


2018年上海高考生物试题(纯版) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) 一.单选题(共60分,每小题只有一个正确选项) (一)1分题(共8题) 1.核糖与核酸都不含有的元素是 A.N B.O C.P D.S 答案:D 2.下列物质由肝细胞内核糖体合成的是 A.转氨酶B.糖原 C.胆汁D.尿素 答案:A 3.要观察植物细胞的细胞板结构,所选择的细胞应处于有丝分裂的 A.前期B.中期 C.后期D.末期 答案:D 4.有同一器官分泌,且生物效应相反的一组激素是 A.胰岛素和胰高血糖素B.肾上腺素和肾上腺皮质激素 C.促甲状腺激素和生长激素D.甲状腺激素和促甲状腺激素

5.下列糖类中属于单糖的是 A.蔗糖B.核糖 C.糖原D.淀粉 答案:B 6.下列表示纯合体的基因型是 A.B. C.D. 答案:C 7.人类镰刀形细胞贫血症发生的根本原因是 A.基因突变B.染色体结构变异C.基因重组D.染色体数目变异答案:A 8.在果蝇的下列细胞中,一定存在Y染色体的细胞是A.初级精母细胞B.精细胞 C.初级卵母细胞D.卵细胞 答案:A (二)2分题(共20题) 9.下列各细胞结构中,可能存在碱基互补配对现象的有 ①染色体②中心体③纺锤体④核糖体 A.①②B.①④ C.②③D.③④

10.据右图,下列选项中不遵循基因自由组合规律的是 答案:A 11.制备单克隆抗体所采用的细胞工程技术包括 ①细胞培养②细胞融合③胚胎移植④细胞核移植 A.①②B.①③ C.②③D.③④ 答案:A 12.1个葡萄糖分子有氧呼吸释放能量为m,其中40%用于转化为,若1个高能磷酸键所含能量为n,则1个葡萄糖分子在有氧呼吸中产生分子数为 A.25m B.25n C.5m D.5n 答案:B 13.β-半乳糖苷酶能催化乳糖生成半乳糖和葡萄糖,但不能催化麦芽糖分解为葡萄糖。这表明,β-半乳糖苷酶的催化作用具有A.高效性B.专一性 C.稳定性D.多样性 答案:B

2018年全国高考生物试题及答案 上海

2018年普通高等院校招生统一考试<上海卷) 生命科学试题 一、单选题<共60分,每小题只有一个正确选项) <一)1分题<共6题) 1.下列藻类中属于原核生物的是 A.伞藻B.衣藻C.硅藻D.颤藻 2.在蝌蚪发育成蛙的过程中,对尾部消失起主要作用的细胞器是 A.溶酶体B.中心体C.线粒体D.高尔基体 3.有些人乘车时会感到眩晕和恶心。人耳中与此现象相关的身体平衡感受器是 A.耳蜗B.前庭器C.鼓膜D.听小骨 4.下列细胞中,其呼吸过程会产生乙醇的是 A.缺氧条件下的马铃薯块茎细胞B.剧烈运动时的人骨骼肌细胞 C.酸奶生产中的乳酸菌D.受涝的植物根细胞 5.登革热是由蚊虫叮咬传播的微生物传染病,该病的传播途径属于 A.接触传播B.空气传播C.病媒传播 D.媒介物传播 6.人免疫系统中大量合成并分泌抗体的细胞是 A.巨噬细胞B.T淋巴细胞C.致敏T细胞 D.浆细胞 <二)2分题<共21题) 7.右图①~④表示麻醉剂阻断神经冲动传导的可能位置。如果病人有感觉,但手不能动,那么阻断的位置是 A.①B.②C.③D.④ 8.基因突变在生物进化中起重要作用,下列表述错误的是 A.A基因突变为a基因,a基因还可能再突变为A基因 B.A基因可突变为A、A、A……,它们为一组复等位基因213C.基因突变大部分是有害的D.基因突变可以改变种群的基因频率 9.科学家从我国腾冲热泉中分离得到一株硫化叶菌,下列关于该菌的表述错误的是 A.青霉素不能抑制其细胞壁的合成 B.为高温酶的潜在来源 C.对其研究有助于了解生命的起源和进化

