


1、 下列各式:①)2(--;②2--;③22-;④2)2(--,计算结果为负数的个数有( )

A 4个

B 3个

C 2个

D 1个



=b ,用含a ,b

,则下列表示正确的是( )

A .0.3ab

B .3ab

C .0.1ab 2

D .0.1a 2b 3.下列四个三角形,与左图中的三角形相似的是( )


A .中位数

B .平均数

C .众数

D .加权平均数

A .

B .

C .

D .

5. 某市按以下标准收取水费:用水不超过20吨,按每吨1.2元收费,超过20吨则超过部分按每吨1.5元收费.某家庭五月份的水费是平均每吨1.25元,那么这个家庭五月份应交水费( )

A .20元

B .24元

C .30元

D .36元

6. A 是半径为5的⊙O 内的一点,且OA =3,则过点A 且长小于10的整数弦的条数是






1.计算:(2 3 -3 2 )(2 3 +3 2 )= . 2.梯形的中位线长为3,高为2,则该梯形的面积为 .


21x m x m <+??>-?

无解,则m 的取值范围是______.

4.如果关于x 的一元二次方程22(21)10k x k x -++=有两个不相等的实数根,那么k 的取值范

围是 .

5.观察下列一组数的排列:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,…,前2012个数中,有 个偶

数. 三、解答题




112|5(2009π)2-??-++-?- ???



3x x x ->??+-?+??,


3、已知x 是一元二次方程2310x x +-=的实数根,求代数式2

352362x x x x x -?

?÷+- ?--??



甲超市: 乙超市:



5、如图,△ACF 内接于⊙O ,AB 是⊙O 的直径,弦CD ⊥AB 于点E ,C 为中点.

(1)求证:∠ACE=∠AFC ;(2)CD=BE=8,求:sin ∠AFC 的值.








6、某超市经销一种商品,按销售价销售时,该商品每周的营业额为12000元。现为了让利于顾客,决定进行促销活动。经市场调查发现:每降价1元,该商品每周就多卖出20件. (1)若只降价1元,该商品每周的营业额就增加980元,求该商品原来的销售价格m 的值; (2)若该商品的进价为每件40元,原来的销售价格为每件60元,求出每周的利润y(元)关



7、在平面直角坐标系中,现将一块等腰直角三角板ABC 放在第二象限,斜靠在两坐标轴上,且点(02)A ,,点(10)C -,,如图所示:抛物线22y ax ax =+-经过点B . (1)求点B 的坐标; (2)求抛物线的解析式;

(3)在抛物线上是否还存在点P (点B 除外),使ACP △仍然是以AC 为直角边的等腰直角三角形?若存在,求所有点P 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.



1、The lengths of two sides of a triangle are 20 mm and 13 mm. Which of these lengths cannot represent the length of the third side.

A、35 mm

B、10 cm

C、20 mm

D、45 mm

2、The length of the side of square A is half the length of the side of square B. What is the ratio of the perimeter of square A to the perimeter of square B?





3、Mrs Parkinson's garden is made up of 4 squares and 2 semicircles as shown below. Each small square has an area of 4 square meters. Find the total area of the garden.


4、Each side of the square pyramid shown below measures 10 inches. The slant height, H, of this pyramid measures 12 inches.


○1、What is the area, in square inches, of the base of the pyramid?

○2、What is the total surface area, in square inches, of the pyramid?

○3、What is h, the height, in inches, of the pyramid?

○4、Using the height you determined in part (c), what is the volume, in cubic inches, of the pyramid?

线上讲座 2020深国交入学考试之英语考纲解析及考试攻略

线上讲座| 2020深国交入学考试之英语考纲解析及考试攻略 这几天,深国交学子陆续返校 在大家的盼望和期待中 新一学期的旅程终于到来 …… 深国交都开学了 入学考试还会远吗? 这不,今天深国交就公布了考试时间 来看看具体的入学考试时间吧 最新入学考试时间 不出预料,深国交入学考试会是线上考试,今天实锤了!过去一段时间,学校严密组织测试在线考试系统,经过多轮测试以确保入学考试有序就进行,现考试安排公布如下: 考生范围:已经报考2020年4月12号和5月17号入学考试的考生。 考试时间:①2020年5月24号上午9:00开始(北京时间),时长待定; ②原定于6月27号的考试,考试时间暂时不变,考试形式请等待进一步通知。 考试形式:在线考试(考生在家使用电脑登录自己的考试账号进行考试;学

