


My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)...With these words I began to_1__the problem,the problem of my telephone addiction.I used to call people_2___,from the moment Iwoke up to the time I went to sleep,I__3__to be phoned, I wanted to phone,Just one morecall. It started socially --a few calls each day.

It seemed__4___,just a quick chat Gradually though,the __5___got worse.Soon it was__6___use,until,finally,addiction. And it began to affect my__7___.During the day I would disappear for___8___call.If I couldn't make a call,I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring.Getting more and more__9___,in the end,I would ring someone,then someone lelse,__10___myself just one more call. I was phoning people and__11___messages to make sure__12___calls would see me through the day.I used to arrive at friends'homes and before the door was closed,go straight for the phone with the___13___"Is it OK if I just use the phone...?"At work,I became__14___when my fellow workers tried to__15___me from using the phone.And one day I hit mu boss(with the phone).finally the police caught me___16___a phone box that had take my last one pound coin,and I was__17___to see a psychiatrist(心理医生)。I haven't__18__a phone in the house for three weeks now,and it's several days__19___I used a phone box.I try not to watch TV because there are__20___people on it mading phone calls.My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.

1. A.face B.find C.accept D.notice

2. A.now and then B.all the time C.at home D.at work

3. A.tried B.asked C.waited D.invited

4. A.polite B.inportant C.fine D.special

5. A.condition B.situation C.result D.effect

6. A.frequent B.regular C.unusual D.particular

7. A.friends B.study C.family D.work

8. A.a quick B.a secret C.an expected D.an extra

9. A.hopeful B.delighted C.frightened D.anxious

10. A.forcing B.telling C.giving D.limiting

11. A.leaving B.taking C.passing D.recording

12. A.long B.immediate C.enough D.surprising

13. A.saying B.demands C.with D.words

14. A.careful B.mad C.determined D.helpless

15. A.save B.reduce C.protect D.stop

16. A.destroying https://www.360docs.net/doc/d41933695.html,ing C.stealing D.emptying

17. A.offered B.guided C.ordered D.reminded

18. A.missed B.had C.received D.fixed

19. A.as B.when C.if D.since

20. A.always B.just C.more D.different


ebron james isn't the first high school basketball player to go straight into the nba, but he's probably the best. he has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star (全明星球员). this ___1____ was on ___2____ as he scored 41 points to take cleveland cavaliers (克里夫兰骑士队) to a 107-104 win over the new jersey nets (新泽西网队) on march 28. aged of 19 years and 87 days, james became the ___3 ____ player to score 40 or more in the nba. "it was by far james' best ____4___ ," saidcleveland coach paul silas.

known to his friends ____5___ "the king", this was the day james earned his crown(王冠). but he was ____6___ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of akron,ohio. ____7___ many other african-american basketball players, james' early years were a ____8 ___ . his mother gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. ____9 ___ help from his grandmother and neighbors, james would ___10 ____ have died when he was young. this spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any ____11___ he finds. "i ____12___ losing, i don't like losing," said james of his 41-point display. "i

___13____ the opportunity for us to win and i was ____14___ to capture it." at 2.03 meters, he is no yao ming but this didn't ___15____ him being first choice in 2003 nba draft. this was ____16 ___ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school american football.

although he has a ___ 17____ brain, james has never had to concentrate on

___18____ . some people think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to

college to ____19___ his mind. but james is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune ___20____ a diploma (文凭). on the court, he is king.

1. a. performance b. activity c. action d. talent

2. a. sale b. exhibition c. show d. duty

3. a. oldest b. strongest c. tallest d. youngest

4. a. performance b. lesson

c. action

d. appearance

5. a. for b. as c. by d. with

6. a. well b. far c. deep d. late

7. a. as b. like c. likely d. alike

8. a. fight b. struggle c. battle d. war

9. a. except for b. except c. besides d. without

10. a. certainly b. impossible c. hardly d. probably

11. a. goal b. game c. match d. chance

12. a. hate b. refuse c. object d. reject

13. a. grasped b. seized c. caught d. held

14. a. afraid b. unlucky c. able d. certain

15. a. keep b. forbid c. protect d. stop

16. a. according b. referring c. thanks d. sticking

17. a. fast b. quick c. high d. top

18. a. studying b. resting c. sleeping d. eating

19. a. advance b. march c. increase d. develop

20. a. apart from b. but c. except d. without


这是一篇介绍美国素有nbz篮球“小皇帝”之称詹姆士. 勒布朗成长历程的短文。詹姆士. 勒布朗,新一代的nba篮球王。他,取胜欲望强,得分能力高,把握机会好,简直是一个全才. 获得2006年全明星赛mvp(最有价值球员)。然而这位年轻的篮球天才的成长过程也充满了艰辛,可谓一路"挣扎"。

1. d 。talent是“天才”或“天赋”的意思.