D.无拟核结构 10.右图为人体某细胞内发生的部分代谢途径,下列表述正确的是 A.所示的反应类型为氧化分解反应 B.该细胞膜上有胰高血糖素受体,但无肾上腺素受体 C.脂肪酸需转化为丙酮酸后,才能进入三羧酸循环 D.该细胞合成的甘油三脂主要以VLDL的形式输送至血液 11.甲状腺的滤泡细胞分泌甲状腺素,C细胞分泌32肽的降钙素,下列表述正确的是 A.滤泡细胞和C细胞内含有不同的基因 对碱基192.控制降钙素合成的基因长度至少为B. C.在降钙素溶液中加入适量的双缩脲试剂,溶液呈橘红色 D.滤泡细胞和C细胞内RNA种类不同 12.右图表示两基因转录的mRNA分子数在同一细胞内随时间变化的规律。若两种mRNA自形 成至翻译结束的时间相等,两基因首次表达的产生共存至少需要<不考虑蛋白质降解) A.4h B.6h C.8h D.12h .生长在含盐量高、干旱土壤中的盐生植物,通过在液泡中贮存大量的Na而促进细胞吸收+13 水+分,该现象说明液泡内的Na参与 A.调节渗透压 B.组成体内化合物 C.维持正常pH D.提供能量 14,右图为测量保卫细胞长度的局部视野,下列表述错误的是 A.要测量该细胞的长度,需旋转目镜 B.物镜从10换为40,图示测微尺每小格所代表的长度变小 C.在不同放大倍数下,图示测微尺每小格的实际长度不同 D.若视野中物像不清晰,会造成测量误差 15.关于哺乳动物细胞体外培养的难易程度,下列表述正确的是 A.乳腺癌细胞易于乳腺细胞,胚胎细胞易于脂肪细胞 B.乳腺细胞易于乳腺癌细胞,胚胎细胞易于脂肪细胞 C.乳腺细胞易于乳腺癌细胞,脂肪细胞易于胚胎细胞 D.乳腺癌细胞易于乳腺细胞,脂肪细胞易于胚胎细胞


2020年上海市高考英语二模试卷(B卷) 第I卷(共100分)I. Listening Comprehension(25分)Section ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.In a gym. B.In a department store. C.In a shoe﹣repair shop. D.On the playground. 2.(1分)A.She appreciates the man's help. B.She worked hard on her speech. C.Her speech was somewhat long. D.She should have made better preparation. 3.(1分)A.Forty. B.Thirty. C.Fifteen. D.Twenty. 4.(1分)A.Indifferent. B.Apologetic. C.Excited. D.Disappointed. 5.(1分)系统找不到该试题 6.(1分)A.A holiday plan. B.An outdoor activity. C.The weather forecast. D.The view of a lake. 7.(1分)A.Fix the camera.