校通过考生自卑的手机进行监考) 众所周知,深国交每年的战绩惊人

被英国G5、美国常青藤等名校录取的学生比比皆是 因为优异的战绩、出色的教学 深国交成为众多学生和家长心中的向往 而由于疫情延迟的入学考试也到来了 备考之路更需严阵以待! 2020年深国交的入学考纲已经发布,虽然英语没有发生多大的变化,但是按以往深国交的出题方式,2020年的英语入学考试估计也会套路多多。 点击国际教育心系考生的心理变化及学习状况,对此,我们请出点击名师,再次举行一次备考深国交的线上讲座。 本次讲座主要是英语考试相关的知识点,内容涉及G1/A1考纲考题解析、考试技巧以及备考建议等。 讲座介绍 1、名称:2020深国交入学考试之英语考纲解析及考试攻略 2、时间:5月7号(周四) 3、方式:群内直播 4、对象:备考深国交的所有考生及其家长 5、内容: (1)英语考纲(G1/A1)介绍及题型解析; (2)考试技巧及备考建议;


2020年深国交入学备考模拟试卷1(测试时间:70分钟) 第Ⅰ部分(共60分) 一、填空题(每题3分,对于需要计算的题目,请将解题过程写在空白处) 1.与1最接近的整数是( ) 2.对于近似数0.7048,请用用科学记数法表示它() 3.若0<a<1,则不等式(x﹣a)(x)<0的解为() 4.如果m为整数,那么使分式的值为整数的m的值有()个 5.化简,得() 6.设a、b、c是不为零的实数,那么x的值有()种 7.已知点P(1﹣2m,m﹣1),则不论m取什么值,该P点必不在第()象限

8.已知:x2﹣4y2=﹣3xy,x>0,y>0,则() 9.设x1、x2是一元二次方程x2+x﹣3=0的两根,则x13﹣4x22+15等于() 10.如图,平行四边形DEFG内接于△ABC,已知△ADE,△EFC,△DBG的面积为1,3,1,那么?DEFG的面积为() 11.如图,点E、F分别为正方形ABCD中AB、BC边的中点,连接AF、DE相交于点G,连接CG,则cos∠CGD=() 12.如图,点E,F分别是矩形ABCD的边AB,BC的中点,连AF,CE,设AF,CE交于 点G,则等于()

13.如图,已知AD为△ABC的高,AD=BC,以AB为底边作等腰Rt△ABE,EF∥AD,交AC于F,连ED,EC,有以下结论: ①△ADE≌△BCE②CE⊥AB③BD=2EF④S△BDE=S△ACE 其中①③④都是正确的,请回答“是”或“否”() 14.函数中自变量x的取值范围是() 15.已知整数a1,a2,a3,a4,…满足下列条件:a1=0,a2=﹣|a1+1|,a3=﹣|a2+2|,a4=﹣|a3+3|,…依此类推,则a2013的值为() 16.在同一平面内的AB,BC,CA,OA,OB,OC组成的一个游戏通道如图1所 示,为记录小王的行进路线,在BC的中点M处放置了一台定位仪器.设小王行进的时间为x,小王与定位仪器之间的距离为y,若小王匀速行进,且表示y与x的函数关系的图象大致如图2所示,则小王的行进路线可能为()

2019年深国交G1入学考试数学专题复习:有理数 (PDF版,含解析)

