




A hat frightening? If you see it as a snake to swallow the elephant? In this full of utilitarian world, the big people's eyes Forever only the number of children has long been the world, they have overlooked. It has already lost a child-like purity gone? In order to find the answer to that question, I won the "Little Prince."

"Little Prince" is a clear spiritual books, is an adult fairy tale written for adults, is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And "Little Prince" on the water like a thorough clarification of people feel warmth and tranquility.

The story of the little prince of life with a

serious attitude, he diligently to clear the crater, pulling the monkey bread tree seedlings. However, The Little Prince is a lonely, depressed mood in his time, he would mention a stool chasing the sun to see the sunset. Only enjoy the sunset when the twilight Feelings tenderness that is his only pleasure. He had read 43 times a day sunset, because his heart is full of endless loneliness and sorrow. Fortunately a Rose entered his life, Rose has a quiet tenderness, she will lie was exposed repeatedly cough, she is a beautiful and very proud of flowers. She恋着sad little prince, little prince also sincerely love roses. A trivial matter, however they eventually made to separate the sensitive Little Prince as an angry Rose of Love from doubt, he got out of their own stars, leaving behind Rose and started their own travel alone.

And then he came to Earth, he encountered a small fox, and the request of a small fox domestication her. She believes that if the Little Prince domesticate her, her life will be happy. Little Prince, together with a small fox days, the little prince to understand the unique Rose, and he began to think that Rose tamed him,


名著读后感1000字以上 名著读后感1000字以上范文一 近日读完《红楼梦》,才明白其妙处所在。 《红楼梦》以贾、史、王、薛四大家族为背景,以围绕事关贾府家事利益的贾宝玉人生道路而展开的一场封建道路与叛逆者之间的激烈斗争为情节主线,以贾宝玉和林黛玉这对叛逆者的悲剧为主要内容,通过对以贾府为代表的封建家族没落过程的生动描述,而深刻地揭露和批判了封建社会种种黑暗和腐朽,进一步指出了封建社会已经到了"运终权尽"的末世,并走向覆灭的历史趋势。 《红楼梦》以上层贵族社会为中心图画,极其真实地,生动地描写了十八世纪上半叶中国末期封建社会的全部生活。全书规模宏伟,结构严谨,人物生动,语言优美,此外还有一些明显的艺术特点,值得后人品味,鉴赏。 作者充分运用了我国书法,绘画,诗词,歌赋,音乐等各类文学艺术的一切优秀传统手法,展示了一部社会人生悲剧。如贾宝玉,林黛玉共读西厢,黛玉葬花,宝钗扑蝶,晴雯补裘,宝琴立雪,黛玉焚稿等等,还表现在人物塑造上,如林黛玉飘然的身影,诗化的眉眼,智慧的神情,深意的微笑,动人的低泣,脱俗的情趣,潇洒的文采……这一切,都是作者凭借我国优秀传统文化的丰厚艺术素养培育出来的,从而使她在十二钗的群芳中始终荡漾着充满诗情画意的特殊韵味,飘散着东方文化的芬芳。曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中真实地再现了人物的复杂性,使我们读来犹如作品中的人物同生活中的人物一样真实可信,《红楼梦》中的贾宝玉"说不得贤,说不得愚,说不得善,说不得恶,说不得正大光明,说不得混帐恶赖,说不得聪明才俊,说不得庸俗平凡",令人徒加评论。不仅贾宝玉,林黛玉这对寄托了作者人格美,精神美,理想美的主人公是如此,甚至连王熙凤这样恶名昭着的人物,也没有将她写得"全是坏",而是在"可恶"之中交织着某些"可爱",从而表现出种种矛盾复杂的实际情形,形成性格"迷人的真实"。 作者善于通过那些看来十分平凡的,日常生活的艺术描写,揭示出它所蕴藏的不寻常的审美意义,甚至连一些不成文的,史无记载的社会习惯和细节,在红楼梦里都有具体生动的描绘。 《红楼梦》在思想内容和艺术技巧方面的卓越成就,不仅在国内成为"中国小说文学难以征服的顶峰"。而且在国际上也受到许多国家学者的重视和研究,有法国评论家称赞说:"曹雪芹具有普鲁斯特敏锐的目光,托尔斯泰的同情心,缪塞的才智和幽默,有巴尔扎克的洞察和再现整个社会的自上而下各阶层的能力。” 名著读后感1000字以上范文二 当我郑重地翻过最后一页,合上这位被誉为“英国小说之父”的丹尼尔?笛福在59岁高龄写的着作——《鲁滨逊漂流记》。读完了这个情节曲折,跌宕起伏的故事之后,我满眶的热泪情不自禁地夺眶而出。书中的主人公在荒芜人烟的孤岛上生活了28年!28年,多么惊人的一个数字啊!可见他是何等的勇敢。