2. c 。3月28日当他带领克里夫兰骑士队以107:104击败新泽西网队时这种能力显示了出来,在这场比赛中他一人独得41分。这种能力指上文所提的全明星球员在身体、技术和智力方面的综合素质。

3. d 。由上文提到的19岁87天反推该空强调james 年纪轻。

4. a 。一场比赛个人得分过40分或更多是一种好的表现。

5. b 。known as,"作为......是有名的",符合题意。

6. b 。由下文介绍的童年时期不幸生活反推,那时他还远不是一个球王。

7. b 。分析语境可知,该空表"像......一样",应填like。

8. b 。由下文所介绍的童年不幸生活反推,james的童年生活是一种挣扎。

9. d 。without是介词在这里表示“如果没有”的意思,充当条件状语。

10. d。没有祖母和邻居的帮助,james也许很小的时候就死了。

11. d 。take any chance,"利用机会",符合题意。

12. a 。下文的don't like暗示该空应填hate。

13. b 。seize the opportunity,"抓住机会",与语境逻辑相符。

14. c 。分析语境可知,该空表"能够",应填able。

15. d 。stop sb. (from) doing sth.,"阻止某人做某事",符合题意。若将stop 改为keep,from不可省,所以a错误。

16. c 。分析语境可知,该空表"多亏了",应填thanks。

17. b 。强调"聪明的、反应快的",应用quick,而不用fast。

18. a 。下文的college暗示该空应填studying。

19. d 。上大学的目的是开发智力,因此该空应填develop。

20. d 。james成了没有文凭而成名的幸运者。


















任务型阅读(task-based reading)是自2008年起江苏高考英语新题型,其分值为10分,占二卷总分(35分)的近30%。如果说阅读理解是考查考生阅读理解能力的初级形式,那么任务型阅读则是其高级形式。那么任务型阅读这一题型有哪些特点?其能力要求是什么?教师如何在平时的任务型阅读教学中提高学生解答该题型的能力?这些都值得我们思考。


1. 任务型阅读的命题特点


2. 任务型阅读的能力要求





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单元一中国古代的农耕经济一.精耕细作的中国古代农业一)农业的起源和产业结构1.起源:从采集向种植发展而来(采集经济还不是农业)2:农耕经济的地域差别:北粟麦南水稻 3.产业结构特点:以种植为主,家畜饲养业为辅“五谷” ,“六畜” 二)耕作方式和生产工具、技术的改良 1.原始农业:刀耕火种石器、骨器2.商周:少量青铜 3.春秋战国:铁农具、牛耕出现(牛耕西汉普及推广)4.唐:曲辕犁——标志传统步犁基本定型5.灌溉工具:翻车(三国曹魏)、筒车(不用人力)三)著名水利设施 1.春秋战国:都江堰(成都平原) 2.西汉:漕渠,白渠。西域:坎儿井四)小农经济 1.原始耕作方式:千耦其耘“大规模简单协作” 2.小农经济1)产生时间:春秋2)产生原因:①铁农具、牛耕②私有土地出现3)特点:①拥有部分土地②以家庭为单位③与家庭手工结合,“男耕女织”④勉强自给自足⑤规模狭小,很难扩大再生产,对社会经济有一定阻碍五)中国古代的土地制度 1.原始社会:土地公有2.夏商西周(奴隶社会):井田制1)实质:名义国有,实际贵族所有2)内容:“公田”,实际贵族占有;“私田”,劳动者份田,只有使用权,没有所有权3)崩溃、瓦解:由于铁农具使用,“公田大量抛荒”,“私田”大量开垦并私有 3.土地私有的确立:商鞅变法“除井田,民得买卖” 4.土地私有形式:1)土地私有三种形式:君主土地私有,地主土地私有,自耕农私有土地2)地主私有土地主要来源:土地兼并3)北魏、隋唐抑制土地兼并保护小农经济措施:均田制 5.租佃关系的日趋普遍化:1)东汉的庄园经济:“强烈的人身依附关系” 2)租佃关系:战国产生汉;代比较普遍宋代仅次于自耕农经济;明清普遍化,人身依附关系减弱,劳动者有一定生产自主权六)经济重心的南移 1.西汉四大经济区域:1)区域分布:山东、山西经济实力强,是经济重心江南人口稀少,经济落后龙门碣石以北,半农半牧区2)特点:多样性、经济实力发展不平衡 2.中原人口的三次南迁:两晋之际、安史之乱后、两宋之际 3.经济重心的南移1)原因:①中原人口的南迁②南方相对稳定③南方蕴涵巨大经济潜力2)过程:三国两晋南北朝初步开发中唐后开始超过北方南宋成为经济重心,“苏湖熟,天下足” 3)影响:文化重心南移, 江浙“财赋之地,人物渊薮” 二.领先世界的手工业 1.金属冶炼技术商周青铜春秋冶炼生铁和块炼钢南北朝灌钢法西汉开始用煤冶铁,北宋普遍用煤冶铁南宋开始用焦炭冶铁,明流行开来 2.纺织1)丝织世界上首先发明丝织技术,上古已学会养蚕缫丝西周丝织工艺成熟唐缂丝技艺2)棉纺织宋元棉植向内地传播元黄道婆革新棉织技术,松江成棉纺织中心明棉布成主要衣料 3.陶瓷东汉青瓷南北朝白瓷元青花和釉里红,彩瓷明斗彩,五彩瓷清粉彩和珐琅彩4.手工业经营方式1)家庭手工业与小农经济结合,产品多供自己消费和交纳贡赋2)官营手工业西周至明占主导,代表当时技艺最高水平原料由官府提供,产品供官府调拨,不成本,不入市场,弊端多3)私营手工业春秋战国兴起明中叶后占主导,出现雇佣关系、资本主义萌芽三.曲折发展的中国古代商业1.商业商朝产生西周官府控制春秋战国私商占主导隋唐商业大都会宋纸币出现,集镇、夜市兴起元纸币广泛流通明清商业市镇兴起货币经济占主导,广泛使用白银农产品大量进入市场区域性商帮周秦至唐县治以上设市,坊市分开,官府直接管理市场交易宋坊市界限打破,形成街市,乡村允许设市,出现夜市官府不再直接监视商业活动 2.重农抑商“以农为本,以商为末” 1)战国时期由于商人流动性与奖励耕战、加强中央集权的矛盾,“重农



