大学英语语法 第十二讲 动名词

大学英语语法 第十二讲 动名词
大学英语语法 第十二讲 动名词




动名词也是动词的一种非限定形式, 由动词原形加“-ing”构成, 与现在分词同形。动名词

有动词和名词的特征和作用, 其动词特征表现在可以带宾语、状语或表语。例如:

At the meeting he st ressed the importance of de f eating their competitors . 会上他强调


Getting up early is considered a good habit . 早起被认为是一种好习惯。(带状语) He dreamt of becoming an aviator . 他梦想当一名飞行员。(带表语)

.. 此外, 动名词的动词特征还表现在它的语态和时态变化。例如: He insisted on his being assigned the mission . 他坚持要给自己分配这项任务。(一般


I know nothing about his having served in the army . 我一点也不知道他服过役。(完成


.. 动名词的名词特征主要表现在它在句中可以充当主语或宾语, 还可以受形容词、代词和

名词的修饰, 前面也可以加冠词。例如:

There is no justification for the running away in such haste . 如此匆忙逃走是无法辩解


All seems smooth sailing . 一切看来都很顺利。

What do you think of our class going out for an outing this weekend ? 你认为我们班周



1 . 作主语

Saying is easier than doing . 说比做容易。

His coming here will be a great help . 他到这儿来将大有帮助。(带逻辑主语) Your drinking so much wine is not good for health . (带逻辑主语) Jack..s suddenly disappearing made them worried . (带逻辑主语和状语)

Today being sunny makes us happy . (带逻辑主语和表语) Having studied computer is an important qualification for the job . (完成式, 带宾语) Having seen a lot of the world in one..s youth is a good thing . (完成式, 带宾语和状语) Note: ①use, good, pity, bore, time, fun, hard, funny, nice, odd, worth, difficult ,


interesting, tiring, better , foolish, enjoyable, pointless , crazy , ter rible 等名词或形容词作表语时, 可用it 作形式主语, 把作主语的动名词后置。例如:

I..t s crazy her going off like that .

I t..s ter rible not being allowed to smoke at all .

I..t s no use waiting here .

I t..s no good helping him . He doesn..t help himself .

I t..s rather tiring typing so many letters .

I t is dangerous your swimming in this river .

I t made them wor ried Jack..s suddenly disap pearing .

②there is no + 动名词为常见结构, 相当于It is impossible to do sth .

There is no accounting for tastes . 人各有所好。

There is no persuading her . 无法劝说她。

There was no trusting such a man . 这样的人不可信。

There is no getting along with him . 简直无法同他相处。

There is no hiding of evil but not to do it . 若要人不知, 除非己莫为。(参阅第十


2 . 作表语

Her job was keeping the hall as clean as possible . 她的工作是尽量使大厅保持整洁。Denying this will be shutting one..s eyes to facts . 否认这一点就是闭眼不看事实。

That is asking for trouble . 那是自找麻烦。

The best policy is being honest . 上策是诚实。

His aim is everybody having a good time . 他的目的是大家都玩得愉快。(带逻辑主语,

也可说everybody..s having)

Her regret is having done so much for him and being abandoned by him . 她遗憾的是, 曾为他奉献了那么多, 而却被他抛弃了。(完成式, 被动式)

His trouble is having tried every means and being still poor . 他的麻烦是, 一切办法都试

过了, 却依然贫穷。(完成式)

3 . 作动词宾语

He admitted taking the watch . 他承认拿了手表。

I appreciate her devoting herself to the cause of education . 我非常钦佩她献身于教育事


She imagined f inding a wallet on the sidewalk .

He loathed getting up early in the morning .

They confessed hating the king .

I don..t doubt their wanting to help .

She was in low spirits and even considered going away .

They bar playing cards for money .

You mustn..t shirk doing your duty .

He owns being about to get married . 他承认快要结婚了。( = He owns that he will get married .)

I can..t stand to be kept waiting . (误)

I can..t stand being kept waiting . (正)我不堪久候。

.. 下列动词后常跟动名词作宾语, 其中有些可用sb ./ sth . doing 结构:

admit , stand, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, detest , enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy( = imagine) , finish , forgive, imagine, keep( = continue) , mind, miss , pardon , postpone, practise, prevent , propose, quit , recall , recollect , resent , risk , resist , suggest , advise, allow, permit , recommend, acknowledge, require, resent , tolerate, favour ,

picture, visualize, envision, despise, relish, loathe, disdain , abhor, decline, reject , facilitate, defer, involve, imply, ensure, guarantee, confirm, justify, substantiate, approve, endorse, favour, encourage, shirk, shun , bar, ban, prohibit , hinder, impede, omit , overlook, foresee,

predict , contemplate 等。

.. 但在advise, allow, permit , recommend 后, 如果提到有关的人, 可用动词不定式。例如: He advised me to leave right now . 他劝我马上就离开。


591 二、功能

They don..t allow us to park here . 他们不许我们在这里停车。

Note: 比较下面两句中动名词短语肯定式和否定式的不同含义:

She excused (或spared) my doing the work . 她免除了我做那项工作。(我不必做那


She excused (或spared) my not doing the work . 她原谅了我没有做那项工作。


4 . 作介词宾语

I am looking forward to meeting her . 我盼望着同她会面。

He bribed the boss into taking him . 他贿赂老板留用了他。


go on, get through , insist on , persist in, keep on, accuse . . .of, think of, care for, give

up , put off, dream of, suspect . . .of, charge . . .with, prevent . . . from, be engaged in , thank . . .for, feel like, excuse . . .for, aim at , devote . . .to, depend on, set about , be fond of

, be capable of, be afraid of, be tired of, be sick of, succeed in, be interested in, be keen

on, be responsible for , abstain from 避免, apologize for, believe in, dream of, worry about , aid somebody in, take to 喜欢, pay attention to, advice on , difficulty in, fancy for 对

..的迷恋, genius for 做..的天赋, no harm in ,motive for . . .动机, object of . . ., passion for..的热情, plan for..的计划, surprise at 对..感到吃惊, adapt at ( in)熟练

于, aware of, apprehensive of 对..担忧, apologetic for , confident of 对..有信心, equal

to, exact in 精确.., fond of, guilty of 为..内疚, fearful of, hopeful of, awkward

at , intent on 决意.., suitable for, unconscious of 未意识到, right in . . .做得对, desirous

of 渴望, wrong in 等词组后跟动名词。

He is intent on carrying out the experiment .

You are wrong in accepting her offer .

She is apologetic for breaking the vase .

There is no harm in trying again .

He took to going out for a walk in the evening . 他喜欢晚间散散步。

She felt like going out .

She is desirous of winning the match . 她渴望赢这场比赛。(也可说desirous to win the match)

Note: cannot help + 动名词= cannot avoid( resist ) + 动名词= cannot refrain( keep, desist ,

abstain) from+ 动名词= cannot hold( keep) back from+ 动名词= cannot choose but

+ 动词原形或cannot but + 动词原形。例如:

I cannot abstain f rom( keep back from) smiling at the nodding flowers .

