

The Yangtze Three Gorges

The Yangtze Three Gorges, one of the ten most famous tour sites of China, proudly stands at the top of the best 40 in China’s hottest scenic spots. Meanwhile, it also enjoys the reputation for one of the best 35 China’s king scenic spots and 16 special touring routes. Your steps into Yichang will take you to the greatest paintings of the elegant Three Gorges gallery. Though the Three Gorges Project reservoir began reserve water, the three gorges stand still with their elegance and verve. The Xiling Gorge is still deep and serene; the Wu Gorge is still beautiful; while the Qutang Gorge is still steep and magnificent. At the same time, the new Three Gorges bring you infinite new views. New sceneries created by the reservoir will add extra mysteries to you and make your trip rich and colorful.

Yichang, as the door of the Three Gorges, is the optimal start place for the marvelous and attractive tour through Three Gorges.

The Three Gorges consist of the Xiling Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Qutang Gorge. And they extend over 193 km from Daidi Castle in the west, Fengjie county of Chongqing municipality, to Nanjin Guan of Yichang city in the east, Hubei province. It's the prime landscape along the Yangtze River, as well as the treasure of the China mountains and rivers. Through ages, the charming gorges have admired thousands of foreign and Chinese tourists whole heartedly.

Now, distinguished friends, let's start the amazing trip through the Three Gorges.

Xiling Gorge

The elegant Xiling Gorge starts from Guandu Kou of the Zigui County in the west, and ends to Nanjin Guan of Yichang in the east. Its total length of 114 km ranks the longest in the three gorges, among which 66 km is for gorges (31 km above dam, 35km below dam). The name “Xiling”, standing for “West Mountains”, came from its specific situation as it’s situated in the west of Yichang, and especially, it’s the west border of the ancient Chu State. These gorges become famous for dangerous and spectacular location. In Xiling Gorge, there are 3 shoals (Xie Shoal, Qing Shoal and Kongling Shoal) and 4 gorges (Dengying Gorge, Huangniu Gorge, Niugan Mafei Gorge, and Bingshu Baojian Gorge). Series of gorges and shoals make the water flow speedy and complex here. Ouyang Xiu of the North Song Dynasty praised “the mountains and water of Xiling are the finest under heaven”. Marshal Chen Yi of P.R.C also praised “Xiling is the finest in the Three Gorges, and everyone will forget to r eturn for thick delight”. From the ancient times, the boat trackers kept their living here for generations, dragging the boats upstream and fighting against the riptide. An ancient idiom saying “Boats hard to sail in Xiling, even ghosts are afraid of reefs” is the vivid description. After the completion of the Gezhouba Hydropower Station, a big reservoir came into being in the upstream, which raised the water line and

submerged those dangerous shoals. Additionally, after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the government dredged up the river way several times and destroyed many dangerous reefs. Thanks to all these actions, we can enjoy our safe and leisure touring through these beautiful gorges today.

Nanjin Guan (the Nanjin Col)

Nanjin Guan is the start point of the Yangtze Three Gorges, as well as the boundary separating of the upstream and midstream of the Yangtze River. After the ship sailing upstream through the Nanjin Guan, the width of the Yangtze River becomes sudden narrow from 2000 m to 300 m. It tells the beginning of your colorful tour in the beautiful painting of the Three Gorges.

Dengying Gorge (the Shadowgraph Gorge)

12 km west to Nanjin Guan, we will reach the Dengying Gorge (the Shadowgraph Gorge), which is also called “Mingyue Gorge (the Bright Moon Gorge)”. It’s a short but extraordinary gorge. The walls of the gorge are smooth and clean, just like having been polished carefully by Nature’s engineering. Being mirrored by the sky, the walls look like a lifelike traditional Chinese landscape painting. If you get here at night, the landscape in the moon light will show you a dreamland beyond words description. That’s the origin of another name, “the Bright Moon Gorge”. The Dengying Gorge, which means “the Shadowgraph Gorge”, got its name from the figure of the mountains. In the south bank, four peculiar stones look like four characters in the famous Chinese legend “Record of a journey to the west”. In sunset, when we look at them from the gorge, they are vivid like telling the story by the shadowgraph. So, the gorge here is also called “the Shadowgraph Gorge”.

Li Siguang’s Tectonic Formation

Get to Liantuo in the north bank of the Xiling Gorge by ship, you will find the geological section formed in the Cambrian period. In the Three Gorges, you can find kinds of mature stratum formed in every geological age from 2.5 billion years ago to 1 million years ago. The world renowned Li Siguang’s Tectonic Formation (the tectonic formation was found by the Chinese geologist, Mr. Li Siguang) was found here in the Xiling Gorge, which attracted strong interest from the world geology field. The formation was recognized as “the natural geological museum”, and “the living fossil” of the geological mechanical formation. You would obviously feel that time has brought great changes to the world when you visit the Geology Park and the Li Siguang’s Tectonic Formation.

Xianren Bridge (the Sage’s Bridge)

A few minutes while the ship goes west, in the north bank, we will see the Xianren Bridge (the Sage’s Bridg e), a natural stone 1-meter-wide bridge spanning 15 meters on the mountain, where is the best place for enjoying the beauties of the Xiling Gorge. When

you stand there, everything in miles of the Xiling Gorge will be taken in a glance. It’s said legendaril y that once upon a time, a fairy fell in love with a woodchopper. But, it’s impossible for the woodchopper to reach the paradise to meet the fairy. Then, the fairy threw down her band of the skirt and made the bridge to lead her lover. A poet of the Song D ynasty, Tian Jun wrote a poem for the bridge “Clouds mist on it; river roars under it; Boat stop here and ask; why can’t see fairies, but the empty bridge.” The statue of flying fairy was built to memory this lovely fairy.

Huangniu Gorge (the Bull’s Gorge)

Sailing 10 km upstream to the west, we will see a row of mountain crest in the south bank. 9 strips of green ridges droop downward sinuously, just liking 9 dragons rushing down to the river. The mountain crest is the Huangniu Cliff (the Bull’s Cliff), the valley under is the Huangniu Gorge (the Bull’s Gorge).