主义萌芽发展和对外贸易四.近代前夜(鸦片战争前的明清)的发展与迟滞 1. 明清农耕经济的高度发展农业双季稻扩种玉米、番薯引进推广,广泛植棉。农业技术世界领先。手工业私营手工业占主导商业白银广泛流通,工商业城市兴起综合国力强盛世界范围内大体领先 2. 资本主义萌芽的兴起——明中叶后1)

特点:雇佣关系“机户出资,机工出力”,“听大户呼织” 2)阻碍因素:①自然经济(根本原因)②重农抑商政策③海禁政策 3.近代前夜的危机:(内因)明清重农抑商、闭关锁国,固守农耕经济(外因)西方列强完成工业革命,对外侵略扩张单元二工业文明的崛起与对中国的冲击一、新航路的开辟(1500年左右)1. 原因:寻找黄金、开辟东西方直接的商路、传播基督教,加强王权。2. 客观条件:造船和航海技术的进步。地圆说的流行,指南针的传入。3. 主观条件:西班牙葡萄牙王室的支持和航海家的探险精神4、过程:1487 迪亚士绕非洲

海岸到达好望角1497 达·伽马绕非洲海岸到达印度1492哥伦布达美洲

1519-1522 麦哲伦环球航行5.影响:①使欧洲同各大洲建立了直接商业联系,世界市场初步形成②欧洲主要商路、贸易中心从地中海转移到大西洋沿岸③推动了欧洲早期殖民活动,为西欧(但不包括西、葡)提供了资本原始积累④使人类由孤立分散走向统一整体二、西欧早期(指工业革命前)的殖民活动 1.主

要方式:以武力殖民扩张与掠夺、奴隶贸易、组建商业公司 2.过程:荷兰17

世纪成为世界头号贸易强国,“海上马车夫” 英国18世纪下半叶起确立海上霸主地位,成为最大殖民帝国 3.影响:①促进了欧洲(不包括西、葡)资本原始积

累和世界市场的扩大②给亚非拉人民带来了深重灾难三、两次工业革命(两次科技革命)1.第一次工业革命1)原因:市场需求的扩大,资本主义制度的确立,圈地运动提供了大量劳动力,工场手工业时期的技术积累。海外贸易和黑奴贸易积累了大量的资本。2)时间:1765年(18世纪60年代)开始(哈格里夫斯的珍妮纺纱机)3)过程:首先从棉纺织业开始,凯伊发明的飞梭引起该行业连锁发明。后来向欧美大陆扩展纺织和铁路成为两个主要领先部门4)重要发明成就:瓦特改良蒸汽机铁路汽轮采煤业兴起5)影响:①人类进入蒸汽时代,工业文明取代农耕文明②形成了工业资产阶级和无产阶级③促进了世界市场的进一步形成和扩大 1.第二次工业革命1)根本原因:自然科学发展

的推动2)时间:1870年左右(19世纪70年代)开始3)重要发明成就:电力的广泛应用出现电车、地铁内燃机的创制、使用汽车、飞机出现,石油工业兴起人工合成化学材料兴起电讯业的发明电话和无线电报等4)影响:①人类进入电气时代②垄断产生,自由资本主义进入帝国主义阶段②促使资本主义世界市场最终形成(从而导致资本主义世界性经济危机)四、近代中国经济结构的变动1.自然经济逐渐解体1)原因:凭借不平等条约和低关税等经济特权,洋货大量涌入中国2)表现:东南沿海农民和手工业者纷纷破产,传统农业和手工业逐渐分离并日益商品化,小农经济开始逐渐解体. 3)影响:①为民族资本主

义的兴起提供了市场和劳动力②中国被卷入资本主义世界市场,沦为西方商品销售市场和原料场地 2.洋务运动---中国近代企业产生(1861年) 1)目的:清内


业所需资金燃料不足,创办了一批民用工业,一定程度上抵制了外国经济侵略3)影响:①标志中国近代工业(使用机器生产)起步,一定程度上抵制了外国经济侵略②甲午战争失败证明洋务运动失败了,但刺激了民族资本主义工业的兴起4. 民族资本主义的产生与初步发展(1)民族资本主义的产生1)时间:19世