2011年高考上海生命科学试卷 一、单选题(共60分。每小题只有一个正确选项) (一)1分题(共6题) 1. 下列藻类中属于原核生物的是 A. 伞藻 B. 衣藻 C. 硅藻 D. 颤藻 2. 在蝌蚪发育成蛙的过程中,对尾部消失起主要作用的细胞器是 A. 溶酶体 B. 中心体 C. 线粒体 D. 高尔基体 3. 有些人乘车时会感到眩晕和恶心。人耳中与此现象相关的身体平衡感受器是 A. 耳蜗 B. 前庭器 C. 鼓膜 D. 听小骨 4. 下列细胞中,其呼吸过程会产生乙醇的是 A. 缺氧条件下的马铃薯块茎细胞 B. 剧烈运动时的人骨骼肌细胞 C. 酸奶生产中的乳酸菌 D. 受涝的植物根细胞 5. 登革热是由蚊虫叮咬传播的微生物传染病,该病的传播途径属于 A. 接触传播 B. 空气传播 C. 病媒传播 D. 媒介物传播 6. 人免疫系统中大量合成并分泌抗体的细胞是 A. 巨噬细胞 B. T淋巴细胞 C. 致敏T细胞 D. 浆细胞 (二)2分题(共21题) 7. 右图①~④表示麻醉剂阻断神经冲动传导的可能位置。如果病人有感觉,但手不能动,那 么阻断的位置是 A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④ 8. 基因突变在生物进化中起重要作用,下列表述错误的是 A. A基因突变为a基因,a基因还可能再突变为A基因 B. A基因可突变为A1、A2、A3……,它们为一组复等位基因 C. 基因突变大部分是有害的 D. 基因突变可以改变种群的基因频率 9. 科学家从我国腾冲热泉中分离得到一株硫化叶菌,下列关于该菌的表述错误的是 A. 青霉素不能抑制其细胞壁的合成 B. 为高温酶的潜在来源 C. 对其研究有助于了解生命的起源和进化 D. 无拟核结构 10. 右图为人体某细胞内发生的部分代谢途径,下列表述正确的是 A. ①所示的反应类型为氧化分解反应 B. 该细胞膜上有胰高血糖素受体,但无肾上腺素受体 C. 脂肪酸需转化为丙酮酸后,才能进入三羧酸循环 D. 该细胞合成的甘油三酯主要以VLDL的形式输送至血液 11. 甲状腺的滤泡细胞分泌甲状腺素,C细胞分泌32肽的降钙素,下列表述正确的是 A. 滤泡细胞和C细胞内含有不同的基因 B. 控制降钙素合成的基因长度至少为192对碱基 C. 在降钙素溶液中加入适量的双缩脲试剂,溶液呈橘红色 D. 滤泡细胞和C细胞内RNA种类不同 12. 右图表示两基因转录的mRNA分子数在同一细胞内随时间变化的规律。若两种 mRNA自形成至翻译结束的时间相等,两基因首次表达的产物共存至少需要(不考 虑蛋白质降解)


上海高一上学期 生物期末考试卷 一、选择题 1. 下列科学家中,提出“DNA双螺旋结构分子模型”的是() A. 林耐 B. 沃森和克里克 C. 施莱登和施旺 D. 达尔文 2. 用不同的化学试剂可以鉴定不同物质的存在。可用于检测蛋白质的试剂是() A. 班氏试剂 B. 碘液 C. 双缩脲试剂 D. 苏丹Ⅲ染液 3. 生活在沙漠中的仙人掌细胞中含量最多的化合物是() A. 蛋白质 B. 糖类 C. 水 D. 无机盐 4. 显微镜镜检人血涂片时,发现视野内清晰的细胞如下图所示。为进一步放大该细胞,首先应将其移至视野正中央,为此装片的移动方向应是() A. 向右上方 B. 向左上方 C. 向右下方 D. 向左下方 5. 无机盐在生物体内起重要作用。下列关于无机盐的叙述,错误的是() A. 缺钙易导致人体肌肉抽搐 B. 缺锌易造成人体生长发育不良 C. 碘吸收过少影响甲状腺素的合成 D. 铁是叶绿素分子必要的合成元素 6. 植物细胞和动物细胞中糖类的储存形式依次是() A. 乳糖和糖原 B. 淀粉和糖原 C. 麦芽糖和乳糖 D. 葡萄糖和乳糖 7. 下列各种物质中,属于构成人体蛋白质的氨基酸的是() A. B. C. D. 8. 人体患“脚气病”是由于缺乏() A. 维生素A B. 维生素Bl C. 维生素C D. 维生素D 9. 下列能正确表示核苷酸结构的是()

