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关于如何学习英语的英语作文带翻译 如何学习英语的英语作文带翻译篇1 How to learn English well How to learn English well? I think there are three things you must do. They are listening,speaking,and practicing.First,since English is a tool of communication,so the pronunciation is very importent. You should listen to the tape or use the Internet to imitate the pronunciation. Second,in order to have a good pronunciation and improve the level of communication,you should do more speaking. You can watch the American television series and learn how to talk with others. Finally,also the most important thing is that you should do more practice. As the saying goes:Practice makes perfect. If you grasp these methods,I think you can learn English well. 怎样才能学好英语呢?我认为有三件事要做,他们是:听,说和练。 首先,既然英语是作为一种交流的工具,所以,发音是非常重要的。我们需要多听英语磁带或者上网听英语,来模仿发音。其次,为了拥有好的发音和提高英语水平,你还应该多说英语。你可以看美剧,学习如何用英语去交流。最后,也是最重要的是多练习。有句谚语说:熟能生巧嘛。 如何学习英语的英语作文带翻译篇2 how to learn english? this question have been asked million times from thousands of chinese students. but finally the answer is simple but tough. first of all, u must love it,you are eager to learn it. then u have enough patience and passion to keep learning. it is a long way to go.


关于学习的英语作文「带翻译」 人的大脑和肢体一样,多用则灵,不用则废。以下是带来的关于学习的英语,希望对你有帮助。 We all make mistakes which are inevitable. What makes mistakes worse is failure to correct your own mistakes. While making mistakes is good, repeating mistakes is definitely not. Apart from correcting your own mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes as well. 错误不可避免,最糟糕的是我们不纠正自己的错误。制造错误有好处,重复错误就不一定是对的,除了要纠正我们的错误,我们也要从错误中学习。 You can only learn from you admit you have made one. As soon as you start blaming other people, you distance yourself from any possible lesson that could be learned from it. Admission of mistake, even if only privately to yourself, make learning possible by moving the focus away from blaming yourself and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress aelerates when they do. On the other hand, for many reasons


学龄前孩子学英语好不好,为什么美国耶鲁大学心理学家通过分析研究认为,说两种语言的幼儿在脑子的灵活性和解决问题的能力方面,对比说单一语言的幼儿有明显优势。语言刺激是促进幼儿大脑细胞生长发展的要素,在孩子幼儿期给予其两种语言的刺激,能促进他们大脑的发育。因此,孩子幼儿期的英语培训对其是大有益处的,这里我推荐一个不错的少儿英语培训机构叫阿卡索外教网。他是一个线上培训机构,时间地点都可以自己安排,比较灵活方便,而且他还是在线外教一对一的模式,外教上课互动特别多,上课体验很好,很受孩子喜欢。好了我在这也不多说了,如果需要了解的,可以去阿卡索的官网看看,里面有少儿英语免费试听课可以听听看的。 那么,孩子什么时候学英语最好呢?不少专家认为,孩子幼儿期是获得外语的最佳期。 儿童心理学的研究表明,在孩子感知成长中,首先成熟的是形象思维能力。幼儿认汉字也好,认英文也好,实际上都是一种信息刺激的活动,他们把字形当成某一具体形像,像记糖果、玩具、人的相貌一样记住它们。经过多次反复,这种特殊的“形象”就储存到大脑中去了。因此幼儿学英语与成人学英语有很大差别。同时幼儿对声音的敏感度较高,且右脑控制发音器官的能力较强,声带、舌唇等运动神经的调节也具有很大的可塑性,这时练习说话,更容易掌握发音的技巧。随着年龄的增长,这种能力会逐步下降,给其学英语带来困难。

