翻译协会 英语词汇


载人航天manned space mission

探月工程lunar exploration program

结构性、输入性物价上涨structural and imported inflation

重点产业调整振兴计划the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries 政府投资引导带动社会投资Government spending guided and drove nongovernmental investment

科研成果实现了产业化A large number of research results have been applied in industrial production.

工业“三废” industrial wastewater, waste gases and residues

主体功能区development priority zones

县级基本财力保障机制a mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments

对外工程承包和劳务合作营业额the total turnover of overseas construction/project and labor contracts

新型农村社会养老保险a new type of pension insurance for rural residents

老有所养、病有所医、住有所居Everyone has access to old-age care, medical treatment and housing.

行政问责administrative accountability system

违法征地拆迁illegal land expropriations and housing demolitions

政府调控与市场机制的有机统一closely integrate government control with market forces

激发经济内在活力stimulate the (internal) vitality of the economy

加快形成消费、投资、出口协调拉动经济增长的新局面to quickly realize economic growth driven by consumption, investment and exports

提高居民收入在国民收入中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重(“两个提高”)raise the proportion of national income distributed to individuals and increase the proportion of wages in the primary distribution of income

提高政策范围内的医保基金支付水平increase payment percentage/level in the medical insurance fund within authorized package

构建组织多元、服务高效、监督审慎、风险可控的金融体系develop a financial system featuring diverse organizations, efficient service, prudent supervision and risk-control


develop a sound, flexible mechanism for setting prices for resource products capable of reflecting supply and demand in the market, resource scarcity, and the cost of environmental damage

政府自身改革建设government reforms and self-improvement

从制度上改变权力过分集中而又得不到制约的状况make institutional changes to end the excessive concentration of power and lack of checks on power

保持适当的财政赤字和国债规模keep the deficit and government bonds at

appropriate levels

公务接待费hospitality spending

消除输入性、结构性通胀因素的不利影响overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation

“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制the system of provincial governors taking responsibility for the “rice bag” (grain supply) program and city mayors taking responsibility for the “vegetable basket” (non-grain food supply) program

农产品流通体系farm products distribution


建制镇designated town

贷款利率mortgage interest rate

基准利率benchmark interest rate

住房转让property transaction

理性消费rational consumption

舆论引导to guide the public with correct opinions

计划单列市separately listed city

土地增值税land value-added tax

新增建设用地newly-added construction land

住房用地供应residential land supply

住房支付能力housing payment capacity

住房保障制度housing security system

最低首付款the minimum down payment

保障性安居工程affordable housing project

人均可支配收入per capita disposable income

确定价格控制目标to set price control targets

住房价格控制目标property price control targets

准入退出机制the access and exit mechanisms

棚户区改造the renovation of shanty houses

住房限购措施measures for home purchase restrictions

约谈问责机制response-on-demand accountability

新一轮楼市调控措施a new round of measures to rein in property prices

差别化住房信贷政策diversified housing credit policies

增加公共租赁住房供应to increase the supply of public rental housing

中小套型普通商品住房small and medium-sized commodity housing

公开、公平、公正原则the principles of openness, impartiality and fairness

环球网热词Buzzwords from the Global Times

奔奔族rushing clan


气候变化climate change

万人迷mack daddy

循环经济Cyclic Economy

视频直播live streaming


小留学生parachute kids

非法食品添加剂illegal food additive

骑墙族fence sitters


过劳死death from overwork

反恐部队counter-terrorism unit


肥胖谈话fat talk

蚁族ant tribe


毒黄瓜contaminated cucumbers

网络水军online “water army”

边境争端border dispute

代驾司机designated driver

抹布女duster women

醉驾drunk driving

利好因素feel-good factor

好人综合症nice guy syndrome

社交商social quotient

“五道杠”five-stroke armband

成人礼coming-of-age ceremony

夏至summer solstice

债务危机debt crisis

向境外转移资产transfer assets overseas





奉子成婚shotgun wedding/marriage

灰色技能gray skills



“悔丁族”DINK exit clan

黄色警戒线security cordon

擅离职守AWOL (absent without leave)


