛。他就觉得是急性阑 尾炎。然后就给自己做手术了。 Lorry:He’d better be right about that. 他没有判断失误吧。 Dennis: Of course, he was. He got recovered several days later. 当然没有了。几天以后,他康复了。 Lorry:He is something, isn’t he? But I have my doubts. 他是很了不起。但是我有点儿怀疑. Dennis:What? Don’t you believe it? 什么?你不相信?

Lorry:Well, it’s just too good to be true. Every famous doctor has a story. How could he stay cool when he was under anesthetic? 写得太不真实了。每个名医生都有自己的传说。在麻醉状态下, 他怎么可能保持清醒啊! Dennis: Come on! I have the photos of the operation. You are just jealous. 得了。我有手术照片呢。你是嫉妒别人吧。 Lorry:No, I’m not. Why should I be? That’s ridiculous! I may not be famous now. But people will know me as Dr. Lorry Bill someday. 才没有。我为什么要啊?太搞笑了。我现在是没有名气。但是总有一天,会有人知道我洛丽比尔医生的。 【篇二】大学生二人英语口语对话材料 Ann: What should I do? 我该怎么办啊? Lily: What have you done? 你做什么啦? Ann: I entered for volunteer for a very important meeting. 我报名参加一个很重要的座谈会的志愿者。 Lily: It is a fine thing. 这是好事啊。


初中英语口语对话资料 1. -- Good morning/afternoon. -- Good morning/afternoon/Hello/Hi. 2. -- How are you -- I'm fine, thanks. And you And how are you -- Fine, thank you. 3. -- Nice to meet/see you. -- Nice to meet/see you, too. | -- How do you do -- How do you do -- I'm Lin Qiang./My name is Lin Qiang. -- I'm Naney./My name is Naney. -- Good bye. -- Bye-bye. 4. -- Hello, I'm Neal. -- Hi, I'm Nancy. | 5. -- How is everything going -- Fine, thank you, And you -- Fine, thanks. 6. -- What's your name/May I have your name, please -- I'm Nancy/My name is Nancy. 7. -- How old are you -- I'm eleven. 8. -- Which grade are you in | -- Class 1, Grade 5. 9. -- Do you like balloons -- Yes, I do. -- Why Why do you like balloons -- Because they're colorful and interesting. 10. -- Do you like pandas -- Yes, I do. -- Why(Why do you like pandas) ? -- Because it's very cute. -- Let's go to see the pandas -- That sounds great. 11. -- Can you count from one to twenty --Sure. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ,nine ,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourtee n,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen ,twenty. 12. -- What's your phone number -- It's .(七位号码:前三后四,八位号码:各四位) 13. -- What's the time, please/What's the time by your watch ] -- Let's me see. It's 4:30. 14 -- What would you have for dinner -- I'd like hamburgers and some orange juice. -- Do you like hot dogs why -- Yes, I do. It's very nice. 15. -- Do you have sports every day -- Yes I do. -- What do you usually do after school : -- I exercise a lot. I like skipping -rope. 16. -- Do you watch TV every day -- Yes , I do. -- What time do you watch TV every day -- At 7:30. 17. -- What time do you get up every day -- At 6:30. 18. -- What time do you have your lunch every day ^ -- At 11:30. 19. -- What time do you go to school every day -- At 7:30. 20. -- What time do you have your breakfast every day -- At 7:00. 21. -- What time do you have your dinner every day -- At 6:00. 22. -- What time do you go home every day … -- At 5:00. 23. -- How many boys/girls/pupils are there in your class -- Twenty-two/Twenty-eight/Fifty. 24. -- What color is your


英语口语 Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you?琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas. 罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。 Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma.亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。 Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately. 罗比:我们认为许多方法来发现它的主人,但我们不能成功最终。 Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make a record in terms of rule. 琳达:噢,等一会儿。你知道我必须做一个记录。 Robbie: No problem. 罗比:没问题。 Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale. 罗比:林登街46,Riverdale。 Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的? Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。 Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? 琳达:你试着打领子上的号码吗? Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you. 罗比:是的,但是号码也不再服务。所以我们只有你的电话。 Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签? Alex: There is no other information. 亚历克斯:没有其他信息。 Jack: No ID number. Without that, it is hard to find her host.