A. B. C. D. 10. 下列不属于细胞膜成分的是() A. 磷脂 B. 纤维素 C. 胆固醇 D. 蛋白质 11. 图中a、b、c、d表示物质通过细胞膜的方式,其中属于主动运输方式的是() A. a B. b C. c D. d 12. 细胞中合成蛋白质的场所是() A. 核仁 B. 核糖体 C. 高尔基体 D. 线粒体 13. 下列属于原核生物的是() A. 酵母菌 B. 水绵 C. 颤藻 D. 甲型H1N1流感病毒 【答案】C 14. 下列关于病毒的叙述,正确的是() A. 都需要宿主细胞才能增殖 B. 都含有核糖体 C. 都含有DNA和RNA D. 都不含蛋白质 15. 能正确反映温度和酶催化效率关系的是() A. B. C. D. 16. 下列反应属于水解反应的是() A. 葡萄糖+葡萄糖→麦芽糖+水 B. 甘油+脂肪酸→脂肪+水 C. 核糖核酸+水→核糖核苷酸 D. 丙酮酸→二碳化合物+CO2


2019届高三英语二模汇编——作文 1、2019黄浦二模 Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假如你是明启中学的高三学生李华,你的朋友李楠想在高考结束后报班学习驾驶或者第二外语,他发邮件向你询问有没有兴趣一起学习,请给他回复一封电子邮件,必须包括以下内容: ●你愿意一起报班学习,并告知感兴趣的内容,二选一; ●阐述你选择的理由。 (注意:文中请不要出现真实的校名人名) Dear Li Nan, Thanks for asking me to join your plan of learning driving or the second foreign language after the university entrance exam. I’m interested in driving and would love to attend driving classes with you. If you wonder why I choose driving classes instead of second foreign language, below are my reasons. To begin with, after three years’ hard study in academic subjects, it’s high time that we try something different. Language learning is nothing different, given that we have already learned English for years. Driving is not necessarily easier than our studying at school, but it’s a good way to relieve us from the intense atmosphere. Next, if we are talented enough and make as much effort as we do with our academic study, we will able to get the driving license within one month, or even sooner. Thus we shall have almost 2 months left in the summer vacation, for other plans like traveling, speaking of which, here come the last point. How nice would it be if we can arrange a self-driving tour one or two weeks before the university enrollment. It will be an exciting and unforgettable experience for us. Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Li Hua 2、2019普陀二模 Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 第五届高中生创业大赛(Entrepreneurship Competition)近期在深圳落下帷幕。本次活动目的是通过创意、组队、制作、路演等环节启动一个创业项目,为社会带来属于新生代的力量。 假设你是明启中学的高三学生李华。在下周的班会课上,你想就“高中生创业大赛”做一次演讲。内容必须包含: 1. 对本次大赛的看法; 2. 对大赛活动提出建议。 (注意:不得透露考生的真实信息) 范文一 Dear teachers and my fellow students, Good morning! The fifth Entrepreneurship Competition has been held recently in Shenzhen. It aimed to bring newly-birthed power to the society by demonstrating creative ideas, team work, designing and making the items to start an entrepreneurship. I’d like to show you my own opinions on it. From where I am standing, it goes without saying that this competition not only illustrates the ability of the new generation, but also offers us students in high school a golden opportunity to experience the entrepreneurship ahead of time. The approach of the College Examination stands for a sign that we are stepping into the society. We are about to leave the ivory tower and no longer just bury ourselves in books and exercise. Through this competition, we can put the idea that we have to hide them deeply in the inner heart into practice. Moreover, we will have a better


