


1. What is the location of the university where you have been working toward (or have already received) your first university degree?


2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was (will be, if currently studying) attained?

a.Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study

b.Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of study

c.Strong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for my area of study

d.Local or regional reputation for providing a quality education

Please indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will be) attained: Master Degree Nanjing University, China

3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching university level? (Mark all that apply)

a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically (Please describe below)

b. President or leader of student government or other student group, club, or organization

c. Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)

d. Head a committee to organize an event

e. Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)

If you selected a. above, please describe:

Please indicate your academic standing during each period of education that applies to you.

a.Top 10% of Students

b.Top 25% of Students

c.Top 50% of Students

d.Lower Half of Students

e.I Do Not Know

f.Does Not Apply

4. School Before University Level


5. First University Degree


6. Post Graduate Degree


7. Where have you typically ranked on standardized tests such as those used for admittance into university or graduate programs, to measure achievement in school, or for employment selection?

a.Top 1%

b.Top 10% (but not top 1%)

c.Top 20% (but not top 10%)

d.Top 30% (but not top 20%)

e.Top 40% (but not top 30%)

f.Bottom 60%

g.Don’t know; can’t estimate

h.Not applicable; have never taken this type of test before

8. Which of these did you do while working on your first degree as a university student? (Mark all that apply)

a.Attended a university that accepts only the best students

b.Studied at more than one university

c.Studied outside your native country

d.Received recognition for academic achievement

e.Other special experience (Please describe below)

9. Which of these did you do while you were working on any degree? (Mark all that apply)

a.Head an important student committee

b.Achieve an outstanding result in athletics

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d88013410.html,anize a student organization

d.Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)

e.Win an election for a class position

f.Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)

Please describe your participation and positions held in various organizations, either within or separate from the university. (Mark all that apply)

a.Member (But Held No Position)

b.President or Head Position

c.Other Position

10. Sports Team


11. Student Organization


12. Professional Organization


13. Other Organization (Please describe below)

14. How many times in total were you president or leader of an organization, club, team, or committee while you were working on any university degree? Please write the name and year for each group below.



c.Two Times the Graduate Student Union of DMSE

d.Three or More Times

Please write the name and year for each group below.


I am the leader of league, which is found by all the graduate students of DMSE

15. Please indicate how accurately this statement describes you. "You often start other people working together toward a goal."

a.Very accurately

b.Somewhat accurately

c.Not accurately

16. Which of these would bother you the most on a job?

a.Having to finish someone else’s work

b.Getting work assigned at the last minute

c.Having to find and fix someone else抯 mistakes

d.Being taken off a job before it is finished

e.Receiving incomplete or inaccurate instructions

f.None of these would bother you

17. When do you do your best work?

a.When instructions are clear

b.When working alone

c.When there are no interruptions

d.When under pressure

e.When you really feel like working

f.Some other time (Please describe below)

18. Which do you like best on the job?

a.To work on one thing at a time

b.To work on two or three things at a time

c.To work on many things at a time

19. How would you rate your ability to get things done in an organization mainly through your own effort, and without the support and involvement from other people?

a.Outstanding ability to do this ?among the very best

b.Very good ability to do this

c.Moderate ability to do this

d.Weak ability to do this

20. How do you feel about making difficult decisions?

a.You look forward to them

b.You don’t mind them

c.You try to avoid them

d.You rarely make difficult decisions

21. Which one of the following attributes is your strongest?

a.High personal standards


c.Willingness to work hard

d.Concern for other people

e.Knowledge and experience

f.Something else (Please describe below)

22. Do you like to get things done quickly?




23. Do you enjoy selling things ?ideas, products, or project proposals?

a.Yes, very much

b.Yes, to some extent

c.No, not really

d.No, not at all

24. Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell? an idea, product, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please mark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that answer.

a.Top 10%

b.Top 25%

c.Top 50%

d.Bottom 50%

e.Do not know

Please explain your answer briefly:

25. How effective are you in changing the thinking of a group you are working with?

a.Extremely effective

b.Very effective

c.Somewhat effective

d.Not very effective

26. Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group activities?




27. Compared to other people in general, how would you rate your leadership ability? Please briefly explain in the space provided why you chose that answer.

a.Top 10%

b.Top 25%

c.Top 50%

d.Bottom 50%

e.Do not know

Please explain your answer briefly:

Here are factors people sometimes think about in making career choices. Please read through the list and indicate how important each one is to you personally.

a.Highly Important

b.Somewhat Important

c.Not Important

28. Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great responsibility.

29. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.

30. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.

31. Receiving a very high starting salary.

32. Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.

33. Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward customers and employees.

34. Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.

35. Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business success.

36. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops people.

37. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization.

38. Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization’s long term success.

39. Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.

40. Being able to travel abroad for training or business.

41. Listed below are the factors you rated on the previous screen. Please review the list and tell us which two of them are most important to you personally. Mark the responses of the two most important.

a.Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great responsibility.

b.Working for an established company that offers long term employment.

c.Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.

d.Receiving a very high starting salary.

e.Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.

f.Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward customers and employees.

g.Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.

h.Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business success.

i.Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops people.

j.Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization. k.Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization's long term success.

l.Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.

m.Being able to travel abroad for training or business.

Please indicate which of the factors below could importantly affect how you might feel about your work location.

a.Highly Important

b.Somewhat Important

c.Not Important

42. Being close to other family members.

43. Being close to where you live now.

44. Being in a particular city where you want to live.

45. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please read and then mark the one you believe would have the largest effect on how happy you would be.

a.The amount of time you must give to your work.

b.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.

c.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.

d.The type of assignments you have to work on.

e.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.

46. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please read and then mark the one you believe would have the smallest effect on how happy you would be.

a.The amount of time you must give to your work.

b.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.

c.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.

d.The type of assignments you have to work on.

e.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.

Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.



47. I enjoy solving puzzles.

48. I enjoy long, involved conversations.

49. I am detail-oriented.

50. When others present ideas, I am most interested in immediately useful ideas.

51. I find it relatively easy to learn games of strategy. Which word or phrase in each pair best describes you?

52. Constructive


53. Orderly


54. Unpredictable


55. Persevere

Acknowledge limits

56. Disciplined


57. Conceptual


58. Changes circumstances

Adapts to circumstances

59. Creative


60. Quiet


61. Challenges rules

Respects tradition

62. Open-minded


63. Conventional


64. Risk-averse


65. Typical




1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.

2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.

3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.

4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.

5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.

6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.

7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.

8. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.



2016宝洁笔试流程及题型 1、性格测试: 每年报名宝洁笔试的人每个城市大概有好几千,第一轮网申如果申请的有4000人,过网申的大概只有500人左右,每年在网申上挂得莫名其妙的人不计其数,其中不乏很优秀的人。没有人知道网申的标准,大家也只是猜测,因此需要对网申给予充足的重视。填写基本资料没什么好说的,性格测试是第一关,有60多道题,网上可以下载到模板,我的建议是,将它们打印下来,先做一遍纸质版的,而且是要对照宝洁的核心要 求:Leadership/integrity/ownership/passion for winning/trust. 虽然我不知道宝洁prefer的答案是什么,但是当你看完宝洁的选人标准也就很清楚了,其实性格测试里的每一个问题都是对这五方面的考察,只要你辨别出是属于哪一种,答案也就很明显了。 网申中有很多基本信息的填写,包括你的成绩在群体中属于什么位置,曾经有说法是如果你不是TOP10%,系统会自动过滤掉。你认为自己的领导能力、创新能力、团队合作能力处于什么水平。 宝洁很重视你的self-evaluation,如果你自己认为各项指标都没有 TOP10%,它自然不会给你通过的机会,毕竟名额这么的少而竞争的人有如此多。 2、图形推理: 宝洁笔试15道题30分钟,网上有好心人的贴图,尤其是有人总结了宝洁的题库(强悍!)共88道题,里面基本涵盖了所有题目,记住是题目不是题型!所以只要准备充足,过图形推理并不难,只是没有正确答案,你事先知道题目,但是要自己做。 宝洁的图形推理就两个思路:旋转和数字,旋转是图形不变,顺时/逆时针、出现的角度是45、60、90、120、135、180这6种,数字是图形不停的变,但是你不用focus是什么图形,只用数边数。最后将边数转化成九宫格,接下来就是小学奥数那种推理数字了,总的来说也不难。 3、推理测试: 宝洁笔试有两场,上午那场叫Global Reasoning Test,全球推理测试,中文版,分为三部分,数学推理、语言推理、图形推理。时间是65分钟,比较充裕,细心点不会出问题。 4、托业测试: 宝洁笔试听力和阅读,不难但是很烦,题量很大,我做着做着就走神了。因为前一天在收到BCG的面试通知所以没时间准备宝洁的托业,做完以后感觉并不是很好。我从早上8点开始就没吃东西,一直到2点,饿得头昏眼花,考到最后几篇阅读的时候,竟然睡着了,直到场上的工作人员提醒还剩5分钟的时候,我还有3篇阅读没做,最后迅速地草草完成。 宝洁的八大面试问题及评分标准 宝洁面试问题由8个核心问题组成:


宝洁网申性格测试 Complete / Next Steps Thank you for completing the application, Step 1 of our Hiring Process.We invite you to view your correspondence and further explore the functionalities of your account by clicking “View My Submissions”.View My Submissions CONGRATULATIONS! You are being invited to move forward to Step 2 of our process – Assessment. To learn more about Step 2, Click Here.Our assessment process will be used to evaluate how well your particular qualifications and abilities meet the specific criteria required for successfully performing the job for which you applied, so please take it seriously. We recommend that you complete the Assessment Step in an environment that is free from distractions. ?Once you have completed Step 2, you will be returned to this page so that you may close your browser, thus protecting your data. ?If you don’t have time now, please request your assessment link below and complete the assessment within the next 24-48 hours. BEGIN THE SUCCESS DRIVERS ASSESSMENT To receive the assessment link in your email account, click below.REQUEST MY PERSONAL ASSESSMENT LINK The applycation process of P&G is not so boring. And you may need a PLAIN RUSUME . And after you submit your informations, if you are qulified and you will see the contents above. 叫:成功驱动力测评: 关于评估 宝洁公司通过审核您的资历,认可您在教育和职业发展方面做出的重要投入。这份全面评估使我们可以检验您背景与经验的诸多方面,以便全面公平地考虑您的个人概况在多大程度上符合我们的需求。我们请您提供有关您背景与兴趣的情况,以及您关于在宝洁工作相关问题的看法。在您回答问题的时候,请一定注意让您的答案准确地描述您与您的情况。答案没有对错之分。您在本评估中提供的信息将被用于聘用程序的其它部分。 如何进行评估 这里是一些您在进行评估之前需要注意的事项: ?本评估大约需要20-30分钟完成。 ?请使用您最熟悉的语言进行评估。要改变您的语言选择,请返回上一页。 ?从一个页面进行到下一个页面,请点击每一个页面底部的“下一步”。要查看您先前访问过的页面,请点击页面底部的“返回”,或者点击进展地图上的某个页码。请注意,进展地图不能用于进行到一个新的页面。 ?您有七分钟时间回答,然后点击“下一步”进入下一页。如果您在7分钟之内不作出回答,就被自动登出评估网站。您可以利用先前提供给您的链接返回完成评估。 我们感谢您对宝洁的兴趣,很高兴有这次机会更多了解您。 以下各项您最喜欢哪一项? 一次做一件事情


A:一般性问题 1.“请先自我介绍。” 面试的必考题目,首先要注意的一点是在介绍内容上要与个人简历相一致,如果之前做了不同形式的简历,则要注意不与所投的简历相出入,不能自相矛盾。最好求职前先以文字的形式写出简介,并熟读熟背。特别注意突出自己的能力和素质,要与所应聘的职位相关,不谈无关、无用的内容。 2.“谈谈家庭情况。” 面试官是希望从你的家庭教育背景中判断你的素质。注意不要简单罗列家庭人口,宜强调温馨和睦的氛围,宜强调父母对自己教育的重视,宜强调家庭成员对自己工作的支持、强调自己对家庭的责任感等等。 3.“有什么业余爱好?” 业余爱好也反映一个人的性格特点。最好不要说自己没有业余爱好,更不要说自己有那些庸俗的、令人感觉不好的业余爱好,如打麻将之类。最好不要说自己仅限于读书、听音乐、上网等业余爱好,否则可能会令招聘公司怀疑应聘者性格孤僻。最好能有一些户外的业余爱好来“点缀”你的形象。 4.“你最崇拜谁?” 面试官想从你崇拜的人看出你的价值取向。一般不宜说自己谁也不崇拜,不宜说崇拜自己,不宜说崇拜一个明显具有负面形象的人,也不宜说崇拜一个虚幻的或是不知名的人。最好所崇拜的人与自己所应聘的工作能“搭”上关系,比如应聘销售时说自己崇拜推销之神吉拉德。 B:让人尴尬的问题 1.“谈谈你的缺点。” 不宜说自己没有缺点,不宜把那些明显的优点说成缺点(比如我最大的缺点是干活拼命之类),那会让面试官觉得你虚伪。但又不宜说出会严重影响所应聘工作的缺点,比如应聘财会说自己“丢三落四”。可以说出一些对于所应聘工作“无关紧要”的缺点,甚至一些表面上看是缺点、从工作的角度看却是优点的缺点,比如应聘销售,说自己“有时候喜欢胡思乱想,出一些怪主意”。 2.“谈谈你第一次失败的经历。” 不宜说自己没有失败的经历,也不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的失败经历。而且所谈经历的结果应是失败的,否则让人感觉虚假。一般的失败故事表述形式是:之前自己曾信心百倍、尽心尽力,但由于外在的客观原因导致失败。失败之后自己很快又振作起来,以更加饱满的热情面对以后的工作。 3.“为什么选择我们公司?” 如果自己对该公司有足够了解,可以把它真正吸引你的地方说出来,但如果不了解,那可用以下参考答案:“我十分看好贵公司所在的行业,我也认为贵公司十分重视人才,而且这项工作很适合我,相信我能做好。”

