

A characteristic美国文化的一个特点是尊重自我奋斗者,即通过努力成功的人。

A dog is众所周知,狗一直是聪明而友好的动物。

A friend of我高中的一个朋友正在英格兰国工作。

A good memory好的记忆对学习语言很有帮助。

A great many 自从改革开放以来,中国发生了很大的变化。

A lot of 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用

A teacher should教师应该对他的工作有耐心。

Abundant natural这个岛上丰富的资源有待开发和使用。

Air pollution 空气污染比水污染严重。

All that glitters is not所以闪光的未必都是金子。

All things are difficult凡事总是由难而易。

Apples here like water这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。

Are you fond of music?你喜欢音乐吗?

As is known to all, Beijing is.众所周知,北京是中国的首都。

As is known to all, China is众所周知,中国是发展中国家。

As long as there is water只要有水,植物就不会很快死去。

As soon as he got home on星期五他一回到家,他的妻子就叫他交出所有的钱。As was expected, he passed果然不出所料,他轻而易举的通过了考试。

Because of his carelessness因为粗心,杰克开车撞到路边的树上。

Because there was由于交通拥堵,我们迟到了十分钟。

Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会能让中国人努力。

Bill hit his car 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。

Bob and Peter found鲍勃和皮特发现他们是双胞胎兄弟。

Bob was such a hardworking鲍勃是个勤奋的人,他总是工作到深夜。

Both Ann and Mary.安妮和玛丽都适合干这项工作。

But competitive swimming is just 但是游泳比赛只有一百多年的历史

But it looks like但是这看上去是我从来都不会买的东西。

But I've got room.但是我家里只能住下你们其中的两个人

But Little Smart 小灵通并不是真的很灵通。

Can you answer我有个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗?

Can you express你能用英语清楚地表达你自己吗?

China is the largest 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家

China will build.中国将来十年后建造一个空间站。

Could you tell 你能告诉我邮局在什么地吗?

Crops grow well庄稼在南方生长得很好。

Did you get你收到我发的那份电子邮件了吗?

Do you mind my你介意我在这里吸烟吗?

Do you often do你经常在晚上洗衣服吗?

Do you think you can do it by yourself? 你认为你能自己做这件事吗?

Does the computer计算机自身有操作说明吗?

Don't you see it你没看出那不过是开开玩笑吗?你完全误解了。

Don't you think难道你不认为吸烟对你的健康有害吗?

Each time history历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。

Each year some of每年他的一部分钱都会奖给世界上最优秀的科学家和作家。Economists study经济学家研究社会使用土地,劳动力及原材料等稀有资源方式。Even young peo就连手里没多少钱年轻人也不想买便宜家具,因为对这些便宜家具很快就会厌倦。

Everyone is in bed除了我以外,大家都上床睡觉了。

Excuse me. Could you对不起,请问去电影院(邮局)怎么走?

Excuse me. Where's the对不起,请问最近的警察局在哪里?

Fires may do more火灾造成的损失可能比地震还严重。

Flight 220 is.班机定于晚10时30分抵达。

Fred was 弗莱德是个学习很用功的学生,以至不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生From the East海岸线东西相距约三千英里。

Give me your advice.给我你的建议

Go down this street沿着这条马路走,直到你到达第二个红绿灯。

Great writers are伟大的作家是那些不仅拥有伟大的思想,而且还能用有力,感


Have you seen Tom ?你最近看见汤姆了吗?

He didn't need to.他没有必要参加那个会议。

He doesn't know what.他不知道生活对他意味着什么。

He had a traffic accident上星期他出了一个交通事故。

He had to leave early他昨天必须早点离开。

He has a foreign friend他有个住在美国的外国朋友。

He has been lear他学习英语已经好多年了

he has sympathy for all poor people 他对所有的穷人都有怜悯之心

He has the habit of making.他有边阅读边做笔记的习惯。

he has taught english in this university ever snce he moved to this city


He is a worldwide 他是一位世界著名的科学家。

He is always making他总是为迟到找借口。

He is always very active他总是积极参与学生活动。

He is in the world a他是世界上著名的流行音乐明星。

He is one of the greatest.他是世界上最伟大的作家之一。

He is the very person他正是我要找的人。

He is thinking about他在考虑搬到一个新的地方去。

He keeps looking at他不停地照镜子。

He lives in a small他住在一个只有一扇小窗户的小房间里。

He offered to help us with our work..他主动提出帮助我们的工作

He often went from town.他经常奔波于各个城镇作演讲。

He prefers coffee to tea. 与茶相比,他更喜欢咖啡。

He shows a great他对英语表现出浓厚的兴趣

He stopped to smoke. / He stopped他停下来去抽烟。/ 他停止了抽烟。

He told me that he 他告诉我,在来中国之前他在美国已生活了十年。

He wanted to help他想帮助所有受伤的人,不管他们是为了哪一方而战。

He was all sweating.他全身都出汗了。

He was pleased wit天气很好,这使他很高兴。

He was satisfied with对自己的新车感到很满意,第二天就开着去上班了。

He was such 他是一个学习十分用功的学生,因此他在期末考试中考取第一名。He was too tired他太疲惫,以至于无法继续阅读。

He was very happy to 他很高兴收到他的老朋友的信。

He went out of the他跑出房间,几分钟后又回来了。

He's growing more他现在长的越来越像他爸爸

Hi. What can I get? 您好,先生,请问您晚餐点什么吃?

