



( ) 1. I want to watch the news on TV. _______ , please.

A Turn on it B. Turn it on. C. Turn off it. D. Turn it off.

( ) 2. . ---Do you mind my smoking here ?

---________ , Look at the sign. It says “ No Smoking !” .

A. It doesnt matter

B. No , not at all

C. Youd better not

D. Never mind

( ) 3. - NICEF is part of the United Nations . It wants to make a better place for ________.

A. animals B .plants C. children D. adults

( ) 4. The 30th Olympic Games _______ in London in2012

A. has been had

B. will be held

C. hold

D. will be happened

( ) 5. . People in Nanjing ______ taking the underground now.

A. used to

B. were used to

C. didnt use to

D. are used to

( ) 6. How long have you ___?

A. bought the b ook

B. borrowed the dictionary

C. left our school

D. none of the above

( ) 7. London is _______ the biggest cities all over the world.

A. of

B. in

C. between

D. among

( ) 8. ---- ______ was the show? ---- It was a big success.

A. What

B. When

C. Why

D. How.

( ) 9.I found _____ difficult to organize a big event. But slowly, everything became a little ______.

A it ;easy B. that; easy C. it; easier D. that ; easier

( ) 10. He had _____ a good idea ____ we all agree with him.

A. so; that

B. such; that

C. too; to

D. either; or

( )11. Last Friday I saw some boys behind Daniel, the computer gam es.

A. sit, watching

B. sitting, watch

C. sit, watch

D. sitting, watched

( )12 .Thank you for Tom with us.

A. letting, stays

B. letting, stay

C. letting, staying

D. let, stay

( )13. All the drivers drive carefully to prevent the traffic accident .

A. happen

B. to happen

C. f rom being happened

D. from happening

( )14. Thanks for your . Youre so to me.

A. kind, kindly

B. kindly, kind

C. kindness, kind

D. kindful, kindness

( )15. Since he joined the swimming team. He has to swim across the wide river.

A. able

B. could

C. can

D. been able

( )16.The disabled people feel grateful _______ you ________ your help.

A. for; to

B. to; for

C. for; for

D. to; to

( )17.Your pocket money can be used to ________ charity, you used to _________ a lot on snacks.

A. supporting; spend

B. support; spending

C. support; spend

D.supporting; spending

( )18. The hospital has been open_________.

A. for ten years before

B. since ten years ago

C. since ten years

D. ten years ago

( )19. Dont make him _________ all the time. Tell him _________ a rest.

A. to work, to have

B. work , have

C. to work, have

D. work, to have

( ) 20. The mus ic sounds really . I like it very much.

A. terrible

B. boring C .beautifully D. beautiful


Not long ago ,I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more knowledge.So I went to the library and 1 happily with several books.But after a few days ,I felt impatient(没耐心).The 2 of finishing all of them seemed impossible,because I always found it 3 to calm down to read a whole book.I didnt know what to do with it.Then 4 one day I thought of “Why not make reading fun?”.It gave me 5 again.R eading is a journey of spirit.Every time we read a book,we are actually talking 6 the writer.I tried to put all my effort(努力) into his or her books , 7 I could feel all of his or her happiness and suffering(痛苦).Now books have

become a part of my life.

See ?Attitude(态度)c an make a great 8 .Someone once said, “Even though the situation(情形)is

bad,people still have one freedom(自由)to 9 their attitude.”So,dont complain about study or work.It helps 10 .Try to see things from a different way.Believe me,this will change the situa tion and help you a lot.

( )1.A.sangB.jumpedC.returnedD.danced

( )2.A.wayB.habitC.suggestionD.idea

( )3.A.hardB.interestingC.happyD.easy

( )4.A.sadlyB.quicklyC.suddenlyD.hardly

( )5.A.advice B.hopeC.time D.knowledge.

( )6.A.withB.aboutC.ofD.at

( )7.A.becauseB.thoughtC.butD.so

( )8.A.decisionB.differenceC.discussionD.promise ( )9.A.announceB.chooseC.showD.hide

( )10.A.nothingB.anythingC.everything




Nearly all our food comes from the soil(土壤).

Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live on plants. If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat. So the soil is very necessary for life. The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. The waste matter(粪) from animals also falls on it.

All soil needs food. If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak. Farmers found that animals waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥) are also very useful. The same crop(庄稼)should not be grown in the same place every year; it s better to have a different crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good.

( ) 1.Which of the following is true ?

A.All our food c omes from the soil.

B. Most of our food comes from the soil.

C. None of our food comes from the soil.

D. All our food comes from animals.

( ) 2.What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph (段落)?

A.Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other.

B. There would be no animals without meat.

C. There would be no plants w ithout animals.

D. People, animals, plants and soil live on each other.

( ) 3.Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A. Chemical fertilizers.

B. Plants and grass.

C. Animals waste.

D. Different crops.

( ) 4.Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A.Because w can keep the soil rich this way.

B. Because we dont have enough land.

C. Because we want to have a different food.

D. Because we do this as a habit(习惯).

( ) 5.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Soil and Waste

B. Plants and Animals

C. Food and Waste

D. Soil and Food