绝世衰男omega male


No.1 动车追尾bullet trains rear-end


No.2 姚明退役Yao Ming’s retirement

背景:在美国NBA征战9年的国际巨星“姚明”于7月20日在上海宣布退役。他打通了NBA 和中国之间的门户,为NBA和中国篮球开创了一个新的时代,然而,随着小巨人的退役,这一切,都将画上一个休止符。

No.3 晒“三公”display government departments’ spending


No.4 学历造假fabricate academic credentials


No.5 达芬奇的眼泪furniture retailer played foul with buyers


No.6 虎妻tiger wife


No.7 扶梯恐慌症escalator phobia


No.8 共和国脊梁“Backbone of Republic” Award


No.9 卖萌通缉令cute wanted circular


No.10 赖昌星遣返Lai Changxing repatriated



明星代言celebrity endorsement

创业板Growth Enterprise Market


恶意营销smear campaign

口水战war of words

存款利率deposit rate


草莓族Strawberry Generation

碳足迹Carbon footprint


带蛆柑橘maggot-infested orange


平流雾advection fog

婚前协议prenuptial agreement


网络议价师net bargainer

裸婚naked wedding no-frills marriage

职业倦怠job burnout


票房毒药box office flop


登革热dengue fever


裸捐all-out donation

伏天dog days

航班延误flight delay

蜗居pigeonhole; snail dwelling; snail house

世界艾滋病日World AIDS Day

整容手术plastic surgery

午间危机mid-day crisis

联合军演Joint military drill

公务用车government car


大满贯grand slam

兴奋剂检测dope test




住宅限购令house purchase restriction

光棍节Singles Day

反式脂肪酸trans fat

植入式广告Product placement

记者节Journalists’ Day

惊天八卦striking gossip


恶搞parody joke

浮云fleeting cloud

房奴mortgage slave


法人legal person

地王top bidder

蜗居snail dwelling; snail house; pigeonhole

雷人shocking; weird; wacky

给力gelivable; thrilling; cool

山寨copycat; Shanzhai; knock-off

桌游board role-playing games

裸婚simplistic marriage; bare-handed marriage

伪娘drag queen

蚁族city ants; antizen

零帕族stress-free type; stress-proof type

考碗族gold-rice-bowl seeker

代排族hired queuer


富二代the second-generation rich; silver-spoon kids 橡皮人the jaded (indifferent to the world)


潜规则unspoken rule

地沟油hogwash oil; recycled cooking oil;gutter oil

农家乐rural inn; farm stay; agritainment

点钞费(coin-)counting fee

国民性national character

被就业to be said/be declared/be alleged to have found jobs

打酱油See no evil, hear no evil; none of my business; I am just passing by; no comment

转型跳槽career shifting

两餐半人meal skipper

换草运动swap date

胶囊公寓capsule apartment

游街示众shame parade; public shaming

高雅艺术high art

酒后代驾designated driver; DD

阶梯计价differential pricing; tiered pricing

小产权房house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights

教育公平equal access to education

人文交流cultural and people-to-people exchange

忧患意识adversity consciousness

社会底层low social strata

第一桶金first pot of gold

民心工程projects in the public interest; pro-people projects

错时上下班staggered office hours

住房空置率(housing) vacancy rate

新生代农民工new generation of migrant workers

火车票实名制real name ticket booking system

团购/团购优惠券group-buying; team-buying/groupon; group coupon

笑点、泪点、痛点bursting point

大型实景歌舞演出real-scene musical extravaganza; musical extravaganza on the site

法人代表/法定代表人legal representative

反三俗(低俗、庸俗和媚俗)fight against three forms of vulgarity

量化货币(定量宽松货币政策)quantitative easing monetary policy

三网融合(电讯、电话、互联三网)three network convergence; TCI convergence


China was among the first in the world to see the economic turnaround.


up 9.8% and 8.5% respectively in real terms


The outstanding achievements in the past six decades have greatly boosted the confidence and pride of the people.