The watercourse though the Huangniu Gorge zigzags like the intestine, and is full of interlaced submerged reefs. The river water swirls like the boiling water to make the sailing dangerous. “Morning s et off in Huangniu, night anchor in Huangniu, 3 days and 3 nights are not enough for passing through Huangniu, days and nights, endless sailing drives hair grizzle.” An ancient ballad is the best description about the hard shipping condition in this part.

Why the gorge here was name “Huangniu (the Bull)”? It came from an ancient story about Xia Yu’s contribution to flood controlling. It’s said that the God sent Xia Yu to the human world to dredge the river and prevent the flood. When he led people to excavate the river and reach here, the God sent a magic bull to help him. One day morning, a woman came here to sent water and food to workers. When she reached the river, she happened to see a giant and strong bull colliding the mountains. The mountain collapsed and the earth quaked like thunder storm. Her screaming stampeded the bull and made it jump off the mountain, but left its image in the mountain walls. The Chinese ancient strategist, Mr. Zhuge Liang had a sentence of description in his “Travel Notes in

H uangling Temple”: “when I pored over the mountain walls across the river, I found magic head portrait image with vivid hair and eyebrows, remarkably true to life. A flag in the front, and a bull on the right side, just like someone painted it here.” Of cou rse, the story was the people’s beautiful imagination about conquering the nature. And, the “Bull” is the best indication standing for human’s greatest power in conquering the world. In order to memory the bull’s contribution, ancient people built a temple here to fete it.

As a matter of fact, the giant painting is the wall is the particular in Three Gorges. About 400 million years ago, here is still ocean. And 200 million years ago, the granite magma from earth interior movement formed the now Huangniu Mountain and Zhongbao Island. The granite here contains kinds of pigments, showing different colors. White is the main color for Huangniu Mountain, and decorating with some black, therefore forms the big wall paintings. A Chinese ancient poet Li Daoyuan said: “the image at the highest of the rock wall looks like a man lowing a bull, back man and yellow bull”. This vivid natural

image has attracted countless tourists of all ages, and fingered out of the world most particular.

Zhongbao Island-the Site of the Three Gorges Dam

After ship passes the Xiling Yangtze Bridge, we will reach the dam site of the Three Gorges Project. Years ago, it was a rectangle shaped island called “Zhongbao Island”, with an area of about 0.15 km2. Former premier, Mr. Zhou Enlai chose it from several schemes and set it as the dam site.

As a magic island, it has never been submerged in histories, no matter how heavy the floods were. According to the records, the heaviest flood happened in 1870 did not cover this island even the Huangling Temple in a higher place was submerged. Up till now, there is not any convincible explanation on the phenomenon of “the island goes up along the rising river”

However, the island is disappeared since the Project was under construction.

We are now going thr ough the “Open Channel of Headrace”. It’s about 3410 m in length, with the width of 350 m, sharing 1/3 of the total width of the Yangtze River here. It’s one of the main constructions of the first phase of the Three Gorges Project. Since June of 2003, ships began to pass the dam through the double-line 5-stage ship locks (for ships over 10 thousand ton). The huge construction at the right side is the Three Gorges Dam. It’s the concrete gravity dam, with a height of 185 m. And the total length of the dam top is 2309 m. The normal water level of the reservoir will be 175 m. The total capacity of the generators installed is 18.20 million kW, while the total annual capacity will be more than 84.7 billion kWh. Ladies and gentlemen, at our left side, we can see th e “first city of Three Gorges Immigrants”, the new town site of Zigui County.

High Gorge Mountains and the Reservoir Lake

The high gorge mountains and the reservoir lake are the new imposing scenic spots brought to the Yangtze Three Gorges by the construction of the Three Gorges Project. From June 1 to 15, 2003, when the initial water reserve completed, the water level in the upstream of the dam increased to 135 m, much higher than the 98 m level before May 31. The reservoir capacity increased from 2.3 billion to 12.3 billion cubic meters. At 22:00 of September 20, 2006, the reservoir began to raise water level from 135.5 m to 156 m, with extra reservoir capacity of 11 billion cubic meters. At that time, the Three Gorges went on to initial operation period from the cofferdam period, with comprehensive functions on flood control, electricity generation and ship traffic. Here, Yichang, will begin to show you the scenery of the reservoir lake in the high mountains. And here will be the right place to bring you the best view of the reservoir and the mountains. The reservoir will force water to flow back to the place where Fengdu Count located, forming a 436 km long reservoir in the watercourse in the upstream of the dam. The width of the river in many broad valleys will increase to about 3000 m from 1000 m before the water reserve. The Yangtze River

will offer you a new face with the smooth reservoir lake instead of the former torrential flow. Lots of hidden scenic spots will show their charms to the tourists. Those new added sceneries like valleys, lakes, islands, watercourses, and water-eroded caves will combine with the previous gorge views to form new contents for your trip to new Three Gorges. According to the incomplete statistics, after the initial water reserve, new lakes and islands will come into being, such as the Zigui Lake, the Baidi Lake, the Baidi Island, the Shuangjiang Island (the Dual River Island), and the Hulu Island (the Calabash Island) etc. Vast and immensurable, nature abounds in changes, the beautiful lakes and mountains will paint a new magnificent scene in the new Three Gorges.

Recently, more sightseeing platforms have been built around the Three Gorges Project dam area, such as the Tanzi Ling (Peak Crock), the Extreme Top on the Huangniu Ro ck (the Bull’s Rock), the first mountain top at the head of the reservoir-the Phoenix Mountain, the Nv’er Ling (the Daughter’s Mountain Top) and etc. All these viewing points provide you the all time, multi view, different height, and omnidirectional sightseeing experience of the dam, the reservoir lake and the high mountains.