小王子读后感英文版5篇范文 小王子这本书是法国的安东尼·德·圣艾修伯里写的,安东尼·德·圣艾修伯里写的这本小王子是在1943年出版的,下面是小编收集整理的小王子读后感英文版5篇,希望对你有所帮助! Today, I read the little prince. Mom said it's a very good book. Let me read it carefully. I read it very seriously.The little prince's planet is almost the same as a house. He has a beautiful rose on his planet. The little prince and the roses were annoyed and went to other planets. For example, crazy planet, alcoholic planet, desert planet... Finally, the little prince came to our earth. He met a fox, and he became a friend of the fox. The fox asked if there was any chicken on his planet. The little prince said nothing. The fox allowed the little prince to tame it, because the fox wanted to make the world different. The little prince tamed it. Then the fox asked the little prince what he was going to do on earth. The little prince said he was having trouble with roses. The fox gave the little prince a special gift, which is a sentence: "only by heart can we see clearly the essence of things. It's the time, energy and emotion you give your rose that makes him so important. The little prince took this sentence and silently carried it on the back. Finally, he was responsible for his own rose and went back to his own planet.After reading the story, I was very moved. I feel that the little prince is a kindhearted, brave and responsible person. I want to learn from the little prince, and also be a good and brave man. During the summer vacation, I read a book called little prince. I want to deeply thank the author of this book, because he let me learn a lot in the change of the prince's life. When he was a child, he loved life and loved his beautiful rose; he loved fantasy and had a pure and good heart; he could see things and see the nature behind things... These qualities of the little prince make me like this extraordinary little child fairy.Growth is an inevitable process for a person to experience. On the way of growth, the little prince slowly learned to be silent and endure pain. The Little Prince changed his mind and learned to deceive himself and deceive others. Gradually, he lost the childlike innocence of his childhood, the once incomparable innocence and good heart, and became a mediocre, hypocritical adult who lost faith in life.Is this the so-called growth? Of course not! No matter how old we are and how much life strikes us, we all have to keep a good and pure mind at all times. We must learn to experience life and enjoy the beauty of life. In this way, we can grow healthily.Let's keep a childlike innocence, let our life and the world be full of sunshine.


Mark Twain and his book The prince and the Pauper Helen Keller once said these to parise a master : I love HIM------who wouldn’t love him? Even God, giving him wisdom and painting a rainbow of love and faith in his heart. William Faulkner applaud him as “the first real American writer.”This lovable man is Mark Twain. Regard as the Mirror of America, many of his famous works had revealed the problems of the America .Every people pursue the equality and freedom.But racial discrimination still existed. The work had exposed the mask of democracy and freedom of the American capitalist ,revealed its worship of money, racial discrimination and the true face of aggression. In his early time, he writes about Children Literature, works like The adventures of Huckleberry FInn, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, and the book I only read The prince and the pauper. The prince and the pauper first published in 1881 in Canada before its 1882 publication in the United States. The book represents Twain's first attempt at historical fiction. Set in 1547, the novel tells the story of two young boys who are identical in appearance: Two boys borned in the same day but lead a total different life. Tom Canty ,a pauper, lives in a poor family in a the slum of London. His father is a abusive person, his mother and his two sister were clumsy but comely. Only his grandma loves him. Little tom wish that one day he will become a honorable prince living a rich and populous life. To most pauper this is only a beautiful dream, but to Tom Canty this dream came ture. Prince Edward was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is a royal prince and the King of The British Empire in the future. Everyone loves him. He had been arranged to learn the royal manner and other knowledges. That’s to cruel for a kid. Little young