2)动名词作介词宾语构成的介词短语, 在句中可起状语作用

She left without saying goodbye to us . 她没有向我们告别就走了。

3)动名词作介词宾语构成的介词短语, 在句中可起定语作用

His method of organizing the work is commendable . 他组织这项工作的办法是值得称


He hasn..t much experience in running factories . 他没有多少管理工厂的经验。

.. 这类介词短语(介词+ 动名词) 作定语修饰的名词常见的有: way ( of ) , method( of ) , ar t

( of ) , chance( of ) , opportunity(of ) , habit (of) , hope( of ) , process ( of ) , possibility( of) , impor

tance( of ) , necessity( of) , intention ( of ) , honour ( of ) , means ( of ) , right ( of ) , surprise

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( at ) , astonishment( at ) , excuse( for ) , apology( for ) , plan( for ) , idea( of) , experience( in) ,

skill( in) , purpose(of ) , practice ( of ) , choice ( of ) , custom( of ) , object ( of ) , aptitude ( for )


.. 这类名词有些可以接“介词+ 动名词”, 也可接不定式, 意义上没有区别。例如: intention of doing sth .

intention to do sth . (意愿)

mood of doing sth .

mood to do sth . (心绪)

reason of doing sth .

reason to do sth . (理由)

way of doing sth .

way to do sth . (方法)

time for doing sth .

time to do sth . (时间)

necessity of doing sth .

necessity to do sth . (必要)

patience in doing sth .

patience to do sth . (忍耐)

propensity for doing sth .

propensity to do sth . (倾向)

desire of doing sth .

desire to do sth . (欲望)

freedom in doing sth .

freedom to do sth . (自由)

honour of doing sth .

honour to do sth . (荣幸)

opportunity of doing sth .

opportunity to do sth . (机会)

objection of doing sth .

objection to do sth . (反对)

choice of doing sth .

choice to do sth . (选择)

capacity of doing sth .

capacity to do sth . (能力)

failure in doing sth .

failure to do sth . (失败)

chance of doing sth .

chance to do sth . (机会)

claim of doing sth .

claim to do sth . (要求)

attempt at doing sth .

attempt to do sth . (企图)

aversion to doing sth .

aversion to do sth . (厌恶)

Note: ①下面两个词组接动名词或不定式均可:

entitle sb . to doing sth .

entitle sb . to do sth . (使..有权力)

see one..s way to doing sth .

see one..s way to do sth . (设法)

Their educational qualifications entitle them to getting ( to get ) a high salary .

Father hoped that she could see her way to settling ( to settle) the dispute .

②名词refusal, promise, effort , desire, attempt , ability , ambition, resolution , tendency, determination, failure 等后不可接of + 动名词, 但可以接不定式结构。


He burns with an ambition of winning fame . (误, 应改为to win)

He has the ability o f translating the book . (误, 应改为to translate 或in t ranslating) ③但在purpose, method , idea, habit 等后只能接of + 动名词, 不可接不定式, 比如: the good idea of playing snowball(不说to play) , for the purpose of winning(不说

to win) , in the habit of rising early(不说to rise) , a new method of learning(不说

to learn)。

④某些形容词后既可接“介词+ 动名词”, 也可接不定式。例如:

content with doing sth .

content to do sth . (满足的)


593 二、功能

proud of being

proud to be (自豪的)

fortunate in doing sth .

fortunate to do sth . (幸运的)

unworthy of being

unworthy to be (不值得的)

5 . 作定语


No one is allowed to speak aloud in the reading room . 阅览室里不准大声说话。

That is a shop dealing in walking sticks . 那是一家出售手杖的商店。

2)动名词作定语修饰名词, 两者结合即构成合成名词

这类合成名词很多, 常见的有:

writing table 写字台dining-car 餐车

sleeping-bag 睡袋hunting ground 猎场

running-t rack 跑道washing line 晾衣绳

waiting room 候车室sleeping pill 安眠药片

swimming pool 游泳池living ( sitting) room 客厅

fishing rod 钓竿singing competition 歌咏比赛

flying suit 飞行服parking lot( space) 停车场

carving knife 雕刻刀drawing pin 图钉

consulting room 诊室hearing aid 助听器

dressing table 梳妆台watering can 洒水壶

freezing point 冰点bathing suit 游泳衣

drinking water 饮用水operating room 手术室

frying pan 煎锅driving licence 驾驶证

cooling system 冷却系统parking meter 停车计时表

washing liquid 洗涤剂drilling platform 钻井台

cooking oil 食用油racing car 赛车

magnifying glass 放大镜rowing boat 用桨划的小船

marketing manager 销售经理milking machine 挤奶器

fishing ground 渔场

3)在一部分合成名词中, 动名词位于名词之后

family planning 计划生育zebra crossing 人行横道

newspaper cutting( s) 剪报spring plowing 春耕

stamp collecting 集邮job-hunting 找工作

house-warming 庆祝乔迁的晚会window-shopping 逛商店

water-proofing 防水fire fighting 消防工作

sunbathing 日光浴shoplifting 在商店里偷东西

weightlifting 举重horse- riding 骑马

watersurfing 冲浪

6. 作状语

虽然动名词本身不能作状语, 但放在介词后, 又可以起状语作用, 表示时间、原因、目的、让步、方式等。例如:

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A f ter getting up in the morning, he went out for a walk . (时间)

Jim was praised f or having broken a record . (原因)

With all his boasting , Henry achieved very little . (让步)

They went to the front by riding in a truck . (方式)

He went there with the obj ect o f winning her favour . (目的)

Note: She was a long time replying to my letter . 一句可译为“她拖了很长时间才给我回信。”句中的replying 为动名词, 可看作前面省略了in, 表示“在某方面”; 这种句型中

的动名词短语亦可换为before 从句; 有时, 这种句型可译为“花了..干某事”, 有

spend 的含义。例如:

He was a whole month writing the paper . 他写这篇论文花了一个月时间。

The man was a long time getting rid of his bad habits . (相当于A long time had passed before he got rid of his bad habits .)

The committee were not long reaching the conclusion . 委员会不久就作出了结论。


动名词也可以有逻辑主语。一般规则是: ①逻辑主语是有生命名词时, 用名词或代词所有格(作主语时, 其逻辑主语只用所有格, 若作宾语, 逻辑主语也可用通格) ; ②逻辑主语是无生命

名词或抽象概念名词时, 只用通格; ③逻辑主语是以s 结尾的名词或是一个以上名词构成的

词组, 只用通格; ④逻辑主语是数词、指示代词或不定代词this, that , somebody, someone, nobody, none, anybody , anyone 时, 一般用通格。例如:

Tom..s coming is what we have expected . (有生命)

His leaving is a great loss . 他的离开是一个很大的损失。(有生命)

Mother disliked me (或my) working late . 母亲不喜欢我工作到很晚。(有生命)

He cannot permit his daughter and son being insulted . 他不许他女儿和儿子受到侮辱。She is afraid of you (或your) ruining yourself . 她怕你毁了自己。

She is ashamed of her son being a prisoner . 她为自己的儿子是个囚犯而羞愧。

I encourage them (或their) studying science . 我鼓励他们学习科学。(有生命)

I am astonished at Mary suddenly becoming rich . 我对玛丽突然富起来感到吃惊。(有

生命, 介词宾语)

She dare not go there without mother accompanying her . 没有母亲陪伴, 她不敢去那里。(有生命, 介词宾语)

I don..t like Jack and Henry speaking ill of each other . (两个有生命名词)