有理数 一.选择题 1. (2019?铜仁?4分)2019的相反数是( ) A . B .﹣ C .|2019| D .﹣2019 【解答】解:2019的相反数是﹣2019, 故选:D . 2. (2019?铜仁?4分)今年我市参加中考的学生约为56000人,56000用科学记 数法表示为( ) A .56×103 B .5.6×104 C .0.56×105 D .5.6×10﹣4 【解答】解:将56000用科学记数法表示为:5.6×104. 故选:B . 3. (2019?海南?3分)如果收入100元记作+100元,那么支出100元记作( ) A .﹣100元 B .+100元 C .﹣200元 D .+200元 【分析】根据正数与负数的意义,支出即为负数; 【解答】解:收入100元+100元,支出100元为﹣100元, 故选:A . 【点评】本题考查正数与负数的意义;能够理解正数与负数的实际意义是解题的关键. 4. (2019?海南?3分)海口市首条越江隧道﹣﹣文明东越江通道项目将于2020 年4月份完工,该项目总投资3710000000元.数据3710000000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .371×107 B .37.1×108 C .3.71×108 D .3.71×109 【分析】根据科学记数法的表示方法a ×10n (1≤a <9)即可求解; 【解答】解:由科学记数法可得3710000000=3.17×109, 故选:D . 【点评】本题考查科学记数法;熟练掌握科学记数法的表示方法是解题的关键. 5. (2019?天津?3分)若点A (-3,1y ),B (-2,2y ),C (1,3y )都在反比


第1页 H G C B D E A 2018-2019年深圳国际交流学院入学考试 G1数学模拟试题 (时间:70分钟 满分:100分) 姓名:_____ 分数:______ 一.选做题(共10小题,每题3分,共30分) 1.若a ≤1,则 化简后为( ). (A ) (B )(C ) (D ) 2.阳光中学阅览室在装修过程中,准备用边长相等的正方形和正三角形两种地砖镶嵌地面,在每个顶点的周围正方形、正三角形地砖的块数可以分别是 A 、2,2 B 、2,3 C 、1,2 D 、2,1 3.已知A 、B 两地相距4千米。上午8:00,甲从A 地出发步行到B 的,8:20乙从B 地出发骑自行车 到A 地,甲乙两人离A 地的距离(千米)与甲所用的时间(分)之间的关系如图所示。由图中的信息可知,乙到达A 地的时间为 A 、8:30 B 、8:35 C 、8:40 D 、8:45 4.如图,在正方形ABCD 的外侧,以AD 为斜边作等腰直角△ADE ,BE 、CE 分别交AD 于点G 、H ,若△GHE 的面积为2,则△CDH 的面积为( ) A 、2; B 、22; C 、32; D 、4; 5.已知抛物线y =ax 2+bx +c (a >0)的对称轴为直线x =-1,与x 轴的一个交点为(x 1,0),且0<x 1<1, 下列结论:①9a -3b +c >0;②b <a ;③3a +c >0。其中正确结论的个数是 A 、0 B 、1 C 、3 D 、3 6.如图,已知O 是四边形ABCD 内一点,OA OB OC ==,70ABC ADC ∠=∠=°,则 DAO DCO ∠+∠的大小是( ) A .70° B .110° C .140° D .150° 第3题图 时间/分 20 60 2 4 距离/千米 B C O A D


1 2019年深国交G1入学考试数学专题复习(十一) 新定义题含答案 1.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中的某圆上,有弦MN ,取MN 的中点P ,我们规定:点P 到某点(直线)的距离叫 做“弦中距”,用符号“d 中”表示. 以(3,0)W -为圆心,半径为2的圆上. (1)已知弦MN 长度为2. ①如图1:当MN ∥x 轴时,直接写出到原点O 的d 中的长度; ②如果MN 在圆上运动时,在图2中画出示意图,并直接写出到点O 的d 中的取值范围. (2)已知点(5,0)M -,点N 为⊙W 上的一动点,有直线2y x =-,求到直线2y x =-的d 中 的最大值. 图1 图2 x y W O x y W O x y P N W O M

2 2.研究发现,抛物线2 14 y x =上的点到点F (0,1)的距离与到直线l :1y =-的距离相等.如图1所示,若点P 是抛物线2 14 y x = 上任意一点,PH ⊥l 于点H ,则PH PF =. 基于上述发现,对于平面直角坐标系x O y 中的点M ,记点M 到点P 的距离与点P 到点F 的距离之和的最小值为d ,称d 为点M 关于抛物线214y x = 的关联距离;当24d ≤≤时,称点M 为抛物线21 4 y x =的关联点 . (1)在点1(20)M , ,2(12)M ,,3(45)M ,,4(04)M -,中,抛物线2 14 y x =的关联点是______ ; (2)如图2,在矩形ABCD 中,点(1)A t ,,点(13)A t +,C ( t . ①若t =4,点M 在矩形ABCD 上,求点M 关于抛物线2 14 y x =的关联距离d 的取值范围; ②若矩形ABCD 上的所有点都是抛物线2 14 y x = 的关联点,则t 的取值范围是__________.