纪70年代2)原因:不是在资本主义萌芽基础上发展而来,而是欧风美雨和洋务企业的刺激下产生3)主要的企业:上海发昌机器厂,广东继昌隆缫丝厂,天津怡来牟机器磨坊(2)民族资本主义的初步发展1)时间:甲午中日战争后2)原因:甲午战后后,清政府放松的对民间设厂的限制;实业救国的热潮的推动。3)表现:棉纺织业发展迅速。代表人物:张謇,荣德生,荣宗敬(3)阻碍根源:由于产生于半殖民地半封建社会,一开始就受到外国资本主义和本国封建主义阻碍五.民国时期民族工业的曲折发展 1.一战期间民族工业的短暂春天1)原因:①帝忙于一战,暂时放松了对华经济侵略②辛亥革命的影响③实业救国思潮的推动④群众性反帝爱国斗争的推动2)表现:纺织.面粉等轻工业发展迅速,化学重工业起步 2.抗战期间民族工业的萎缩1)沦陷区:由于日疯狂经济

掠夺,民族工业遭到毁灭性打击2)国统治区:由于官僚资本的压榨和英美帝国主义的经济侵略,民族工业萎缩六.近代社会生活的变迁 1.生活习俗的变迁1)原因:①欧风美雨的影响②维新思潮、辛亥革命思潮的推动2)表现物质生活衣:传统长袍马褂与洋服并行,出现中西合璧的中山装、旗袍食:出现西餐馆,吃西餐、喝西式饮料住:出现洋房、里弄风俗习惯: 断发、不缠足礼仪婚丧:由讲究贵贱尊卑、繁琐到追求自由、平等和简洁 2.大众传媒1)表现:出现近代


是中国第一部故事片,1931年的《歌女红牡丹》是第一部有声电影)2)影响:及时传播信息,促进科学知识的普及,开阔人们视野 3.交通、通讯工具的变化1)表现:火车:1881年中国自建的第一条铁路开平至胥各庄,1909中国工程师詹



局成立,1913年北洋政府宣布裁撤全部驿站。1920年中国首次参加万国邮联大会。电报:1877年,台湾结舌第一条电报线,成为中国自办电报的开端。2)影响:①加快人们生活节凑②促进经济发展③改变人们观念④加强了各地联系单元三各国经济体制的创新一.斯大林经济体制的确立与改革 1.战时共产


征集制②普遍国有化③取消商品贸易,一切生活必需品由国家集中分配④强制劳动3)作用:前期有利于集中人力物力保障军事上的胜利巩固政权后期企图以此直接过渡到社会主义,引起了农民不满而失败 2.新经济政策1)背景:亟需恢复战争破坏的经济,农民不满战时共产主义政策,国家无力直接经营所有企业2)内容:①固定粮食税代替余粮收集制②中小企业允许本国和外国资本家经营,恢复私人小企业③允许自由贸易3)特点:利用市场和商品货币关系恢复社会生产4)作用:有利于恢复经济,巩固政权,为苏俄指明了社会主义正确道路。3.斯大林经济体制(20世纪30年代建立)1)表现:①单一公有制②高度集中的经济管理体制③排斥市场的指令性计划经济④以行政手(而不是靠经济手段)段管理经济2)经验教训:①使苏联经济取得过突出成就,基本上实

现了工业化。1941年苏工业欧第一,世界第二②后逐渐僵化,超越了生产力水平,尤其是长期片面发展重工业,弊端越来越严重。③战后为其他社会主义国家照搬. 4.苏联的经济改革1)赫鲁晓夫改革:农业是改革重点,有一定成效,但没有从根本上突破原有经济体制,加上改革的盲目性和赫个人急躁作风失败。2)勃涅日涅夫改革:也没有从根本上突破原有经济体制,前期取得了一定效果,后期经济全面滑坡. 3)戈尔巴乔夫改革:首先对经济体制进行了根本性变革,但仍优先发展重工业,导致经济继续滑坡,后期把改革重点转向政治体制改革,背离了社会主义,导致苏联解体。二.罗斯福新政和当代资本主义的新变化


2. 罗斯福新政1)内容:①整顿财政金融(首要环节)②调整工业生产(中心环节)③减少农业生产④实行社会救济和举办公共工程2)特点:国家对经济全面干预,核心是利用国家力量扩大消费,调整供给与需求矛盾。 4.影响:①不可能从根本上解决经济危机,但使经济得到了一定恢复;②开创了国家大规模干预经济新时代,战后被其他一些主要资本主义国家资本主义所借鉴,从此资本主义告别自由放任时代。