2018-2019-宝洁公司笔试经验分享-推荐word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 宝洁公司笔试经验分享 宝洁公司笔试是怎么样的呢?难不难呢?下面是小编搜集整理的宝洁公司 笔试经验,欢迎阅读。 宝洁公司笔试经验一 1、性格测试: 每年报名宝洁笔试的人每个城市大概有好几千,第一轮网申如果申请的有4000人,过网申的大概只有500人左右,每年在网申上挂得莫名其妙的人不计 其数,其中不乏很优秀的人。没有人知道网申的标准,大家也只是猜测,因此 需要对网申给予充足的重视。填写基本资料没什么好说的,性格测试是第一关,有60多道题,网上可以下载到模板,我的建议是,将它们打印下来,先做一遍纸质版的,而且是要对照宝洁的核心要求: Leadership/integrity/ownership/passion for winning/trust. 虽然我不知 道宝洁prefer的答案是什么,但是当你看完宝洁的选人标准也就很清楚了,其实性格测试里的每一个问题都是对这五方面的考察,只要你辨别出是属于哪一种,答案也就很明显了。 网申中有很多基本信息的填写,包括你的成绩在群体中属于什么位置,曾 经有说法是如果你不是TOP10%,系统会自动过滤掉。你认为自己的领导能力、 创新能力、团队合作能力处于什么水平。 宝洁很重视你的self-evaluation,如果你自己认为各项指标都没有 TOP10%,它自然不会给你通过的机会,毕竟名额这么的少而竞争的人有如此多。 2、图形推理: 宝洁笔试15道题30分钟,网上有好心人的贴图,尤其是有人总结了宝洁 的题库(强悍!)共88道题,里面基本涵盖了所有题目,记住是题目不是题型!所以只要准备充足,过图形推理并不难,只是没有正确答案,你事先知道题目, 但是要自己做。 宝洁的图形推理就两个思路:旋转和数字,旋转是图形不变,顺时/逆时针、出现的角度是45、60、90、120、135、180这6种,数字是图形不停的变,但


宝洁网申常见问题解答 1.我需要登陆什么网址来进行网上申请宝洁公司的职位? 请浏览宝洁中国的网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/d88013410.html, , 注意申请前请认真阅读网上申请指南。 2.我要怎样进行网上申请?宝洁公司网上申请的程序是怎么样的? 请浏览宝洁中国的网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/d88013410.html,,,点击“宝洁招聘”,然后点击页面右面的“Apply Now”,选择“Graduates”或“Internship”按钮开始申请。 3.请问本次招聘的招聘对象是什么? 管理培训生Management Trainee(面向应届毕业生〕 暑期实习生Summer Intern (面向后年毕业的博士生,硕士生以及本科生〕。 毕业两年内的社会人士 由于本次招聘只发生在中国大陆,如因海外或其他原因无法回国参加这次招聘的同学,我们欢迎你在回国后再申请我们公司的其他职位。 4.为什么我点击了网上申请指南下方的“申请职位”键后,一直不能连接到下一页(或 出现网页错误的提示)? 请问您是通过校园网来上网进行申请的吗?当你点击“申请职位”的键后,我们的系统会把你的网页链接到我们公司在国外的网上申请系统的平台,而由于部分校园网是限制您登陆国外的网站的,所以当你点击了“申请职位”键后,系统会进入死机或网页错误的状态。建议您用代理号上网或在校外上网。很抱歉由此而给你带来的不便。 5.在阅读完“Privacy Agreement”后我一定要按“I accept”键后才能进入到下一页吗? 是的,您只有在点选了“I accept”键后才能进行下一步的程序。 6.我怎么样才能看到我想申请的职位? 你需要在招聘页面上的“Graduates”或“Internship”下进行职位搜索,然后在搜索结果的job list里找你想申请的职位,请注意”Job List”可能有两页,如果第一页没有你要找的职位,请按右上角的箭头,翻到第二页。 请注意在“Job Field”项选择“All,在“Location”项选择“China. 同时你也可以在“Job Number”处输入职位编号,然后按“Search for jobs” 进行搜索。这次校园招聘的职位编号为:Full time: ASI00000107, Intern: ASI00000108。 7.招聘城市代表工作地点吗? 不是。我们的招聘城市是指我们会这些城市进行“Management Trainee”或“Intern”的职位的校园招聘而并不是指该职位的工作地点。例如如果您选择了广州,那您将参加在广州的招聘程序,在广州参加笔试, 面试等等, 而不是指您将来的工作地点在广州。假如你所选择的城市跟你所在的城市不同,由此而发生的你参加中英文笔试或初次面试的差旅费是需要你本人自付的。而参加最后一轮面试的费用则由公司宝洁报销。城市一旦选择,将无法调整,请慎重选择。 8.登陆时发现忘记了密码或忘记用户名,怎么办?


宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。核心部分的题如下: Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities. 1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion. Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University. The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the same organizational goal. 2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association The desired result: To broaden the students’horizons about Western culture. My leading role: Combine the representatitives’suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on: *What songs to play? *Who could attend the choir? *Which spots we performed on? The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas. 3、Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. Background: I organized the first activity after the establishment of the Management School English Association. The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while public izing our group. Key issue: *What aspect of the students’English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information: *What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively? *Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position? *When was our member free? *Whch place was convenient for most attendances? *Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilities and the layout of the spots. 4、Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others. Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association in neighboring university. The disagreement: *The authority of our school may dissent. *The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this project. *There were too many English corners. Another one was unneccessaty. The facts I made use: *Our dean approved this proposal.


英文的行为面试访谈问题,每个题目往往都包含着一个主要的考查意图,比如说,有的题目考查的是创新能力,有的题目考查的是团队精神,而有的则考查的是领导能力。这些考查意图会非常明显地在题目本身的Key Words当中表现出来。所以,在回答这种问题的时候,你的描述应该侧重于“What-S.T.A.R.-Key Words描述法”中的Key Words. 1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 描述一个例子,证明你给自己确立了一个很高的目标,然后完成了这个目标。 问题分析:考查意图:制订高目标的勇气+ 完成高目标的执行力。关键词:demanding goal + saw it through. 所以,在描述的时候要着重描述这个任务为什么这么demanding,有些什么具体的困难,你是怎么样一步一步去克服的。回答示范: (1)(什么)设计了一个演出庆祝天津大学的周年纪念,并获得了18个3rd奖teams.— (2)(情况和关键字:要求)在周年纪念日晚上,有一个大的庆祝活动,在歌曲、舞蹈和戏剧了。每一个学校应该设计五个节目,我们班一个自愿的设计。这是一个艰难的任务,因为它是非常接近学期结束的时候,当大多数的学生是忙着准备期末考试。 (3)(任务)作为一个二年级的学生,我负责班里表演,这是一出戏我不得不应付这些压力来自学习,同学的漠然,我在演戏角色在剧中王。 (4)(行动、关键字:我怎么看到它通过) 首先,正如只有20名学生在我的课堂上,我至少有一个任务分发到每个学生、或是一个角色,或制作工具或服装。 第二,因为在学期结束的时候,每一个成员都忙于学习,彩排进度都应该是合理的和周期性的。团队的所有成员合作得很好因为它保证了低频率和持续时间短每一次彩排。 第三,音乐和风景添加到排练为了接近的情况下参加聚会。 此外,我强调时间的价值并命令每个演员都尊重其他合作伙伴。 (5)(结果)最后,我们的演出非常成功。我不仅行为“莫莫王”得好,而且还得到了好成绩在期末考试。 2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others to complete an important task, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. 描述一个例子,你团结了一群人共同努力,并为取得成功起到了带头作用。问题分析:考查意图:领导才能,关键词:took the initiative, get others to complete, leading role。所以,你在描述的时候要重点描述自己吸引他人参与、团结并鼓励他人、借助他人力量、带领他人这个过程。 回答示范: (1)(什么)我组织了一个小组在唱诗班唱英文choir唱诗班前夕,访问了所有在我们大学宿舍送圣诞礼物代表我们的英语协会。 (2)(任务)拓宽学生了解西方的文化。 (3)(关键词)主动和主导作用 我的想法。建议我们的英语协会的主席并得到他的同意。 ii。我们的每一位成员协会要求提供至少三个建议每个下面的问题: 什么歌来玩吗? 谁可以加入合唱的?