幼儿学英语还具有许多成人不具备的优势,如他们不担心考试,可以在宽松、愉快的环境中,没有压力地“玩”着学,即使讲错了,也不会遭到别人的讥笑。又如幼儿未来的时间很长,授课时并不急于增加词汇量,因此他们有更多的机会来练习说讲。再加上小孩子都是天生的语言学家,如果他们学英语的积极性被激发出来,其潜力很快就会表现出来的。 要使幼儿的英语学习取得成效,关键是要有正确的教学方法。在幼儿英语学习中,我们反对“成人式”的英语教学,而主张以环境熏陶、无意识记忆为主的“横式化”教学。如果把成人英语学习中的“读课文,解释词义和句子,强化练习”的模式搬到幼儿的课堂上来,不仅不能提高教学效果,相反还会使幼儿厌恶英语,为将来学好英语设置障碍。教幼儿学英语,应当创设一种轻松愉快的气氛,让幼儿如同学习母语一样掌握英语。幼儿学习英语主要以反复地说、认字母为主,由于幼儿手部肌肉尚未发育成熟,因此,并不要求幼儿去书写。选择什么样的方法,要以幼儿身心发展规律为依据,比如幼儿期的孩子注意力不易集中,容易分散,那么教师应善于运用多种方法吸引孩子的注意力,如游戏、歌曲、故事等等,让幼儿融入其中,进而启发他们的学习兴趣。 此外,幼儿学英语还要注意以下两个问题。 1。选择一本好教材。我们所说的教材,既包括书报、画册,也包括录音、录像和电视节目。教材的形式和版本可以五花八门。选择


写一篇怎样学习英语的英语作文 写一篇怎样学习英语的英语作文第一篇: it goes without saying that english plays an important role in our modern society. english is an international language. wherever you go, you can hear english spoken by many people. from this point of view, it is true that english is important to our daily life. learning english is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. our primary trouble is that we have tackled the study oflanguage from the wrong end. we are like the man who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books about swimming. in actuality, we learn by doing. the grammatical rules are valuable as we plunge into the language and need some assistance. in the same way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from actual experience in the water. but reading books never makes a swimmer and learning rules never makes a practical linguist. the regular procedure in learning english involves listening first, to be followed byspeaking. then comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. the way you learn


学英语口语方法 中国的教育把很多科目都规范化教学,只能说有利有弊。在一个幼儿园画一个小猫,外国的教育就是你可以照着画,也可以通过自己的印象画,甚至通过自己的想像画,都无所谓,很多画的一塌糊涂,没有任何章法,老师一般都大加赞赏,因为老师觉得至少表达了自己的观点。而中国的小孩呢,老师会教:猫的脸是圆形的,两个耳朵呢是三角形的,甚至有特定的尺子,模具辅助完成作画,虽然画的比外国小孩画的像,但是也扼杀了孩子的想法,画出来的猫都千篇一律了。总之这个教育课题太大,抛砖引玉来说英语学习。 和画小猫类似,语言是自己表达的工具,并不是刻板的复制,同一个意思100个最少也有几十种表达方式,你可以随心所欲,举个简单的例子,“给我倒杯咖啡可以吗”不同的人完全不同的表达方式,很熟的人,“给我倒杯咖啡”,更熟悉的人“咖啡”,甚至一个手势。总之完全取决于当时的情景,可是中国把英语的教育都变成了“用尺子画猫了” 我们速恩英语也跟很多同学讲类似的道理,他们的回答都是不学语法怎么交流,就像是“不用尺子,圆规怎么画猫”,其实挺多不像而已,像和不像是一个过程,需要练习体会才能提高,不可能一步到位,猫的脸再园,耳朵的等边三角形画的再标准又能怎么样,永远体

会不了画画的乐趣,更别说以后可能有什么造诣了。 英语的学习就是由不会表达到会表达,表达的不清楚,到清楚的一个过程,不要苛求一步到位,不要苛求有一个规律一通百通,当然适当的模仿是必须的,单词是需要记忆的,但是模仿和记忆的根本目的在于应用。 学语言,和学画画,学游泳,学音乐有很多共通的地方,如果你哪方面有特长可以把自己的经验自己分享给自己,最重要的是有环境就像是学钢琴要有钢琴一样,环境是最好的老师,对于学语言,在中国最实际的办法就是请个外教老师,没有更好的办法。