3.当代资本主义新变化:1)国家大规模干预经济:国有化,制定经济计划,利用财政税收等政策调节社会生产2)企业股票分散化和由专门管理人员和科技人员从事经营,但决定权仍在资本家手中3)出现福利国家4)第三产业和高科技产业在国民经济重比重不断提高5)50-60年代西方经济普遍高速发展。70年代后,西方发达国家出现“滞胀”,开始减少国家对经济的干预。单元四中国特色社会主义建设的道路一.20世纪50年代探索社会主义建设道路的实践1.社会主义工业化的开端1)1953过渡时期总路线提出:一化三改造。2)1953一五计划开始,初步建立了独立的工业体系,社会主义工业化由此开端1956社会主义三大改造基本完成,标志社会主义计划经济基本确立3.经济建设的成就与教训1)正确的探索:①1956“八大”作出了关于社会主要矛盾的科学论断,指出阶级矛盾已经基本解决,主要矛盾是:人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需要同当时的经济文化不能满足人民需要的状况之间的矛盾。社会主要任务是以经济建设为中心②1960年提出“调整、巩固、充实、提高”的八字方针2)失误:①1958年提出社会主义建设总路线,片面追求经济建设的高速度②以大炼钢铁为中心的“大跃进”和“一大二公”的人民公社化运动,使以“高指标、瞎指挥、浮夸风和共产风”为标志的左倾错误迅速发展③十年文革“左倾”错误,严重破坏了经济发展3)成就:1956—1966年虽然走了不少弯路,但仍然取得了巨大成就二、以经济建设为中心 1.决策:1978年十一届三中全会确立改革开放,以经济建设为中心,揭开了经济改革序幕 2.内容:①农村率先进行改革,实行家庭联产承包责任制②1992党的十四大指出经济体制改革目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制③1992党的十四大确立国企改革目标是建立现代企业制度,实行公司制和股份制改造十五大指出非公有制经济是社会主义市场经济重要组成部分三、对外开放格局的形成 1.全方位.多层次对外开放格局的形成:经济特区→沿海港口城市→ 沿海经济开放区→开放上海浦东→内陆省会城市 2.世界贸易组织(WTO)与中国:1)世界贸易组织(WTO):是世界性统一市场,是经济全球化产物,1995年成立,前身是1948年成立的关贸总协定2)2001年中国加

入世界贸易组织(WTO):与世界经济接轨,带来的是机遇与挑战并存四、经济腾飞与生活巨变 1.2001年中国经济中年跃居世界第六,发展中国家第一2.20世纪80年代中进入互联网时代,进入信息社会,互联网改变了传统社会生活,人们价值观及思想观念单元五经济全球化和经济区域集团化趋势一、战后资本主义世界经济体系的形成 1. 原因:①为了稳定世界经济②西欧衰落,美国经济实力膨胀企图确立世界经济霸权 2.战后资本主义世界经济体系布雷顿森林体系国际货币基金组织世界银行关贸总协定 2. 影响:①建立了以美元为中心的国际货币金融体系和以美国为中心的国际贸易体系,②确立了美国长期经济霸主地位③顺应了经济全球化趋势,反映了战后世界经济体系化,制度化的方向二、经济区域集团化趋势 1.原因:通过经济合作,协调国与国经济发展,增强经济实力与竞争力 2.表现:欧盟:1993年正式成立,具有经济政治一体化性质(一体化程度最深)东盟:1967 北美自由贸易区:1992年美、加、墨亚太经合组织:1989 (成员国差异最大)三.经济全球化 1.原因:①科技是根本推动力②新型交通工具和通讯方式出现③两极格局结束为经济全球化发展消除了障碍④国际分工的产物 2.表现:①世界贸易组织(WTO)的成立②国际贸易的发展,国际分工的扩大,跨国公司的增多 3.问题与展望:1)问题:①发达国家与发展中国家的贫富差距进一步扩大②世界经济联系日益密切,世界性经济危机爆发的可能性和破坏性越来越大③发达国家在全球化中占主导,引发全球性环境恶化2)展望:①是经济发展的必然结果②长远来看有利于世界经济发展③必须建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序3)经济全球化与经济区域集团化的关系:相互促进、相互制约

高中英语完形填空单元测试题含答案 百度文库

一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 I began to do volunteer work in grade seven. I experienced many meaningful moments, and the most 1 ones were when I was volunteering as a swimming 2 at the YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts. At first, I was a teacher's 3 . "What are we going to do next?" When is the play time? These were just two of the questions I was often 4 there. On the day of my first class, I thought it was going to be a(n) 5 job. I 6 that since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five, I knew the 7 about swimming. After all, I was good at all 8 of swimming! 9 , I soon found out there was more about teaching swimming than just knowing how to swim. During my first class, I assisted the swimming teacher in teaching a group of five-year-old kids. From that moment on, my 10 of teaching changed. Teaching is communicating. To instruct children, one has to make the lessons 11 and interesting for them to learn. I had to learn many games that would help the children to 12 as swimmers. Such as "Red Light, Green Light" and "Blast-Off." I must devote myself to teaching them and set a(n) 13 example to them. I expected to teach a group of children, but it 14 my students were the ones who taught me how to be a(n) 15 teacher. Not only was it challenging to learn the children's names, but it was also challenging to 16 to their many personalities and moods. There were many 17 that went along with helping these children, among which was seeing a child 18 a task that he or she could not do before they met me. 19 , through the volunteer work, I learned that there would always be rewards by giving, and there would be 20 by making efforts. 1. A. peaceful B. optimistic C. independent D. unforgettable 2. A. learner B. athlete C. Instructor D. official 3. A. student B. assistant C. colleague D. servant 4. A. asked B. taught C. doubted D. explained 5. A. interesting B. ordinary C. challenging D. creative 6. A. declared B. stressed C. assume d D. concluded 7. A. fare B. trick C. ambition D. process 8. A. jobs B. abilities C. components D. styles 9. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise 10. A. expectation B. instruction C. requirement D. assessment 11. A. important B. enjoyable C. famous D. flexible 12. A. develop B. promise C. discuss D. introduce 13. A. extreme B. classic C. active D. secure 14. A. turned out B. figured out C. came out D. pointed out