A:hi B:hello,You look so happy,What's the good news? A; As we all know For westerners, Christmas is a very important holiday, just like The Spring Festival to our Chinese. and I have received many presents from my friends such as Muffett cards, apples and so on . what about you? B:it is quite good,Come have a look. I received many beautiful e’cards. They’re from my friends all over the world. Christmas wishes for all my friends! A:wow,That’s pretty interesting.。what gifts You plan to send to your friends? B;you know My hometown is in Henan, in the north of China, it far from here ,so I want to take them something special,some specialty of Fujian,such as Anxi TieGuanYin Tea What about you? A:that is a good idea 。I plant to .................................. B:well ,I hope everyone a merry Christmas,merry christmas to you! A:meryy christmas。En ,new Year's day is coming,what do you plan? B:oh, I had to stay home to prepare my final exam.what about you? A:it is a Tree-planting Day,I want to take one day to claim mountion,and spend two days in reviewing。Would you want to claim togeter?


A: Hi, Wu, what's up B: I am reading, see it's a good book. A: Well, I see. "历史深处的忧虑林达著" what's the book about B: It's about the different culture and life view between Chinese and American. A: Oh, cool, I know a lot about that have been working along with some American guys a long time. B: So tell me how A: First in China, if you get good benefit from your boss, you should not show you up, people will jealous and even do you sometimes. But in America, you should not worry about it, everybody will thumb up to you if you get good benefit by your hard work. It's more easy and open to deal with American, but it's so hard to deal with some Chinese guys. B: Hmmm, sometimes.... A: Second in China, if you are working hard, you will be jealous in most times. They will talk about your in the back, and maybe doubt what you want. It's seldom happening in America or other Western country. B: Well, it's.... A: Okay, Ancient China is the most beautiful and powerful country in the world, I think even today the Western will not get that culture in mind. (ring) Sorry, I get a call, see you later. B: See you.. A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here.A: 哦,天啊!太巧了,在这儿碰到你。B: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year.B: 是呀!真没想到。我们已有半年没见了吧。A: Almost. Where are you heading nowA: 差不多。你去哪儿B: Oh. I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized.B: 哦,我正要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议。A: It's so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other.A: 这会议很有意义。东西方文化是适应它们各自社会的相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有它们自己的优点和不足,因此,两


第1章:开场白 BRIEF INTRODUCTION 简介 开场白(prolusion)有可能决定整个面试的基调。所谓“前三分钟定终身”,即你给面试考官的第一印象,从言谈举止到穿着打扮将直接影响到你被录取的机会。要彬彬有礼,但不要显得过分殷勤;要大方得体,不要拘谨或过分谦让。 还有,应试者需要注意的是,虽然对方为了缓和紧张气氛会问几个轻松的问题,但回答问题时一定要有礼貌,答案要抓住重点,和面试无关的话不要说,尽量考虑对方最想知道什么。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 2) How are you doing, Mrs. Smith? 你好,史密斯女士。 3) Excuse me. May I see Mrs. Smith? 对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗? 4) Miss Wu? Will you come in please? Take a seat. 吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。 5) I have come here for an interview by appointment. Nice to meet you. 我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。 6) I am coming for an interview as required. 我是应邀来面试的。 7) Did you have any difficulty finding our company? 找到我们公司困难吗? 8) How do you think of the weather today? 你认为今天的天气如何? CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 A: May I come in? I: Yes, please. A: How are you doing, Madam? My name is Wujing. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested. I: Fine, thank you for coming. Mr. Wu, Please take a seat. I am Anne Smith, the assistant manager.


英语口语情景对话 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes. - OK. Thank you very much. 三、表示同意和不同意(Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - No, I think it‘s open. 2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can‘t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead. - Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV Programme. 4.- I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories. - I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.


打电话英语口语对话范文 Sally:Goodmorning,ABCComputers, Sallyspeaking.CanIhelpyou? Caller1:Yes,I'mDaveMichaels.I'dliketotalktoAmyWinters,please. Sally:Justamoment,please.I'lltransferyou. Caller1:Thankyou. Sally:Goodmorning,ABCComputers, Sallyspeaking.CanIhelpyou? Caller2: MynameisLanceStevens.MayIspeaktoyourCustomerServicemanager? Sally:I'msorry,he'sinameeting.MayItakeamessage? Caller2:Whenwillhebeavailable? Sally:Idon'tknow,sir.Wouldyouliketoleaveamessage? Caller:No,that'sOK.I'llcallback. Sally:Goodmorning.MsCarling'soffice.WhatcanIdoforyou? Caller3: ThisisMarleneCasper.IneedtomeetwithMsCarling.SheknowswhoIam. Sally:Holdon, please.I'llcheckherschedule...YoucanmeetwithMsCarlingat10:00tomorrow. Caller3:That'llbefine.Thankyouverymuch. Sally:早上好。ABC公司,我是Sally,请问您有什么事吗?