线上讲座 深国交第二场入学考试题解析及备考建议(付:7月4号深国交考情分析)

线上讲座|深国交第二场入学考试题解析及备考建议(付:7月4号深国交考情分析) 深国交第二场入学考在今天圆满落幕,各位同学感觉如何? 从先前官方发布的考试变化来看:英语考试总时间延长至140分钟,和第一轮入学考试相比,除了写作和口语部分时长保持不变外,其他模块时间均略有增加,共计增加20分钟。 依旧不需要面试,也不需要提交个人陈述表;而数学试题,基本上也没有什么变化。对于英语考试时长的增加,在一定程度上增加了学生思考和检查的时间,相对于第一次入学考来说,更加优化了。 在考完深国交第二场入学考试后,同学们的考后感受有些大同小异。点击学员做到了我们老师押中的知识点,激动欣喜的情绪扑屏而来;也有的同学则反馈题目很难,基本是没见过的题目。 无论是还在备考的同学,还是参考完的同学,都迫不及待地想要知道7月4号的考情分析。莫急,问题不大。 点击国际教育在考试结束后,综合各位学员的反馈和其他信息来源,给大家整理了一份第二场入学考试题分析,我们来看一下试题分析吧。 试题考情分析 英语部分 听力:

①本次听力部分有5道题目,难度较往年有降低。 ②其中一道题目内容是:有个女士去买裙子,涉及价钱、尺码、第二件半价、最后买了两条裙子等关键词,其中一个问题是:总共花了多少钱? ③具体的考题分析会在讲座上细细讲解。 口语: ①本次口语部分考察的题目是:你最喜欢吃的一道菜。 ②具体的考题解析会在讲座上细细讲解。 写作: ①本次写作部分考察的题目是:What is your dream career? ②我们点击的老师在平时的教学当中,尤为注重学生对写作板块的应变能力,在考前冲刺阶段,我们在讲解口语写作话题的时候,刚好就押中了这一类型的题目。部分学员也反映,在考试当中,对于此类写作题目,能够熟悉地进行拓展写作。 ③具体的考题解析会在讲座上细细讲解。 词汇: ①词汇部分有20条选择题。 ②考察的词汇分别是:conside,malign,kindle,resolute,jubilant,illustrate,naive,promulgate,champion,emulate,futile,obsolete,glib,negligent,lament,induce 等。 ③具体的考题解析会在讲座上细细讲解。


深国交英语真题 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

SCIE G1 English Entry ExaminationMock 4 Time: 100 Minutes Full Score:100 Points Name: Score: Part I Listening(25 points) Question 1 Listen to the following interview with an explorer, and then complete the details below. you will hear the interview twice. Question 2 Listen to the following interview about a huge crab, and then answer the questions below. you will hear the interview twice. (a) Give one thing that a visitor can do at a Sea Life Centre. (b) Give two physical details about the centre's newest creature. (c) Give a reason for the nickname given to the crab. (d) Where exactly do these crabs usually live (e) What is the creature's diet Give two details. (f) How does the huge crab disguise itself Part II Grammar (15pts) Section A. There are incomplete sentences here. Fill in each blank with theproper form of the word given in the brackets. (10 pts) 1 .When they attain legal marriage age and meet certain medicalrequirements, people are free (choose) their own mates. 2 .The flowers (smell) sweet in the botanic garden attract thevisitors to the beautyof nature. 3 .After reading the letter, I feel quite _(shock) at your expectationon me. I also feel shamed for having not performing well to meet your demand. 4 .No matter what difficulties you face, you should try to overcome them in order to have your task (complete). 5 .The girl didn't say anything to me. Instead, she sat in the corner (stare) at my behavior. 6 .When he heard the news, he was surprised to open his mouth (wide). 7 .He told us the_ (true) that he had cheated in the examination,which showed he isn't a dishonest person.