Kongling Gorge

When leaving the Three Gorges dam 10 km behind, we’ll reach a steep gorge, the Kongling Gorge. The cloud-capped mountains in the gorge look like sharpened by knives and axes. This gorge is also called “the Kongleng Gorge (empty and cold gorge)”, “the Tongling Gorge (Through Mountains Gorge)”. It’s about 2.5 km in length. According to records in ancient books, ships had to be emptied to ensure its safe sailing in the torrent here. In the middle of this narrow watercourse, there’s a shoal full of many dangerous submerged reefs, called “the Kongling Shoal”. Ancient people said “the Qing Shoal and the Xie Shoal are not the real shoal, only the Kongling is the gate to the hell”. Many years ago, there was a big rock in the middle of the water, showing the warning words “Come towards me”. When getting here, ships must go straight ahead towards the Rock; with the help of backstroke water bounced by the rock, ship would skim rock and pass through in safety. But, if you ignored the warning, and intended to steer away from the big rock, the water would certainly rush you to the rock causing accident. In 1900, a foreign ship crashed here because the captain had no sense on this warning, and even ignored the advice from the guide. After the liberation in 1949, the big rock was destroyed. Later, the successful launch of Gezhouba Hydropower Project raised the water and deeply merged those dangerous shoals. Although we lose the experience of the nervous and excite sailing here, we obtain the safe transportation.

Niugan Mafei Gorge (Gorge of Bull’s Lever & Horse’s Lung)

Out of the Kongling Gorge, we will reach the Niugan Mafei Gorge in a short while. The gorge is about 4.5 km in length. In the conflux of Jiuwan River (explored for driftage) and the Yangtze River, there were several brown rocks overlapped in the cliff on the mountain in the north bank. They looked like the Bull’s lever. Beside them, there was another lung shaped big stone calle d “the Horse’s Lung”. Because these funny rocks, the

gorge was named as Gorge of Bull’s Lever & Horse’s Lung (the Niugan Mafei Gorge). Actually, these rocks were made of calcium carbonate by the groundwater.

As years past by, the Niugan Rock is still intact, while the Mafei Rock has lost its under part. It was shot by British warship in 1900 when China was still governed by the Qing Dynasty. Today, it is still telling the crimes done by the old British imperialism.

However, the Mafei rock has been submerged by the raised water. And the Niugan rock was cut and removed to the Phoenix Mountain in the new city of Zigui County by local tourism bureau. Though we cannot see the two rocks anymore in the gorge, there still are other sceneries as the same.

Bingshu Baojian Gorge (Gorge of the Tactics Book & Sword)

When our ship passes the Xin Tan (New Shoal), we will reach Bingshu Baojian Gorge. In the rock gaps of the mountain cliff in the north bank, there’s something looking like a roll of bamboo book. It was said it’s the tactics book of Mr Zhuge Liang (an ancient Chinese famous strategist). Under the tactics book, there outshoot a sword shape rock which is thick on the top and sharp in the bottom, pointing to the river. That is the Sword Rock.

According to the field research done by the archaeologists, the “tactics book” is actually the remains of the ancient hanging coffin, while the “sword” is an outshoot limestone.

There are also two legends going along with this gorge. One is about Mr. Zhuge Liang. It’s said that Zhuge Liang wrote a book on military experience of his whole life. One day, when he got a serious disease, he found there was nobody standing around him could inherit the book. In order to avoid the doctrinaires’ improper use of his theories, he chose the steep place to store it because he thought only those who can get it could take right and full advantage of his book. Another legend happened when the Chuhan Campaign broke out at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Zhang Liang, a smart advisor of the King Liubang, defeated the elite troops of the King Xiangyu, and took over the Chu. After Zhang Liang’s death, his tactics book and sword were hidden here.

Before the water raise in the reservoir, the Tourism Bureau of Zigui County organized a special force to save t he legendary “tactics book”. Actually, there were remains of hanging coffin and many national secured relics. Now, all these things have been preserved on the Phoenix Mountain for tourists visiting.

Celebrities’ Native Place in Xiangxi

Soon later we will reach the broad valley of Xiangxi. Along the clear and green river of Xiangxi, there once lived two famous Chinese celebrities. One is the great poet, Qu Yuan of the Chu State, and the other is the beauty Wang Zhaojun of the Han Dynasty. It’s said, one day, when Wang Zhaojun was washing her face by the river, she accidentally lost the

pearls in her necklace into the Xiangxi River. From then on, the water in this river became clear and fragrant, and got its name “Xiangxi” (the Fragrant River). Like a splendid belt, Xiangxi River makes a shortcut into the Shennongjia virgin forest. After the completion of the Three Gorges dam reservoir, our ship can sail directly from the Yangtze River to Zhaojun’s Village. While in the half way, we can stop at the Leping Li, t he birthplace of Qu Yuan.

Leping Li, the hometown of Qu Yuan, is right situated by the riverside of the Xiangxi River. There, we can find many interesting places and legend sites about Qu Yuan, such as the Xianglu Ping, the Zhaomian Well, the Dushu Cave, and the Yumi Sanqiu etc. Qu Yuan was an honest, selflessness poet as well as a politician with foresight and sagacity. He was much concerned about the nation and the people, and left many famous poems such as “Li Sao”.

The Baoping Village of the Xiangshan County in the upstream of the Xiangxi River is the hometown of Wang Zhaojun, the famous imperial concubine in the ancient Han Dynasty. She married the King of the Hu people in the far western region to exchange long term peace situation. In recent years, her native houses were rebuilt by the local government. At the gate of her house, there stands her white marble statue presented by the Inner Mongolia, with a theme “Wang Zhaojun is living along the thousands years history, just as long peace between the Hu and Han peoples”.

The water reserved by the Three Gorge Project also raised the water level in the Xiangxi River. The width of the river was broadened to over 100 m from the former about 10 m. The Xiangxi River, right now, is the short cut linking the new Three Gorges and the Shennongjia. Ships with capacity of thousand tonnages from the Yangtze River can reach the Xiakou Dock of the Xiangshan County through the Xiangxi River. Landing in the dock, you will find that the Shennongjia is just less than an hou r’s drive away. Also, the convenient transportation enables a better accession to the hometowns of Qu Yuan and Wang Zhaojun.