上海市2018学年度等级考监控测试 生命科学试卷 考生注意: 1.试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟。 2.本考试分设试卷和答题纸。试卷包括两部分,第一部分全部为选择题,第二部分为综合分析题,包括填空题、选择题和简答题等题型。 3.考生应用2B铅笔、钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接写在答题纸上 一.选择题(共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案) 1. 图1为丙氨酸结构式,依据氨基酸结构通式,判定他的R基是() A. -H B. -NH 2 C. -COOH D. -CH 3 2. 我国科学家钟杨已保存种子4000万种,他的团队贡献属于保护生物多样性的措施() A.就地保护 B.迁地保护 C.离体保护 D.异地保护 3. 图2为某动物细胞周期中各期时长,该细胞分裂间期时长为() A. 1h B. 4h C. 12h D. 21h 4. 使用显微镜目镜测微尺在低倍镜10X下测量变形虫,测得虫体长占20格,转换高倍镜40X虫体所占格数为() A. 10格 B. 20格 C. 40格 D. 80格 5. 表1为某同学设计的实验,该实验结果可以证明酶() 表1

A. 具有高效性 B. 具有专一性 C. 本质为蛋白质 D. 本质为RNA 6. 为一个基因型AaBb 的土豆,将其块茎埋入土中,其后代基因型为( ) A. AaBb B. AaBB C. AABb D. aaBb 7. 如图3是人体内物质X 和Y 的代谢示意图,以下表述正确的是( ) A. ①表示糖酵解 B. 物质Y 是丙酮酸 C. Z 表示卡尔文循环 D. 物质X 是脂肪 8. 发财树浇水太多容易导致烂根,烂根后植物能检测出( ) A. 乙醇与CO 2 B. 仅CO 2 C. 仅O 2 D. 仅H 2O 9. 吸收外周组织中多余胆固醇并运到肝脏的脂蛋白主要是( ) A. 乳糜微粒CM B. 高密度脂蛋白HDL C. 低密度脂蛋白LDL D. 极低密度脂蛋白VLDL 10. 小萌正在参加百米赛跑,下列状况中符合此时身体情况的是( ) A. 支气管扩张,心跳加快 B. 支气管收缩,心跳加快 C. 支气管扩张,心跳减慢 D. 支气管收缩,心跳减慢 11. 图4是某植物细胞有丝分裂的光学显微镜照片,该细胞刚完成( ) A. 细胞核分离 B. 染色单体分离 C. DNA 双链解开 D. 同源染色体分离 12. 图5表示人体精原细胞中第6号和第9号染色体形态,该精原细胞最终形成的正常精子中,可能出现的染色体形态是( )

2014年高考真题——生物(上海卷)解析版 Word版含解析资料

2014年高考真题-----上海生命科学卷解析版 一、选择题(共60分,每小题2分。每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.下列物质中同时含有磷和氮元素的是 A.丙酮酸B.核苷酸C.氨基酸D.脂肪酸 【答案】B 【KS5U解析】本题考查的是细胞的分子组成。共同丙酮酸中有C、H、O, 核苷酸中有C、H、O、N、P,氨基酸有C、H、O、N,脂肪酸中有C、H、O,所以选B。 2.在电子显微镜下,颤藻和水绵细胞中都能被观察到的结构是 A.细胞核B.核糖体C.叶绿体D.溶酶体 【答案】B 【KS5U解析】颤藻是蓝藻的一种,为原核生物,而水绵是真核生物,原核与真核细胞共有的细胞器就是核糖体,而细胞核、核糖体、叶绿体、溶酶体等只有真核细胞才有。 3.下列生物过程中,属于营养繁殖的是 A.面包酵母的出芽B.蔷薇枝条扦插成株 C.青霉的孢子生殖D.草履虫的分裂生殖 【答案】B 【KS5U解析】营养繁殖是植物繁殖方式的一种,是指而是营养器官如根、叶、茎等繁殖后代的一种方式。所以选B. 4.某亲本DNA分子双链均以白色表示,以灰色表示第一次复制出的DNA子链,以黑色表示第二次复制出的DNA子链,该亲本双链DNA分子连续复制两次后的产物是 【答案】D 【KS5U解析】DNA的复制方式为半保留式复制,复制第一次是,由一个DNA复成的2个DNA都是一条链白色,一条链灰色;第2次复制时,2个DNA复成4个DNA,有8条链,新产生4条链为黑色,分别与原来的链结合。 5.植物细胞具有发育为完整植株潜能的决定因素是 A.细胞膜B.细胞核C.线粒体D.叶绿体 【答案】B 【KS5U解析】植物细胞具有全能性的原因是已发育细胞仍具有该物种发育的全套遗传信息,而细胞核是遗传信息贮存、复制的场所。所以选B 6.真核生物的核基因必须在mRNA形成之后才能翻译蛋白质,但原核生物的mRNA通常 在转录完成之前便可启动蛋白质的翻译,针对这一差异的合理解释是 A.原核生物的遗传物质是RNA B.原核生物的tRNA为三叶草结构 C.真核生物的核糖体可以进入细胞核 D.真核生物的mRNA必须通过核孔后才能翻译 【答案】D 【KS5U解析】真核生物的细胞结构中有细胞核,只有全部转录之后,mRNA才从核孔中出来进入细胞质中翻译,而原核细胞没有核膜,是边转录边翻译。


