



N-本能;天性Instinct is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way.

N- 天分;天资;天赋的才能If you have an instinct for something, you are naturally good at it or able to do it

N直觉Instinct is a feeling that you have that something is the case, rather than an opinion or idea based on facts



The last installment will be split into two movies. 故事的最后一部分将会拍成两部电影。

I shall soon pay the last installment of my debt. 不久我将偿付我的最后一期债款。

get away from

1. How can we get away from poverty? 我们怎样才能摆脱贫困呢?

2. Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my sadness.


3. No one knows how the suspect managed to get away from the police. 没有人知道犯罪嫌疑人是怎样逃离警察局的。

get across


2.(使)被理解;把…讲清楚When an idea gets across or when you get it across, you succeed in making other people understand it

get off

1.免受惩罚;逃脱(严厉的)惩罚If someone who has broken a law or rule gets off, they are not punished, or are given only a very small punishment

2.出发;离开If you get off, you leave a place because it is time to leave.

3.入睡If you get off, or get off to sleep, you succeed in falling asleep.

get into

Settle down

1.(尤指结婚或买房后)定居,安顿下来When someone settles down, they start living a quiet life in one place, especially when they get married or buy a house

2.(历经磨难或变化后)安静下来,平静下来If a situation or a person that has been going through a lot of problems or changes settles down, they become calm

3.集中精力做;开始认真做If you settle down to do something or to something, you prepare to do it and concentrate on it

Settle up

付清(债务);结清(账单) When you settle up, you pay a bill or a debt

Settle in

习惯(新居);适应(新工作、新学校等) If you settle in, you become used to living in a new place, doing a new job, or going to a new school

Settle on

选择;选定If you settle on a particular thing, you choose it after considering other possible choices

Stay up

深夜不睡;熬夜If you stay up, you remain out of bed at a time when most people have gone to bed or at a time when you are normally in bed yourself

Turn up

1.(常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,到来,露面If you say that someone or something turns up, you mean that they arrive, often unexpectedly or after you have been waiting a long time

2.找出;发现;注意到;出现If you turn something up or if it turns up, you find, discover, or notice it

3. 开大,调高(收音机、暖气等) When you turn up a radio, heater, or other piece of equipment, you increase the amount of sound, heat, or power being produced, by adjusting the controls

Set up

创建;建立;安排;组建If you set something up, you create or arrange it.

Abundant in 富足的

China is abundant in agricultural produce. 中国是一个农产品丰富的国家。

The country is abundant in natural resources. 这个国家天然资源丰富。


1.(理由、条件)充足的,充分的If something is a sufficient cause or condition for something to happen, it can happen

2.足够的;充足的If something is sufficient for a particular purpose, there is enough of it for the purpose


足够的;合格的;可用的If something is adequate, there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted


过分的;过多的If you describe the amount or level of something as excessive, you disapprove of it because it is more or higher than is necessary or reasonable

Nation 全体国民;国民The nation is sometimes used to refer to all the people who live in a particular country

N-VAR 领土;领地Territory is land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler.

(尤用于讨论政治事务时)国家You can refer to countries as states, particularly when you are discussing politics

(美国等大国的)州Some large countries such as the USA are divided into smaller areas called states .

Fall down 倒塌,跌倒;失败;趴架;栽倒

Babies often fall down when they learn to walk. 婴儿在学走路时经常摔倒。

Turn over (使)翻转;(使)颠倒;(使)倾覆If you turn something over, or if it turns over, it is moved so that the top part is now facing downwards

(在脑子里)仔细考虑,深思熟虑,细想If you turn something over in your mind, you think carefully about it

(战争、战斗或疾病)爆发If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly

Beaten up He was beaten up by a gang of thugs. 他让一伙儿流氓给打了


将…排除在外;不包括If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it

拒绝;阻止If you exclude something that has some connection with what you are doing, you deliberately do not use it or consider it

Exceed 超过,超出(某数量、数字等)If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number

超出,超越(限制、规定等)If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not supposed to or it is against the law

proceed接下来做;接着做If you proceed to do something, you do it, often after doing something else first

(活动、过程或事件)继续,持续,连续不断If an activity, process, or event proceeds, it goes on and does not stop

(朝某个方向)前进,行进If you proceed in a particular direction, you go in that direction.

交换;互换If two or more people exchange things of a particular kind, they give them to each other at the same time

打开,开启(电灯等) If you switch on a light or other electrical device, you make it start working by operating a switch

体力;力气;力量Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.

(面对困境的)信心,勇气Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage.

强度The strength of an object or material is its ability to be treated roughly, or to carry heavy weights, without being damaged or destroyed.

实力;影响力The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have

优势;优点;长处Someone's strengths are the qualities and abilities that they have which are an advantage to them, or which make them successful.

良好品质;价值If something has merit, it has good or worthwhile qualities.

优点;长处;优势The merits of something are its advantages or other good points.


their participation is subject to a number of important provisos.


I object to being fastened on in that way. 我反对那样被人纠缠不休。

We do not advocate smoking, and even we oppose to it. 我们不提倡甚至反对吸烟。