How are you doing?这些日子你怎么样?

How did you spend ?你假期怎么过得?

“How did you write一个商人问道:“你的广告是怎么写的?

How do you spell?您的姓怎么拼写?

How long have you?你集邮有多久了?

How long will it?我们到那里要花多长时间?

I am busy studying.我忙于备考。

I am not interested in 我对他们对我的评论不感兴趣

I am writing this我写这封信的目的是要投诉贵酒店的服务。I do want to know.我真的想知道到底发生了什么

I don't care about我不在乎别人的看法

I don't know who broke.我不知道是谁打破窗户的。

I don't know我不知道谁打碎了窗户。

I don't think he can operate我认为他不会操作新款电脑。

I don't want to spend five我不想花五美元买一杯水。

I expect she will have我估计她明天会改变主意。

I feel lonely without you.没有你,我感到孤单。

I feel satisfied with我对我的生活感到满意。

I got married ten years ago. 我十年前结婚了。

I had no choice. 我别无选择。

I have a pain in我的背部很疼。

I have no idea.对此我一点都不知道。

I have no interest in.我对他们说我的话不感兴趣。

I hope we can have s我希望今年冬天会下点雪。

I hurried to my我匆忙赶到了办公室。

I looked for the book我寻找放在书桌上的书本,但就是找不到。

I met one of my old昨晚在回家路上我遇到了我的一位老朋友。

I need to buy some我需要买一些50美分的邮票。

I need you to fill 我需要你先把表格的最上面部分填写好。

I picked up the bag to我捡起包捂在脸上挡住烟和热。

I plan to play football我打算与我的同学踢足球。

I prefer tea to coffee.我宁可要茶,不要咖啡。

I read the local我每天晚上抱着极大的兴趣阅读当地的报纸。

I saw a man walking我看到一个人穿过大街,明显的想跟我交谈。

I sent him a Christmas去年的圣诞,我送给他一张贺卡。

I slept soundly我整夜睡的很熟。

I think everyone knows我想每个人都知道怎样游泳。

I think our dream我想我们的梦想会成真。

I think she will change我想她明天将会改变主意的。

I think the picture认为这幅画给我们展示了水果对于我们的生活有多必要。

I took Mr. John to我把约翰先生带到乡村,在那里我度过了无忧无虑的童年。

I used to live in the countryside.我过去住在乡下

I want to get back home.如果可能的话,我想5点到家。

I was having a nap when我在午睡时,突然电话铃响了。

I was so bewildered我被他们相互矛盾的意见搞糊涂了,不知如何去做才是。

I was too excited to say我太激动,以至于在他面前说不出一句话。

I was wondering who我想知道是谁打碎了窗户

If you decided to如果你决定学一门新语言,你必须全身心的投入。

If you don't mind,如果方便的话,请把盐递给我。

If you travel by ship如果你乘坐轮船横渡太平洋,你会穿越国际日期变更线。

I'll have to try using我必须试着使用搜索引擎。

I'll move to another由于工作关系,我将搬到另一个城市去。

I'll try not to take up我会试着不占用你太多的时间。

I'll write to you as 我一到那儿就给你写信。

I'm certain he'll我确定他会去看电影,因为他已经买了电影票。

I'm finishing my.我即将完成第二年的学习。

I'm going to buy a我打算明天去买一张月票。

I'm going to run ·铃一响,我就跑出去赶公交车。

I'm going to visit这个周日我计划去看我的一个朋友。

I'm having a headache我现在头痛。

I'm looking forward我盼望你来中国访问

I'm not an English 我不是英语专业的学生。

I'm now a distance我现在是远程教育的学生。

I'm sure we'll我想我们会过得很愉快。

I'm thinking about我在考虑去巴黎。

I'm very familiar我很熟悉他的名字。

I'm very much eager我非常渴望改善我的英语口语。

In an age of plenty,在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。

In Foreign Language外语教研部用阅卷机给学生批卷。

In many factories,许多工厂采用装配线来提到生产效率。

In no other country像这种植物在其他国家是不可能到的。

In no other region像大熊猫这样的珍稀动物在世界其他地区你是找不到的

In the United States在美国,许多大学生不住在家里。

In the world, soccer在世界上,足球是最受欢迎的体育运动。

Inside, this lar从里面看,这架飞机看起来更像一个高大的建筑,而不像飞机。

It is certain that we我们应生产这种引擎,这点很明确。

It is indeed a most这的确是一个非常棘手的问题。

It is known to all that众所周知,运动对身体有利。

It is necessary to take 按时吃药很有必要。

It is no good hoping指望能够读完所有这些书是毫无意义的。

It is not necessary to 这工作没有必要做

It takes a lot of time学习一门外语需要很多时间。

It was a hard job这项工作很艰苦,但他并不在乎。

It's always a pleasure很高兴能在伦敦这里见到这么多朋友。

It's easy to say, but说时容易,做时难。

It's never too late.活到老,学到老。

It's not much differen这和你很喜欢听的重金属音乐没有很大的差别。

It's still raining 今天还在下雨!

It's still raining today!今天还在下雨!