Wu Gorge

After a little while, the ship will finish its sailing in smooth water of the broad valley and carry us to the Wu Gorge, w hich got the name from the Wu Mountain. It’s about 71 km from Guandu Kou in Badong County in the east to the mouth of Daxi Town in the west. The gorge valley is about 44 km in length, and 27 km in width. In both banks of the gorges, the green mountains wave look like the Chinese folding screens. Traveling in the devious watercourse in the deep and beautiful gorges seems like sailing in a natural gallery. Because the Wu Gorge is deep enough and receives less sunshine, the moisture in gorge could not be easily vaporized. The moisture flows and agglomerates to be fogs and clouds. The gauzelike fogs and clouds sometimes fly like dragons, sometimes like yarns. When the beams of sunshine penetrate the clouds apertures, it will bring us the brilliant view called “the Wu Gorge Buddhist Light” by the local people. Therefore, the ancient people

left beautiful poems, such as “the water is the water only in the sea; the cloud is the cloud only in the Wu Gorge”.

Shennong Xi River in Badong

Leaving the Badong Town, we will find another branch of the Yangtze River in the north bank, the Shennong Xi River. In recent years, its driftage has attracted more and more tourists. This river originates in the mountains of the Shennong Jia Mountain. The water is so clear that it almost let your eyesight reach the river bed. The mountains along the river are great as those of the Three Gorges. After the Three Gorges Project reserved water, there’s a lake formed in the middle stream of Shengnon Xi River. We can enjoy the colorful sightseeing, and get to Luoping, where is the start place of our journey drifting the Shennong Xi River. Sitting in a boat shaped like peasecod, we can raft down the clean stream and pass the Shennong Gorge and Mianzhu Gorge to experience the primal wild feeling. In the river, the fragrant fresh air, the birds’s singing, and the ballads sang by the boatmen tell you that you are far from the modern civilization already. After the driftage, we will soon back to the Yangtze Three Gorges.

Twelve Peaks among the Wu Mountains

When sailing in the Wu Gorge, the tourists always can’t help outlooking the famous twelve peaks among the Wu Mountains. The limy twelve peaks both in north and south banks are standing thousands of meters high above the water. Their spectacular wonderful shapes are various. Some looks like men flying into the sky; some looks like phoenixes spreading wings; some looks like folding screen showing paintings; and some look like immortals having meetings…

Among the six coherent peaks waving in the north bank, the first one we can see is the Jixian Peak (the Immortals Gathering Peak), which is also called “the Scissor Peak”. In the wall of the mountain under the peak, six big characters loom through the fog, which means “serried ridges and peaks in the Wu Gorge”. Beside the big ones, there are some small characters engraved, but we can hardly see them clearly for years of efflorescence. The rock engraved these small characters is also named “the Kongming Stele” because people said these small characters are the well known article “Longzhong Dui” written by the famous ancient strategist Zhuge Liang (Kongming as birth name). Besides, the other five peaks are Songluan (Maohe Peak), Shennv (Wangxia Peak), Zhaoyun, Shengquan, and Denglong.

The rest six peaks are standing in the south bank. But, only the Feifeng Peak, the Cuiping Peak, and the Juhe Peak can be viewed from the Yangtze River. if you want to see the other three peaks including the Jingtan Peak, the Qiyun Peak and the Shangsheng Peak, you have to go upstream about 15 km along the Shennv River, a branch of the Yangtze. Therefore, Lu You, a famous poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem and said “Only 9 can be seen among the 12 peaks in the Wu Mountains”.

Among these 12 peaks, the most beautiful and upright one is the Shennv Peak (the Saint Girl Peak). When ship heads the peak, we can look up and find a towering rock. It looks like a slim graceful girl, and got the name of the “Saint Girt Peak”. A legend coming down tells us the story. It’s said that once u pon a time, the youngest daughter of the Western Queen Mother, Yao Ji, happened to meet several dragons raising devils here. So she killed them and rescued humans. Later, she sent Da Yu to excavate the Three Gorges and dredge up the river. In order to keep the sailing safe here, she stood into the peak permanently to guide the sail. Day and night, she was the first one here to welcome the rising sun and send off the sunset. Actually, the legend expresses the dream of the ancient people wishing a safe and sound sail here.

Daning River and Little Three Gorges

Next stop after the twelve peaks of the Wu Mountains is the Daning River. Its headwater is the Zhongnan Mountain of the Pingli County in Shanxi Province. After passing through countless valleys and canyons of Wuxi and the Wu Mountain in Chongqing, it reaches the Yangtze in the east corner of Wushan County. Along the Daning River, there are another three gorges as the Longmen Gorge, the Bawu Gorge and the Dicui Gorge, making the “Little Three Gorges”. Compa red to the great Three Gorges, the little one is more beautiful and fascinating. People describe it as “Three Gorges top of the world, Little Three Gorges top of the Three Gorges”. The water raised by the Three Gorges Project reservoir has some impact on the scenery of Little Three Gorges, but improves the navigation condition in the Madu River and Mini Three Gorges.

Madu River is an anabranch of the Daning River. Along this river, there’s the Mini Three Gorges. The 20 km Mini one consists of Madu Gorge, Qinwang Gorge and Xiniu Gorge (the Rhinoceros Gorge). All the three gorges own their spectacular sceneries, in which the Madu Gorge is known for countless strange rocks and peaks; the Qinwang Gorge is know for caves and springs; and the Xiniu Gorge is famous for a rock of rhinoceros shape.

Qutang Gorge

Next to the Wu Gorge, after the ship finishes its journey in the 27-km broad valley in Daning River, we will reach the Qutang Gorge, which is well known for its magnificence. From Daxi Town in the east to the Baidi Castle in the west, the 8 km gorge is the shortest one in Three Gorges. But, the importance of “controlling Sichuan and linking Hubei” strengthens its status. As another gallery of natural sceneries and folk cultures, we can easily find many well known tour sites along our trip upstream, such as the Feng Xiang Gorge (the Bellows Gorge), the Fenghuang Yinquan (the Spring for Phoenix’s Drink), the Mengliang Ti (the Mengliang’s Ladder), the Daodiao Heshang (Upside Down Hanging Monk), the Guimen Guan (the Kuimen Col), the Fenbi Wall (the Pink Walls) and etc.