上海生命科学试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.本考试分设试卷和答题纸。试卷包括两部分,第一部分全部为选择题,第二部分为综合题,包括填空题、选择题和简答题等题型。 3.答卷前,务必用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写姓名、准考证号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 4.作答必须全部涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分。选择题的作答必须用2B铅笔涂在答题纸上相应的区域,综合题的作答必须用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置。 一、选择题(共60分,每小题2分。每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.SARS病毒可以通过口腔分泌物进行传播,这种传播途径属于A. A.媒介物传播 B.空气传播 C.病媒传播 D.接触传播 2.在电子显微镜下,放线菌和霉菌中都能观察到的结构是 A.核糖体和质膜 B.线粒体和内质网 C.核糖体和拟核 D.线粒体和高尔基体 3.将紫色洋葱鳞叶外表皮细胞置于30%蔗糖溶液数分钟后,结果如图1 所示,紫色分部的区域和影响色素分布的结构分别是 A.①和细胞膜 B.①和细胞膜、液泡膜 C.②和细胞膜、液泡膜 D.②和细胞膜、液泡膜、细胞壁 4.多肉植物鸡冠掌通常利用落叶上长出的不定芽繁殖,这种繁殖类型是 A.出芽生殖 B.营养繁殖 C.分裂生殖 D.有性生殖 5.下列关于测量蚕豆叶下表皮保卫细胞颤长度的实验操作,错误的是 A.从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,两眼必须从显微镜侧面注视 B.从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,轻轻地转动物镜使高倍镜到位 C.从低倍镜视野中,需将进一步放大观察的物像移至视野中央 D.测量细胞长度时,应尽量使目镜测微尺与被测细胞平行并重叠


【2018-宝山区-二模】 Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. How Much of the Jetsons' World Has Become a Reality? For most of our readers, The Jetsons may be an unfamiliar name. However, for many Americans born in or before the 1980s, it is a name we fondly remember. The Jestsons was a popular cartoon that featured a family living in an advanced world (21)______people settle in houses built in the sky, work only three days a week and drive flying cars that resemble flying saucers. While sky-high houses and three-day workweeks don‘t appear to be on the horizon, other visions of the future (22)______(turn) into practical realities. Flying cars have been on the minds of scientists and inventors for decades. They are part of a typical imaging of the future fast-paced and luxurious, (23)______(allow) us to speed through the skies. As (24)______ (see) in The Sky‘s No longer the Limit, this flight of fancy may soon be a reality in Dubai. Aiming (25)______ (become) the world‘s most advanced city, Dubai is currently testing the first-ever flying taxi. (26)______ money still exists in its current cash-based form in The Jetsons, people today are looking toward a world where even cash is out-of-date. Bitcoin is a type of digital money that has taken the world by storm. Since its introduction, the money‘s price (27)______ (increase) to rates as high as US$ 19,000. This, however, may not predict well for the future of digital currency, as experts warn that Bitcoin is a bubble and (28)______ crash soon. It‘s possible that some dreams of the future may still be (29)______ ______ our reach. Other more probable technologies already exist, for example, future flying eye hospitals in A Hospital with Wings, unusual-engineered folding paper in Clever Folding and the population of endangered corals(珊瑚) in are already capable of. So, what else could the future have in store for us? 21 where 22 have been/are /are being turned 23 allowing 24. seen/is seen 27. has increased 28may/might/can/could 25.to become 26While/Though/Although 29 out of 30. what 【2018-崇明区-二模】 Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. China‘s Good Samaritan Law (见义勇为法) Takes Effect