I am not surprised at old and young falling in love with her . (两个有生命名词)

I never heard of a person o f character doing such a thing . (有生命词组)

It was quite unexpected the students f inishing the exam so soon . 学生们这么快就答完

考卷, 是十分出乎意料的。( s 结尾)

His sister Helen getting married last week was a great event in the town . (名词词组)

The glory of the marshal counts on many soldiers dying on the battlefield . 一将成名万

骨枯。( s 结尾)

This cannot be said without some getting angry . 这话说出来非得罪人不可。(指示代


I am doubtful of this being the best choice . 我怀疑这是最佳选择。(指示代词)

She is fond of co f f ee being served after dinner . 她喜欢饭后喝点咖啡。(无生命)


595 四、动名词的时态和语态意义

Is there any hope of our team winning the match ? 我们队有希望获胜吗? (无生命)

In spite of the f our telling the same story, I couldn..t believe it . (数词)

He is opposed to the idea of money being everything . (无生命)

He was awakened by somebody shouting outside . (不定代词)

He disapproved of that being said about Jane . (指示代词)

Note: ①动名词的复合结构多用作主语或宾语。例如:

John..s having seen her did not make her wor ried . 约翰看见了她, 这并没有使她不


Her daughter winning a gold medal surprised her . (主语)

Does them singing in the room above disturb you ? (主语)

Yesterday being Sunday postponed the match . (主语)

It ended in the doctor being sent for . 最后是去请大夫来。(宾语)

②现在分词作宾语补足语时, 其逻辑主语只能用物主代词或名词(即通格) , 不能用


I heard him singing in the garden . 我听见他在花园里唱歌。(正)

I heard his singing in the garden . (误)

I saw him wearing a red shirt . 我看见他穿着红衬衫。(wearing 是现在分词,

him 不可变为his)

I dislike him (或his) wearing a red shirt . 我讨厌他穿着红衬衫。(wearing 是

动名词, 其逻辑主语用him或his 均可)

I insist on the girl going to bed at once .

He wanted o avoid Henry doing it in that way .

③动名词的逻辑主语用作介词with 的宾语时, 应该用通格。例如:

It was a cosy room with a fan spinning overhead .

He felt lonely with his wi f e being dead .


动名词具有某些动词的特征, 因而有时态和语态的变化。时态有一般式和完成式; 语态有一般被动式和完成被动式。列表如下:


一般式doing being done

完成式having done having been done

1 . 动名词的时态意义

与动词不定式一样, 动名词也没有独立的绝对的时态意义, 它的时态意义从属于句中谓

语动词的时态。动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时或在其后发生, 或

表示一般情况; 动名词完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词动作之前发生。例如:

I am thinking of getting a new dictionary . 我在考虑买一本新词典。(以后、将来)

I approved of his taking part in the project . 我同意他参加这项工程。(同时或以后)

She is proud of being beautiful . ( = She is proud that she is beautiful . 同时)

I am confident of his succeeding . ( = I am confident that he will succeed . 以后)

Her success will depend upon her working harder and being assisted by friends . 她的成

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She advised our studying science . 她劝我们学习科学。(以后)

I have no doubt of her passing the exam . 我相信她会通过考试。(以后)

Learning is important to modern life . 学习对现代生活很重要。(一般情况)

I enjoy listening to classical music . 我喜欢听古典音乐。(一般情况)

He never talked to me about his having been in Paris . 他从未向我讲起他到过巴黎。


Imagine having travelled round the world . (之前)

They regret not having been able to inform you of the fact . (之前)

He confessed having committed murder . ( = He confessed that he had committed murder .) (之前)

He is proud of having won the first prize . 他很自豪获得了一等奖。(之前)

She was not sure of having done anything wrong . 她不敢肯定是否做过什么错事。(之前)

Note: ①与介词on(upon)或after 连用时, 动名词的一般式也可以表示一个先于谓语动词的动作。在这种情况下, 谓语动词的动作一般是紧跟在动名词的动作之后的。例


On coming in she laid a file of documents upon the table . 她走了进来, 把一夹文件


在下面一句中, 动名词现在式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前:

Do you remember seeing him when he was a small boy ? 你还记得在他小时候见过


②remember 和forget 等动词后可以用动名词的一般式或完成式, 意义上并无什么

差别, 只是用一般式表示一个单纯的事实, 用完成式强调动作的完成。例如:

I remember telling you the story .

I remember having told you the story .

2 . 动名词的被动语态

动名词的主动语态表示主动行为, 被动语态表示被动行为, 动作的逻辑主语一般都可在

句中找到。用主动语态时, 逻辑主语发出动作; 用被动语态时, 逻辑主语承受动作。例如:

He doesn..t like being f lattered. 他不喜欢受人奉承。( He 是动词being flattered 的逻


Respecting others means being respected . 尊重他人就是尊重自己。

He will get angry at being o f f ended . 受到冒犯他就会生气。

She likes being seen . 她喜欢出风头。

I heard of his having been chosen to be the coach of the team . 我听说他被选为球队的教练。

The housing problem is far f rom being settled .

Nowadays being killed in traffic accidents is a common occur rence . ( 逻辑主语为people..s , 省去了)

.. 但动名词在need, want , deserve, repay, require, bear , take 需要, brook 忍受, stand 等表示

“需要、值得、该受、忍受、经受”等动词及形容词worth 后面时, 常以主动形式表示被动意



597 五、动名词和动词不定式在用法上的一些比较

That needs explaining . 这需要加以解释。

The situation requires care ful handling. 情况要求小心处理。

Your hair wants cutting . 你的头发该理一下了。

His language won..t bear repeating . 他的用语不宜重复。

The job will take noticing a lot . 这项工作需要更多的注意。

She can..t brook inter f ering. 她不能忍受他人的干涉。

The book repays reading and re-reading . 这本书值得一读再读。

This ar ticle needs correcting . 这篇文章需要修改。

This method deserves recommending . 这个方法值得推荐。

The scandal won..t bear thinking o f . 这种诽谤不值一提。

The boy wants spanking . 这孩子要打屁股了。

The pants need pressing . 裤子需要熨烫。

The flowers need watering . 花儿需要浇水了。

Your English needs brushing up . 你的英文需要好好复习。

The old man needs looking a f ter . 那位老人需要照顾。

This question needs answering . 这个问题需要回答。

She would like to know what needs clari f ying . 她想知道需要澄清什么。

.. 需要说明的是, 上述几个动词, 除take, brook , stand 外, 后面也可用不定式被动式, 意思


The poor old man deserves to be looked after .

The child is too naughty . It wants to be spanked .

It won..t bear to be thought of .

Note: ①stand, bear, brook 等后亦可用动名词被动式。例如:

The words won..t bear being repeated.

She can..t stand being teased with questions . 她不能容忍别人用问题来取笑她。

②介词past 后用动名词的主动语态和被动语态均可。例如:

The watch is past repairing ( being repaired) . 这块表已经无法修了。


1 . 可以接动词不定式或动名词的动词或短语动词

常见的有: love, like, hate, prefer, dislike, intend, attempt , propose, want , need,

remember ,

forget , regret , neglect , try, deserve, omit , dread, decline, commence, scorn, delay, loathe, can..t bear , can..t endure 等。某些这类词的两种接续在意义上几乎没有区别。例如:

aim at doing sth .

aim to do sth . 旨在做某事

contribute to doing sth .

contribute to do sth . 贡献于某事

assist sb . in doing sth .

assist sb . to do sth . 帮助某人做某事

intend going abroad

intend to go abroad 打算出国

plan( on) buying it

plan to buy it 计划买它

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neglect doing

neglect to do 忽略做

dread thinking about it

dread to think about it 怕想

aspire to doing sth .

aspire to do sth . 渴望去做某事

She can..t bear( endure) seeing him cry .