Fengxiang Gorge (the Bellows Gorge)

The moment when we enter the Qutang Gorge, on the bluff in the north bank, we can see three big white Chinese characters “Fengxiang Gorge”. No doubt, here we are. Actually, the Fengxiang Gorge is just an arduous cliff. On the cliff, some gaps are found. In a bigger gap, there are a pile of quadrate wood boxes which look like bellows. Then, the gorge got its name. It’s said that the bellows here were left by the Chinese ancient famous carpenter, Lu Ban. In 1971, 3 herb collectors climbed up there and found those box coffins left by the ancient Ba People about 2000 years ago.

Fenghuang Yinquan (the Spring for Phoenix’s Drink), Mengliang Ti (Mengliang’s Ladder), Daodiao Heshang (Upside Down Hanging Monk)

Soon later, on the cliff in the south bank, there used to be two-storey pavilion built on the rock. The place where the pavilion located was the Fenghuang Yinquan (Spring for Phoenix’s Drink). There, a 20-meter high and 6-meter wide giant rock pillar was effusing the spring water. Seen from far away, it looked like a phoenix drinking water at the spring.

The upstream of the Fenghuang Yinquan is the famous Mengliang Ti (Mengliang’s Ladder). It’s a row of quadrate holes cut in the rock. They were one by one, row by row, zigzagging from low to high and reaching the top of the mountain.

Closely next to the Mengliang Ti on the rock, there used to pop out a strange rock, which looked like a Monk hanging upside down here. So, people called it the Upside Down Hanging Monk. Absolutely, there was a story behind the scenery. It’s said that there was a famous general named “Yang Ye” in the North Song Dynasty. When he was killed in a battle, his body was buried on a small platform named th e “Homesick Platform” popping out from the mountainside of the Baiyan Mountain. In order to save the skeleton of Yang Ye, one of his subordinates, named Mengliang, drove a boat into the Qutang Gorge quietly at night. He cut some holes on the bluff and inserted iron puncheons to make ladders for climbing. When he climbed the half way, a monk found him. The monk pretended to mimic the crow and made Mengliang misunderstood the dawn’s coming. To avoid being found by the guards, he gave up the action and failed in the project. When Mengliang found he was cheated, with greatest anger, he hung the monk upside down on the rock. Of course, this is just a fictitious story. In fact, as the heritage left by ancient ordinary people, these holes were cut to build plank road along the cliff. And the Upside Down Hanging Monk is just a common stalactite.

Nowadays, the water reserved by the Three Gorges Project has submerged the Fenghuang Yinquan and the Upside Down Hanging Monk, and the Mengliang’s Ladder has been moved to a higher place.

Kuimen Col, Fenbi Tang (the Hall of the Prink Walls)

The width of the Yangtze at the Qutang Gorge mouth narrows to less than 100 meters. Cliffs and bluffs in both banks are sharp enough as if they were just cut by swords. On a square place on the mountain, 5 big characters were engraved to tell you that

“Kuimen Col stands grand in the world”. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at the Kuimen Col, the west gate of the great Three Gorges. The highlands on both sides of Kuimen were named respective ly as the “Baiyan Mountain (White Salt Mountain)” in the south and the “Chijia Mountain (Red Coat Mountain)” in the north. Two great mountains stand here face to face, straightly, lofty, and sharply, almost like the greatest gate set by the nature. It’s ju st here that the cliffs are high to over 500 m; the river is just narrow to 100 m; but the river speed is over 50,000 cubic meters per second. Because the rocks on the Chijia Mountains are covered by the ferric oxide liquor, it looks like being in red from far away. That’ the reason as called the “Red Coat Mountain”. The Baiyan Mountain which means “White Salt Mountain” looks like being in white because the rocks are covered by salt-like white calcium liquid. Looking at each other under the sunshine from the other side of the river, one in red and the other in white, we will find what magnificent scenery it is!

On the bluff and cliffs of both banks, there were many steles left during the past dynasties, where it looked like a Chinese traditional hall. As a result, people called here the Hall of Pink Walls. However, the reserved water has submerged lots of these steles, with only some most valuable ones protected by rebuilt and moved to a higher place. And the most precious “Thousand Characters Stele” made in the South Song Dynasty was cut and moved to the museum.

Baidi Castle (White King Castle)

Next to the Kuimen Col is the terminal of the Three Gorges, the Baidi Castle. Situated in the north bank of the Yangtze, the Baidi Castle is also called “the Castle of Poet” in histories. This castle, originally named “the Ziyang Castle”, was built by Gongsun Shu of the Xinmang Period when he set up a separatist regime by force of arms in Sichuan. It’s said that a well in the castle spayed white vapor, and the vapor flied over like a white dragon to the sky, and Gongsun Shu lorded himself “the White King” (Baidi), and renamed the city as “Baidi Castle”. After Gongsun Shu was killed by Liu Xiu, the Emperor Guangwu of the East Han Dynasty, there built a temple named “Baidi Temple”. However, the real story made this place famous around the world is another one happened in the Three Kingdoms period. The King of Shu, Liu Bei entrusted his son to the care of the primer minister before death. Now, the reserved water will make the castle surrounded by the water, and then you can imagine and experience such magical scenery.



描写三峡大坝英语作文 描写三峡英语作文篇一: The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze Riverand are famous throughout the world. The Three Gorges Xiling Gorge西陵峡Wu Gorge巫峡and Qutang Gorge瞿塘 峡.Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interestsuch asZhaojun VillageQu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town. The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the Gorges.A big power station has been built here.Since the reform and open policies began to be carried outgreat changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look.At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under constru ction. The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China. 描写三峡英语作文篇二: The three gorges dam is located in China's hunan provincethe whole project is expected to completion in 2021.The flood control and power generation function with the dam.The Yangtze river in the same period a year is always flooding.Destroyed crops and homeseven claimed many lives.Because the surface of the lakethe dam will rise by more than 100 metersand need immigrants millionsthe three gorges region of the many places of interest will be submerged. 描写三峡英语作文篇三: The environmental impact of the Three Gorges Project pros and consthe ecological balance in the regulation of the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The Group noted that the Three Gorges Project effects mainly in the middleincluding reducing flood damage to the ecological environmentreduce coal pollution of the environmentreduce siltation of Dongting Lake and so on.Adverse effects mainly in the reservoir areain addition to farmland inundatedchanging landscapes and large number of immigrantsthe Shang Duizhen rare speciesTail floodslandslidesearthquakesand so on terrestrial plants and animals have a certain influence. 描写三峡英语作文篇四:


Three Gorges of Yangtze River Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!My name is ,you can call me ruth. I’m your tour guide from Wuhan. On behalf of our travel service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all and best wishes for the success of your travel on the Yangtze River. if you have any special interests or needs, please do not hesitate to let me know , I will try my best to accommodate your needs . Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River. like to and the Nile, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise creating one of nature’s most fantastic sights. wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie end Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup, as the Song Dynasty poet Su Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins in the crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts,but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period(475bc----221BC) ve come to the Wu Gorge. Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along snakes based on a beautiful legend. goes like this: 12 nymphs once Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been Yaoji,


有关三峡的导游词1000字3篇 三峡工程举世瞩目,其成败的关键在于移民问题,而移民的健康问题关系到社会经济及人类社会的可持续发展。导游词1000字,希望可以帮助大家。 有关三峡的导游词1000字范文1:游客朋友们,你们好,欢迎你们来三峡观光。七百里三峡,雄奇险拔,清幽秀丽,四季美景风格迥异。春冬之时,潭水碧绿,清波回旋,怪柏凌峰,瀑布飞悬;夏季水涨,江流汹涌;秋景凄寒,猿鸣哀转。走进三峡人家,品尝金黄蜜桔;登上三峡大坝,感受磅礴气势。多情的三峡风光,热情的三峡人民,欢迎各位常游此地。希望您在这次旅途中感到开心,愉快。 坛子岭景区是国家首批AAAA级景区,也是三峡坝区最早开发的景区,于1997年正式开始接待中外游人,因其顶端观景台形似一个倒扣的坛子而得名,该景区所在地为大坝建设勘测点,海拔262.48米,是观赏三峡工程全景的最佳位置,不仅仅能欣赏到三峡大坝的雄浑壮伟,还能观看壁立千仞的“长江第四峡”双向五级船闸。 坛子岭景区是三峡工地的制高点,是观赏三峡工程全景的最佳位置。坛子岭因外形象一个倒扣的坛子而得名。景区总面积约10万平方米整个景区包括观景台、浮雕群、钢铁大书、亿年江石模型室和绿化带等,综合展现了源远流长的三峡文化,表达了人水合一、化水为利、人定胜天的鲜明主题。 坛子岭因其山体形状酷似四川人做泡菜的坛子倒扣在山顶上而

得名,海拔262.48米,是三峡坝区15.28平方公里征地范围内的海拔制高点,登上坛子岭的顶部观景台,可俯瞰三峡坝区的施工全貌,饱览西陵峡黄牛岩的秀丽风光和秭归新县城的远景。 相传当年大禹治水三过家门而不入,在神牛帮助下打通夔门,推开了400里水道,川江的百姓感恩不尽,用巨舟载24头肥猪和一大坛美酒前来犒劳。行至三斗坪时,却见那神牛腾云而去,只在那高山上留下了个影像,后被百姓称为黄牛岩。那大禹也追踪神牛远行,遗留下了一尊巨石作为纪念。人们深受感动久久不肯离去,令巨舟在江中守候,结果巨舟化成一座小岛--中堡岛。船上的肥猪则投入江中,变做24座礁石,而那坛美酒则放在了左岸,幻化成流传至今的坛子岭。据说,每逢晴朗天气,微风佛过,峰间江中,酒香醺醺,还真的令人心醉。 整个园区以高度的递增从上至下分为三层,主要由模型展示厅、万年江底石、大江截流石、三峡坝址基石、银版天书及坛子岭观景台等景观,还有壮观的喷泉、秀美的瀑布、蜿蜒的溪水、翠绿的草坪贯穿其间,放眼望去,静中有动,动中有静,仿佛置身于美妙的乐园。 美好的时光总是让人感到如此的短暂,我们今天的三峡之行到这里就结束了。在这里我感谢大家对我工作的支持和配合,我有什么做的不好的地方和讲解不够详细的地方请大家多多批评指正,希望有缘还能够和大家再次相逢,最后祝大家爱身体健康,万事如意!谢谢大家,再见! 有关三峡的导游词1000字范文2:初到三峡,真有点为它赞叹


2019年6月英语六级翻译题型模拟训练:长江 长江 长江是中国最长的河流,也是世界第三长河,仅次于非洲的尼罗 河和拉丁美洲的亚马逊河。长江总长度约为 6 300米,发源于青海省,向东流入东海。长江流域是中国重要的农作物产区,粮、棉产量分别 占全国总量的40%和30%。长江三峡大坝是世界上的水利枢纽工程之一,为通航、发电和运输带来了很大的便利。 【翻译词汇】 长江 the Yangtze River/Chang Jiang 尼罗河 the Nile 亚马逊河 the Amazon 向东 eastward 东海 East China Sea 长江流域 the Yangtze River valley 农作物产区 agricultural base 产量 output 分别 respectively 长江三峡大坝 the Three Gorge Dam 水利枢纽工程 water control project 为…带来便利 benefit 通航 navigation

发电 generate electricity 【精彩译文】 The Yangtze River or Chang Jiang is the longest river in China and the third longest in the world, after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. The river is about 6 300 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province, eastward into the East China Sea. The Yangtze River valley has always been an important agricultural base in China. Grain and cotton outputs make up 40 percent and 30 percent of China’s total respectively. As one of the largest water control project in the world, the Three Gorge Dam benefits for navigation, generating electricity and transportation.