《关于学习的英语作文》 关于学习的英语作文(一): Learning how to learn is one of the hot topics in education at the moment。 In order to understand its importance, it is vital to understand the following two points。 First, we should not follow other students way of learning。 It is known to all that most students do not learn in the same way, they have their own ways to study。 We have heard from other excellent students, they introduce their way of learning, while for ourselves, we should adjust our methods according to theirs, but not follow them in all。 Whats more,many students do not take an interest in the process of learning and expect that by simply going to a lecture, for example, they will automatically study the subject matter。 It is impossible for them to learn better, they should work efficiently。 If students master how to learn, they will have a better chance to acquire knowledge。 掌握学习方法是当前教育领域内的热门话题之一。为充分体会其重要性,我们就应首先理解以下两点。第一,我们不就应跟随别的学生的学习方法。众所周知,大部分学生并不采用同一种方法学习,他们各有方法。我们从优秀的同学那里听过他们介绍的学习方法,然而对于我们来说,我们就应根据他们的方法来调整我们的方法,而不是一味地跟从。而且,很多同学对学习方法并不感兴趣,他们认为只是简单地听课,便能够自动掌握这门学科知识。这对于更好的学习是不可能的,他们就应更有效率的学习。如果一个学生能够掌握适宜的学习方法,他们就能够更好地学到更多的知识。 关于学习的英语作文(二): 如何学习How to Study? Recently the issue of students study has been brought to public attention。 Students are anxious about how to improve their scores。Some work very hard。 They spend all their time on study。 They do nothing except study。 As far as Im concerned, it is not a good way to study。 Alternate work with rest is the best to study well。 Students should try their best to learn knowledge as Francis Bacon said,Knowledge is power。 However, they should have other recreational activities to relax themselves。 Because people can do things more efficient after relaxed themselvess more, people can obtain knowledge from many sources besides books, which is beneficial for study。 Thus, bine exertion and rest is the best to study。 最近,学生学习的问题已经引起了大众的关注。学生们担心如何提高成绩。有些学生很 努力学习。他们把所有的时光都花在学习上。除了学习他们什么也不做。就我而言,这不是学习的好方法。劳逸结合是最好的学习方法。学生就应努力学习知识,因为弗兰西斯培根说过,知识就是力量。然而,他们就应有其他的娱乐活动来放松自我。因为放松之后做的事情会更有


2018年儿童英语学习中存在的问题不管是初为父母的虎妈猫爸,还是家有儿女的辣妈潮爸,对教育再怎么强调重视都不过分,但也有时也迷茫,瑞思学科英语经过精心整理发现,众位家长们在孩子的儿童英语学习这个问题上最关心的话题…… 1.孩子学英语,会不会中英混淆? 这个问题是大多数中国家长们最关心的问题,也是经常困扰他们甚至无解的话题,关于这个问题很多英语教学专家也研究过,事实证明我们的大脑语言部分是独立的分工合作的,英语和汉语拼音当然也是可以一起学习的,只是在初期的时候比较明显,一段时间之后就会好很多的。 2.孩子什么时候学英语最好? 瑞思专家一再提醒,孩子学英语,3-6岁最好,这个年龄段的孩子们大脑还没有完全发育,学习的空间很大,而语言的学习是一个长期的过程。早点学习英语对孩子们的大脑发育比较好,同时也要不间断的学习,语言是一门水平学科,需要日积月累,才能厚积薄发,切不可三天打鱼,两天晒网,更不能越俎代庖、揠苗助长,而是要脚踏实地,点滴积累,才能为之后的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。 3.孩子学英语,但是听力水平难提高怎么破?