It's their duty to look.照看这些小树是他们的职责

I've been so busy lately,最近我很忙,我都没时间打电话给任何人。

I've just come我刚从英国回来。

I've lost interest.我对这份工作已经失去了兴趣

I've never heard我从来没有在电脑游戏中听到过这么好的音乐。

Jack and Tom have worked杰克和汤姆已经在同一个公司工作了10年了

Jack works harder than .杰克比以前更努力工作。

Jane moved to New York 简在上月底就移居纽约了

Jim was intelligent,.吉姆很聪明,但是他讨厌努力工作。

John and his brot尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。John has been teaching约翰2003年来到中国后就一直在这儿教英语。

Just because you like仅仅因为你喜欢,并不意味着我也会喜欢。

Karsh was praised卡什被人们誉为人像大师,由于受到历史上一些著名画家的影响,他在拍摄中经常运用黑白摄影。

Laptop computers手提电脑在全世界都十分普及,为人们提供便利上网的途径。Let me type in让我录入你的地址,然后给你开个账户。

Let's sit over here让我们坐在这里,直到你上车(船/飞机)

Let's try something different.让我们尝尝其它不同的口味。

Li Bai is one of.李白是中国历史上最伟大的诗人之一。

Life is meaningless没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。

LiPing' s father李萍的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直做英语教师。

Luckily, the planes appear很幸运,这些飞机安全降落了

Many schools will很多学校到九月初才开学。

I came back.因为下雨,所以我回来了

I came here at.我至少每月来这里一次。

I can't go with you today, because 我今天不能跟你去,因为我太忙了。

Many valuable中国西部地区有许多珍贵的资源有待开发和利用。

Mark couldn't come马克因为不得不工作,不能来参加我们的晚会。

Most of the plants大多数植物都喜欢水和阳光。

Most of us can find 我们中的大多数人可以每天安排一刻钟或半小时进行某项具体的常规性活动。

MR. Lin assigned林老师今天布置了太多的家庭作业。

My classmate is more 我的同学比我聪明。

My classmates are.我的同学比我聪明。

My doctor advised我的医生建议我上床睡觉前写下所有担忧,想法和问题

My grandpa is used我的祖父习惯早起。

My problem is that我的问题是,我没有太多时间做这项工作。

My roommate, Tom,我的室友汤姆和我一样也是研究生。

No matter what happens无论发生什么事,我都是你的好朋友。

Not all Americans当然不是所有的美国人都对体育运动感兴趣。

Not all the machines这里的机器并不都是我们工厂生产的。

Nothing in the world世界上没有东西比光的速度更快。

Okay, and I好的,我需要一支钢笔填写地址

On their way they.在途中,他们来到一家销售面包的商店。

Once all the一旦所有的信息都完成了,你在这里签字。

One can never一个人若是对自己没有足够的信心是永远不会成功

Only on weekends,只有在周末,中央公园不许汽车入内。

Open the window请把窗户打开,让新鲜空气进来

Our library is我们的图书馆和他们的一样大

Our teacher always我们老师总是鼓励我们要敢说英语。

Our textbooks are我们课本和他们的不一样

Paper is one of the纸张是人类发明的最重要的产品之一。

People all over the 全世界的人们都在竭尽全力帮助四川人民。

People use science 人们用科学知识去理解和改变自然。

People usually hate人们通常厌恶老鼠,但有一只老鼠却赢得了全世界人们的心。Please call me.等你有空的时候给我回电话。

Please give this book请将这本书送给第一个来的人。

Please ring me up tomorrow morning.明早请叫醒我。

Please ring me up tomorrow.请在明天给我打电话

Promise me never答应我下次不能再迟到。

Riding bicycles can save.骑自行车可以节能。

Semiconductor chips半导体芯片体积小而且重量轻。

She always laughs.听到一个好的笑话,她总是会大笑。

She begins cooking她一到家就开始做饭。

She could not follow当我跟她讲话的时候,她根本听不懂我的话

She has a perfect figure.她身材很棒。

She is used to她习惯于住在农村。

She likes Mike a lot她很喜欢迈克,但是她不想这么早结婚。

She likes to help她喜欢帮助任何一个有困难的人

She looks lovely当她快乐的时候看上去很可爱

She said he shouldn't她说他不应该举起这些沉重的牛奶箱子。

She spends too much.她每天花太多的时间看电视

She was the only她是家里的独生女,也是五个孩子中最小的。

Shy people are 腼腆的人容易焦虑,自我意识较强,过度关注自己外表和行为Since the earth 由于地球看起来像个球,太阳在同一时刻只能照到它的一半。

So me people find it有些人觉得请求他人帮忙很难

Some football teams一些足球队将在这里比赛。

Some of her pict 在她4岁的时候,她的一些画就在上海的一个艺术展览中展出过Some parents even有些父母甚至不让自己的孩子去见他们的好朋友。

Some people take有些人对乡村事物不感兴趣,对他们来说,快乐存在于城镇及其电影院、商店、舞厅、餐厅等场所。

Soon it was time for过会儿,就是我的朋友带着杰克去散步的时间了

Stay here before I get back.呆在这里,直到我回来

Students can study 学生可以通过学校网络自学

Success in business经营上的成功依靠努力工作。

Take this empty box把这个空箱子拿走,带一个满的给我。

Ted and William have lived泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。