Hi ,everyone, I’m glad to stand here to give you a short speech about River closure of the Three Gorges Dam . In January 8, 1997,the River closure project started formally . What’s the Three Gorges Dam ? Three Gorges Dam was Three Gorges hydropower station, also known as the Three Gorges project. This project origined from 1914 ,M r. Sun Zhongshan put forward the idea of the construction of the Three Gorges Project . Years went by, many famous persons inspected the three gorge and made policy decisions, like Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, but until December 14, 1994, the world's largest hydropower project - the Three Gorges Dam project officially started, it is located in the middle of the Exiling gorge in Hubei province Inching City three Doo, away from the lower reaches of Gezhouba Dam water conservancy project 38 km. The Three Gorges Project will impact on the surrounding ecology, because there is a dam barrier, fish can not normally pass through the Three Gorges, their living habits and genetic and something else will change. In ancient times it was the intersection of Ba culture and Chu culture.So, the The Three Gorges will influenced a


三峡的英语导游词范文(精选5篇) 三峡的英语导游词范文(精选5篇) 三峡,是瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡的总称,位于长江上游,重庆和湖北宜昌之间。全长约1200里。下面是小编为大家带来的三峡英文,希望可以帮助大家。 三峡的英语导游词1 Hello, visitors and friends. Welcome to the Three Gorges dam. Im your guide. My name is pan. Please call me pam. First of all, lets talk about our Three Gorges project. The Three Gorges project is a great breakthrough project created by the Chinese people with wisdom and sweat. It is built in the power of the world, so it is our common pride that you have made every contribution to every previous person present! Next, we will go to the best view of the Three Gorges Dam - jar ridge observatory. We should pay attention to safety when we go up. Standing on the peak crock, Pinglan view, Gao Xia Pinghu in front of extension. Stands in the Three Gorges Dam such as Dragon Cross River, and coastal mountains is very spectacular. Since the Three Gorges reservoir belongs to the gorge river type reservoir, the lake on the dam is not very wide. Standing on the peak crock can see the lake in a few kilometers disappeared into the canyon went far from Poyang, the vast and magnificent. But its breathtaking beauty is hidden, because the US is showing the Wang River human conquest of the worlds third major rivers, carrying is one one hundred year dream. I believe that every elder present can understand this kind of beauty, because it belongs to the great magnificence of the Chinese community, which is the great symbol of the Chinese community


精彩的三峡大坝英文导游词 精彩的三峡大坝英文导游词例1 now we are on the way to three gorges dam, I will offer you some basic information about this giant project in advance. Speaking of three gorges dam, it is goes without saying that the three gorges dam is virtually subtlety associated with the number 3,why?I will give you the explanation .Because many of information about three gorges dam contains the number 3.Firstly, three gorges dam is located at sandouping town,38km away from Gezhouba dam which is situated at downstream.Secondly, it is esteemed that 2039 billion has been invested in construction. Thirdly,the project had experienced 17 years which divided into 3 phases. from 1993 to 1997 is the first period and this period is regarded as preparation period;from 1998 to 2003 is the second period and the last period indicates the year from 2004 to 2009.After the project completed,the normal water lever has gone up to 175 meters and the strong capacity of reservoir amount to 393billion cubic meter. Due to the water level rises, 430 thousand arable land has been submerge and 1.75 million immigrations have to search for new

著名景点英语翻译 世界 中国 南京

Asia 亚洲 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Oceania 大洋洲 Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亚大堡礁 Sydney Opera House, Australia 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院 Ayers Rock, Australia 澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石 Mount Cook, New Zealand 新西兰库克山 Europe 欧洲 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫 Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔 Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场


三峡大坝英语导游词3篇 到了三峡,就不得不说这这里的山,它有泰山的雄伟,有黄山的奇峻,有香山的秀丽。下面是为大家带来的三峡大坝英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 Everybody is good! Now we came to the headwaters of the Yangtze river three gorges, it is divided into the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. The sons of li bai in the three gorges once wrote "the early onset treasure", then the poem is widely circulated, people also full of love, for the three gorges today let us to go to the beautiful three gorges. In the three gorges, just have to say this mountain here, it has the majestic mount tai, huangshan has pleted, have the beauty of the fragrant hills. Now we look, on both sides is the continuous mountains, deftly will keep out the sun; The outline of darkness in zhongshan. It is said that only in the midday and midnight to see the sun and the moon. Upon the high mountain, towering old trees, jagged. Mountain stream between hanging a white satin, jet whipping, we can feel the face is covered with layers of water vapor. In the mountains, the lush jungle, river boat, does not have a poetic.

【参考文档】三峡导游词600字-推荐word版 (6页)

【参考文档】三峡导游词600字-推荐word版 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! == 三峡导游词600字 三峡导游词,关于三峡导游词600字怎么写呢?三峡是我们国家著名的景点,带来三峡导游词600字相关范文可以作为参考哦。 三峡导游词600字【1】 朋友们,在游览峡谷景观时,我们常常看到的都是青山绿水,但是你们见过丹山碧水吗?今天,我就将带大家乘着游轮到神女溪去感受那掩映在碧水之间的丹山胜景. 有的朋友会问了,这碧水很好理解,这巫山峡谷间多的是这宛如碧玉般的江水,那丹山呢?其实呀,这“丹”,说的便是咱们巫山漫山遍野的红叶了. 巫山是整个三峡库区红叶最集中的地方,它的红叶面积有10多万亩,而其中,成片的红叶区就达3万多亩.尤其是以我们现在所处的巫山神女峰神女溪景区以及小三峡、小小三峡景区最为集中.大家请看,从船上看去,万山红遍,层林尽染,再映衬着这碧绿的江水,真的能感受到一种“船在水中走,人在画中游”的意境. 好了,朋友们,现在大家看到的岸边这条小路,便是神女峰脚下观赏红叶的步道了.接下来,我将带大家登览神女峰,去近距离感受巫山红叶那十万亩的热情.请大家随我下船,注意安全. 来三峡看过这巫山红叶的朋友都说:“北有香山,南有巫山”!但事实上,咱们巫山还有着香山远不可及的优势.那便是面积更广,观期更长.秋去冬来,北京香山已是冰天雪地,唯有这巫山红叶正如火似焰. 有人说,从每一片纯朴厚重的红叶中,都能看到一湾浓妆淡抹的三峡.我们巫山红叶不仅有男儿的雄壮,也有女儿的柔美.在漫山烟雨中,这染尽“天下雄关”


三峡大坝英文导游词 Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province! Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River. At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River, the Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River, next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of nature's most fantastic sights. The Three Gorges---Qutang, wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge, but grandest of the three. The Yangtze River, mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like "a thousand seas poured into one cup", as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc----221BC)