宝山区:optimistic)我对这场比赛的结果抱乐观态度。(1. the result of the game. I am optimistic about think)其实不然。(迟到2.许多人把看作是一个小问题,. 's not as a small problem, but in fact it Many people think of being late …)(…it困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。3.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的make a phone call while makes it possible to s confusion and Driverless tenology solves people'driving. 安慰自己。平凡可贵,而是碌碌无为却以4.人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力仍一事无成)…but…(…not even achieve nothin.precious to be just ordinargive u and tell yourself it is )(worth他在会议上提出的建议值得三思。1.. worth giving a second thinking put forward at the meeting is The suggestion he )(adapt2.法律和政策应该适应我们社会不断发展的需求。of our society. the developing needs Laws and policies should adapt to account)绝不能3.任由困难打倒你,因为你永远不知道你离成功有多近。(for you can never tell how close you may be can you let any difficulties beat you,On no account to the success. 孩子的健康这将不利于问题的困扰,甚至代替他们做重要的决定,4.父母竭力庇护孩子免受(which) 成长。 ,from problems and even make important decisions for themParents try to protect their children the growth of their children. which will do harm to长宁区:)我们必须尽快适应新 环境。(adapt1.We must adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. )。(Nowhere2.你在其他任何地方都找不到这么励志的书. such an inspiring book Nowhere else can you find )(It3.一个既没有人生目标也不为其而奋斗的人注定是要失败的。one will fail if he does not know what his goals are or struggle for them. It is certain that父母竭力庇护孩子免受问题的困扰,甚至代替他们做重要的决定,这将不利于孩子的健康4. which)成长。(,Parents try to protect their children from problems and even make important decisions for themwhich will do harm to the growth of their children. 奉贤区:)popular1.与家人外出度假日益受到人们的推崇。(Going out for a holiday is increasingly popular. )(access开放2.寒暑假期间,我们学校的各类体育设施向市民。the citizens during the winter and summer holidays. sports facilities are access to All kinds of


2016年上海高考生命科学试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.本考试分设试卷和答题纸。试卷包括两部分,第一部分全部为选择题,第二部分为综合题,包括填空题、选择题和简答题等题型。 3.答卷前,务必用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写姓名、准考证号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 4.作答必须全部涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分。选择题的作答必须用2B铅笔涂在答题纸上相应的区域,综合题的作答必须用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置。 一、选择题(共60分,每小题2分。每小题只有一个正确答案) 病毒可以通过口腔分泌物进行传播,这种传播途径属于A. A.媒介物传播 B.空气传播 C.病媒传播 D.接触传播 2.在电子显微镜下,放线菌和霉菌中都能观察到的结构是 A.核糖体和质膜 B.线粒体和内质网 C.核糖体和拟核 D.线粒体和高尔基体 3.将紫色洋葱鳞叶外表皮细胞置于30%蔗糖溶液数分钟后,结果如图1所示,紫色分部的区域和影响色素分布的结构分别是