She can..t bear( endure) to see him cry . 她受不了看他哭。

.. 但下列词组在意义上有差别:

think about doing sth . 考虑做某事

think to do sth . 记得做某事

agree on doing sth . 协议做某事

agree to do sth . 同意做某事

forget about doing sth . 忘记已做过某事

forget to do sth . 忘记去做某事

.. should ( would) like, 和should(would) love 后须接不定式。例如:

I..d like to have another try . 我想再试一次。

I..d love to come tomorrow . 我想明天来。

.. forbear 后多接不定式。例如:

She could not forbear to express her surprise .

= She could not forbear f rom expressing her surprise . 她禁不住表示惊讶。

2 . 动名词和动词不定式在表示动作和时间等方面的差别

一般说来, 动名词表示一般习惯, 抽象概念, 泛指已成为过去的动作, 时间概念不强, 不是某一次动作。而动词不定式所表示的动作则往往是具体的或特定的动作, 或是现在或将


Lying is wrong . (泛指这种做法、作风)

To lie is wrong . (对于执行者是谁, 心目中是有所指的)

It..s no use crying over spilt milk . (抽象动作)

Her mother had advised him, however , that it was no use to argue with Henry . (具


He likes riding . 他喜欢骑马。(泛指)

He likes to ride the little white horse . (特指)他想骑那匹小白马。

They prefer staying indoors when the weather is cold . (泛指)天冷时他们喜欢呆在屋内。Would you prefer to stay at home this evening ? (具体的某一次)今晚你想待在家里


I..d love to show him the picture . 我想把那幅画给他看。

I love watching the sunset . 我喜欢看落日。

I hate to go there today . 我今天不想去那里。

I hate smoking . 我讨厌抽烟。

I hate lying and cheating . 我讨厌撒谎骗人。

I dread to think what will happen to him . 我不敢想他会发生什么。

I dread f lying . 我害怕坐飞机。

I..d like hearing your views . (误)

I..d like to hear your views . (正) (现在的动作)


599 五、动名词和动词不定式在用法上的一些比较

.. prefer 后接动名词和接不定式有不同的搭配:

句型1: prefer + 名词或动名词+ to + 名词或动名词

句型2: prefer + 不定式+ rather than + 原形动词

He prefer red walking to riding a bike .

He prefer red to walk rather than ride a bike .

3 . 在begin, start, continue, cease 等词后用动名词还是用动词不定式

在动词begin, star t , continue, cease, intend, bother, omit 等后面跟动名词或是动词不定式, 含义并无大的差别; 但如果表示有意识地“开始或停止做某事”, 多用动名词, 而不定式则表示情况发生变化。比较:

She intends buying (或to buy) a piano . 她打算买一架钢琴。

Don..t bother getting (或to get ) dinner for us . We..ll eat out . 不要麻烦为我们准备饭了。我们外出吃饭。

He continued working(或to work) as if nothing had happened . 他继续干下去, 就像什


Please don..t omit locking ( to lock) the door when you leave . 你离开时别忘了锁门。

I began writing the book in 1990 . 我是1990 年开始写这本书的。

It began to rain as soon as we got home . 我们一到家就开始下雨了。

At last they ceased talking . 最后他们结束了谈话。

His words ceased to have effect on her . 他的话对她不再有影响了。

4 . 动词不定式和动名词的逻辑主语

动词不定式的逻辑主语常是句子主语或句中的某个词; 而动名词的逻辑主语可能是句子

主语或句子中的某个词, 也可能是泛指一般人, 在句子里是找不到的。比较:

I hate to be sitting idle . 我不愿闲坐着。(自己闲坐)

I hate saying nothing at a meeting but gossiping afterwards . 我不喜欢开会不说会后乱说。(可能指自己, 也可能泛指一般人)

She likes singing . (她唱或别人唱)

She likes to sing . (一定是她自己唱)

5 . 有些动词后面跟动词不定式和跟动名词所表示的意义完全不同, 有时甚至相反


He stopped talking . 他停止讲话。

He stopped to talk . 他停下来开始讲话。(停止原来做的事, 开始讲话)

Please remember to post the letters . 请别忘了寄这几封信。(将来的动作)

I remember posting your letters . 我记得寄出了你的信。(过去的动作)

I regret not having told her earlier . 没能更早地告诉她, 我很后悔。(表示过去)

I regret to say I must leave tomor row . 我很遗憾地说, 我明天必须走了。(表示现在) He..ll try to f inish the work as early as possible . 他将设法尽早完成这项工作。(试图) He..ll try making a model ship . 他将试做一个模型船。(试验)

They want to repair the house . 他们要把房子维修一下。

The house wants repairing . 这房子需要维修了。

I can..t help doing it . 我不能不做这件事。

I can..t help to do it . 我不能帮助做这件事。

What do you mean to do ? 你打算做什么?

His words mean re fusing us . 他的话意味着拒绝我们。

600 第十二讲

The buses have ceased running . 公共汽车停开了。(暂时)

The buses have ceased to run . 公共汽车停开了。(长期或永远)

I scorn telling lies . 我蔑视说谎。

I scorn to tell a lie . 我不屑于说谎。

She proposed to catch the early train . 她建议赶早班火车。

She proposed to catch the early train . 她打算去赶早班火车。(她想..)

The workers quit eating . 工人们吃完饭了。

The workers quit to eat . 工人们停下来吃饭( to eat 为目的状语)

She le f t of f writing when she saw me come . (停止写)

She le f t of f to spend her holiday . (离开某处, 出发去..)

He deserves shooting first . 首先该枪毙他。( = He ought to be shot first .)

He deserves to shoot first . 他该第一个进行射击。( = He deserves to be the first who will shoot .)

She has learned to ski skillfully . 她已经学会了滑雪, 滑得很好。(学会了)

She has been learning skiing for five years but still falling down all the time . 她学滑

雪已经五年了, 但仍然总是会摔倒。(学习)

The foreign minister went on talking for three hours . 外交部长一连谈了三个小时。(连续做某事)

The foreign minister went on to talk about the present situation . 外交部长接着就谈


6 . 动名词和动词不定式作逻辑宾语

动名词和动词不定式均可以作逻辑宾语, 用it 充当形式宾语。不定式作逻辑宾语极为普遍。例如:

I find it difficult to understand this theory .

He made it his business to help the students .

.. 但动名词作逻辑宾语只限于少数句型, 一般用在useless , wor thwhile, senseless, fun , no use, no good, any good, a bore, a waste of time 等后。例如:

He deemed it no good trying once more .

I found it senseless arguing with him because he was willful .

I find it useless( no use) advising him to change his mind .

.. 在worthwhile 和a bore 后用动名词或不定式作逻辑宾语均可。例如:

I don..t think it worthwhile helping him again .