长江三峡游记英语作文范文800字带翻译 去年夏天,适逢酷暑,几家人相约,兴游长江三峡。乘坐火车来到重庆------三峡的起点,还没来得及欣赏重庆这座充盈着古典气质的老城,没时间体会山城山路的崎岖,便兴冲冲地来到著名的朝天门码头,开始了三峡之旅。 Last summer, in the heat of summer, several families made an appointment to visit the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Take the train to Chongqing, the starting point of the Three Gorges. Before you can enjoy Chongqing, an old city full of classical temperament, and have no time to experience the ruggedness of the mountain road, you will arrive at the famous Chaotianmen wharf and start the journey of the Three Gorges. 夜晚的码头灯火通明,不时传来船鸣汽笛的声音,声音浑厚,划破暮色满溢的夜空。身在船上放眼望去,心也随着游轮缓缓启程。两岸的连山高高低低,湍急的江面时窄时宽,重庆的山水画卷便从眼前徐徐拉开。第二天天刚放亮,我们就到了白帝城。 In the night, the wharf is full of lights. From time to time, there is the sound of the ship's whistle. The sound is thick and cuts through the evening sky. Body in the boat to see, the heart also slowly set out with the cruise ship. The mountains on both sides of


介绍三峡的英文导游词3篇 介绍三峡的英文导游词3篇 QQQ范文1: Words of the Yangtze river from the Tibetan plateau, all the a to the east China sea, alm, all the a until the three gorges all sho it energizes the imposing manner, like the rainbo tourists friends, no e are the starting point of the three gorges in padang, treasure. Speaking of treasure, I think ou are familiar, is first and foremost b the hite of the earl sailing earl from baidi ton: the filled ith louds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st. Moreover is liu2 bei4 treasure entrust an orphan to: not to small and not for good, it is a sin to steal a pin. After another popular poem, shining famous aphorism, tell us about the treasure for us in the important status in histor, horses from the eastern han dnast last ears of the tang dnast period of unique romane, sars and luster of the treasure to reord the histor, shos the Chinese nation of five thousand ears for us. Tourists friends, treasure, e are no formall entered the it of the three gorges, li daouan speak: in the three gorges or delared the king s mandment as urgent, sometimes the hair filled, both to jiangling, during to hundred, though b


宜昌 给位朋友,今天我有幸来到这里,做一次演讲。我想让各位更进一步了解这个与我们息息相关的地方,没错,我今天想讲讲宜昌,他的过去,现在,以及将来。 这就是我的家乡,宜昌市,地处湖北省西部,位于长江中上游的交接处,被誉为三峡的门户,湖北省和重庆市两地的节点。 宜昌历史悠久,它丰富的文化和历史具有2400多年,是巴,楚文化的发祥地。在祖先时代世界历史名人屈原的故里,屈原是一位伟大的诗人,而如今,中国的端午节就是为了纪念屈原,所以,每当中国人享受3天的端午节假期时,是应该感谢宜昌这座城市的。 而在二战时期,日本侵华,正是在宜昌的石牌,中国军队抵御了日本军队最关键的进攻,从而保卫了全中国,这里,又被称为东方斯大林格勒保卫战。 现在,宜昌拥有了葛洲坝和三峡大坝两座水电工程,这两座大坝让宜昌成为世界级的水电之都。有些人可能不知道,宜昌曾经被视为“三峡省”有用很高的行政级别。所以我们为自己是宜昌人感到骄傲和自豪。 宜昌已成为长江区域性中心城市和湖北省级副中心城市,未来宜昌将会快速发展。宜昌政府已经为宜昌制定了未来20年的发展规划,会让宜昌成为一座既大又强,特优特美的后现代明星之城。宜昌注定拥有一个光明的未来 看见了吧,这里到处都是迷人的事物,爱上他,用心去感受它! YiC hang Good afternoon, friends, I am very glad to make a speech here,I hope everyone can know more about the place which closely related to ’s right I want to talk about Yichang ,talk about the past ,present and future of my hometown. Yichang used to be called "Yiling" in the ancient times, has been renown as "the gateway to the Three Gorges at the joint of Chongqing municipality and Hubei Province"where the point of upstream and middlestream of Yangtze river. Yichang, rich in culture and with a history of more than 2400 years,is the birthplace


三峡大坝导游词 宏伟的长江三峡工程主体建筑物由横跨长江的拦河大坝、位于其中段的泄洪坝段、左右岸发电厂房及通航建筑物组成。它的建设方岸是:一级开发、一次建成、分期蓄水、连续移民。 拦河大坝以185平台为左岸起点,延伸到长江南岸的白岩尖,轴线全长约为2309米,属于混凝土重力坝(用混凝土浇筑的依靠坝体的自重来对抗库区的水压和其它荷载作用不同于另一种坝—拱坝)。大坝建成之后,坝顶会形成一条沟通江南与江北的公路,宽度为15米,大坝底部宽度为124米,如果您从侧面看这个大坝剖面,它呈现为直角梯形,大坝的海拔高程与185平台等高,为海拔185米。这样,万里长江就将在西陵峡中段被拦腰截断,从三峡大坝直至上游重庆市六百多公里的水路就将形成一个天然的河道型水库,水库容量为393亿立方米,正常水库水位是海拔175米,洪水来临之前,将水位降低至海拔145米,这样防洪库容量达到221.5亿立方米。 中段的泄洪坝段长483米,22个溢流表孔(宽为8米,堰顶高程156米,主要作用是泄洪)与23个溢流深孔(7米×9米,孔底高程为90米,主要作用是冲沙。)主要承担渲泄洪水和清除泥沙的任务,泄洪的设计最大流量是11.6万立方米/秒,相当于千年一遇的洪水流量,因为历史上长江上最大的洪水发生于1870年,当时的最大水流量为10.8万立方米/秒。黄陵庙的木柱上就留下了当时的水迹,这为我们的三峡工程的设计提供了珍贵的水文质料。相信1998年的洪水给大家留下了深刻的印象,荆江大堤全面告急、牌洲湾决口、九江新区被淹,直接经济损失高达1600亿,这次洪水的最大流量是6.8万立方米/秒。所以在大坝竣工之后,荆江河段的防洪标准将大大提高。