2020年深国交G1入学考试数学复习资料:综合专题 精讲精练(解析版)

综合专题精讲精练(含答案解析) 1. 在平面直角坐标系中,如图1,将n 个边长为1的正方形并排组成矩形OABC ,相邻两边OA 和OC 分别落在x 轴和y 轴的正半轴上,设抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(a<0)过矩形顶点B 、C. (1)当n =1时,如果a=-1,试求b 的值; (2)当n =2时,如图2,在矩形OABC 上方作一边长为1的正方形EFMN ,使EF 在线段CB 上,如果M ,N 两点也在抛物线上,求出此时抛物线的解析式; (3)将矩形OABC 绕点O 顺时针旋转,使得点B 落到x 轴的正半轴上,如果该抛物线同时经过原点O , ①试求出当n=3时a 的值; ②直接写出a 关于n 的关系式. (2)设所求抛物线的解析式为y=ax2+bx+1, 由对称性可知抛物线经过点B(2,1)和点M(1 2 ,2),

∴?????1=4a+2b+1, 2=14a+12 b+1.解得???a=-4 3,b=83 . ∴所求抛物线解析式为y=-43x2+8 3 x+1; (3)①当n=3时,OC=1,BC=3, 设所求抛物线的解析式为y=ax2+bx , 过C 作CD⊥OB 于点D ,则Rt△OCD∽Rt△CBD, ∴OD CD =OC BC =13, 设OD=t ,则CD=3t , ∵OD 2+CD2=OC2, ∴(3t )2+ t 2=12,∴ t=110=1010 , ∴C( 1010,310 10),又B(10,0), ∴把B 、C 坐标代入抛物线解析式,得 ?????0=10a+10b ,310 10=110a+1010b.解得:a=-103; ②a=- n2+1 n . 2. 将抛物线c1:y=-3x2+3沿x 轴翻折,得抛物线c2,如图所示.



一、单项词汇与语法知识 ()1. Take my ____, young man, and don’t drive so fast. A. notice B. expression C. advice D. experience ()2. The lady was standing by the heater when her nightdress _____fire. A. catch B. caught C. would catch D. had caught ()3. The toys are all so pretty. I don’t know _____ one to choose. A. that B. what C. which D. whose ()4. Bruce is a nice person. He _____ lend you the money, I believe. A. must B. might C. should D. would ()5. I don’t think I can ______ another night without sleep. A. carry B. keep C. stand D. support ()6. _____ knows the fact should report it to the police. A. Anyone B. No matter who C. Someone D. Whoever ()7. ______ with our small flat, Bill’s house looks like a palace. A. Compared B. Comparing C. Compare D. To compare ()8. The secretary wo n’t tell you when her boss ____ back from abroad. A. is coming B. has come C. will come D. would come ()9. After a heated bargain, they finally agreed _____ the price for the used car. A. for B. on C. over D. with ()10. I looked around for a place _____ I could buy some chocolate, but everywhere was closed. A. and B. there C. when D. where ()11.It’s so hot today. Would you ________ some ice tea? A. care for B. care of C. care about D. care to ()12. The old man went to the information center soon after his arrival as the city ______ so much. A. is changing B. changes C. had changed D. has changed ()13. All books are________ to the library before Friday. A. returned B. to be returned C. to have returned D. to return ()14. Jackie could sing and play the piano, while I could do ______. A. any B. both C. either D. neither ()15. I won’t be able to attend the meeting _____I’ll be on holiday with my family. A. if B. since C. though D. while


2019年深国交G1入学考试数学复习资料:整式的运算 培优训练(1) 1.已知2 21x mx -+是一个完全平方式,则m 的值为( ) A 、1 B 、-1 C 、1± D 、0 2.若 a >0,且21a a -=,则224a a -=( ) A 、3 B 、-1 C 、-3 D 、5 3.若ab <0,则2()a b -与2()a b +的大小关系是 4.设23x z y +=,试判断222944x y z xz -++的值是不是定值?如果是定值,求出它的值;否则请说明理由。 5.若22222221234......99100101A =-+-++-+,则A 被3除得的余数是 。 6、若2x y -=,224x y +=,则20022002x y +的值是:

7、(1)计算:2222004200312004200220042004++ (2)计算:2 222005200420052003200520052+- (3) 32 1.3450.345 2.69 1.345 1.3450.345??--? 培优训练(2) 1、在多项式291x +中,添加一个单项式,使其成为一个完全平方式.则添加的单项式可以 是 (至少填3种) 2、已知,a b 满足等式2220x a b =++,4(2),y b a =-请比较,x y 的大小关系. 3、已知()() 2222(21)21,(1)1M x x x x N x x x x =++-+=++-+,(0x ≠)比较,M N 的大小关系.