I don..t think it worthwhile to help him again .

I consider it a bore being kept waiting .

I consider it a bore to be kept waiting .

7 . 动名词结构和动词不定式结构的转换

在某些情况下, 介词+ 动名词结构= 不定式结构, 二者可以相互转换, 意义上没有差别, 参见上文。再如:

fit for doing = fit to do

ready for doing = ready to do

wor thwhile doing = wor thwhile to do

decide on doing = decide to do

persuade sb . into doing = persuade sb . to do


601 五、动名词和动词不定式在用法上的一些比较

warn sb . against doing = warn sb . not to do

suspect sb . of = suspect sb . to be

help sb . in doing = help sb . to do

bother about doing = bother to do

The water is too hot f or drinking .

The water is too hot to drink .

The food is adequate for lasting the winter .

The food is adequate to last the winter .

He is fortunate in having such a good wife .

He is fortunate to have such a good wife .

.. 但:

Do you think o f going abroad for fur ther study ? 你考虑出国深造吗?

Do you think to go abroad for further study ? 你打算出国深造吗?

He is on his way to catch the train . 他在赶乘火车的途中。

He is on his way to becoming a writer . 他将会成为一名作家。

8 . playing with fire 和to play with fire———动名词和动词不定式的再比较

1)动名词→泛指; 不定式→特指

Some people hate working in the early morning . (泛指)

I hate to break things up, but it..s time to go home . 我不想做事半途而止, 但回家的


She doesn..t like tri f ling with serious things . 她不喜欢(任何人)拿严肃的事闹着玩。

She doesn..t like to tri f le with serious things . 她不喜欢拿严肃的事闹着玩。

This means waiting . 这就意味着等待。(何人不限)

I mean to wait . 我想要等。

Try being nice to him . 对他和颜悦色试一试。

Try to be nice to him . 尽量对他和颜悦色。

Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating outside ? (平常)

Would you like to have supper now, or would you prefer to wait ?

It..s a waste of time doing it .

It..s a waste of time to wait for her any longer .

It..s a waste of money going there .

It..s a waste of money to buy this dictionary .

2)动名词→持续、反复; 不定式→一时、一次

I like being a woman . 我很喜欢自己作为一个女人。(持续, 现实, I 是一个女性)

I like to be a woman . 我愿作一个女人。(意愿, I 是一个男性)

I hate the children quarrelling all the time . (总是吵个没完)

I hate the children to quarrel in their room . (一次, 他们平时是不吵的) The children started jumping up and down the lawn .

He star ted to speak, but stopped because she objected .

It is necessary to continue keeping John here . (持续)

I shall continue to do all I can .

It started snowing thick and fast .

It started to snow on the tenth of December .

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3)动名词→有意志支配; 不定式→无意志支配

I will begin thinking about the matter tomor row .

The scars on his back began to pain him .

At last he ceased working .

That never ceases to amaze me .

4)动名词→书面语; 不定式→口语

I fear disturbing her .

I fear to disturb her . 我怕打扰她。

It started raining .

It started to rain . 开始下雨了。

Note: 一般不用于进行时态的动词(感觉动词、认识动词等)在begin , star t 等后时, 只能用不定式。例如:

He started to know right from wrong . (不说to be knowing)

He began to wonder . (不说to be wondering)

.. 但可以说:

I..m beginning to cook the dinner . 我正在着手做饭。

He is starting to learn Japanese . 他刚刚开始学日语。

.. 下面两句不妥, 因为以-ing 结尾的动词后不宜再用动名词:

I..m beginning cooking the dinner .

He is starting learning Japanese .


She anticipated to go . (误)

She anticipated going . (正, anticipate + 动名词)

He expected going . (误)

He expected to go . (正, expect + 不定式)

He was ar ranging her to go . (误)

He was ar ranging that she should go . (正, ar range 不用不定式作宾语补足语)

He was arranging f or her to go . (正)

I..m preparing you to go . (正, 所准备的是眼前的具体人或物)

I..m preparing for you to go . (正, 所准备的是未来的活动)

..I m preparing you to come . (误“, you”不在眼前)

六、to 后面接动名词还是接动词原形

to 既可以是介词, 也可以是不定式符号, 在词组中容易混淆。若是介词, to 后接动名词, 若是不定式符号, to 后接动词原形。参阅第十一讲。下列词组为“动词+ 介词”结构, 后需接动名词:

appeal to, assent to, allude to, adhere to, accede to, dedicate ( oneself ) to, defer to, limit ( oneself ) to, confess to, confine to, conform to, contribute to, object to, resort to, rever t to, respond to, yield to, reconcile ( oneself ) to, reply to, resign ( oneself ) to, amount to 等于, take to 变得喜欢, doom somebody to 注定某人

.. 下列词组为“系动词+ 表语”结构, 后需接动名词:

be confined to, be opposed to, be related to, be suited to, be subjected to, be indebted to, be dedicated to, be committed to, be attached to, be adapted to 等。


603 七、动名词的常见结构

What he said amounts to denying us .

She confessed to having taken the money .

They were confined to living in the concent ration camp .

He took to writing plays . 他喜欢上了写剧本。


1 . be long in doing sth . 结构

在下列结构中常用动名词(这种结构中的介词有时可省略) :

to have difficulty( trouble, pleasure) in doing sth .

但: to take( the) t rouble to do sth . 不辞辛苦做..

to have a time in doing sth . 费很大力气做..

但: to have time to do sth . 有时间做..

It is no use( no good) doing sth . 做..是没有用的(多表示一般性, 泛指)

There is difficulty( trouble, pleasure) in doing sth .

to have a hard( bad) time in doing sth .

to have a pleasant( good, big) time in doing sth . (玩得痛快)

to waste( spend) time (money , energy) doing sth .

be busy in doing sth .

busy oneself in doing sth .

to burst out laughing( crying)

It..s fun ( a waste of time, a bore, such an encouragement) doing sth .

It..s enjoyable( foolish, better, nice, rather tiring, interesting, pointless, wor thwhile, terrible, crazy) doing sth .

There is no bearing( telling , saying, accounting for , hiding, going out) (不可能)

of one..s doing( = done by oneself ) 自己..的

of one..s own doing 自己..的

What ( How) about doing ? ..如何?

to spend one..s time(money) in doing sth .

lose no time in doing sth . 立刻, 赶紧

be long in doing sth . 干事情很慢

It is of no use doing sth .

There is no use( point ) in/ of doing sth .

What..s the use( point , good) of doing sth ? 干..有什么用?

be through with doing sth . 做完某事

No doing . 不准(不行)。( = Let there be no + 动名词, = You must not + 动词)

It goes without saying that..是不用说的( = It is needless to say)

make a point of doing 认为..必要, 重视

be on the point of doing 快要( = be about to)

never (not ) . . .without doing 没有..而不( = whenever )

What do you say to doing ? 以为..如何?

do a lot of(much) doing 做得很多(do much drinking, do much reading)

come (go) near to doing 几乎要( = come close to doing = be almost + 过去分词)

for the doing 只消..就

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It..s pointless getting nervous if some questions appear difficult .

He showed me a picture of her own doing .

It..s interesting planning a trip .

What do you say to joining us for dinner ?

It..s more of a challenge writing individual and original answers .

She wasted an hour trying to find the shop .