孩子英语听力差有几方面原因。有的孩子从一开始学英语就没有养成听英语CD的习惯。还有一个重要原因是:现在的儿童英语学习起步并不是象语文那样从汉语拼音开始。孩子们读出的英语单词并不是自己运用正确的方法拼读出来而是鹦鹉学舌般从老师那听来的。从这点就可以看出声音对一门语言的学习多么重要! 4.英语单词记不住,英语能学好么? 答案是否定的。英语单词是拼音文字,读写存在着一定的规律。如果不掌握规律,凭着死记硬背,随着学习的深入和单词量的加大,死记硬背单词对孩子来说就会成为一件很痛苦的事情。而自然拼读法就完美地解决了这个让人头痛的问题,儿童英语学习期的孩子们在接受自然拼读语音学习的基础上,可以学会和掌握读写规律以及窍门,从此不怕学英语。 儿童英语学习是一个长期的过程,所以还是要孩子们能够坚持长期学习,同时要多说多练习,这样才能更好的掌握英语这门语言。 关于瑞思学科英语 2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁少儿英语培训专家,其“浸入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁少儿英语、7~12岁儿童英语、13~18岁青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。


(1). We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利-准确-恰当. (2). Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 寻找学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣. (3). If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么也没有关系,有很多种方法可以自己练习口语.比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.可以对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情. (4). Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes. 口语作文和3分钟训练法:此法适用于强化训练.找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文,同时将其录音.听录音,找出不足和错误,就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文,同样录音,再听并找出不足与进步,继续作三分钟口语作文.这是高级口语训练,效果不俗. (5). Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.复述练习:最简单也是最有效的口语学习方法.从治本上攻克英文的方法,特别适合初学者和中级学者,用自己的话背颂所听的英语故事或文章短文,应该大量地练习 ●if available,the best way to improve our spoken language is to talk with the people whose mother tongue is english.and if there is no such a person around you,you can go to an english corner where there are many people who also want to improve their spoken language just like you do.however,in most cases an english partner or an english corner is not easy to find.then the 3-minute training method above mentioned is a good way and i think i will have a try... 如果可以的话,最好的办法来提高我们的口语是与人的母语是英语交谈。 如果没有这样的你周围的人,你可以去英语角那里有很多人也想提高他们的口语就像你一样。然而,在大多数情况下,英语的伙伴或英语角是不容易找到。上述3分钟的训练方法是一个很好的方法,我想我会尝试... ... ●I'm just looking for some good ways to improve my oral Englsih,and I also know that English corner is a good place as where we can practise our oral English, but