本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改,也可直接使用高中生中外名著读后感1000 既然读后感是由读产生感,那么在文章里就要叙述引起“感”的那些事实,有时还要叙述自己联想到的一些事例风林网络小编整理了“高中生中外名著读后感1000”仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家! 高中生中外名著读后感1000【一】 《每个孩子都能成功》这是一本西方教育名著,这本书的作者是美国著名的学习问题专家托马斯·阿姆斯特朗先生,他进行了15年深入的调查研究写成的经典教育专著,他的研究成果表明,实际上根本没有天生的所谓学习上不行的孩子,本书中谈到一个叫比利的孩子,总是喜欢发明令人匪夷所思的玩意儿,例如让水沿着水槽流下,带着乒乓球滚入洞槽,轮番撞击数只铃铛鸣叫,使一头玩具小猪旋转起来,最后进入玩具鳄鱼嘴里。这样,一个鳄鱼似的小切削器便被启动了,你可以在里面削铅笔。他发明的一些其他机械,也是既富创造性又有实用性。然而,比利还是被勒令退学了,他似乎不会按学校的规定的方式办事,他甚至不会计算房间的面积。 还有一个活泼好学的六岁小姑娘,当她第一天入校时是何等地激动。她已习惯于把时间花在小池边与朋友们画画、戏水、堆砖和唱歌,在入校第一天这么一个有纪念意义的日子里,她充满了期待,她期待能在四周走动走动,她期待能了解一些事物,她期待学校能随处歌唱、玩耍,她还期待着能与其他伙伴在一起自由自在地交流。然而,实际情况并非如此。她发现自己生活在一个不得不长时间坐在座位上的世界里,在那儿,她必须去解析老师复杂的说辞,眼睛必须一眨不眨地盯着味道怪异的书本上那些细小而又弯弯曲曲的数字与字母。当她在老师面前表露出自己的失望与迷惑时,老师就建议她去专家那儿做个检查。于是,她就接受了挑、串、刺等一系列深入检查后,又被人认为是彻头彻尾的“痴呆生”。 “学业残疾”这一概念应该换成“学习差异”,成千上万的被认为有“学业残疾”的小孩,并不是真正的残疾,而是他们有自己独特的学习方式,而老师和家长并没有认识清楚。而且,数以百万计的孩子,之所以在校学习未能充分发挥自己的潜能、患有学校恐惧症或厌倦教室,是因为没有谁认识以及开发他们应该在学校表现出来


小王子英文版读后感 "The Little Prince" is a clear book, as clear as the water. It’s writes for adults, teenagers and children. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And "Little Prince" can make people feel warm and fresh. The story is about a boy. He lives on a small planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prince. Fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life. They loved each other. But a little argument separated them. He left the planet which he lives, starts traveling. He went to many planets and met many different people. He likes to watch the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely. During his years in prison, Nelson Mandela's reputation grew steadily. He was widely accepted as the most significant black leader in South Africa and became a potent (强有力的)symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement gathered strength. He consistently(一贯地) refused to compromise his


简爱英文读后感1000字 Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodneon one side and must check the badneon the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughneand her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was