宝洁网申性格测试 Complete / Next Steps Thank you for completing the application, Step 1 of our Hiring Process.We invite you to view your correspondence and further explore the functionalities of your account by clicking “View My Submissions”.View My Submissions CONGRATULATIONS! You are being invited to move forward to Step 2 of our process – Assessment. To learn more about Step 2, Click Here.Our assessment process will be used to evaluate how well your particular qualifications and abilities meet the specific criteria required for successfully performing the job for which you applied, so please take it seriously. We recommend that you complete the Assessment Step in an environment that is free from distractions. ?Once you have completed Step 2, you will be returned to this page so that you may close your browser, thus protecting your data. ?If you don’t have time now, please request your assessment link below and complete the assessment within the next 24-48 hours. BEGIN THE SUCCESS DRIVERS ASSESSMENT To receive the assessment link in your email account, click below.REQUEST MY PERSONAL ASSESSMENT LINK The applycation process of P&G is not so boring. And you may need a PLAIN RUSUME . And after you submit your informations, if you are qulified and you will see the contents above. 叫:成功驱动力测评: 关于评估 宝洁公司通过审核您的资历,认可您在教育和职业发展方面做出的重要投入。这份全面评估使我们 可以检验您背景与经验的诸多方面,以便全面公平地考虑您的个人概况在多大程度上符合我们的需求。 我们请您提供有关您背景与兴趣的情况,以及您关于在宝洁工作相关问题的看法。在您回答问题的 时候,请一定注意让您的答案准确地描述您与您的情况。答案没有对错之分。您在本评估中提供的 信息将被用于聘用程序的其它部分。 如何进行评估 这里是一些您在进行评估之前需要注意的事项: ?本评估大约需要20-30分钟完成。 ?请使用您最熟悉的语言进行评估。要改变您的语言选择,请返回上一页。 ?从一个页面进行到下一个页面,请点击每一个页面底部的“下一步”。要查看您先前访问过的页面,请点击页面底部的“返回”,或者点击进展地图上的某个页码。请注意,进展地图不能用于进行到一个新的页面。 ?您有七分钟时间回答,然后点击“下一步”进入下一页。如果您在7分钟之内不作出回答,就被自动登出评估网站。您可以利用先前提供给您的链接返回完成评估。 我们感谢您对宝洁的兴趣,很高兴有这次机会更多了解您。


±|?àí?éêμ?2aê?ìa ±|?àí?é?éê??μ?65??2aê?ìa??£? 1. What is the location of the university where you have been working toward (or have already received) your first university degree Australia/NZ China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Philippines Singapore Taiwan

Thailand Vietnam Other Asian Country Other European Country Country not included in above list Have not worked toward a degree 2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was (will be, if currently studying) attained Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of study Strong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for my area of study


宝洁的面试由8个核心问题组成:  第一,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。 Case1:在大三的时候,我就想将我们江西樟树的同乡会壮大,因为当时我们的同乡会的同学都只是华工的,而中大、广工、广外等学校的同乡都没有来这个组织。 在其后的两年内,我会不停的去BBS逛,找找同乡,每次新来了师弟师妹都会问他们有没有跟他们一起的同学在其他学校,每次回高中探望老师都会问问他今年有几个学生去了广州之类的,同学之间打听,刚开始比较艰辛,没什么收获,不过后来越做越顺,顺着师弟师妹的帮助、老师的帮助、网络的帮助、还有一些偶遇的机会,我很快在中山、广工、广医和广外都有联系到同乡,并且在他们的帮助下又联系到不少同乡了。在大四和大五任会长的时候,我每个学期都会组织一次全体广州樟树同乡聚会一次。以前我们的同学也就20多个人而已,现在都有30-40人了。 Case2:大一刚来广州,看到广州的消费水平好高。为朴实农民的父母的汗水钱在这里真的没有平等的回报。看着烈日下父母的汗水,我决定了,我的大学费用我自己承担。 收入主要有两个方面,一是奖学金;二是兼职赚来的。大学生的首要任务是学习,不过我自信我是个学习能力比较强的人,所以拿下了每年的一等奖学金。我也花了40%的时间在外面做兼职,我做过电话号码测试、红牛促销、家教、房地产实习、校园各种东西的代理等等工作。有的星期六我要跑四个不同区做家教。 在大学这么多年的时间内,我不但减轻了父母的负担,每年都会有结余的钱给父母,爷爷,外公外婆等亲人买礼物回去。 Case3:在读大五的时候,看到同学们找工非常辛苦,自己的网投也犹如事成大海,而聚会的时候也听到了很多师兄师姐对师弟师妹的语重心长的教诲,看着师弟师妹们眼中的迷茫和担忧,我决定举行一场找工心得探讨会来帮助他们。 于是我就开始准备了,因为这个项目比较大,而我又想早点开,乘师兄师姐们还没有走的时候赶紧请他们来交流他们的心得。 于是我,先找了个几个同学,跟他们说了我的想法,他们都非常赞成。有了人力之后,我就开始做策划了:


f99 A:一般性问题 1.“请先自我介绍。” 面试的必考题目,首先要注意的一点是在介绍内容上要与个人简历相一致,如果之前做了不同形式的简历,则要注意不与所投的简历相出入,不能自相矛盾。最好求职前先以文字的形式写出简介,并熟读熟背。特别注意突出自己的能力和素质,要与所应聘的职位相关,不谈无关、无用的内容。 2.“谈谈家庭情况。” 面试官是希望从你的家庭教育背景中判断你的素质。注意不要简单罗列家庭人口,宜强调温馨和睦的氛围,宜强调父母对自己教育的重视,宜强调家庭成员对自己工作的支持、强调自己对家庭的责任感等等。 3.“有什么业余爱好?” 业余爱好也反映一个人的性格特点。最好不要说自己没有业余爱好,更不要说自己有那些庸俗的、令人感觉不好的业余爱好,如打麻将之类。最好不要说自己仅限于读书、听音乐、上网等业余爱好,否则可能会令招聘公司怀疑应聘者性格孤僻。最好能有一些户外的业余爱好来“点缀”你的形象。 4.“你最崇拜谁?” 面试官想从你崇拜的人看出你的价值取向。一般不宜说自己谁也不崇拜,不宜说崇拜自己,不宜说崇拜一个明显具有负面形象的人,也不宜说崇拜一个虚幻的或是不知名的人。最好所崇拜的人与自己所应聘的工作能“搭”上关系,比如应聘销售时说自己崇拜推销之神吉拉德。 B:让人尴尬的问题 1.“谈谈你的缺点。” 不宜说自己没有缺点,不宜把那些明显的优点说成缺点(比如我最大的缺点是干活拼命之类),那会让面试官觉得你虚伪。但又不宜说出会严重影响所应聘工作的缺点,比如应聘财会说自己“丢三落四”。可以说出一些对于所应聘工作“无关紧要”的缺点,甚至一些表面上看是缺点、从工作的角度看却是优点的缺点,比如应聘销售,说自己“有时候喜欢胡思乱想,出一些怪主意”。 2.“谈谈你第一次失败的经历。” 不宜说自己没有失败的经历,也不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的失败经历。而且所谈经历的结果应是失败的,否则让人感觉虚假。一般的失败故事表述形式是:之前自己曾信心百倍、尽心尽力,但由于外在的客观原因导致失败。失败之后自己很快又振作起来,以更加饱满的热情面对以后的工作。 3.“为什么选择我们公司?” 如果自己对该公司有足够了解,可以把它真正吸引你的地方说出来,但如果不了解,那可用以下参考答案:“我十分看好贵公司所在的行业,我也认为贵公司十分重视人才,而且这项工作很适合我,相信我能做好。” 4.“与上级意见不一致怎么办?”


[转帖]现成的宝洁公司的能力测试题 A:一般性问题 1.“请先自我介绍。” 面试的必考题目,首先要注意的一点是在介绍内容上要与个人简历相一致,如果之前做了不同形式的简历,则要注意不与所投的简历相出入,不能自相矛盾。最好求职前先以文字的形式写出简介,并熟读熟背。特别注意突出自己的能力和素质,要与所应聘的职位相关,不谈无关、无用的内容。 2.“谈谈家庭情况。” 面试官是希望从你的家庭教育背景中判断你的素质。注意不要简单罗列家庭人口,宜强调温馨和睦的氛围,宜强调父母对自己教育的重视,宜强调家庭成员对自己工作的支持、强调自己对家庭的责任感等等。 3.“有什么业余爱好?” 业余爱好也反映一个人的性格特点。最好不要说自己没有业余爱好,更不要说自己有那些庸俗的、令人感觉不好的业余爱好,如打麻将之类。最好不要说自己仅限于读书、听音乐、上网等业余爱好,否则可能会令招聘公司怀疑应聘者性格孤僻。最好能有一些户外的业余爱好来“点缀”