The cause of火灾的原因是粗心。

The doctor said there医生说他的眼睛没有问题。

The doctor told me.医生告诉我多喝水。

The doctors decided to.医生们决定亲自去看看这个奇怪的人。

The earth on which我们居住的地球是球型的。

The earthquake in发生在四川的地震使中国人民团结的像一个人似的。

The evolution theory进化论解释动物之间的睡眠差异。

The farmer did not这位农夫在农活上没花多长时间。

The friend saw这位朋友目睹了一切,却一言不发/但只字未提。

The glass was玻璃杯碎了。

The greater amount你投入英语学习的时间越多,可能取得的进步就越大。

The library is to be图书馆要关闭,因为它需要重新装修。

The little boy wanted这个小男孩想用它的玩具车换我的蛋糕。

The little girl ran so那个小女孩跑得太快,身体一下失去平衡,跌倒了。

The man is easy to deal with.这个男人容易对付。

The meal was very good这顿饭很不错,除了鱼有一点咸。

The moon looks much在天空中月球比其他恒星看上去要大得多。

The more experiences我们经历得越多,我们的能力就会越强。

The more I study, the 我读的书越多,好象学到的东西越少。

The more money.钱挣得越多,我越高兴。

The more passions我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验到的快乐就越多。

The more you read你把课文读得越透,你就会发现就越容易理解它。

The most common大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例。

The national flags.国旗必须手动升降。

The new stadium到现在为止,这座新体育馆应该建成了。

The Olympic Games .奥林匹克运动会(奥运会)将在北京举行。

The only other其他知道这个秘密的人就是他的父母。

The plan has been目前,已经超额完成计划。

The plane took飞机平稳地起飞。

The polluted air受污染的空气是有毒的,对健康有害。

The price of gasoline在中国市场汽油的价格会下降。

The pub will not酒吧9点才关门,现在才7点钟

The school management must 必须改进学校管理

The school management学校的管理制度必须改进。

The school therefore plans因此,学校为学生们安排游戏和比赛。The shop is open till ten商店每天营业到晚上10点

The students are encouraged by老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写。

The students are encouraged to take part鼓励学生参加全国英语演讲竞赛。

The taxi driver出租车司机经常在乘客们下车的时候提醒他们携带自己的物品。The teacher came老师来得比预期的早。

The whole process.整个过程需要很大的努力、技巧和运气。

Their parents don't know他们的父母不像朋友那样了解他们。

Then a waiter found out后来,一位服务员发现了原因

There have been many很多作家利用手中的笔作为武器,同错误的事情进行斗争There is a large amount由于摩擦而消耗了大量的能量

There is something 有件急事要你立即去做。

These five boys failed这五个男孩子上学期英语考试不及格。

These people moved.这些人四处迁徒。

They are ordinary people他们都是普通人,但做得不平凡的工作

They have been working 他们一起工作了三个月,相互之间也更了解了

They quested both他们向那两个人求助,但两个人都不会说英语。

They sold the old house他们昨天把老房子卖了

They thought that他们认为电视机一定出了毛病有问题了。

They were brought他们小的时候是在同一个家中被抚养长大的。

Think it over before说话前要考虑仔细。

This box can hold这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书。

This is the most.今天是我一生中最精彩的一天,因为我和你在一起。

This pair of shoes这双鞋子花了我260元。

This place has plentiful这个地方的物质资源是丰富的。

This street will be widened.这条街将会被拓宽。

This TV channel has这个电视频道有太多广告

Though it was beyond虽然这件事超出他们的能力,他们还是尽力去做。

Though it was late,尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。

Though this 尽管这个问题很难,但是如果你继续不断尝试,你会得到正确答案的。To mark students' test为判学生的试卷使用了判卷机。

Tom likes playing汤姆喜欢打篮球,但他打得不好。

Tom was such汤姆是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。

Transistors are small晶体管的体积小重量轻。

Travel broadens the mind.旅游增长见识。

Trees need water树木需要水才能生长。

Try hard or you'll 努力学习,不然考试就通不过。

Traveling by train is 乘火车旅行比乘飞机慢一些,但是它也有自己的优势。Various substances differ widely各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。

Wang Li's father has王丽的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。

We all like her because我们都很喜欢她,因为她乐于助人。

We are from mainland我们来自中国大陆。

We are getting ready for 我们正在准备英语考试

We are short of我们既缺时间又缺钱。

We believe 我们相信彼得会获奖

We enjoyed ourselves我们在聚会上玩得很尽兴

We learn our own 我们是通过听人说话而不是通过观察他人书写来学会母语的

We must take some我们必须采取措施来控制污染

We should encourage him我们应该鼓励他要有自信心

We should make best我们应该充分利用时间。

We used to live near我们以前住在一个大公园旁边。

We were having a party昨晚我们正在学校举行派对,突然电停了。

We're running behind我们落后于预定计划大约15分钟。

Were there any phone我不在时,有人打电话给我吗?

What kind of life do大部分人都喜欢什么样的生活?

What time do you go你每天什么时候游泳?

What would you like to你喜欢喝点什么,矿泉水还是茶水?

What's you nationality先生,请问你是什么国籍的?

When are you going to你什么时候去剪头发?

When completed, this这座桥一旦竣工将是亚洲最大的桥。

When I was young, 在我年轻的时候,我总是听收音机,等候我最喜欢的歌曲。When she got back home当她回到家时,给她丈夫展示了她买的漂亮帽子

When she left school,在她毕业后,她先去了英国。

When we praise the 我们赞美中国领导人和中国人民不仅仅是出于礼貌。

When were the Olympic奥运会什么时候成立的?

When will the work工作何时完成?

Who can help me谁能帮我打扫这个房间?