英语小王子读后感 《小王子》 是法国作家安东尼· 德· 圣.埃克苏佩里于 1942 年写成的著 名儿童文学短篇小说。小编收集了英语小王子读后感,欢迎阅读。 英语小王子读后感【一】 my favorite book my favorite book is wrote by antoine de saint-exupery. i still remember the first time i read the book, i was like in a fantastic world. the little prince is a boy who has an angelical heart, his life is also very simple-a small planet which is full of flowers and monkey bread tree seedlings. the little prince is always depressed, and when he was sad, he would sit on a chair and see the sunset. he even see forty-three times sunset in a day to make himself feel better. his life turned to a new appearance when a beautiful rose came out. she is a flower with proud, when her lie was exposed by the little prince, she felt embarrassed. the small misunderstanding between them made the little prince determined to leave the planet he lived on. on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth. 英语小王子读后感【二】 filetype after reading the little prince over the course of this semester,i read a moving book:the little prince.it impressed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little prince.the book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood. what impresses me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.apart from love, others as well.indeed,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.the path in searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,strong will and high hope.no matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.


经典名著读后感1000字经典名著英文优秀读后感心得作文【--演讲稿怎么写】 用英文写,对比中文来说,那可是一个不小的挑战,来看看别人是怎么写的吧。下面是为你的几篇英文名著的,希望能帮到你哟。 Kent State University's school of theatre and dance performed a rendition of the classic, Jane Eyre this month. The show was a musical with all of the necessary elements to lift you from your seat and submerse youinto a society in nieenth century England from the time the cell phone shut-off announcement was made until the last note at the curtain call. The recurring arches, darkened, soft lighting, and the use of a classic chorus to go along with them alluded that a sinister underbelly of social status and reputation were present in the performance. One of the first things that an audience member noticed was the grandeur of the set. It was posed of a gothic-style foreground with rustic twigs of a root-like earthy appearance. There were grand arches for windows and entries as well. Also, the background was a large arch with the silhouette of roots.


小王子英语读后感及翻译 《小王子》是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里于1942年写成的著名儿童文学短篇小说。下面就是小编整理的小王子英语读后感及翻译,一起来看一下吧。 小王子英语读后感: "It's like a flower.". If you fall in love with a flower growing on a star, then at night you look at the sky and feel sweet and happy, and all the stars seem to be in bloom." When I first read "Little Prince", I was attracted by his fresh writing style and pure world at high school. Now six years later, read the "Little Prince", can not help but again and again to tears, and palpitation for Prince's mind be sad, moved by his pure and persistent love, for his innocence and mourning gradually to disappear. As the author of St. Erik Marcus Paley said in the preface, he put the fairy tale "to Leon? Wirth, when he was a boy" This is an adult fairy tale, which belongs to the once innocence adult's fairy tale, the children can not understand the little prince biting sadness and heavy.


《战争与和平》读后感1000字 有人说,托尔斯泰写《战争与和平》的契机是为了探寻俄国社会的出路,我却始终觉得这种观点过于片面。我认为,一部真正伟大的小说,应该是包罗万象的,而不仅仅局限于一个小小的目的。从《战争与和平》里面,我们可以学到很多东西,包括哲学、历史学、政治学、经济学、军事学甚至宗教学等等,这一切综合起来,就构成了一个庞大的思想体系。 结构安排方面,要处理好这样一部浩瀚的作品原本是非常困难的,托尔斯泰却能够凭借自己的艺术天才,在战争与和平之间穿来插去,井然有序,分毫不乱。而且,托尔斯泰似乎特别擅长描绘那种高难度的大场面,战争、舞会、宴席,他可以用极简短的话把每个人的性格及心理和盘托出,却从无顾此失彼杂乱无章的感觉,这是其他任何作家都望尘莫及的。 语言方面,《战争与和平》始终保持一种质朴大气且与众不同的风格,它并不旗帜鲜明,但内蕴深邃,使人一看便知是托氏文字,比起莎士比亚的雕章琢句来,要强出许多。 人物性格方面,《战争与和平》也有其高超过人之处。首先,书中几乎每一个人物,包括那些并不重要的配角,如伊波利特、莫特玛、小尼古拉等,都有他们自己的性格(要做到这一点是比较困难的,其它小说如《红楼梦》、《水浒传》也有类似成就)。(读后感)其次,书中许多人物的性格,都在不断变化。如皮埃尔,从单身到结婚、从私生子到继承人、从海伦到娜塔莎、从雅各宾派到共济会、从战争前到战中到战后、从贵族老爷到俘虏再到释放、从初出道时的年轻气盛到后来的好学深思,他的性格一直处于一种无法停止的状态,每经历一件事情,他都会产生一些新的想法,并在不知不觉中完成自身的转变。再如安德烈,他的一生经历过很多大的变故,从军、负伤、丧妻、对娜塔莎的爱情及娜塔莎的变心、