A.①和细胞膜 B.①和细胞膜、液泡膜 C.②和细胞膜、液泡膜 D.②和细胞膜、液泡膜、细胞壁 4.多肉植物鸡冠掌通常利用落叶上长出的不定芽繁殖,这种繁殖类型是 A.出芽生殖 B.营养繁殖 C.分裂生殖 D.有性生殖 5.下列关于测量蚕豆叶下表皮保卫细胞颤长度的实验操作,错误的是 A.从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,两眼必须从显微镜侧面注视 B.从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,轻轻地转动物镜使高倍镜到位 C.从低倍镜视野中,需将进一步放大观察的物像移至视野中央 D.测量细胞长度时,应尽量使目镜测微尺与被测细胞平行并重叠 6. 诺贝尔奖得主屠呦呦在抗疟药物研发中,发现了一种药效高于青蒿素的 衍生物蒿甲醚,结构如图2。下列与蒿甲醚的元素组成完全相同的物质是 A.纤维素 B.胰岛素 C.叶绿素 D.甲状腺素 7. 经过灯光刺激与食物多次结合,建立狗唾液分泌条件反射后,下列操作不能 使该反射消退的是 A. 灯光刺激+食物 B. 仅食物 C. 声音刺激+食物 D. 仅灯光刺激


2019届杨浦区高考英语二模 Ⅱ. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. My head was so full of digital noise (21) _______ it felt like my brain was about to explode. I had no greater power of concentration than a goldfish and the lifeless stare of a goldfish as well. As a writer, I was ashamed to admit that my love of books had been weakened by a brain that simply could not sit still. So, at the start of this year I committed to restoring books to the place that they held in my life before the Internet broke my brain. My goal was 52 books: It seemed like an impossible task. A 400-page book will take the average person around eight hours to read. Finding the time to read was a challenge but here’s how I did it. Firstly, I decided to treat my mind like a child (22) _______ (behave) badly and lay down some ground rules. Then I decided that I (23) _______ (read) for an hour or two at a time (24) _______ distraction each day. It was something I hadn’t done in years and it was scary (25) _______ difficu lt it was. In his book, The Distracted Mind, Larry Rosen says that the more we practice spending time away from our electronic devices, the(26) _______ (calm) and more focused we become. And this is what I found. Again and again, I would gently bring myself back to the page, resisting the urge(27) _______ (reach ) for that screen. I took inspiration from Nikki Gemmell, who describes in On Quiet, how investing in a safe to lock away her family’s devices for long periods had opened up a space for deep ref lection. For me, finding that quiet time meant finding time in my day just to read. It was a date between me and my book. And it meant actively choosing to read at times (28) _______ I ordinarily would reach for my phone. I read on the tram, at the park, in red at night and on lunch breaks. (29) _______ (renew) my love affair with books, I created a sacred space where I pressed pause and found inspiration, knowledge and reflection. In our modern world, reading for the sake of reading is not selfish. It is a powerful and beneficial way to slow down and be(30) _______. III. Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. intentions B. feature C. inviting D. conservation E. entertaining F. matched G. confused H. fascination I. survive J. defining K. evaluate The odds are high that you’ve seen a beauty pageant(选美比赛)or two in your life. They are among the most attended and viewed events in the world. Despite numerous different opinions, beauty pageants continue to not only 31 but also become more popular. Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth are known as the Big Four beauty pageants, and all of them continue to this day. These competitions 32 young women on their physical attractiveness, of course, but they also are judged on their personality, intelligence, talent, and responses to interview-based questions. The eventual winners receive prizes including cash, scholarships, clothes, beauty queen crowns, and of course, the title of the event for one year. All these awards do not come cheap for the young ladies. They have duties to fulfill while holding their titles. Beauty queens often appear at functions to raise social awareness about environmental and social issues such as nature 33 , racial or gender discrimination, and disease prevention. By projecting the image of a well-educated, respectable character 34 with a successful personality,