Who is the girl穿白衬衣的那位女孩是谁?

Whoever disobeys谁违反了法律就要受到惩罚。

Who's going to谁去接电话?/door 谁去开门?

Why, do you want你为什么要我换频道?

Will you donate more你愿意为穷人捐更多的钱吗?

With all his savings gone积蓄都用完以后,他就开始去找工作。

Without water, there is no life 没有水,地球上就没有生命

Without water, there is没有水,地球上就没有生命。

Would you like some? 你想要些矿泉水吗?

Would you mind closing the您是否介意为我关下窗?

Would you mind turning你是否介意把收音机调低?

Would you mind waiting请你在外面等,好吗?/你介意在外面等吗?

Would you please help me with my homework?你能帮我做家庭作业吗?

Would you please help me with this heavy 你能帮我搬一下这个很沉的箱子

Yeah, but they是啊,但是他们一遍遍重放同样的歌曲。

Yeah, I'm anxious是啊,我急切地想要听她新专辑的所有歌曲。

You and your team你和你的团队能一起找到问题的答案。

You are clever你够聪明,能够通过这次考试。

You can buy你可以在里面买水。

You must always你必须始终记住考试不要作弊

You needn't go there 你不必再去那里。他已经知道了。

You needn't tell him你不必告诉他了,他已经知道了那个消息了。

You ought not你不应该抽这么多烟。

You should put你应该每月把部分工资存入银行。

You'd better do你最好再做一次。

You'd better go.在我改变主意之前,你最好快点走。

You'll find in你会发现一些英语单词比另一些更容易记住。


开始时间 2018年05月20日星期一15:01 题目 题干 –?Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? –______________________ 选择一项: A. Looking after a baby is very tired. B. No, it isn’t. C. I like looking after a baby. 正确答案是:No, it isn’t. 题目 题干 –?How long have you been graduated from your college? –______________________ 选择一项: A. I’ve been graduated for five years. B. I graduated from my college last year. C. Yes, I’ve been graduated there. 正确答案是:I’ve been graduated for five years. 题目 题干 –?Do you have any experience with caring for babies?

–______________________ 选择一项: A. No, you are freshmen. You should work hard. B. Yes, they are. They are very cute and smart. C. Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years. 正确答案是:Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years. 题目4 题干 –?Could you please help me choose an Mp4 player online? –______________________?My computer doesn’t work?for the moment. 选择一项: A. I’m afraid I can’t. B. I don’t agree. C. I hope so. 正确答案是:I’m afraid I can’t. 题目5 题干 –?What about learning a foreign language in the summer holiday? –______________________ 选择一项: A. Yes, I agree with you. B. No, I don’t think so.


真题一 一、交际英语 1、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ A:Are you? B:Nice to meet you too. C:Yes. D:Very nice. 答案: B 2、-- Happy birthday to you! -- _______________ A:Happy birthday to you! B:I am very glad. C:That's all right. D:Thank you. 答案: D 3、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States. - ______________ A:What can I do for you?

B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案: B 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 答案: A 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? - ________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 二、阅读理解 1、 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green,


最新国家开放大学电大《管理英语4》网络核心课形考网考 作业及答案 100%通过 单元自测1 第一套 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 — This project is too big for me to finish on time. 选择一项: ……C…… I'll give you a hand 题目2 — I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. —__________. We've been working hard, but still getting behind. 选择一项: ……A…… You're right 题目3 AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were ______ to be promoted into management jobs. 选择一项: ……A…… more likely 题目4 The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions ______ employ the best possible workers. 选择一项: ……C…… on how to 题目5 The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process. 选择一项: ……B…… indicate 题目6 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。 Who Killed Nokia? Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smartphone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn't see the disruptive iPhone coming. It has also been argued that it was none of the above. Nokia lost the smartphone battle because



开始时间 05月20日星期一 15:01 题目10qai d=3607500 题干 3 –Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? –______________________ 选择一项: A. Looking after a baby is very tired. B. No, it isn’t. C. I like looking after a baby. 正确答案是:No, it isn’t. 题目20qai d=3607500 题干 3 –How long have you been graduated from your college? –______________________ 选择一项: A. I’ve been graduated for five years.

B. I graduated from my college last year. C. Yes, I’ve been graduated there. 正确答案是:I’ve been graduated for five years. 题目30qai d=3607500 题干 3 –Do you have any experience with caring for babies? –______________________ 选择一项: A. No, you are freshmen. You should work hard. B. Yes, they are. They are very cute and smart. C. Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years. 正确答案是:Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years.


交际用语 1.---How are you ,Bob? ---_________ 答案:B I’m fine ,thank you. 2.---Thanks for your help --_____ 答案:A my pleasure. 3.—Hello, I’m Harry Potter. --Hello, my name is Chares Green,but_____. 答案:C call me Charles 4.—Paul, _____? --Oh ,that’s my father! And besides him ,my mother 答案:B Who’s talking over there. 5.Hi ,Tom ,how’s everything with you? ____,and how are you? 答案:B Hm ,not too bad 6.Who’s _______? This is Tom 答案:C Speaking. 7.I’m sorry ,I am late due to the heavy traffic./I lost the key. ________ 答案:A Well ,it is OK. 8.It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? _____ 答案:B No, please. 9.--________ --He teachers physics in a school 答案:A What does your father do? 10.- Excuse me, how much is the jacket? - It's 499 Yuan. _-_______ 答案:D. Would you like to try it on? 11.Could you help me with my physics, please? - ________ 答案:D.Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now. 12.Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 答案:A Speaking ,please. 13- Could I borrow your car for a few days? - ________ 答案:C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey. 14.- Thank you for inviting me. - _______ 答案:C.Thank you for coming. 15、-May I see your tickets, please? - ________ 答案:A.Sure. 16、-- Please help yourself to the seafood. -- ________ 答案:D.Thanks, but I don't like seafood. 17、-- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? -- ________ 答案:B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. 18—Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. 答案:C Thank you 19 Must I take a taxi? No you ___ .You can take my car. 答案:D don’t have to 20—We are going to have a singing party tonight., Would you like to join us? 答案:A I’m afraid not ,because I have go to an important meeting.