完型填空专项练习A For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗帜) across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I__1__certain things could I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and__2__would win the race.At other times I would__3__like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous __4__hoping to reach that banner a little faster.__5__,I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it,the banner was never any__6__.I finally decided to__7__and take a break.It was then that I saw my__8__sitting beside me. It had been with me as I__9__hard to support my family,as I played with my children and heard their__10__and even when I was __11__with my wife at my side looking after me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner.I just didn't have the__12__to see it. There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is who you think you should be.__13__is who you are.”Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the__14__life we think we should have and __15__the life we have now.Happiness will never be found under some banner far away.It will be found__16__your own heart,soul and mind.It will be found when you__17__that others love you just as you do. Don't be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of__18__with you everywhere you go.__19__yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness,you are__20__there. 1.A.forgot B.missed C.overcame D.accomplished 2.A.safe B.steady C.calm D.quiet 3.A.act B.run C.jump D.walk 4.A.place B.height C.speed D.time 5.A.Generally B.Gradually C.Fortunately D.Firstly B.lower C.closer 6.A.clearer D.smaller B.start off 7.A.settle in C.stop by D.sit down D.friendship 8.A.happiness B.goal C.success 9.A.studied B.fought C.exercised D.worked C.stories.10D.breathing https://www.360docs.net/doc/d41933695.html,ughter Bplaints 11.A.lonely B.tired C.sick D.hungry C.wisdom.Dstrength BA.courage.chance .12B.Relaxation Pain D.C.Failure.13A.Stress


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语科试题完形填空题一览 1、北京卷 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。 A Race Against Death It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37 if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage. How could the medicine get to Nome? The town`s 39 was already full of ice, so it couldn`t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn`t travel on the 40 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn`t exist yet. 41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twemty more were 42 . Nome`s town officials came up with a(n) 43 . They would have the medicine sent by 44 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogeled(狗拉雪橇)drivers—known as “mushers”—would 45 it to Nome in a relay(接力). The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 46 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon`s face was black from the extreme cold. On January 31,a musher named Seppala had to 47 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most 48 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.He would 49 ,and so would the sick children of Nome.But Seppala made it across. A huge snowstorm hit on February 1.Amusher named Kaasen had to brave this storm.At one point,huge piles of sonw blocked his 50 .He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)to get around them.Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 51 the trail again. The only hope was


高一英语完形填空练习题及答案 Ebron James isn’t the first high school basketball player to go straight into the NBA, but he’s probably the best. he has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star . this ___1____ was on ___2____ as he scored1 points to take Cleveland Cavaliers to a 107-10win over the new jersey nets on march8. Aged of 1years anddays, James became the ___3____ player to score0 or more in the NBA “it was by far James’ best ____4___ ,” said Cleveland coach Paul Silas. known to his friends ____5___ “the king”, this was the day James earned his crown. but he was ____6___ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of Akron, Ohio. ____7___ many other African-American basketball players, James’ early years were a ___8____ . his mother Gloria was just 1when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. Mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. ___9____ help from his grandmother and neighbors, James would ___10 ____ have died when he was young. this spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any ____11___ he finds. “I ____12___ losing, I don’t like losing,” said James of his1-point display. “I ___13____ the opportunity for us to win and I was ____14___ to capture it.”at.0meters, he is no Yao Ming but this didn’t ___15____ him being first choice in00NBA draft. This was ____16___ to his


高一英语完形填空专项 训练一 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

1 One morning Raman, a true master of the art of archery (箭术), invited his “How often have you seen me practice the sport of archery” Raman asked rose from three hundred paces away.”

the tree, missing the target by a few meters. one will ever hit a target they cannot see.” 1 A.thought B.seen C.heard D.felt . 2 A.teacher B.boss C.father D.monitor . 3 A.wall B.tree C.pole D.house . A.buried B.educated C.signed D.placed 4

. 5 . A.first B.now C.then D.finally 6 . A.bow B.hammer C.apple D.knife 7 . A.arrow B.shoe C.flower D.bag 8 . A.advised B.expected C.encouraged D.asked 9 . A.planned B.imagined C.requested D.promised 10 .A.angrily B.calmly C.disappointedl y D.sadly 11 . A.never B.almost C.always D.also