《小王子》读后感3篇 《小王子》这部童话情节跌宕起伏,富有哲理和意趣,《小王子》的故事简单,文字素淡。接下来是的《小王子》,希望对您有所帮助。 生命这种东西,是奇妙的,你绝对看不透。他的外表是否是美丽或是丑陋。这并不代表什么,只有内涵所发出的那种潜质美才是最真实而又美丽的。是的,无论是房子、星星、还是沙漠,都是因为看不见的某个东西而显得美丽,的确是如此。这种东西你绝对看不透,你也不用去看透,只有这样才是最纯粹的感受。 每一次读《小王子》,都被这种孩子式的看待世界的态度感动,多么天真、幼稚,可又多么纯洁、真诚。在现实生活中,我们整天忙忙碌碌,像一群群没有灵魂的苍蝇,喧闹着,躁动着,听不到灵魂深处真诚的低语。时光流逝,童年远去,我们渐渐长大,岁月带走了许许多多的记忆,也消蚀了心底曾经拥有的那份童稚的纯真。 我们沉溺于人世浮华,专注于利益法则,我们不顾心灵的沉重的桎梏,可是愈如此,愈体验到人生意义的虚无。读大学时,我看了不少现代派的作品,里面充满了欲望、异化和梦魇,这些对世界险恶真实的写照,看得人心里充满了卑琐失望。但是,每次读一遍《小王子》,就好像在清水中洗了个澡一般,心又重新变得剔透明亮了。 我一直有所坚信,我们都是追求幸福的孩子…… 《小王子》是作家安东尼·德·圣—埃克苏佩里于1942写成的着名法国儿童文学短篇小说。虽然是儿童文学作品,如今已经是成人

的我阅读起来,同样是那么爱不释手,它拥有那种让人无法察觉的力量在控制着我们内心的伤感区域,他的文字简单朴实,但是其中却散发着独特的魅力。 小王子是一个超凡脱俗的仙童,他住在一颗只比他大一丁点儿的小行星上。陪伴他的是一朵他非常喜爱的小玫瑰花。但小玫瑰花的虚荣心伤害了小王子对她的感情。小王子告别小行星,开始了遨游太空的旅行。他先后访问了六个行星,各种见闻使他陷入忧伤,他感到大人们荒唐可笑、太不正常。只有在其中一个点灯人的星球上,小王子才找到一个可以作为朋友的人。但点灯人的天地又十分狭小,除了点灯人和他自己,不能容下第二个人。 在地理学家的指点下,孤单的小王子来到人类居住的地球。小王子发现人类缺乏想象力,只知像鹦鹉那样重复别人讲过的话。小王子这时越来越思念自己星球上的那枝小玫瑰。后来,小王子遇到一只小狐狸,小王子征服了小狐狸,与它结成了亲密的朋友。小狐狸把自己心中的秘密——肉眼看不见事物的本质,只有用心灵才能洞察一切——作为礼物,送给小王子。用这个秘密,小王子在撒哈拉大沙漠与遇险的飞行员一起找到了生命的泉水。最后,小王子在蛇的帮助下死去,心灵重新回到他的B612号小行星上。 《小王子》这部童话情节跌宕起伏,富有哲理和意趣,《小王子》的故事简单,文字素淡。我很轻松地就读了两遍,没有丝毫的倦意。童话也许就是对平淡生活的一种恩赐,他让你轻松地阅读,同时在轻松间也给予你一些东西,比如生活的纯真与美好,比如简单与清