owner-occupied homes/houses


low-income housing


affordable housing


to restrict excess production capacity and redundant development in some industries 节能产品惠民工程

project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people


Government-subsidized energy-efficient products


CFL=compact fluorescent lamp


disaster preparedness


institutions and mechanisms


institutional barriers


The ChiNext stock market

班委会class committee

班长class monitor

副班长assistant class monitor

学习委员commissary in charge of studies

组织委员commissary in charge of organization

宣传委员commissary in charge of publicity

文艺委员commissary in charge of literature and art

体育委员commissary in charge of sports

生活委员commissary in charge of general affairs

劳动委员commissary in charge of physical labour

团支部Communist Youth League branch

团总支general branch of the Communist Youth League

团员member of the Communist Youth League/League member

团支部书记Secretary of Communist Youth League

党支部Party branch

党总支general Party branch

党小组Party group(smallest unit within the Party's organizational setup)

党员party member

党支部书记Party branch secretary/Secretary of Party branch



白客tracker/ online security guard

森女mori girl

节奴festival slave


奔三heading toward one’s 30s

注水剧inanition-injected opera

制网权internet domination

泛性别gender crosser

格格党the princess clan

牛奋男promising bull

三不女3W ladies (ladies with wise consumption, wise decision, and wise comparison)


OBS女人OBS women

倦鸟族slack birds


戒驾族drive abstainers

恐归族festival reunion-phobe(s)


小私族private-oriented chasers

走鬼族haunting peddlers

泡客族perfect career champion(s)/advocate(s)

零帕族the resilient lot/stress challenger(s)

鬼旋族the town’s wandering soul(s)/the hanging-out party

朝活族early bustler(s)/early birds

麦兜族grassroots post-80s

蘑菇族(button) mushroom(s)

装忙族the pretend-to-be-busy tribe

掏空族the over-drained clan/the overtaxed lot

抢抢族freebie / freebee monger(s)

折客族coupon freak(s)

“定格”族FEEL (Freeze to ease emptiness and loneliness)