例题精选 [例1] Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the fact 1 she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished 2 a driving offence (犯规,犯法). Then one day she nearly 3 her record. A police car 4 her, and the policemen in it saw her 5 a red light without stopping. Of course, she was stopped. It seemed 6 that she would be punished. 7 Mrs. Jones came up to the judge, he looked at her seriously and said that she was 8 old to drive a car, and that the 9 why she had not stopped at the red 10 was most probably that her eyes had become weak 11 old age, so that she had simply not seen it. When the judge had finished what he was 12, Mrs. Jones opened the big handbag she was 13 and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she 14 a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at her first attempt. When she had 15 done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed 16 the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now it is your 17. I suppose you drive a car, and that you are quite sure about your own eyesight.” The judge took the 18 and tried to thread it. After half a dozen tries, he had still not succeeded. The case (案例) against Mrs. Jones was 19, and her record 20 unbroken. 1. A. which B. when C. that D. this 2. A. about B. on C. to D. for 3. A. kept B. won C. missed D. lost 4. A. watched B. after C. followed D. ran after 5. A. pass B. go C. run D. rush 6. A. sure B. indeed C. certain D. perhaps 7. A. Before B. While C. Until D. When 8. A. so B. very C. too D. quite 9. A. cause B. reason C. matter D. trouble


20 Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming __1__ the hill towards the frontier, __2__ a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it. When the bike __3__ the frontier, Peter would stop the man and __4__ him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw very __5__ to see __6__ he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man’s pocket s __7__ he let him tie the straw again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always __8__ to find gold or other valuable things __9__ in the straw, he never found __10__. He was sure the man was __11__ something, but he was not __12__ to think out what it could be. Then one evening, after he had looked __13__ the straw and emptied the worker’s pockets __14__ usual, he __15__ to him, “Listen, I know you are smuggling things __16__ this frontier. Won’t you tell me what it is? I’m an old man, and today’s my last day on the __17__. Tomorrow I’m going to __18__. I promise I shall not tell __19__ if you tell me what you’ve been smuggling.” The worker did not say anything for __20__. Then he smiled, turned to Pe ter and said quietly, “Bikes.” 1. A. towards B. down C. to D. up 2. A. filling B. pulling C. pushing D. carrying 3. A. arrived B. appeared C. came D. reached 4. A. ask B. order C. make D. call 5. A. carefully B. quickly C. silently D. horribly 6. A. that B. where C. how D. whether 7. A. before B. after C. first D. so 8. A. lucky B. hoping C. thinking D. wondering 9. A. had been B. hidden C. hiding D. have been 10. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 11. A. taking B. smuggling C. stealing D. pushing 12. A. possible B. strong C. able D. clever 13. A. through B. thoroughly C. upon D. up 14. A. like B. more C. then D. as 15. A. told B. cried C. ordered D. said 16. A. cross B. past C. across D. into


高一英语完形填空专题训练答案及解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 A minister(牧师)was on a long flight. The first 1 of approaching problem came when the sign on the airplane 2 on: Fasten Your Seat Belts. As the minister looked 3 the aircraft, it became obvious that many of the passengers became 4 . Later, a voice over the intercom(内部通话系统) said "We are so sorry that we are unable to 5 the meal at this time. The currents are ahead of us." And then the storm broke. Lightning lit up the darkening skies, and 6 moments the great plane was tossed(使 动来动去) around. The minister recalled, "As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the 7 were scared. Then I suddenly saw a little girl. Obviously, the storm 8 nothing to her. She was reading a book on her seat and everything within her small world was 9 . Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again. Sometimes she straightened her legs, but worry and 10 were not in her world." The minister could 11 believe his eyes. It was not surprising, 12 , that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying to 13 the plane, the minister came up to the girl whom he had 14 for such a long time. Having talked about the storm, he asked why she had not been afraid. The child replied, "That was because my 15 was the pilot, and he would take me home." There are many kinds of 16 that frightened us. Physical, mental, financial, domestic, and many other storms can easily and quickly 17 our sky and throw our plane into apparently uncontrollable movement. We have all known such times, and let us be honest and accept, it is much 18 to be at rest when our feet are on the ground than 19 we are being tossed about a darkened shy. Let us remember: Our father is the 20 . He is in control and taking us home. Don't worry. 1. A. suffering B. effort C. warning D. chance 2. A. flashed B. tried C. took D. put 3. A. over B. around C. into D. at 4. A. worried B. relaxed C. annoyed D. inspired 5. A. buy B. cook C. complete D. serve 6. A. of B. within C. with D. after 7. A. passengers B. pilots C. officials D. crew 8. A. presented B. brought C. meant D. created 9. A. likely B. friendly C. deadly D. orderly 10. A. fear B. knowledge C. stress D. expectation 11. A. suddenly B. gradually C. hardly D. willingly