就我个人学习英语的经历而言,也曾是多次放弃、重来;再放弃,再重来。开始都是怀着积极的心态,投入到英语学习的战斗中去。恨不能一天之内就要学会两课书、三课书。一个月就要学完一册书。然而,学着学着,就感觉要“坚持“不住了,想要放弃。开始总是找不到解决的办法,为此而郁闷。后来才发现解决这样的问题其实并不难。 一、要学会精神转移。t8? o T U2w(z M 在英语学习的过程中,感到枯燥乏味,信心不足的时候,不要强迫自己往下学,因为从你的思想意识形态里已经开始产生了抵触英语的情绪。这时再继续只能是“适得其反”,请你先放一放你所学习的内容,最好的去处是逛书店,到外文书店看看那些崭新的原版小说,先不要看其内容,只看图书的封面。这些原版图书要比国内图书的封面做得好得多。这些花花绿绿的封面(特别是名着的封面)能够强烈刺激你的大脑神经,让你对书中的内容产生联想,从欣赏图片的审美角度去激发你阅读的兴趣。这时,你选择一本自己喜欢的,翻开内容看上一两段,你就会发现原来你的英语已经很有水平了,以前的时间没有白费。 还有一个原因,你学英语的时候是孤立的,当你置身到外文书店的时候,你会发现那里有很多中国人、外国人,这时候你才能够感受到很多中国人都和你一样在努力着,也许他(她)的英文水平很高,也许他(她)还不如你。从而让自己产生羡慕、嫉妒、欣慰的心理。只有这样才能激发你的继续学习的兴趣。而你所看到的那些外国人,如果你能上前聊上几句,何尝不是一件快乐的事情?为什么不敢呢?是自己水平不够吧?那还不回家赶快去学? 除此之外,你还可以去听听那些原版磁带,去看看原版DVD来调节自己的心态。尽量不要去想自己现在所学的教材。毕竟在内容上它有很大的局限性,只有丰富多彩的内容才能保持你好学的心态。 二、学习他人之长。M f M7i i 学习英语是要虚心的,在自己坚持不住的时候,要多去看看那些成功人士的书籍,听听他们的心得。俞敏洪、李阳,杜子华、钟道隆等等,这些已经取得成功的人士,他们同样也遭遇过你我这样的经历,也曾经在坚持和放弃之间徘徊过。他们是怎样走过来的?这是我们要学习的,不管你是否认可这些人,为什么他们成功了,就因为他们会调节自己的心态坚持走到底。我在坚持不住的时候,就会找出钟道隆教授《踏踏实实学英语》讲座录音听听,体会一位老人学习英语的艰辛,看看李阳《疯狂英语》的演讲,感受他的狂热,读读杜子华的《英语成功学》吸取他丰富的经验。这些都能调节自身的心态,鼓励我们“坚持”下去。 三、不要一棵树上吊死。 无论是学习方法,还是教材,都有它的局限性,都会因人而异。别人的经验是经过多少次失败总结而来的,或许对你就不实用。要学“博取众家之长,补己之短&rd quo;,在实践中去归纳总结。找到自己能够“坚持”的方法。一套教材未必就要全书背诵下来,人都有个性、喜恶。或许某一类你就不喜欢,那就别硬着头皮去看、去听。即使别人都说好的,也要自己去衡量,找到自己感兴趣的,你才能够坚持下去。如果非让一个喜欢流行音乐的人去听京剧,还不如让他去参观疯人院的好。所以,千万不要一棵树上吊死,喜欢什么就去接触什么,一本书里只一点点也好,一盘磁带里只一句就行。4G F f | j$B(| ^ 四、要了解学习的资源


如何学习英语高中英语作文 如何学习英语是从简单的开始。兴趣也是很重要的。只有从简单的开始,才容易入门,才容易产生兴趣,才容易把事情进行下去。 如何学习英语 English is not difficult,I wish everyone earnest study English,so ,I think everyone's English can all well. First,everyone should know,English is Important . learn English,we can talk with world.Because English is very Extensive.You can tell Foreigners chinese Culture.That's too fun!So,everyone all know English is very interesting just should study hard. And then,learn English should have good methods.Examination is not your purpose,purpose is talk with world.You will study English must can shame.Can you speak English loudly in bus?No,I think you can't.It's too shame!But speak English must shame.Don't control how others say you,you can speak English to everyone is pretty good! This is my speech all,it's small.But really tell everyone how to study English!Can you tell me your thought?Thanks a lot! 首先,大家应该知道,英语是重要的,学习英语,我们可以跟世界交流.因为英文是有用的.你可以告诉外国人中国的文化.那真的太有趣了!所以,大家都知道英语是非常有趣的,就应该努力地学习。 然后,学习英语应具有良好方法.考试不是你的目的,目的是跟世界交流.你将学习英语必须要学会丢脸.你能否大声在巴士上说英语?不,我想你不能。太丢脸了!但英语必须要丢脸.不要在乎别人怎么说你,你可以对大家讲英语就是非常好的! 这是我的讲话,它非常短小.但是真的能告诉大家如何学习英语。你能告诉我你的想法吗?非常感谢! 如何学习英语 As English is one of the main subjects that the Chinese students have to take up, learning English becomes prevalence. More and more students find it hard to learn English, because it is fresh to them. Depending on different personality, experience and background, different people may have different menthods to learn English. In my opinion,interest and practice are the best ways to learn English.