4、(希望杯邀请赛)已知,x y 满足22524x y x y ++=+,求代数式xy x y +的值. 5.计算:1) 22 (23)(23)x y x y -+ 2) 2223(21)(21)(23)(23)a a a a -+--+ 6.已知2()2210x y x y +--+=,则999()x y += 7.已知1x y +=,222x y +=,那么44x y +的值是( ) A 、4 B 、3 C 、72 D 、52 8、若,a b 为有理数,且2222440a ab b a -+++=,求22a b ab +的值。


一、单项词汇与语法知识 ()1. Take my ____, young man, and don’t drive so fast. A. notice B. expression C. advice D. experience ()2. The lady was standing by the heater when her nightdress _____fire. A. catch B. caught C. would catch D. had caught ()3. The toys are all so pretty. I don’t know _____ one to choose. A. that B. what C. which D. whose ()4. Bruce is a nice person. He _____ lend you the money, I believe. A. must B. might C. should D. would ()5. I don’t think I can ______ another night without sleep. A. carry B. keep C. stand D. support ()6. _____ knows the fact should report it to the police. A. Anyone B. No matter who C. Someone D. Whoever ()7. ______ with our small flat, Bill’s house looks like a palace. A. Compared B. Comparing C. Compare D. To compare ()8. The secretary won’t tell you when her boss ____ back from abroad. A. is coming B. has come C. will come D. would come ()9. After a heated bargain, they finally agreed _____ the price for the used car. A. for B. on C. over D. with ()10. I looked around for a place _____ I could buy some chocolate, but everywhere was closed. A. and B. there C. when D. where ()11.It’s so hot today. Would you ________ some ice tea A. care for B. care of C. care about D. care to ()12. The old man went to the information center soon after his arrival as the city ______ so much. A. is changing B. changes C. had changed D. has changed ()13. All books are________ to the library before Friday. A. returned B. to be returned C. to have returned D. to return ()14. Jackie could sing and play the piano, while I could do ______. A. any B. both C. either D. neither ()15. I won’t be able to attend the meeting _____I’ll be on holiday with my family. A. if B. since C. though D. while 二词形转换 1,。With the development of science and technology, _______ is much easier than before. (communicate) 1.Who will make a _________ at the class meeting (speak) 2.He drove too fast and the car was out of _____________when he was going around the corner. (control)


2019年深国交G1入学考试数学复习资料:创新题1(含答案) -------折叠剪切问题 折叠剪切问题是考察学生的动手操作问题,学生应充分理解操作要求方可解答出此类问题. 一.折叠后求度数 【1】将一张长方形纸片按如图所示的方式折叠,BC 、BD 为折痕,则∠CBD 的度数为( ) A .600 B .750 C .900 D .950 答案:C 【2】如图,把一个长方形纸片沿EF 折叠后,点D 、C 分别落在D ′、C ′的位置,若∠EFB =65°,则∠AED ′等于( ) A .50° B .55° C .60° D .65° 答案:A 【3】 用一条宽相等的足够长的纸条,打一个结,如图(1)所示,然后轻轻拉紧、压平 就可以得到如图(2)所示的正五边形ABCDE,其中∠BAC= 度. 答案:36° 二.折叠后求面积 【4】如图,有一矩形纸片ABCD,AB=10,AD=6,将纸片折叠,使AD 边落在AB 边上,折痕为 AE ,再将△AED 以DE 为折痕向右折叠,AE 与BC 交于点F ,则△CEF 的面积为( ) A .4 B .6 C .8 D .10 图(1) 第3题图 A 图 (2)

答案:C 【5】如图,正方形硬纸片ABCD 的边长是4,点E 、F 分别是AB 、BC 的中点,若沿左图中 的虚线剪开,拼成如下右图的一座“小别墅”,则图中阴影部分的面积是 A .2 B .4 C .8 D . 10 答案:B 【6】如图a ,ABCD 是一矩形纸片,AB =6cm ,AD =8cm ,E 是AD 上一点,且AE =6cm 。操 作: (1)将AB 向AE 折过去,使AB 与AE 重合,得折痕AF ,如图b ;(2)将△AFB 以BF 为折痕向右折过去,得图c 。则△GFC 的面积是( ) E A A A B B B C C C G D D D F F F 图a 图b 图c