2017年电大《大学英语》B电大网考试题及答案(七) 一、交际英语 1、-- Hi, I'm Liz. -- _________ A:Hi, nice to see you. B:What do people call you? C:Fine, and you? D:How do you do? 答案:A 2、---This is John. -- ___________ A:Oh, I have never seen you. B:Yes, I am glad. C:Hello, John. Nice to meet you. D:How are you? 答案:C 3、--- The summer vacation is coming in a few days. I'll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling. ---- ______. A:Congratulations! B:Nice to meet you! C:Have a good trip! D:It's very kind of you. 答案:C 4、- How was your trip to London, Jane? - ___________ A:Oh, wonderful indeed. B:I went there alone. C:The guide showed me the way. D:By plane and by bus. 答案:A 5、-- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. -- ________ A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didn't do it well. C:Thank you. D:It's a pleasure. 答案:C 二、阅读理解 1、On February 14th many people in the world celebrate an unusual holiday, St. Valentine's Day, a special day for lovers. The origin of this holiday is uncertain but according to one story it gets its name from a Christian named Valentine who lived in Rome during the 3rd century A.D.


1、- Hey, Tom, what's up?- __________ A、Yes, definitely! B、Oh, not much. C、What is happening in your life? D、You are lucky. 参考答案:B 解析: 【答案】B【解析】社交性寒暄。What's new?/ What's up?“你在忙些什么?”回答是Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special.“不忙什么”。How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along? (近来如何?)包括事业、健康状况等等!还有两个特别地道的问候是What's going on? 和What are you up to? 都表示“你在忙些什么?”,在美国电影中常听到。 2、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______ A、You may ask for help. B、I'll give you a hand. C、Please do me a favor. D、I'd come to help. 参考答案:B 解析: 【答案】B【解析】考查主动帮助对方的回答。give you a hand = help you “帮助你”;do me a favor“请帮我”,回答与上文不吻合;A、D项回答与语境不符。 3、How do you do? -- _________ A、Fine, thank you. B、How do you do? C、Not too bad. D、Very well.


一、交际用语 A 1.Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? (Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy) 2.Afternoon, sir. Where to? (Please get me to the airport) 3.Ami , I want this report typed today. (It’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir) 4.Are there any good shows on TV tonight? (-Titanic is on the movie channel) 5.Are there any drug-stores around here? (-No, it isn’t) 6.Are you sure about that? (Oh, yes, I’m absolutely positive) 7.Are you on holidau here? (-No, we aren’t,We live here) 8.Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? (It’s on the right corner just ahead) C 9.Can I help you to get it down? (Thanks. It’s so nice of you) 10.Can you tell me how much a T-shirt like this costs? (About forty-five dollars) 11.Could I thak to Prof. Lee? (Yes, speaking) 12.Can you help me clear up the mess? (No problem) 13,Can you tell me where I can park the car? (Well, just over there) D 14.Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15. (I see .We have 30 minutes left) 15.Do you think the exam will be put off? (Not likely) 16.Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? (Go ahead, please) 16-1.Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? (Yes they are) E 17.Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? (No. you’d change at the next stop) 18.Excuse me .Is this table taken? (Yeah. I’m saving these seats for friends) 19.Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? (In half an hour) 20.Excuse me, I didn’t mean to bother you (That’s quite all right) 21.Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? (On you right. It’ll leave in 5 minutes) 22.Excuse me, which bus goes to the city museum? (You can take No.102 bus) G 23.Go that way and take a seat. (Yes,that’s a good way) H 24.How’s the movie? Interesting? (Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV) 25.Help yourself to the steak, Maggie (Thanks you, Helen. It’s been a nice dinner) 26.Have you ever been to Tokyo? (No, but I hope to go there next year) 27.Have a nice holiday, Ted (Thank you ,and you too) 28.Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? (I’m sorry, but it’s completely booked) 29.Hurry up, the lecture begins at 2:00 (Don’t worry. we’ve got 20 minutes) 30.Have you got a table for four, Waiter? (Yes, sure. This way, please) 31.Hey, Barara.You look so pale (I’m iust getting over the flu) 32.How much is it altogether? (It’s free) 33.How long will you be away from Italy? (About a month) 34.How often do you have listening classes in a week? (Every Monday and Friday) 35.How was the iourney to London? (It went very well) 36.How are you this morning? (Very well, thank you) I 37.I wish you success in your career. (The same to you) 38.I heard your motorcar was stolen. (Mine wasn’t but Bill’s was) 39.I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office (Can you take a message for me) 40.I’ve ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? (A beer is fine for me. I’m not hungry yet) 41.I’m sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. (Oh. I don’t mind. I ‘ve been here 10 minutes)or(that’s ok) 42.I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. (Really? Maybe she’s out) 43.I wonder of you could help me. (Of course) 44.I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson (Please wait for a minute.He is busy now) 45.I’ve got 2 tickets for the match,Shall we go and watch it together? (Why not?Let’s go) 46.I don’t think I’m late Excuse me, what’s the time? (Itsays 8:00. But it’s 5 minutes slow) 47.I haven’t seen Belly for 10 years. (Neither have I) 48.I don’t like the sports porgrams on Sundays (Neither do I) 49.In my opinion,you’d better take a couple of days off. (I’ll take your advice) 50.Is there anything serious,doctor? (No.Just atay in bed and drink more water) 51.It is a great race! Do you agree? (Yes, it’s teally exciting) 52.Is my TV program disturbing you? (Yes, I’m trying to write my paper) 53.I’d like to know if everybody is here (Everyone except Tom) 54.I have got a pain in my neck (I’m sorry to hear that) 55.I feel quite ill (You’d better have a rest) 56.Is there anything I can do for you? (Yes, It’s very kind of you)