《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字 导读:读书笔记《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字: 寒假期间,响应学校“品年味,品家味,品书味”活动的号召,我精心地为自己挑选了几本精神食粮,其中《英语可以这样教》一书令我感触颇深。 《英语可以这样教》是江苏一线教师沈丽新的教育札记。作为新老师的我,当初看这本书是带很强烈的功利心的,企图能够从老教师身上能够速成地掌握教学课堂的一些技巧。然后当我深入阅读,随着沈老师娓娓讲述自己课堂里发生的各种事件和她的教学积累与反思。我猛然发现,最大的收获不仅仅是学会如何教学,隐藏的更大的财富是学会何为人师。沈老师用温润的笔触,独特的视角,细致的观察向我们描述了一个美好而又充满激情的课堂,让刚刚从事教学事业的我突然有一种归属感,一种认同感,感动着,激动着。哦,原来英语也可以这样教,原来英语教学可以如此生动,如此曼妙。 印象最深的是《“我”很重要》这篇教育札记,沈老师在新学期伊始,并没有并没有急于教学进度的推进,而是挑了篇毕淑敏的《我很重要》,朗读给孩子听。其中有段文字写的很好:对于我们的父母,我们永远是不可复制的孤本,无论他们有多少儿女,我们都是独特的一个。重要并不是伟大的同义词,它是对心灵对生命的允诺。只要我

们在时刻努力着,为光明在奋斗,我们就是无比重要地生活着。是的,在沈老师抒情的朗读中,孩子们极为动容,沈老师形象描述道:几双总是在课堂上神色黯然的双眸也明亮了起来。 其实我想说的是,读到这段文字,我的血液也在沸腾,我也在不由自主地反思,面对这样一个个独特的生命,我该如何倾心待之。他们都很重要,他们都不该只是声音的模仿着,他们也不该只是知识的容器,他们很重要,他们很独特。作为新老师的我,承担着教书育人的重责,如何做到不辜负每一颗心灵。很快,我在沈老师的书中找到了答案。英语教师,首先是教师,其次才是英语教师。教师说的是作为人师的治教态度,要授以学生知识,更要教会学生做人。做到眼中有学生,心中想学生。 作为英语教师,应该有面对学生的专业姿态。课堂是生命生长,智慧生长的地方,是学生成长和教师发展的地方。作为一个英语教师,一定要把握好课堂这个主阵地。要时刻站在儿童立场,时刻规划好自己的教学,时刻更新自己的教学,时候反思自己的教学。让温情在课堂弥漫,读后感让家常课亦成为一道道亮丽的风景,让读书成为世界上最好玩最幸福的一件事。沈老师讲述了很多教学技巧,传授了很多教学经验与反思,大有裨益。而从中最大的领悟就是教书要用心,教书要动情。从札记的字里行间可以感受到沈老师是个用心教书,严谨治教的人。这是最值得我尊敬的地方,也是我最要学习的地方。教师吃的是良心饭,只有我们兢兢业业,用心教学,才能让年轻的生命丰盈,让稚嫩的心灵充盈,才能让我们的孩子聆听世界的声音。


《小王子》的英语读后感 Title: The Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: The little prince,the pilot,the rose,the fox,the snake,etc。 Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet,I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories。The tales,which accompany with me in my old days,often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children。This summer I’ve review this kind of tale,which was published in 1940。It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author,Antoine de St-Exupery,The Little Prince。 As many other fairy-tales,the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex。“I”,the narrator of the story,is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara。In this occasion,the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince,a little boy from another planet,the Asteroid B612。The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet,because he has some quarrel with a rose,which grows on his planet。In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids。 On his all-alone journey,the little prince meets different kinds ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