可用句型 1. 陈述事物优点的常用句型 1)People have generally discovered several advantages in…, of which the most significant/obvious one is sth /that………有许多优点,其中最有意义、最明显的一个是…/从句 2) The advantages of … can be seen as the following. First of all, … Besides/Additionally/In addition, What’s more……的优点可以从下面看出来。首先…,其次… 3) …is playing an increasing important role in people’s lives. For one thing … For another……在人们生活中发挥着日益重要的作用。一方面…,另一方面… 4) As is often / frequently pointed out, it certainly helps people to solve / b enefit … Besides all the advantages, it also brings other content that ….如人们经常指出的那样,它可以帮助人们解决…/可以使人们从中获益。除了所有的优点,它也给人们带来…的满足感。 5) In spite of / Despite the disadvantages / side(/adverse) effects,it brings its compensating advantages / beneficial effects.除了缺点/不利的影响,它也带来了优点/有益的影响。 6) Nothing / Few things / There is hardly anything can equal / match with / be compared with … in terms of …关于…,没有什么/很少有/几乎没有什么事情能与…相提并论。 7) … has a positive/negative impact / influence / effect on people’s lives. …对人们的生活有积极的影响。 merits and demerits strength shortcoming/weakness *see Education method: east and west.(Book 2) The advantage of …is that …. Another advantage is … However, there are drawbacks. 2. 陈述事物的缺点的常用句型 1)However, just like anything else, …has its negative side as well.然而,同任何其他事情一样,…也有其消极的一面。 2) In the meantime, we can not ignore the disadvantages of … 同时,我们不能忽视…的不利方面。 3) Nonetheless/ Nevertheless /However, the negative aspects of … are also apparent / obvious / evident. To begin with,… To make matter worse,… Worst of all, ….然而,…负面的影响也是非常明显的。首先,…。更糟糕的是,…。最糟糕的是…。 4) Like anything else, it has also its faults / shortcomings /disadvantages / weakness / problems / harmful effects. 同任何其他事情一样,它也有缺点/弱点。 5) However … just like anything else, it is not witho+ut limits / weakness / problems / faults / defects. The principal one is / For one thing, … Besides / For another, …同任何其他事情一样,它也有缺点/弱点。最主要的一个是…/一方面,…,另一方面…. 6) As the proverb goes, every coin has its two side / every medal has its reverse, … is no exception.正如这句谚语所说的,每件食物都有两面,…也不例外。


英语作文范文如何学好英语怎样学好英语英语作文范文 1、词汇基础:词汇是句子的基础,文章是由句子组成,要有一定的词汇量才能够有写作的基础,所以一定要注意词汇的积累,不光要认识还要知道含义更需要很好的拼写,这样在写作的时候才能够运用自如。 2、语法结构:英语和汉语的语法结构不一样,词汇的搭配方式,表达方式也与汉语又很大的出入,所以基本的语法结构要掌握,这样才能做到句子通顺,无语法错误。 3、积累运用:平时的积累很重要,比较著名的俗语成语的表达方式。 4、范文作用:要想写好英文作文,范文的作用不可忽略,可以通过背诵大量的优秀范文,这样在自己的写作中才有大量的素材。 How to learn English well?(怎样学好英语) English is one of the most important langnages in the world.(英语是世界上最重要的语言之一) It’s necessary to learn it well .(学好它是很有必要的)How do you study?(怎样来学呢?) Everyone learns English in different ways.(第

个人学习英语都有不同的方法) The best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills. (提高英语的最好方法就是提高你的英语技能)They are listening , speaking , reading and writing. (它们是听,说,读,写)We should practice them every day. (我们应该都要练习它们)It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish . (如果你对英语感兴趣的话,这对你有好处)You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful.(这样做你会发现学习英语是一件有趣面又有所帮助的事) One more thing, remember “Practice makes perfect”!(记住,熟能生巧) I think the best way of learning English is speaking as much as possible.here is some advice for you. First, We should try to listen to the teacher carefully . After class we should go over the lessons. And do our homework on time carefully.If we have any time ,we can read some English news and learn some useful words. Besides,we should ask teacher for help when we have any problems. Don’t worry about make mistakes.To believe ourseleves is important.