英语口语考试对话资料 问路 Excuse me. Can you tell how to get to the bus station? Sorry to trouble you, but could you direct me to the bus station? Can you tell me the way to the bus station? Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest post office? Excuse me, Where am I on this map? Excuse me. Is there a drug store nearby? Is this the road to the City Hall? Could you tell me the way to the museum? Can you tell me where the museum is? How can I get to the subway station 叫车 I want to call for a taxi. Where can I catch a taxi? You can call the dispatcher and ask for one. Please call me a taxi. Would you like me to call a taxi for you? Can we catch a cab here? I can telephone for a taxi.

I’ll call a taxi in case of need. 留学英语口语:注册 Registration STUART: Hello. Can I help you? KAREN: Yes, I hope so. I would like to register for Comp Lit 287. STUART: I'm sorry, but that class is already full. And also, students are supposed to register through the touch-tone registration system. KAREN: I know. I already tried to register for it by phone, but the computer won't let me. STUART: That's because it's full. KAREN: But I'm a new student here. I thought maybe there was some way I could get into the class. I thought I should come and talk to you in the department office. STUART: Well, I could put you on a waiting list. But that doesn't guarantee you will get into the class. What is your name? KAREN: My name is Karen Huang. That's spelled H - U - A - N - G. STUART: Alright. And what is your major? KAREN: I'm a comparative literature major.


小学英语口语情景对话 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

小学英语口语情景对话情景一 模板对话: Is this your football Yes, it is. Thank you. May I use it Please! Sure! No! it isn't. It is my hat. Here you are. Thank you very much. 对话一: Robbie, is this your football Yes it is. Thank you. Is this your hat, Robby Yes it is. thank you . 对话二: Is this your nice cake Yes it is. May I use it Please! thank you. Is this your ink bottle Yes it is. May I use it Sure. 对话三: Is this your hat, Mr White No! it isn't. Is this your football No! it isn't. 对话四: Is this your hat Yes it is. It is my hat. Here you are.

Thank you very much! Is this your glass No it isn't It is my glass. Here you are. Thank you very much! 情景二 模板对话: What's this It's a cake. What's that It's an orange. Are you hungry Oh! nice. May I have some Excuse me! Is that your apple May I have it 对话一: What's this Edda It's a cake. What's that It's an orange. 对话二: Edda! are you hungry Yes, what's this It's a cake. Oh! nice. 对话三: Mom, What's this It's a melon. May I have some Of course. 对话四: Excuse me, Is that your apple May I have it Please!


3分钟简短的英语口语对话 【3分钟简短的英语口语对话】 A:Excuse me, is this the Auto Consumer Loan Center? A:请问,这儿是汽车消费贷款中心吗? B:Yes. Is there anything I can do for you? B:是啊。需要我为您做点什么事吗? A:Could you tell me something about the terms and interest rates for personal automobile consumer loan? A:请您告诉我个人汽车消费贷款的期限和利率情况好吗? B:The deadline is normally no more than 5 years with the interest adopted according to the corresponding lending rates announced by the PBC. B:按照规定,汽车消费贷款期限最长不超过5年,利率按中国人民银行规定的同期同档利率执行。 A:I plan to take the loan for 3 years. A:我打算贷3年期。 B:Well, the yearly interest rate is 5.49% for 3 years. I'm sure you are qualified to apply for this loan. B:3年期贷款年利率为5.49%。我相信您符合申请此项贷款的要求。 A:What about the loan repayment? A:如何还款呢?


大学英语口语对话材料阅读 Steven is in charge of file management. At this moment Mr. Wu is asking him to file somereports. 史蒂文负责档案管理,此刻吴先生要求他为报告文件归档。 Mr. Wu: Please file all the reports for me. 吴先生:请替我把这些报告归档。 Steven: OK. Would you like to file them according to dates? 史蒂文:好的。你要我按日期顺序归档吗? Mr. Wu: Yes. Will you also make copies and file them using both methods? 吴先生:是的。你可以将它们复印一下,然后以两种方式各归档一份,好吗? Steven: Yes, I will. 史蒂文:好,我会的。 Mr. Wu: Good. Can you please also list all the documents in those old files? 吴先生:非常好。你能为这些旧档内的所有文件编目录吗? Steven: When do you expect it to be finished? 史蒂文:你希望我何时完成? Mr. Wu: Before next Friday. 吴先生:下周五之前完成就可以了。 Steven: All right. 史蒂文:好的。 Susan has given Steven a list of office supplies they need to buy. Steven needs to buy them.This noon he invites Bill to go with him. 苏珊给史蒂文列了一份办公室用品购物清单。史蒂文要去购买这些东西,今天中午他请比尔和他一起去。