2018深国交入学考试模拟测试卷1 考试时间:70分钟一.选择题(共10题,每题4分) 1.下面的数中,与﹣3的倒数和为0的是() A.3 B.﹣3 C. D. 2.在以下绿色食品、回收、节能、节水四个标志中,是轴对称图形的是() A. B. C. D. 3.2010年我国总人口约为1 370 000 000人,该人口数用科学记数法表示为() A.0.137×1011 B.1.37×109 C.13.7×108 D.137×107 4.下列运算正确的是() A.a2?a3=a6 B.(a3)2=a6 C.a5÷a5=a D.()3= 5.下列函数的图象在每一个象限内,y值随x值的增大而增大的是() A.y=﹣x+1 B.y=x2﹣1 C. D. 6.函数(k≠0)的图象如图所示,那么函数y=kx﹣k的图象大致是() A. B. C. D.

7.二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的图象如图所示,则abc ,b 2﹣4ac ,a ﹣b ﹣c ,b+c ﹣a ,﹣这 几个式子中,值为正数的有( ) A.4个 B.3个 C.2个 D.1个 8、如图,是反比例函数 1k y x = 和2k y x =(1 2k k <)在第一象限的图象,直线AB ∥x 轴,并分别交两条曲线于A 、B 两点,若2 AOB S ?=,则 21 k k -的值是( ) A .1 B .2 C .4 D .8 9、如右图,△ABC 中,∠ABC =90°,AB =BC ,三角形的顶点在相互平行的三条直线 l1,l2,l3上,且l1,l2之间的距离为2 , l2,l3之间的距离为3 ,则AC 的长是( ) A .172 B .52 C .24 D .73 l l l 3 A C B


深国交英语真题 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

SCIE G1 English Entry ExaminationMock 4 Time: 100 Minutes Full Score:100 Points Name: Score: Part I Listening(25 points) Question 1 Listen to the following interview with an explorer, and then complete the details below. you will hear the interview twice. Question 2 Listen to the following interview about a huge crab, and then answer the questions below. you will hear the interview twice. (a) Give one thing that a visitor can do at a Sea Life Centre. (b) Give two physical details about the centre's newest creature. (c) Give a reason for the nickname given to the crab. (d) Where exactly do these crabs usually live (e) What is the creature's diet Give two details. (f) How does the huge crab disguise itself Part II Grammar (15pts) Section A. There are incomplete sentences here. Fill in each blank with theproper form of the word given in the brackets. (10 pts) 1 .When they attain legal marriage age and meet certain medicalrequirements, people are free (choose) their own mates. 2 .The flowers (smell) sweet in the botanic garden attract thevisitors to the beautyof nature. 3 .After reading the letter, I feel quite _(shock) at your expectationon me. I also feel shamed for having not performing well to meet your demand. 4 .No matter what difficulties you face, you should try to overcome them in order to have your task (complete). 5 .The girl didn't say anything to me. Instead, she sat in the corner (stare) at my behavior. 6 .When he heard the news, he was surprised to open his mouth (wide). 7 .He told us the_ (true) that he had cheated in the examination,which showed he isn't a dishonest person. s .It's amazing that the old man over 70 years old is said to have taken part in the national university (enter) examination 4 times. 9."The supercomputer is not only a great achievement by China, but also a boost to the_ (develop) of science and technology for mankind.” should be strongly against that the young graduated from college still depend on their parents. They should learn to be (depend)when they are children. Section B Cloze. Choose the appropriate answer from the four choices marked by A,B, C and D to make the following short passage make sense. (5 pts)