The students had a time( = had a good time) ( in) dancing disco at the party .

You may get it for the asking . 你要就能得到。

She is awfully long( in) getting here . 她姗姗来迟。

What..s the good(of) bragging ? 瞎吹有什么用?

She came near ( to) being drowned . 她差点淹死了。( to 可省)

They came close to obtaining a complete victory . 他们差点获得全胜。

He had a hard time ( in) looking after these children .

You have no business ( in) asking about my mar riage .

He lacks experience ( in) doing this kind of job .

He lost no time (in) carrying out the experiment .

I am tired (of) repeating these words .

He is ashamed ( of ) doing evil .

They took turns ( at) looking a f ter the wounded .

She caught cold ( through) walking in the rain .

They got lost ( through) rambling in the mountains .

He earned a living ( by) selling newspapers .

I often amuse myself (by) listening to music .

He let us down ( by) breaking his promise .

He is never done (with) asking about my income .

Are you through (with) reading the book ?

.. 考察下面的句子:

I recall


that I had


a ter rible struggle to find


anything readable


in the school library .

(C 项有问题)

Aurelia did not have


time to go to


the concert last night because she was busy

to prepare


for her trip


to South America .(C项有问题)

Note: ①在be busy in doing sth . 结构中, 如果busy 后是名词, 也可用其他介词。例如:

She is busy at work now .

He is busy about (/ with) family cares .

②在spend one..s time (money) in doing sth . 结构中, 后面跟名词时可用on, for 或in。例如:

She has spent a lot of money on(/ for ) books .

They spent a few hours in a pleasant conversation .

2 . past understanding 结构


605 八、t








在介词past , beyond, for, without 等后常用动名词作宾语。例如:

Her words are past believing . 她的话不可信。

The wounded is past saving . 这个伤员无救了。

The shoes are past mending . 鞋子不可补了。

The pain was almost past bearing . 疼痛几乎无法忍受。

She walked out without saying anything . It..s past understanding . 她一句话没说就出去了。这让人无法理解。

That woman is beyond reasoning . 那女人不讲理。

The pain is beyond enduring . 疼痛难忍。

The apples are ripe f or picking . 苹果熟了, 可以摘了。

The water is not fit for drinking . 这水不宜喝。

He left without asking for leave . 他没请假就离开了。

They sat face to face without saying anything . 他们面对面坐着, 什么也不说。

八、their comings and goings———名词化动名词问题

1 . 用法上的区别

1)动名词没有复数形式, 而名词化动名词则可以有复数形式

These letters tell about his doings in America . 这些信讲述了他在美国的所作行为。(名词化动名词)

I don..t care about their comings and goings . 我对他们的活动不感兴趣。(名词化动名词)

Every man has some f ailings . (名词化动名词)

She could hear his gaspings and moanings . (名词化动名词)

Good beginnings make good endings . (名词化动名词)

She heard several cryings . (名词化动名词)

Nobody knows about his doings there . (名词化动名词)

His savings are kept in the bank . 他的积蓄存在银行里。

Don..t hurt her f eelings . 不要伤害她的感情。

The latest research f indings will be published today . 最新的研究成果将于今天发表。

They faced their suf f erings as if those things were inevitable . 他们面对自己的苦难遭

遇, 仿佛那些都是不可避免的事情。

.. 其他如: shoutings , colourings , imaginings , cuttings , killings, burnings, sobbings , clappings

, dealings, pillagings , outgoings 等。

2)动名词有时态和语态的变化, 而名词化动名词则没有

I regret his having done that . (动名词)

Being bullied by others is something shameful . (动名词)

3)动名词不能带冠词或其他限定词( one, his , some, that 等) , 而名词化动名词却可以

She has some washing to do this morning .

He was awakened by the singing of birds .

I..ll go to the shop for a f itting tomorrow .

He can finish this book at one sitting .

She did all the talking .

He is fond of this chatting with her .


小学五年级英语必须掌握的一些英语语法知识 一、时态 1、一般现在时: 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 时间状语:often (经常),usually (通常),always (总是), sometimes (有时),every week (day, year, month ...), on Sundays,… 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①am / is / are + not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为 动词,则在其前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词。 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问, 如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。 2、现在进行时: 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 时间状语:now, look, listen, … 基本结构:am/is/are +doing 否定形式:am/is/are +not+doing 一般疑问句:把be 动词放在句首

第三人称单数 一般现在时的肯定句中,主语为第三人称单数的动词变化主 要体现在词尾的变化上,其规律大体有三点: 1. 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾+s,例如:get —gets; take — takes 2. 以s, sh, ch, x, o结尾的动词,在词尾+ es,例如:teach —teaches; wash —washes; go —goes 3. 以辅音字母+ y结尾的动词,变y为i,再+ es, 如: study —studies; try —tries 除上述规律外,还应注意下面三点: 1. 动词have,遇到主语是第三人称单数时,要用has;动 词be 的第三人称单数形式是is。 2. 含有动词第三人称单数形式的句子变否定句时,要用 doesn't + 动词原形,如: He goes to school at six in the morning. (变否定句)—He doesn't go to school at six in the morning. 3. 对含有动词第三人称单数形式的句子提问时, 要用助动词does,如: She goes home at five every day. (对划线部分提问)—When /


1.Noun Identify the uncountable nouns ? 1. Nouns that have no distinct, separate parts, we look as the whole (气、液、固体) ? 2. Nouns that have parts that are too small or insignificant to count (sand grass hair) ? 3. Nouns that are classes or categories of things (food, clothing, money) P49 ? 4. Nouns that are abstraction (life, work, music) ? 5. Subjects of study (history, math) 不可数变可数三大规律 ? 1. 物质名词(总称名词)若表示不同的种类,或者表示特定的意思,或者是液体名词表示“几杯”或“几瓶”这样的数量时。 ? 2. 抽象名词若是具体化,则可数。与此相反,可数转化为不可数。 ? 3. 当一个名词表示抽象、总称的概念,则为不可数,当一个名词表示具体、特定的事物,则为可数。 物质名词/总称名词变可数 ? 1. 总称名词具体化 ?A: Would you like a cake? ?B: No. I don’t like cake. ? 2. 物质名词变意思 ?I need some paper. / I bought a paper. ? 3. 液体物质名词表数量 ?Two beers and three coffees, please. 抽象名词变可数 ?Art (an art) / beauty (a beauty) / youth (a youth) ?Eg. 1. Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind. ? 2. When as a child I laughed and wept– time crept. ?When as a youth I dreamed and talked-time walked. 2Articles Specific reference--the ? 1. 特指是针对交际双方来说的 ? 2. 特指就是根据说话者和听话者共有的知识,或根据上下文,可以识别的事物。 ? 3. 说话者用the是想要听话者找到双方心中都知道的所知,而听话者一方“断定”或“还原”所指对象的方法有多种。 ? 1. Situational/cultural reference ?Eg. Albert Einstein, the famous physicist. ? 2. textual co-reference— ?anaphoric reference (前指)& ?cataphoric reference (后指 ? 1. general knowledge (the sun, the moon, the North Pole, the Equator, the universe, the Renaissance, the Pope 罗马教皇) ? 2. specific knowledge/ local use (let’s go to the library) ? 3. immediate situation (The roses are very beautiful. Can you find the page?)