西方教育名著读后感1000字 西方教育名著读后感1000字 《每个孩子都能成功》这是一本西方教育名著,这本书的作者是美国著名的学习问题专家托马斯·阿姆斯特朗先生,他进行了15年深入的调查研究写成的经典教育专著,他的研究成果表明,实际上根本没有天生的所谓学习上不行的孩子。绝大部分也是世人带着有色眼镜看待的结果。 本书中谈到一个叫比利的孩子,总是喜欢发明令人匪夷所思的玩意儿,例如让水沿着水槽流下,带着乒乓球滚入洞槽,轮番撞击数只铃铛鸣叫,使一头玩具小猪旋转起来,最后进入玩具鳄鱼嘴里。这样,一个鳄鱼似的小切削器便被启动了,你可以在里面削铅笔。他发明的一些其他机械,也是既富创造性又有实用性。然而,比利还是被勒令退学了,他似乎不会按学校的规定的方式办事,他甚至不会计算房间的面积。 还有一个活泼好学的六岁小姑娘,当她第一天入校时是何等地激动。她已习惯于把时间花在小池边与朋友们画画、戏水、堆砖和唱歌,在入校第一天这么一个有纪念意义的日子里,她充满了期待,她期待能在四周走动走动,她期待能了解一些事物,她期待学校能随处歌唱、玩耍,她还期待着能与其他伙伴在一起自由自在地交流。然而,实际情况并非如此。她发现自己生活在一个不得不长时间坐在座位上的世界里,在那儿,她必须去解析老师复杂的说辞,眼睛必须一眨不眨地盯着味道怪异的书本上那些细小而又弯弯曲曲的数字与字母。当她在老师面前表露出自己的失望与迷惑时,老师就建议她去专家那儿做个检查。于是,她就接受了挑、串、刺等一系列深入检查后,又被人认为是彻头彻尾的“痴呆生”。 “学业残疾”这一概念应该换成“学习差异”,成千上万的被认为有“学业残疾”的小孩,并不是真正的残疾,而是他们有自己独特的学习方式,而老师和家长并没有认识清楚。而且,数以百万计的孩子,之所以在校学习未能充分发挥自己的潜能、患有学校恐惧症或厌倦教室,是因为没有谁认识以及开发他们应该在学校表现出来的东西,也就是说他们特有的天赋与才华被教师和家长的傲慢与偏见彻底泯灭和忽视了。李圣珍常说:教育是一门神秘科学,需要耐心地探求和细心地分析。《每个孩子都能成功》一书正是认真探析了学习这一重要的教育现象,它揭示了许多十分有学习天赋的孩子却被送进学业残疾班的令人震撼的悲剧根源,尤其是介绍了家长如何去发现你的孩子个性化的学习方式以及介绍了帮助孩子提高学习成绩的七种不同的方法。这样的匠心独到的指导,无论是对孩子正在接受厌学煎熬的孩子的家长,还是差生的父母,或者是学习成绩优秀的小孩的家长,都有开阔思路、纠正偏差的效果。这本书值得一看。 西方教育名著读后感1000字 读了几本教育名著,学习了先师们的经验,也总结了自己的一点经验,更重要的是检查了自己的工作方法,让自己的工作不出差错!现将心得体会整理如下: 一爱心永恒 所有优秀、出色的老师们都无一例外地告诉我们这一点,要用爱心来从事教育事业,要用


小王子英文读后感第1篇 "It's like a flower。If you fall in love with a flower growing on a star,then at night you feel sweet and happy when you look at the sky,and all the stars are like flowers。" The first time I read the little prince,in high school,was immediately attracted by his fresh writing style and the simple world。Six years later,at the moment,read the "Little Prince",can not help but again and again to tears,and palpitation for Prince's mind be sad,moved by his pure and persistent love,for his innocence and mourning gradually to disappear。As the author of St。Erik Marcus Paley said in the preface,he put the fairy tale "to Leon? Wirth,when he was a boy" I didn't know this book was very famous in the West。It was a book that my adult and children liked to read。No wonder my mother would give it to me。I read it later。The little prince lived on a planet that was very small,and watered every day his roses。Then the little prince traveled away from the planet and saw a lot of strange monsters on the planet until he came to earth and saw a pilot who had broken a plane in the desert。The little prince had a deep friendship with the pilot,but he missed his roses very much。In order to leave the earth,the little prince