A *Are you feeling better today, Jack?---Yes, thank you, doctor,but… *Are you geeting a new flat this year?---You must be joking, I… *Are you going on holiday for a long time?--- No, only a couple of days B *Bring me the bill, please.---_Please wait for a moment, sir C *Can I borrow your camera for a week?---Sure, here you are…. *Can I help me?---Sure, what is it? *Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?---Thanks a lot, but I’m busy tonight. *Can you go to the concert with us this evening?---I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight. *Could you help me with my physics, please?---Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now. *Could I speaking to Don Watkins, please.---Speaking, please. * Could you be so kind as to …? I’m…exam.---Sure. Sorry to disturb you. *Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest,---Thank you. *Could you buy some salt on your way home?--- All right D *Don’t watch TV too much on Sundays.--- No, I won’t * Did you see the ad. on the bulletin board?--- No, what’s it about? *Do you know the girl over there? ---It’s Sam, my teacher’s daughter *Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?---Ok, but what for? *Do you mind changing seats with me?---No, I don’t mind. *Do you mind my smoking here?---Yes, I do.


开始时间2018年05月20日星期一15:01 题目1 题干 – Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? –______________________ 选择一项: A. Looking after a baby is very tired. B. No, it isn’t. C. I like looking after a baby. 正确答案是:No, it isn’t. 题目2 题干 – How long have you been graduated from your college? –______________________ 选择一项: A. I’ve been graduated for five years. B. I graduated from my college last year. C. Yes, I’ve been graduated there. 正确答案是:I’ve been graduated for five years. 题目3 题干 – Do you have any experience with caring for babies? –______________________ 选择一项: A. No, you are freshmen. You should work hard. B. Yes, they are. They are very cute and smart. C. Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years. 正确答案是:Yes, I do. I have looked after kids for 3 years. 题目4 题干 – Could you please help me choose an Mp4 player online? –______________________ My computer doesn’t work for the moment. 选择一项: A. I’m afraid I can’t.


第一部分交际英语 ----------------以下红色1-60重点掌握看,可得分值9-12分----------------- 1.-Are you going on holiday for a long time?你度假很长时间吗? -- ____C____ 不是,只是几天。 A. It was a long time B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago. 2.-Could you help me with my physics, please? 请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗? -___D___.很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转,不能直接说NO 还应加理由)A. No, no way B. No, I couldn’t C. No, I can’t D. Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now 3.-Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 我能和Don Watkins说话吗? - ___A___ 我就是。 A. Speaking, please. B. Oh, how are you? C. I’m listening. D. I’m Don. 4.-Could I borrow your car for a few day? 我能借你的车用几天吗? -____C____.当然可以。给你。祝你旅途愉快。 A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey D. It doesn’t matter 5.-Congratulations!You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. -___C___. 祝贺你在今天的演讲比赛中获得冠军。--谢谢你。 A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didn’t do it well C. Thank you D. It’s pleasure 6.-Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?(介意询问时,YES是表示介意)-_____B____.是的,我介意 A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I’d rather not D. Good idea 7.- Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?你知道戴维昨天弄伤了他的腿吗? - Really? ____C___真的吗?发生了什么事? A、Who did that? B、What's wrong with him? C、How did that happen? D、Why was he so careless? 8.-Excuse me, how much is the jacket?请问,这件夹克衫多少钱? -It’s 499 Yuan. ____D____. 499元。你想试一下吗? A. Oh, no. That’s OK! B. How do you like it? C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 9.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮局怎么走吗? - ___D___Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it. 噢,我想下!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过 A. I beg your pardon? B. What do you m ean? C. You’re welcome. D. Um,let me think. 10.-How are you, Bob?你好吗,鲍勃?-____B____, Ted.我很好,谢谢。 A. How are you? B. I’m fine. Thank you. C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you.