完型填空( 20小题,每小题1.5分, 共30分) Jenkins was jeweler, who had made a large diamond ring worth 57,000 for the Siltstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made copy of it which looked __1__ like the first one but was worth only 2,000. This he took to the shop, Which __2__ it without a question. Jenkins gave the much more __3__ ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife __4__ to Paris for a weekend. As to the __5__ ring, the shop sold it for 60,000. Six months later the buyer __6__ it back to Siltstone’s office. “ It’s a faulty diamond,” he said, “It isn’t worth the high __7__ I paid.” Then he told them the__8__ . His wife’s car had caught fire in an __9__ . She had escaped, __10__ the ring had fallen off and been damaged in the great__11__ of the fire. The shop had to __12__ , They knew that no fire on earth can__13__ damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the __14__ diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: Who __15__ it? A picture of the ring appeared in the __16__ . A reader thought he __17__ the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which __18__ a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was a woman __19__ a large diamond ring. “Do you know the__20__ with the lovely diamond ring?” the papers asked their readers. Several mouths later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in prison. 1. A. only B. surely C. nearly D. exactly 2 A . accepted B. received C. refused D. rejected 3. A. real B. modern C. worthy D. valuable 4. A. flew B. drove C. sailed D. bicycle 5. A. first B. second C. last D. next 6. A. sold B. posted C. brought D. returned 7. A. cost B. money C. price D. value 8. A. facts B. matters C. questions D. results 9. A. affair B. accident C. incident D. experience 10. A. so B. or C. but D. and 11. A. pile B. heat C. power D. pressure 12. A. think B. agree C. permit D. promise 13. A. almost B. even C. just D. ever 14. A . real B. pure C. right D. exact 15. A. copied B. made C. stole D. did 16. A. notices B. magazines C .newspapers D. programmers 17. A. saw B. knew C. found D. recognized 18. A. showed B. drew C. printed D. carried 19. A. carrying B. dressing C. wearing D. holding 20. A. dancer B. woman C. reader D. jeweler 完形填空专项练习(三)


高考完形填空专项训练步步高 抓好三方面●跨好三大步●做好三结合 ------谈完形填空解题技巧中学生在做完形填空题时存在的问题,概括起来有以下三方面: 1.不善于抓文章的主旨大意,并以此为中心展开对整篇文章的推理、判断,导致理解上出现偏差,甚至和文章的中心相悻。 2.容易受定势思维的影响,对文意分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运用。 3.对完形填空题怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,以至做题时处于应付状态,做题能力得不到提高。 那么,怎样才能提高做完形填空题的能力呢?我们应从以下三方面入手训练思维能力和解题技巧:抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。并在做题过程中把这三方面与做完形填空的三大步骤“通读、精读、复读”有机结合,明确每步的思维主攻方向。即抓好三方面,跨好三大步,做好三结合。 一、通读短文抓主旨 一般情况下,完形填空短文都不给标题,不容易把握文章的主题和大意。但短文首句通常不设空格,这就为我们窥视文章全貌提供了一个窗口,而尾句往往是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔,所以抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是必要的。借助于首尾句给予的启示,克服不良心理的影响,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意能体现文章大意的关键词句,尽力从整体上理解短文大意,这是逐空填词的重要依据和基础。如果一开始就忙于见空填空,势必无法从整体上把握全文概要,无法形成连贯的思路,只见树木不见森林,理解偏离文章的中心,造成顾,此失彼的错误,甚至影响做题速度。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,我们围绕主旨大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。尤其是一些干扰性强,容易使人犯想当然错误的选项就会迎刃而解。 二、精读短文析文意 在基本抓住文章的主旨后,应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境做深人的理解,克服“定势思维”,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。切不可以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,而应以能否恰如其分地表达文意作为选择最佳答案的唯一标准。要吃透文意,理解到位,我们应做到以下几点: 1.从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。就题论题,断章取义,忽视上下文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。因此我们在做题时要注重暗含的信息提示,找准突破口,确保文意畅通。 2.从词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多,必须结合上下文把握文意,研读


高考英语完形填空试题(含答案) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains into the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly 1 . It seems that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep 2 as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my 3 , the graduation test of the classical Indian dance. After a decade of learning this art form, I had 4 been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer's life as it pays 5 to all the factors in one's life that 6 the dance form: one's culture and family. The performance is undertaken only by the most 7 and determined students. It is a difficult process that requires much 8 . For more than six months, I spent two to three hours every day 9 these dances. Many times, I 10 myself to my physical and mental breaking point, but still I would not stop. I could not give up. There was always so much more to do and so much more to 11 . I 12 a lot about myself in those tiring hours. I learned that I was far too 13 to give up, and I was too proud to prove myself 14 after I had set an unrealistic goal. Even with physical pain and mental 15 , I forced myself to meet my 16 . Even when I was at the end of my 17 , there was always something driving me on, forcing me not to give up. Fortunately, I made it. What I had done 18 the success. It was in those hours that I learned what a dancer 19 is. Those time was evidence that I could 20 something I set out to do. 1. A. pulled back B. set off C. reached out D. broke away 2. A. sleep B. thought C. breath D. sorrow 3. A. career B. attempt C. response D. performance 4. A. easily B. eventually C. absolutely D. desperately 5. A. debt B. visit C. interest D. respect 6. A. develop B. rescue C. introduce D. promote 7. A. focused B. beautiful C. intelligent D. considerate 8. A. talent B. strength C. commitment D. comprehension 9. A. recording B. practicing C. discussing D. designing 10. A. applied B. addicted C. treated D. pushed 11. A. forget B. design C. learn D. research 12. A. abandoned B. discovered C. controlled D. undertook 13. A. brilliant B. brave C. stubborn D. discourage 14. A. wrong B. nervous C. frightened D. careless