4.“你最崇拜谁?” 面试官想从你崇拜的人看出你的价值取向。一般不宜说自己谁也不崇拜,不宜说崇拜自己,不宜说崇拜一个明显具有负面形象的人,也不宜说崇拜一个虚幻的或是不知名的人。最好所崇拜的人与自己所应聘的工作能“搭”上关系,比如应聘销售时说自己崇拜推销之神吉拉德。 B:让人尴尬的问题 1.“谈谈你的缺点。” 不宜说自己没有缺点,不宜把那些明显的优点说成缺点(比如我最大的缺点是干活拼命之类),那会让面试官觉得你虚伪。但又不宜说出会严重影响所应聘工作的缺点,比如应聘财会说自己“丢三落四”。可以说出一些对于所应聘工作“无关紧要”的缺点,甚至一些表面上看是缺点、从工作的角度看却是优点的缺点,比如应聘销售,说自己“有时候喜欢胡思乱想,出一些怪主意”。 2.“谈谈你第一次失败的经历。” 不宜说自己没有失败的经历,也不宜说出严重影响所应聘工作的失败经历。而且所谈经历的结果应是失败的,否则让人感觉虚假。一般的失败故事表述形式是:之前自己曾信心百倍、尽心尽力,但由于外在的客观原因导致失败。失败之后自己很快又振作起来,以更加饱满的热情面对


【致找工作一族:】 这篇日志紧接着上一篇: 大三下学期,你应该准备的。(一)关于选择,关于读研。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/d88013410.html,/share/252359032/11958365952 另外,很多童鞋加我人人好友,但是,我不是vip,所以,实在加不了那么多同学,抱歉。 如果有想跟我交流可以关注我的微博:@豌豆射手不拖延,我也会不定期的发布一些资料,分享给大家。 祝大家一切顺利。 =============================分割线 ================================= 下面这篇我将对于找工作的孩子给点过来人的经验 相信到现在,很多人还在犹豫,我应该工作还是考研。同样的几个问题: 1.如果考研,为什么考研?为了学术理想还是为了更高的平台找工作? 2.你将来工作的意向是需要技术背景但不需要完全掌握技术的销售类性质的工作还是 纯粹的技术研发类,还是抑或其他类似公务员等需要文凭的工作? 回答这几个问题,你可能需要了解多方面的信息。包括本科生、研究生就业层次和形式, 不同行业的专业背景的要求,不同行业工作性质的差别。 说白了,大多数人读研其实目的无非几个:为了找个更“好”的工作,或者觉得自己还没有 做好走入社会的准备,想在学校多待段时间。所以如果你在本科阶段就能找到一份不错的 工作,良好的踏入社会,那么似乎读研就没有那么必要了。 推荐阅读: 给明年依然年轻的我们:欲望、外界、标签、天才、时间、人生目标、现实、后悔、和经历https://www.360docs.net/doc/d88013410.html,/share/262045855/11953991039 读研三年VS工作三年 https://www.360docs.net/doc/d88013410.html,/blog/229410239/715545136


宝洁公司网上申请的65个测试题目 1. What is the location of the university where you have been working toward (or have already received) your first university degree? China 2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was (will be, if currently studying) attained? a.Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study b.Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of study c.Strong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for my area of study d.Local or regional reputation for providing a quality education Please indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will be) attained: Master Degree Nanjing University, China 3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching university level? (Mark all that apply) a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically (Please describe below) b. President or leader of student government or other student group, club, or organization


宝洁面试经典八大问题(附答案范例) 宝洁公司在中国高校招聘采用的面试评价测试方法主要是经历背景面谈法,即根据一些既定考察方面和问题来收集应聘者所提供的事例,从而来考核该应聘者的综合素质和能力。 宝洁的面试由8个核心问题组成。宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。核心部分的题如下: Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities. (1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。)问题分析:这个问题的考察应聘者制定高目标的勇气及完成高目标的执行力。关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。 回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答) What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams. Situation(Key Word:demanding) On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams. Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama. Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through) First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes. Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal. Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party. In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners. Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam. (2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。) 问题分析:这个问题实质上是考察应聘者的领导能力。其关键词有:took the initiative, get others to complete, leading role。所以在描述的时候要重点描述自己如何吸引他人参与、团结并鼓励他人、带领团队达到目标这个过程。 回答范例: What:I organized a group to sing English choir on Choir Eve, visited all the dormitories in our university and sent Christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association. Situation:To broaden the students’ understanding of Western culture. Task:Organized a group to sing English choir on Choir Eve Action: (Key words:took the initiative & leading role) i. Suggested the idea to the Chairman of our English Association and got his approval. ii. Asked each member of our association to offer at least three suggestions on each of the questions below: * What songs to play? * Who could join the choir? * Where should we perform? iii. Combined the other team members’ suggestions with my idea and made a decision on the questions above. iv. Organized the rehearsals, reminded the singers of each rehearsal time and place with short messages, because our singers were indeed busy and they could forget. v. Made each rehearsal as lively as possible to make the singers feel the atmosphere of Christmas, and thus motivate them to sing with emotion. Result:Many students said that they were happily surprised by our activity and they hoped we would hold such activities next Christmas. And some said they would love to join our association to learn the beautiful choir.