20XX年电大《大学英语》B电大网考试题及答案(五) 一、交际英语 1、We are sure of winning the match.______________. We'll meet at the match. A:So are we B:I think so C:Don't be so sure D:It's out of question 答案:C 2、I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam. ___________. A:Not at all B:Oh, thank you.That's very kind of you. C:You are welcome D:Yes, I'm really sorry 答案:B 3、- _______ - I'm suffering from a stomachache. A:Are you feeling better? B:Why are you here? C:Are you pleased? D:What's the matter with you? 答案:D 4、- - He teaches physics in a school. A:What does your father want to do? B:Who is your father? C:What is your father? D:Where is your father now? 答案:C 5、- Hello, I'm Harry Potter. - Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ______. A:call my Charles B:call me at Charles C:call me Charles D:call Charles me 答案:C 二、阅读理解 1、 Let's watch the weather forecast on television. We may go to Scotland, we may go toWales or London. We can decide after the forecast. "Good morning, and here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Northern Scotland will be cold, and there may be snow over


试卷代号:116 1 中央广播电视大学2012—2013学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考 试 英语Ⅱ(1) 试题 2013年7月 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1—5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1.——Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now? —————————————— A.sorry,he is busy at the moment B.No,you can’t C.Sorry,you can’t 2.一Would you like to have dinner with US this evening? ——————————————

A.OK,but I have to go to a meeting now B.No,I can’t C.Sorry'but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents 3.一Oh,sorry to bother you. —————————————— A.That’s okey B.No,you can’t C.That’s good 4.Can you turn down the radio , please? —————————————— A.Oh,I know B.I’m sorry,I didn’t realize it was that loud。 C.I’11 keep it down next time 5.—— What’S the problem,Harry? —————————————— A.No problem B·I can’t remember where I left my glasses C.No trouble at all 第二部分词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分) 6—15小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。


交际用语归纳 1. 喜欢与厌恶表达用语归纳 喜好和厌恶(likes and dislikes)直接表达了一个人的情感和态度。究竟是喜欢还是不喜欢,要根据具体情况把你的真实情感明白地表达出来,而且表达厌恶时要注意委婉含蓄。 [典型表达] I like / love the dinner you prepared yesterday (very much). 我(非常)喜欢/喜爱你昨天准备的晚餐。 I like / love to write poems in my spare time. 我喜欢在业余时间写诗歌。 I quite like the story written by the famous professor. 我很喜欢那位著名教授写的故事。 I really enjoy reading English novels. 我确实喜欢看英文小说。 I am fond of listening to popular music like many young people. 像许多年轻人一样,我喜欢听流行音乐。 To tell the truth, I’m rather keen on science fictions.说实话,我对科幻小说颇有兴趣。 I don‘t like to play football after supper.我不喜欢晚饭后踢足球。 I dislike being treated like that.我不喜欢被那样对待。 I hate to laugh at others when they are in trouble.我讨厌在别人处于困境时嘲笑他们。 [案例探究] —__________ —I’m fond of playing table tennis. A. Do you like sports? B. Which sport do you like best? C. Playing table tennis is fun. D. Is playing table tennis your favorite thing to do? 答案与解析:B. 本题考查表示喜好的交际用语。答语是:我喜欢打乒乓球。说明对方问的可能是:你最喜欢什么运动? [巩固练习] 1. —Walking an hour every day is good for one‘s health. —Certainly. However,_______. A. I love doing it very much B. I don’t hate it C. I don‘t like to do it every day D. climbing a mountain is also good 2. —_______. Did you do it yourself? —I‘m glad you like it. My sister did it for me. A. I don’t think so B. I like your new hair style C. I have no idea D. You look nice today 3. —Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? — __________ A. Neither, thank you. B. Yes, both. C. Why not? D. Sure, I would. Key:1-3 CBA 就医表达用语归纳 英语中看病这一交际项目有着各种不同的表达方式。看病时要真正做到“你有来言,我有去语”就得掌握下列内容。 [典型表达] 1. 医生询问病人的用语: What‘s the matter / trouble with you? What’s wrong with you? What‘s your trouble?你怎么了? 2. 病人应答语: There's something wrong with my back.我背疼。 I have (got)a headache. / My head aches.我头疼。 I have got a cough.我咳嗽。 I have got a pain here.我这儿疼。 It hurts here and there. 到处疼。 I don‘t feel well t oday. 我今天感到不舒服。 3. 医生诊断、提建议及安慰用语: Let me take your temperature. 让我给你量体温。 It‘s nothing serious. 没有什么严重的。 You‘ll be all right soon. 你很快就会好的。 You had better ask for a leave and have a rest for a few days.你最好请假休息几天。 Drink more water and have a good rest. 多喝点水好好休息。 Take these pills 3 times a day. 这些药一天服三次。 [案例探究] —I feel sick, doctor. —__________ —I am not sure, but I have got a bad headache. A. How long have you been sick? B. I'm sorry to hear that. C. How are you feeling now? D. Do you have a fever? 答案与解析:D.根据下文病人的答语I am not sure可知医生问的是“你发烧吗?” [巩固练习] 1. —_____. —There is a pain in my chest,and I cough a lot. A. How are you? B. You'd better stop smoking. C. What's wrong with you? D. What can I do for you? 2. —I have a serious stomachache. —______. A. Take it easy. B. It doesn't matter. C. That's OK. D. Really? Key:1-2 C A 责备和抱怨用语归纳 在对方做错了事或者没有能够做好某事的时候,我们可能会去责备或者抱怨。值得注意的是,语气要委婉。当我们受到别人的责备或者抱怨时,我们也要表示歉意。 [典型表达] He is to blame. 他应负责任。 She blamed him for the traffic accident.她为交通事故责备他。 He shouldn't have done it.他本不该干那件事的。 Why can't you do something about it? 你为何不能为那件事出点力? —He couldn‘t find the place. 他找不到那个地方。