海鸥经理seagull manager

焦点效应spotlight effect

彩票思维lottery mentality/lottery mindset

生人语调people voice

痞子童谣rascal’s rhyme

玻璃孩子glass kid/vulnerable kid

挂钥匙儿童latchkey kid




年龄恐惧症age-30 jitters

自由放养儿童free-range kid


按揭购房buy a house on mortgage

板楼slab-type apartment building


炒房者real estate speculator

抵押贷款欠额unpaid mortgage balance

地段等级location classification

地王land king/property king

钉子户nail household, nail house resident

囤地land reserves

二手房second-hand house

房产证property ownership certificate

房产中介real estate agent

房地产泡沫property bubble

房地产市场real estate market/property market 房地产市场过热overheated property sector

房价property price/housing price

房屋空置率housing vacancy rate

分期付款payment by installment


购房契税property deed tax

观望态度wait-and-watch attitude

经济适用房affordable housing

旧区改造reconstruction of old area

廉租房low-rent housing

楼层建筑面积floor space

普通购房者private homebuyer

期房forward delivery housing

容积率capacity rate

商品房commercial residential building

商业地产commercial property

商住综合楼commercial/residential complex


首付down payment


塔楼tower building

停车位parking space

投机性房产交易speculative property transactions

土地使用证land use certificate

维修费allowances for repairs and maintenance

物业税property tax

闲置地产vacant property

现房complete apartment

一期/二期first/second stage

印花税property stamp duty

月供monthly installment payment

增值地产费added-value fees

折旧费depreciation allowances

政策性住房policy-related house

重点开发区key zones for development

住房公积金贷款housing provident fund/housing accumulation fund 住宅地产residential property


旺季peak season

平季regular season

淡季low season

团队旅游group tour

个人旅游individual travel

定期航班scheduled flights


退款政策refund policy

手提行李hand baggage

免费行李额free baggage allowance

行李超重费excess baggage charges

基价公里minimum mileage

空驶费no-occupancy surcharge

青年旅馆youth hotel

夫妻旅店mom-and-pop hotel

经济酒店budget hotel

星级饭店star-grade hotel


加床extra bed

旋转餐厅revolving restaurant


标准房价standard rate

免费饮料complimentary drinks


药膳medicated diet

叫醒服务wake-up service

娱乐中心recreational center

健身中心fitness center



Grapevine 像葡萄藤般传播的传闻/小道消息Brown-nosing/kissing up/sucking up 拍马屁Rumors 传言

Rumor mongering 散布谣言

Gossip 闲言碎语

Back-biting 诽谤

Peer-to-peer 同事之间

Cliques 小集团

Scandal 公众丑闻

Kiss a lot of frogs 搞特殊关系

National Meteorological Center 国家气象中心scorching weather 高温天气

extreme weather 极端天气

sizzling/severe heat 酷热

stiflingly hot 闷热

high temperatures 高温

heat wave 热浪

high temperature allowance 高温津贴

heat stroke/sunstroke 中暑

emergency treatments 急救

a preventive against sunstroke 避暑药maximum temperatures 最高温度

absolute temperature 绝对温度

room temperature 室温/常温

heat-resistant 抗热的/耐热的

sauna days 桑拿天

be bathed/soaked with sweat 汗流浃背

air conditioning 空调

power demands 用电需求

emergency power-supply plan 应急供电计划

yellow alert for high temperatures/yellow-coded heat alert 高温黄色预警ice cubes 冰块

degree Celsius 摄氏度

degree Fahrenheit 华氏度

outdoor activities 室外活动

in the shade 在阴凉处

enjoy the cool air 乘凉

to prevent heatstroke 防中暑

to escape the heat 避暑

temporary shelters for people to escape the heat 临时避暑站

summer resort 避暑胜地

commencement/graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

marshal of graduation ceremony 毕业典礼的司仪

graduation party 毕业晚会

graduation song 毕业歌

graduation photo 毕业照

graduate and leave school 毕业离校

farewell dinner party 散伙饭

farewell present 饯别礼物

farewell party 欢送会

graduation trip 毕业旅行

graduation appraisal 毕业鉴定

graduation day 毕业日

diploma 毕业证/文凭

cap and gown 方帽长袍

academic dress 学士服/毕业礼服

bestow honors and prizes 颁发荣誉证书和奖金

attend graduate school 读研

outstanding graduates 优秀毕业生

class book 毕业纪念册

a graduation dissertation/thesis 毕业论文

(thesis) oral defense 论文答辩

an abstract of a thesis 论文摘要

graduation project 毕业设计

graduation field work 毕业实习

graduating students/this year's graduates 应届毕业生

assignment of graduates 毕业生分配制度

bachelor's degree 学士学位

Bachelor of Arts 文学学士

Bachelor of Laws 法学学士

Bachelor of Engineering 工学学士

Bachelor of Economics 经济学学士

master's degree 硕士学位

doctor's degree 博士学位

trendsetter 潮人

aficionado (西班牙语)/ fancier 发烧友

boney beauty 骨感美女skinny bony

card slave 卡奴

school belle / campus belle (法语)校花

school beau / campus beau (法语)校草

disco dancing 蹦迪

big gun 达人

gamer 电脑游戏迷


house-husband 家庭主男

kept man 小白脸,吃软饭的

kept woman 二奶


Mic king / Mic queen 麦霸

metrosexual man 型男(泛指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)

new-new generation 新新人类

offbeat 另类

rookie 菜鸟

shutterbug “色”友(摄影爱好者)

tour pal 驴友

sissy 娘娘腔

spend-more-than-earn 负翁

stay-at-home mom 全职妈妈

streaking 裸奔

3S lady (single, seventies, stuck)剩女

post-80's generation 80后

all-match 百搭

belly dance 肚皮舞

bento 便当

cinemads (日语)片前广告

cosplay 角色扮演

couples dress 情侣装


e-book 电子书

e-zine 电子杂志

fetal education 胎教

flash sale 限时抢购

flat-share 合租

forward delivery housing 期房glow tattoo 荧光纹身

group purchase 团购

HQ 健商

kiss and tell 名人八卦杂志

low-rise jeans 低腰牛仔裤

loose socks 泡泡袜

nude look 裸妆

Pilates 普拉提

scalped ticket 黄牛票

see-through dress 透视装shopping spree 扫货singelringen(瑞典语)单身戒指smokey-eye make-up 烟熏妆smuggled goods 水货


tight pants 热裤

tongue pin 舌钉nanotechnology 纳米技术psychic 通灵