《2020深国交入学考试·英语考纲解析及考试攻略》线上讲座回顾 应各位家长和学生的响应,在5月7号上午,点击国际教育再次举行了一次深国交备考英语线上讲座,内容涉及英语考纲讲解、题型分析以及关于线上考试的一些答疑。 还未来得及听讲座的家长和同学们,跟着Targets一起来回顾一下吧! 考纲对比 在分值上来看,相对2019年来说,2020年英语考试总分还是满分200分,没有改变。 在科目方面,G1和A1考纲也没有较大的变化。 从考试时间来看,2018年到2020年来看,考试的时长都是160分钟。 考试的题型,也是听力、词汇、语法、阅读和写作,还有一个面试的部分。 2020年的入学考试已经改为线上考试,考纲预计也不会发生变化,至于难度,套路依旧。至于是否会有面试,也不排斥会有线上面试的可能,大家可以时刻关注深国交官方的通知。 考题解析 深国交英语入学考试分为两个部分:第一部分是笔试部分,主要考察的是学生的听力、词汇、语法、阅读和写作能力;第二部分则是以口语的形式,来考察学生的英文口头表达能力,该部分只针对已经获得面试资格的本地考生和外地进行。 一般来说,考试时间是这样分配的:听力40 分钟,词汇和语法25 分钟,阅读50 分钟,写作45 分钟。

这部分主要考察学生是否能够听懂对话或者文章里的主要信息、重点信息,并且对此能够做出相应的反应,筛选并组织有效的信息完成相应的内容。 分对话和短文两个部分,题材是日常生活中会经常遇见的场景,比如说新闻、运动、旅游、生活、面试、电视、时尚、购物、社会、金钱、家庭、科技和冒险等,根据相应的要求,并组织信息来进行回答。 语法词汇部分 语法词汇部分,则要求考生能正确使用词语匹配和词语组合,以及完成一个句子或者词语。 阅读部分 这部分主要考察考生能否快速阅读并理解以不同形式出现的材料,并准确的找出相关的信息,内容可涉及:通知,广告,新闻报道,新闻杂志文章等。 写作部分 这部分考查学生用英语思考和写作的能力,考题类型多样,按照试卷要求,完成50-150 字的几篇短文写作。 作文一般会考察这5种类型的写作: 第一类是书信类,字数要求不多,在50-100字;第二类是经常会考察到的,就是短篇记叙文,字数要求也不多,在50-150字;第三类是议论文,可以等同于大作文,字数要求在100-200字; 第四类的文章,会要求学生写总结文,比如说信息的整合;第五类是文学赏析,虽说每次考试不一定都会考,但是学生也必须要有一定程度的储备知识来应对这类型的作文。


一单选词汇与语法知识(共15小题) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 ( ) 1. What do you imagine the child uses this old tool _______ ? A. about B. by C. for D. of ( ) 2. – Have you got a camera? -- No, I should buy ______ . A. it B. one C. that D. this ( ) 3. Peter was about to unlock the door ______ he found someone had broken into the room. A. once B. before C. than D. when ( ) 4. The speaker, ____ for his speeches, was warmly received b y the students. A. known B. to be known C. having known D. being known ( ) 5. His _____ is so great that money doesn’t mean much to him. A. idea B. richness C. health D. wealth ( )6. My husband and I both go out to work, ______ we share homework at home. A. for B. so C. yet D. or ( ) 7. --Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight? -- ___________, but I don’t think I can afford the time. A. I’d like to B. I’d better go C. I didn’t want to D. I wouldn’t ( ) 8. It is recorded that in 1892 the weather became so cold that the river ______ over. A. freezes B. was freezing C. has frozen D. froze ( ) 9. The president gave the Secretary of State 30 days _____ the report. A. completes B. to complete C. completing D. completed ( ) 10. – Who do you think has made my room so dirty, mum? -- It _____ be your younger brother. A. must B. shall C. will D. would ( )11. Hold on, please, I’ll put you _____ to the manager. A. across B. through C. off D. over ( ) 12. People were disturbed and began to see where the noise ________. A. is coming B. was coming C. has come D. had come ( ) 13. _____ in the letter did the young man say anything about his mistake. A. Anywhere B. Everyone C. Nowhere D. Somewhere ( )14. The Greens chose to live ______ life was cheap, and they moved to a small town years ago. A. if B. until C. when D. where ( ) 15. I wrote a letter to the car dealer, ____ what had happened to my new car. A. explaining B. to explain C. explains D. explained 二、词形填空 1.The parcel was returned to the sender because the address was ___________. (correct) 2.________too much fast food is bad for your health. (eat) 3.We arrived at the small village _________ (final). 4.The Great Wall is a good place ___________ (visit). 5.The busier my father is, the ________ (happy) he is.