大学英语语法 学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如: I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、 代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如: He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间 接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给 我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾 语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)


14. 倒装 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, com e, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 倒装句之部分倒装


1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如: When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的? 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如: Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如:Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京? 2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用

should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有“竟会”的意思,例如: How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚? should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如: We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点: 1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如: You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如: You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。

3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如: We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。 3) What...? 与Which...? 1. what 与which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问职业。如: What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的? 该句相当于: What does your father do? What is your father's job? Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如:


大学英语语法及练习 Last updated at 10:00 am on 25th December 2020

大学英语语法及练习 第一讲虚拟语气 I. 考点分析:分四级语法复习 虚拟语气是动词的特殊形式,用来表达说话人的意愿、建议、请求、意图、惊奇、设想等未能或不可能成为事实的情况,以及在说话人看来实现的可能性很小的情况。 虚拟语气是非常重要的语法考点。考查历届四级试题,我们发现与虚拟语气有关的考题每次至少2题,有时甚至3-4题。虚拟语气的考查要点有: 1. 虚拟语气的形式:分清虚拟时间和主从句的动词形式十分重要,因此我们把所有虚拟语气的不同类型列表归纳并进行对比,以便于同学们记忆掌握。

2. 要注意从句中第一/三人称的过去式was用were代替。 例如:If I were invited, I would come. If she were not ill, she could do a lot of things. 3. if条件句中如谓语动词是were, had, should, could时,可以省略if, 把它们前置。

例如: Had my father a lot of money, he would send me abroad. Could I do it, I would surely do it. Should the Black Death reappear, what should we do?(万一黑死病再次出现,我们该怎么办) 4. 错综时间的条件句是难点,如99年1月第60题: If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you wouldn’t be smiling now.(从句用过去完成时,主句用现在进行时) 又如:If I were you, I would have gone to the film last night.(从句虚拟现在,主句虚拟过去);If we hadn’t got everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.(从句虚拟过去,主句虚拟将来); If the weather had been more favorable, the crops would be growing still better.(从句虚拟过去,主句虚拟现在) 5. 虚拟句的另一难点是省略if条件句的含蓄条件句,如: I would have written the paper before, but I have been ill.(=If I had not been ill, I would have written the paper before.); A true friend would have acted differently. (=A friend, if he had been true, would have acted differently.) 6. 注意介词短语 without, but for, in the absence等表示虚拟条件。


简单句 谓语动词的变化-时态 So Charles was ahead of the game there, too. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section A) The marketers are also seeing big opportunities. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) 这些以竹为食的动物正面临许多威胁。(CET 4, 2014.12,Translation) The bamboo-eating animals are facing a lot of threats. … the process of urbanization will only accelerate in the decades to come… (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) But the Internet ’ s tremendous impact has only ju st begun. (CET 4, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) The royal environmentalist has been promoting radical ideas for most of his adult life. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section A) 谓语动词的变化-情态- 3 - …we can reduce urbanization ’s impact on the environment. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) 谓语动词的变化-语态 They are only limited by their curiosity and ambition. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) Silicon Valley executives are being shamed into adding women to their boards. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) 谓语动词的变化-否定 Governments don ’ t need informers any more. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) Sports cannot explain these similarities in performance. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section B) 谓语动词的变化-综合 The urbanization wave can ’ t be stopped … (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) 土豪和大妈可能会被收入新版牛津(Oxford)英语词典。(CET 6, 2014.06,Translation) The words tuhao and dama may be included in the new edition of Oxford English Dictionary. 主语宾语表语的变化 名词作主语 Many students entering college have weak skills in mathematics. (CET 4, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section A) That change is the rapid acceleration of urbanization. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) doing作主语 Finding ways to improve the lives of the remaining 20 percent seems more realistic than trying to restore an imaginary golden age. (CET 4, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) to do作主语


第一讲句子结构 改写句子(必考)!!! 1.WaldenPond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty,is now the site of many stands. 2.Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through ou r bedroom windows,marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. /Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night,the cooling northeast wind madeв?| 3.The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow,which fed two st reams plunging down to join in the valley below. 4.With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade,this is a good spot for a picnic,and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll. 5.Panting for breath after running up the stairs,Mr wood stood at his neighbourв? s door and knocked again and again till someone opened it. 6.The town folk envied horace,who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town. 7.Standing in front of the mirror,Jim looked at his image,wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years. 8.The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad. 9.The story,written in plain language,consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in17th century France. 10.Mud-covered and shivering,John sat hunched over a bowl of hot brot h prepared by his father to drive off the chill. 11.Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep of a hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions. 12.Farther down the street,the old man stopped and leaned against a l amp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite si de of the street. 13.Sarah sank in the nearest chair,completely exhausted,her limbs stiff with cold,


中考英语语法填空知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细) 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you" What is the most important in your life? ", maybe you will say" Computers and the Internet". The________(one)computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked________(slow). Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But________work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, "People can't live________computers today." The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-three years later than computers. But now it can________(find) almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do________(shop), play games or make friends. Many students like the Internet very much. They often surf the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don't know their real________(name), ages, and even sex(性别). They are so________(interest) in making the "unreal friends" that they can't put their hearts into study. Many of them can't catch up with others on many subjects________of that. We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at________same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.【答案】first;slowly;they;without;be found;shopping;names;interested;because;the 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了电脑的发明时间,以及电脑的用途。还有电脑对我们生活的影响。 (1)句意:第一台电脑是在1946年制造的。根据定冠词the,可知应使用序数词first,故答案是first。 (2)句意:它很大,但是工作得很慢。slow修饰动词worked,应使用副词slowly,故答案是slowly。 (3)句意:但是他们工作的越来越快了。空缺处指代前文的computers,因此使用they,故答案是they。 (4)句意:现在没有了电脑人们不能生活。因为电脑在我们日常生活中越来越重要。所以没有电脑就不能生活,没有without,故答案是without。 (5)句意:但是现在到处都可以发它。主语it 和find是被动关系,应使用被动语态,含有情态动词的被动语态是:情态动词+be+过去分词,故答案是be found。 (6)句意:我们可以用电脑读书、写信和购物,购物do shopping,固定搭配,故答案是shopping。 (7)句意:他们不知道他们真正的名字。name名字,可数名词,根据their可知应使用复数形式,故答案是names。 (8)句意:他们对于结交不真实的朋友那么感兴趣,以致于不能把心思用在学习上。be interested in,对……感兴趣,故答案是interested。 (9)句意:因为这个原因,他们中的许多人在许多课程山上跟不上其他学生。because of


三级语法考点归纳 一.虚拟语气 1. if 句中虚拟形式 if 引导的非真实条件句(纯粹假设或发生的可能性不大): 条件从句主句 与现在相反 did (be were) would/ should/ might/ could do 与将来相反 did (be were) would/ should/ might/ could do 与过去相反 had done would/ should/ might/ could have done 例句 If we left (leave) now, we should arrive in time. If they hadn’t gone on vacation, their house wouldn’t have been broken (break) into. 2. 原形虚拟: a. 表命令、决定、要求、建议等词语之后的that-分句中,用动词原形。 suggest, demand, advise, propose, order, arrange, insist, command, require, request, desire …… that +(should) do 例如 He suggested that we should leave early. My suggestion is that we should tell him. b. It is (was) 形容词/名词that …… (should) do/ 例如 It is absolutely essential that all the facts be examined first. 3. 一些句型中的虚拟形式:


《英语语法》教学大纲 一、课程性质、地位与任务: 语法是语言的组织规则和结构形式,是结合语音文字系统和语义系统的枢纽。它是社会实际语言现象的科学概括。本专业的语法课程要帮助学生系统了解实用英语的语法规则和结构形式,以便能准确掌握英语语言,并用以指导英语语言实践,提高对语言的分析理解能力,有效提高英语实际应用能力。 二、课程的基本要求: 语法课程要传授知识,同时也要服务于培养语言素质和应用能力这个总目标。学习研究语法要着眼语言的社会实践运用,理论联系实际;了解当前语法也要适当了解语言的发展变化;精讲配合多练,从而让学生打好语言基础,提高语言素质。 三、本课程与其他课程的联系: 它是基础阅读课(精读、泛读)的基础,使学生通过大量的联系掌握语法基础,为听说读写提供基本的保障。该课程可使学生更加轻松的学习英语专业的学生在一、二年级精读、泛读课中所学过的语言材料。提升学生的学习兴趣。打下牢固的语言基础。 四、教学内容、基本要求及学时安排: 教学内容:本课程计划学时数为32学时,以赵萍主编的《新编高职高专英语语法教程》为教材。在语法内容结构上,循序渐进,从词素到单词,从单词到句子,从句子到语篇再到语段,环环相扣,从而使学生能够一面把握细节,一面掌握整个的英语语法体系。 课程内容和学时安排 授课次序授课内容学时数1导论、各个词类(名词、冠词、代词、数词、 8 动词、助动词、动名词、形容词、副词、连词 及其介词) 2 动词时态 2 3 被动语态 2

4 虚拟语气 2 5 非限定动词(不定式、-ING分词、-ED分词) 2 6 句子类型和直接、间接引语 2 7 名词性从句和定语从句 4 8 状语从句和it的用法 2 9 主谓一致 2 10 替代、省略、前置与倒装 2 11 复习及练习 4 教学要求: 第一讲导论、各个词类 1.教学目标:导论:让学生了解语法课程的性质、作用和学习方法 掌握名词、限定词、代词、助动词的定义及它们在句子中的功能和用法。形 容词的分类及用法、副词的分类及用法、介词的分类及用法 2.教学内容:导论:语法课程的性质、作用和学习方法 名词的类别、限定词的搭配、代词与其先行项的一致、情态助动词的意义。 形容词、副词、介词的类型,形容词作修饰语和补语,副词做修饰语和状语, 介词与其他词类的搭配 第二讲动词时态 1.教学目标:掌握英语中各个时态的用法和部分时态的异同 2.教学内容:动词的分类、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行体、完成体、完成进行体 和将来时间表示法 第三讲被动语态 1.教学目标:掌握被动态的结构模式、被动态的英汉互译及其使用场合 2.教学内容:几种不同类型动词的被动模式,英汉被动意义表示法和使用被动态的制约因 素 第四讲虚拟语气 1.教学目标:掌握虚拟语气的用法 2.教学内容:虚拟语气的结构模式和在不同场合下的使用 第五讲非限定动词(不定式、-ING分词、-ED分词) 1.教学目标:掌握不定式、-ING分词、-ED分词的用法 2.教学内容:不定式的结构形式、不定式搭配和ING分词的搭配、ED分词作修饰语 第六讲句子类型和直接、间接引语 1.教学目标:掌握句子的类型,直接引语和间接引语的互换 2.教学内容:句子的的基本形式及其变体,各类句子的间接引语


《英语语法与写作》课程教学大纲 课程编码:学分:2 总学时: 40 说明 【课程性质】 英语语法与写作是高等学校英语语言学习的必修课程,是本科段的重点基础课程。 【教学目的】 其目的旨在使高校英语专业学生系统地认识英语从词到句乃至语篇的构造,提高英语写作的规范性,学会用英语准确地,有效地传递信息和表达思想。 【教学任务】 本课程是一门基础技能训练课,通过传授比较系统和完整地英语语法知识和英语写作技巧,使学生学会运用语法规则于写作实践之中,提高实际运用英语的能力。经过对语法知识系统的讲练,使学生对英语语法的基本结构与规律有一个明确完整的概念,能较熟练的运用这些语法的基本规则分析解释各种语法现象。通过大量练习,尤其是结合大量的写作训练,在语言实践中以文章背景为语境,纠正语法错误及语言的错误使用,使学生的英语语言综合技能在质量上有较大的提高。 【教学内容】 本课程将英语语法与写作相结合,通过句子合并学习语法规则,通过规则讲解提高句子写作。每章包括语法和写作两部分。语法部分系统讲述了句子成分、短语、从句和句子等重要语法点的功能、形式、种类、以及在句子中运用的位置与标点。写作部分又分改错与改写两块。改错包括残缺句、不间断句、杂乱句等常见的写作错误。各单元提供相关写作错误的描述、实例以及改正方法。改写部分介绍了句子合并策略、句子重心、句内句间关联等句子写作技巧,旨在通过技巧的讲解和操练使学习者改变英语写作中的中文行文习惯,并将语法规则具体运用到语篇写作之中。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则: 一、语法教学应该抓住形式,意义和用法三个环节,正确处理三者之间的关系。明确让学生掌握语言形式是基础,了解其意义是关键,学会使用才是真正的目的。


三级语法考点归纳 一. 虚拟语气 1. if 句中虚拟形式 if 引导的非真实条件句(纯粹假设或发生的可能性不大) 条件 与现在相反 与将来相反 与过去相反 done 例句 If we left (leave) now, we should arrive in time. If they hadn ' t gone on vacation, their house wouldn 2. 原形虚拟: a. 表命令、决定、要求、建议等词语之后的that-分句中,用动词原形。 suggest, dema nd, advise, propose, order, arran ge, in sist, comma nd, require, request, desire that (should) do 例女口 He suggested that we should leave early. My suggesti on is that we should tell him. b. It is (was)形容词 /名词 that ......... (should) do/ 例女口 It is absolutely essential that all the facts be examined first. 3. 一些句型中的虚拟形式: 1. It ' s (high, about, the first, etc.) time (that)词过去时 … … 例如 It ' s time we left. 2 would rather/so oner as if/ though would rather/sooner 反 as if/ though 4?练习 1. I _______ t ry it agai n if I ______ you. A. will ; am B. should; am would ; had been 2. If it _______ n ot for the water , the pla nts _ A. were ; would not B. is ; could not could not 3. If I school. A. have not had; could not become 从句 did (be > were) did (be * were) had done 主句 would/ should/ might/ could do would/ should/ might/ could do would/ should/ might/ could have 't have been broken (break) into. 例女口 It is time we went to bed. 宁愿 好像 谓语用过去时 与现在或者将来相 谓语用过去完成时 与过去相反 C. would ; were D. live. C. were ; could D. did ; that chanee to show my ability, I the preside nt of this B. had not had ; would not have


大学英语语法与练习——u n i t14倒装

14. 倒装 14.1 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, com e, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes.Away they went. 14.1 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman.

Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 14.2 倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1)句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, n ot until… 等。 Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn't leave the room until the child fell asleep. 典型例题
